Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
See Page 2
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TEHRAN, Iran (A') -R es cu e
,, teams roving the still trembling
. Scientific Advisors Favor Telling earth yesterday fearing that Tues-
day's quake killed more than 1,000
Russia of Reduced Radioactivity persons.
The known death toll soared to
WASHINGTON (')-President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester- More than 3,000 persons were
day that if this country ever tests another big nuclear bomb he will
invite "any country in the world" to be on hand and see for itself that
radioactive fallout has been reduced toward the vanishing point. N ew Co nt
President Eisenhower also told a news conference his scientific l
advisers favor telling the Russians or anyone else exactly how to
make a "clean" bomb once this country proves it knows how.
The President spoke out firmly and with a' touch of indignation Q g
in denying the United States has grown a bit half-hearted in seeking
disarmament agreement with the Russians since United States scien- Hits 700
ti ts h ve s id a h yro gen ubom b
ttshvsadahdoebobAC completely "clean" of fallout can
A E C ets be developed. LAKE CHARLES, La.()-When
Urges Test-Ban the waters of Hurricane Audrey
B" President Eisenhower declared seep back into the now calm Gulf
1 i lonhis administration will "always" of Minxico and her full ravages
stand by its offer to try for a sus- are revealed, the Louisiana coast
pension of nuclear tests - even may count about 700 dead.
F or Pethough, he said, there would be The latest official estimate put
o Peace scientific advantage in continuing the figure that high, Sheriff Ham
4 to test such weapons.RedoCacsuPrihtl -
WASHINGTON (1)- President Turning to domestic affairs, the Re of cae a o e-
chif eecuivefronedon pr.-porters yesterday. There are 296
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday chief executive frowned on a pro known dead.
allocated about a billion dollars posal by Sen. Richard Russell (D- Dr. Harry Snatic, the parish
worth of uranium for use in Ga) that the administration's civil coroner, quickly added: "I think
"atoms - for - peace" projects here rights bill be submitted to a na- at least 400 more persons are miss-
and abroad, tionwide popular vote. ing. "
The government sell or lease Pr e si d e n t Eisenhower said ny a
the uranium but wi e s there's nothing in the Constitu- ever, has become more compli-
away, won't give tion providing for such a step- ed a newoma o b th
The President said all distribu- that it's up to elected Congress dead of nearby Cameron Parish
a to decide on legislation.
}tions will be subject to "prudent FodcdeoesarsUnounde wherever they are found.
safeguards" against diversion into Fears Unfounded As the death estimate mounted,
,weapons. The President said, too, he the property damage total also
PresidentEisenhower doesn't understand fears voiced by sote pared t mageC s
te scie Esensiehor adeful Southerners that his right-to-vote sarld Dueto aeCals
a tocusesbout131,d60oundSenatespeebill is, as Sen. Russell put it in a h eaud Io D nu rc LkAdjuslesnt
atomlc uses about 131,560 pounds Senate speech Tuesday, a "cun- Bue au In. which handle in
of uranium 235, which he termed ning device" to force racial inter- surance claims, put the expected
. "the basic atomic fuel." mingling at bayonet point. .propertylamaget the state at
This allocation will be distri- President Eisenhower declined to weretn 75 and 100 million dollars
buted evenly between users in this commit himself on several ques- -ten75ad10_ilodlas
country and abroad. tions.
The total amount of uranium .He said, for instance, it's too H
now earmarked for the atoms-for- early to tell whether the $6-a-ton j'i ;SS ii
peace program is about 220,000 p r i c e increase announced by .
pounds. United States Steel-just after the;
* The President estimated this to President urged both industry andD
be worth about $1, 00,000,000 at labor to go easy on price and wage
current prices, fixed by the Atomic increases-was justified or would
Energy Commission, prove inflationary.O f1U tud
AEC Chairman Lewis L. Strauss Limits Himself y
_r simultaneuosly disclosed that the And he limited himself to an I-1
United States o n1y yesterday hope-not reply when asked if he University Vice-president Mar-
signed agreements with Germany expects Congress, for all its econ- vin L. Niehuss announced todayt
and Italy under which this coun- omy talk, to spend more this year that the University would conductI
try can provide fuel for power when the final bills are in than a study of prepaid hospitalization
reactors in those countries, his budget called for. if the state provides funds.
Previously the United States He agrees with Secretary of The action came at a meeting
provided Germany and Italy with State John Foster Dulles that this here between a governor's commis-
uranium for experimental reactors, country should offer to help both sion and the Advisory Committee
rather than for full-fledged power sides in trying to solve the French- on Hospital Administration.
plants. Algerian dispute rather than back NieL s, a member of te Hospi-
_ _ _ _'the Algerians. tal Committee, said the t groups
Thus, both the President and were agreed on the method of pro-
Dulles took issue with a proposal cedure and objectives of the study.t
Tudent Group by Sen. John Kennedy (D-Mass) "We're well on our way to carry-f
that the United States start work- ing the study program further,"
TO' U ndertake ing "toward political independence he reported. "But the study stilli
o U d t ke for Algeria." is in draft form."o
A rSt dygr. President Eisenhower thinks the He indicated that a final outlinec
Oiriean French are entitled to try United with a budget and plans for the
States Army Specialist 3/c De- study probably would be ready byp
Wayne McOsker in the killing of Aug. 31.s
The United'States National Stru an Algerian in Paris. A study of prepaid hospitaliza-
dent Association will send a group The President said he under- tion was planned a year ago, butp
of students to Africa this fall to stood the episode occurred in a it was called off when the Michi-d
determine African problems. cafe while the soldier was off duty, gan State Medical Society re-s
nforming students at African and so McOsker is subject to trial portedly objected to Dr. S. J. Axel-
Suniversities of the goals of Amer-in local courts just as an American rod of the University directing it.n
", tw 1:1ine wil a nor+ J4 ~ of +ha I
ran ians Feared Missing
missing from ruined villages that means of communication through- persons in north Algeria in Sep-
marked the quake's horseshoe- out much of the affected 50,000 tember 1954.
shaped path around the south end square miles. The path of death and damage
of the Caspian Sea from Soviet Shah Mohammed Reza Pahievi seemed to extend into the Soviet
Turkmen to Soviet Azerbaijan. on vacation inSwitzerland Union on both sides of the Casp-
~~~nvctoni wteln with, no nbt ie fteCsi
However, many of these were Queen Soraya, cabled order~s for{ an.
presumedrto have sought safety in relief measures. But there was no word from the
the open fields and woods. Russians on what happened north
Official statistics pictured havoc The grimmest note of the day's of the border.
and misery as mild after-shock rescue efforts cime from two vil
tremors persisted: more than 100 lages unmentioned t in early ac-
villages wrecked; 1,500 persons counts of the quake. These were H arrim an
seriously injured; property dam-
age estimated at more than 1211 Both were completely razed.
million dollars, In the ruins, rescue workerstes
Wire lines were down and ava- found 400 bodies, i lo
lanches blocked roads, leaving The quake appeared the most
runners and horsemen as the only I deadly since a tembler killed 1,409 1 t,1 i
Fires Malenkov,
ppoints Zhukov
Kremlin Expels Former Premiers
In Surprise Housecleaning Move
MOSCOW (R)-The Kremlin yesterday expelled Georg
Malenkov, V. M. Molotov, L. M. Kaganovich and Dmitri She-
pilov from their high posts in the Soviet Communist party.
They were accused of collusion and intrigue against the
party's leadership.
Apparently the Central Committee stopped short of the
severe penalty of expelling them from the Communist party,
as some committee members had urged. Instead, it expelled
them from the- Central Com - i
NSC Sees53Det
During Holiday Per
By The Associated Press
The long Independence Day holiday period began last n
thousands of motorists on the roads.
The National Safety Council estimated that 45 millio
vehicles-13 for each mile of the nation's road and street n
will be moving sometime or other during the four-day ob
NSC predicted 535 Americans will be killed in trafficr
during the extended weekend that began at 6 p.m. yester
will end at midnight Sunday. -----
That many deaths would set a
new record for the Fourth of July
holiday period.
The current high mark-491-
was set during a four-day celebra-
tion of Independence Day in 1950.
Up to midnight (EDT) the death
toll stood at 5, including 2 traffic,
2 drownings and a miscellaneous.
Motor vehicle deaths so far this
year have failed to match last
year's high rate.
Through the first five months
of 1957 fatalities have averaged
95 per day.
The Associated Press made a
survey of a recent nonholiday per-
iod to establish a statistical basis
for comparison with the loss of
life during the current holiday
There were 347 traffic deaths in
the survey period-from 6 p.m.
Wednesday, June 19 to midnight
Sunday, June 23.
New Courses
Set for Fall
A new course for sophomores in
the Law School will be offered this
Titled "Problems and Research,"
it will provide law students the,
opportunity of applying legal prin-
ciples studied in their regular
courses to problems which will be
presented in hypothetical fact
Individual work will include the
preparation of a legal memoran-
dum and the completion of re-
search project.
This work is in addition to-that
now required by the school.
Senatr S
Civil Rigli
Democrat hinted yester
much of President Du
Eisenhower's legislative
might go down the dra
the, Senate is battling o
The way Sen. A. W. R
(D-Va.) put it was that
publicans, if tney insis
showdown on civil righ
shoulder the rsponsibility
ting through the rest of
gram in the waning sessi
Sen. Robertson discus
situatirn after President
hower reiected the idea o
his civil rights pr)gram p
in a national referendum
The President told his n
ference he didn't know
provisions in the Constitu
putting the question up
people in such a way.
Sen. Robertson said a'st
on GOP responsibility w
ably be made on the Sen
Friday by Sen. Edward
(D-Ga.), leader of the c
opposition to civil rights
Behind the Southern Dei
maneuvering was a thre
Senate filibuster on the civ
bill which could suspend
legislative business the
HAMILTON, N.Y. (A) - New
York Gov. W. Averill Harriman
last night sharply assailed Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's con-
duct of foreign affairs and de-
j~~j livered what appeared to be a
IO demand for dismissal for Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles.
The Democratic governor also
told the annual Foreign Policy
ight with ConferenceatColgate University
that "it may only be a questicn of
n motor time" until the United States
etwork- would be unable to prevent ad-
servance. mission of Commnunist China to
accidents the United Nations.
rday and Gov. Harriman, former New
-day andDeal-Fair Deal diplomat who bid
unsuccessfully for the Democratic
presidential nomination in 1956
ays and 1952, maintained that the
United States' world influence was
"at a low ebb."
its Leading into his attack on
Dulles, Gov. Harriman said there
was "grave concern" in Europe
" over the motives and methods of
our government in dealing with
world problems.
Southern "This distrust is focused With
day that deep feeling on the one man they
light D, hold responsible-the secretary of
program state.
in while "Unhappily this attitude has
ver civil now become so deep-seated that
it is difficult to see how it can be
Zobertson overcome as long as Mr. Dulles is
the Re- secretary of state," he said.
t on a ,e-t
ts, must
for nut- enae Vots
the pro- Million
sed the
t Eisen- For *
Ff havingoFarming
assed on
WASHINGTON (R) - A four-
ews con- year extension of the basic federal
of any farm program-under whidh co-
ution for operating farmers are receiving
to the 250 million dollars or more an-
nually in federal payments-was
tatement recommended to the Senate yes-'
ill prob- terday by its Agriculture Com-
ate floor mittee.
Russell The law is known officially as
Southern the Soil Conservation and Domes-"
legisla- tic Allotment Act and was origin-
ally enacteo in 1936.
mocratic The Senate Committee voted
at of a an extension to the end of 1962"
il rights for the program which the House
all other report listed "as one or the sound-7
ere for est eierents of our agricultural
mittee and the Presidium -
The Central Committee elected
a new Presidium including Mar-
shal Georgi K. Zhukov, World
War II hero of Moscow, and Mrs.
Ekaterina Furtseva, the first wo-
man on the ruling party body.
Tass said Mrs. Furtseva made
the announcement of this far-
reaching shakeup to a mass meet-
ing of Communist party members,
apparently convened in the Krem-
lin, explaining that the four ac-
cused had been decisively con-
demned for antiparty activities
"directed at breaking up the
The list of new Presidium mem-
bers indicated that Maxim Sabur-
ov and M. G. Pervukhin, two lead-
ing economic and industrial ex-
perts of the Soviet Union, also
had been demoted.
They were not listed as mem-
bers or alternates of the new Pre-
sidium, although the official com-
Related Story Appears on Page 2
munique did not mention them
munique did not mention them in
connection with offenses against
the party.
The newly elected Presidium-~-
successor to the Politburo of Stal-
in's day - included the names of
only six of the 11-member group
elected in February 1956.
The event, evidently the biggest
shakeup since Stalin died in 1953,
was foreshadowed by an angry
editorial in Pravda Tuesday warn-
ing that no man was too big to
be expelled from the party.
Malenkov and Molotov, both
former premiers; Kaganovich, a
first deputy premier and indus-
trial expert, and Shepilov, a prop-
aganda expert and former foreign
minister, were dropped from the
Presidium, the most powerful body
in the U.S.S.R., and from the
party Central Committee. Shepil-
ov was fired as an alternate mem-
ber of the Presidium and from his
post as one of the party's secre-
The six holdovers in the Presi-
dium are Premier Nikolai Bulgan-
in, Ukraine party boss A. I. Kir-
ichenko, party First Secretary
Nikita S. Khrushchev, the trade
expert and deputy premier, A. I.
Mikoyan, the party theoretician,
M. A. Suslov, and the old Soviet
warhorse, Marshal Klimenti Voro-
shilov, who is president of the
Moscow's statement said the
group worked against the deci-
sions of the 20th Communist par-
;y Congress of February 1956, and
tried "to impose wrong ideas," It
acused Molotov specifically of
having hindered the Soviet gov-
ernment's policy of "peace among
Khrushchev eased Malenkov
out of the leading party position
soon after Stalin's death and later
was instrumental in causing Mal-
enkov to step down as premier'
with a confession of inability to
to the job.
Treasury Gives
Debt Figures
ury reported yesterday the na-
ional debt was $270,527,171,896.43
Give Views
On Firings
The la t e s t of the Russian
"housecleanings" - demotion of
Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich
and Shepilov among others-came
with no actual forewarnings, Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history
department said yesterday.
Interviewed by telephone, Prof.
Slosson said, "This is the typd' of
thing that is always liable to hap-
pen in the Kremlin. But what we
have heard from Russia lately has
concerned primarily their foreign
He continued, "There are two
possible lines of reasoning concern-
ing the dismissals. This could be
one of the customary rotations that
attempt to prevent those not in
power from getting iddas or it
could be a definite power struggle
between two factions, in which
case it might lead to prosecution
similar to the Beria case," said
Prof. Slosson.
What will happen to the fallen
members of the Presidum will give
a clue to just what is the reason
behind the sudden move. "If the
men are reduced in power," said
the professor, "then it wvill prob-
ably have been the former.
There have been no stable
charges placed against the ousted;
instead they have been accused of
"working against the best interesta
of the party."
Prof. Slosson feels that a definite
split in opinion might have re
suited in discussions over the dis-
cussion policy.
Prof. Phillip B. Taylor, Jr. of the
political science department ap-
peared rather puzzled at the seem-
ingly lack of pattern in the dis.
"It's a kind of conglomerate
group that was ousted for Molotov
and Shepilov have nothing in com-
mon as far as policy is concerned.
And in that respect neither do
Molotov and Malenkov," Prof.
Taylor said.
He revealed however that Krus-
chev might have ordered the move
as a type of protection from losing
Red China.
Prof. Taylor said, "Kaganovich
and Molotov are Bolshevists that
believe that there cannot be df-
ferences between the leader and
the masses of the Communist
"Mao Tze-tung, Premier of
Red China recently acknowledged
that there was a difference be-
tween the leaders and the masses
Thus, Kruschev might have re-
sented this," added the political
science instructor.
Of interest in the shakeup was
the promotion of Mrs. Ekaterina
Furtseva from alternate member-
ship to the standing of a full mem-
ber in the Presidum.
Both Profs. Taylor and Slosson
agree that this is mainly a matter
of recognition,
Prof. Taylor said, "Women play
an important role in the Supreme
Soviet, and a more important role
than they do here in the United
"The Russians believe in equal-
ity between both sexes (including
manual labor, also), and this move
.s U1 5gen s wi oe part of the
At the end of the four month
tour, which will run from Sept. 15
to Jan. 15, the students will report
on their stay.
Last summer, two NSA groups
visited Latin America and India,
and exchanged information with
students there.
NSA found that personal student
contact was very effective in in-
creasing understanding between
the two countries.
- Any student from NSA member
schools, of which the Univeresity
is one, may apply for a place on
the delegation.
The NSA pays all expenses in-
cluding travel and lodging. They
prefer students with a knowledge
of French or Arabic, or who have
experience in student organization
or journalism. All applications are
welcome, however.
Accepted students should attend
the 10th National Student Con-
Union Bans Bicycle, Parking at Side Entrance
By ERNEST ZAPLITNY - ___________
"The Union's loggia was never intended as a parking place for
bicycles," Union general manager Franklin C. Kuenzel said yesterday,
commenting on a recent action by the Union Board of Directors.
Signs at the much-used side entrance to the Union went up this
week announcing that parking of bicycles on the loggia (roofed, open
gallery-the veranda) and adjacent sidewalk is prohibited.
"The jumble of bicycles was becoming a terrific hazard," Kuenzel
said. "After several instances of people getting entangled and injured
weie reported, the Board of Directors undertook a study to eliminate
the problem."
Voted Unanimously
He said that at its May meeting the 19-member board (of which
10 are students) voted unanimously to restrict further bicycle-parking
there, but directed that enforcement of the ruling be deferred until
suitable nearby space is provided.
A part of the north drive was made available last week with room
for 65 bicycles, Kuenzel reported.
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