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August 13, 1957 - Image 1

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Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

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No. 35S




is Morros Reveals 12 Years
sounterspy Service for U.S.

'ORK (JP) -- Movie Pro-
is Morros, 62, said yes-j
had served the United'
r 12 years as a counter-'
st the Soviet Union.
ussian-born Hollywood
naturalized American
aid the §oviets believed
spy for them baut that
he was making reports
I on his encounters with
that once while he was
w, meeting top men of
an secret police, word
ig his loyalty to the
bjectives was received in

Moscow, from, Soviet sources in
"Believe me, I had to talk fast
to get out of that one," he com-
Plump and soft-spoken, Morros
recounted his experiences at a
news conference in the office of
Acting United States Attorney
Thomas, B. Gilchrist Jr.
"Now, when I think of it, and if
you wanted me to do the same
thing again;,.I do not think I could
,do it," Morros said.
Morros' name had arisen in the
breaking of two Soviet spy cases.

ed States Youths Accept
Lation To Visit China
Americans Deny Passports to Reds;'
Called Subversive by Lincoln White
By The Associated Press
)W-Six Americans=- who want to travel in Red China.
turn over their passports to Chinese authorities yesterday.
hile the number of United States youths accepting Chinese
for the trip increased to 48.
nericans who held .on to their passports submitted.in theiry
ate papers containing what an American spokesman called:
Called 'Subvcrsive',
r the refusal to hand over the passports will mean the six
ke the trip will not be known until late today. The State"

He figured in the indictment of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Soble and Ja-
cob Albam, and of Mr. and Mrs.
George Zlatovski, whom the Unit-
'ed States is trying to extradite
from France. (Albam and Mrs.
Soble were sentenced to 5% 2 years
each last Friday on spy charges.
Soble will be sentenced Sept. 18.)
Morros said neither his wife nor
any of his acquaintances had
"any inkling of my activity, which
took me to Europe 68 times, in-
cluding Moscow and East Berlin."
He said posing as a spy for the
Russians didn't come easy.
Hated USSR
"I hated everything they stood
for and when I had to express
myself to high Russian officials
and to American spies emptoyed
by them in terms of .Supporting
their vicious ideology - I really
had toy do a more realistic acting
Job than any of the players whom
t had ever directed in Holly-
wood," he said.
"My life and the success of my,
mission depended on that."
Morros, born in St. Petersburg,,
now Leningrad, came to the Unit-
ed States in 1922.
Morros said at the outset of the
news conference: "I want to em-
phasize that the Russian plot is
far more strongly organized in
this country and throughout the
world than is generally under-
stood by our people.
"I say Russian plot because the
schemes of the present military
dictatorship in the Soviet Union
go beyond.communism. They are
for Pan-Sjavism on a scale more,
ambitious than Hitler's fanatical
dreams of world conquest."
Morros described Pan-Slavism
as "the bill of goods which has-
been sold to the Communist lead-
ers in control of all the Slav coun-
tries which are. Russian satel-
"The present regime in Moscow
has been hatching a vast imperi-
alistic plot for a Slav-dominated
world," he said..
Morros indicated he was inak-
-ing his role public because he had.
become very suspect by the Rus-.
sians. " .
Morros said he went to Russia.
in 1935 to see his sick mother, who
died, and later had dealings with
Soviet diplomatic representatives
in getting his father to the United
States in 1943.

Military Construation
rojects A4uthorized
WASHINGTON (P)--The Senate last night passed a bill authoriz-
ing $1,445,285,000 in military construction projects throughout the
The authorizations passed by voice vote included $1,203,412,000
in new military projects, compared with $1,603,072,000 voted by the
House. The difference will have to be worked out between the two
Before the bill bassed, Sen. John C. Stennis (D. Miss.) said he
fears the Nike defense system would be unable to -cope with the sort

President Refutes Cu
Asks Foreign Aid Hik
At Biartian Metin

of attack that could be expected o
Hint Death.
Of Molotov
LONDON (AP)-An American stu-
dent who was in Moscow for the
World Youth Festival said last
night he was told of rumors there
that ex-Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov had committed suicide.
George Abrams of Newton, Mass.,
telephoned The Associated Press
in London from Helsinki, Finland,
and said he heard the story from
several sources:
Abrams explained a man who,
talked to him said he was an inti-
mate of Dmitri Shepilov (also a
former Soviet foreign minister)
and that he had heard Molotov
had. committed suicide.
"The next day I was told the
same thing by another man," he
"The other Americans at the
festival toldme they heard the
same story."

on American cities in a major war.
-<.Sen. Stennis, floor manager for
the bill, is chairman of an Armed
Services subcommittee which has
taken months of closed-door testi-
mony on United States military
Theiquestion on the Nike system
of, anti-aircraft missiles, now in-
stalled around many large Ameri-
can cities, was raised by Sen.I
Stuart Symington (D. Mo.), a
member of the full Armed Services
Sen. Symington asked if the
Nike system were not obsolete.
Sen. Symington aslked if it were
not correct that $3 billion had
been spent so far on Nike with an
additional seven billions in pros-
Sen. Stennis said he believed
the figures were supposed to be
secret, but that it amounted to
"many billions."
The bill included an appropria-
tion of $10,659,000 for longer run-
ways and other new facilities at
Bunker Hill Air Force Base near
Peru, Ind.
Bunker Hill will be equipped to
handle a wing of B47 bombers
from the Strategic Air Command,
scheduled to mover in next year
from MacDill Air Force Base,
Tampa, Fla.

Pentagon Anunounces
Civilian Payroll Cut
WASHINGTON OP)-The Pentagon yesterday announced pew
economy moves that will cut 20,000 from the Air Force civilian pay-
roll and reduce the aircraft industry work force from 910,000 to about
These steps were tied into precise spending limits set for the
Army, Navy and Air Force by the Defense Department to keep the
military within the $38 billion ceiling fixed by the administration
for the fiscal year which started July 1.
The Army appeared to have borne the brunt of the economy push.
It was assigned a spending limit of $8,950,000,000, which is $;20
million less than President Dwight D. Eisenhower earmarkod for the

Too Many!
f -
FT. GORDON, Ga. (JP) - To
most people the names "Jones"
is a rather commonplace Amer-
ican surname.
But to one noncommissioned.
officer at Ft. Gordon the name
spells trouble.
He is the commander of an
eight-man squad in Company
C, 1st Training Regiment.
Each member of the squad is
named Jones.


Y 4 '
By The Assclated Press
Poles Strike * * *
WDZ, Poland-- About 10,000
municipal transport w o r k e r s
truck yesterday.
Pive reported hospitalized after
clash with police who used tear
The st r i k e paralyzed this
prawling industrial center. Lodz,
with a population of 700,000, is the
econd largest city in Poland. It
les 75 miles southwest of Warsaw.
Communist authorities showered
the town with leaflets declaring
the strike illegal and calling on
the mpoyes to return to work.t
TheM strike, was the transport
-workers' answer to a government
decision that in effect linked their
hope of pay increases to the con-
sumption of vodka.
Texas Tornado * .
SELMOU , Tex. - A tornado
Sipped through a northwest Texas
r anch yesterday and the Lower,
Trinity River surged past flood
stage in southeast Texas in the
.fteremath of tropical storm Ber-
The twister smashed an oats
barn, deroofed , a hay barn and
knocked down telephone lines on
th Hunt ranch, about 12 miles
aouth of here.
Bertha blew itself out during the
weekend, but rain swelled the
'Trinity River above flood stage
and spread its waters six miles
wide near Liberty, Tex.
Irish Riot ..
NEWRY, Northern Ireland-Po-
lice armed with clubs last night
charged a crowd of about 1,000
persons who defied a curfew im
posed to check violence by the
underground I r i s h Republican
Three persons were injured and
12 arrested.
The curfew, running from 11
p.m. to 5:30 a.m. daily, ws placed
inm effect after a fresh outbreak
of bombings at the weekend by
the IRA, which seeks union of this
British territory with the Irish
Young men and women formed
a procession in this border town
33 miles southwest of Belfast as
the curfew hour arrived and
marched through the main street
singing the Irish Republican an-
them, "A Soldier's Song."
* * *
Draft Down . .
WASHINGTON-The Army yes-
terday issued.a draft call for 7,000
mren in October, 7,000 less than the
previously announced quota for
The reduced call followed an
economy order from Secretary of
Defense Charles Wilson that the
Army trim its total strength by
50,000 by the end of this calendar

Department yesterday warned the
youths that going through with,
their planned trip to=- Red China
"would be subversive of United
States foreign policy..
The. strong statement was made.
at a news conference by Lincoln
White, department press chief.'.,
White said the Americans, part
of 150 who attended a Communist-
sponsored World Youth Festivalin
Moscow, are well aware of the,
United States ban on travel to
Red China.
And, he declared, "all of them
are old enough to know what
they're doing,"
Against Policy
White said "travel to, Red China
is not only contrary to passport
regulations in force, but would be
subversive. of the well-known for-
eign policy on which these pass-
port regulations are based."
The United States refuses diplo-
matic recognition. with China's
Red Communist regime and holds
travel to the China mainland to
be "not in the American interest."
White. refused to say what the
State Department might do if the
youths defy the 'ban.
Give WarningsG
His words went beyond warnings.
of possible actions given the Amer-
icans by United States' Embassy:
ofmcials in Moscow.
More than a dozen called at the
embassy for advice. All were told
they might be guilty of passport
misuse and violation of the "trad-
ing with the enemiy" regulations,
with consequent heavy fines and
possible loss of passports.
White noted news reports that
some of the youth delegates,
rather than go so far as to hand
over their passports to Red
Chinese officials, were copying per-
tinent information from them on
separate sheets of paper.
Called 'Gimmick'
He called that a "gimmick," and
said it still bonstituted use of the
passport '- the thing specifically
banned by regulations regarding
Red China travel.
Fred Grab, Alexandria, Va., who
gathered up the passports of the
six defiant students said the Chi-
nese claim they must have the
passports for proper identification
purposes. The Chinese have prom-
ised not to stamp visas on the
The trip will take eight days.
After arriving in Peiping the'
delegation will visit various prov-
inces and then return to Peiping.

79 Dead in Canada's Worst Air Crash;
Cause of Mishap Mystery to Officials

ISSOUDUN, Que. (R) - The
shattered fuselage of a chartered
airliner became a waterlogged
coffin last night for victims of
Canada's worst air crash as it
sank slowly into the muck of a
Some of the 79 dead were en-
tombed in the aluminum passen-
ger compartment, but Dep. Trans-
port Minister John Baldwin or-


Only One OmanVillage
Flies Rebel White Flag
MANAMA, Bahrein ()-The white flag of the rebel Imam of
Oman was reported flying over only one last village of clay huts in
central Oman yesterday.
The red banner of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman was seen flying
yesterday afternoon at Bakhla Village, which has always been with
the rebels, British officers said.
But the neighboring village of Jabrin was still believed in the
Imam's hands. North and south columns of the Sultan's British-led
r troop connected up yesterday in-

Abandon Hope
For Alpinists
GRINDELWALD, Switzer1 a n d
(P) - Mountain guides abandoned
attempts to go down the sheer,
snow-covered North wall, of Eiger
Mountain Monday to rescue three
trapped Alpinists.
They assumed the three had
"No lives will be risked in order
to bring dead men down from the
north wall," said Swiss guide Peter
Frei, chief of 90 volunteers from.
seven nations who had come here
for the huge rescue operation.

side Biket el Mauz Pool of Banas,
which surrendered through a
deputation of villagers.
A'British spokesman in Bahrein
said it could now be assumed that
Izko also has fallen to the Sultan's
forces, since the road between
Muscat and Fahud is now open.
A small cache of anti-tank mines
and hand grenades seized at Nizwa
was sent to London to see if
ordnance experts could put them
down as definitely made in the
United States.
World War II veterans here said
they were of United States origin.
The assumption here is that if
the equipment is of United States
manufacture, it came to the
Imam's forces from nearby Saudi
Arabia, which receives American
arms in an aid-for-bases deal.

dered that no expense be spared
to get the bodies and the wreck-
age out.
The main portion of the four-
engine DC4's fuselage was sink-
ing into the 25-foot, water-filled
hole that it plowed in the bog.
Dr. Jean-Paul Pouliot, coroner
of Lotbiniere County, said army
pumpin~gteams were being called
in to free the wreck.
No Survivors
No one survived the crash,
which occurred in a thunderstorm
Sunday. afternoon.
The Maritime Central Airways
plane was heading from London
to Toronto with ex-British serv-
icemen and their families who
had been visiting the folks back
The plane went down 15 miles.
south of Quebec City on farmer
Alfred Martel's land. His son,
Jean-Guy, 12, and his employe,
Ferdinand Olivier, 31, were work-
ing in a nearby field on a tractor.
Plane Plunged
They reported watching the
stricken aircraft plunge straight
down into the level, treeless mus-
keg. '
"The big crater where the plane
hit already was filled with water,"
said the boy.
The cause of the crash was still
a mystery.
Lightning generated by the se-
vere summer storm was regarded
as one possibility.
There also was the question of
City To Study
Ways To Fight
Asiatic Flu
Ann Arbor City Council last
night heard a suggestion from
councilwoman M. Alicia Dwyer
that city officials study the pos-
sibility of making provision for
operation of city services in the
face of the predicted influenza
Refering to a Harper's magazine
article recently placed in the Con-
gressional Record, Miss Dwyer
said it is conceivable that a large
portion of such service organiza-
tions as the Police Department or
Fire Department might well be
struck at once and that it might
well prove wise to be prepared in
advance for such an eventuality.
Washtenaw County H e a 1 t h
Commissioner Dr. Otto K. Engelke
agreed that it "might well prove
worthwhile" to make such a study.

the pilot, Norman Ramsay, 37,
Montreal. His license had been
suspended once for negligence
after a non-fatal crash.
One Short of Record
The airline had chartered the
plane to the Imperial Veterans
Division of the Canadian Legion's
Ontario command.
The crash was only one death
short of matching the worst char-
tered crash in history, which oc-
curred at Cardiff, Wales, in
March, 1950.
Eighty persons were killed com-
ing home from a soccer match in
Probe Hits
Dio's Pal
WASHINGTON (R) - Anthony
Doria, a true and constant pal of
labor racketeer Johnny Dio, was
accused to his face yesterday of
putting $9,620 of union money to
his own use.
Doria immediately and loudly
denied it.
The charge was flung by Car-
mine S. Bellino, staff investigator
for the Senate Rackets Investi-
gating Committee.
It came toward the end of a day
which had been given over largely
to testimony by Doria that Dio,
a convicted extortionist, actually
was a good and softhearted fellow
who broke down and cried when
his henchmen were caught thiev-
The senators didn't appear im-

Army in his budget submitted to
Congress last January.
However the Air Force, with a
revised spending allocation of
$17,900,000,000, will be permitted
to spend $300 million more than
the budget estimate. And the Navy
will be permitted to spend $11
million more than the original es-
timates for a total of $10,400,000,-
The Air Force allocation, al-
though higher than the original
estimate, falls about $1 billion be-
low what Air Force officials were
saying last month would be re-
quired to pay for their approved.,
programs if costs continue to rise
at the rate 'they increased during
the spring.
Both the Air Force and the Navy'
had expected to spend more than
the original budget to meet the
rising costs of weapons, , planes,
missiles and aircraft. ,
The Defense Department's allo-
cations for its own and for inter-
service . activities were increased
by $24 million to $750 million. The
Pentagon said the addition will
cover increased spending for mili-
tary housing.
News Strike
No Success
BOSTON P) - Representatives
of the Mailers Union and publish-
ers of six metropolitan newspa-
pers met with labor conciliators
at the State House yesterday but
neither side "would give an inch"
to break a three-day strike that
has shut down the dailies.
Massachusetts Labor Commis-
sioner Ernest A. Johnson, who re-
ported the deadlock, said "We are
trying to set up a joint meeting
for Wednesday."
This would indicate that the
papers - the morning and even-
ing Globe, the morning Herald,
evening Traveler, morning Record
and evening American - would
not be publishing at least until
The Christian Science Monitor,
published in Boston, is not in-
volved in the strike and has with--
drawn public sale of its editions,
Johnson said the union still is
standing by its request for an $8
a week raise for this year with a
wage reopening clause next Jan-
uary. Management has offered
$4.50 this year and $3.50 next.
Boston radio stations have
stepped up their newscasts. They
also have reported a jump in ad-
vertising - much of it from retail
stores and theaters.

Both Houses
At Session
Smith, Fulbright
Hit ,Compromise Bill
WASHINGTON (A)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower held an un-
announced conference with con-
gressional leaders of both parties
last night in an effort to get'
foreign aid funds increased at th
session of Congress.
The President met at the White
House with Senate Democratic
Leader Lyndon B. Johnson, Sen-
ate Republican Leader William
Knowland, the majority and m-
nority leaders of the House and
six other lawmakers from the Sen-
ate and House.
The White Housedid not an-
nounce the meeting but press sec-
retary James C. Hagerty, asked
about it, said it took place from
6 p.m. to 7 p.m. and concerned the
foreign aid bill.
Of the President's attitude, Hag-
erty said: "He wants to get a.
much as he can."
House and Senate conferees
have agreed on a foreign aid au,
thorization bill setting a eeiling
more than half a billion dollars
below the Eisenhower request for
economic and military aid during
the fiscal year which began July
Sen. H. Alexander Smith (R-
N.J.) said during the day that he
feels "the country may be in dan-
ger" as a result of the cut of
nearly $00 million.
Sen. Smith told the Senate that
if the subsequent appropriations
bill to finance foreign aidspend-
ing brings further cuts the Pres-.
dent and secretary of state may
have to appeal for emergency
money later.
Because of the refusal of the
House conferees to go any higher,
Sen. Smith said the Senate is
compelled to reduce the dollar
figures "beyond the point of
Sen. William Fulbright (D-Ark.)
already has indicated he will pro-
test the compromise report-which
he refused to sign - when it is
brought u2 in the Senate for ap-
proval today.
Carillon, Band
Group To Play
Burton Recital
An effect which had its begin-
nings in the days of the German
"tower bands" will be culminated
in recital of carillon, brass, and
percussion at 7:15 p.m. today from
Burton Tower.
According to Prof. George Cav-
ender, director of the Summer
Session Band, the grouping of
carillon, brass, and percussion is
Prof. Cavender noted that the
arrangements to;be played were
created by Prof. Percival Price,
University carillonneur.
Commenting on the "carrying
power" of the brass and percussion
instruments, Prof. Cavender said
"It's amazing how far the effect
can be heard."
Concerning the history of "tower
concerts" such as the one to be
played this evening, Prof. Caven- 1
der said the town musicians of
medieval German towns would
give concerts from the city tower,
Arrangements for today's recital'
include Michigan titles: "I Want
to Go Back to Michigan," "When
Night Falls," "Yellow and Blue,"

and "Victors."
To Talk at 'U'
Dr. Samuel Brownell,' superin-
tendent. of schools in Detroit and~
former United States commissioner
of education, will speak at the
T~ vr6iv~+R-4ATm mlrrix

Meany Pledges Support for Inquiry

Prof. G. A. Sutherland,
Of Music School, Dies'

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - President George
Meany yesterday asserted the
AFL-CIO will cooperate with con-
gressional committees "turning up
corruption in labor."
He also took a firm stand
agaiist labor leaders invoking the
Fifth .Amendment to protect
Meany, a husky, plain talking

Investigating Committee, "did a
good job as far as it went."
"We'll cooperate legislatively or
any other way," he said, but he
added that his organization would
"resist any attempt to fasten re-
strictive laws on labor as a whole
because of the sins of a few."
No Agreement
An AFL-CIO merger conference
in metropolitan Wayne County,

AFL by approximately 350,000
members to 250,000.
Under the AFL-CIO national:
merger of December, 1954, state
and county mergershmust be com-
pleted by Dec. 5 of this year.
* * 4.
Charter Slighted
yesterday took a dim view of a bid
for a union charter by a group
of AFL-CIO organizers.
Thenv'a nizers want to- fri ri',rr A

Prof. Gordon A. Sutherland, of
the music school, died at the Uni-
versity Hospital'Sunday.
He was 51 years old.
Services will be held at the
Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor
at 10:30 a.m. today.
Prof. Sutherland received his
Bachelor of Music and Master of
Music degrees from the American
Conservatory of Music. He received

f : fem. PRIME

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