See page 2
Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom THUNDEI
No. 34S
in N.Y.
A, Mrs. Sobel
isoned as Abel
eld Without Bail
ORK (P)-Two European
Rho found haven n this
rere sentenced yesterday
ars eachi in prison fori
i the United States for
same time, Col. Rudolph
Abel, was held without
other federal court on an
ifferent spy charge.
indicted Wednesday by
grand jury in Brooklyn
a possible death sentence
6 prison from United
trict Court in Manhattan
)b Albam, 64 years old,
e here from .Lithuania;
Myra Sobel, born in,
[ey seemed .taken aback
.onde Mrs. Sobel had
n court when arrested.,
she wept.
ir had pleaded guilty to
espionage charges, thus
the possibility of the
tence under the original
im sentences under their
10 years each and fines.
were levied.
operation with the gov-
in baring secrets of the
apparently led them to
greater leniency.
ernment also said neither
vas an important cog in
eaded by Mrs. Sobel's
Jack. He is to be senten-
low Run
Dio, Two Others
Take Big Bribes
WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate Rackets Committee was told
yesterday that the old AFL Auto Workers let gangster Johnny (Dio)
Dioguardia and two others set $396,000 as their price for leaving the
Committee Counsel Robert F. Kennedy thus summed up the
evidence just before the senators recessed for the weekend.
The committee is investigating allegations of improper labor-
management activities.
Last Witness
The last witness was Earl Heaton, outgoing president of the
Allied Industrial Workers (AFL-CIO), the new name of the Auto
Heaton testified-that Anthony Doria, ousted secretary-treasurer
of) the Allied Industrial Workers,
Ri hts Bill
To RaVurn
Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.)
called on the House yesterday to
accept the Senate's version of the
civil rights bill.
But he left the door open for
a compromise.
Rayburn, leader of the Demo-
cratic majority in the House, said;
that while he is for the Senate
bill as it stands he would' be will-
ing to limit the terms of its con-
troversial jury trial amendment.
His statement definitely im-
proved the chances of the House
and Senate getting together on
civil rights legislation which Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower
would be willing to sign.
President Eisenhower opposesJ
the Senate's jury trial, amend-'
ment as a danger to, the power of
federal courts to enforce their or-
ders in injunction cases.
Administration sources say he
would veto any bill so amended.
House GOP Leader Joseph
Martin of Massachusetts de-
manded that the Senate's version{
be rejected.
The Senate attached the
amendmeont to a section which
would authorize the attorney gen-v
eral to ask for federal court in-.
junctions against any violation
or threatened violation of voting
Injunctions are enforced by
contempt of court proceedings.
against those who violate them.
was promised $80,000 if he got out
-of the union. Doria was involved
in welfare fund scandals..
Actually Doria has received only
$25,000, plus a union-owned Cad-
illad, Heaton said, and he is suing
to collect on union notes for the
Dio Got $16,000
Heaton told the investigators
Dio got $16,000 when he left the
old union in 1954. It was also testi-
fled that Angelo Inciso was allowed
to take along a Chicago local with
assets of $300,000 when he de-
parted under fire from the UAW.
The committee has produced
evidence that Dio, while ostensibly
out of the union, retained a firm
hand in its affairs behind the
Heaton also testified that James
R. Hoffa, a vice-president of the
Teamsters Union, and Dio were
"more than. speaking acquaint-
Heaton, who is 48 but looks
much older, testified that as presi-
dent of the United Auto Workers
he raised no objection to paying
Dio for getting out of the union.
Utica Youth
May Visi
Red China
A 1956 University graduate,
Larry R. Schwartz, is reported to
have accepted an invitation by
Communist China to visit that
country after the Moscow Youth
Festival which closes this week.
Schwartz, 22 years old, is among
150 United States delegates at-
tending the Festival.
The State Department has
banned t r a v e 1 to Communist
China and has refused to issue
passports for such travel. Forty
Americans who haye reportedly
accepted the offer to visit Red
China will be liable for passport
The Utica, Michigan, youth has
been in Europe since; last July
working for United States Immi-
gration Service in England. His
mother, Mrs. Van Hevel, said, "he
wanted to travel before he settled
down to teach."
She said her son is "not the
kind that would get into trouble,
but he might if he goes to Red
Schwartz was an all-'A' student
at Utica High School and was a
straight 'B' student at the Uni-
versity. He received a Regents-
Alumni Scholarship in 1952.
An English major while at the
University, he participated in stu-
dent dramatic productions and
Michigras and was on the Gar-
goyle staff.
Schwartz also worked part-time
to pay for some of his expenses
while here in Ann Arbor.
His high school activities in-
cluded band and school publica-
Report Soviet Arms Seu
To 'AralDesrT Kio
ArileyTnk hip
Imam's Forces Resist,
Br itish, Muscat Armies
KERSHA, Oman W) - Unexpected resistance by the forces of the?
Imam of Oman caused a nixed British and Muscat force to pause
yesterday for a general overhaul bpfqre attacking Fort Firq, about two
miles north of Kersha.
The army of the Sultan of Muscat and Oman reached theout-
skirts of Firq Thursday but ran into heavy rifle fire from well-con-
cealed positions. It withdrew Thursday night into Kersha to prepare
a concerted attack.
British sources told, the Associated Press in Manama, Bahrain
that Brigadier J. A. R. Robinson, commander of the joint ground
NEW ORLEANS (P) - Tropical
storm Bertha, no longer a hurri-
cane, moved inland last night
and was crossing the path fol-
lowed by its murderous sister of
six weeks ago, Hurricane Audrey.
G. L. Allen, forecaster at the
New Orleans Weather Bureau,
said Bertha apparently was head-
ed in the direction of Lufkin in
east central Tex".
Allen said Bertha was crossing
Audrey's path near Cameron, La.,
about 7 p.m.
The Weather Bureau's 7 p.m.
bulletin located the center of Ber-
tha about 20 miles south of Lake
Charles, La.
The bulletin said the highest
tide reported along the central
Louisiana coast was five feet and
the highest wind from a reliable
source was 65 m.p.h.
The storm was moving north-
westerly about 12 m.p.h. The bul-
letin said hurricane warnings
would remain displayed from Gal-
veston, Tex., toVermilion Bay La.,
and storm warnings on the east
Louisiana coast.
Earlier, tides of five to six feet,
more than four feet above nor-
mal, were predicted for Galveston
and Sabine Pass, Tex., while less-
er swellings of three to five feet
were forecast for the central Lou-
isiana coastline.
Camheron Sheriff O. B. Carter
estimated about 500 persons were
in th6 city doing rebuilding and
rehabilitation work when-the first
warnings of Bertha came. He said
about 95 per cent were evacuated
by nightfall Thursday.
Study Funds
United States Public Health
Service yesterday approved $740,-
70t in grants for health research
facilities at the University.
The grants break down into
$600,000 to construct a Mental
Health Research Laboratory; $57,-
750 for research equipment for the
School of Public Health; $57,013 to
renovate Simpson Memorial In-
stitute; $22,548 to equip Women's
Hospital's Tissue Culture Labora-
tory; and $3,390 to equip Kresge
,Medical Research Building.
The grants are part of a na-
tional program approved by Con-
Other Michigan schools benefit-
ting are Wayne State University
($500,000 to expand a life science
research center to study micro-
biology and organic chemistry)
and Michigan State Univeresity
($235,000 for research in biology).
'nited States Federal Civil
onautics Administration yes-
lay increased construction.pnd
)rovement aid to Willow Run
port from $45,500 to $188,000.
'he money will be coupled with
0,000 from the State of Michi-
and' the airport owner to
ate flush-type landings, clear
ructions from two runway
Broaches and resurface part of
unway and taxiway area.
Jrport officials called the in-
se a "very pleasant surprise."
rashington and airport ob-
ers interpret the increase as
curring in Michigan Depart-
Zt of Aeronautics' position of
>gnizing Willow Run as a "per-
lent installation." -
ivil Aeronautics Administrator.
Zes Pyle said the money comes
ni allocations made across the
ntry but not used in the past
fiscal years.
he money will provide for all
one of the projects originally
nested from the Legislature by
Utiversity, owner of the air-
. Appropriations are on a
ching basis and this year were
),000 each from University and
7ork is expected to begin late
year after CAA approval of
is for which work is now under
he project not now included is
proposed 800-foot addition to
instrument runway. The pro-
i,, expected ,to be brought up
in next year, has been left out
lack of matching funds from
e and University.
A-Construction Project
Wins- Approval byHouse
WASHINGTON UP) - A $337-million atomic-construction bill won
House approval yesterday after being altered to meet Republicai,
objections that it was designed originally "to promote the growth
of public power."
The bill was passed by a 382-14 roll-call vote after Republicans,
with some scattered Democratic help, had knocked out authoriza-
tion for two experimental reactors and an order requiring the Atomic
Energy Commission to build reactors for public power groups.
The two prototype reactors, which would have cost an esti-
mated $55 million would have been pwned and operated by the AEC.
One would have been a natural uranium, gas-cooled prototype
as distinguished from present reactors using more costly and scarcer
refined uranium. The other would have been a plutor ium recycle re-,
actor designed to develop use of plutonium as a fuel instead of as
a bomb component only.
Democrats on the Senate-House Atomic Energy Committee said
the prototypes were necessary if the United States is to'keep in the
forefront in the atomic field and prepare for the atoms-for-peace era.
Republican committeemen, headed by Rep. W. S. Cole of New
York, said they would be a waste of money. They said the AEC
doesn't want or need the reactors and predicted that if bunt they
would eventually be used to provide power in competition with pri-
vate industry. /
forces, flew to Manama from
Oman to urge an. all-out air at-
tack on Firq.
Up to now the British have re-
frained from action that might'
result in the death of many Arabs.
Taleb ben Ali, vigorous leader
of the rebel forces for his brother
Ghalebben Ali, Imam of Oman, is
reported dug in at Firq with 200
trained men. They are the 'hard
core of the rebel forces.
About 40 of them formed an
outpost that resisted stubbornly
in a battle fort about a mile out-'
side Firq before they were blasted
tut by rockets from Venom jets
Thursday. They.. escaped to the
hills without any known casual-
Youtz To Talk'
Dean Phillip N. Youtz of the
College of Architecture and De-
sign will be featured speaker in
the Annual Regional Art Confer-
He will speak on "Some Ameni-
ties of Painting as a Hobby" at
the 10 -a.m. session, Monday in
Rackham Amphitheater.
ROSARIO, Argentina W) --
This city's professional light-
weight c h a mp i o n Miguel
Aguero was unable to climb to
the ring Thursday night for
a scheduled fight with Osval-
do Paredes,
The reason: He had been
knocked out by his fiancee
who broke a bottle on his head
at the bitter end of an argu-
nent shortly before the boxing
bout was due to start.
Concrete Deck of New Women 's Dorm Collapses, Injures
Daily Sports Editor
Two laborers received minor in-
juries yesterday when a concrete
deck of the partially-completed
Mary Markley women's dormi-
tory, collapsed, carrying them
with it.
They are Loyce Johnson, 39
years old,, of 1315 Springfield,
Willow Village, and Willie Currie,
45 years old, of 507 Detroit, Ann
No Fractures
The men werrils hndh t SLTJ-
platform so that it could be re-
poured Monday with as little lost
time as possible. The platform is
to be part of the second floor of
rooms in which women will be
Early reports: indicated possible
fractures and internal ijuries to
Currie and Johnson. However, Dr.
Karl D. Malcolm of St. Joseph
yesterday evening reported that
the men are being held "mostly
for observation" and that they
were "shaken up and bruised."
Superintendent John Manix
of George W. Lathrop and Sons
of Toledo, general contractors of
the building's construction, point-
ed out the expedience in campen-
sating for the damage, adding
that "It's a shame this had to
. ..........