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August 09, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-08-09

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Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

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-No. 33.


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> Silent as Senate Probers
veal Wire-tap Recordings

GTON (P)- Sen ate
obers, unable to get
hnny Dio to talk, play-
ence yesterday a wire -
ordlng which repre-
as saying: "I was out
y last night: Jjmnmy

D had just refused to say
her he had ever worked for
en knew Hoffa, who is now
Vidwest boss of the Team-
Union and may be the
i's next international presi-
ritih Say
)lish Subs
bek Asylumri
NDON () - The British
a Navy reported early today
Polish submarines are ap-
ching the coast of Scotland
ere was speculation that the
s intend to seek political asy-
in Britain.
Ve have not had any messages
them," said a spokesman for
1 headquarters at Rosyth,
. they should come into a
sh port they will be granted
ities normally accorded to
rng warships."
e possibility that the Polish
s are seeking asylum from
'own Communist government
raised by a Western diplomat
e diplomat, who declined to
it use of his name, was the
to tell newsmen the subs had
spotted by the 'British navy.
e British did not disclose how'
dentity of the two Polish subs
established but 'it was pre-
ed they had been seen by nav-
reraft whose pilots were able
.ck out identifying features.
bel Defense
ot Granted

Committee counser Robert F.
kennedy said the recording was
made Feo. '8, 1955, by police in
New York without any of those in
the conversation knowing that
anyone was listening in.
As Dio listened to it yesterday,
he was sour-faced and sweating.
Asked whether that was his
voice in the recording, Dio refused
to answer. He invoked the Fifth
Amendment and its protection
against self-incrimination.
The recording was made at a
time when, the committee said,
Dio had set hoodlums to work to
oust Martin Lacey as president of
the Teamsters Joint Council of
New York City, and to replace
Lacey with John O'Rourke, a man
favored by Hoffa.
O'Rourke's Election,
The committee has said that
Hoffa sought O'Rourke's election
in order to bulwark himself as a,
top man in union labor in the na-
tion's largest city and eastern sea-
board, as well as in the Midwest.
Reporters were given a typed
transcript of the recording, of
which much was almost unintel-
ligible. The committee said this
showed that Dio discussed with
gangster Tony (Ducks) CoralloE
his own talks. with Hoffa 'about
efforts to defeat Lacey.
After Dio had fallen back on the
Fifth Amendment for the 140th.
time, he was excused from the
Must Return to N.Y.
He must return to New York
tonight to a cell in Tombs Prison,
where he is awaiting sentencing
for a shakedown conviction.
Dio was among the most unco-
operative witnesses the commit-
tee has had. He refused to say
whether he is an American citizen..
Most of the questions went to
the heart of the committee's basic
charge that Dio and other hood-
lums worked to get a Hoffa man"
in charge of the T'eamster Council
which guides the union activities
of 125,000 workers in the vital la-
bor area of New York City.
Cursed, Slugged
Dia, who has the reputation of
covering ruthlessness with a suave
veneer, lost some of 'his suavity
this morning. He cursed and
slugged, but not severely, a pho-
tographer who was trying to take
his picture.
Dio may have overreached him-
self when he refused to say wheth-
er -he was an American citizen,
lest the answer tend to incrimin-
ate him. '
Sen. Karl Mundt (R-S.D.) of
the committee said this clearly

amounted to contempt of Congress
and Chairman John McClellan
(D-Ark.) , agreed there wasn't any
way a man would incriminate
himself by admitting American
Committee records show Dio was
born in New York City 43 years
Contempt of Congress carries a
possible prison sentence of a year,
upon conviction.
Dio is now facing up to two
years for extortion in New York.
Claims Ws
Plots War
BERLIN (A') - Nikita Khrush-
chev yesterday warned the United
States and its allies that the
military buildup in West Germany
could lead to war and hydrogen
rocket attacks on their cities.
The Russian party boss accused
the Western Powers of scheming
to use Germany as a war base
'"and the German people as can-
non fodder in their plans to con-
quer the world."
W e s t Germany's Chancellor
Konrad ,Adenauer, who tangles
with the Socialists in national
elections Sept. 16, was blamed by
Khrushchev for supporting "these
preparations for a new war."
Khrushchev made tis rocket-
rattling speech before Communist
East Germany's Parliament on
the second day of his week-long
visit to the satellite nation.
Before whirring TV cameras and
radio microphones that carried his
threatening words all over Ger-
many, the Russian leader de-
"The policy of militarization, as
followed by the ruling quarters of
West Germany and by her west-
ern partners in the preparation
of an atomic war, creates an ex-
tremely dangerous situation for
peoples of Europe and the German
people in particular.
"This should be kept in mind
by the statesmen of England,
France and other countries which
are within range of atomic and
hydrogen weapons in case of mil-
itary operations.
"This should also be kept in
mind by the statesmen of the
United States as in our time,
where rocket -developments are
rapid, no distance will protect any
country from the effects of atomic
and hydrogen weapons."
Threatening of atomic destruc-
tion by missiles is not new with
Russian leaders. More than a year
ago, during the visit of Khrush-
chev and Soviet Premier Nikolai
Bulganin to London, the Commu-
nist party chief claimed Russia
would soon have intercontinental
missiles "which can hit every
point in the world." .

Martin Asks
Rights Bill
Wants Extra Session
In House if Needed
seph Martin of Massachusetts,
Republican leader of the House,
yesterday advocated a special ses-
sion of Congress if necessary to
get a satisfactory civil rights bill.
He spoke as the Senate's his-
toric civil rights measure ly on
the speaker's table in the House
and party leaders weighed their
next moves.
Rep.Martin told reporters that
if the bill in its final form fails
to meet President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower's specifications he will
personally recommend that Ei-
senhower veto it and recall Con-
gress in November to try again.
Session's End Seek
Sen. William Knowland of Cal-
ifornia, 'the Senate's GOP leader,
said it was too early to say wheth-
er a special civil rights session
might be called. Congress may
adjourn its present session by the
end of this month.
Two main courses were open to
the House in handling the bill
which the Senate approved 72-18
Wednesday night after nearly five
weeks of debate.
The House could accept the
Senate's amended version and risk
a presidential veto.
President Eisenhower is op-
posed to the jury trial provision
inserted by the Senate, consider-
ing it "most damaging to the en-
tire federal judiciary."
To Committee?
Or the House could send the bill
to a Senate-House Conference
Committee for attempted adjust-
ment of the differences between
it and a much broader measure
passed by the House June 18.
As it now stands, the amend-
ment would require jury trials in
nearly all kinds of criminal con-
tempt proceedings arising from
efforts to enforce federaj court in-
House Speaker Sam Rayburn of
Texas, leader of the Democratic
majority, said he would have a
statement today on what he
thinks should be done with the
The House may act after that.
Funds Cut
By Senate
Armed Services Committee ap-.
proved authorization for t h e
spending of $1,445,285,000 on mili-
tary construction projects yester-
This4s $231,337,000 less than the
amount approved by the House
last month.


Economic Improvement

Catholic Laymen Urge Segregation'

Gap Closed;

Foreign Aid Bill Compromised
Congress Agrees on Loan Func


NEW ORLEANS (A')-The Asso-
ciation of Catholic Laymen-by-
passing its archbishop yesterday
asked Pope Pius XII in Rome to
stop racial integration in the
In a letter that challenged the
right of Archbishop Joseph F.
Rummel to define' a matter of
morals, the group of New Orleans
Catholics asked:
1. That Archbishop Rummel be
requested "to take no further
steps" toward integration of white
and Negro Catholics pending a
papal pronouncement, and,
2 That the papacy decree that
segregation is not morally wrong
and sinful as the archbishop has
said it is.
The letter also listed types of
W arning
By The Associated Press
NEW ORLEANS - Tr o p i c al
storm Bertha continued a steady
building of force this morning and
the Weather Bureau predicted it
"will probably reach hurricane
force" today.
The Weather Bureau ordered a
hurricane watch along the west
Louisiana and upper Texas coast
last night. *
Sheriff O. B. Carter ordered
evacuation of battered Cameron
Parish County last night as a pre-
caution against the storm.
The area, where 500 persons
died in Hurricane Audrey six
weeks ago yesterday, began set-
ting up evacuation centers away
from the coastal lowlands' that
bore the brunt of Audrey's 20-foot
waves and 105 m.p.h. winds.
The Weather Bureau warned
residents of other low-lying areas
to prepare for possible evacua-
tion today.
In an advisory, the bureau said
Bertha's winds had increased to
65 miles per hour. It was 125 miles
south of Grand Isle, La., and
moving about 10 miles an hour in
a west-northwest direction toward
the coastline of east Texas and
western Louisiana.

segregation in regions of the na-
tion and the world outside the
Archbishop Rummel issued a
statement last night saying the
action was "in accord with the
recognized right or prerogative of
members 'of the Catholic church
in general. We prefer, as an inter-
ested party and out of deference
to the Holy See, not to comment
on the matter in which the appeal
is couched or on the eceuracy
of its contents .."
The archbishop has ended seg-
regation in churches and served
notice that he plans to end sepa-
ration in schools.
However, he has set no date for
school integration.
The letter centered its attention
on segregation from a moral point
of view, but the request for no
further steps toward integration
made clear that the group wanted
segregation continued in senools.
The association outlined its feel-
ings on the matter.
"For over two years now," the
letter to Pope Pius said, "con-
scientious and sincere Catholics in
the archdiocese of New Orleans
have been confronted with the
strange new doctrine, propounded
by our archbishop, his excellency,
Joseph Francis Rummel, that the
segregation of the white and Negro
races is 'morally wrong and sinful.'
"Indeed, this concept is both
new and strange, for even the
clergy and the church itself have
participated and are participating
in the perpetuation of this type of
segregation by, among other
things, sanctioning the establish-
ment and maintenance of jseparate
churches and schools.
"Despite the fact that no com-
petent attempt has been made to
offer a conclusive proof to estab-
lish the validity of the principle,
nor to demonstrate a bishop's au-
thority to define a matter of
morals, Catholics have been ad-
monished that they are bound in
conscience under pain of possible
serious sin to accept it."

As a result, the letter said, ed-
ucated Catholics have become de-
moralized and uneducated ones
"For the good' of souls," said
the letter, "something must be
done and done swif y."
The letter said some clergy had
advised the laymen that the Pope
would not consider the question
worthy of direct attention, but "wey
can not be convinced that this is
Jackson G. Ricau, association
executive secretary, said the letter
closed with an assurance that the
association would accept as final
any papal decree.
Hit Rebels
MANAMA, Bahrain (M-A Brit-
ish-led army of 1,000 tribesmen
supporting the Sultan' of Muscat]
and Oman yesterday thrust the
second jaw of a pincer attack at
the rebel Imam of Oman's strong-
A The new force advanced up a.
dry canyon called Wadi Samail
under British air cover and with
heavy weapons support, officials
The unit approached the rebel-
held fort at Nizwa from the north-
east. The Wadi stretches 40 to 60
miles from the desert fortress.
Preparing for a knockout punch
from the southeast, an army of
British troops and Arab warriors
was believed to have captured
Farq, three miles from the fort.
'Hopes were high that Imam
Ghaleb bin Ali's forces would be
defeated in four or five days. The
British Foreign Office is known to
want a quick victory in the three-
week-old rebellion.
A prolonged campaign would
hurt British prestige in the oil-
rich protectorates on the Persian
Earlier in the day, the first shots
of the ground offensive were fired
at the village of Rada, which sur-
rendered after token resistance
officials said.
The army had advanced 80
miles without opposition.
Stassen Sets
Disarm Bie
LONDON ()-Harold 3. Stassen
told the United Nations Disarma-
ment subcommittee yesterday he
expects to complete a broad United
States proposal for a disarmament
treaty within a few days.
United States sources said the
four Western members of the five-
nation subcommittee are in sub-
stantial agreement on the items
they will present to Russja.
These items, covering both nu-
clearmandpconventional weapons,
.will comprise -a package disarma-
ment plans endorsed by the United
; States, Britain, Canada and



MEW YORK (A) - The Soviet:
vernment yesterday appeared
the time being at least to have
dnddned Col. Rudolph Ivano.-
h Abel to his fate.
He was indicted Wednesday as
:ey Russian spy in this country.
Assistant Attorney, General
111am R. Tompkins,'in charge
the government's case against
e 55-year-old Abel, said he has
t been contacted by the Ris-
n Embassy since the indict-
Nor, Tompkin- added, has any
uyer come forward to represent
el, who masqueraded for nne
ars in Brooklyn as a plodding
By contrast, in 1949, the Soviet
ibassy came forward within a
ftter of hours on behalf of Val-
tine A. Gubitchev. another Rus-
n national arrested. on spy'

Measure Prepared
For Senate, House;
Ike's Authority Hiked
WASHINGTON () - Senate
and House conferees agreed last,
night on a, compromise $3,366,-
000,000 foreign aid bill carrylng-
authority for President Dwight D.
Eisenhower to set up a new two-
year fund to make loans for eco-
nomic development abroad.
The figure agreed upon repre-
sented , almost a down-the-line
split of differences between Sen-
ate and House versions of the for-
eign' aid authorization bill.
It also represented a $498,410,-
000 reduction in the $3,864,410,000
requested by President Eisenhow-
er for this fiscal year, ending next,
June 30.
House Bill Was Les
The House bill had provided
$3,116,833,000; the Senate $3,617,.
Under the compromise, which
Sen. Theodore Green (D-R.
said he will try to bring up in the
Senate for its approval today, the
proposed econmlc development
fund will be financed by a $500
million appropriation for thl
year plus authority for an'addi-
tional $625 million in the fiscal
year beginning next July 1.
The Houser originally voted to
limit the economic loan fund au-
thority to this year alone. The
Senate voted-0 mi llior.thla
year plus Treasury borrowing au-
thority totaling $1/ billion over
the succeeding two years.
Gives Presidential Authority
The House conferees refused to
go along with any borrowing au-
thority in agreeing to the second
The compromise bill, while it
grants the President a longer-
range authority than he has ever
had on economic loans, is still
short of the three-year goal that
he sought.
As worked out in conference,
the bill carries $1,600,000,000 for
military aid to allies this fiscal
year and $750 million for defense
supports in the form of economic
aid to help allied nations main-
tain their troop commitments.
Differing Amounts
The Senate had voted $1,800,-
000,000 in military aid, the House
$11/' billion. The Senate allowed
$800 million for defense supports,
the House $600 million.
In the only other money item
in dispute the conferees voted to
authorize $32% million for ad-
ministrative expenses of the pro-
gram, $250,000 below what the
Senate voted and an identical
amount above the House allow-
An appropriatidns bill provid-
ing the actual funds must be
passed later, and both Senate and
House will have another opportu-
nity to revise the figures then.
Plates Record'
Rare Particle
physicist studying cosmic rays said
yesterday an expensive experiment
in the outer atmosphere "eaught"
a particle containing 10 tIme.
more energy than a particle in an
exploding atom bomb.
Dr. Raymond P. Ney, a physic.
professor at the University c4 Min-
nesota and one of the pioneers i
atomic fission, said the high en-
ergy particle was captured in at
$18,000 "stack" of photographic
The equipment was sent aloft
last September from an aban-
doned iron mine near Crosby,
Minn., suspended from a balloon

that traveled 116,000 feet, or 22

Gubitchev and government girl
Judy Coplon were convicted of
spying. Miss Coplon's conviction'
eventually was reversed and she
went free. Gubitchev was allowed
to return to ,Russia.
At the' time of his indictment,
Abel was being held in a d aten-
tion camp at McAllen, Tex., to
await deportation as an illegal
alien. He had come here illegally
in 1948 by way of Canada.
Tompkins told a news confer-
ence the government will seek a
speedy trial for Abel. But he
doubted if it could occur before
October because of docket condi-
tions in the Brooklyn federal
The government said Abel spe-
cialized in the collection of mili-
tary and atomic secrets for trans-,
mission to the ;Kremlin. He had
been with Soviet intelligence for
27 years and was raised to the
rank of colonel about a year ago.
Youtz To Give
Art Lecture
Dean Phillip N. Youtz of the

GRINDELWALD, Switzerland
(P)-Four European climbers have
been stranded in apparent des-
peration since Monday high on.
the perilous north wall of 13,036-
foot Eiger Mountain.
Alpine guides yesterday ex-
pressed serious concern and said
the four apparently have reached
a point of no return.
The north wall is regarded as
one, of the most dangerous and
difficult in the Alps.
The four men, two Germans
and 'two Austrians, can be seeni
by telescope but nothing .can be
done to help them from here.
The guides sad the climbers are
perched on such narrow ledges
that a slightest wrong move could
send them hurtling more than
3,000 feet to their deaths.
They 'are believed to be suffer-
ing from cold and shortage of

Industry and annexation were
cited yesterday by the Detroit
News as being the two major rea-
sons for the growth of, Ann Arbor.
According to the News' story,
Ann Arbor's future isNdestinedto
beone of two things : it will con-
tinue to be a cultural community,
or it will become another medium-
sized Michigan metropolis.
The University is used as one
example of expansion. It has
spread from the old main campus
to a new 750-acre north campus
across the winding HuronhRiver.
There, in the sight of the Uni-

Newspaper Says Industry, Annexation
Responsible for Ann Arbor's Growth

D r.Novy, Former Dean,
Died Yesterday at 92

versity Hospital complex and the
10-story Veterans' Hospital, are
located the Phoenix Memorial
Project for atomic research; new
engineering facilities; married
students' apartments, and the site
of a $12 million Parke, Davis and
Co. research center. Nearby is the
56-acre site of Bendix Aviation
Corp. research facilities.
Three Categories
The News classified people liv-
ing in Ann Arbor in the following
1. Those who live here the year
2. "Youngsters who spend four
of the happiest years of their
lives" at the University, and,
3. "The myriads who recall
their visits with nostalgia."
Life in Ann Arbor has been
geared to campus activities for
generations, and only a few per-
sons earnestly wish for any ma-
jor change at all, according to the
Describes Mayor
The News said one landmark
resisting any change at a1 is the
famous Pretzel Bell restaurant,
which features tables scarred by
40 years of students' pen-knives,
and pictures of University greats
dating back to the 1880's.
Ann Arbor's mayor, Prof. Sam-

WASHINGTON (A') - Discount
rates at four federal reserve
banks were raised from 3 to 3 /
per cent yesterday in a new move
to check inflation.
The Federal Reserve Board or-
dered the increases, effective to-
day, for member banks at Phila-
delphia, Chicago, Minneapolis and
Kansas City.
It acted on the recommenda-
tions of the boards of directors of
the banks in those areas.
There was no immediate indi-
cation whether the eight other
federal reserve banks would fol-
low suit, but such a step is tisual.
The discount rate is the charge
made when member banks borrow
from the federal reserve. The
theory is that a higher rate will
discourage such borrowing. In
turn this tends to hold down the
amount of money member banks
have for normal commercial lend-
The new rate is the highest
since 1934.

ly skilled workmen turn out auto-
matic control devices, surgical in-
struments, baling machines and
precision gauges.
All this adds up to over $91,-
311,000 in assessed valuation; the
University being tax-exempt. This
is an increase of ten per cent' in
the last year alone.
Water, sewage and street im-
provements and a renewal study
of older areas, with an eye to fed-
eral aid, are next on the agenda,
according to the article.
All in all, concludes the News,
Ann Arbor has changed a great
deal and will continue to improve
with time.

A lston Cites Views on Meanings

Dr. Frederick G. Novy, former
dean of the University Medical
School, died yesterday at the age.
of 92.
He established the first bacteri-
ology course in the -country here
in 1889.
Funeral services will be held at
2:30 p.m. Sunday at Muehlig
Chanel with Re .Henrv Lewis

There is no such thing as the meaning of a particular word, Prof.
William P. Alston of the ph'ilosophy department said in a talk yes-
terday sponsored by the Department of Linguistics.
He pointed out difficulties involved in saying that meanings
are responses, connotations, or situations.
There are two major difficulties with these definitions, he said:
1. One can always find a word with no reference (such as "al-
though" which refers to nothing);


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