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July 31, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-07-31

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Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom COO


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Four Nations Approve Ike s Plan

LONDON (MA) - Western diplo-
mats agreed last night to offer
Russia shortly an up-to-date ver-
sion of President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's open skies plan for guard-
ing against surprise attack.
United States Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles won approval
by representatives of three some-
what hesitant allies - Britain,
France and Canada -- for this
move to promote -the plan which
President Eisenhower first ad-
vanced at the Geneva Big Four
summit conference two years ago.
Dulles also won their approval
of continuing the slow negotia-
tions with the Soviet Union in the
five-power subcommittee of the
United Nations Disarmament Coin-
After fout months of largely

futile talk, that subcommittee has
to report to the parent body to-
Western officials said no new
plans were decided upon in a 41%-
hour meeting among the four
Western disarmament delegations
which Dulles attended.
The strategy session was called
specifically to enable Dulles to
consult about the next steps with
British Foreign Secretary Selwyn
Lloyd, French delegate Jules Moch
and Canadian delegate David
Meeting Set
Dulles, along with United States
delegate Harold Stassen, arranged
to get 'together with their col-
leagues again today.
Dulles, who flew to London Mon-
day at President Eisenhower's re-

Prof. Van Dusen Declares
Speech Therapy Recent

Prof. C. Raymond Van Dusen
yesterday said "growth has been
phenomenal" in the development
of speech and hearing therapy in
the 20th Century.
Prof. Van Dusen in a lecture
entitled "The Growing Edge of
Speech Re- ducation," gave a
short history of developing speech
emphasis in the United States and
pointed out problems still facing
professional people jn- speech and
hearing fields today.
Speech therapy, he said, is newer
than the airplane. The first pro-
fessional organization for speech
improvement, he indicated, was
formed in 1925 and still guides the
nation's programs today under
the new name American Speech
and Hearing Association.
Wisconsin First
The University of Wisconsin was
the first to include a speech de-
partment, and it granted the first
PhD in speech in 1925.
The total number of Master's
Degrees and Doctorates given in
the field of speech in 1954 exceeded
the sum of such degrees bestowed
before 1940.
Much progress has also been
made by the public schools, with
Detroit and Chicago leading the
Aid Teachers
Prof. Van Dusen reported that
today speech, hearing and class-
room teaching are becoming inter-
woven, but that there is a need
for the speech therapist to help
teachers to understand the im-
portance of speech.
The early years of World War II
,saw intensified investigation in an
effort to help speech defects pro-
duced in battle. Since then, pro-
gress has been steady.
Cites Stabilization
Stabilization of the quality of
research and scientific investiga-
tion is one of these.
He further encouraged profes-
sional people in speech and hear-
ing therapy to keep abreast with
developments in such cognate
fields as medicine and psychology
and to remian flexible in their
approach to problems of therapy.


-Daily-Richard Bloss
..cites speech advances
J ets Attack
Fort Farq,
MANAMA, Bahrain (I)-British
jet fighters strafed Fort Farq yes-
terday in the air war against tri-
bal rebels seeking to unset the
Sultan of Muscat and Oman.
Pilots reported the tower of the
fort, in the south of Oman, was
damaged in the attack with rock-
ets and 20 mm. cannon.
There apeared to be no resist-
Leaflets containing a warning
to keep away from the fort had
been dropped in that vicinity Sun-
A communique said 10 planes,
operating from Sharja airstrip,
took part in the attack on the
fort. Similar strikes were made
yesterday at other rebel positions.
The air action supplements
round operations by troops and
tribesmen loyal to Sultan Said bin
Taimur, and is intended to crush
the 12-day-old rebellion.

Florence Kitson, 66 years
cide yesterday morning, Ann
Miss Kitson was admitted
late last evening to have bee
M. P. Strickland, of 135
Kitson unconscious in her be
He told police that he h
her home if the shade on a

I w I


Korean Students Give Dances, Songs
W ? ".
Three of her students last night demonstrated that what im -
poverished Korea lacks, in quantity is more than made up by good.
Michael Surh (master of ceremonies) deftly manipulated the<:
three towards a successful "Glimpses of Korea," perhaps reminding
the audience of another time when Koreans had little to go on in
the tiny republic's darkest hour.{
The untiring Myong Ok Raymond gave a trio of dances picturingx
life in her country. In male masquerade, she danced the story of a

old, of 1349 eddes Ave., attempted sui-
Arbor Polic reported.
d to University Hospital and was reported
n placed on the hospital's "Danger" list.
2 Geddes, said that he discovered Miss
edroom upon entering her home.
had been asked by Miss Kitson to check
front window was not up by noon yes-
terday. When he noticed at 12:30
that the shade was not up, he'
called Ann Coller, a registered
nurse, who entered the home with
him and found Miss Kitson in
normal condition except that she
was in a sleep from which she
could not be aroused.
In searching Miss Kitson's bed-
room upon arrival, police found
her last will and testament, a note
asking'that she be cremated and
a note asking Strickland to dis-
pose of her property.
Miss Kitson is a secretarial em-
ploye of Slauson Junior High
'' I School.

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