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August 14, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-08-14

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Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom






r,.&wA,.. r **, v ..$V4%t

e Rages

ors in
id Pay


land (A') - A Lodz
strike confronted
mmunist government
th its gravest situa
Wladyslaw Gomulka
party leadership last
>athy strikes were re-
ter cities.
strikers demanded a
ise of pay hikes be-
g to work.
To Move Cars
st local authorities,
ommitment, were re-
ing to get part of the
,ckle cars moving to-
lice protection.
1,000 trucks, military
ran 'in a shuttle serv-
ople to work in this
000. It Is Poland's
t industrial center.
>omed for the dilapi-
:ars that still find a
country. Poland re-
of automobiles and
s are the city's only
r transport. -
started Monday just
vernment announced
50 million zlotys to
s of the nation's 25,-
vernment's standard,
121/ million dollars,
ig power is consider-
e announcement said
to be effective Oct.
e from a 15 per cent
rice of vodka.
rs said 50 million
t enough.
in addition, de-
nd to a pay system
ir collections.
they would go back
pay if they could
ed a reduction of

A Weleome
TO THE Tenth Congress of the United States
National Student Association, convening on campus
this month, goes a hearty welcome from the University,
and from The Daily, along with best wishes for a stimu-
lating and educational ten days of conference and
To the delegates to this congress and its supple-
mentary conventions go all our hopes that the 'effort
and consideration puts into-the many long meetings and
deliberations will be rewarding both individually and to
education in America as a whole.
To the members of the University student, faculty
and administration bodies who look upon the coming
Tenth Congress with interest go our hopes that they
will accept NSA's generous invitation to take part in as
many of the coming events as time will allow.
Many opportunities for accomplishment will be of-
fered throughout the Congress to those who accept it
and make the best use of it. The number of participants

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should be a large one.

Unfortunately, The Daily will not be around to
record the immediate progress of the coming confer.
ences. But The Daily leaves behind it best wishes for
success and achievement in this Tenth Congress of



Annual Student Congress
TO- open Here on Monday
Starting on Friday, the University will be host to over 1,000 dele-
gates to the annual National Student Association Congress.
These delegates will come from all parts of the United States and
some from foreign soil. They will attend such meetings,as the Student
Body Presidents' Conference, the Conference For Student Affairs and
the Student Editorial Affairs meeting, all scheduled from Saturday
through Monday.
A Workshop for Deans and Faculty Advisors will be held from
Monday through the following Thursday. The National Executive
Committee, which is an interim legislative body, serves as steering

Bill Passed
To Raise
Mail Rates
yesterday passed and sent to the
Senate a bill to raise postal rates.
Inluded is a boost to four cents
for the three-center letter rate.
The increases would be effec-
tive Oct. 1.
In addition to hiking regular
letter rates the bill would boost
air mail charges from six to seven
cents an ounce and postcards
from two to three cents.
Boosts Air Mail Rates
Action on the measure had been
sought by the Eisenhower admin-
istration to cut the Post Office
Department deficit.
Passage of the bill came on a
26-129 roll-call vote.
Before the final vote the House
. adopted an amendment to speed
up a raise in rates for third-class
mail - mostly advertising ma-
terial y- from one cent to two
and one-half cents per piece. The
amendm e n t, adopted 147-4,
makes this effective Oct. 1 instead
of in two steps which wouldn't be
completed until' July 1, 1959.
Limits 'Subsidy'
It also adopted by a 171-147
standing vote an amendment
which its author, Rep. Rhodes
CD-Pa.) said would limit to $100,-
000 a year the "subsidy" given
any one publication by low mail
The House earlier beat down an
attempt to knock out the 'pro-
posed hike in lette charges.
A 106-58 vote defeated an
amendment by Rep. Holifield (D-
Calif.) that would have knocked
from the, bill all increases on
first-class letters and postcards.
Doria Hears
13 Charges
Against Him
WASHINGTON (A') - Chairman
John McClellan (D-Ark.) of the
Senate R a c k e t s Investigating
Committee ticked off 13 charges
against former labor leader An-
thony Doria yesterday.
The senator called on the Jus-
tice Department for possible crim-
inal proecution
Going to Tax Men
Sen. McClellan told Doria that
a transcript of his two days of
testimony also was going to the
Internal Revenue Service in case
the federal tax collectors "want
to pay you a visit too."
Mainly the charges were that
Doria, for 23 years the secretary-
treasurer of the Allied Industrial
Workers and its predecessor, the
AL sUnitedAuto Workers, had
misused union funds and had
worked hand-in-glove with labor
racketeer Johnny Dio.
Doria disputed the charges,
swearing again he had never spent
union money for his personal
In one of the final episodes of
Doria's sessions with the sena-
tors, he and they listened to a
secret recording of a 1953 tele-
phone conversation between him
and Dio.
Acknowledges Recording
Doria acknowledged the record-
ing was genuine, although the
voice didn't sound like "my usual
sonorous voice."

The conversation showed that
the two men; were discussing the
transfer of some AIW union locals
controlled by Dio, into the Team-
sters Union.

Summer Session finals will have
various effects on different types
of "summer scholars."
To some - older members of
the summer academic commu-
nity finals will provide a cli-
max to a "vacation" used to pur-
sue advanced studies ana gradu-
ate degrees.
Exam Introductions
On the other extreme, a few
new students will receive their in-
troduction on the university level
to the painful experience of try-
ing to convince an instructor that
they have assimilated tne teach-
ings of a semester, by scribbling
furiously for two hours.
In between these two extremes
will be ranged the veteran stu-
dents who have previously at-
tended the University or other
colleges throughout the country.
In general, summer students
can be seen' preparing for finals
in a number of the customary
An increased number of stu-
dents have been noticed at the
library for the past week and
many who cannot ,bring them-
selves to enter the Confines of a
building can be observed sprawled
--presumably studying -- on Uni-
versity lawns.
Somt e Avoid Study
Some scholars, evidently be-
lieving that the best way to pre-
pare for exams is to develop a
calm frame of mind. may be no-
ticed conspicuously avoiding stu-
They may gather in small aft-
er-class groups to discuss what
they hope will be "Old Prof.
Blank's" easy finals.
Non-studiers may also be seen
in local movies, parks and other
places of entertainment. The


-- --- -- arsos
PREPARING FOR EXAMS--Students find the library a con-
venient place to attempt the speedy assimilation of a semester's
work. Others prefer to study on lawns and benches or even at
desks. Some face the problem of finals by not studying at .all.
Foreign Aid B iPassed
A fter Sharp -Trimming
WASHINGTON (A)-The Senate last night passed a sharply
trimmed bill authorizing a $3,367,083,000 foreign aid program.
It acted while administration forces worked feverishly to head
off even deeper cuts in appropriations to finance the program.
The measure now goes to the House for final congressional ap-
proval. As an authorization measure, it merely sets ceilings on the
program, but carries no funds. They are to be voted later.
Senate passage of the compromise authorization bill came after
Sen. William Fulbright (D-Ark.) voiced strong opposition on grounds






'Scholars' Prepare To Take Finals


ids Vary
ied because the
real organization.
d is that the low-
costly maintenance
get five zlotys an
get 31/2.
ys one can buy a
f butter or a'half
e. A necktie costs
r of shoes of fair

To, Probe


mr' can show pay-'
ng 1,500 zlotys a
ranks as a living
1. But they say they
300 hours to get
the equivalent of a
th no days off.



)NIX, France (A') - Two
of climbers remained
in the snow-swept Alps
ath toll for the Swiss
he last six days alone
d in the majestic and
is Mt. Blanc range;
French - Swiss border
olish - Yugoslav team
t. Maudit via the south-
and two Swiss climbers'
ewhere near the Dru
lentified young climber
o fall into a crevasse on
,nsthis in the afternoon.
ams, after being blocked
the day by blinding
is, went to look for him
'olish climbers who were
st on Mt. Blanc's Green
ak walked into their ho-
said they got caught in
and took refuge in a
s of any of the others
received here for more
I in Colony
ETOWN, British Guia-
lications were last night.

ers yesterday determined to com-
plete action on "corrupt influ-
ences" charges agaii st the 1% -
million-member Tea sters Unionj
before the union's convention next
The AFL-CIO Executive Council
decided to proceed with final
hearings Sept. 5 and 6, whether
or pot the Teamsters appear.
The Council decided to take no
immediate action in the Fifth
Amendment c a s e of Maurice
Hutcheson, president of the 830,-
000-member Carpenters Union.
No Immediate Action
The AFL-CIO high command
adopted a get-tough policy amid
some speculation that the Team-
sters were stalling off the hearings
until after their Sept. 30 conven-
The case dates back to March
29, when the council said it found
"reason to believe" the Teamsters
Union-largest in the nation-was
"dominated, controlled or sub-
tantially, influenced by corrupt,
The charges were drawn after
Dave Beck, Teamsters president,
was accused of misusing about
$400,000 in union money and took
the Fifth Amendment before the
Senate R a c k e t s Investigating
The AFL-CIO Ethical Practices
Committee held one hearing in
May, but two others were post-
poned at the Teamsters' requests.
"The Ethical Practices Commit-
tee will conclude the hearings in
the Teamsters case irrespective of
whether the Teamsters appear,"
Meany told a news conference.
He said the Executive Council
will receive the committee's re-
port Sept. 23 or ,24, and make
known its verdict in advance of
the Teamsters convention in Mi-
ami Beach.
The Council's decision could
take the form of recommendations
of what steps, if any, the Team-
sters must take to remain in the
AFL-CIO fold.

-4committee for the Congress, and-
will meet from Friday through the
3rd of September.
Congress Headquarters is now
located at the Student Publica-
tions Building and Kathy Mum-
mery, Executive Secretary of the
National Student Association is
in charge. The delegates upon ar-
rival will be housed in West Quad-
Main speaker at the meetings,
some of which will., be held in
Rackham Building and the Union
Ballroom, will be Dr. Buell Gal-
lagher, president of the City Col-
lege of New York.
Any student here is welcome to
work on the National Student
Association Congress Staff, ac-
cording to Janet Neary, Michigan
delegate and member of the Na-
tional Executive Council.
razil -Plans
For Influenza
sneezing and coughing Brazilian.
Cabinet d e v o t e d a half-hour
meeting to plans for battling Asi-
atic influenza when it arrives
The only absentee was the min-
ister of agriculture who was too
sick-with grippe--to attend.
But Health Minister Mauricio
Medeiros said between sneezes
that the present epidemic is not
Asiatic influenza but merely nor-
mal in the southern hemisphere's

-Daily-ichard Blocs
.. . one method
motto of this class of non-studiers
is: "Live for today, tomorrow will
come soon enough."
As for the studiers not at li-
braries and desks or on the lawns,
some can be found in dorms and
fraternities walking with purpose
through the halls; looking for
someone who had "the course"
last semester and will tell what
he knows.
With the end of finals will come
a sudden disintegration of the
University community. Some will
take permanent leave of the cam-
For the rest, it will only be a
month off.

it did not provide enough money
or enough long-term authority for
economic development loans. j
Sen. Fulbright told the Senate
that President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower "failed miserably" to push
for support in the House of his
original $3,864,410,000 request and
apparently "lost interest" in it.
The Senate acted by voice vote
in the midst of obvious presiden-
tial alarm that the foreign aid
program may be cut even deeper
in the House Appropriations Com-
mittee this week. The committee
is readying a bill to provide actual
funds for aid activities.
Eisenhower summoned congres-
sional leaders of both parties to
the White House Monday night to
appeal for their help in holding
the appropriations up to the ceil-
ings fixed earlier in the authoriza-
tion bill.
Earlier yesterday' he talked the
matter over with Republican con-
gressinal chiefs at their weekly
Final Issue
With this issue, The Daily
ceases publication for the re-
mainder of the summer.
Following the Sept. 16 Orien-
tation Edition, normal publica-
tion of The Daily will be re-
sumed Sepj. 19. Daily business
and editorial offices will be
closed beginning Saturday and
will not reopen until Sept. 3.

Warn Youths
'Againt Trip
To Red China
MOSCOW (R)--A nervous group
of American yduths were warned
in scathing language by the Unit-
ed States State Department yes-
terday that their plans for a Comr
munist-sponsored junket to Red
China may put them in trouble
with the law.
Obviously wavering now on
whether to make the three-week
tour, members of the delegation
spent the evening in puzzled con-
ferences. One of them, Shelby
Tucker of Pass Christian, 1Miss.,
withdrew from the trip a few
hours after the State Department
message was received.
Deadline Today
The others of the delegation,
now numbering 45, will have to
make up their minds by today at
3:25 p.m. That's when the Mos-
cow-Peiping express is due to pull
The official United States view
was expressed in a note specifi-
cally directed at the delegation by,
Under-secretary of State Chris-
tian Herter.
It contained one of the State
Department's strongest r e c e n t
statements on the controversial
question of American travel in
Red China.
Herter wrote that all those who
-accepted the Peiping invitation
might be violating the United
States Trading With the Enemy
He linked application of the act
with a never-before expressed,
State Department view that "a
quasi state of war" exists between
the United States and Red China.
Did Not Expand
Herter did not expand on this,
but a State Department spokes-
man In Washington noted that
the, Korean War has not yet of-
ficially wound up In a peace sTt-
In addition to suggesting pos-
sible criminal prosecution, Herter
told the group that their pass-
ports would be forfeited if they

Charges Plot
To Instigate
U.S. Embassy Calls
Claim 'Fabrication';'
Protests Removal
DAMASCUS W-)-Syria ordered
the ouster of three American
embassy officials last night after
accusing the United States of
plotting to overthrow President
Shukri Kuwatly.
The three must leave Syria
Charges against them and the
rnited States werehindignantly
rejected by the embasy.
Announced by Spokesman
The branding of the three as
persona non grata-unwelcome--..
was announced by a Foreign Office
The three wer identified as: Lt.
Col. Robert W. Malloy, military
attache; Howard E., Stone, the
embassy's second secretary for,
political affairs; and vice-consul
Francis Getton.
The government move followed
an announcement here that Syrian
military authorities had unveiled
"an American plot to overthrow
Syria's present regime."
The United States embassy press
attache, Robert A. Lincoln, told a
reporter: "The American Embassy
can accept the Syrian request only
under protest since the allegations
against the three gentlemen are
Lincoln said the three would
leave Syria today.
In alleging a plot to overthrow.
President Kuwatly, the govern-
ment said the United States had
been willing to give between 300
and 400 million dollars in aid if a
new government would make peace
with Israel.
'Complete Fabrication'
The U.S. Embassy here labeled
the charge "a complete fabrica-
An official Syrian statement
said the United States sent Stone
its, "Number one expert on coups-
d'etat" to mastermind the con-
spiracy. It also said he "organized
similar plots in Sudan and Iran
and was behind the American coup
d'etat in Guatemala in 1955."
In 1955, Guatemala's Commu-
nist-led government was thrown
out by Carlos Castillo Armas, who
became the country's president
and who was assassinated last
month by a young Communist
The U.S. Embassy here said
Stone is a member of its political
The Syrian statement said Stone
collaborated wVth ex-dictator Col.
Abib Shishekly and Col. Ibrahim
Hu'sseini, the Syrian military at-
tache in Rome. They were iden-
tified as the leaders of the con-
spiracy. Shishekly was sentenced
in absentia last February to life
imprisonment on charges of lead-
ing a subversive group.
Denies, Conspiracy
In Rome, Husseini denied being
involved in any conspiracy and
said he had never heard of Stone.
After the Syrian statement had
been aired, the Soviet ambassador
to Syria, Serguei Nemtchine, met
with Premier .Sabri Assali. He
reportedly affirmed Russia's "pre-
paredness to stand by Syria's side.
in the face of all foreign imperial-
istic intrigues."
Husseini was quoted as telling
the officers of U. S. willingness to
give the multimillion-dollar aid if
Kuwatly was overthrown and a
peace with Israel was concluded.

British Claim
Practical End
To Omnan War
MANAMA, Bahrain (,') - The
British wrote off the Oman war
yesterday as virtually over.
Scarlet banners of the Sultan
of Muscat and Oman were raised

Pakistan A Nation Young in Age Old in Culture

(Editor's Note: The author, a Uni-
versity Press Club Fellow and presi-
dent of the Pakistan Students~ Asso-
elation here, writesthe, following in-
terpretive article on the anniversary
of Pakistan independence.)
Pakistan, which today celebrates
the 10th anniversary of its parti-
tion from India and independence
from Great Britain, is a new coun-
try but one with an ancient cul-
One of the earliest known civili-
zations flourished in Pakistan
4,000 years ago. About 1,500 B. C.

tims of communal riots, social and
economic discrimination, the Mus-
lims felt great misgivings when
the question of independence to
British India arose.
Muhammad Iqbal, a Muslim
poet from Kashmir, conceived the
idea of the partition of British
India into two sovereign states.
Those areas with a Muslim ma-
jority would constitute Pakistan,
the rest India.
The dynamic Muslim leader,
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, supported
by his lieutenant, Liaquat Ali
Khan, set out to turn that poetic
vision into a reality.

Pakistan's population soared to 83
million. Today, every 10th man in
Pakistan is a refugee.
At independence, P a k i s t a n's
economy was totally undeveloped.
It produced 70 per cent of the
world's jute but had no mill.
Agriculture was a n t i q u a t e d,
mechanization unknown, natural
resources untouched, hydro-elec-
tric power unharnassed, communi-
cations hopeless. Literacy was less
than 18 per cent.
Pakistan soon .started on the
painful but necessary task of na-
tional development. First came the
six year plan, and then' the five

in the form of machinery, indus-
trial raw materials, advisory ser-
vices, training facilities abroad.
Most aid came from the United
States, followed by the United
Nations, Ford Foundation, and
s o m e Commonwealth counrties.
This has enabled Pakistan to make
solid progress though a long way
remains to go.
With six countries on her bor-
ders, and its two wings separated
by a thousand miles, isolationism
was impossible for Pakistan.
Policy Defined
The four pillars of Pakistan's
'foreign policy were defined by

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