See page 2
Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
* 00
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No. 31S
Present Joint
sal to USSR
MGTON (M) - Secretary
ohn Foster Dulles yes-
mped the free world's
nament plan as perhaps
significant peace bid: of
cted it would prove "ir-
to the~ United States,
i maybe to the rulers of
sounded an alarm. He
orld should nQt become
start shedding its arms
should accept the pro-
'inciple alone.
Zussians Agree
sians, he said, must also
he details of how the
I be put into operation.l
"We would have bought;
.e Ys sweeping state-l
us first news conference
irning from the long
armament talks at Lon-
e had personally pre-
plan, got its acceptance
antic allies ---I handed
-wiet consideration.
s at the news confer-
ted to know whether
id convince the Russians
tance was to their ad-
They also questioned
he Senate, which must
eaties under the Con-
vould go along.
ulles Confident
. scores, 'Dulles said he
ue plan, inspection zones'
set up-'either virtually
sia and tl free world'
the 'Northern, Circle
nding upon how far the
,re willing to go.
selected areas, Russian'
s would check up on
nt by air anid ground
the United States and
and free world inspec-
do likewise on Soviet
O rP'o r he was sure
tages would 'outweigh
antages of having for-
s roaming around.
-Daily-Richard Bloss
AT THE CIRCUS -- Lloyd Evans, circus manager, cracks. the
whip as contortionist Lou Ann Rosengarten goes into a twisting
finale. -
Bartered Bride' Features
Circus Act, Love Affair
A circus complete with strong man, contortionist, clowns and a
whip-cracking manager is one of the features of "The Bartered
Bride," a comic opera which begins a four 'day run at 8 p.m. today
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The circus comes to a Czech town in the midst of a tangled-up
love affair.
Marenka (Irene Kunst), a "young maiden," is in love with Jenik
(Jerry Langenkamp), the "dashing young man" of the plot.
Complications set in when Marenka's parents, in line with tra-
dition, select another, richer, man for her to marry.
Kecal (James Berg), the marriage broker, is called in to make
arrangements for Marenka's marriage. Jenik appears to have been
House Votes
To Prevent
Proposed Air Force
Chapel a 'Monstrosity'
voted yesterday to bar the building
of a proposed chapel at the Air
Force Academy.
One legislator called the design
A "monstrosity."x
By a standing vote of 102 to
53, the House voted to withhold
the use of any funds for the
planned chapel at the Colorado
Springs, Colo., academy.,
The action, subject to a possible
roll call later, came as the House
tentatively approved a one and
on~e-half billion dollar supplemen-
tal money bill..
Committee Acted
The House Appropriations Com-
ittee had acte on the measure
earlier in the day and final Hose
action is expeted today.
The chapel design, as repre-
tented by a model shown the Ap-
propriations Committee, was called
a "monstrisity" by Rep. J. L.
Whitten (D-Miss.).
"It looks like a rectangular ac-
cordian stretched out on the
floor," he told the House.
Rep. . Scrivned (R-Kan.), who
Ioffered the amendment to bar use
Iof money for the chapel, said the
A,,* Forc'a "1-"ed to spend _three
million dollars to build a "cathed-
ral of polished aluminum wit} 19
1Not Chapel'
" not a chapel," he said.
If tle Senate upholds his
amendment, a new chapel must be
designed and win congressional
The chapel design was defended
by Rep. D. J. Flood (D-Pa.), who
said it has been approved by a
board of the country's greatest
architects and by three established
Flood said the chapel design
might appear a "bit futuristic" to
some people, but he said people
"would always remember it."
A previous design forthe acade-
my chapel was withdrawn by Air
Force planners three years ago,.d'
11 Pacifists
Eleven p a c i f i s t demonstrators
against the United States' nuclear
weapons program edged onto the
atomic test area yesterday and
were arrested.
The demonstration was carried
out on the 12th anniversary of the
world's first atomic bomb. attack
-by the United States- on the
Japanese city of Hiroshima.
An atomic test scheduled yes-
terday morning was postponed 24
hours because of strong winds.
Sheriff's deputies arrested the
demonstrators for trespassing as
they walked around Atomic Ener-
gy Commission Security guards
at the gate of the Camp Mercury
headquarters in Nevada.
As the 11 made their forays in
little groups, fellow members of
the committee for nonviolent ac-
tion against nuclear weapons
stood silently -in the desert dust
under the close watch of 20 state
highway patrolmen.
There was no violence as the
demonstrators achieved their pre-
viously announced purpose of be-
ing arrested to call attention to
their belief that the atomic test-
ing program "is opposed to the
moral law of the universe."
Department Cal.
DON (A)- - The United
indicated yesterday it would
willing to open all United
military bases to Soviet in-
n unless and until the rela-
p between Russia and Com-
China is clarified.
matter came up in the
Nations Disarmament sub-
ttee when Soviet Delegate
n Zorin asked clarification
st air and ground inspection
proposed Friday by United"
Secretary of State. John
ifically, Zorin wanted to
vhy Western bases in North
the Middle East, Turkey
akistan had not been in-
ed States Delegate Harold
sen repled that inclusion of
ases would have posed "very
V" political questions.
sen did not spell out what
olitical questions are.
well informed United States
made clear that an over-
factor is the relationship
ni Russia and such Com-
governments as those in
North Korea, North Viet
nd Outer Mongolia.
Yflower II
y Yet Sail', Lakes"
- i
App roved
WASHINGTON (A) - The rail-
road industry yesterday got ap-
proval from the Interstate Com\
cercesCommission for a further
increase in freight charges, esti-
mated to add $443 gmillin a year
to freight costs.
Further, the railroads were au-
thorized to make the new advance
effective on 15 day's notice to the
"public. .
The commission authorized
Eastern and Western carriers to
make an additional seven per
cent advance in their freight rates.
and granted Southern railroads a
further four per cent increase,tall
subject to some exceptions.
Hikes Granted
These increases follow the
emergency rate hikes granted
near the turn of the year of seven
per cent in the East and five per
cent in the est and South, and es-
timated to boost rail revenues by
about $455 million a year.
In the two rounds of actions in
the current rate revision proceed-
ing, the ICC rejected proposals by
East and West carriers for an
over hall1 2 per cent increase and
by Southern railroads for a 15 per
cent advance.
The Eastern lines came out of
the proceeding with an over-all
14 per cent increase, the Western
carriers 112 per cent and the
Squthern roads nine per cent.
Alfred E. Perlman, president of
the New York Central Railroad,
commented: "In view of the in-
creased labor rates and increases
in the cost of materials we con-
sider the decision very disappoint-
Increase Is 13th
The new increase is the 13th up-
ward revision of rail freight rates
since the end of World War II,
and will put freight charges about
107 per cent above the rate levels
of June 1946.
The ICC staff estimated the
whole proceeding would yield
some $897,800,000 additional reve-
nue to the industry. And the com-
mission itself left the door open
for further rate advances on indi-
vidual items if operating costs
continue to increase.
The commission said the indus-
try has had a $627 million per
year rise in operating expense.
bought off by Kecal as the circus
Jenik finally triumphs, but -not,
before the circus becomes involved
in the plot of the opear.
Written by Bedrich Smetana,
the "founder, of national Bohe-
mian music," "The Bartered
Bride" has come to be the Czech
national opera.
Stage direction is by Prof. Hugh
Z. Norton-"of the speech depart-
ment and musical direction is by
Prof. Josef Blatt of the School
of Music.
The opera will be a version of.
the first performance, given in
1866, and will be, the cooperative
effort of the speech, department
and the music school.
It has been performed in -three
different versions and usually .in
Czech ors German. This perform-
ance is a shortened version trans-
lated into English by Prof. Blatt.
Costumes are by Marjorie
Smith, scenery by Ralph Duck-
Lydall To Tell
Of Srveys
. Prof. Harold Lydall of Oxford
University Institute of Statistics
will lecture- on "Economic Sur-
veys in Britain" at a p.m. today in
Rackham Amphitheater.
The talk is sponsored by Survey
Research Center and concludes a
series of three.
Prof. Lydall will discuss pur-
po es of economic surveys and
their use in management of a
modern economy, and their ori-
gin and developient in Britain.
Not Talking
To Probers
ter, a convicted labor racketeer,
refused 50 times yesterday to an-
swer questions from Senate rack-
ets probers who had just heard he
used terror tactics to shake down
a businessman.
The tale of terror was told by
Paul Calude, president of Para-
gron Brass Products, Inc., a
Brooklyn plumbing firm.
Claude said Chester, as a union
organizer, offered him an easy
labor contract in exchange for
cash, and terrified him into mak-
ing side payments of nearly $1,000.
Hints Thrown
He said Chester's technique was
to throw out veiled hints that
something might happen to the
Claude children.
"The, conversation was always
about my children," Claude told
the Senate Rackets Committee.
"Chester spoke of how he loved
his own children. He said how
dangerous it was for them to play
in the streets."
Chester ,who was vice-president
and business manager of Local 405
of the Retail Clerks Union, was
brought here from the Tombs
Prison in New York to testify, but
he said nothing except: "My name
is Max Chester."
Claude Talks
He was -once convicted, along
with kingpin racketeer Johnny
Dio, of extorting, money from two
New York firms and is awaiting
. Claude stified that his plumb-
ing shop was shut down by a
strike for six or seven weeks in
1954 and at the end of that time
his employes had decided to go
back to work,
He said Chester showed up and
told him: "You give me $430 .. .
,and I'll give you a contract and
we can be friends."
To start with, Claude said, he
paid Chester $215 and paid other
sums from time to time in 1054
and 1955.;
Checks Given
He said Chester once made him
cash a check for $220 signed by
"Mr. Gillman, a labor consultant
in New York," and the check
He said Chester gave him four
$55 checks to make this good and
all of these bounced, too. r
Claude said he was still fearful
for his family's safety and said he
had received word to "watch
yourself" with regard to Chester.
group Sets
Appropriations Committee gave its
apr-oval Tuesday to spending
$10,659,000 for longer runways and
oth-,r new faciiaies at Bunker Hill
Air Force Base near Peru, Ind.
Proposer improvements at Bun-
ker Hill to equip it for /use of the
Strategic Air Command were orig- expected to cost $10,009,000
and had been trimmed.
"The money lender wins." Tighter "
curbs on GI loan discounts and
the interest rise which does not
apply to GI home loans-were
made effective Tuesday, together
with the lower down payments on
mortgages insured by the Federal
Housing Administration.
There were new rules too for
discounts on FHA loans.
Increse sRate
The. discounts-a system under
which the borrower gets less money
than the face value of the note
but pays the face amount--have
the effect of increasing the- lend-
er's rat, of return on his money.
The practice has grown as other
forms_ of investment became more
attractive than fixed-interest
The VA reported receiving only
151,870 applications for GI home
loans during the first six months
of this year, compared with 254,-
827 in the similar 1956 span.
Seen Closer
T.o Cabinet.'
WASHINGTON (-) - Neil Mc-
Elroy, Ohio soap manufacturer,
met with President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower for 15 minutes yester-
day, amid mounting reports he:
would succeed Charles E. Wilson
as secretary of defense.
This possibility had been furth-
er strengthened earlier when Mc-
Elroy, president of Procter Gam-
ble, showed up at the Pentagon
for the second straight day and
closeted -himself in a private of-,
fice with a .sheaf of papers.
The office he occupied was near
' James C. 'Hagerty, presidential,
press secretary, disclosed McEl-
roy's visit more than four hours
after the fact, and in response to
The Cincinnati businessman,
called on President Eisenhower
about noon. His name did not ap-
pear on the published list of.
White House callers.
Wilson has made no secret of
his desire to retire from the Cab-
inet this year, perhaps after the
defense budget had been cleared
through Congress. This has now
been done.
McElroy said in Cincinnati last
week he was being considered for'
"something" in the line of a gov-
ernment post.
Veterans Say Housing
Discount Cuts Activity
WASHINGTON (M)-A Veterans Administration spokesman said
yesterday the government's new discount controls may further reduce
the volume of GI home loan activity, already, at a record low.
Another change in administration policy-raising the interest
rate on FHA-insured home mortgages to 5% per cent-was sharply
attacked in the Senate by -a group of Democrats.
. Buildep, Buyer Both Lose
"The home builder loses and the home buyer loses," said Sen.
Ralph Yarborough (D-Tex.) said of the interest hike from 5 to 5 .,
Ives D
First Ladyf
'Doing -Fin e
In Hospital
Dwight D.,Eisenhower was re-
ported "doing fine" yesterday after
surgery at Walter Reed Hospital,
where the President visited her
late in the afternoon.
James C. Hagerty, White House
press secretary, said the doctors
had'authorized him to report:.
"Mrs. Eisenhowre's postopera-
tive condition is fine and she has
been sleeping most of the after-
Nature Secretj
The precise nature of the opera-
tion, which required two hours and
was performed by an Army gyne-
cologist this morning, was not an-
However, Hagerty said it was
"benign," which means there- was
no malignant or cancerous condi-
tion. He also said there was no
The President stayed about 35
minutes and, when asked as he
was leaving about her condition,
he said: "I think she's sleeping."
President Greeted -
President Eisenhower was greet-
ed by Maj. Gen. Leonard D. Hea-
ton, commanding officer of Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, and
was talking ernestly with the gen-
eral when he eherged from the
hospital building.
It was not an emergency, Hag-
erty said, and added that the First
Lady was not in pain. it had been
known for "quite a little time"
that the surgery would be neces-
sary, he said. I
Mrs. Eisenhower, who is 60 years
old, had just returned over the
weekend from a six-day visit to
her home town of Denver, Colo.,
where she participated in th dedi-
acation of a park named ila her
Senators Say
Congress Will
Back Sky Plan
Mansfield (D-Mont.) early today
predicted full congressional back-
ing for the West's proposal to
Russia of an international air and
ground inspcetion system against
surprise attack.
Sen. Albert Gre (D-Tenn), in
a separate interview, agreed with
Sen, Mansfield that Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles has
shown "great initiative" in work-
ing out the proposal presented last
week to the five-power disarma-
ment conference at London.
Air Opened
In general, the proposal would
open to both air and ground in-
spection all of the United States,
Canada and Russia and most of
the remainder of Europe, as well
as areas within the Arctic Circle.
The aim would be to let both
sides in the cold war assure them-
selves against surprise attack by
the other.
Sen. Mansfield, a leading Demo-
cratic spokesman on foreign policy,
told a reporter: "Mr. Dulles has
called the Soviet bluff. It is now
up to the Soviet Union to fish or
cut bait. If the Soviet Union is
really interested in disarmament,!
'Feeble' Act
In Senate
Enactment Appears
Doubtful This Year
After Statement
WASHINGTON (A)-The Justice
Department was reported 'yester-
day to be taking an uncompromis-
ing stand against the jury trial
amendment to the civil rights bill,
calling it "unworkable."
This raised new doubt whether
any civil rights legislation would
be enacted this year.
Southern senators have served
the bill if it lacks a jury trial
proviso. On the other hand, Presi-
dent D *i g h t D.
strongly opposes the amndment.
gte 1Epected #:
The 'amendment vas added lInt
the Sena, which is eaeed t
take a vo on the bill as a whol
today or tomorrow.
In Senate debate yesterday, Sen.
Irving M. Ives (R-N.Y.) called the
legislation a ghostly measure.
"By degrees, through blood-let-
ting amendments," Sen. Ives said
"the bill has beeny made morean
more feeble, until now not even
a respectable corpse remains."
The Justice Department's posi-
tion' on the amendment was re
ported by Sen. Leverett Saltonsta;l
(R-Mass.), who told reporters that
acting Atty. Gen. William Rogers
opposed any -compromise on it
during a White House huddle.
Trials I equired
The amendment would raquire
jury trials for' al cases of crim
inal contempt arising from en-
forcement of voting rights.
But it goes far beyo d this E
that it would also require jury
trials in many other Injunction
proceedings, including labor cases.
Some senators contend It would
rewrite the whole law of criminal
At a meeting of the Senate GOP
Policy Committee after the White
House conference, Sen. SaltonstalU
said Rogers contended the Senate
language was so broad that it
wouldapply to the Supreme Court
and to circuit courts of appeal,
where there are no legal provisions
for jury trials.
Claims Nonsense
One of the authors of the
amendment, Sen. Joseph O'Ma-
honey, (D-Wyo.), said it is non-
sense to. contend that it would
apply to the appellate courts.
"That sort, of interpretation of
the amendment will not stand up
under analysis," .Sen. OMahoney
Meanwhile two Southern Demo..
crats told the Senate they would
vote- against the bill on passage.
Sen. Herman Talmadge (Geor-
gia) and Sen. J. Strom Thurmond
(South Carolina) said that while
amendments had removed many
features of the legislation they,
considered objectionable, they still
didn't like the bill.
What remains, Sen. Thurond
said, is "an \encroachment upon
the rights of the states." Sen. Tal-
madge agree that "many danger-
ous remnants remain."
a .._ _.. .-_
Little theater To Open 'Tender Trap' Tomorrow
roposal by Sen. Charles E.
(R-Mich.) that the May-
II sail up the St. Lawrence
y into the Great Lakes has
d approval from the state
ment and is now under con-
;ion in London.
plying to Sen Potter's pro-
Undersecretary of State
an Herter suggested that
an authorities be contacted
he trip is certain.
Tender traps are set by young ladies with plans for young men
without any.,
Charley Reader is the bachelor and Julie Gillis sets the "Tender
Trap" in Little Theater's third production opening at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Ann Arbor High School for a three-day run.
When a New York salesman of a Midwest drugs firm can sur-
round himself with a trio of attentive dolls, he'd like to hang on to
the good old status quo. And Charley's status is nicely quo until fellow-
employee Joe McCall drops in with a million-dollar scheme Joe
hatched out in the Indianapolis lab.
Joe has concocted some cold tablets which employer Van Heusen
Pharmaceutical Company thinks are duds. Joe leaves Van Heusen,
goes to see boyhood friend Charley
who peddles bona fide Van Heusen white - picket - fence ideas needs
The pitch: Joe will make the convincing.a
cold pills, Charley will sell them; George Webb plays Charley,
Van Heusen Pharmaceutical Com: with Ted Heusel as friend Joe.
In TU' Plant
Two promotions to as
superintendent and the ar
ment of Harold C.a Hickn
head of the engineering c
ment were announced yes
by Walter Roth, superintent
University plant departre
Foster L. Cross has been
assistant superintendent in
of operations and mainte
This department has cha
various University properti(
side Ann Arbor.
Cross, a mechanical engi,
graduate of the University,
the plant department st
1931. He was appointed sen
gineer for plumbing and 1
in 1950f.
I -- 1
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