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July 11, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-07-11

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Sly t{rdigat Daily
Sixty-Seventh Year

When Opinions Are Fre
Truth Wit. Prevault

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

HURSDAY, JULY 11, 1957


Human Relations Group
Has Educational Work To Do

NNN ARBOR'S C ty Council this week set the
city's new Hunan Relations Commission
n action by approving the mayor's appoint-
nent of ten members to the group.
A representative collection of community
eaders, the ten-member body for the most part
ncludes knowing and understanding persons
[uite familiar with the human relations scene
n Ann Arbor. It 'is a group entirely capable of
roviding leadership and obtaining achieve-
nent within its sphere of occu' tion.
Although the Commission's work, like that
>f the Human Relations Board here, will neces-
arily be somewhat investigative and there-
ore secretive, there can be no doubt but that
he Commission will at all times be working
n and for the best interests of the Ann Arbor
The objectives established for the Coin-
nission and affirmed by the individual mem-
>ers as they assumed their positions further
ndicate the good intentions of the group.
Most important of these objectives concerns
he aiding of private organizational activities
iaving to do with human relations and the
lissemination of educational and informational
natter on the subject.

HUMAN RELATIONS is an interesting field
-just as curious and complicated and need-
ing of understanding as humanity itself. The
importance of education in that field cannot
be overrated. Because man is the animal he
is, his education determines his attitudes and
his way of life - and once he learns some-
thing one way, he is not very likely to change
that way.
There is only one method of changing a per-
son's ways or attitudes, and that involves the
various forms of education. Yet even that,;
coupled with persuasion, is not always suc-
ressful with older, more physically matured
Obviously, a commission for human relations
intending to do effective work must concen-
trate its long-range efforts toward the edu-
cation of the coming generations.
While many immediate matters will un-
doubtedly occupy the working hours of the newk
Commission, it should always be aware of its
informational and educational purposes and be
continually working toward the illumination of
community members - particularly the youth
--in matters of human relations.

A Question of Meaning

AUTHORS in the right-wing press are mak-
ing increasing use of the vague term "left-
ist" to describe activities, which are to. be prima
facie condemned. Through all the cracks in the
literary basement come seeping references to
"leftist progressive education", "campus leftist
liberals", and similar curious species.
This is a most useful device, freeing the
author from the beastly necessity of offering
any proof of this "leftist" malfunction. The
poor reader more or less tends to identify that
word "leftist" with the whole essence of evil:
the grim Communist spectre, the Hungarian
massacre, purges, Soviet armies on the march,
a vast network of secret spies handing out
reams of secret documents, Uranium and vita-
min pills, from our fast diminishing supplies,
to the Russians.
With this picture in mind, attaching the label
"leftist" to any activity cannot fail to bring
with it something of a taint.
THIS PROCESS of establishment of guilt by
adjective is about to engulf the unaware
reader in a sea of slander. The exact meaning
of the phrase is so delightfully obscure that
it can be used to almost any end.
If a Georgia editor refers to a local citizen
who advocates limited integration in railway
stations as "of a leftist nature", do his readers
interpret this to mean that the citizen is per-
haps too broad-minded and naive for his so-
ciety? No.! The reader only sees the Soviet
army sweeping in from the Sea to enforce inte-
When a writer in a digest-size magazine
claims that the "leftist" influences in American
colleges are in control, do his readers under-
stand this to mean that the faculty is preach-
ing Welfare-State again? Do they deduce that
some muddy thinkers have been praising the

UN again?. Or do they see Red stars on every
book bag, wtih little Student Soviets already
forming and pictures of Khrushchev smiling
from the walls?
"LEFTIST" has many meanings. It can mean
that someone once voted Democratic, or
is opposed to tax relief for oil speculators. Or
it ,can point out members of the NKVD. If the
man down the street is a believer in "leftist"
doctrines, does he send guided missile data to
Bulganin, or does he subscribe to The Reporter?
Clearly, the word must be defined with each
Curiously enough, if this suggestion were fol-
lowed, one might find most often, at the bot-
tom of any number of so-called interpretive
news reports, in very small type: "Leftist: used
here to indicate unfortunate individuals not
in sympathy with arguments here stated."
Union Cafeterias
In Tradition of Service
THE UNION cafeterias must be heartily con-
gratulated, if not for the quality of the food
served therein, then at least for the quality
of service provided..
We had the occasion the other week to find
a fly in our raisin pudding - not, of course, an
alarming or very unusual occurrence at the
Union. But the unquestioning alertness with
which our request for a refund was met de-
serves only commendation. The Union has ap-
parently prepared for such happenings.
Another consideration of the punctual Union
cafeteria workers is to turn out the lights
sharply at closing time. Indeed, "Your Michi-
gan Union" has services galore,

Guam Has
In Pacific
AGANA, Guam 'P)-Bitter agita-
tion against American bases in
Japan, Okinawa, Formosa and
even the Philippines has suddenly
spotlighted the key role of this
West Pacific possession in the
United States defense picture.
Guam already is the hub of a
Pacific defense ring, site of a first-
class harbor and home base of the
mightiest American bombers in the
Far East.
But more important, Guam is
American sail. As such it presents
a firm footing for American strik-
ing power in the Far East-one not
subject to cries of "Yankee, go
home." or other political pressure.
This fact emerges strongly from
the series of recent developments
that have included anti-American
riots on Formosa, hassles over
American bases in Okinawa and in
the Philippines, and the agreement
to withdraw promptly United
States combat troops from Japan.
* * *
GUAM is about 1,700 miles from
Red China-three hours by jet
bomber-and about the same from
Tokyo and Manila.
The island is 30 miles long, sev-
en wide, and is shaped like a kid-
ney bean. It is half volcanic, half
coral rock, covered with a mixture
of palm trees and stubby under-
Carabaos, the beasts of burden,
and high-speed American cars
mingle in traffic, over superhigh-
ways and dustry jungle paths.
Some 70,000 persons live here.
About 30,000 are Guamanians.
Another 15,000 are Filipinos, hired
by the military forces for chores
ranging from driving bulldozers
to tending bar.
The other 25,000 are sailors and
airmei, and their families, plus a
Guard personnel and American ci-
scattering of Army and Coast
* * *
MIGHTY Andersen Air Force
base, where the swift, swept-wing
B-47s of the Strategic Air Com-
band - the supersecret nuclear
wing of the Air Force - are sta-
tioned, is on the island's northern
The screaming jets make daily
practice bombing runs. It seems
logical that their nuclear weapons
are nearby.
New crews are flown in every
90 days, to replace the ones here.
This rotation plan will eventually
give every career pilot in SAC
intimate knowledge of potential H-
bomb targets in the Far East.
The Navy's role here is one of
standby readiness. "We have to
keep things running, and ready for
the enormous expansion that would
come if something broke out, out
here," says Rear Adm. William B.
Ammon, Navy commander.
"We have a 300-million-dollar
investment on Guam," he said. And
he hammers home the point heard
throughout the Far East these
days-"Guam is American terri-
tory, the most western American
territory in the Pacific."
THIS IS NOT to imply that all
is completely serene between the
military and "islanders" here.
Some Guamanians talk of
"American imperialist tactics,"

which they feel favor "Statesiders"
in business and military relation-
Others, educated in American
universities, are vehement about
what they consider a tendency by
some military men to look down
on them. There are also some ob-
jections voiced to the importing
of Filipino workers.
In turn, some "Statesiders" say
the islanders are "lazy."
They say the Filipinos were
brought here because the Guam-
anians did not possess the neces-
sary skills. And they feel the gov-
ernment leans over backward to
be found in all the rest of Asia.
The islanders all were made
American citizens in 1950, and
there is no serious desire here to
be anything else. English is be-
coming the major language. A good
portion of the people work for the
military, directly or indirectly.
The island is not self-supporting.
United States military expendi-
tures keep it running. Very little
farming is done, which gives rise
to the theory that the Guaman-
ians are "lazy."
SOFT-SPOKEN Joe Flores, a
Guamanian who runs the Guam
Daily News from a modern plant
in the main business district of
Agana, the capital, says it is true
that the islanders show little en-
thusiasm for farm work.
"But," he savs "n.lmrt anv


'Samrai' Moving, Enjoyable

"Collective Leadership"

"SAMURAI," the second Japanese
film to run at the Campus in
the past several weeks, is as mov-
irig andpowerful as its predecessor,
"The Magnificent Seven." The cur-
rent movie is more poignant in
many ways, and more complex, but .
both are clearly produced with the
same careful, almost painstaking
skill that seems to characterize
these Asiatic imports.
The movie might well be titled
in the American idiom, "The Out-
law." It is the story of a man
possessed by some devil of brutality
and strength who leaves his home
in an effort to find recognition as
a. man of power, a warrior.
Driven by his ambition to be-
come a Samurai, a soldier devoted
to a lifetime of ascetic patriotism,
he fights against acceptance of
the very qualities that would make
him one. The hero has strength
bit not wisdom, and he finds that
strength is not enough to guaran-
tee a virtuous life.
After the desertion of a weaker
comrade in the search for adven-
ture, the man, the hero, returns
home to perform a comparatively
NEW YORK (M--The stock mar-
ket came within striking dis-
tance of its all-time bull market
high yesterday as it reached an-
other new peak for 1957.
Trading was the heaviest since
June 10, the day of President Ei-
senhower's "upset stomach" as
prices rallied after early irregu-
The quoted value of stocks listed
on the New York Stock Exchange
added an estimated $1,860,000,000
based on the rise"in the average.

charitable duty; he kills a man,
several men, and is outlawed by
his townsmen. He flees into the
mountains and despite the ap-
parent invincibility of a primitive
dragnet, is captured only through
the peaceful intervention of a
Buddhist priest.
* * *
THE PRIEST, a marvelous char-
acter, attempts to force repentance
upon the outlaw, but the immedi-
ate effects of his endeavors are
not entirely evident. The man is
released by a lovely orphan girl, an
assistant to the priest, and with
her, for the first time, he finds
and accepts love.
But women are not for the hunt-

ed, or even, tie picture seems to
imply, for the strong. He is re-
captured and re-educated to a
moral life. After the rejection of
his pride and his love, the hero
finally becomes a Samurai.
There is more depth to this film
than a mere outline of the plot
might seem to indicate. Admit-
tedly, an excess of gore and mock
heroics is occasionally noticeable,
but this over-vitality seems ex-
cuseable as a necessary embellish-
ment to the moral theme. Fine act-
ing and the delicate fragility of
Japanese scenery add perspective
and beauty to a thoroughly enjoy-
able movie.
-Jean Willoughby



WASHINGTON - One thing you
can expect to come out of the
crisis in the Kremlin is a visit by
Eisenhower's old wartime friend,
Marshal Zhukov, to Washington.
It has been known that the
President has been talking for
some time about inviting Marshal
Zhukov to the United States.
He felt that the former Russian
commander in Berlin was a man
who would understand straight-
from-the-shoulder old soldier talk.
And the President, as an old
soldier, cherishes as his dearest
ambition the hope of bringing
peace to the world.
In the past, however, state de-
partment and central intelligence
advisers have discouraged an Invi-
tation to Marshal Zhukov. They
said he wasn't important enough
in the Soviet set-up.
Now things have changed. Zhu-
kov has been elevated to the Pre-
sidium, has thrown his weight be-
hind Khrushchev, is one of the
top men in the Kremlin. He could
now be invited to Washington as
Russian Minister of Defense with-
cut any necessity of a return visit
by Eisenhower, as would be the
case with Khrushchev and Bul-
So don't be surprised if Marshal
Zhukov comes to Washington.
* * *
won't please the tobacco com-
panies, but a majority of Ike's
cabinet has sworn off cigarettes.
Following the American Cancer
Society's alarming report on smok-
ing, the President asked his cabinet
how many still smoked. Only four
admitted they did: Secretary of
Defense Wilson, Attorney General
Brownell, Secretary of Labor Mit-
chell and Secretary of Interior
Seaton. The remaining six mem-
bers, plus Vice-President Nixon,
claimed they don't smoke. Ike said.
he handed his last pack to a friend
several years ago and hasn't touch
ed a cigarette since.
* * *
Secretary of Defense Wilson has
been blue-penciling his subordin-
ates' speeches. Most often gagged
have been Adm. Arleigh Burke, the
Navy chief, who has had nine
speeches censored, and Secretary
of the Army Wilbur Brucker who
has had to revise seven speeches,
all since the first of the year. Wil-
son ordered them bluntly to change
their speeches or throw them away.
Burke has had trouble before. He
was head of the secret navy pro-
paganda office "operation 23," set
up to. work against the air force.
As a result, President Truman re-
fused to promote him, finally did
so after great pressure from the
naval lobby.
Idaho's 32-year-old Sen. Frank
Church, the baby of the Senate,
wowed his colleagues with his
maiden speech on Hells Canyon.
Even Sen. Russell Long of Loui
siana, who's been against Hells
Canyon, listened carefully. Later
he voted with Church.
(Copyright 1957 by Ben Syndicate Inc.)

The Daily 'Official Bulletti to an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Atoom
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day' preceding-
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
Eighth Summer Biological Sympo-
slum, auspices of the Division of Bio-
Vgical Sciences:
Thurs., July 11 morning session. "The
Humoral Control of Regeneration in
Insects," Dietrich Bodenstein, Medical
Laboratories, Army Chemical Center,
Mairyland; "Hormonal Regulation of
Plant Morphogenesis as Observed in
Tissue Culture," Folke K. Skoog, Pro-
fessor of Botany, University of Wiscon-
sin. 9:30 a.m., Aud. C, Angell Hall.
Asian Cultures and the Modern Amer-
ican. "Japan: A Society in Transition."
Edwin O. Reischauer, Director, Hare
vard-Yenching Institute. 4:15 p.m.,
Thurs., July 11, Aud. B, Angell Hall,
Prof. Henry M. Hoenigswald, Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, will speak on
"Syllabic Structure in Indo-European
and Greek," in Summer Linguistic In-
stitute Forum Lecture at 7:30 p.m.,
Thurs., July 11, Rackham Building Am-
Astronomy D e p a r t m e n t Visitors'
Night. Fri., July 12, 8:30 p.m., Rm. 2003,
Angell Hall. Dr. Kenneth M. Yoss, Loui-
siana State University, win speak on
"Planets." After the lecture the Stu-
dent Observatory on the fifth floor of
Angell Hall will be open for inspection
and for telescopic observations of Ju-
piter and Saturn, Children welcomed,
but must be accompanied by adults.


" .

Ring Without Musioc

"MAN ON FIRE" is Bing Cros-
by's claim to being dramat-
ic, whatever that is. He glows with
gentle, reassuring confidence and
speaks in a folksy, casual way.
He's no different. The dialogue
is spoken a little faster and a
little louder at times, but it's
still Bing. And that's fine.
The story, however, is not
among his better ones. Bing, a
manufacturer for auto part, di-
vorced from his wife (Mary Fick-
ett). Both want custody of their
only child (Malcolm Brodick).
Who should get him?
* * *
THE BOY wants to remain with
his father. Even so, his mother
gets custody so that she can show
the boy she cares for him. Just
why she hasn't established this
previously is a mystery. Anyway,
the mother gets him; then Bing
gets him back; then - oh, well.
The point is that the decision is

not easily settled because each.
parent is real swell. In fact, so
swell I don't exactly know why
they divorced in the first' place.
(Bing worked too much and his
wife accidently fell for someone
else, I think).
In a Crosby picture it isn't vital
to know these details. As the has-
seling moves along, s e v e r a
charming human interest se-
quences are included. These scenes
are the most enjoyable feature in
a Crosby vehicle, especially this
Inger Stevens, who is being rah-
rahed as the new Grace Kelly,
portrays a brilliant legal expert
who spends her time throwing
herself at Bing. She says she
doesn't know why. Miss Stevens
is very attractive, though she isn't
the Princess. But I imagine she'll
do very well even if she doesn't
become one.
--William Hawes



The Ole Ball Game


HOW IS THIS for a romantic setting: a
summer's evening, 'a velvety verdent valley
upon which brilliant stars shine, a sea that
sometimes lashes forth in fury and other times
remains as hushed as a sleeping babe, and a
monstrous mountain encircling this scene in
much the same way a golden frame will
entwine around a Rembrandt?
Lest you be disillusioned into believing that
you are alone with you sweetheart in some
wonderful fairyland, we'd better awaken you
from your trance and inform you that you are
seated in your buck-and-a-quarter grandstand
seat, right behind a terribly annoying post in
the converted cow pasture in which the Detroit
Tigers wait with ravenous hunger for such
delicacies as roasted Orioles, scalped Indians,
and, when things get tough, even old Sox (Red
and White).
HIS, FANS, is Briggs Stadium, where the
green garden is the outfield-where Al Kaline
and company roam, where the sea is the 20,000
or more faces gazing intently at the stars
(baseball heroes) and where the mountain is
the ominous wall that begins at Michigan and
National .Avenues and continues uninterrupted
for two square blocks.
Editorial Staff

Only at the "house that Briggs built" can so
many rare phenomena be found, with the
possible exception of 15 other major league
After all, where else in Michigan can you
purchase a box of popcorn for 25 cents (un-
buttered yet!)? Or hear the sound that resem-'
bles some rare African animal's mating call,
but is only the frantic -cry of the hot dog ven-
dor ("Gyett yo raid hawts!") ?
There's fascination expectation, and hope
here at the ole ball game, and that's the secret
of its being the National Pastime.
The people come to see Billy Hoeft hit a
homerun, to see Frank House steal home, and
to see J. W. Porter play a complete game in
the outfield without making an error.
Can you imagine the delight to be ex-
perienced in telling your grandchildren 30 years
from now that you were actually there when
Hoeft blasted one out of the park?
JUST AS INTERESTING as what's happening
on the field are the fans around you and their
actions. There's the tot, complete with Tiger
cap, who, because he didn't take an afternoon
nap, hasn't seen a pitch since the second.
inning. Anyway, a general admission ticket is
cheaper than a babysitter.
There's the group of boys who have success-
fully ditched their wives for the evening, have
indulged in just a little too much liquid re-
freshment and have made their presence ap-
parent to one and all.
Then there's the poor guy who wasn't so

Cuba's Revolutionary Students



(EDITOR'S NOTE: The author, an
instructor in the English Language
Institute, has just returned from
a year as associate professor of
English at Oriente University in
Santiago, Cuba. While there he
gathered the material for the fol-
lowing article through personal ob-
servation and interviews with ex-
perts in related fields.)

Instructor, English Language Institute
THIS IS an attempt to explain
why it is that Cuban university
students, who outwardly look so
much like American university
students, are so revolutionary....
why they risk their lives in the
Sierra Maestra mountains .... why
they have remained out of their
classrooms since last November
30 and are not now predicted to
return until President Batista is
no longer president .... and why
this flaming spirit goes down to
include high school and elemen-
tary students, both boys and girls.
Something more than "the radi-
calism of youth" or "the -revolt
against parental authority" is in-
volved. With nearly 100 per cent
of the students out on strike, it
is obvious'that the naturally radi-
cal as well as the naturally con-

seemed to seep in at classroom
But the university students have
been the leaders who clearly
sensed the cause. The others, down
to my own anti-Batista kinder-
gartner, have been sympathetic
The truth is that the youth
are against government precisely
because they are so much like
North American youth, with a very
similar background. Rock 'n' roll
has swept the island and so has
the motor scooter.
Handling machine guns and
bombs in defiance of the National
Police is just more of the same-
with the difference being that
revolution is "necessary" within
the world as the Cuban sees it.
LIKE THAT of the United
States, Cuba's has been a boom
economy. With 80 per cent of the
world's export sugar, Cuba pro-
duced along with it an annual
crop of millionaires. But all this
was before 1925, when the boom
was on.
Since then, Cuba has slipped
among the nations of the world.
One reason has been the rise of

THE VIOLENCE is directed
against the dictatorship of Presi-
dent Fulgencio Batista, a former
army sergeant who once left the
country with the millions he had
taken from it, but who came back
--evidently for more. In President
Batista the youth have a con-
venient target.
He represents the graft sys-
tem, that deadly sickness from old
Spain. Under him, graftees have
infested the government and the
services of government have de-
teriorated in consequence.
The graft system, incidentally,
goes down to include school teach-
ers who are involved in the pur-
chase of classrooms, or synecures,
which they often thereafter pay
no attention to.
Batista is likewise a convenient
target because of his rule by vio-
lence, his use of gangsters in uni-
form to terrorize the people by in-
discriminate tortures and murders.
Batista's violence, of course, in-
cluded violence against the Cu-
ban constitution and the usages
of democracy. He seized power
from Dr. Carlos Prio in 1952 by
violence and he shamelessly rigged




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