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July 25, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-07-25

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r. 4,

Sixty-Seventh Year
lrwwau" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MicH. * Phone NO 2-3 241
s printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must'be noted in all reprints.r

Notes from Russia

And Hopes for Peace

3 note to the British prime min-
Iussia's Premier Bulganin indi-
t we once called the "seasonal
ons and disarmament discussion
drawing to a close.
his note, which is the first gen-
of Soviet foreign policy since
rnmental shake-up, is the same
Micion and unwillingness to co-
projects with the West while
in anti-Soviet coalitions threat-
the note indicates a ,greater se-
lifig of foreign affairs and a.
ncy and lack of cooperation in
e Western nations and the dis-
note asks, in effect, that the
on be excluded from any future
eapons aid from Western na-
ks that the United States and
id to other Western nations, re-
sent treaty agreements, should
ke part in a European war.
Zussian demands may be recog-
ate demands, either by consid-
; an aggressor nation; or as a
trying to look out for itself in
world, these demands are dis-
country as simply being out of

We see no evidence of these demands' being
discussed; we hear just that they have been
received. Unfortunately, that is probably the
same treatment the Soviets are giving United
States disarmament proposals and peace pro-
posals - a lack of consideration.
This is not to imply that there is anything in
the most recent requests contained in Bulgan-
in's note. But at least these requests should be
seriously thought about as legitimate negotia-
tions of the Soviet nation. Would the results
of accepting to some degree the conditions im-
plied therein lead to any sort of reciprocative
breaking down of Russian policy? Could a par-
tial acceptance result in a corresponding accep-
tance of an American request leading to a mu-
tual breaking down of hostile, barriers?
THESE ARE the questions that should be
present in the minds of our statesmen.
There. should at al ltimes be the awareness of
and willingness to accept any chance for some
progress in the elimination of hostility among
nations in the world today.
What is needed more than anything else
today is a greater attempt on everyone's part
to try to understand the problems of the oth-
er fellow - and to try to live with them in a
peaceful world.

Bartlett on Education

fortunate in having elected a
ad apparently capable superin-
s-Lynn Bartlett. \
three weeks, Bartlett showed in
elta Kappa speech that he. is
rding a few lions.
cut views and buttressed theme
suggestions or examples. To
become unpopular because he
to favor either compromise,,

ir lack. of in-
tion problems"
elp need.

ong in.one respect in say-
nancial problem has been
g attention. But our im-
publicity stops with quota-
figures almost always de-
some sobering facts and
Russia which change the
nto' another favorite ex-
ling Russia's educational
All children are sent to
udents being paid. College
hree times that of ours-
not rubles..
h to say that Russia ,"ap-
great job in guidance of
hope these words will not
6 are sure he did not mean.

this as an example, but as indication of the
threat. He needn't have added: "Of course I
don't propose the Russian system of education."
Bartlett was not afraid to attack the mill-rate
conscious enemies, of consolidation. For an
elected official, his words were plain: "Smaller
districts have been avoiding facing their re-
Not the people of Michigan, not "certain'
areas in our state," but "smaller districts"-
there is no problem of identification.
He predicted (meaning he would be vigorous
in seeing to it) that within a few years not one
primary school district will remain in existence.
UNDOUBTEDLY many citizens will mourn the
passing of the old schoolhouse and its aura
of "good, solid education." There is something
to- be said for any fading of tradition. But we
seem to want a complex society emphasizing
volume. Consolidation is the only answer.
Yet Bartlett does not propose to merely dump
our kids into brick-and-tile mausoleums. His
main interest, he said, is in guidance and.
counsellin'g. He said he is already forming a
body which is to develop a guidance program'
from kindergarten to high school.
This will perehaps be the most vital feature
of an expanded physical plant such as Bartlett.
envisions. With our "fund of knowledge" as'
he put it, growing inexorably, a corps of coun-
sellors will be indispensable in channeling indi-
vidual effort.

TALKING about "disarmament"
on Monday, Mr. Dulles showed
how very difficult it will be to
.reach a significant agreement. To
be sure, he said at the end of his
speech that we must assume that
since an agreement is necessary,
it is possible, and that we must
make it possible.
But, onewhoreads the compli-
cated arguments of the speech it-
self must, it seems to me, ask
himself whether the problem may
not be insoluble on the lines where'
the London Conference is now
For, reduced to its elements, are
we not saying that 'since we can-
not trust the Russians, we must
have an agreement with them
which gives us and them not only
the right but the facilities to know
all about our two military estab-
Distrusting each other, we are
to disclose to one another what
weapons and what soldiers each
has; where they are at every mo-
ment, what is going on in the mili-
tary arsenals, particularly in those
doing the top secret work.
Since we distrust each other we
are to make a treaty which would
abolish military secrecy more com-
pletely than it is abolished in our
dealings with our closest allies.
All that the intelligence services
have been trying to do against the
most formidable counter-espionage
sefvices, inspectors are to be au-
thorized to do under an interna-
tional treaty. From profound dis-
trust we are to jump to full dis-
It will be extraordinary if it
happens, that we shall sign and
ratify a treaty to solve the problem
of mutual distrust by arranging for
the completedisclosure to those
whom we distrust the whole mili-
tary situation.
* * *
IS IT conceivable that the great
military powers of the world will
allow themselves to be photo-
graphed .continually from the sky,
and will allow their airfields, their
ports, their arsenals, their fac-
tories to be inspected continually
on the ground,-unless by some
miracle they have already come to
trust one another?
Tliorough inspection requires a
high degree of confidene, good
faith, and good will. Although it
is being put forward as the remedy
for distrust, it in fact assumes that
distrust has evaporated.
Does this mean that any agree-
ment to regulate armaments is un-
likely? I would say that not much
is to be expected of any agreement
that is complicated, of any agree-
ment requiring elaborate under-
standing on details, and a highly
trained an diversified personnel to
administer it.
There is logic in our policy, as
Secretary Dulles described it on
'But it is the logic of technical
specialists in a closed room, and
not the logic of statesmen in the
real world. It is all too fine-spun,
too teechnical, too subtle, too in-
tricate for the working relation-
ships of the Soviet Union and our-
Our agreements will have, I
should think, to be simple and
obvious. If they are not, they will
be enormously difficult to trans-
late into a treaty, and still more
difficult to carry out in practice.
A SIMPLE and abvious agree

ment in the field of armaments
would not be addressed to the
quality and the quantity of weap-
ons. It would be addressed to the
geographical deployment of mili-
tary forces.
The best example we have of
such an agreement is the treaty
to evacuate Austria. This treaty
did not require inspectors. Nor did
it pose the question of how to de-
tect bad faith.
0 ri e e the occupying powers
agreed to withdraw from Austria,
it was known to all whether the
agreement was being carried out.
The Austrian people were all the
inspectors that were needed.
In my view, this'is the type of
agreement which holds the greatest
promise -- first, that it will be
carried out, and second, that it
will promote peace.
Since it deals with the deploy-
ment of forces outside the national
tereritory of the great powers, it
deals with something that is vis-
ible and obvious.
'Disarmament, on the o t h e r
hand, requires agreements which
reach into the heart of th'e na-
tional territory of the great powers,
indeed into the inner citadels of
their national defense.
It is fair to ask ourselves whether
in seeking this sype of agreement,
we are taking the right line.
1957 New York Herald Tribune Inc. '


Bulganin, Clinton

'ess2 News Analyst
z of Russia, in his latest
has chosen a roundabout
ng in West German poli-,

f thing has been going on ever
't of the German election cam-
ore can be expected before the


-voting date.
In and West Germany, are all wrong,
in writes, in considering themselves
ir atomic war in Europe. He threatens
ey will be wiped out if such a war
ys they'should get back to consideration,
spection zone in Germany, where East
t would reduce and limit the size of
'hich face each other.
esn't go into the rest of it, which would
freeze on German rearmament'which Is
ting well under way under Chancellor
r's program of full German coopera-;
h the West.
uer's Christian Democratic party faces
ocial bemocrats are threatening, and
ome is likely to depend on how the vote
d between anumber of other parties.'
s have been made that a big majority'
ote will go for these other parties.
Editorial Staff
uLYER......................'. . Sports Editor
A1................, ....Night Editor

If the Russians can, through spreading
doubt about German rearmament and the wis-
dom of accepting atomic weapons, divert votes
from the major parties, then a chaotic situa-
tion can .be created in West Germany.
It would be thrown wide open to Communist
ANY ATTEMPT to iequate the Clinton verdict,
a . with the civil rights debate in the Senate is
likely to run into trouble.
There is no definite relationship between
what a jury will do today and what it or anoth-
er one will do under similar circumstances to-'
The jury foreman merely said: "We tried-,our
best to come up with a just verdict."
He didn't say whether the jury had been put
on its mettle by widespread charges in con-
nection with .the civil rights debate that all-
white Southern juries would not be fair in
cases involving Negroes.
He didn't say how the jury arrived at its
decisions. That it was meticulous is attested by,
the selective verdict. I
Seven men were convicted anad four ac-
quitted of contempt of a federal injunction
against interference with school desegregation.
The foreman didn't say whether the out-
lander Kasper, by encouraging home folks to
get into trouble, had forfeited the sympathy
he might have expected from a Southern jury.
He just said the jury tried to do its duty.
Yet the verdict came as a surprise.
When the government rested there was coi'-
siderable doubt that it had made a case. De-
fense attorneys were among the most experi-
.enced lawyers in the country.
* The case is not over, Some of the judge's
procedures have been questioned and will be


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