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June 29, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-06-29

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Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom



See Page 2




Killed, Hundreds


by Gulf Tidal wave









fBoats Speed
To Holocaust
Damage Estimates
Still Unavailable
moth tidal waves-receding slowly
at nightfall-swamped the Louisi-
ana coast yesterday in the wake
of hurricane Audrey, leaving at
least 167 dead and hundreds in-
. Jured.
No overall damage estimates
were, available.
SMaj. Gen. Raymond Hufft, state
civil defense commander, said
there were 150 known dead in the
Cameron area alone and "it may
be a week to 10 days" before the
t final count is finished.
17 Others Dead
Seventeen other victims were
counted elsewhere.
An armada of helicopters and
fleets of boats roamed through the
flooded Cameron area south of
here in the southwest corner of
the Mate.
A 20-mile strip along the coast
is below sea level.
Cameron Parish county Sheriff
C?. B. Cartei predicted the death
toll would be at least 200.
Rescue teams brought out hun-
dreds from the town of Cameron
and ordered helicopters into the
Grand Cheniere and Black Bayou
sections of the parish during the
late afternoon.
. A civil defense spokesman here
said possibly 1,000 remained in
those communities, waiting on
rooftops and high spots without
food or water.
1,000 Safe
Red Cross sources said about
1,000 persons stayed in the parish
when Audrey struck Thursday.
Bill Mertena, an American
Press reporter, toured the Cam-
eron area by plane and helicop-
He said Cameron was about 90
per cent destroyed, with "at least
50 per cent of the buildings, de-
molished completely and many
others so badly damaged they
were a total loss."
"Only projecting foundations
and chimneys told where there
had been houses," Mertena said.
"The resort community of Holly
Beach no longer exists. It was
completely wiped off the map."
Bodies of dead cattle, horses
and wild animals littered stretch-
es of the marshlands.
Four hundred persons were res-
cued on one boat alone, the ma-
jority picked off rafts, trees, rem-
nants of rooftops.
Some were swimming or just
floating when spotted by rescuers.
English Talks
To Continue
At High School
Second day's activities of the
Advance Placement English Con-
ference will be held at Ann Arbor
High School today.
Prof. John Shaw of Hiram Col-
lege will discuss "Advanced Place-
ment Examinataions in English
Literature" at 9 a.m. in the Com-
munity Room of the high school.
This will be followed at 10:45
by Prof. Arthur J. Carr of the
English department who will lec-
ture on "Teaching a Play."
Completing the day's program
at 2 p.m. will be a discussion on

the "Teaching of a Novel."
A brief schedule on Sunday
morning in South Quadrangle
will conclude the three day con-
Robert Jameson, advance place-
mhent teacher at Haverford Col-
lege, Haverford, Penn., and Mrs.
Alice Coleman, teaching consul-
tant in the Sa nDiego city schools.
will be co-speakers on the topic,
"Ways of Combining Literature
and Composition in Advanced
Placement Courses."
Miller Cleared
hOn one Count

Dulles Fears
UN Ruination
SAN FRANCISCO ()-Granting membership to Communistj
China would lead to the "destruction of the United Nations, Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles declared yesterday.
"Communist Russia, with veto power, already seriously limits
the ability of the United Nations to serve its intended purposes,"
Dulles said.
"Were Communist China also to become a permanent, veto-

wielding member of the Security C
Varied Acts
ELI Shows
First of a series of weekly Fri-
day -night shows was performed
last night by students of the Eng-
lish Language Institute.
A Varied program was presented
to an enthusiastic audience in thej

Council, that would, I fear, implant
4in the United Nations the seeds
of its own destruction.
Tells Lions
The secretary made this strong
statement of opposition at the
international convention of the
Lions Club in the very city where
the United Nations was born.
Delegates broke into applause
seven times during the 30-minute
speech which was televised nation-
Recognition of the Soviet Union
Iby the United States in 1933 set
no precedent necessitating recog-
nition of Communist China now,
Dulles said. -
'Peaceful' Nonaggression
"Soviet Russia, in 1933, had a
decade of peaceful nonaggressive
relations with neighboring coun-
tries, while Communist China's
past record is one of armed ag-
gression," he declared.
"The Soviet regime seemed to
want peace for the future. In the
case of Communist China, the sit-
uation is quite the reverse."
'He Baia the Red Chinese am-
bassador to Geneva, in talks con-
cerning the Far East situation,
"finally stated frankly that his
regime contemplated using armed
force to take Taiwan (Formosa)
unless they could get it in some
other way."
USSR Not Faulty
"The Soviet Union in 1933 was
not flagrantly violating its in-
ternational engagements," Dulles
"The Chinese Communist regime
is violating the 1953 Korean armis-
time and the 1954 Indochina
American recognition of Com-
munist China would lead to dire
consequences, the secretary de-
Dulles said, "If the United
States recognized the Chinese
Communist regime, millions of
overseas Chinese in free Asian
countries would. reluctantly, turn
to acceptance of the guiding di-
rection of the Communist regime.
"The Republic of China, now on
Taiwan, would feel betrayed by its
Of Book Fai

$1 Billion
More Added
To Defense
WASHINGTON (1P)-The Senate
Appropriations Committee heeded
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
pleas yesterday and voted to add
$971,504,000 to the defense budget
for the fiscal year starting Mon-
Acting unanimously, it recom-
mended atotal of $34,534,229,000
to run the Army, Navy and Air
Force the next 12 months.
A bill passed by the House con-
tains only $33,562,725,000, nearly a
billion dollars less.
Difference Cited
If the full Senate goes along
with the' increase, the difference
will have to be adjusted in a Sen-
ate-House confei ence.
While the Appropriations Com-
mittee was restoring hundreds of'
millons to the defense budget,
President Eisenhower himself cut
4561/ million dollars from his
budget request for military public
works, covered in a different bill.
The White House sent Congress
a revised request for $1,665,500,000
for this purpose.
Savings To Be Made
The proposed savings would be
made by deferring less urgent con-
struction projects until next year
or later.
President Eisenhower had asked
the House to restore $1,200,000,008
to the defense bill in what he
termed the interests of national
defense, but his plea went practi-
cally unheeded by the economy-
minded legislators when they
passed their version of the bill
May 29.
The Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee's figures are still about 11 ;
billion dollars below what the
President originally requested al-
though they are much closer to
the minimum he said he could get
along with.
Egypt Gives
New Ruling
CAIRO, Egypt 0 - A spokes-
man for President Gamal Nasser
says Egypt will prevent Israeli
shipping from forcibly using the
Suez Canal or the Gulf of Aqaba.
Wing Cmdr. Ali Sabry said if
Israel tried to force those water-
ways "with foreign help," the out-
come would be the same as last
November's invasion of Egypt by
ain opiC
r at Eastern


Indonesian Dancers To Perform



A 15-member Indonesian Em-
bassy dance group and traditional
Gamelan Orchestra, appearing in
conjunction with the Summer Ses-
sion program, "Asian Cultures and
the Modern American," will per-
form at 8 p.m. Monday in Hill
Their program will include tra-
ditional gamelan numbers and
dances from their native country.
Featured dancers on the pro-
gram will be Djoko Sanjoto, edu-
cational and cultural attache for
the Embassy of Indonesia, and his
wife, who have appeared all over
the country, including for mem-
bers of the General Assembly of
the United Nations in New York.
Other Numbers Set
Three other dancers will also
presert numbers on the program,!
w i t h assistance from student
dancers from Sumatra who are
presently in Michigan.
Ten other members from the
Embassy will make up the Game-
lan Orchestra.
Unique instruments used in the
orchestra are made of wood, metal,
copper and brass, and skin drums,
producing unusual sounds.
Members of Embassy
All :nembers of the group are.
staff members of the Embassy of
Indonesia in Washington, D. C.
Peerformances are done in their
spare time.
Next event in the special Sum-
mer Session series will be a lecture
by Prof. Max Loehr, of the Far
IEastern Art Program at 4:15 p .m.
Tuesday in Auditorium B. Angell
He will discuss "Aspects of
Chinese Art."
Films Slated
Five documentary films on
Asian cultures will be shown Mon-
day, at Kellogg Auditorium.
The films are part of a series of
films on Asia to be shown through-
out the summer session.
The group of films scheduled
for this Monday are: "Sampan
Family," "Japanese Family " "Rice
Farming in Japan," 'Scenes of
Viet Nam," and "India and Pakis-
tan: The Land and the People."
The films will be shown in the
afternoon from 4 to 5:30 and a re-
peat showing in the evening from
8 to 9:30.
The films wll be open to the
public without charge.

-Daily-Ian MacNiven
...entertains audience

-Photo Courtesy University News Service
"THE KNIGHT AND THE DEMON"-Fifteen-member Indonesian
Embassy dance group and traditional Gamelan Orchestra will
perform vt 8 p.m., Monday, in Hill Auditorium.
Untimely Rain Halts'
Scheduled House Fire
Ann Arbor Fire Department didn't feel like starting the fire,
so the house at 1951 West Liberty was saved from flames yesterday.
-Burning of this condemned farm-type house was supposed to
occur at 2:30 p.m. The event was to climax week-long activities of
the 29th annual Michigan Fire College.
But rain cancelled the plans.
Small Crowd Waited
A small crowd of spectators, newsmen and fire-watchers had
gathered by about 2:20 p.m. to witness the conflagration. Standing

Assembly Room of Rackham Hall
by representatives of many coun-
A rendition of "Uskudar," a
Turkish love song, was given by
Gungor Gozubuyuk.
Koorosh E. Samii, of Iran, en-
tertained on the accordian. His
"C:ardas" brought clamors for
an encore; he responded with the
popular "Malaguena."
A mixed chorus of eight drawn
from Cuban, Venezuelan. Peru-
vian. and Mexican students sang
three 'Latin-American songs and
concluded with "Cielito Lindo."
Hyun Kim from Korea, bari-
lone, sang a folk song from his
home country.
Fetured was an "Explanation of
the Bullfight" carred out by Fer-
nando Escribens, who, appropri-
ately enough, intends to become a
UN Command
Brings Planes
SEOUL (I')-United States jet
bombers and faster - than - sound
fighters roared over South Korea

Health Plan
For 1957=58
Cost of Program
Should Not Exceed
$15,.Committee Says
A Student Government Council
authorized health insurance 'pro-
gram will go into effect during the
fall semester.
Scott Guy Chrysler, '59, SGOC
health insurance committee chair-
man, was given authority by mail
vote earlier this week to bind con-
tracts on behalf of the Council.
Contracts for the insurance
program will be on an entirely
voluntary basis, Mrs. Ruth T.
Callahan, of the Office of Student
Affairs, stressed yesterday.
Will Be In Effect
She indicated that arrange-
ments will not be complete for at "
least another month, but said the
program will definitely be in ef-
fect this fall.
Complete insurance for fulltime
students should not cost more
than $15 for a full year, Mrs. Calo
lahan said.
The program may also include
a semester plan with pro-rated
'Adequate Protection'
It is expected to provide "more
than adequate protection for the
average student as well as provide
coverage . .. for severe incidents.
Program will include accident
and sickness compensation, in-
eluding hospitalization reimburse-
ment up to 12 days and miscella-
neous medical expenses.
Available to both undergradu-
ate and graduate students, the
program is expected to have high-
er premiums for married students
who desire maternity benefits.
Detroit Firm
Premiums are also expected to
be slightly higher for students' de-
Plans call for the program to
be written by Detroit Insurance
Agency (which handles a large
portion of the University's insur-
ance) for American Casualty
Company, Reading, Pa.
Promotions for the voluntary
health insurance plan will be set
up by Detroit Insurance Company
and approved by SGC.
Indicated promotions include
individual solicitation by mail and
an all-out campaign at registra-
tion. Promotions are expected to
be continued through September.
with the actual starting date of
the insurance sometime about the
first week of October.
King Speaks
On 'Dignity'
DETROIT ( P) - The Rev. Mar-
tin Luther King told a mass meet.
ing of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple (NAACP) tonight that "close
adherence" to the passive resis-
tance method he used in Mont-
gonery, Ala., "might even mean
going to jail."
"If this is the case," he said,

"we must with dignity and love
fill up the jails of the South."
Accepting an achievement
award from the NAACP conven-
tion, the Rev. Mr. King said, "you
are really honoring the 50,000 Ne-
gro citizens of Montgomery, Ala.,
who more than a year ago came
to see that it is ultimately more


YPSILANTI-Plans are set to
give intense concentration to
paperback books at Eastern Michi-
gan College's fifth annual Book
Fair, to open here Monday.
Highlight of the three-day affair
will be a talk by novelist-critic
Harvey Swados set for 10:35 a.m.,
Tuesday, in the auditorium of
Roosevelt School.
Tcpic of the lecture will be "The
Reader, The Writer and the Pa--
A panel will discuss "The Paper-
back-Revolution in Publishing?"
at 3:45 p.m., Tuesday.

lish department, and Marjorie M.y

Miller of Eastern Michigan's Eng-
lish and Speech Department. Local
James r. Green, EMC's develop-
ment and planning director, will d
meat and plnisnussiror, Swill' Lit 4
will serve as information source.
A lecture on "Illustrated Books The Stan)
and Art Education" will be given nounced a s
by Prof. Howard S. Conant, of concerts in t
Netw York University, at 2:15 p.m., Hall for the
Monday. sented at 8:3
John B. Virtue will introduce and August 6
Swados, a member of the Univer- Included i
sity's Class of 1940. bership of th
Included in the fair's plans are Ross and Em
more than 60 special book exhibits. bert Courte,
Hours for the exhibits will be Swenson cell
Monday from noon to 4 p.m.; Swenson i,
Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; of Illinois's
and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to He is repl
12:30 p.m. the summer.

ley Quartet has an-
series of three public
the Rackham Lecture
summer to be pre-
0 p.m., July 9, July 23,
n the summer mem-
he quartet are Gilbert
il Raab, violins; Ro-
viola; and Robert
s cellist in University
Walden quartet.
acing Oliver Edel for

Will Discuss
Short Story
"Teaching the Short Story" will
be the topic of a panel discussion
at 4 p.m., Monday, in Auditorium
C, Angell Hall.
The discussion will be the sec-
ond in the seventh annual series
of conferences for high school
English teachers.
Leading the panel will be Prof.
A. K. Stevens of the English de-
Prof. Stevens is editor of Mich-
igan Council of Teachers of Eng-
lish's newsletter.
Taking part in the conference'
will be Prof. Clara Laidlaw of
Michigan State University's De-
partment of English.
Also taking part in the discus-
sion will be Eva Marie Van Hou-
ten of Detroit Mumford High
School and A. V. Williams of
Traverse City High School.

-in ankle deep mud which sur-
rounded the premises they eager-
ly waited. One youngster came
equipped with fire helmet and
boots to assist the city's firemen
--who never showed up.
University maintenance men
had been there earlier to fill the
building with papers and assorted
garbage that was to help start the
blaze on its merry way.
The building, constructed of
wood and looking (with its brok-
en windows, leaky roof and dismal
appearance) much like a haunted
house out of a Hollywood who-
done-it, is situated on a small
mound overlooking a wooded and
sparcely populated section of West
Liberty, about two miles from the
main part of town.
Photographers from press ser-
vices were also present with full
motion picture equipment to re-
cord the fire. Setting their cam-
era tripods up in the deep mud
they waited for the wail of sirens
that would indicate the coming of
the fire fighters.
But only a lone car dispatched
by the University arrived to an-
nounce the change in plans.
The house still stands, still
filled with waste, and surrounded
by mud, its future still uncertain.
Perhaps some worldly philoso-
phers will look upon this event
as one more example of man's
eternal fight with the elements,
but a local Aristotle summed it
up best when he said, "Rain,
Ieke Approves
- *,.-.

Military officials here and in Panel members will include
Japan said privately they con- Roberta C. Keniston, librarian at
sidered the flights a direct result the University's undergraduate
of a United Nations Command de- library; Bob Marshall, Ann Arbor
cision to bring in new arms in the and Ypsilanti bookseller, Prof.
face of a large-scale Communist Arthur Carr and Prof. Frank
military buildup in North Korea. Huntley of the University's Eng-


Summer Playbill To Open with 'Charley's


"Charley's Aunt", the rollicking Edwardian farce, will open the
Department of Speech Summer Playbill at 8 p.m., Tuesday, under the
direction of Prof. Jack E. Bender,
The last of four performances of the play at Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre will be staged Friday, July 5.
In the all-student cast are William Hawes, Grad.; Marilyn Pearce,


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