See Page 2
Ci r
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471 44bF
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Sixty-Six Years of
Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXVII. No. 98
n r rnr nnn rr*nrni iwu n mnn r rrinnr
Slams Four
On Treason
Zhukov Supports
Khrushchev's Action
MOSCOW (P) - The Red army,
backing the ejection of four "anti-
party" leaders from top Kremlin
posts, accused them yesterday of
treachery and threatening to un-
dermine Soviet military defenses.
This was the view of Red Star,
the newspaper of Ma.rshal Georgi
K. Zhukov's Defense Ministry, in
the midst of a nationwide cam-
paign to discredit the ousted men.
There were these additional de-
velopments in the wake of the
shakeup announced Wednesday.
Additional Developments
1. Communist China - after a
silence of two days - announced
its support of the moves directed
by Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet
party boss.
Peiping promised to work hard-
er than ever to strengthen the
"great fraternal alliance" with the
2. Maxim Saburov and Mikhal
G. Pervukhin, both economic ex-
perts, were dismissed as first dep-
uty premiers.
Saburov Dropped
Saburov had been dropped from
Sthe. Presidium - policy making
body of the Communist Central
Committee - in the Wednesday
Pervukhin had been demoted to
It candidate membership - a rank
just outside the door of the
Saburov was fired last Decem-
ber as Russia's top economic plan-
ner - a post he had held for 20
years, including the Stalin era.
Pervukhin Named
At that time Pervukhin was
named to head a new commission
charged with overhauling the na-
tion's industrial and agricultural
planning. Apparently he keeps
t that job.
Lazar Kaganovich, one of the
four leaders stripped of power,
Wednesday was the target yester-
day of charges which could por-
tend legal action against him.
The big question being asked
here is what the future holds for
the four: Kaganovich, V. M. Molo-
tov, georgi Malenkov and Dmitri
No Official Hint
There has been no official hint
of a trial or arrest, despite re-
ports abroad that Molotov, Kaga-
novich and Malenkov are under
house detention.
The language used by Red Star
was strong, referring to "treacher-
ous activities."
The armed services paper said
'all four had threatened to under-
mine the foundations upon which
Soviet military security is built-
a move "which would have played
into the hands of the enemies of
the Soviet state, the imperialist
U.S. Challenges
iring Motives
WASHINGTON (-)-The United
States skeptically challenged Sov-
let boss Nikita Khrushchev yester-
day to prove he was acting for
world peace in firing V. M. Molo-
tov and other old Stalinists.
The United States reaction was
expressed in a statement by State
Department officer Lincoln White.
It seemed to be designed to
warn other nations against jump-
ing to quick conclusions about
some hopeful new turn in Soviet
foreign policy.
In effect the statement counsel-
led "a wait and see" attitude.
This reflects the private reac-
tions of State Department officials
and analysts in the absence from
town of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles, both of whom
are taking July 4 holidays.
The officials are highly skeptical
that the Russians have really ex-
plained the real reasons why
Molotov and the ethers were fired,
and those reasons frankly are not
known here.
If Molotov, Georgi Malenkov,
La ar Kaganovich and Dmitri
Shepilov were all acting as ob-
structionists to peaceful measures
-as charged-their ouster would
seem to indicate new Soviet steps
'U' To Construct
Branch in April
Construction on the proposed University senior college branch
at Dearborn will begin early in the spring, it was learned yesterday.
"The Center," which will comprise four new buildings, is expected
to be in operation by the fall term 1959.
Anticipated cost of the physical plant at "The Center" is $4
million, plus landscaping, roads, p
Trial Abroad
For Soldiers
CINCINNATI (') -Gen. Matt-
hew B. Ridgeway, former supreme
commander of allied forces in the
Far East, said yesterday United
States soldiers serving overseas
must face the courts of the coun-
tries they occupy if American for-
eign policy is to survive.
Gen. Ridgeway was here to ad-
dress the annual convention of the
02nd Airborne Division, of which
he was a member.
He recently retired as Army
chief of staff.
"I go along with the secretary
of state," lie told newsmen regard-
ing the trials of soldiers on foreign
soil. "Our whole system of foreign
alignments would break up if the
Status of Forces were -abrogated.
"How can we expect to get
along with other countries when
we say we agree with them on one
hand and refuse to recognize the
validity of their courts on the
Referring, to the case of William
Girard, a young Army man held in
connection with the slaying of a
woman in Japan, Gen. Ridgeway
"The issue as I see it is whether
or not Girard was on duty. If he
was on duty his case falls wtihin
the scope of a court-martial. If he
was not on duty, he should be tried
by Japanese courts.
"But I'm no lawyer, and I can't
decide that issue."
Gov. Stratton
Asks for Aid
For Disaster '
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. () - Gov.
William G. Stratton asked United
States Secretary of Agriculture
Ezra Taft Benson yestereday to de-
clare the southern half of Illinois
an emergency area, due to windr
and flood damage.
Gov. Stratton said the designa-'
tion should apply to a 52-county
area comprising the southern half
of the state.
This would include counties
south of the northern line of Pike,
Morgan, Menard, S a n g a m o n,
Christian, Shelby, Moultrie, Doug-
las and Edgar counties.E
Under an emergency declaration,
farmers in the area would be eli-
gible for three per cent loans under
the Farmers Home Administration.I
Loans would go toward support-t
ing farms and families.
Gov. Stratton said he made the
decision to apply to Benson after
conferring with Stillman J. Stan-t
ard, state agriculture director.
Deaths ... t
Latest Associated Press tabu-
lations show 350 deaths thus
far in the holiday period, asI
Traffic 194.
Drowning 116.1
Miscellaneous 40.1
parking lots, and site improvements
- which are expected to cost an
additional $1 million.
This construction will expend
the major portion of the gift of
$6,500,000 made to the University
last December by the Ford Motor
Co. Fund for the purpose of estab-
lishing the Dearborn Branch.
Included in the plans are three
two-level buildings which are to
be used as follows: a class-room
building, a faculty-office building,
and an engineering laboratory.
Planned also is a modern com-
bination library-student activities
University officials are uncer-
tain concerning enrollment for the
opening semester.
It is anticipated that the Dear-
born Branch will easily accomo-
date 1,700 students.
Construction site is located ap-
proximately 40 miles east of Ann
Arbor and north of "Fair Lane,"
acquired by the University as part
of the Ford gift of 210 acres for
the Dearborn Center.
WASHINGTON tom) - The con-
struction phase of Dewline - a
3,000-mile electronic fene to warn
of the approach of enemy bombers
- has now been completed.
'Final installation of the intri-
cate electronic and power equip-
Iment is expected to put the line
into test operation sometime this
This is the farthest north of'
three protective lines laid out
across the transpolar air routes.
(The DEW in Dewline stands for
distant early warning.)
Prolonged trials of the line pro-
bably will continue tlWough the
summer and this means that the
400-million-dollar system will not
go into actual "operational status"
before fall or early winter.
The main portion of Dewline
reaches from Point Barrow, Alaska,
to Baffin Island, facing Greenland.
An extension from Point Barrow'
southwestward Tong the Alaskan
coast and out onto the Aleutian
Islands was decided upon after
building of the main section had
started and now is under way.
However, Alaska has had an
early warning radar system in]
operation for several years. 1
Extension of Dewline therefore
meant primarily a modificationt
improvement of that system to]
conform to the design of the maini
section in northern Canadian
The additional construction for
the Alaskan end is expected to<
lift the building cost for Dewlinei
to at least a half billion dollars.E
Dewline is a combination of
rotating radar, to sweep the sky,I
and fixed radar, filling gaps be-c
tween the rotating radar stations.I
It is tied into United States andr
Canadian continental defenset
headquarters by a system of radarI
and land line communication nets.
In operation, it is intended toI
provide between three and fourI
hours warning to cities and de -I
fense areas of southern Canada
and the northern United States. r:
Testers Fire
Atom Blast
The biggest, most dazzling atomic
explosion ever fired in the United
States shook the earth and em-
blazoned the skies yesterday in an
awesome show of nuclear might.
A brush and tree-covered moun-
tainside five miles away burst into
flames under heat of the mam-
moth blast.
Marines entrenched 5,700 yards
from ground zero came through
unscathed and plunged through a
vast cloud of dust into attack
upon a mythical enemy.
Biggest Yet
Test director Dr. G. M. Johnson
said the shot's power was "well
over" the yield of the previous
record blast set off in 1955.
He declined to give the kiloton
rating of yesterday's explosion but
it has been pretty well established
unofficially that the previous rec-
ord was something over 60 kilo-
A kiloton is equal to the energy
.produced by explosion of 1,000
tons of TNT.
A-Bombs Rated
The only atomic bombs ever
dropped in warfare-those which
fell on the Japanese cities of Hiro-
shima and Nagasaki in World War
II-were rated at 20 kilotons each.
The Nevada test organization
announced that radioactive fall-
out from the giant would be
"light" beyond .the limits of the
test area and the adjacent bomb-
ing range.
The monstrous flareup domi-
nated the skies over the western
half of the nation like the fire-
works of a thousand Fourth of
Julys all touched off at once.
Heavens Lit .
An airline pilot a thousand
miles away, over the sea en route
to Hawaii, said he saw the flash
plainly and could have seen it had
he been another 200 or 300 miles
Thousands of observers from
Idaho and Oregon to south of the
Mexican border looked in wonder
as the entire heavens lit up.
Many California communities
more than 300 miles away felt the
sharp punch of the bomb's shock
wave more than 20 minutes after
the blast.
It rattled windows and doors
but caused no damage.
The device was exploded from
beneath a plastic, helium-filled
balloon 75 feet in diameter which
had been raised to an elevation of
1,500 feet.
New Walkouts
Hit Nation's
Cement Firms
CHICAGO ()- New walkouts
spread through the nation's ce-
;nent industry yesterday, and con-
tractors in the East, South and
Midwest, felt a growing supply
The United Cement, Lime and
Gypsum Workers Union said some
13,000 of its 25,000 members were
idle at 62 of the 140 production
plants throughout the country.
Included, said Toney Gallo, gen-
eral secretary - treasurer of the
union, are the bulk of plants op-
erated by the largest concerns.
Gallo said that one independent
producer yesterday signed terms
conforming to a 16-cent package
pattern concluded July 1iwith thel
Marquette Cement Manufacturing
Co., the only major firm which
has signed an agreement.
The union also reported that the
Dixon, Ill., plant of the Medusa
Portland Cement Co. was struck
Shutdowns in Illinois cut sup-
plies for the Chicago area by half.1
Half way
Court Blocks
United States Court of Appeals
yesterday blocked the first at-
tempt of a congressional commit-
tee to compel testimony in re-
-noasoad tuoaj A runuuij ioj
The attempt was labeled "pre-
The appellate court voided or-
ders signed April 10 by Federal
District Judge David A. Pine di-
recting four persons to appear
before the Senate Interral Secur-
ity Subcommittee "and there tes-
tify or produce evidenw, as law-
fully reqw~red."
They said the 1954 immunity
law as it applies to congressional
committees cannot be used until
after a witness has appeared and
refused to answer questions.
The four witnesses the subcom-
mittee sought to question have in-
voked the Fifth Amendment
privilege against self-incrimina-
tion in the past.
Chief Judge Henry W. Edger-
ton said, however, the record be-
fore the court did not show the
four "have claimed their privi-
lege, or have refused to testify,
have been, or even that they will
be, called as witnesses."
Furthermore, Edgerton said,
the record does not show why the
subcommittee believes the four
may refuse to testify if called be-
fore it, or may claim their privi-
lege, or may be able to give im-
portant testimony.
The act in question allows
courts and congressional commit-
tees to promise immunity from
federal prosecution to witnesses
who otherwise might refuse to
testify on grounds of possible self-
Edgerton said, "The act does
not authorize grants of immunity
to persons who are not witnesses
but may in the future become wit-
nesses, may refuse to testify, and
may claim their, privilege."
The four witnesses the subcom-
mittee seeks to question under a
promise of immunity are Harold
Glasser, a former Treasury De-
partment economist, and three
residents of Honolulu - Robert
Asian Cultures'
Slated for This
G. L. Mehta, Ambassador from
India. will give a lecture at 4:15
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
Speaking on "India-Problems,
Plans, and Prospects," Mehta's
appearance is the third of the lec-
ture series being presented with
the summer session theme, "Asian
Cultures and the Modern Ameri-
Other information on the light-
er side concerning India will be
given the same evening in Rack-
ham's Assembly Hall, in a.
"Glimpse of India."
India Students
This program is sponsored by
the India Students Association on
On Thursday at 4:15 in Audi-
torium B, Angell Hall, Edwin O.
Reischauer, Director of the Har-
vard-Yenching Institute will be
the featured speaker.
Society In Transition
His subject will be "Japan: A
Society in Transitilon."
That evening the Japanese
Students Club will present a
"glimpse" of their homeland. This
will be given in Rackham at 8 p.m.'
Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu will give
a gallery talk Wednesday at 8 p.m.
in reference to contemporary Jap-
anese architecture, which will be
on display in Rackham from July
8 through August 4.
Oustanding Examples
The exhibition illustrates some
of the outstanding examples of
Japanese architecture, which sug-
gests its strong influence on Am-
erican architecture of today.
Two showings (4 to 5:30 p.m.)
and 8 to 9:30 p.m.) of four Jap-
anese films will be presented Mon-
day. Two of them. "Rainbow
Pass," and "Luzon Mountain Boy"
are in color.
The other two are "Arts in Jap-
an", and "String of Beads."
Talks Safeguard
Talks War Power
Week -Stassen
Worldwide Limits
t > roposed for Peace
Use of Uranium
yiLONDON ()- The U n it e d
States offered yesterday to meet
Russia more than halfway in dis-
mantling nuclear b o m b s but
warned it always wll keep a strong
atomic weapons potential.
United States delegate Harold
E. Stassen suggested n u c 1 e a r
powers begin breaking down some
of their hydrogen bombs for peace-
ful use as soon as agreement is
E reached to halt the building of new
nuclear weapons.
Stassen told the United Nations
Disarmament subcommttee t h e
United States would agree to a 53
to 47 ratio with the Russians in
LMEHTAturning over fissionable H-bomb
L TAmaterials to international control.
lecture Tuesday 53 to 47 Ratio
This would mean, for example,
that for every 100 pounds of ma-
terials turned over to an interna-
tional agency, the United States
would provide 53 pounds, the Rus-
sians 47.
Stassen wound up his presenta-
tion of a broad new United States
plan for ending the H-bomb race.
F...He had proposed earlier an Im-
mediate suspension of H-bomb
tests for 10 months if Russia will
agree to a halt in bomb proddic-
tion in 1959.
Zorin Listened
As Russian delegate Valerian
Zorin listened impassively, Stas
told the five-nation subcommittee
that opinions vary as to whether
Russia or the United States is
ahead in the production of nuclear
His offer of a 53 to 47 ratio ap-
. REINSCHAtJER peared to reflect firm confidence
ecture-Thursday in the security of the United States
~ctur Thusday position.
But Stassen said the United
States would not even consider
carrying out this process to a point
x i it where all Its present bombs would
be eliminated.
Stassen Indicated
Stassen also said the process
would not begin until Russia and
the West have halted nuclear wea-
art covering a time pons production under strict in-
i Galleries as part of spection and enforcement,
Modern American." The United States, he Indicated,
sculpduerAericswould not be prohibited from
sculptures, ceramics, making over present nuclear wea-
[ave examples drawn Pons into new types-such as con.
Japan. verting a "dirty" weapon to a
leries will be filled "clean" one with little radioactive
aphs of the archi- fallout.
apan. Pictures of a
e, Buddhist temples,
castles, tea houses, I1 ElTPu ici on
contemporary build- U .iu 11iiuat10f
isplayed as outstand-
of Japanese art. Gets Mention,
raphs are circulated
m of Modern Art in Second Place
.. ,.to le
Far Eastern Art E
Featured at Racki
Examples of Far Eastern architecture and
span of 2,000 years will be exhibited in Rackham
the University program "Asian Cultures and the
Included in the art exhibit will be paintings,
McElrath, Wilfred M. Oka
Myer C. Symonds.
Seven Killed
In Car Crash
COPEMISH, Mich. (A) -- Seven1
out of eight members of an Arkan-
sas family were killed yesterday
when their car and a stake truck
crashed on the edge of this north-
western lower Michigan commun-
It was the worst single traffic
accident reported anywhere in the
nation thus far in the long Inde-
pendence Day holiday.
The family, migrant fruit pick-
ers from Paragould, Ark., was on
its way from Bay City, Mich., to
the cherry orchards in the Frank-
fort, Mich. area some 35 miles
from here along the shore of Lake
and objects in bronze and jade. Th
String Group
Will Perform
The Stanley Quartet will be
heard at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Rackham Lecture Hall in the first
of three concerts of the summer
school session.
Compositions to be played by the
Quartet will include "Quartet in B
major, Op. 64, No. 3," by Haydn,
"Five Movements, Op. 5," by We-
bern, and "Quartet in C minor, Op.
51, No. 1," by Brahms.
Two other concerts will also be
given by the Quartet on July 23
and Aug. 6 in Rackham Lecture
Robert Swenson. cellist, of the
University of Illinois' Walden
Quartet will substitute for Oliver
Edel of the Stanley Quartet for the
summer programs.
Other members of the Quartet
are Gilbert Ross, first violinist,
Emil Raab, second violinist, and
Robert Courte, violist.
ie exhibit willl
from, Iran to
Three gal
with photogr
tecture of Jf
Shinto shrinf
palaces and
gardens, and
ings will be d
ing examples
The photog
by the Museu
New York.
Moliere's 'School.for Wives' Will Open Tuesday
The "Far Eastern Art" exhibit
is part of the Cranbrook Academy
of Art and Ann Arbor Collections.
Consistent Style
Consistency of style due to re-
ligious aspect, emphasis on sur-
face pattern, and respect for ma-
terials, color, texture and shape
differentiate Far Eastern art from
Western art.
The two exhibitions will be open
to the public July 9 to Aug. 3 on
the mezzanine of the Rackham
Dean Stason
London Bound
E .Blythe Stason, Dean of the.
University's Law School, will be
in London, from July 22 to Aug.
16 to take part in the American
Bar Association's annual meet-
Dean Stason will lead a joint
One second place and three
honorable mentions were awarded
to the Michigan Alumnus in pub-
lications competition at the 42nd
general conference of the Ameri-
can Alumni Council.
The magazine received honor-
able mention in The Robert Sib-
ley Award competition for maga-
zine of the year. It was also in a
second place tie with the Colum-
bla Alumni News for articles deal-
ing with "The Institution."
Other honorable mentions the
Michigan magazine won were for
articles dealing with students and
for feature articles.
The Michigan Alumnus is pub-
lished by the Alumni Association
of the University.
T. Hawley Tapping is editor-in-
chief and Harold M. Wilson is
managing editor.
G. R. Garrison
Molieres' 17th-century comedy, "The School for Wives," will be
presented as the second play of the summer series, produced by the
speech department.
Opening night is Tuesday, with the curtain going up at 8 p.m. at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The play will continue through July
The free verse version, first introduced by the Bristol Old Vic
Company in England, will be used under the direction of Prof. William
P. Halstead of the speech department.
When first produced, the nlav was the center of much eontrnversvy
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