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June 26, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-06-26

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See Page 2

4 (it,

Sitr Eir
Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom






Kennan Reinterprets Nickerson
Makes Deal
Ike's Foreign Relations with Army







(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article is based on an exclusive Daily
interview with Geort e F. Jiennan,
who was here rec'ently to receive an
honorary doctor of laws degree from
the University.)
The author of this nation's
"containment" policy charged here
recently it is being misapplied be-
' cause of the Eisenhower Adminis-
tration's "needless timidity."
Ten years after nis article coin-
ing the phrase, George F. Keenan
former career diplomat and one-
time ambassador to Russia, said
the United States - despite the GEORGE F. KENNAN
heralding of a "liberation" policy .. . receiving degree
--continues t adhere to a con-
taimen statev.those terms 4nw but everyol
tainment strategy. afraid to ofgotiate.
"The adroit and vigilant appli- "Every time the Soviet gove
cation of counter-force at a senies m e me a po le g
of constantly shifting eogra phi- met makes a proposal,' he c
cal and political points. corres- tinued, the Administration
ponding to shifts ana maneuvers mediately asures the world
of Soviet policy." he had dfined have sound reasons for reject
of ovet olcy, h ha d inclit. But "many of these thi
the policy in 1947 in an influential s.ou t manydiscuhssd,"
and controversial article for For- should be discussed" i
'There is a real possibility
eign Affairs magazine. avoiding war, and I think it ist
End in Itself ribly urgent that we take adv'
Containment now, Kennan said, tage of it. I hope our governm
is being used as an end in itself, will not be afraid to explore ev
not as a means to negotiation. possibility for easing world t
"The policy is I conceived it was sion."
designed to bring about a situ- Danger to the World
ation in which we could negotiate He cited the current disarr
on fairly favorable terms. We have ment negotiations as. an exarm
English Group To Confer
On Advanced Placements

of greater Soviet tvillingness to
come to terms with the West:
"The Soviet government seems
sincerely interested in bringing
about a reduction in armament
f or two reasons-the strain cf th
armaments race is realiv begin-
ning to tell on an economy which
is only 40 to 50 per cent ,!- size
of our own, and, I think, the Soviet
leaders realize that the iic ol
atomic weapons is a danger to th
,whole wo ld. inclu(n? t hemselve
and is not the way political victor-

Adits Ifinor Counts;
Trades for Leniency
HUNTSVILLE, Ala., (') - Col.
John C. Nickerson Jr., 41, ce-
met ed a deal with the Army yes-
'terday as his court-mai'tial
He pleaded guilty to watered-
down charges of breaching secu-
rity in a dawning guided missile
era, with sentence to be fixed la-
The Army confirmed that it ac-
cepted a pretrial offer by Nicker-

C-o opeate

'Born Yesteray' Opens ooo
Beautiful but dumb--but not so
dumb, really,
That's Billie Dawn; she's a
chorus girl. She appears in "Born
Yesterday," a play highly success-
fi n R rFrc an B dnr Pnlxh


-- ,,

Dulles Says

ies are won "

:on to plead guilty to 15 minor
In 1947 he described Soviet tac- counts of security laxness if three
tics as involving "a cautious, pci'- major counts of espionage and


zu on broaa way ana good enougn
sistent pressure toward the tis- perjury were dropped.
ruption and weakening of all rival The Army would not say how to win an Academy Award for
influenet and rival power." long ago the deal was made. nor actress Judy Holliday in the film
Furm Believers would a spokesman say why the version.
u eis worried that ouArmy accepted it. However, by Marian Mercer will play the part
But he s d acivil court standards, a lesser plea ce Billie when "Born Yesterday"'
e invet sleerms to assume t is usually accepted when the pro- opens at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
run usmilitarilys ,,secution feels it cannot sustain Little Theater, Ann Arbor High
u the graver charge. School.
Communist Party Secre t a.ry The ,defense immediately Won Critics' Praise
Nikita Khrushchev and his associ- launched an appeal for leniency, Miss Mercer, too. has won critics'
ates "are firm believers in the arguing that Nickerson's was a ris forher ts in cltplay
tenets of Marxism"-in(,luding the 3 tt plraise for her parts in local playt
ultimate downfall of capitalsm sIcrime of patriotism, meriting productions-many of them similar
"but they don't expect world revo- "Loyalty to hetharmyundscoun-#oe part of Billie Dawn.
lution overnight." ry" was the motive ascribed to Robert Logan plays the part of
Khrushchev's television state- the Army missile expert by De- Billie's companion Harry, the
ment that Americans could expect fense Atty. Ray H. Jenkins. powerful and rich junk dealer.
their grandchildren to live under Nickerson helped himself to se- Paul Douglas played the same rolef
socialism Kennan dismissed as "a cret defense data to try to pre- in the film.
politicalstatement I don't knom Other players include Russ Aiu-
politicalotatment dot wenoal serve a major role for the Army to, G. Davis Sillards, Bob Cotting-
ince city n ouch f to a t e call in any future missile war. hamG.TD rrysSibacd, Bla Co
Nickerson's sentencing still is ber and Pat Gillett.
In his "containment" article, an several days away. During that
attempt to analyze "The Sources time some 15 defense witnesses Heusel Directs Play
of Soviet Conduct," which he sign- -including Nickerson himself , Ted Heusel, who is directing the
ed "X." Kennan described the; are expected to try to win him Garson Kanin play, has announced
Kremlin as being devoted to "the leniency. that good tickets are still avail-,
pursuit of unlimited authority The Uniform Code of military able for all three performances,
domestically, accompanied by the Justice provides a dishonorable tomorrow through Saturday.
cultivation of the semi-myth of discharge and imprisonment for Thp story of "Born Yestereday"
implacable foreign hostility," in- two years for violating or failing }is one of political and financial
ternally permitting only the Piii ty to obey a lawful order. No fine maneuvering with Billie caught in
to have structure leaving the rest is provided. the middle and, with the aid of a
of society an "amorphous mass," Nickerson was charged on 15 newspaper reporter, trying to learn
externally seeking power with "')a- counts and could get a maximum right from wrong.
tient persistence " of 30 years in prison, and a dis- When Billie finds out the real'
Ugliness Overrated honorable discharge carrying with truth about Harry and dccides toJ
But now Kennan thinks he it forfeiture of all pay and allow- leave him she also falls in love,
"overrated the ugliness of the ances from the time sentence is with the reporter-and the results
problem. I was thinking solely in imposed. But the 10-man court- are electrifying.
terms of the. Stalin Era. Thios martial board - his jury - could Reservations, according to Heu-.
are much better since his death send him from the courtroom sel, may be made by calling the
than I had hoped" 10 years ago. without punishment. theatre box office.
Then he had warned of "tacti- - _
cal maneuvers" which migh lead i C
some Americans t ~"leapt h
with gleeful a inouncemen ts, t
'the Russians have changed'."bt
he also suggested that Amri a The Daily still needs summer without performing daily as-I
i I I__I c~~~~~io" anoeaoc in fr1

-Daily-Eric Arnold
JUST REHEARSING-Marian Mercer (left to right), Robert
Logan and Russ Aiuto prepare for tomorrow's opening of "Born.
Sme Federal Functionis
Mlay Return to States
WILLIAMSBURG, Va., (P) - The 59th annual governors' con-
ference moved quickly yesterday to meet President Eisenhower's re-
quest for a survey of the possibility of transferring some federal gov-
ernment functions back to the states.
North Carolina's Democratic Governor Luther H. Hodges announced
after a closed meeting the conference resolutions committee was
drafting a resolution he said would deal with Eisenhower's proposal
to establish a federal-state task

Two talks tomorrow evening
Placement English Conference inI
Sponsored nationally by the Co
the Advance Placement Program g
the opportunity to earn college cre(
Only two schools in Michigan,
School (which will begin this fall

Livingf Costs
Reach Peak;
:Decline Seen
ground-swell of inflation reached
another high water mark in May.'
It sent consumer prices up three-
tenths of 1 per cent-to an all-
time peak for the ninth consecu-
tive month.
Officials of the Bureau of Labor
statistics, who announced the rise
yesterday, said June probably is
T setting another record. July may
see some leveling off, they said,
and the harvest month of August
} may bring a decline.
The cost of living increase, cou-
pled with shorter working hours in
May, cauised a droet of one-half of
1 per cent in the buying power of
the average factory worker's pay-
But it brougnt pay increases to
' almost a million eemployes work-
ing under "escalator" contracts
geared to the rise and fall of con-
sumer prices.
Some 750,000 in the s iron
ore, aluminum and otie n
dustries gained 4 cents an hour;
115,000 in meat packing got three
cents; 105,000 garment workers
gained one or two cents.
Sees Danger
In .South's Ire
DETROIT UP) -- A leader of the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People
(NAACP) said tonight the organ-
A ization faced "a grave and unpre-
cedented crisis" because of what
hie described as an "attack by the
1 legislative and judicial systems of
many of the southern states.
The NAACP's board chairman,
Dr. Channing H. Tobias, in a key-
note speech prepared for the As-
4 sociation's convention here, said,


will open a three-day Advance
Rackham Hall.
llege Entrance Examination Board,
ives superior high school students
dit while taking advanced courses.
Cranbrook and Ann Arbor High
, offer or plan to offer the Ad-
vance Placement Program to their
This week's conference, to take
place in the Ann Arbor High
School, will have school adminis-
trators and English teachers from
all over the country participating.
Their work, according to Direc-
tor of University Admissions

Clyde Vroman, will be toward im-
plementation of the AdvanceI
Placement Program in schools in!
Michigan and other parts of the
200 Schools Participate
About 200 schols are presently
participating in the program, Vro-
man said. More than 2,000 stu-
dents took exams this last spring
to earn advance credit.
Michigan schools have Just be-
gun to take advantage of the pro-
gram. Ann Arbor High will begin
this fall by offering advance cre-
dit in English, mathematics and
Harold Howe, high school prin-!
cipal and director of Newton Ju-
nior College in Newton, Mass., will'
deliver the first of two talks open-
in gthe conference at 8:15 p.m.
Jameson to Talk
He will discuss "The Advance
Placement Program."
Robert Jameson, an advance
placement teacher at Haverford
School in Haverford, Penn., will
outline "The Advance Placement;
English Program."
Both talks will be open to the"
public. Ann Arbor High School
Principal Nicholas Schreiber is
chairman of the weekend confer-
ence which will be sponsored lo-
cally by Ann Arbor High and the
University's English department,
The Advance Placement Pro-
gram, for which the University
gives advance credit to high
school students, has been devel-
oping on an experimental basis
throughout the country for the{
past six years.
Music School
Lectures Open
'rhe r,1,f f*,4.~ an 1 4. .3a -


See GEORGE, Page 4
Czechs Arrest
Nuns, Priests
BERLIN { PN - The Communist

Enough photographers came
to The Daily offices yesterday to
nearly fill the summer capacity,
but writers, reviewers, business
staff workers and many other
interested persons are , still

signments are also wanted,
Indeed, if anyone has some
free time this summer and
wants to do almost any sort of
newspaper job, The Daily will
keep him busy throughout the
At the same time. no one is
obliged to work any set times.

force to study the question.
Despite widespread skepticism
that any concrete results can be
obtained, the conference is ex-
pected to adopt the resolution
Gov. Hodges said the resolu-
tions group had decided not to ac-
cept any of seven or eight pro-
posals laid before it by individual
governors but would draft its own
One of these proposals was sub-
mitted by GOP Gov. Theodore R.
McKeldin of Maryland who a few.

Church. Pact
Two Million
CLEVELAND (M) - Two armies
of Christians reached across a
chasm of centuries yesterday to
join forces in a new "United
Church of Christ."

Russia Must
Curb Bombs
S tassen Proposes
Reduction Program
W SHINGTON () - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles said
yesterday the United States would
be willing to end nuclear tests pro-
vided Russia agreed in advance to
end production of nuclear ma-
terials for weapons by a specified
Dulles stressed that as part of
any "first stage" disarmament
agreement. Russia must also allow
outside inspectors to check on any
Soviet pledge to stop tests aid
production of atomic bombs.
Dulles spoke out at a news con-
ference in an apparent move to
dispel confusion over the American
attitude toward banning tests.
Additional Developments
There were these related de-
1. In London, Harold E. Stasse
proposed a reduction of United
States and Soviet~ armed forces, in
three stages, that would limit their
military manpower to 1,700,000
men each.
T h e American disarmament,
delegate said, however, that a re-
duction below 22 million men
each must depend on progress
toward settling major world dif-
The United States armed forces
now total 2,800,000; Russia's are
estimated at 4% million.
2. In Moscow, Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko accused
this country of using the London
disarmament talks as a "screen
to continue and intensify the arms
Gromyko Demands
Gromyko demanded at a news
conference that United States mili-
tary and political leaders stop
making "aggressive and incendi-
ary" statements.
He referred to recent testimony
by Gen. Lauris Norstad, command-
er NATO forces in Europe, that the
Western alliance could wreak
"absolute destruction" on Russia if
the Soviets started a war.
In Washington, Dulles sought to
clear away what he acknowledged
was "confusion" resulting from
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
news conference comments last
week on disarmament.
P r e s. Eisenhower seemingly
hinted for the first time that a
trial ban on tests could be accepted
without a Russian pledge to end
atomic b o m b production. The
White House later said there was
no change in United States policy.
"We do not under our plan
separate the suspension of testing
from an agreement to have a cut-
off on the use of fissionable ma-
terials for weapons purposes," ha
CU' Student
From Plunge
Harvey G. Lapides, 80, was re-
ported in good condition at Uni-
versity Hospital yesterday.
Lapides, who fell from the sec-
ond story of Angell Hall June 5,
sustained two broken arms and
head cuts,
Police and University officials
said Lapides apparently tied a
sash cord to his belt and to a
radiator on the third floor, and

then attempted to lower himself
and gain entry to the second story

party of Czechoslovakia yesterday U nfortuna tely, The Daily The individual arranges his own hours earlier had said he was Dramatic pageantry marked the
announced the arrest of Roman cannot offer to pay for its help, work schedule, "convinced nothing can be done sealing of ties between national
Catholic nuns and clergymen on but The Daily does offer a vast For information, just stop about it." bodies of the Congregational
charges of underground work and field of experience and acquain- into The Daily offices, 420 May- McKeldir was joined by Demo- Christian Churches and the Evan-
espionage for foreign agencies tanceship with the campus to nard St., at 4:15 or 7:15 p.m. cratic Gov. Averell Harriman of gelical and Reformed Church.
and the Vatican. all prospective staffers. today. If the time is inconven- New York in predicting the con- At the climactic moment, 714
How many were arrested was Persons interested in writing Tent, just telephone. ference will approve such a reso- official delegates of the two de-
not reported. interpretive and feature articles Everyone will be welcome. lution, nominations chorused in unison:
-INA - -"We do now , . . declare our-
FINAL SESSIONS T DAYelves brion consummated ,. ,in the name
of the father, and of the son, and
h h ",4 of the Holy Ghost. Amen',
Ten Talks Highght Aging Confeence theleyears
9 1 of negotiations, is the first in the
United States .to link historically
Ten speeches highlighted the second day of the University's 10th Labor, said her experience indicates many retired persons want part- divided families of Protestantism
Anniversary Conference on Aging yesterday. time jobs. with differing forms of church
The conference, which will close today, is being held at the Union. "A sizeable number of persons will prefer and seek part-time government.
Highlighting yesterday's conference were: employment after retirement," she declared. "We should try to find Together, the denominations
out why this is true, what values are being sought, and whether or have a membership of more than
Earle F. Zeiglei men's physical education instructor at the not part-time employment will provide these values." two million.
Uiversity, was principal speaker on recreation in a symposia on the Will Johnson, industrial relations vice-president at Bell and A constitution of the new
good use of leisure. Howell suggested well run retirement conditioning programs may church still i. to be written, ad-
HZeillsrgesaidwel"recreatrmionondadonqganreramscoynceivesdilcsan bbrintge.the
Zeigler said "recreation, adequately conceived. can bring the encourage older workers to retire voluntarily before they reach age hering to a,"basis of union" al-
necessary human values to people individually and collectively. Ex- limits established by their companies. ready agreed on, and subject to
periences which will bring these values to men. women, boys, andand has happened when a retirement conditioning pro- approval of two thirds of the in-
girls, are taking place in many communities today. gram successfully answers the major questions confronting older dividual congregations.
Geamssuc cs le ran Aweolorfulrparadea
A colru 1001.o ieiwresh adolorful parade through six

"CL io1UNL VUL 01 Ll1C

Sw ln 16, lez l .

"People should strive to get the most out of life. and toward this Dr. Frederick C. Swartz, of Lansing, said giving up coffee breaks
purpose, communities are making available a well planned recreation for a brief walk or some other good exercise may avoid shaky hands
program." Included in this are five major areas of recreational inter- and a tottering gait in later life.
ests: social. learning, creative and aesthetic, communicative, and Physical exercise, he said, "begun early in life and continued into
physical. the advanced years is capable of delaying the physical stigma of aging
R. J. Blakely. vice-president of the Fund for Adult Education said, and prolonging life expectancy as much as eight to 10 years."
"Medicine will break the age barrier in the not too distant future, Watch Investments
and we may find outselves living to be 150 years old. But with no Oscar L. Buhr. vice-president of the Detroit Bank and Trust Co.,
function in life after 65. we'll be saying that the last 100 years will said elderly persons with modest means must emphasize safety and a
be the hardest, not the first. relatively high income from their investments in stocks and bonds.

blocks of downtown Cleveland pre-
ceded the unification ceremonies.
Korean Aid
Waste Cited



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