&xty-Seventb Year
ed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
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Civil Rights Bill
Effective for Future
ATE'S passage yesterday of a civil
ill must be seen as a victory for
lerstanding and a step toward hu-
equality in this country.
it is a compromise bill, a bill that
s wanted by few of the 90 senators
for or against it, it is nevertheless
ch legislation to pass the Senate so
tury. While its provisions may not
mough for some, or weak enough
it does have provisions that repre-
degree of headway in dealing with
South civil rights plroblems.
-infamous "jury trial amendment,"
ly, adds nothing constructive to the
ay be the very thing that will yet
iactment of civil rights legislation
either through the House-Senate
m 'tot come or through the Presi-
. this amendment has served its
r therg seems little doubt that the
ave passed the Senate without the
ect of the addition. The jury trial
proviso is something that will have to be lived
with as part of the cost of having civil rights
MEANWHILE, the legislation passed by the
Senate yesterday allows in itself oppor-
tunity on which to build. The establishment of
a civil rights division in the justice depart-
ment and the setting up of a Federal civil
rights commission for investigation in discrim-
ination cases will prove, if finally approved,
important adjuncts to the real civil rights work
that needs to be done - gradually -- in the,
And this "gradualness" must be taken seri-
ously. There can be no rushing in civil rights
matters. For it'is a field in which effective ad-
-vances can be made only through careful, con-
sidered requests and compromises. Yesterday's
Senate civil rights bill is one of these com-
promises, and, if finally enacted, it will have,
effectiveness for the future.
Two Outlooks,
State Dulles' words in de-
Eisenhower Administration's
ients of businessmen as dip-
been a bit painful in coming
e not too long ago, when he
he Truman Administration,
e occasional informal state-
reer men not only in diplo-
G in most administrative posts
policy level.
the vagaries of politics to
trment of President Eisen-
e Secretary is placed in a
to repudiate these beliefs.
"integrity of character,
gence and devotion to
ct for motherhood, are
acteristics in any man,
e hoped that not only
and every government
a an integral part of
WITH THE appointment of Neil H. McElroy
as secretary of defense, the Administration
has taken another step in stifling incentives.
Aside from all other considerations, the tim-
ing of the appointment is particularly unfor-
tunate. The Administration is still under fire
in the Gluck incident.
This does not argue against the qualifica-
tions, real or potential of McElroy and Gluck.
It can undoubtedly be demonstrated that they
are capable managers and pillars of integrity
But the nominations should be questioned
on at least two points: the walk of life of the
two designates'and the impact on officers of
lesser magnitude in government. Behind these
considerations is the confidence of the public
here and abroad.
McElroy comes to Washington as a distin-
guished executive of a giant soap company.
Gluck achieved similar'stature in wearing ap-
This strengthens a trend in top government
appointments. A good manager with a given
amount of public renown is set atop a pyra-
mid of faceless experts. For 'months, valuable
effort and time is devoted to bringing the
chief up to date - in between his press con-
YET WE ARE subjected to continuous ref-
erences about the -dearth of able men in
government. Does such a policy attract them?
Does a foreign service employe with an inti-
mate knowledge of Southeast Asia take the
'Ceylonappointment in his stride?A
Although Gluck's ignorance on Asian figures
is overemphasized, it is symptomatic of inept-
ness. Ambassador posts are too sensitive to
permit dubious qualities.
Passed over in the defense appointment was
able Deputy Secretary Donald Quarles and
his fund of experience. As we understand it,
he was considered a shoo'-in for the secretary's
job until word got around that the President
didn't think he had the "big picture" mind.
Washington is overloaded with big-picture
mfinds. Some detailed knowledge and experi-
ence is called for. The big-picture concerk
should remain with the office of the Presi-
dent, where it belongs.
THE BRITISH have landed at
the Campus and a certain
"Private's Progress" may be ob-
served there. This is another in a
seemingly inexhaustible line of
British comedies.
If it doesn't quite measure up
to the best of the British exports,
this show still provides some
cracking good fun.
Britain's Boulting brothers have
made this picture almost entire-
ly their own effort, writing, di-
recting and producing with ap-
parent gusto. In another way too,
they have gone it alone.
The British War Office, to put
it mildly, has not given any as-
sistance or approval to the show.
This doesn't seem to have daunt-
ed the Boultings, for they have
taken every opportunity possible
to poke fun at the British Army
and its traditions.
A practically endless stream of
daffy . British characters move
through this satire on the British
Army of World War II. Everyone
by some hook of fate becomes in-
volved in an extremely shady ma-
neuver to hijack a great quantity
of art treasures from the Ger-
In fact, the whole picture is. a
tribute to gold-bricking on a
monumental scale.
* * * -
rush, blunders his way into the
army an dthrough a wild series
of misadventures manages not to
get his officer's commission.
Through his uncle in the War
Office, he manages to get put on
a secret mission - stealing Ger-.
man art treasures for his uncle.
A great'deal of British manpower
goes into this effort and with
great success.
Only at the end does Scotland
Yard come in to put a wet blan-
ket on the whole affair. But the
movie ends on a hopeful note, be-
ing dedicated to all those who got
away with it.
There are many genuinely fun-
ny episodes in this film, but on
the whole it needs, as the Private
would say, "a pick-me-up." Ac-
tually there seem to be too many
people and too many incidents.
About the only unifying factor
about the film is the Private and
later the plot to steal the art
The earlier half of the picture
was devoted to getting the Pri-
vate indoctrinated into the army.
Much good comedy can -be de-
'rived from ringing the changes
on a basic plot. This provides
some tension and an expectancy
on the part of the audience for
something funny to happen. This
anticipatory tension was prac-
tically lacking iii "Private's Pro-
* * *
A TECHNICAL. fault .marred
this' particular showing of the
fihn. The Campus managed to
adjust their cameras so .that all
of the subtitles were lost during
the German section of the film.
Thereby one of the funniest
situations in the film wasinex-
cusably detracted from, for much
depended on an immediate un-
derstanding of the situation.
As usual, the British acting was
above reproach. Ian Carmichael
was suitably sickly, studious, and
bewildered as the Private. Rich-
ard Attenborough turned in a
fine job as the likable, but slight-
ly shady character. Various of the
minor. characters did superb jobs
satirizing stuffy British officers.
Even though the souffle may
have fallen a little bit, this
turned out to be a quite digestible
bit of summer viewing.
--Phillip Burgess
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"Bride' Struggles for Success
-* s
"HEALTH and Joy!'for every-
one! everyone!" was the obvi-
ous intent of the speech depart-
ment-music schoo cast of nearly
50 that struggled with the produc-
tion of Smetana's folk opera, "The
Bartered Bride," in Lydia Men-,
delssohn Theatre last night. But a
combination of things was against
it from the first.
A rousing opera in itself, with
a lively opening chorus, polka
numbers and a circus band. "The
Bartered Bride" was given the
usual watered-down, translated
performance here. Yet its many
good moments, from the opening
chorus to the finale, brightened.
the dullness ant iert tfe audience
with many worthwhile memories.
One of these was the orchestra,
which, broadened by the presence
of several faculty members, was
thrilling throughout-in spite of
noticeable weaknesses in the string
Another was the sound of the
chorus. But its good voice was de-
tracted from by the lack of stage
presence which made the chorus
look like something out of Gilbert
and Sullivan with couples in sta-
tionary position arranged in a
* * *
THE1 OPERA itself takes place
in the last century in a "large
Bohemian village." The plot, is
simple-so simple that a circus
comes to town in the second act
and leaves without having affected
the main story line to any degree..
Yet the opera is, in this way, per-
haps a good picture of the nine-
teenth century Bohemian town.
In this picture is the eligible
Marenka, whose marital future is
being worked out by the marriage
broker Kecal in conspiracy with
the bride's and groom's parents.
While, as a business matter, the
idiot Vashak has been selected as
Marenka's husband-to-be, she
loves Jenik, a stranger in town.
The resultant negotiations suggest
strongly the obvious, outcome of
the young loves, and the audience
is not betrayed.
* * * '
AS THE principals, Jerry Lang-
enkamp (Jenik) and Irene Kunst
(Marenka) are noti very outstafld-
ing. Their best moments come,
when they are surrounded by the
chorus and other members of the
cast. It is diffiult to determine
whether this is due solely to their
inability to be effective or more to
the opera's own faults, particularly.
in the shortened version.
As the ,marriage broker Kecal,
James Berg has a few good lines
but otherwise seems to get in the
way. The idiot Vashak,.played by
Millard Cates, is a highly colorful
character admirably portrayed, al-
though the outcome for him is
uneffective and obviously nothing
nore than a mechanical "cleaning
The rest of the cast is capable,
but there are;.outside the chorus,
no outstanding vocalists.
A WORD must be'said, however,
for the circus. In its few brief
minutes on stage, the audience
certainly gets its money's worth.
Contortionist (Lou Ann Rosen-
gJarten,)Strong Man (Douglas
Peden Jr.), Clown (Steven Blatt)
Indian (Willis Patterson)-they're
all there, and they all perform!'
The complete change, in fact,
takes one's mind off the story of
the opera entirely.
, As usual, the costumes (Mar-
jorie Smith) and scenic design
(Ralph Duckwall) are rewarding.
Prof. Joseph, Blatt and the orches-
tra turn in an enjoyable perforni-
ance. "The Bartered Bride," yin
spite of some dull moments, is
worth seeing.
before the vote on t
trial amendment, Se,.m
Johnson knew that he did
the votes to_ win, H=ee ta
time. The i-act that he fin
was considered npthin
a political miracle.
The tall Texan had fi
suaded Southern senator
leept the jury trial' am
with Negroes on juries b)
them it would merely r
hung juries.
One white man on t
could always vote against
tion, could always prote
With the South behi
therefore, what Lyndon
was to cut into the huge
38 Republican senators
GOP Leader Knowland h
up against the jury trial
At this point, Lyndon
Church - O'Mahoney - I
group conceived the idea
tending, trial by jury to all
al contempt cases, includil
This, in turn, swung ti
tent labor groups behind
jury. Their shift was wha
defeated the administrati4
11 rights bill.
The' three labor grou
the United Mine Worki
Postal Workers, and the
brotherhoods. Ioi Lynd
them, despite an emphe
peated resolution by the A
Executive Council to the o
is the real story of. how
his battle.
Here is hwhe id l it:
THE P4STAL workel
been desperately anxious t
pay raise bill. It must be
by Sen. Olin Johnston o
Carolina and his post of i
So Johnston agreed
postal pay increases the fi
of business before his co
and keep it there until pa
the postal workers In tur:
woo Republican adnatoi-s
the jury trial amendment,
Lyndon Johnson and J
also agreed to push' the
pay increase over tisentiho
to, if, as expected, 'he veto
Jerome Keating, able le
representative of the let
riers, kept 'his end of the
buttonholed many senator
credited With swinging. S
chel of California away f
colleague, Knowland, inI
the jury trial amendment.
* * I
Mine Workers Journal hi
on record vigorously' agag
jury trial amendment. Its
sue had described it as
as a three-dollar bill."
Despite this, John IL. Le
denly reversed his union a
telegrams to every senato
the amendinent 'which ;
magazine labeled phony.
This switch was accon
through Welly~ Hopkin,'
member of the Texasn
great friend of Lyndon
now counsel to the Unite
The fact that John I
was once socked the bigges
labor history by United,
Judge Alan Goldsborough
lating a court injunction,
handicap Lyndon and Ho
swinging John L. around
rewritten Jury "trial ame*
Lewis, in turnr swung
one Republican vote .aw
Knowland-that of Chapm
ercombb of West Virginia.
RAILWAY Brotherhoo
was the most influentis
group of all. The broth1
have a railway retiremi
which they want passed an
is stalled in the house; I
the chief factor which swua
Into line, was the' persor
suasion of Lyndon.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndic
It might ndt be too presumptuous, however,,
to conclude that Dulles, himself something of
a career man, may have had a few other quali-
fications he would have liked to add.
One of these would be an elementary under-
standing of the protocol of intergovernmental
relations. Another might be a$ least some
knowledge of the area assigned-or at any rate
enough interest to find out the name of the,
head of state before going before Congress.
Careless appointments and apathetic ap-
pointees can have more ,serious effects than
the Smith-Gluck affairs of recent date.' In-
deed, one might have expected "something of
an "agonizing reappraisal" of appointment
policy following the diplomatic confusion sur-
rounding the recent Kremlin shakeup. For the
first time in several years, American diplomats
were taken by complete surprise 'by a major.
Russian shakeup.
Such lack of information, the result of little
more than simple and pathetic inexperience,
could prove to have serious and long lasting
reverbrations. .
-Vernon Nahrga:
Foreign Policy Problems
Brittain's Troubles
to, the editor
Associated Press News Analyst
[SCUSSIONS in London indicate Britain
ivould be willing to give up her sovereign-
- but not her military bases - in Cyprus
he could just find some means of doing so
s it is, the conflict between Greece and
key - which Britain helped foster when
was determined to Ilaintain indefinite
trol - stands as a bar 'to any solution.
s the next meeting of the United Nations
eral Assembly approaches, Britain would
to get negotiations under way with Tur-
and Greece to forestall another debate on
11 discussions of Cyprus now merely adds
to both Communist and non-Communist
Editorial Staff
N HILLYER..........................Sports Editor
E G AM..............................Night Editor
Business Staff
STEPHEN TOPOL, Business Manager
anti-British propaganda in the Middle East.
In the last year, Britain has had about all
of that she can stomach.'
But Britain's troubles lie not 1 only in the
substance of the problem itself.
She is stymied by the mere technique of get-
ting negotiations started before any formal de-
mand from the General Assembly that she do
The relations between Britain and Archbish-
op Makarios, leader of the Cypriot movement
for union with Greece, is much the same as
that between the United States and Red China.
The United States has many' things about
which it needs to deal with Peiping, but will
not do so as long as the Reds stand convicted
and unrepentent of aggression.
Makarios in British eyes stands convicted
and unrepentent of directing terrorism in Cy-
They freed him from exile but will not let
him return to Cyprus, In Athens, he pays he
won't negotiate until he's home. Nobody on
Cyprus will move without him.
At the other endof the squeeze is Turkey.
As long as Britain was determined to re-
tain sovereignty in Cyprus the Turks were all
for it.
Now that Britain is wavering, the Turks have
flopped for partition of the. island between
(Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi-
tor must be signed, in good taste, and.
not more than 300 words in length.
The Daily reserves the right to edit
or withhold letters from publication.)
Difficult Years .. .
To the Editor:
WOULD greatly appreciate it if
you were to puolish a correc-
tion connected with a talk I gave
on your campus a few days ago.
In your issue of July 25, Mr.
Zaplitny stated that I described
the years between 1947 and 1954
as a period where a wave of ter-
ror was running over colleges.
What I actually said was that
some observers described it this
way and others denied the ap-
propriateness of this description.
The purpose of my study was to
find out what the facts actually
The main theme of my report
to the Summer Institute was to
show the difficulties a social re-
(Editor's Note: The following is
the first of two discussions of gov-
ernmental irresponsibility. Today's
article deals with the area of for-
eign policy.)
Daily Staff Writer
THE ULTIMATE result of the
fact of a Republican President
and a Democratic Congress may
well turn out to be of considerably,
greater significance than anyone
guessed when the results of the
last two Congressional elections
became, known.
It is becoming clear that the
Democratic Congress is not by the
simple face of Democratic control
destroying President Eisenhower's
program. Indeed, over the past
two weeks it would appear that the
effect of the Democratic Congress
has been far less devastating than
that of President Eisenhower's
own refusal to exert himself in its
There is, however, an area of
considerably greater significance
in which the division of govern-
mental responsibility between the
two parties appears to be having
at least part of a deeply needed
effect. This is the problem of gov-
ernmental responsibility.
* * *
IN THE NEARLY 16 years since
the Japanese attack upon Pearl
Harbor, this country has experi-
enced in its federal government
vast and entirely unprecedented
expansion in opportunities for ir-
responsible gove'rnment.
It is necessary to the preserva-
tion,-of a democracy that its citi-
zens be constantly able to assign
essential responsibility to its lead-
ers for their actions, be these ac-
tions good or evil, their results
favorable or catastrophic,
Yet, partly because of measures
necessary tn the nrnrntion nf
down'this road was the very
honorably-intended one taken by
the Roosevelt Administration and
Senator Arthur Vandenburg (R-
Mich.) in establishing a working
system of bipartisanship in mat-
ters of foreign policy.
SINCE THAT time the race
away from governmental responsi-
bility has also been run in' such.
areas as the "security" program
and creation of +ast executive
powers in science, particularly nu-
clear research and production.
The gradual growth of a now
uncontrollably huge budget, pro-
cedure would in itself provide
discussion material for several
volumes.. The most recent exten-
sion of the trend has been the
adoption by the Eisenhower Ad-
ministration of a policy of "nego-
tiated contracts" where possible.
Out of this movement has grown
a situation in which the adminis-
tration governmental branch de-
signed to put into action the policy
decisions of the Congress, is cur-
rently drafting 70 per cent of all
legislation passed.
In order to achieve some kind
of understanding of 'the processes
involved in the tendency away
from responsible democracy, per-
haps it would be wise to consider
the bipartisan foreign program,
first significant sign, of any such
BIPARTISAN foreign policy is
a concept which has an infinite
number of delineations. There are,
however, 'two ideas which consti-
tute a minimum for at least the
doctrines of such a plan. The first
is a joint development of and
responsibility for foreign policy;
the other is removal of all but the
most grossly mishandled of foreign
issues from election campaigns.
SUCH discussion need not pre-
clude unity or consistency. Biparti-
sanship as practiced in the past
few years has consisted primarily
in joint formulation of policy by
leaders pf the two parties with a
minimum of active participation
on the pert of the people.
The public apathy is largely a
result of the .lack. of real presenta-
tion of substantial issues. The only
plan ever presented to the people
is that which has already been
adopted by the two parties' leaders
as national policy.
Presentation of the question to
the public before decision might
well avoid many of the unfortun-
ate consequences of the current
form of bipartisanship.
It is significant to note that the
,one present-day policy reayed by,
bipartisanship has been. Mideast-
ern policy; its most consistent
, single feature has been a complete
lack of the consistency for which
bipartisanship was designed.
More significant, however, are
the public attitudes which are
fostered by present-day biparti-
sanship. Public discussion might"
well go a long way, for ,instance,
to eliminate the endless buck-'
chosen to'put the current program
into operation..
In recent years we have observed
both Republican and Democratic
administrations attacking opposi-
tion Con gresses on the ground that.
they were not "cooperating."
Yet can there be, in a demom
cracy, any obligation to support a
policy which is sincerely believed
to be detrimental to the best in-
terests of the nation? Such an
attitude can only stifle the dis-
cussion essential to wise public
policy. If anything; a statesman is
obliged as a person in a position
of information to present to the
people an alternative policy.
* * *
The. Daily Official Bulletin
official pueblcation'of the ni,
of Michigan for which the t
gan Daly assumes no editorli
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Daily due at 2:00 p.m n
Prof. William P. Alston of t
partment of Philosophy will sp
"Some Remarks on Meaning'
Summer Linguistic Institute
Lecture on Thurs., Aug. 8, at 7:
In the. Rackham Amphitheatre.