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June 25, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-06-25

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Sixty-Seventh Year

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)AY, JUNE 25, 1957


Awareness and Expression
In the Summer Session

T HE UNIVERSITY community, like many
organizations in all phases of life, is a highly
specialized group of people..
Unlike most organizations, the University
co h nunity does not maintain a membership of
persons with common interests as much as it
selects for higher learning and greater percep-
tiOn" among those with greatly varied and di-
verse interests.
The result makes the University community
the entity it is -t highly select group whose
members have serious, creative viewpoints in
some special fields and relatively high interests
in many others, some related and some quite
Such a group is found only in the University.
Its creed is to study, to think and to create. Its
theme is awareness.
T STUDY is the basic function of this com-
munity member. It is the everyday perform-
ance-never a routine one-that makes the
student or faculty member a working person.
Study is the ground on which the community
member works.
To think is the continuing performance of
thescholar. In the University community it is
the , most important function; it makes the
individual the intellectual that the community
member must be.
To create is the end result of study and
thought. It is the final, expressive function'
that proves the value of community member-
ship. Without creation or expression, study and
thought have been wasted:
Finally, there is the essential awareness that
underlies - and overlies - all the study and
thouight and creation.
Without this general awareness of world
happenings in all spheres, the University com-
munity loses its uniqueness and becomes just
another organization soon to fall among the
multitudes of plodding, self-centered, unac-
complishing groups.
WHAT IS expected of the University com-
munity Is much more than that expected
of those multitudes, yet it is merely one of
the community's three functions.
Excellence and profusion in expression is
what one comes to look for among the Univer-
sity's scholarly membership.
But this expresion one seeks is a thoughtful
expression - thoughtful and generous. The
media are many, all divisions of the lecture
.platform and the printed page, and the oppor-
tunities for such expression are unlimited..

Attempts at expression, furthermore, are
always encouraged. Awareness and intellectual-
ism leads to the greater understanding that
receives and criticizes community expression.
MOREOVER, as true as all this is for the
year-long University community, the morej
applicable it is to the current summer session-
the University's 68th.
If community membership is specialized
through the year, it is even more specialized
during the summer when the socialites and
hangers-on have either gone home or, for a
few, settled dpwn to serious work so that they
may return to normal operations in the fall.
Those who come to summer session take
fairly specialized courses in particular fields
of study; they are people who are often unable
to take advantage of the school year.
At the same time, the University offers spe-
cial programs it does not have during the year.
A single theme, runs through a special series of
lectures and programs throughout the summer.
Departments offer courses both new and ex-
Special conferences provide specialized talks
of major importance to the public. Even the
speech department presents a major series of
weekly play productions. Special literary
awards are made.
Summer session is a highly integrated, con-
centrated period that selects the best of study,
thought and creation for a group of people with
the intellect and capability to recognize the
opportunities offered.
OBVIOUSLY, these opportunities-for study,
thought and, primarily, expression - must
be realized.
While with all the activity of the school year
the lack of expression on the part of students
and faculty members is often passed up in the
rush, such omission cannot be overlooked dur-
ing what should be an active summer session.
Study and thought will never be enough -
there must always be that final step, the crea-
tion and expression, of ideas, to complete the
structure of the University community.
This, in turn, calls for a high degree of
awareness and wakefulness on the part of
each member of this community - an aware-
ness that must be cultivated to its fullest ex-
tent and used extensively in the expression so
essential to the University community.

m, "r Today
doubt well aware that on the
issue of the testing of nuclear
weapons, it must not only make
the right decisions. It must also
justify them to the opinion of
For the air belongs to all man-
kind, and the fallout from the
American, the British, and the
Russian nuclear explosions does
not fall exclusively on American,
British, and Russian territory. We
are confronted with Khrushchev's
"proposal to put an end to all ex-
plosions," and, whatever we may
think of the sincerity or the wis-
dom of the proposal, it is one that
we must discuss fully and frankly.
a week ago Sunday, Khrushchev
had some things to say which pro-
vide a good opening for ,the dis-
cussion. He had been asked by Mr.
,Schorr of the Columbia Broad-
casting System why the Soviet
government has not given notice
of, or even announced afterwards,
the last five tests conducted in the
Soviet Union. Khrushchev's an-
swer was in substance: if your
country were big enough, as is
Russian territory, for you to ex-
plode these tests in the United
States, you will not warn of these
tests beforehand.
To be quite fair, Khrushchev did
not say explicitly that explosions
in Russia, if they were not too big,
could take place undetected. But
he came near enough to saying it
to warrant our asking him about
For this is precisely the point
which troubles people in this coun-
try who would otherwise be glad
to see an agreement to suspend
the tests. They believe that it is
in fact possible to set off an ex-
plosion in Siberia which would
not be detected.
* * *
AS A RESULT of differences of
opinion, we are not speaking to
the world as clearly as we should.
At one time we seem to be saying
that we would halt the tests if
reliable methods could be agreed
upon for enforcing the agreement.
At other times, for example in
the President's press conference
last week, our position seems to be
that we will not suspend testing
unless we can be very sure that
nuclear weapons will not be used
at all in future war. As that is
something we can never be sure of
-given the fact that the weapons
already' exist-this is very near to
being a rejection of the idea that
tests should be suspended or even
* * *
IS THIS a tenable position for
the United States? By a tenable
position I mean one which we can
continue to stand on, what with
the mounting anxiety all over the
world, what with the Soviet pro-
posal to suspend all tests. I do not
think we can stand there, and
that we must take the position
that we are prepared at least to
limit, if not to suspend, further
testing, subject to reasonable guar-
antees that the agreement will be
For despite al the dispute among
the scientists about the effects of
the fallout, it is impossible to deny
that a continuation of the tests-
with three or more powers setting
off the explosion -may do great
harm to many people. If only the
people of the three nuclear powers
sere liable to the harm, the deci-
sion could be 'nade cold-uloodedly

that this is a price that must bej
paid for security. But when all the
other nations aE liable to the
same harm, we have no right,j
without their consent, to impose
the risk upon them.
1957 New York Herald Tribune

"As .A Matter Of Fact, I'm A Little Tired Mlyself"
... 1 su! .


WASHINGTON - There's been
a lot in the papers about dif-
erent departmental budgets, not
uch about the President's own
hite House budget.
During the 1952 campaign, Ike
ised to stand on the rear platform
f his special train and tell how,
hen he was a boy in Kansas, he
.; d his brothers dropped a nickel.
'It slipped through the cracks of
t e porch, and they got down on
h nds and knees to fish it out.
General Eisenhower told the
s 1y over and over again - until
na wsmen knew it by heart - as an
ill stration of how he would save
every nickel if elected.
'The year that Ike was elected--
19 2, the last year under Truman
- he cost of running the White
I use was $1,883,000. This year
I is asking $2,051,000 for ser-
vints, gardeners, food, and other
h usekeeping expenses for the
1.58 budget.



- ~-
- :
Scott, Van Doren Display Talents


Bozos Theft Leaves Void

THE STATE Theatre has wel-
comed summer students with '
a double feature combination
which, let us hope, is net an mdi-
cation of things to come.
Saintly Randolph Scott stars
in "Shoot Out at Medicine Bend,"
a moral lesson to profiteers. Ran-
dolph's brother, a pioneer settler,
is slain by Indian Joe when his
gun misfires on cheap ammuni-
tion. Thence Randolph and his
two compan-ors in Virtue, fresh
out of the army, set but for Medi-
cine Bend, a local supply center
and -city of ill fame, to buy more
supplies for the other settlers, and
find out who's been watering the
Disguised as members of an ob-
scure religious sect, the trio snoops
around Medicine Bend where ev-
eryone from Mayor to ail raid
warden is under the greasy thumb
of a wealthy merchant who wears
fancy vests: sure sign of a black
After some preliminary horse-
play, Randolph drops one of the
mob into a thirty foot well, shoots
a few more and impales the mer-
chant on a scythe. Then the spoils
are dividc among the Good. Ran-
Wht's hSo
Quiet, Scholar at Work Depart-
ment. (From The Michigan Daily
Official Bulletin, University of
Michigan): "Doctoral Examina-
tion for Robert Thompson Bowen,
Jr., Thurs., Jan. 10, University
Elementary School, at 1 p.m.
Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker, Edu-
cation; thesis: 'An Experimental
Study of Golf Putting Using Be-
ginning Golfers'."
-National Review

dolph Scott rides off to help pop-
ulate the West, and the curtain
There are a few exciting mo-
ments, n biitg noteworthy. and
much amus-menz at the exprense
of the ob-cu,:e religious sect which
may pickt the theatre tomorrow.
A few incongruities are thrown
in as a sop to the high school
crowd: many characters speak in
idiomatic 1957 style, the Medicine
Bend barroom musicians play like
Kostelanetz, and the ladies wear
make-up unheard of in 1870.
What price accuracy?
Mamie Van Doren, is another
story, of an unnecessarily repul-
sive nature.
An unprincipled cad (UC) has
married a muddle-aged Judge
(MJ), whom he persuades to sup-
ply his cotton plantation with
cheap convict labor so he can
clean up on the market. MJ has a
teenage son (TS) who is a clean-
cut, average, American boy; in
other words, a moron.
He works at the plantation too,
not as a convict but just for
laughs and pocket money to buy
Presley records.
Eventually he falls for a quiet-
type convict girl (CG) working
off a 30-day sentence for indecent
exposure. Her sister, Mamie Van
Doren, entertains other ccnvicts
in the squalid dormitory by Rock
& Rolling. Even that,
After a succession of scenes
which defy description, MJ dis-
covers she has been took, resigns,
UC is locked up, and TS and CG
are married and pick cotton to-
Mamie appears on the local TV
station, where her startling ap-
pearance is a source of delight to
men, small children, and kittens.
The most impressive single ob-
sation in "Untamed Youth" is
the appearance of the convict cot-

to the editor

THE RECENT "theft" of Steve Boros by the
Detroit Tigers from Michigan's baseball
camp has left a great void in the Wolverines'
infield as well as an increased feeling of bitter-
ness in the hearts of the Michigan. athletic
Boros, who feft Ann Arbor and Varsity Coach
Ray Fisher with the assurance that his services
for next season belonged to the Maize and
Blue, nevertheless found the tempting $25,000
bonus waved so cunningly under his nose by
the Tigers to juicy a prize to overlook.
He was thus lured from his original plans
and placed, apparently, in such a position that
he had neither time nor desire to consult with
Universitycoaches and others here before leav-
ing the amateur ranks.
IT MIGHT BE SAID that Boros, being captain
and no doubt most valuable player on the
Michigan squad for the 1958 season, had some
obhligation to give Fisher and other interested
parties a chance to present to him their side
of the matter before he made a decision either
way. However, more- pressing matters of prin-
ciple are involved here.
One is that, to.Boros personally, it probably
wasn't a very smart thing to do: The vast
majority of youngsters who have signed big
league bonus contracts and then had to sit on

ton pickers. They are all such fine
examples of young men and wo-
men that it is not easy to see how
they got sent up. UC is so evil
looking that it is not easy to see
why some cop hadn't shot him on
sight long ago.
But mainly it's not easy to see
how civilized people could have
filmed this decrepit story at all.
-David Kessel

the bench for two years have done little more
than that.
The ruling requires that the parent club
must retain all bonus players for two years'
time, after which they can be sent to a minor
league affiliate if the team so desires. Boros
could be spending more time playing ball and
finishing his education at the same time, mak-
ing his time pass much more economically, if
he had decided to stay here for his senior year.
An injustice was also done Michigan itself,
although in this case one can hardly blame the
Detroit club for taking advantage of a deplor-
able lack of proper legislation.
Professional football and basketball teams
are forbidden by law to approach a college
athlete until his graduating class has been
awarded its diplomas.
WHY BASEBALL isn't subject to the same
ruling is a mystery. It could be that since
major league baseball doesn't depend as heavily
on the colleges for its talent, influential people
decided it wasn't necessary to set up such a
hands-off policy.
If many more incidents occur, such as this
most recent, one, big league baseball may have
to be properly handcuffed.
Sports Editor

'Figaro' Sparkles as Film Opera

(Editor's Note: The Daily makes
every effort to print signed Letters
to the Editor not exceeding 300 words.
The Daily also reserves the right to
edit or withhold all letters.)
Fellowship ..
To the Editor:
BARBARA NEUMAN'S fine arti-'
cle (May 23) on the KKK at
the University of Alabama re-
minds one of Carol Prins' great
editorial on campus elections a
few months back. A comparison
will evidence their fellowship in
the "Big Tear Globule of Righ-x,,
teous Indignation" school of
phrase placing. The following rules
apply to this inspired group:
1. One must make liberal use
of soul-searching expressions, such
as "home," "mother," "basic rights
of man," "brotherly love," "free-
dom of speech," "democratic pre-
2. One must always draw a
conclusion in inverse proportion
to the facts, such as drawing
world-wide conclusions from an
individual incident (The Rule of
Fabulous Generalities).
3. One must construct the arti-
cle so that anyone taking excep-
tion to any part of it is automati-
cally classed with the villains
of the article itself. (The Rule of
4. One may use satire or irony
only when the point is already
Fortunately, The Daily's female
staff is just chock-full of these
literary aesthetes. I'm no lover of
Alabama, but Gee Whiz!
-Brendan Liddell; grad.
Middle East . .
To the Editor:
ATTITUDE behind Mr.
Weicher's editorial on France
and Suez in The Daily of May 22
shows bias and a lack of consider-
ate understanding of the true sit-
uation in the Middle East.
Such an attitude does not pro-
mote friendly relations and inter-
national understanding, nor does
it help bring about an atmosphere
of good will on a campus marked
by the international character of.
its student body.
The editorial is biased because
it sides with France on every issue
and fads to give an eyplanation
of the whole situation, with all its
many-sides. It also ignores the
wxhole situationin Ale-eria. where

THE COST of his office has in-
c eased even more.
The last year of Truman, the
ececutive office cost $8,166,000.
EPsenhower's first year it was $8,-
7. 5,000. This year, 1957, it is $10,-
711,000, and for next year the
President is asking $12,047,000.
his does not include his two
l licopters which are charged to
the defense department, his pri-
.6te plane which is charged to the
ir Force, his military aides and
"taffs which are charged to the
,Pentagon nor his chauffers which
are charged to the Army. The
egraphers and code room cryp-
rtapherswere civilians under
R and Truman but were put
under the Army by Ike. It now
takes double the number of Army
personnel to do what civilians once
Figures on the total White
ouse staff are not available, but
t's estimated that the over-all
figure has about doubled, though
-his does not show in the budget,
itecause so much personnel is bore
Owed from other departments.
The White House has grown un-
4r each succeeding president so
f'iat it now occupies the building
which once housed the entire state,
war, and navy departments, adJa-
cent to the White House. Plans
are even under discussio. to tear
t is building down and replace it
wth a modern office building in
o':der to house the ever-growing
W)hite House offices.
w secrack: "John Foster Dulles
.ould call on Bill Knowland the
s nator from Formosa, and ask for
an official apology . . . Chiang
has talked about paying the U.S.A.
an official visit this year. It's now
out ... Chiang is just as unpopu-
lar on Formosa as Americans are.
'When he first arrived, his troops
were credited with killing some
60,000 native Formosans. The na-
tLive Formosan is indigenous to the
sland and is not Chinese. For
tslany years Formosa was under
China, then it was taken by Japan,
now is under Chiang Kai-Shek
and the U.S.A. During all the talk
of who should govern Formosa,
nothing has been said about the
long-suffering Formosan people
. . Maybe they should govern
(Copyright 1957 by Bell syndicate Inc.)
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan foe which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1957
VOL. LXV1, NO. 165
Registration of Social Events:
Social events sponsored by student
organizations at which both men and
women are to be present must be ap-
proved by the Office of Student Af-
fairs. Application forms anda copy of
regulations governing these events may
be secured in the office of Student Af-
fairs, 2011 student Activities Building.
Requests for approval must be sub-
mitted to that office no later than
noon of the Tuesday before the event
is scheduled. A 11t of approved social
events will be published in the Daily
off cial Bulletin on Thursday of each
Exchange and Guest Dinners may be
held in organized student residences
(operating a dining room) between
5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. for weekday dinners
and between 1:00 pm.-3:00 p.m. for
Sunday dinners. These events must be
announced to the Office of Student Af-
fairs at least one day in advance of the
scheduled date. Guest chaperons are

not required.
Calling Hours for Women in Men's
Residences. In University Men's Resi-
dence Halls, daily between 3:00 p.m.-
'nf ,. ', n .Nelson In.te~irnatA,~ionalnHuse





commonwealth Leaders hip

Associated Press News Analyst
THERE'S going to be a meeting in London
this week of one of the world's strangest
politico-economic institutions. -
It brings together the Commonwealth prime
ministers to talk about whatever they want to
talk about. There will be no formal agenda.
Editorial Staff
JOHN HILLYER ..................Sports Editor
RENE GNAM ....................... Night Editor

Sometimes, when one wishes to discuss a mat-
ter of particular importance or complexity, he
will advise the others in advance so they may
be prepared.
A preponderance of agreement may be
reached as to how the nations will act in con-
cert on international affairs, but no binding
.decisions will be made. There is no machinery
for binding decisions. No member can be
forced in any way.
Some of the nations are continuously at odds
over serious issues, as Britain and India are at
offs over their attitudes toward Soviet Russia,
and as Britain and South Africa over the
latter's racial policy.
There was a time, for most of these countries,
when Britain could and did tell them what
policies they would pursue. Those were the old

DELIGHTFUL - that's the best
single-word description for the
Italian film production "Figaro,
The Barber of Seville," based on
Rossini's opera, now on screen at
the Campus Theater.
This film is evidence that opera
and the movie are compatible, that
opera can be presented through the
roving and extremely adaptable
eye of the camera without losing
any of the properties of grand
opera-except perhaps length.
As opera the film "Figaro" can
be censured only for its length.
Little more than an hour and a
half long, it quite uncomplicates
the original Rossini plot by eli-
minatirng much of it. The opera
brings the lovers together earlier
than in the original and makes
their final union premature by
Rossin's standards
However, most of the first act
is there, glorious in Eastman color
and sparkling in the wit and music
of Rossini, ably assisted by the

always on the side of true love,
are always fun.
Figaro's byplay with the cro-
chety old Dr. Bartolo adds more
sparkle to the production, often
in a much greater manner of sub-
tlety than movie-goers are accus-
tomed to seeing.
Irene Genna, as Count Alma-
viva, does this, too. The Count is
determined to get inside Bartolo's
house to woo his ward, and to do
this he resorts to disguise. In
priestly guise, he visits Bartolo,
and the resulting conversation,
abounding in subtlety and clever-
ness, brings a sort of gleefulness
to the audience.
AS THE beautiful Rosina, Giu-
lietta Simionato acts and sings
with poise and charm, treating the
audience's eyes and ears equally.
A forward young lady, Rosina
almost ruins Almaviva's scheme
with one of her own-but she is
quick to set things straight when
the time finally comes.

"Figaro" does just this, and,
coupled with clever acting and
use of subtitles (the opera, of
course, is in Italian) that disap-
pears when the language of music
needs no translation, the result is
film opera at its very best-so
* * *
FILMGOERS even enjoy the
rare privilege of seeing Milton
Cross, Metropolitan Opera's Satur-
day afternoon narrator, who tells
a little about the background of
the opera and its author, relates
the complex happenings of the
first act, and then disappears for
But perhaps it is for the best.
Certainly a verbal outline of the
plot is useless to someone already
familiar with the opera and
equally pointless-through its very
complexity-to a newcomer.
Yet we do remember Cross's
over - dramatic solution to the
problem of "Barber of Sevilles"

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