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July 02, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-07-02

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Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


See Page 2




Invite Red China
To Peace Talks
British Group Says Orientals
Should Join Nuclear Negotiations
LONDON ()-Leaders of 10 British Commonwealth lands agreed
yesterday that Red China, as a potential nuclear power, should join
final negotiations for a treaty to end the world arms race.
At the same time, qualified informants reported the United States
stands ready to announce two important modifications of its proposals
for a nuclear weapons "truce" with Russia.
One modification envisaged a ban on nuclear weapon tests late
in 1957 or early 1958 -if Russia agrees to negotiate' arrangements
%to cut off nuclear weapon produc-
tion by some time in 1959.
e re FPreviously the Western Allies
had thought in terms of a timelag
of only a few months.
Used To Buy Big Three Edict
l The other modification envis-
ages a declaration by the United
Int States, Britain and Russia - the
nuclear three - Simiting the uses
of atomic and hydrogen weapons
WASHINGTON (') - House in- to self-defense against major ag-
vestigators found .out yesterday gression. -
that money from Secretary of Previously the West had refused
State John Foster Dulles' confi- to consider spelling out any form
dential "emergency" fund has of prohibition on the use of these
been} used for liquor store pur- weapons.
chases. Harold E. Stassen, the Amer-
International operations sub- can disarmament delegate, will
committee members pricked up present the nuclear component of
their ears when Rep. H. S. Reuss the American plan for a limited
(D-Wis), reading from State De- disarmament treaty tomorrow
partment vouchers, wondered out when the five-power subcommit-
loud about $223.49 paid to the tee of the United Nations Disar-
Gold liquor store last January. mament Commission resumes its
But Chairman Porter Hardy talks in London.
(D-Va) shunted aside the question In the conference of British
for the time being while the com- Commonwealth statesmen yester-
mittee looked into some $350,000 day, the leaders were said to have
worth of State Department con- agreed broadly that the Commu-
tracts for public opinion polls nist Chinese' should be brought
since 1954, into the final negotiations for any
Officials Agreed world disarmament arrangements.
Even administration officials Might Be Meaningless
agreed yesterday the emergency They argued that to exclude
fund wouldn't be used for public Red China would render any glo-
opinion polls.'Whether it's legal to bal disarmament treaty meaning-
buy liquor from the hush-hush less.
fund wasn't touched on. Informants said the Common-
At the State Department there wealth chiefs realized that the
was no official explanation avail- United States - which does not
able immediately. recognize the Peiping regime -
At the liquor store, partner would find it difficult to accept
Harry Goldman said he wasn't too Red China as an equal negotiator
impressed by the 'congressmen's at this time.
disclosure. Current East-West disarma-
Particularly at issue yesterday ment talks, however,sprovide that
were payments to the National when an accord is in sight a world
Opinion Research Center, Univer- disarmament conference should
sity of Chicago, totaling $36,- be called under UN auspices.
318.75 between June 27, 1956 and
last February 27 for conducting
public opinion surveys on foreign
Contracts Terminated' T Be, ,
The contracts have since been
Comptroller General Campbell By VU Group
testified that spending out of this ,J
fund is exempted by law from the A
normal checkups made by his An opportunity to become mare
watchdog General Accounting of- familiar with Chinese culture and
fice.traditions will be offered at 8 p.m.
Campbell said the $36,318 was today in the Rackham Assembly
not "properly payable" from Dul- Hall, third floor of the Graduate
les' confidential fund because a
public opinion survey does not The program, second in a series
seem to be an "unforeseen emer- of eight presented by various
gency" Asian student groups on campus,
is in conjunction with the Sum-
mer Session theme, "Asian Cul-
Senate G roup tures and the Modern American."
Invitations may be obtained
free of charge at the Information
Votes .To eep Desk in the Administration Build-
ing from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today
File, Secrecy As the Assembly Hall has a seat-
Fie ing from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today.
will be given on a first-come,
WASHINGTON (M)-An admini- first-served basis.
stration-backed bill curbing ac- Also in the Asian Cultures pro-
cess to FBI files by criminal case gram, Prof. Max Loehr's lecture is
defendants won unanimous ap- scheduled for this afternoon.

proval of the Senate Judiciary
Committee yesterday.
The measure, sponsored by Sen. A T HILL A UDITO
Joseph O. O'Mahoney (D-Wyo)
and five other senators of both y
a parties, was designed to limit the jf £t I'iou
r effect of a June 3 Supreme Court OS
The bill was prompted by the
court's decision in the case of Clin-
ton F Jencks, accused of filing a
false non-Communist affidavit.
The majority opinion held that
a defendant in a criminal case is
entitled to see reports made to the
FBI by informants against him.'
The bill, drafted in conjunction
with Justice Department lawyers
would let a federal trial judge de-
cide what FBI material a defen-
dant was entitled to see.
Arthur ean J
' Takes New Job

Farce To Open


Count 246


In Hurricane-Hit Louisiana;


Total May


to 500


-Photo Courtesy Robert Logan
CHAPERON AND CHARGES-Anne Woodard, left; John Szucs,
center; and Jean Whitehurst, in scene from "Charley's Aunt." The
rib-tickling farce by Brandon Thomas opens at 8 p.m. today in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
City Council Endorses
U' Water Tank Project
Ann Arbor City Council last night approved purchase of a
half-million-gallon elevated water tank for North Campus as the first
move in a projected master plan for supplying water to the rapidly

developing area.
Purchased under agreements
Company, and Bendix Corporation,
Prof. 1Nlelson
Gives Music
Methods of teaching two and
three part songs to elementary
students were demonstrated by
Prof. Geneva Nelson of the music
school, in a lecture of "Singing
Activities in the Upper Elemen-
tary Grades" yesterday at Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall.
Prof. Nelson was assisted in her
demonstration by a group of sixth
and seventh grade students from
Eberwhite School.
She spoke of the important role
music plays in student's lives and
said nearly all children can learn
to carry a tune and stay on pitch
if given proper instruction.
Learning to sing, she com-
mented, will often give a student
confidence and a feeling of
achievement which can help him
in all his school work.
After explaining the necessity
of using a variety of songs, Prof.
Nelson led the students in two
songs with instrumental accom-
Prof. Philip Duey of the music
school will speak on how to build
tone quality in high school boy's
voices, at 3 p.m., Monday, in Audi-
torium D, Angell Hall.

with the University, Parke-Davis
who have created the greater part
of the immediate demand for the
water, the tank is to cost $122,500.
The agreements stipulate that
the two companies will pay a to-
tal of $50,000, the University 46
per cent of the cost, with the city
to pay the remaining charges.
It was also agreed that the City
water system must have sufficient
water supply in operation by Aug-
ust 15, 1958.
In unveiling the rest of the
long-range plan to the Council,
a representative >f Ayres, Lewis,
Norris, and May, the Council's
consulting engineers in the pro-
ject, revealed plans for an addi-
tional two-million-gallon ground
reservoir and a $300,000 to $400,-
000 main to be laid across the
City's old Fifth Wart; which is
expected to be a sufficient supply
to the area for about five years.
The Council also approved sev-
eral appointments made by Mayor
Samule Eldersveld.
Dr. D. E. Lichty was accepted
for membership to the Health
Commission, Bernard Harkins to
the Market Board, and Mrs. Ruth
Williams and Dean W. Coston to
the City Planning Commission.
League Plans
Dance Class
Intermediate dance classes will
be offered tonight from 7:30 to
9 p.m. in the League Ballroom.
The charge for men will be $4.00
for six lessons. Women will be ad-
mitted free of charge.

Marks IGY
giant explosion on the sun was
seen yesterday as scientists stu-
died the effects of one which
reached the earth Sunday in the
form of magnetic storms in the
high atmosphere.
The first explosion disrupted
some radio and telegraphic com-
munications but its effects were
exrected to taper off to normal
in a dayor two.
There were no indications yet
whether the xiew solar flare would
bring more magnetic disturbances
to the earth.
The solar pyrotechnics occur
periodically - reaching a maxi-
mum intensity in 11-year cycles,
but those this year are of parti-
cular interest because they coin-
cide with the opening of the In-
ternational Geophysical Year.
In fact, IGY's start yesterday
was timed to conform with the
peak of the current 11-year cycle
of solar activity.
IGY is a cooperative scientific
effort by 62 nations - including
Russia and most of her satellites
-to glean new information about
the earth, its oceans, its atmos-
phere and the sun.
The first "intense" flare erupted
three days ago but its effects were
not noted until early Sunday.
It was first spotted by Rus-
sian scientists.
For Series
WUOM has scheduled auditions
for actors, speakers and broad-
casters for a new documentary ra-
dio series on nationalism.
Bill Stegath, production direc-
tor, reports the series will depict
life in foreign countries with an
emphasis on nationalism as a
step toward internationalism.
Programs will chronicle nation-
alism in Ireland, Ghana, Egypt,
India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Japan
and China.
Auditions for the series - 13
programs in all, sponsored by a
grant from the Educational Radio
and Television Center in Ann Ar-
bor and the National Association
of Educational Broadcasters -
will be held this week from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.. at WUOM, fifth floor
of the Administration Building.
Stegath emphasizes that no
acting experience is necessary.
WUOM, he said, is seeking per-
sons with authentic foreign ac-
cents. as well as those who have
learned languages other than
their own.
WUOM hopes to complete re-
cordings of four programs this


She advised teachers to develop
their own reading and experience
by exposing themselves to popular
media such as TV, films, paper-
backs and magazines.
In the classroom, teachers should
"slow down and teach more," she
said. The entire text should not
be covered. "Leave something for,
students to read by themselves,"
she urged.
A. V. Williams, Traverse City
High School, reported that special
techniques at his school have nur-
tured "enthusiastic students, cur-
ious enough to be eager for wider
Having students expand endings
to short stories has met with con-
spicuous success, he informed.
He mentioned that junior high
school students indicated the most
interest in short stories involving
teen-age problems, and those con-
cerning modern science.
Prof. Clara Laidlaw, Michigan
State University, said that teachers
should be watchful of the "ap-
parently brighter students" who
practice the cult of "rejection
versus appreciation."
Such students, she explained,
develop stock responses to any
literature denoting "standards of
sentiment or piety."
Chinese Art'
Lecture Set
Prof. Max Loehr, of the fine arts
department, will give the second
in a series of nine lectures on
Asian Cultures and the Modern
American, at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow,
in Auditorium B, Angell Hall.
His topic will be "Aspects of
Chinese Art."

-Daily-Allan Winder
ENGLISH PANEL-Miss Eva Marie Van Houten, left; A. V.
Williams, center; and Prof. Clara Laidlaw yesterday discussed
problems of "Teaching the Short Story" in an English department
sponsored panel discussion.
English Teachers'xPanel
Discusses Short Story
"Teaching the Short Story" was discussed here yesterday by a
panel of three chaired by Prof. A. K. Stevens of the English depart-
ment before an audience of college and high school teachers and
students, in the second of a six-week series of conferences.
Opening discussion. Miss Eva Marie Van Houten, of Mumford
High' School, Detroit, suggested ways of improving current English
"We need a more delightful type of literature," she said. "A
fresh, short story unfamiliar to students should be selected as
the introductory piece in the- -

By The Associated Press 1
LANSING - Gov. G. Mennon
Williams yesterday signed into law
.the 1957-58 school aid bill impos-
ing higher state taxes on whisky,
and cigarettes.
At the state's 1,700 retail liquor
outlets, the price of a $4 fifth of
whisky rose 16 cents, and ciga-
rettes began selling at two to five
cents a pack higher.
The new law slapped an excise
tax of 4 per cent on whisky.
It boosted the state cigarette tax
from three to five cents, or two
cents a package.
Cigarette vending machine oper-
ators in many cases jumped their
price from 25 to 30 cents, generally
scorning the problem of making
penny change and in some cases
taking into account a price in-
crease of one cent ordered by
WASHINGTON -The H o u s e.
Foreign Affairs Committee yester-
day voted 22-6 for a bill authoriz-
ing $3,242,333,000 in foreign aid for
the coming year.
The figure is 600 million dollars
less than President Dwight D.
Eise nhower requested.
PHILADELPHIA-The president
of the NTational Education Assn.
estimated yesterday the nation will
be short at least 150,000 teachers
when school opens next fall.
. *
GRINNELL, Iowa - Two hun-
dred of the 1,800 youths and their
advisers at a national church
meeting are ill of influenza, the
State Health Department reported
The outbreak at the Westmin-
ster Fellowship National Assembly'
began with 12 cases last Friday
including 11 delegates from Cali-
fornia and a Nevada boy who ac-
companied the California delega-
By noon Monday, the number of
cases had risen to 200.
*. * *
WASHINGTON-Defense attor-
neys in the bribary-conspiracy trial
of Jimmy Hoffa moved for a mis-
trial yesterday, saying "racial
views" expressed by the prosecu-
tion's star witness constituted pre-
judice for the jury.
United States District Judge
Burnita S. Matthews said she
would rule today on the motion
and ordered the trial to continue.
m 3 - "'9.7

Bodies Brought Out
Of Stricken Area
By Aircraft, Boats
seemingly endless cortege of hur-
ricane dead moved north yesterday
from coastal Louisiana.
The silent cargo came out of a
land so greviously devastated that
it can no longer sustain human
The death toll from Thursday's
great storm, it was now feared,
would reach 500. Val Peterson,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
personal representative on the
scene, so reported by telephone to
the chief executive before flying
back to Washington.
246 Bodies Counted
At receiving centers here 246
bodies had been counted.
Not until Sunday was a road
opened to the stricken Cameron
area of southwestern Louisiana so
that a mass removal of victims
could begin. Until then, only air
and water craft were able to bring
out the dead.
Publichhealth authorities de-
clared the Cameron area unin-
habitable, probably for three weeks
at least.
"Every disease is a threat If
the people return now," said Don
Stout, of Atlanta, Ga., director of
the Red Cross operations in the
Before Hurricane Audrey, the
season's first, struck last week
Cameron counted some 3,000 resi-
dents, with another 3,000 in its
surrounding parish, or county. It
is a center for fishermen, trappers
and rice growers.
'Disease a Threat'
But the furious storm and a 20-
foot tidal wave destroyed every
building in the area but the court-
Cameron lacks fresh water.
It has no workable sewage
Broken glass and protruding
nails endanger human movement.
Mosquitoes are breeding by the
millions in pools of stagnant, un-
receded flood water.
There are no facilities for re-
frigerating food.
Poisonous snakes slither through
Refugees returning to this deso-
late land would face the menace
of typhoid, tetanus, malaria and
food poisoning.
Waters Must Recede
Officials said Cameron's flood
water must recede further before
it can be cleaned up thoroughly.
Then fresh water sources must be
opened and a sewage system re-
This may take weeks. Only then
could the job of rebuilding begin.
Meanwhile, the housing of thou-
sands of refugees in cramped
quarters posed its own threat of
The health problem was com-
plicated in the disaster area by
50,000 to 70,000 head of dead cat-
tle bloating in the relentless heat.
A mass grave was prepared in
sandy soil east of Lake Charles for
unidentified Negro victims of the
hurricane, their passing marked
by a common headstone.
Asian Films
To Be Shown
Four Asian films are being
shown at a local theater during
the summer session as a supple-
ment to the University's "Asian

Cultures and the Modern Ameri-
can" lecture theme.
"S a m u r a i", "Chandra" and
"Madame Butterfly", the three re-
maining films in the program, will
be shown on Wednesdays and
Thursdays, beginning next week
with "Samurai".
"Magnificent Seven," shown
last week at the Campus Theater,

ins Give Native Dance Presentation

A deep, deep trance was evident at Hill Auditorium last night.
It was "Indonesian Night," and the men and women who are
staff members of the Indonesial Embassy in Washington, augmented
by some University students, presented an evening of authentic danc-
ing and music from their homeland.
The warmly receptive audience was held spellbound from the mo-
ment narrator Mr. Prahasto introduced members of the traditional
Gamelan orchestra.
The instruments were painted bright red and cream. Some were
made of brass or wood of natural color.
When played individually, they gave tones that are not present in
Western music. When played in concert the audience visualized it-
self in Jakarta and other Indonesian communities, and there it re-
mained during the dancing.
"Tani Piring," or candle dance, performed by Gandasari Abdullah,
a girl 'of poise and gracefulness, as well as beauty created an effect
which was decidedly different from the rest, for it was accompanied


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