Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
43 aitii
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Hopes for Acquittal
Gives Thanks for Home Support,
Desires No More 'Outside Help'
CAMP WITTINGTON, Japan (A') - William S. Girard says he's
sure he will get a fair trial in a Japanese court, and believes he will
be acquitted.
The American soldier expressed gratitude yesterday for the ef-
forts made on his behalf in the United States.
No More Help Wanted
But now that the United States Supreme Court has affirmed
the right of the United States government to turn him over to Jap-
anese custody Girard let it be known through his Army legal ad-
viser that he doesn't want any more outside assistance.
Girard's trial, on, manslaughter charges in connection with the
death of a Japanese woman on a United States military firing range
%last Jan. 30, will open at Maebashi
"Ikv Aug. 26 before District Judge Juzo
Ike L ad The judge has' promised the
Army specialist from Ottawa, Ill.,
a fast and fair hearing.
Mr Fight Worthwhile
Girard and his Army legal ad-
viser, Maj. Stanley Levin of Hol-
Evacuation lywood, Calif., told reporters how
they felt about the situation in
the wake of the Supreme Court
NEWSPOINT, Operation Alert decision.
(P) - President Dwight D. Eisen- Girard said he thought the jur-
hower led a mock exodus from isdictional fight waged on his be-
America's cities yesterday to flee half by his brother, Louis, of Ot-,
a hypothetical hail of H-bombs tawa, and his American attorneys
dropped by "enemy" aircraft was worthwhile.l
streaking in across the North Pole. But asked if he needed any
It was the siren-screaming more help from his American at-
phase of the fourth annual conti- torneys, he replied: "It looks to
nentwide Civil Defense drill, Oper- me they've done all they can do."
ation Alert 1957. A statement issued by Girard
Ike 'Leisurely' sad he and Maj. Levin "both feel1
President Eisenhower climbed that when all the evidence is pre-s
lesiurely into his helicopter on sented to the court that Girard's
the White House lawn at 2:09 position will be sustained, and the
P.m. evidence should disclose that Gir-t
Trailed by seven other ,heli- ard did not commit a crime but
copters bearing 20 aides and was a party to an ... accident." t
Beck, Son
In Seattle
SEATTLE (P)-A county grand
jury yesterday indicted Teamster
President Dave Beck and his son,
Dave Beck Jr., on charges of grand
larceny of union funds. '
The indictments were branded
by the elder Beck as "simply ri-
diculous" and without any merit
"even by the wildelt stretch of
the imagination."
The KingtCounty grand jury
said in one indictment that Beck
Sr. appropriated to his own use
$1,900 received from the sale of
a' 1952 Cadillac owned by the
Western Conference of Teamsters.
Son Accused
The son was accused in two sep-
arate charges of keeping $1,850
received for a 1951 Cadillac owned
by the Seattle Joint Council of
Teamsters and $2,800 received in
the sale of a 1953 model owned
by the Western Conference.
Both quickly surrendered to
county officials, were booked,
'mugged" and fingerprinted and
each released in $3,000 cash bail.
At the time of his booking, Beck
Sr. declined to comment but later
held a press conference in which
he said he spoke for himself and
his son.
Admitted Readily
He readily admitted the three
automobiles had been sold, with
the son acting as the "innocent"
agent of the union.
He said he had authority to or-
der the sale of the cars or any
other union assets "or to give or
dispose of union funds" without
question by others.
He also said the money received
for the automobiles had been de-
posited to his own personal ac-
count by his secretary during his
absence from Seattle.
Talks Back
"I repaid every bit of it, in cash,
to the union as soon as I returned
to Seattle and learned of the
transaction," he said.
Asked if union boks would show
he had returned the money, Beck
said it probably wouldn't show as
a specific transaction because the
union "transacts so much of its
business on a cash basis."
He said, "No money ever was
acquired that was not turned over
to the proper persons in the due
course of time."
Trial 4Speeded
WASHINGTON (A') -- Federal
District Judge Burnita S. Mat-
thews has moved to speed the con-
spiracy-bribery trial of Midwest
Teamsters boss James R. Hoff a. 1
Initial Facilities
Ready F'all, 1959
Four Buildings, at $6,500,000 Cost,
To Hold 2,770 Student Enrollment
Daily Editor
DEARBORN -- When the University's Dearborn Center,
or "East Campus," opens in September, 1959, the first four
buildings will provide facilities for 2,770 students in three
fields of study.
These plans for initial development of a 45-acre section
of the former Ford property were approved yesterday by Uni-
versity Regents meeting here at Fair Lane.
Cost of the development will be $6,500,000, the amount given
the University last December by the Ford Motor Company Fund,.
Dearborn to be Two-Year School
The Ford Motor Company grant included 210 acres of- land and
the Fair Lane estate, home of the late Henry Ford.
Dearborn Center, it was revealed yesterday, will be a two-year
school offering junior and senior work in engineering, business ad
ministration and literature, sci-T_
newsmen, he was delivered shortly
to a secret mountaintop hide.
away. The first president ever tc
take a helicopter ride, he labeled
It "very nice." '
From that "safe" vantage he
theoretically took charge of a na-
tion supposedly staggered by, un-
precedented nuclear destruction.
At this,secret news center with.
in 200 miles of Washington, word
of the mock devastation tricklec
through a communications systemr
which often lagged four hours be-
hind the events it reported.
Began at Noon
The drill started at 12 noon
when word was flashed that super-
sonic H-bombers theoretically were
bearing down on the United States
in twin prongs-one across Alaska
aimed at America's Midwest, the
other across eastern Canada point-
ed at New England.
Some 200 potential target cities
were alerted. By nightfall, well
over 100 of them were assumed to
have' been lashed by nuclear
bombs, with casualties running in-
to the tens' of millions.
Sixteen Hit
By 8:15 p.m. officials at this
news center could announce their
communications system had con-
firmed 65 cities struck by mock
Another 16 reported hit, includ-
ing New York, had not yet been
officially confirmed up to that
As a drill, it apparently left
much to be desired, although offi-
cials weren't saying anything right
Music Talks
For Monday
Fourth and fifth lectures in the
school; of music's "Music Educa-
tion Looks to the Future" series
will be given Monday at Angell,
Prof. Maynard Klein, director of
choirs at the music school, will
conduct an actual choral rehearsal
starting at 3 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell
Prof. Klein also conducts Rack-
ham Symphony Choir in Detroit,
and is director of choral activities
at the Interlochen National Music
At 4 n ra 1~th-~.7r Wvva. il
~Ie Inks Bill
To Decrease
FHA, Cost
WASHINGTON (M-Legislation
permitting lower down payments
on FHA-insured homes was signed
by President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er yesterday.
But whether the reduced scale
will go into effect will not be
known until next week.
President Eisenhower did not
say one way or the other, although
he criticized other features of the
omnibus housing bill in announc-
ing his approval of the measure
as a whole.
Ever since Congress passed the
bill on July 1, there has been an
argument in administration quar-
ters over whether its lower down-
payment provision would have an
inflationary effect.
DEARBORN CENTER PLANS -- The architect's drawing of the proposed area for beginning con-
struction at Dearborn Center pictures the four preliminary buildings (shaded areas). White
areas indicate placement of future buildings. Area is accessible by drive from the north (top
right), and is approximately the same as the main campus area. Area along right and lower right is
for parking.
Civil Rights
for Action.
By Tuesday
WASHINGTON (M) - Southern
opponents of the civil rights bill,
agreed in the Senate yesterday to
allow a vote about 6 p.m. Tues-
day on a motion to bring the
measure to the floor for action.
All signs pointed to adoption of
the motion, which would consti-
tute a major, though strictly pre-
liminary, victory for Northern
supporters of the bill.
Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga),
leader of the Southern opposition,
conceded he has no hope of pre-
venting the bill from coming be-
fore the Senate.
He said his bloc agreed to let
the bill come up because it feels
there is a good chance of winning
changes that will make it more
palatable - even though still ob-
jectionable - to the South.
Unanimous Senate agreement
to vote Tuesday came after five
days of debate in which the civil
rights bill was defended as pro-
gressive legislation.
The legislation would set up a
civil rights commission to make
a two-year study of civil rights
Adult Education Plan
Announced by Regents
DEARBORN-Plans to establish a unified program in adult
education jointly sponsored by Wayne State University and the
University were approved yesterday at the Regents' monthly meeting.
The approval is contingent on favorable action on the plan by
the Governing Board of ,Wayne State University.
'Adult Education Division'
The new body, to be known as the Division of Adult Education,
ence and the arts.
Graduate work will also be of-
fered in these fields, bringing the
total on-campus enrollment t
Another 1,085 students, accord-
ing to Dean of State-Wide Edu-
cation Harold M. Dorr, will bg of
campus, participating in a work-
study program in which student
alternate every three months be-
tween on-the-job training and the
This, Dean Dor said, will give
the Dearborn Center facilities for
more than 3,000 students.
Work to Begin
Work has been authorized to be-
gin on four buildings:
1) A two-story classroom build-
ing costing $1,142,000 and housing
28 classrooms, seven science lab-
oratories, e n g i n e e r i n g design
rooms, lecture halls and research
2) A one and two-story engi-
neering laboratory, largest of the
four buildings, costing $1,598,000
and affording space for laboratory
work in electrical, metallurgical
and automotive engineering.
3) A $534,000 faculty office
building two stories high with
space for 90 to 115 personnel in 75
4) A $649,000 "student activi-
ties" building housing the library,
storage rooms, audio and work
rooms and typing rooms in one
wing and a snack bar, dining
room, kitchen, office, storage area
and muti-purpose room in the
second, or food service, wing.
The multi-purpose room would
be available as a dining area, for
studying and as space for social
Additional Funds
Another $1,000,000 will go to
the purchase of equipment and
furnishings, while the remaining
amount is earmarked for site de-
velopment costs.
Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel 'of
Ann Arbor hailed the Dearborn
Center plans as "just the begin-
ning of what 1 believe will be-
come a great educational institu-
tion for the State of Michigan."
Regents expressed the hope
that "other benefactors will come
along as the years go by and add
to this beginning."
Dean Dorr pointed out that the
nearby Henry Ford Community
College would be offering fresh-
man and sophomore undergradu-
ate courses, thereby providing,
with the Dearborn Center, a com-
plete four-year college program in
the area.
Alleviate Enrollments
This, Dean Dorr said, would
both alleviate rising enrollments
on the University's main campus
and meet the qualifications of
qualified men and women who
find present costs at the Univer-
sity too great.
No provisions have yet been
made for housing at Dearborn
Center. Parking areas are present-
ly scheduled to hold only 900 cars.
The 45-acre campus area is
slightly smaller than the present
main campus area.
Fair Lane itself, a large, stately
home with poured concrete walls,
has not yet been earmarked for
new architecture dean
American In Hong Kong
Yearns for United States
HONG KONG (?)-Back from a disappointing 2%' -month visit
to Red China, American Donald J. Blackwood declared yesterday he
wants to get back to the United States as soon as he can..
When he gets there, he said, "I will probably work for my father,"
who operates a chain of restaurants in and near Cincinnati, Ohio.
Blackwood, 25 years old, his Korean wife and infant son arrived in
Hong Kong less than 24 hours after he was expelled by the Chinese -
Communists as an "illegal immi- y
Wayne State University-The Univ
Talk Sub ject
For Monday
"Shakespeare in the Classroom"
will be the subject of Monday's
panel discussion in the fourth of
Conference Series for English
In the panel chaired by Prof.
Arthur J. Carr of the English de-
partment will be: Harriet A. Pitts,
Jackson High School; Gertrude
Rhoades, Godwin Heights High
School, Grand Rapids.
Discussion will start at 4 -p.m.
in Aud. C, Angell Hall.
'ersity of Michigan, will be respon-
sible for initiating and conducting
the noncredit adult education pro-
grams of the two universities.
It will encompass the Greater
Detroit area of Macomb, Monroe,
Oakland, St. Clair, Wayne and
Washtenaw counties.
Courses carrying extension
credit will not be affected by the
establishment of the division.
Administrative costs of the divi-
sion will be shared equally by the
two universities. Instructional and
operational costs will be met by
program fees and charges.
Six general objectives are listed
for the Division of Adult Educa-
Objectives Set
1) To stimulate and conduct
noncredit programs including
courses of study, institutes, work-
shops, conferences and lectures.
2) To encourage and assist
area organizations and agencies,
when invited to do so, in coordi-
nating and strengthening their
adult educational activities.
3) To take initiative in the
search and development of leader-
ship in adult educational services
in the area, and to provide where
feasible leadership training in pro-
fessional interests and pursuits.
4) To formulate and recom-
mend for adoption under divi-
sional responsibility a plan for the
effective use of mass communica-
tion media, such as radio and tele-
vision, in noncredit educational
Trtt.ra T I"wa,
Youtz Gets
A&D College
DEARBORN - Philip N. Youtz
of New York was appointed dean of
the College of Architecture and De-
sign yesterday by the Regents of
the University.
Youtz, an architect, will succeed
Dean Wells I. Bennett beginning
Aug. 1 Dean Bennett retires on
that date after 20 years in the po-
The new dean was born April 27,
1895 in Quincy, Mass. He received
his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1918
from Amherst College and a Mas-
ter of Arts in 1919 from Oberlin
College, and did graduate work in
architecture from 1926 to 1929 at
Columbia University.
Since 1946, Youtz has been 'a,
practicing architect in New York
City and vicinity.
His invention of the Youtz-Slick
Lift Slab method of construction is
now in widespread use. (The
Youtz-Slick method is raising con-
crete floors of multi-story build-
ings into place by hydraulic jacks.)
During World War II, Youtz was
chief of the War Production
Board's Consumer Branch in
Washington; and later director of
technical research for the Smaller
War Plants Corporation.
Prior to the war, Youtr gained
wide experience in architecture,
art and design fields. He wrote for
the Springfield Republican in 1919.
For the next five years he taught
and practiced architecture in
He taught architecture and phil-
osophy at Columbia University
while taking graduate work there.
He was curator of a branch of the
Pennsylvania Museum of Art in
Pinie To Fill
grant" because he slipped into Red
China unannounced April 28. -
Chatting with reporters, Black-
wood said he was "sadly disap-
pointed in the trip-in fact the
whole affair." He called it "an
irresponsible gesture on my part;
and I am sorry I made it."
He admitted that his Korean
wife felt she "rather would have
not gone at all" and "I didn't like
being watched all the time without
seeing anything."
The elder Blackwood came here
in May in a vain effort to find
out what had happened to his son.
Baroque Trio
Burmese Envoy To Speak Tuesday
U Win, Burma's Ambassador to the United States, will lecture onI
"Cultural Aspects of Burmese Life," at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Win, a member of the Constituent Assembly and later a member
of Parliament until he took his present position, is the fifth lecturer in
the summer session series, "Asian Cultures and the Modern American."
U Win was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary of Burma to the United States in December, 1955.
He previously had held numerous government posts in Burma,
including Minister of Education, Local Government and Public Health
and Minister in charge of Home Affairs.
The ambassador was educated at the Rangoon Government High