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August 14, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-08-14

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Sixt y-Seventh Year

Opinions Are Free'
,h Will Prevail"

rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY. AUGUST,14. 1957


Summer in Review.
The Summing Up

A5 THE, SUMMER draws to a close and The
Daily winds up its publication for another
month, we find we must comply with the
time-honored summing up, the reflective look
over the past eight weeks of instruction and
of putting out a daily newspaper. for such a
university community as Ann Arbor.
'These reflections have been in a way tradi-
tional. They have at times been ignored or
passed up, and at other times they have been
written only with ap eye toward the future and
a complete disregard for the recent past. Every
editor has written his last editorial (as editor)
In his own way-and each has somehow found
a way to discuss or present the ideas that have
haunted him or have occurred to him during
his" long or short tenure.
Although, like recent summer editors, we will
return in another capacity in the fall, we
nevertheless cannot avoid the necessary sumn-
ming up-in hopes that something constructive
may be gained by it.
ERE CAN be little doubt that it has been
a quiet summer. On the campus, an exciting
but routine lecture-and-special-events program
with a special theme managed to unify the six
weeks of school it covered. In the city, there
was little news save what came from the weekly
council meetings. On the national scene, a
civil rights bill' debate in the Senate was of
mojor concern to all Americans. For nterna-
tional news, the disarmament talks and the
endless negotiating and ,bickering among na-
tions seemed to keep the wire services running
In spite of themselves,
BHt= there were several worthy happenings
that did stand out this summer: The Regents
of the University gave their approval to initial'
cotruction plans ,at Dearborn ,Center, the
city established a new Human Relations Com-
mission, the niversity of Detroit made plans
for education television for freshmen this fall,
Student Government -Council established a
student health insurance program on a volun-
tary "basis, and a former University mathe-
matics instructor was finally convicted of con-
tempt of Congress (on.26 counts)'
It was a quiet summer, for most of these
events were continuations of or climaxes to
'work and planning that had been going on for
some time. Yet it was in some ways a signifi.-
cant, summer for the occurrence of these
ERHAPS most significant of all these to the
University was the approval and announce-
ment of. the Dearborn Center plans by the
Regents. Dearborn Center, the University's
new "east campus," is in reality a part of the
long-range plartning intended to alleviate the
problems of rising enrollments and overcrowd-
edness in the state's schools.
The actual establishment of Dearborn Cen-
ter, however, means much more than a simple
answer to high enrollments. It provides eco-
nomic means for more qualified men and
women to take advantage of a college educa-
tion when otherwise their financial situation
would forbid it. In addition, Dearborn Center
embodies the important concept of industry
aiding education directly-for it was a grant
from the Ford Motor Company, of land and
money, that made the Dearborn Center pos-
This cooperation of industry and education
is especially noteworthy, for Dearborn Center
will be not only an engineering school, but a
liberal arts college as well. Admittedly, the
liberal arts is dominated by the engineering
and business administration schools in plan-
ned-for sizes, but the working agreement is
The ability of industry and education to
cooperate here suggests even greater coopera-
tion between two, natural 'go-tgethers: The
one has the money, the other everything but
money-which includes the training, the ex-
perience and the readiness to teach. If only
industry could take a more liberal view of
education and acept a responsibility i the
area extending beyond mechanical training,
then the problems of crowding and standards
would be solved. Dearborn Center, it seems,
is a step in this direction. Its success as a part
of the University will be watched with eager-
ness and expectation.
IN THE ANN ARBOR community, an area of
greater importance to the town's 40,000 citi-

zens has been that of human relations. This
summer saw, after some disoussion and recom-
mendation, the setting up of a Human Rela-
tions Commission composed of prominent and
experienced members of the community.
This summer also saw the commission begin
immediately the work before it-with the rec-
ognition that the problem of educating the
Editorial Staff
JOHN HILLYER.......... . .... ...Sports Editor
RENE GNAM.. ..........................Night Editor
Business Staff

people, particularly the youth, was the most
important consideration before the group.
While there are individual case problems and
matters of discrimination to be dealt with, the
Human Relations Commission realizes that its
real work is the planning for the future that
includes educational functions and influences.
For no permanent gain can ever be made with-
out a change in foundation that will insure
the future's acceptance of the change. And
education corrects that foundation quietly and
carefully and thoroughly.
It seems obvious that the human relations
problems of Ann Arbor are the same thing as
the civil rights issues of the nation-reflected,
of course, on a lower, more concrete level. And
the ability of Ann Arbor to deal with its prob-\
lems through education, it seems, should point
the way for the nation to solve some of the
segregation problems that plague the South
today. Undoubtedly there has been a beginning
in this direction.
ANOTHER issue in the educational realm,
that of television's place in the University,
was also underlined by events of the summer.
The University of Detroit took steps this year'
to prepare part of its fall freshman class for
participation in a televised education course
in which the students would take most of their
learning at home, in front of their television
We discussed what we saw as the dangers
of such a 'program, particularly the taking
away from the student of the personal inspir-
ation and stimulation which close contact with
a good professor is supposed to bring about in
the student-teacher relationship. We pointed
out that mass mechanical learning could not
substitute for serious study and personalized
But we might have gone further and looked
at the more positive side of television - as
implemented by educational programs. Cer-
tainly the state of television today is one of
an entertainment media and not nearly the
informative and educational media it should
be. Where it has tried to do these things, it
has failed considerably. Yet it can and should
make greater efforts toward the pleasant
teaching of the people through its entertain-
ment functions. Why television has not made
sincere attempts at-this is incomprehensible.
IN STILL another area of summer accom-
plishment, Student Government Council
proved, by finalizing plans for a voluntary stu-
dent health insurance for fall, that it could
work on into the summer if necessary to com-
plete what it had begun during the academic
The health insurance itself will be of indi-
vidual importance to students returning to the
University in September, but as a project and
achievement, it stands for a ready and work-
ing Student Government Council that can
find, investigate and solve the problems of the
student body at the University. Health In-
surance will not only be a student benefit next
year; it will be a tribute to a powerful student
government only two years old that promises to
live up to its name and' be a definite force at
the University.,
In fact, a.number of late-spring alterations
in the structure of SGC, coupled with the yearly
turnover in Council members, indicates that
next year's SGC may be one of the most
seriou and deep-thinking so far. A 'number
of far-reaching studies and programs have
, already been launched; they promise to bring
satisfactory advances in lecture programs, in
understanding of rising enrollment and other
educational matters, and in still other student
AND, in this quiet'summer, there were oth-
er happenings perhaps deserving of men-
tion in this summation. But inevitably the
ones most deserving the applause are those
which assume the appearance of everyday
functions, of normal occurrences little realized
or appreciated until one of them is suspended
or halted temporarily.
The daily classes, the lectures or the labs,
are inseparable from the University, yet sel-
dom draw any particular attention to them-
selves. A professor's work often goes appre-
ciably unnoticed outside his own classrooms
and spheres of influence; yet this work is fore-
most in the educational process and its normal
Unfortunately, this otherwise attractive pic-

ture has been, as usual, marred by the uncon-
cerned hurriedness of the summer session's
student body. "Summer school is fast and fu-
rious," they said at the beginning of the year
-and then proceeded to live up to it. The
quietness of the students certainly helped to
make it a quiet summer.
NOW, with the summer at an end, our sum-
mation leaves us at the beginning of anoth-
er school year - and at the beginning of the
National Student Association Congress, which
more immediately can serve to awaken some,
of this quietude before it can carry over into
the coming year.
For this void in expression is, on a Univer-
sity campus, a matter insisting upon correc-
tion. The problems and issues and important
hnnrnias of the summer need 1the considers

to the editor
(Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi-
tor must be signed, in good taste, and
not more than 300 words in length.
The Daily reserves the right to-edit.
or withhold letters from publication.)
On Democracy . .
To the Editor:
JOHN Woodruff is highly in-
debted in his wayward fancy
for his sweeping statements on
the place of Science in politics in
his article, "Irresponsibility in1
Government," in the August 9'
issue of the Daily.
The statement by Mr. Woodruff
that the recent policy of trying 'to
keep ,science out of politics' will
lead to 'abysmal public ignorance
in scientific matters' is as devoid
of logical congruency as, say, the
argument that an effort to keep
'religion out of politics will lead
to abysmal public ignorance in
matters religious.
Such a policy of keeping science
out of politics will be judicious as
well for the advancement of
science as for the channelizing of
scientific knowledge to purposes
peaceful and beneficial to man-
The advancement of science is
stifled and stunted in an atmos-
phere of secrecy and security
Further, free exchange of all
scientific, knowledge amongst the
scientists of the various politically
opposed ententes is apt to further
the cause of peace. For it is
absurd even to think that in an
International S'cientific Congress,
where in an atmosphere of free
and open pursuit of knowledge
scientists of the Free World and
the Russian Bloc gather together
to discuss some law or facet of
their beloved Science (for to sci-
entists, Science is, indeed, their
lonely but winsome bride), they
will ever turn their attention to
investigate ways and means of
destroying each other's country.
Every effort to keep science
out of politics or Democracy (if
some prefer the latter term) is
laudable and beneficial to man.
-Thomas S. David
Associated Press News Analyst
EVERY NOW and then the State
Department creates misunder-
standing because someone dis-
cussing a specific point makes a
broad statement which can be
misinterpreted as applying to gen-
eral policy.
The same thing happens when
a "let it blow over" attitude is
taken toward some slip of the
tongue that needs explanation.
Examples of both situations
have occurred recently.
The other day Secretary Dulles,
testifying about th'e administra-,
tion plan for long - term "soft"
loans to countries which the
United States wishes to save from
communism, said: '
"Not for one minute do I think
the purpose of the State Depart-
ment is to make friends. The pur-
pose of the State Department is
to took out for the interests of the
United States. Whether we make
friends, I do not care."

The record of American action
clearly shows that the secretary
meant the United States was not
trying to buy friendship with these
loans, but trying to build a prac-
tical barrier against Communism.
Dulles is connected with many,
projects, such as the United States,
Information Service, including the
Voice of America, which are di-
rectly concerned with creating
President Eisenhower has ini-
tiated or endorsed numerous pro-
jects for that purpose, and says
the United States wants to be
friends with everybody.
But the secretary's statement is
open to misrepresentation. It gives
a handle to foreign propagandists.
But for the moment he was
applying himself to a specific atti-
tude in a specific case. It would
have been better if he had phrased
it to make that clear.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.


lam- F
t },IC~

"We're Giving Him A Real Pasting This I


WASHINGTON-When you're
the Army, Navy, or Air Fo
and receive orders from your c<
manding officer to attend a so
function, you obey. If you also
an order to contribute toward
present for the commander's w
you also obey. For orders are
ders in the armed forces.
However, mandatory social
tivity and compulsory genero
is not helping morale in the aI
Here's an illustration of w]
happened at Lake Charles
Force Base, Louisiana, when
Robert I. Barrowclough retired
commander of the 69th Bombs
ment Wing. All officers recei
a etter from the deputy co
mander, Col. A. J. Bratton,
It read:
"The 69th Bombardment W
will sponsor a farewell party
Col. and Mrs. Robert I. Barr
clough on the night of Friday
July, 1957. Each officer of
wing will be charged the follov
amounts for the party by rank
"1. Colonels $25; 2. Lt. Col
$15; 3. Majors $10; 4. Capta
$8.50; 5. Lieutenants $7; 6. W
rant Officers $7.
"Each squadron commande
responsible for collecting'
amount from each officer in
squadron. This money must
turned in to the wing adjut
listed by name not later than:.
hours, 3 July 57."
Itwas also explained that
above would include buffet, dri
entertainment, dancing, andi: I
for Mrs. Barrowclough."
The officers went. They c
tributed. Many of them u
strong for the commander ahd
wife. But they felt a little
so after being required by mar
tory order to ante up for t
farewell party.
* ,' *

No Ghoul Like an Old Ghoul

Daily Staff Writer
EVER since the early success of
"Phantom of the Opera," the
film industry has produced a suc-
cession' of fantastic and super-
natural thrillers which find a
ready audience.
The early efforts in this direc-
tion were concerned mostly with
down-to-earth topics like mon-
sters, vampires and werewolves;
audiences came to expect Frank-
enstein back with the' spring
thaws, Dracula flying by night.
So little or no explanation forr
these somewhat unusual creatures
was given. They were just there,
and frightened villagers never,
stopped to ponder, as they were,
chased and eaten, the way of it.
Lately this naive approach has
been thought insufficient, so
there has come a more sophisti-
cated treatment wherein the re-
volting and unnatural behavior
of the monsters and ghouls are
explained away by devious means,
mainly radiation and medical
* * *
NO LONGER can a werewolf'
simply roam the woods. He's got
to be put there by an unprincipled
physician injecting werewolf juice
into the horrified veins of a young
man. A monster cannot be casu-
ally stitched together in the
Frankenstein fashion. It must be
carefully nourished in a radio-
active climate, then activated
with gamma rays from krypton.
The 'days of bearded and
gloomy scientists are over The
beautiful young lady chemist dis-
covers how to trap the sea demon
and kill the giant beetle.
The grinning lab assistant is no
more Igor the half-ape, he's
young Dr. Figby, the Tarzan of
the laboratory.

The hazards of radiation are
nowhere so well described as on
the screen. The genuine effects
of this strange force are odd
enough, but they are now ex-
panded to include production of
all manner of giant insects and
shrinking men.
* * *
RADIATION can explain a stu-
pefying assortment of unrelated
observations. In "Creep From the
Deep," two scientists come upon
a boat with a burnt bottom. When
asked to explain this, one of them

nods slowly and exclaims: "Ra-
diation burns, of course.
The sudden change of scene
from the dank' basement to, the
clean, well-lighted laboratory; the
use of nuclear physics and medi-
cine to explain matters best left
to the shocked imagination: This
reliance upon scientific jargon
instead of witchcraft has serious-
ly diluted the stream of horror.
Bring back the ghouls and leave
details of their metabolism to the

Hunters at, Work,

TH4 ANNUAL game of apart-
ment hunting is in full swing
now, with eager young students
pouring into Ann Arbor to beat'
the housing rush. Little do they
dream that a well planned organ-
ization is ready to greet them
with horrors beyond description.
For the dubious benefit of any
of these unfortunates who might
chance to see this publication, we
offer a few definitions of terms
in common usage.
Spacious Four Room Apart-
ment: - A bathroom, kitchen,
closet, and front. hall, none of
which exceeds eight feet in the
longest dimension.
Private Entrance - If you have
a helicopter; you can use the sky-
Kitchen Privileges You can
leave beer in the icebox for the
landlady to drink.
Share The Bath - You clean
the tub.
Centrally Located - You can
see Burton Tower from the roof.

Working Couple Preferred -
You'll both have to work to pay
the rent.
Carpet Furnished-We couldn't
scrape it off the floor.
No Smoking or Drinking - The
Regents meet downstairs.
Ideal For Students - Who else
would live here?
Unfurnished - The men eie
coming with the windows next
Young Couple Preferred - Its
eight flights up and the stairs
are broken.
Bath and Shower - The roof
Available for Immediate Occu-
pancy - Hurry before the cock-
roaches come back.-
On Qtiet Street Opposite
East Quad.
Excellent View - Opposite
Spacious One-Room Apartment'
-The kitchen is under the bed,
the bathroom is under the sink,
and the bed is under the bathtub.
-David Kessel

the Arkansas Democrat, wai
until' a majority of congressm
had left theinterstate comme
committee of which he is cha
man the other day after he h
indicated that nothing "coni
versial' was coming up.
After they had gone, he liters
railroaded a special railroad
through his committee. It we
permit the railroads to get
gether to .reduce rates tot
government in order to under
the small airlines.
His bill was designed to reve
a previous court ruling by Uni
States District Judge Joseph I
Garraghy that while the railro
could reduce rates to the gove
inent, they could not conspire
gether to reduce rates.
The railroads had put th
heads together to fix a joint i
which would underbid the sm
airlines in carrying GI's to d
ferent parts of the United Sta
The Harris Bill not only leg
ized such conspiracy, but mad
retroactive, t h e r e b y legali:2
what had been done.in the ,p
,1his would sidetrack a $45,000,
triple damage suit the small
lines had won against the r
After congressman John Din
(D-Mich.) found out what h
pened, he led a fight to bring
Harris Bill back to the commi'
for reconsideration.
' By this time, however, the r
road lobby was roaring thro
congress like a fast express. I
now buttonholing senators to
them to reverse an earlier st
against the.railroads.
(Copyright 1957 by Be11 Syndicate D

Silent Generation' Speaks-On Television

Daily Television Writer
A COUPLE of Sundays ago
"Outlook" (NBC-TV), a pro-
gram which feels the pulse of the
national scene, echoed Thorton
Wilder's comment that this is a
"silent generation." "Outlook"
claimed that it had difficulty in
finding people with opinions. In
fact only at the fringe of society
did it find them, one a hermit and
the other an off-beat comedian.
Recently John Crosby devoted
his column to the same idea, "the
growing homogenization of Amer-
ican society." Crosby quoted Ar-
thur Schlesinger, Jr. who wrote
about it in the New York Times.
And so it goes. In short, the stif-
ling of individual expression.
We have ourselves to blame for
creating the cult of conformity,
Individual enterprise and the
spirit of revolution, the dual basis
upon which our countrywas built,
are virtually non-existent today.
Instead, anyone expressing his
individuality lacks humility and
is not acceptable in "common"
society. Anyone breathing revolu-
tion of course, even if i's a'revo-
lution in soda straws, is 'a Red
or an un-American gangster who

reeavaluation of religion, less
family responsibility, fewer tap
roots. But most of all it wants
greater individual freedom to ex-
press itself, especially in the
choice of a job and in the choice
of artistic hobbies.
THE triumph of the group over
the individual is extremely no-
ticeable in television commercials.
It's not that Lawrence Welk
drives a Plymouth but rather his
whole band; it's not that one
sportsman uses Gillette razors but
rather all do; likewise everybody
uses Ialo.
There's even a skunk selling a
deodorant now and you can't ap-
peal to a more common group
than that.
The individual expresses his
group these days, not himself. But'
is this so bad? The individual star
has ruined the theater, radio and
television, We don't gg to p' ys
anymore, we Ego to see personali-
ties. And most of these, especially
the singers,"are pretty bad.
Several "big name" individuals
are detrimental to show business
and should retire. I refer to old-
timers who have made a vareer
out of being a personality.
I don't weep one little bit when

Dennis Hooper, Tom Tryon, and
Gordon Gebert in drama and By-
ron Palmer, a fine singer. A few
of the better actresses include
Phyllis Love, Betsy Palmer, Inger
Stevens, and Elizabeth Monte-
The same detriment to TV is
caused by warmed over radio for-
mats: "Blondie" (N B C - TV),
"Mayor of the Town" (CBC-TV),
and "Gang Busters' (CBC-TV).
* $*
EVERY NOW and then some-
body breaks fresh ground. Bob
Maxwell does this with "Teen
Room" (WWJ-TV). Maxwell in-
troduces celebrities performing in
Detroit and teenagers from the
Detroit Parks and Recreation,
The talent is usually superior
to Ted Mack's "Amateur Hour"
(NBC-TV), and often surpasses
the professional talent on God-
frey's "Talent Scouts" (CBS-TV)
and Welk's "Top Tunes and New
Talent" (ABC-TV).
In the first place the show has
life. It has a teenage audience
which views the acts informally.
The pacing is rapid and varied -
singers, instrumentalists, dancers,
even a swimming team recently.
Earl Stuarts Orchestra pro-
vides music well in tune with

"Teen Room" is more enter
ing than the "Ed McK
Show" (ABC-TV), a similar
gram. The McKenzie Show
series of commercials with
sional acts.
SOME of the talented yo
sters on last Saturday inc
Kathy Johnson singing a
Yodeling song. Afterward sh
interviewed by the audience.
Someone asked, "How r
records did your first one -
She said, "I don't know -
35. I know I bought one an
mother bought one." (She
viously isn't acquainted witi
Jockey and admen exaggerati
"The Glowworms," a four
combo, worked up a rock an
storm. Then several singers
are appearing in the Detroit :
and Recreation productio:
"Roberta" performed.
Jerry Winters and Jc
Powers both had difficulty m<
ing lip movements to their
recordings. Neither sounded
good on record (compared
the live singers) and their m
ings looked worse. Another
ture of the program is a
Room Date Book which a d
ent young reporter reads

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