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June 28, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-06-28

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Ususal Unconcern Greets
Davis Conviction
See Page 2


ink~i Y




Years of Editorial Freedom



105 -mph Hurricane



17 in Two States











Nickerson Blasts'

Wilson s


Says Aircraft Industry and USAF
Conspire Against Army Plans
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. P)- - Col. John C. Nickerson Jr., standing
every last inch of his ground, yesterday accused Defense Secretary
7 Charles E. Wilson of "grave errors" in curtailing the Army's guided
missile program.
"These are grave errors which greatly diminish our over-all com-
bat powers - they are errors not likely to be balanced by correspond-
ing Russian errors," added the 41-year-old colonel in a defiant state-
ment directed at Wilson, second only to President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower in American military power.
Thus Nickerson followed 'the same lonely path trod 32 years

ago by Brig. Gen. William (Billy)
Three Dead,
Three Hurt
In Accident
Special to The Daily
e persons were killed and three in-
jured in a two-car crash here yes-
Washtenaw County Sheriff's
office reported drivers of both
cars (Willy Clayton, 50 years old,
of Detroit, and Charles H. Ste-
vens, 41 years old, of Pontiac)
were killed. Walter Morris, 31
years old, of Detroit, a passenger
in Clayton's car was also killed.
Clayton's car went into a skid
and was struck broadside by Ste-
vens' car on Highway 12, east of
Kalmbach Road, at 8:30 p.m.
} ' Injured and taken to Univer-
sity Hospital were:
Lawrence Moore, 32, of Detroit,
Clark H. Davis, 15, of Pontiac,
Fannie Sykes, 30, of Detroit.
Sheriff Erwin F. Klager said
it was the worst accident in the
county since May 18, 1956 when
five were killed on Plymouth
Road near Prospect St., Dixboro.
Three University students were
killed in the Plymouth Road acci-
Slum Changes
Aid housing
DETROIT (MP) - The housing
director of the National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP) said to-
day "we are beginning to see slight
improvements" in the housing
I situation of Negroes.
Maitin S. Jones of New York,
who is in charge of. the NAACP's
housing program, outlined the or-
ganization's policy in regional
meetings at the annual conven-
tion here.
The NAACP, he said, "is out to
end discrimination and segrega-
tion in the housing field. We can
decomplish this just as we licked
the educational 'problem."
Jones advised NAACP leaders
on the local level to find out what
' city officials are planning, He
said practically every city has slum
clearance. urban redevelopment
and renewal projects:
"We are building cities of the
-future and it is incumbent that
we get our oar in," he sid h
Jones reported the housing pic-
ture was slightly brighter for Ne-
groes because "some builders have
started to build for a free mar-
ket." He said some financial in-
stitutions-not too many of them
i -are interested in financing such
"There are some indications." he
said; "of a change in trend in
public housing in many Northern
, and Western areas where housing
has been segregated."
The NAACP Branch Leader at
Baltimore, Md., Bowen Jackson,
said, "It is a pleasure to report
that public housing in Baltimore
has been inegrated. There has
not been one single racial incident
of any consequence in any public
housing project where integra-
tion has been effected."
Mrs. Constance Motley of New

Mitchell. His career was wrecked
qby his stubborn insistence that
the then-infant air arm of the
military was being dangerously
Nickerson faces. the same pos-
sible fate for his defense of the
Army missile program.
With a quick, tight smile for his
attractive wife, Nickerson took the
witness stand in his own defense
in the third day of his court-
martial at nearby Redstone Ar-
senal, where the Army has devel-
oped -its 1,500-mile Intermediate
Range Ballistics Missile, the Ju-
Nickerson climaxed a 10-year-
old interservice feud by using se-
cret data in a fight to save the
IRBM program for the Army aft-
er Wilson turned it over to the
Air Force.
"I am as far out on a limb as
I can get," Nickerson said rue-
He accused Wilson of ignoring
expert advice and bowing to pres-
sure from the Air Force, the air-
craft industry and Congress in
his Nov. 26 memorandom of de-
Rain Cheeks
Fire College
Car Burning
A dilapidated car was saved from
being set to flames yesterday after-
noon at Ferry Field by the rainy
The schedule for the Fire College
currently being held at the Uni-
versity included true-to-life prac-

East Texas,
Hit Hard
Winds Losing Force
Over the Coastline
ORANGE, Tex. OP)-Hurricane
Audrey, which took at least 17
lives andncaused wide-spread
damage along the Texas-Louisi-
ana coast was losing its punch
last night as it pushed inland to-
ward the Lower Mississippi Val-
Winds of 105-miles-an-hour ve-
locity had sent thousands of
coastal residents in the two states
scurrying for higher ground.
But the winds dropped to 75
'mph early last night and the
United States Weather Bureau
said they would continue to di-
minish as the center of the sea-
son's first hurricane moved to-
ward n oth e as t ern Louisiana,
northern Mississippirand Southern
Downpours to Continue
The heavy downpours that ac-
companied the hurricane were due
to continue as it moved inland.
The center of the hurricane had
moved northeastward to near Al-
exandria, La., late last night.
Winds and rains diminished
along the Texas coast.
Audrey, which since Monday
had been churning its way across
the Gulf of Mexico, virtually
leaped upon the coast yesterday.
The Weather Bureau at Port
Arthur had predicted Wednesday
night that the storm would not hit
until last night.
Center at Cameron
But the bureau pinpointed its
center as striking at 8 a.m. at
Cameron, La., about 30 miles
southeast of here
The 50-mile wide eye passed
over Orange in the familiar pat-
tern: hurricane winds, followed
by dead calm, then renewed severe
At least seven men drowned
when the 78-ton fishing vessel
Keturah struck an offshore drill-
ing platform near Galveston Bay
Wednesday night during the
$1 Million Damage
Civil Defense Director Larry
Stephenson of Lake Charles, La,,
estimated 168 persons checked in-
.to hospitals during the storm's
passage over that southwest Lou-
isiana city of about 50,000. He es-,
timated damage at one million
dollars. (Lake Charles is about 35j
miles northeast of Orange.)
At mid-afternoon the hurricane
still was t h r o w i n g powerful;
The Weather Bureau said winds
were 80 miles per hour near its1
center as it moved northward in
the general area of the Texas-s
Louisiana border.E
It brought rain squalls through-
out extreme east Texas and most
of Louisiana.
The winds tore down powert
lines, broke off tree limbs andt
threw them into the air, isolating7
many cities and towns from out-F
side telephone calls.t
High tides, estimated as much
as nine feet above normal, com-
bined with the wind to throw wa-
ter over seawalls and block roads.f




Educators Cite Growth in Gifted Pupil Program

s Warn

Recognition of a growing need
for providing sound educational
experience for ambitious secon-
dary school students who are ca-
pable of superior performance
was stressed by speakers at the
Advanced Placement English Con-
ference begun here last night.
'A group of some 50 teachers
from 20 states and a number of
University and local high school
faculty members gathered at
Rackham Lecture Hall to hear
leading proponents of the pro-
Featured speakers were Harold
Howe, principal of Newton High
School and director of Newton
Junior College, Mass., and Robert
Jameson, teacher of Advanced
Placement English, Haverford
College, Haverford, Pa.
Nicholas Schreiber, principal of
House Says
No Foreign
GI Trials
Foreign Affairs Committee voted
18-8 yesterday for a stiffly-worded
resolution aimed at ending trials
of GIs by foreign courts.
It approved without change a
hotly-disputed resolution by Rep.
Bow (R-Ohio) saying the Presi-
dent "shall" seek revision or de-
nounce the status-of-forces agree-
ments allowing for foreign trial et
Urited States servicemen for some
President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower has spoken out in support
of the status-of-forces agreements
and his administration has long
fought the Bow resolution.
But voicing criticism concern-
ing the celebrated case of Army
Specialist William S. Girard, the
congressmen overrode Eisenhower
supporters in a day-long commit-
tee session and voted for the bill.
It will require Senate and House
approval and President Eisenhow-
er's signature before it can be-
come law.
The committee acted after re-
fusing to put off a vote until after
the Supreme Court considers the
case of Girard, whom the Japa-
nese want to try for the fatal
shooting of a Japanese woman
while she was scavenging on an
Army firing range in Japan.
The Supreme Court has slated
a special hearing on the case July

Ann Arbor High School was chair-
Dean Charles Odegaard, of the
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts prefaced the meeting
with remarks on the responsibil-
ities of colleges in the Advanced
Placement Program.
He stressed that colleges are
faced with responsibilities to the
entire student body - from fresh-
men to doctoral candidates-and
that planning under the advanced
placement program must not
overlook this.
Dean Odegaard said that fo-
cusing the superior abilities of
these few students should result
in a general upgrading in the abil-
ities of all students.
Schreiber remarked that the
Advanced Placement program
should not be regarded as a pana-
cea for all educational problems.
In time, he added, the program
should settle down to a normal
function of schools.
Howe saidcthe program was
conceived on the general notion
that able students in secondary
schools need a "better shake," and
is based on the assumption that
teachers have the skills to devel-
op superior students if they are


-Daily-Alan Winder
... cites progress . . . urges more reading


There are definite signs of rec-
ognition of the program in col-'
leges, Howe continued. Many col-
leges now place superior students
in advanced courses, he said. Also,
over 75 colleges this year have
awarded semester hours of credit
to these students.
Howe said the program is an
"organized way to do something
for the small group of gifted stu-
dents", and expressed optimism
that it "will expand to become a
recognized point in American edu-
Jameson dealt with specific
problems in the English curricula
of secondary schools in the Ad-
vanced Placement Program.
More expository writing, "me-
ticulously exact," is needed, he

Pair Refuse To Testify;
Court Edict Responsible
WASHINGTON (P)--Two Senate witnesses seized on a 10-day-old
Supreme Court decision yesterday as grounds for refusal to say
whether they were Communists when they had access to official
government messages.
The two, appearing before the Senate Internal Security subcom-
mittee, were Howard V. Trautman and Salvatore A. Testa, both of
New York and both members of

said, in place of "creative" writ-
ing now getting much attention.
Reading should be expanded to
"stretch the minds" of students,
Jameson stated, but warned that
there is danger of over-emphasis
on literature to the detriment of
Man. Killed,
Five Injured
In Explosion
explosion and flash fire In the
Anchor Hocking Glass Corp.
forming department last night
killed a young glass blower and
critically burned five other work-
Dead was John Davis, 23, Win-
chester, who was working on his
day off and who only Sunday had
moved up from apprentice to op-
erator status.
The explosion was heard two
miles away, but it occurred in a
fireproof section and did not
cause extensive damage.
Winchester firement brought
the fire under control in a short
time, and plant operations were
not greatly affected.
An appeal for blood for the vic-
tims brough quick response from
more than 25 prospective donors.
Burned critically and in Ran-
dolph County Hospital here were
Carl Myers, 51, Union City; Tiv-
eredy Green, 43, Winchester; Olan
Noland, 35, Winchester; Everett
Shaw, 46, Farmland, and James
Harvey, 29, Winchester.
Edward Monk of Winchester
suffered burns on the hands in
pulling Davis away from the
flames after the explosion.
Plant Manager Donald Mat-
thews said the explosion was
caused by a break in a paraffin
oil line.

May Disrupt
Political Conflict
Ties into Proposals
In London Meeting
MOSCOW (RI) -The S o v i e t
Union yesterday declared hopes of
German reunification can be
buried if West Germany accepts
nuclear armaments from the West.
In a note which appeared cer-
tain to have repercussions in the
United Nations disarmament talks
now going on in London, the So-
viet Union told West Germany
"nuclear armament of Germany
and German reunification are ir-
A settlement of world political
conflicts, which would include re-
unification of Germany, has been
tied into proposals submitted to
the London conference.
U. S. Proposes Plan
The United States has proposed
a three-phase reduction of Soviet
and United States armed forces,
provided it is accompanied by an
improvement in East-West politi-
cal relations.
The United States also has as-
sured West Germany, which Is
not represented in the London
talks, that it would be consulted
on all measures undertaken to
reach a disarmament agreement.
The Soviet note--handed to
West German Ambassador Wil-
helm Haas by Soviet Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Gromyko - declared
West Germany was setting itself
up as an arbiter in the London
Note Accuses W. Germany
The note also accused West
Germany of trying to make agree-
ment on disarmament dependent
on "certain conditions."
The Kremelin declared the Bonn
government would have to bear
full resoonsibility for the conse-
quences of its cooperation with the
This was an elaboration of a
note delivered to Chancellor Kon-
rad Adenauer's government last
April 27 warning that West Ger-
many risked the horrors of nu-
clear retaliation if it cooperated
with the West on atomic arma-
West Germany Replies
Germany replied on May
23 with a vigorous denial that it
was being turned into an "aggres-
sive atomic base."
It asserted the Soviet accusa-
tion was an attempt to influence
voters at general elections in
Adenauer's political future is at
stake in the September elections.
He has refused to back down on
his statement that West Germany,
as a member of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization, is entitled
to tactical atomic weapons.
Court To End
Monopoly Acts
Herbert Brownell yesterday an-
nounced the entry of a civil anti-
trust consent judgment against

the Greyhound Corp. of Chicago,
designed to end alleged monopo-
listic practices in the intercity bus
Under this procedure, the Jus-
tice Department filed suit in the
federal district court at Chicago
late yesterday, and the consent
judgement, accepted by both sides,
was entered immediately by the
The action named General Mo-

--Daily-Allan Winder

tice in extinguishing a burning
automobile. It was to have taken
place yesterday, but the doomed
vehicle was saved by the rains atj
the last minute.
However, the disappointed stu-
dent firemen will not stay disap-
pointed long. They're setting their
sights higher today as they tackle
the flames of a condemned house
on West Liberty at 2:30 p.m.

American Jets Sent to South Korea

t h e American Communications
Their testimony produced these
1. They were suspended from
their jobs. of automatic telegraph
operator and radio operator, re-
spectively, by RCA Communica-
tions, Inc.
The company said it acted in
line with a policy "to guard against
subversion and to maintain pro-
tection for its employes and pro-
perty against possible espionage
or sabotage."
2. Their stand set up what may
be a guideline for others instead
of relying on the Constitution's
F i f t h Amendment protection
against self-incrimination, they
used the First Amendment and the
Supreme Court's June 17 decision
in the John T. Watkins case.
3. Sen. Rohan Hruska (R-Neb)
mentioned the possibility of a trial
before the Senate-which has sent
people to jail in the past for con-
tempt-rather than in the courts.
This was the first time witnesses
in an open committee meeting
have invoked the Watkinsdeci-
sion, one of several recent odes by
the court which have set off a
storm of debate.
Trautman said that under the
Watkins ruling he could not be re-
quired to testify about his "be-
liefs expressions or associations."
He said the question as to
whether he was a Communist ex-
ceeded the committee's jurisdic-
ELI Starts

American Jets
SEOUL - The United States:
flew new-type jet planes into
South Korea today to make good
on its pledge to match the Com-
munist buildup in the North.
The United States Air Force an-
nouncement did not specify the
type of planes or how many, but
shortly after noon four F100 Su-
per Sabre jet fighters flashed over
An Air Force spokesman at
Osan, huge American base south
of Seoul, said, "All types of air-
craft now in use by the 5th Air
Force based in Japan are - or
will be - flying the skies and us-
ing the airways of South Korea."
The United Nations Command
told the Communists June 21 it
was voiding the 1953 armistice

Passport Rule
Department's right to require
passport applicants to say wheth-
er they are or have been Com-
munists was upheld 5-3 by the
United States Court of Appeals.
Five of the eight judges voted
to uphold District Court rulings
which backed up the State De-
partment's denial of passports to
artist Rockwell Kent and Dr.
Walter Briehl, Los Angeles psy-

the Reds had consistently violated
the armistice ban.
Wilson Speaks .
WASHINGTON - Secretary of,
Defense Charles Wilson said yes-
terday the banning of atomic
weapons tests "would just be sort
of a nuisance, but wouldn't stop
anything" in the world armament
Wilson was asked at a news
conference what effect suspension
of nuclear tests would have in
development of new weapons.
He replied that "it would fi-
nally tend to slow it down some"
-but then added that the ques-
tion was not one for him, but for
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Secretary of State John F.

tier of West Germany for the past
11 years.
Diplomatic sources said yester-
day details of the plan to pull
back the British forces are being
hammered out by West German
and British experts.
The gradually expanding Ger-
man army is to provide the for-
ward NATO screen along the hun-
dreds of miles of Iron Curtain
frontier from the Baltic to Czech-
New Capitol .,.
LANSING - The legislature
yesterday paved the way for early
construction of a new 10 million
dollar state office building and
voted a study on tighter controls
over sexually motivated crimin-

Price of Steel Hiked
By Leading Producer
PITTSBURGH (MP-United States Steel Corp. producer of nearly
one-third of the nation's steel, yesterday announced an increase in
prices of approximately $6.00 a ton.
The increase is effective July 1.
The steel firm, biggest in the world, said the price increase is
necessary because of increases in wages and benefits that will become
effective for many of its employes on the same date under terms of a
three-year contract signed a year ago with the United Steel Workers.
Other steel producers in the nation are expected to announce sim-
ilar prices increases very soon.
Avery Adams, president of Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., the na-
tion's fourth largest producer termed the price increase inadequate.
He said: "The price increase is grossly inadequate in so far as
covering our total and anticipated cost increases is concerned."
Adams said he had no comment at this time on J&L's plans for
any price adjustments.
U. S. Steel President Clifford F. Hood said in a statement that the
increase will amount to about three-tenths of a cent a pound and

Ta lent


# - -__I

The English Language Institute E "will bring the average U. S. Steel's carbon and alloy steel prices to
will hold a talent program at 8aout 73 cents ncr nound."





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