See Page 2
131 ian
Years of Editorial Freedom
Secrets Surrendered;
In Mass Contempt
A KNOXVILLE, Tenn. W) - Th
government yesterday surrendere
a document from its long protectec
FBI files in the mass contemp
trial of 16 defendants in the Clin-
ton segregation case.
It was a signed statement.
However, the government did noi
hand over to the defense an FB:
agent's written summary of hi
conversation with the witness wh
signed it.
"Raw Files"
The so-called "raw files" con-
sist of such summaries by FB]
agents, and these, in this case
were given to United States Dis-
trict Judge Robert L. Taylor.
The 19-man staff of defens
1 a w y e r s crouched forward a
United States District Attorney
John C. Crawford Jr., with a dra-
matic show of reluctance, cau-
tiously fingered the FBI data-
and finally released it to the de-
The incident came after J. Ben-
jamin Simmons of Washington
D. C., attorney for White Citizens
Council leader Frederick Johr
Kasper, cried out to the court:
"We should have it (the secre
FBI data) now so we can prepare
our case and not be forced to wait
until we have been sandbagged."
Federal Judge Robert L. Taylo
directed the surrender of the FBI
document in line with a recent
Supreme Court decision that the
defendants in a criminal case are
entitled under certain circum-
stances to examine long-sacro-
sanct FBI "raw files" to prepare
their defense.
Accuracy Test
Taylor ruled that he would ask
the government to disclose such
data in cases where a witness in
the current trial has made a re-
port to the FBI and where that
report might be used to "impeach"
the witness' accuracy.
In this instance, the FBI data
was a statement from Robert G
Crossno of Norris, Tenn., chair-
man of the Anderson County
(Clinton). School Board w hi c h
To Return
To America
WASHINGTON (R) - Assistant
United States Attorney General
William F. Tompkins said last
night he will fly to Paris next week
to seek the return of George and
Jane Zlatovski, indicted in New
York on charges of spying for
Tompkins said he hopes to have
discussions with "appropriate
French authorities" in an effort to
find a way "to bring them back
for trial."
Zlatovski, Russian-born former
lieutenant in United States Army
intelligence, claims he and his wife
have been given asylum in France.
But, in Paris yesterday official
sources said there is no chance
France would grant them asylum.
It was not clear, however,
whether the French government
would take measures to deport the
couple, or how it might be done.
United States officials have said
the French government is under
no obligation to extradite the
couple under existing treaties be-
cause they do not provide for ex-
tradition for political offenses.
The Zlatovskis' case had repur-
cussions yesterday in Congress,
when Sen. Roman Hruska (R-
Nebr.) and Rep. F. E Walter (D-
Pa.) cited it as an example of
why the United States should not
loosen passport controls.
In separate statements, they re-
ferred to court action two years
ago through which Mrs. Zlatovski
finally obtained a passport, which,
the State Department had refused.'
Will Lecture
On Languages
Prof. Henry Hoenigswald of the
University of Pennsylvania will
lecture on "Syllabic Structure in
LlTvno-1Ihrvneand C~1~~~r" at '7.0
agreed last
fall under
mandate to integrate white and
Negro students in its previously
all-white high school.
The surrender of the document
-contents of which were not dis-
closed before court recessed for
the day-caused little apparent
stir among the defense lawyers
after they received it.
Among scheduled government
witnesses are several FBI agents
who probed into the outbursts of
mob violence which erupted last
fall when the previously all-white
high school at Clinton, Tenn., 20
miles northwest of Knoxville,
complied with a federal court or-
der to admit 12 Negro students
along with some 800 whites.
High Flood Waters
"Force Evacuation
TOPEKA, Kan. ()--Swift, heavy rains in eastern Kansas yester-
day sent flash floods surging down creeks and rivers, forcing scores of
persons to leave their homes.
No casualties were reported in any area.
In most places the waters receded quickly and first Weather
Bureau predictions of unusually high water in the Topeka River
district were revised downward.
Worst-hit were low-lying sections of Topeka and the small farm-
ing community of Richland 18 miles south of here.
Georgia Neese Clark Gray, former United States Treasurer,'whose
own home at Richland was in the flooded area, said between 175 and
200 residents were forced to leave their homes during the morning as
the overflowing Wakarusa River and its tributary Camp Creek sent
up to five feet of water through the town.
A freak cloudburst in the Kansas River Valley near Abilene, 80
miles west of here, dumped an estimated 10 inches of rain on a single
farm and sent a wall of water rushing across United States Highway
40 so suddenly it swept five passing cars into a ditch.
All occupants escaped injury.
In Topeka, the flooding was from Shunganunga Creek, which
flows into the Kansas River from the south.
Soldier Creek, which flows through North Topeka, was rising but
not expected to flood.
Millions A nnuall Paid
T SndGifts - no _to RcsitaX
NEW YORK O)-Russia is collecting millions of dollars annually
from persons in the United States who have to pay big fees to insure
deliveries of food parcels to Russian citizens, the New York Herald
Tribune said last night.
The newspaper estimated that Russia collected more than $31 2
million in,"fees" to insure delivery of such packages last year alone.
In most cases, the newspaper said, persons submitted to the
To New Job
Ex-Premier To Run
Power Plant in Asia
LONDON (A') - Moscow radio
said last night ex-premier Georgi
Malenkov has been made manager
of a hydroelectric plant in East
Kazakhstan and Soviet leaders
deposed with him last week have
been assigned to unspecified other
None of the ousted leaders is
being persecuted, the broadcast
said, for "anti-party activities"
that led to their removal from
party and government posts.
.The broadcast did not give the
nature of the new assignments for
V. M. Molotov, Lazar Kanovich
and Dmitri Shepilov. It said merely
that they had been given other
Far From Home
Malenkov's new post is about
1,800 miles from Moscow and 200
miles from Red China.
Ust Kamenogorsk, where Malen-
kov has been assigned, is a city in
the East Kazakhstan region of the
Kazakh republic in remote Central
Kazakhstan served as a place of
exile in Stalin's era. His most
bitter opponent, Leon Trotsky,
spent some time there after he
was thrown out of the Central
Committee of the Soviet Commun-
ist party.
Dam Projects
Ust Kamenogorsk is a place
where thousands of political pris-
oners and other forced laborers
were put to work building the dam
and electric plant after World War
The Moscow broadcast announc-
ing the new assignments was in
reply to what it called Western
"propaganda fabrications" about
the fate of the ousted leaders.
A Moscow radio commentator,
who was not identified by name,
said some Western commentators
are spreading rumors that Malen-
kov, Molotov and Kaganovich are
in prison.
"We declare that there is no
truth whatsoever in this," the
Moscow broadcast said.
It added that Malenkov's new
job puts him at the head of one
of thelargest hydroelectric sta-
tions in the Soviet Union. The in-
stallation was put into operation
To Soften Rights Bill11
Oriental Design May Be Answer
TRussell Asks'
Want relief from summer heat
and humidity?
The answer may lie in a close
look at oriental architecture.
This was a contention expressed
in a talk by Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu
yesterday in the Rackham Gal-
Mrs. Aga Oglu, curator of the
Oriental Section of the Univer-
sity's Museum of Anthropology,
gave the talk while guiding listen-
ers about the current display, "Art
of the Far East."
Has Advantages
Among features conducive to
summer comfort, Japanese archi-
tecture bears such advantages as
wood-straw construction, helpful
in absorbing moisture.
Other factors in greater heat re-
lief, necessitated in Japanese
buildings by the hot, humid cli-
mate, are such items as extreme
interior simplicity, excluding vir-
tually all furniture and extraneous
decorations, and the portability of
walls, making possiblethe inclu-
sion of the patio as practically a
part of the inside of the home.
Mrs. Aga-Oglu, who studied inĀ£
Turkey and Germany before com-
ing to the United States, said,I
"There is very little variation in
design from home to shrine to
Natural MaterialsE
One of the basic factors in Japa-
nese architecture, she emphasized,
is the desire to use almost exclu-
sively natural materials.
This trend is apparent from thet
straw mat coverings on the wood;
floors between the bamboo wallsI
-Daily-Allan Winder
ORIENTAL DESIGN - Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu directs attention to
a photograph of Horyu-Ji Monastery, example of Chinese
Buddhist influence in Japanese Architecture.
maneuver when they learned tI
World News
By The Associated Press
BALBOA, Canal Zone-An un-
usual dry spell has dropped the
Panama Canal's water supply to
its lowest level in three years.
As a result, emergency measures
are slowing traffic through the
* * *
Teamster boss James R. Hoffa's
bribery trial hit a series of snags
yesterday when a defense attorney
was hospitalized with a heart ail-
ment and a juror excused for ill-
* * *
ROME-Cool winds and showers
yesterday injected natural air con-
ditions into a July heat wave that
has killed at least 380 persons in
The nine-day hot spell was
snaking a faltering last stand in
Italy, where a bus and street car
barn collapsed today in an acci-
dent apparently due to the heat's
expansion of sustaining girders.
Three workmen were killed and
80 injured.
The toll throughout Italy has
been put at more than 180.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A two
engine plane crashed on take off
from King Salmon Airport on
Bristol Bay yesterday, killing at
least six persons including mem-
bers of a prominent Washington
state fishing family.
~' * *
WASHINGTON=Eight Supreme
Court justices worked all day yes-
terday on the Girard case, but
gave no indication as to when
their decision may be announced.
GENEVA, Switzerland-Reports
at packages sent through regular
United States mails never reached
relatives still residing in Russia.
Most of those sending packages
to Russia are former refugees, the
newspaper said, adding:
"Readers of 1o c a 1 emigrant
newspapers learn of American
companies, acting as agents for.
Soviet organizations, who will
guarantee delivery of their gift
packages inside Russia-for a fee."
The newspaper cited one ex-
ample in which a Brooklyn man
took a package to such a firm,
named "Parcels to Russia, Inc.," of
The package's value was placed
at $22.10 but the Brooklyn man
had to pay an additional $29.44 to
insure safe delivery of which Soviet
Russia received $20.94.
"There was no explanation con-
cerning the USSR and the 'inspec-
tion' charges," the newspaper said.
In addition, the sender was obliged
to fork over another $6.17 in
United States postage charges.
a few years ago.
Malenkov was
after the death of
Ousted Reds
Save Necks
officials said yesterday Georgi
Malenkov's new job means he has
escaped with his neck-but to
political oblivion.
The officials said it seemed ap-
parent that neither Malenkov nor
the others would be subjected to
the kind of blood purge reminis-
cent of Russia in the 1930's.
Officials noted that Malenkov
apparently still retained his mem-
bership in the Communist party.
It was not clear whether his
exile would be the extent of his
punishment or whether he might
still be thrown out of the party.
made premier
Stalin in 1953.
U.S. Sends
Peace Plea
To Israelis
JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector (k')_
The United States stepped in yes-
terday with a direct plea for peace
on the tense Israeli-Syrian border.
William Baxter, United States
charge d'affaires, called on Walter
Eytan, director general of the
Israel Foreign Ministry, and ex-
pressed hope that Israel "would
do everything to keep her border
An Israeli army spokesman an-
nounced that one Israel civilian
was killed and seven policemen
wounded in shooting along the
Syrian border Tuesday.
United Nations cease-fire pleas
were credited with halting the
Israeli sources said border vil-
lagers reported "feverish military
activity and troop movements" on
the Syrian side of the armistice
line the area yesterday.
. ,
under the straw roof into the sand
and rock garden.
The garden is indeed one of the
more intriguing components of a
Japanese building. Using sand and
rocks as Westerners would use
zinnias and roses, many striking
effects are achieved.
Focal point of the home is
usually the Takonoma, a niche
in which the family displays one
object of art.
In a palace, on the other hand,
one will often find a theatre
similar to a Shakespearean theatre
with the important exception of
having only one level'for seats and
First major variation in style
came with Chinese Buddhist mis-
sionary monks, whose influence
made itself felt about the 12th
Century. -
A fine example of this style is
the Horyu-Ji Monastery, in which
the most striking differences ap-
pear to be increased ornateness
and more extensive use of the
curved roof so often associated
with Japanese scenes in Western
Still another absorbing variation
is the ornate stone block castles,
built in tiers, which were intro-
duced by the warlords in the era
of their reign.
Most recent development has
been a gradual change to modern
Western MtylespOf architecture.
Mrs. Aga-Oglu explained that the
alteration is coming about with
very little speed as "the orientals
don't adopt new habits as readily
as we do."
Included in a display of Tibetian
items appear several silver charm
boxes which were worn by the
owners, inside of which are small
images of protective gods. Also
from Tibet appears a silver belt
ornament from which hangs such
items as a nail file and clipper and
a toothpick made of an authentic
Among the China relics is a
porcelain pillow, shaped to fit the
head of the sleeper.
Also at the galleries are numer-
ous pieces of Siamese, Tibetian,
and Japanese pottery, as well as
several fine examples of Chinese
and Japanese ink-wash artistry.
Planning of Jet Missile
Reported by Air Force-
In Interview
Eisenhower Makes
No Commitments
But Arouses Hopes
WASHINGTON (A) -- Southerit
foes of the civil rights bill were
reported yesterday to be looking
to the Eisenhower administration
for a compromise offer which
might soften the' terms of the
Their hopes appeared to be
aroused by a report from Sen.
Richard Russell (D-Ga) that
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
"mind is not closed to amend-
ments which would clarify the
Sen. Russell, leader of the Sou-
thern opposition, spent about 50
minutes with the President yes-
He said he had asked for the
appointment to discuss the bill
with particular reference to some
provisions he regards as "very ex-
President Eisenhower was un-
derstood to have made no com-
mitments and to have mentioned
no specific compromise proposals.
Nevertheless, Sen. Russell was ob-
viously hopeful that some admin-
istration move might be forthcom-
Meanwhile, the Senate went
through the third day of its de-
bate on a motion to bring the bill
to the floor.
Sen. Everett Dirksen (R-Ill), a
longtime champion of civil rights
legislation, made a section-by-
section defense of the bill.
He said the government calls on
Negroes to pay taxes and sacrifice
their lives as soldiers, and that it
should safeguard their rights as:
American citizens.
Sen. Dirksen scofed at the op..
position's talk about the use of
"force, troops and bayonets" un-
der authority of the bill.
Points a Way
He said the measure simply
points a way in which the coun-
try "can go forward, and we
should do so."
Before the Senate recessed for
the day at 7:21 p.m., Sen. Olin
Johnston (D-SC) launched into a
speech declaring the bill would set
back race relations in the South
100 years.
In the course of private com-
promise talk on Capitol Hill it was
pointed out that the administra-
tion could propose changes in the
language of the bill passed by the
House June 18.
It was said the changes might
be proposed at the proper time by
Sen. William Knowlandof Cal-
ifornia, the Republican leader, as
a result of conferences with At-
torney General Brownell and oth-
Will Lecture
About ,Japan
Prof. Edwin O. Reischauer, di-
rector of the Ilarvard-Yenching
Institute, fourth lecturer in the
"Asian Cultures and the Modern
American" Summer Session series,
will speak on "Japan: A Society in
The talk is set for 4:15 p.m. in
Auditorium B, Angell Hall
Prof. Reischauer has been
chairman of, the Japan-Korea
Secretariat and special assistant
to the director of the Office of
Far Eastern Affairs, Department
of State.
He is also former president of
the Far Eastern Association.
Japan's Music
Halstead Finds Play Adaptation on I
FORT WORTH W) --The Air Force disclosed yesterday it is de-
veloping a jet-powered "pod" - in effect, a new guided missile - to
be carried under its new supersonic bomber, the Convair B58.
The manufacturer, Convair Division of General Dynamics Corp.,
at the same time divulged that: 1. The Bell Aircraft Co., Buffalo,
N.Y., manufacturer of the "Rascal" air-to-ground guided missile, is
working on a secret project connected with the B58. 2. The so-called
heat barrier already has prevented
the B58 from flying as fast as it
"wants" to.
The new facts about the na-
1cent L eave bnsfirst supersonic bomber were
revealed at ceremonies marking
the official unveiling of the new
performances of "The School for plane.
Wives," which he is directing, are Three B58s were displayed on
striving for the same spirit. the ground, and one was flown
Everybody's past a reviewing stand at low al-
In his travels, Prof. Halstead titude'- and moderate speed -
observed that "play-going in Eu- to show off its remarkably stable
rope is more a part of nractically flight characteristics.
"I have always wanted a pre-
modern play with good audience
rapport for production here at
Lydia Mendelssohn," Prof. Wil-
liam Halstead of the speech de-
partment said in explaining the
principal aim of his recently con-
cluded sabbatical leave.
In his search, Prof. Halstead
toured many theater festivals in
Europe and visited historical the-
aters ranging from the Drottning-
holm in Stockholm-boasting the
oldest moveable stage scenery still
in operation-to excavated Roman
theaters in the ruins of Pompeii.
Prof. Halstead's wife, Prof. Clar-
ibel Baird of the speech depart-
ment, accompanied him on the
one-year trip.
Playable Translation
"I was particularly interested
in Moliere," related Prof. Hal-
able for modern theater by the with many traditional plays - is
breaking up of long speeches into artificiality and stylized acting,"
dialogue, without sacrificing the he continued. "This adaptation is
spirit of the original," Prof. Hal- able to achieve realistic playing
stead explained. in good period style."
"The problem with Moliere-and He mentioned that the current
everybody's life" than in America.
He reported that there are about
twice as many theaters in either
Paris or London compared to New
Highlights of his tour mirror
the traditions of dramatic arts
in the various countries Prof.
Halstead visited.
Classics Preferred
In England he noted that class-
ics are preferred. London's Old
Vic has scheduled the entire
Shakespearean cycle over a five-
year period. But he added that
since "Oklahoma," the best musi-
cal comedies staged there have
USAF Reveals
WASHINGTON ()')-Two impor-
tant developments were announced
yesterday in the field of missile
The Air Force disclosed the ac-
tivation of its first strategic missile
wing, the 704th, at Cooke Air
Force Base, Lompoc, Calif.
The Army announced formation
of the first battle group to operate
U ~ - 5. .........