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August 07, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-08-07

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"Some View, Eh ?

0 4r fir14lgn Daily,
Sixty-Sevextb Ye
printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

to the editor




Y, AUGUST 7, 1957


Talking and Listening
At the NSA Congress

than two weeks the University willu
t to a major conference of young
-the Tenth Congress of the United
lonal Student Association.
ajor conference not because its con-
ht expect to accomplish something
ot because of the size and influence
the United States, not because it is
anal high-level meeting of NSA, but
e Congress is es'sentially a convention
s with differipg backgrounds, coma
ems and the urge to talk and to
talked about and what is listened
lly secondary to the importance of
d listening. The exchange of ideas'
>lution of problem's are inseparable
i circumstancesL-where mature stu-
ars gather to broaden their insight
interest~ in the problems of the day.
the delegates to the Congress areĀ°
dent leaders from across-the country,
'and listening is inevitable and the
r discussion will be just as inevitably
and' penetrating. Fortunately, many
egates will have specific problems to
nd this should contribute even more
lity, of discussions to which we look
.scussions, at the same time, are by
closed conferences. The public is,
attend many of the meetings and
duled during' the 10 days of the'
beginning August 20. And because
Arbor community is, a University
r, there should be an awareness and
to contribute to ,the conference on
f its members. Indeed, such partici-
uld 'be welcome in many ways, par-
s a maturing influence.

from the classroom, persons who continually
refuse to face life itself by "going into the
world" and, in effect, putting their learning to
This prospect may seem alarming, but it is
an easy one to fall into by continuing to think'
in terms of students, education and learning.
For a person to make a profession in education
is one thing, but for a student to remain a
student and to refuse to make a professional
decision is to waste what he has. supposedly
learned as a student.
There is also the prospect of the "Student
Movement" that confronts universities in this
country. While it has definite existence abroad,
particularly in South American and Asian
countries where the student plays a prominent
role in governmental affairs of his country
because of the scarceness and influence he has,
the "Student Movement" exists in the United
States only in the minds of those career stu-
dents who, among other things, have dedicated
their years to serving NSA.
What the "Student Movement" is in this
country would .be hard to d.escribe; this is
because of its existence in the minds of its
proponents and its non-actuality. The indica-
tions, however, are that it is an offspring of the
"professional student" and his environment,
and is something not to be taken seriously."


YET THESE tendencies of students to think
of themselves as students alone are not so-
widespread as to be of more than minor con-
cern. Moreover, the influence of the local com-
munity on the student has a watering-down
effect that seems to account for the "profes-
sional student" attitude and its limited con-
For these reasons, we hope that Ann Arbor's
citizenry and the concerned members of the
University community will take part in the
Congress this month. The talking and listen-
ing-whereby the benefits of such a conference
are gained-are all the richer for the number
of truly concerned particpants.

On Television . .
To the Editor:
IN THE July 25 editorial column,
Sol Plafkin states: "However,
when prominent educators, such
as the University of Detroit's Pres-
ident, the Very Rev. Fr. Celestin
J.Steiner, suggests a wholesale
replacement of many teachers by
television, a frightening program
of 'intellectual automation' of the
future can be envisioned."
May I ask for a verification of
the source in which Fr. Steiner
suggested "a wholesale replace-
ment of many teachers by televi-
sion" If there was no such sug-
gestion, may I ask for a better
understanding of Fr. Steiner's
courageous experiment in TV?
-Rev. R. J. Schneider, Grad.
Rules of Exchange . .
To the Editor:
the exchange rate for the
American dollar is especially ac-
centuated in Communist Yugo-
The prevailing rate outside the
country is 500 dinars to the dol-
lar; in Yugoslavia one is able to
obtain but 400 dinars. Even the
latter figure includes a 100-dinar
bonus to tourists, which indige-
.nous people are unable to get.
Why not buy dinars before en-
tering, you ask. The government
forbids entrance with more than
3000, a mere six dollars. While
one hears so much about fear of-
rules in Communist countries, the
very people who told us to hide
excess dinars and not declare
them were behind the desk of the
Yugoslav embassy in Rome.
Ronald Shorr
Rome, Italy
Fortified Nation . *
To the Editor:
THE MOST heavily fortified
country per square mile is a
little nation that has never been
in a war, at least not as far back
as anyone can remember-Switz-
The southern part is tailor-
made for defense. The mountains
mountable, the few passes in -be-
tween are like a labyrinth. At
one point, the Simplone Pass, it
took us over an hour and a half
to go a straight-line distance of
six miles.
One can gothrough Switzerland
completely unaware of such forti-
fications, but if one looks up the
craggy peaks and sees a hollowed-
out area, odds are it's full of guns
Covered holes in the road are usu-
ally an underground tunnel sys-
tem connecting the artillery caves.
Sharp prongs in the mountains
prevent a paratroop invasion.
Hidden aw6y on what seems like
slopes, there are carved-out air-
fields for both Jets and bombers.
The' most noticeable armaments
are designated by signs off the
Oddly enough, it is almost uni-
versally agreed that Switzerland
is a beautiful nation but not even
worth fighting over because there
is nothing there but joy to the
tourist's eyes, beautiful mountains.
-Ronald Shorr
Berne, Switzerland
NEW YORK W)P - The stock
market dropped sharply yesterday
on somewhat heavier turnover
than recent sessions.
It was the second substantial
setback in as many days and
continued the general decline
which has been under way since
July 15.

'Silky Stockings' SIlt po


"SILK STOCKINGS," the mod-
erately successful Cole Porter
musical comedy, has been stolen
from Bxoadway oy Hollywood and
transformed into a surprisingly
pleasant movie. Starring Fred As-
taire and Cyd Charisse, it pro-
vides several moments of unmiti-
gated pleasure and 'several more
of. downright fun.
The film is an unsubtle spoof
'on Soviet Russia and on the pop-
ular notion of that country's cus-

toms. A promising young com-
poser, after playing a concert tour,
is persuaded by an American
movie producer to stay in Paris
and write songs for his forthcom-
ing film, "War and Peace."
Three envoy's are sent to bring
him back, but they too 'are se-
duced by the chArms of capitalist
society and refuse. to take .action.
A fourth envoy, this one a hard-
boiled maiden, is sent to bring
back her erring comrades, and

irly those students
drs on their own,
to think in terms
itself-which it is
ople who play the
nation as NSA are
ho never grew up

Baseball and Business

uartet Gies Fnale

OBBY BRAGAN, one of the few members of
the Pittsburgh Pirate baseball organization
who had, the ability to inject color into a.
Pirates game, was fired Saturday as manager
of that club.
Only last week, Bragan could be seen offer-
ing a bottle of orange pop to an umpire during
an argument. It was one of those acts of dis-
dain which managers have reverted to in the
past with umpires which has helped to make
baseball the colorful element of Americana it
Bragan, in addition tq being a lively fellow,
is also a sound baseball man and an aggres-
sive team leader. It is quite doubtful that any-
one else can make the Pirates click if he could
not. They just don't have the powerful attack
to match the other teams in the National
League (except, perhaps, for the Chicago
THUS IT IS quite obvious that there was a
direct correlation between Bragan'A ac-
tions on the field and his untimely dismissal.
And this correlation speaks sadly for baseball.
It just isn't our national pastime without
the laughs, the color, the crowds, the'umpire-
baiting. Frank Frisch used to carry an um-.
brella in the dugout which he would open up'
on rainy days when the umpire refused to call .
off a game in a downpour. Frisch for years
was one of the most interesting dharacters in
the game-one who brought crowds out to
relax and enjoy the fun...
' Leo Durocher was another. He transformed
umpire-baiting into one of the great modern
arts. And he didn't seetn to jeopardize his
teams, for he managed to win enough pennants
to keep his superiors happy.
Jimmy Dykes, for years a favorite as mana-
ger of the Chicago White Sox, once became so
incensed over the decisions of an umpire

named Larry Napp that he soon had the en-
tire American League r'eferring to the unfor-
tunate arbiter As "Cat" Napp.
S BASEBALL becoming so much a business,
so much a capitalistic, public relations-ve-
neered venture that the owners can't permit
their employees to have a little fun once in a
while? Is it becoming such a high-pressured,
ivory-towered conglomeration of profiteering
fortune-seekers that the managers can't be al-
lowed to try to make fools out of the umpires
when the occasion (and fans) demand?
If so, then perhaps the House of Represen-
tatives and its antitrust subcommittee, which
recently investigated baseball to see if it should
be subject to anti-trust laws, had better take a
closer look at, the game. It may find some
things which would interest and influence it in
its actions.
Sports Editor
B EAU JAMES" is iiow at a local theater.
It is the story of the Golden Era's favorite
mayor, Jimmy Walker. He won a landslide
election in New York City because everybody
liked him.
At first it seems he did a lot of good for the
people, and won his second term with another
avalanche of votes. But then he started to
spend a lot of time at the ballpark, and his
friends took care of things while he was gone.
They really took care of things, and the
people got disappointed in Beau James even if
he was the popular sort.
Golf is the fashion these days.

AST evening the Stanley Quar-
tet presented its final program
of the summer and Emil Raab
concluded his association with the
group. This was a doubly signifi-
cant occasion.
The program was rather. typical
of the summer series: a classical.
quartet by ' Haydn, a romantic
quartet by Brahms, and a modern
quartet by the Belgian composer
Raymond Chevreuille (rhymes
with "chevrolet").
HAYDN'S fifth quartet in opus
76 is justly famous; the six quar-
tets of this opus represent the
composer at his best form in this
After a brisk first movement in
D minor, which grows character-
istically out of a single melody,
there comes a beautiful largo in
the unexpected key of f-sharp ma-
jor. In this key, -no open string
tones occur so there- results a to-
nal quality of appropriately deli-
cate and pure nature for this mu-
sic, often described as churchly.
After a humorous third move-
ment, the finale is melodic and
forceful. This was played with
great enthusiasm' and skill, also
a couple of discords probably not
in the score.

There followed the Five Baga-
telles for String Quartet by Chev-
'reUille. This music is occasionally
melodic and never particularly
,violent or dissonant. Bagatelle
four is agitated: filled with glis-
sandi from the violins and grunts
from the cello.
The first three bagatelles are
more placid. Five is a jolly piece
which might pass for background
music at a sleigh ride. The group
gave this composition the high-
spirited treatment usually af-
forded modern music.
THE , BRAHMS Quartet for
Strings Opus 52 number 2 in a
minor concluded this program.
Brahms other string quartet was
performed at an earlier concert
but it is this one which offers
more to the casual listener.
The first movement displayed
well the viola of Mr. Courte.
Middle movements of quiet beauty
contrasted with the energetic fi-
nale, an assortment of variations
on a main theme, which is one
of Brahms'- best quartet move-
ments. .
Certainly during this .summer,
the Quartet has been on the best
of terms with Brahms.
-)avid Kessel

unintentionally becomes romanti-
cally involved with the aforemen-
tioned American.'
AFTER a short but affable af-
fair, Ninotchka, the Russian, re-
members where her real loyalties
lie, and returns with her, com-
rades and the harrassed composer,
to a dreary existence in her native
Stephen Campbell, the pro-
ducer, draws her back to Paris the
next year on a ruse of official,
business, and the couple, after a
few more minor difficulties, looks.
forward to' a future of pink tinged,
Most of the fun in the movie
comes. from the cast, rather than
from the excellence of the script
or ,the music. Happily, musicals
do not demand too much in the
way of acting ability, but depend
rather upon the care with which
the vaguely stereotyped charac-
ters are selected.
Miss Charisse, as Ninotchka,
and Astaire as Campbell, play
their parts with competence, if,
not inspiration. Their dancing is
graceful and a pleasure to watch.
The songs are of uneven quality
throughout the movie, and the
lyrics for the most part may best
be described as cute. It is easy
to see why the plal. did not make
box office records.
* * *
THE SUPPORTING cast is ex-
cellent. Janis Paige plays a dumb
American movie queen with brash
humor and Peter Lorre leads the
trio of Russian' officers with a
gentle hilarity that would be -hard
to surpass. One number, some-.
thing about Siberia, is especially
"Silk Stockings" is far from be-
ing the year's best film, but Holly-
wood seems to have done the best
they could do with the material
--Jean Willoughby

WASHINGTON-It's the un
mous opinion of Senate
servers that passage of the
trial amendment and the
rights bill without a filibuster
be attributed solely to Sen. Lyz
Johnson of Texas.-
They also agree that hs b
stage maneuveringwas:sheer
ius and that he should go d
as the greatest political ge
of all time.
There is no unanimity of C
ion, however, on whether the
as amended, was good for
United States, good for. Ge
Motors, or even good for Lyi
Probably it won't be good
Lyndon Johnsern because who
wanted most of all was to-
civil rights out of the 1958
tion debate, and it now ap
certain that Republicans in
House or Eisenhower in the
House will block the bill, ar
will be thrown into the 1958
strom with a vengeance,
'Probably it will be food for 4
eral Motors, because undet
new bill General Motors
not have to worry too much a
the court decree orderingIt
Du Pont to: separate. It =couli
fore a court order and tak
chances with a jury.
* * *
PROBABLY it won't be goo
the country, because trial by
will weaken and perhaps mak
enforceable, such important
as the Pure Food and Drug
the antitrust laws, the Mint:
Wage Act, the Davis-Bacon
the Walsh-Healy Act, and
proximately 50 laws which 'ar
forced by court orders.
However, let's leave to the.
yers the question of whether
lition of our age-old syste
cour't orders should or should
be wiped out. Instead, let's
a backstage look at how -Ly
Johnson accomplished his p
cal miracle.
SIMPLE te~hnques - Soi
his techniques were quite s#
He kept rootin', tootih' profes
al Southerners in the backgr
He kept moderate liberals
middle-of-the-roaders out in I
When he head that- Jim Wai1
of Mississippi wa"O about' to J
a speech he went to Byrd,of
ginia and Russell of Georgia
shut Eastland 'up.
Young Church, of Idaho
of the Senate, made his
amendments with 'careful 'c
ing. It was Church who mad
speech, but it was the lar
Johnson that gave the cues.
Counter-intelligence tech
-Johnson knew what was
on inside Republican rans
knew how some administr
senators were Kicking over
traces. When GOP senatos
a secret caucus and Htckezi
of Iowa complained that, the
rights bill trampled on the
of yvhite people, Lyndon kni
He also knew that Senator:
sen of Illinois complained
the administration hd
power to enforce the voting i
of Negroes without passing a
QUICKER than the eye
-niques-Lyndon also 'pra4
some mysterious technins
few people knew about.GOP
er Knowland had 38 Rem
votes in his pocket, Senator I
las of Illinois,-leader of Nor
Democrats, had :line Demot
votes. r
This was why Johnson.1
stalling fof time; asked the
ate to consider important pe:
bills and'appropriations. Her
if the vote was held then, h
But one night before the
cial roll-call, Lyncgon and
Dick Russell, leader of the S
. ern forces, huddled in the

ate 'cloakroom.
.I am ready to vote,"rep
Russell. "We've got 50 votes.
On the final roll-call, R
and Johnson did one better.
got 51. Senator Douglas
through with' his nine lit
against them. They stood
against the jury trial amend
But' the -Republicans d
Lyndon had pickpocketed fiv
publican votes from Know
He virtually took them out I
GOP leader's pocket and K
land didn't know it until i
too late.
(Copyright 2957 by Bell Syndicate

Television Education -from a Rattlesnake


Atomic Anniversary

Associated Press News Analyst
T IS NOW 12 years that the people of the
world have lived in the shadow of a cloud
hich takes the form of a mushroom.
Twelve years in which they have not learned
hat to do about the A- and H-bombs.
Editorial Staff
HN HILLYER.................. Sports Editor
ENE GNAM..............................Night Editor
a.. t

A Catholic priest who survived wounds in-
flicted 12 years ago by the Hiroshima bomb
cannot agree with the pilot of the plane which
dropped it on him.
Nuclear weapons should be used only as a
last resort and only on military targets, says
the pilot.
This difference between the Rev. Herbert
Schiffer and Maj. Robert Lewis, Air Force re-
serve, is typical of the world's state of mind
on more than one angle of the problem.
Or is the existence of atomic stockpiles the,
best guarantee that men will have to find some
other way of settling their quarrels?
Is the visage of war now so frightening that
sane men can no longer consider it as a pos-
sible extension of diplomacy?

Daily Television Writer
E GOT an unusual look into
the future of educational TV
this week when a guest on "Michi-
gan Outdoors",. (WWJ-TV) was
bitten by a real live "hot"'rattle-
snake. The whole event was inten-
tional. It was a demonstration on
how to apply first aid, especially
with a snake bite kit sold by a
certain manufacturer.
I don't know how much the vic-
tim, Paul Allen, was paid (or the
snake for thatmatter); but what-
ever it was, it wasn't enough. _Both
participants performed beautiful-
With stoic calm Allen extended
his hand toward the snake which
apparently thought the maneuver
was a joke of some kind. It re-
fused to bite. After much aggra-
vation hqwever the rattler tired
of the nonsense and struck.
Then the cameraman focused on'
the two skin punctures oozing with
blood. The time sequence required

doors," chatted "live" with his
guest who displayed his vastly
swollen arm. A representative of
the snake bite kit manufacturer
was present too. But he kept still
and I don't blame him. First aid,
appeared to be inadequate in this
instance at least.
Neff implied that the demon-
stration proved something to sci-
ence and the public. I don't know
how much science learned but as a
member of the public, I didn't
learn a thing. If a snake bites, get
to the doctor immediately. I al-
ready knew this, however. I didn't
needa dangeroushexperiment to
impress me with the soundness" of
this advice.
OF COURSE such a risk is more
than sensationalism. I can't be-
lieve the participants of "Michigan
Outdoors," which is one of the
finest shows of its kind, would do
this for sheer publicity.
I think these are well-inten-
tioned people trying to perform a

ment objectively. In this instance
the TV viewer became concerned
for the welfare of the- participant;
and the exhibitiok became sheer
To discuss principles in a class-
room for several weeks and then
experiment is one thing; to per-
form the experiment out of con-
text, so as to speak, is quite an-
other, especially when a human
guinea pig is involved.
If this plague of actuality is pur-
sued, the professor of the future
will have to blow up the TV studio
to convince 'his students of the
detriment of dynamite.
ANOTHER of the educational
nature programs is "Zoo Parade"
(NBC-TV). Marlin Perkins and his
crew have traveled all over the
world photographing and, when
possible, exhibiting live animals,
both domestic and wild.
The show, though easily under-
stood by a youngster,' I also fas-
cinating to adults. Perkins, who

Nevertheless, the program did
not become dull, although I didn't
find it as stimulating as others in'
the series. One of the reasons was:
the use of film which gives any TV
show a rather numb look.
* * *
AT ANY rate, educators who in-
tend to produce TV shows should,
observe "Zoo Pa'rade" carefully.
First: the dialogueis clear, com-
pact, and natural. Second : the
participants are pleasant, smooth
speaking, and experts. Third: the
films are about as good a.,quality
as TV films ever ar'e and they're
consistently so. Fourth: the events
are fast moving, even' when the
show is live.{
Most, important; of all in the-
"many times I Watched "Zoo Pa-
rade," I've never had the feeling
that Perkins was lecturing or that
the program was designed to do
anything but entertain. Yet, in an-
alysis, it is almost purely educa-


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