'WAORLD PEACE Sri p n ~a~
Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom CLOUDY,
Topples S(
c hool Aid
Bey o Tunis
Gets Sack-
Bour b In
Presidency Replaces
Unpopular Monarchy
TUNIS ()-Tunisia turned'from
a monarchy into a republic yester-
day and chose pro-American Pre-
mier Habib Bourguiba as itsfirst
Bourguiba, 53, deposed and suc-
ceeded the unpopular, 75-year-old
Bey Sidi Mohamed Al-Amin, as
chief of state and thus became the
head of both state and of govern-
As such the job is equivalent to
the presidency in the United
Remote Figure
The old Bey, a remote figure
residing among the ruins of an-
cient Carthage, had been a figure-
head of the French in their latter
years of colonial rule here and
then a certain candidate for dis-
cord on the risen 'tide of African
On the other side of Tunisia,
Morocco got independence from
the French about the same time
the Tunisians won their indepen-
dence, but the monarchy of Sul-
tan. Mohammed V seems solidly
entrenched at Rabat with no ap-
parent thought of a republic.
Both Tunisia and Morocco sup-
port independence for Algeria from
Won Freedom
The calmly undertaken revolu-
tionary change in form of govern-
ment was effected by the Con-
,stituent Assembly.
Bourguiba won grudging free-
dom from the French protectorate'
less than two years ago through
his Neo-Destour - Independence
Yesterday he proclaimed the
ousting of the Bey.
The new President has always
been friendly to the United States
and has proclaimed acceptance of
the Eisenhower Middle East Doc-
Social Scientists Sifted
grant, Prof. Lazarsfeld interviewed
In a lecture here last night, 2,500 professors from a represen-
Prof. Paul Lazarsfeld of Columbia tative sample of 160 out of the
University said his recently con- nation's 900 accredited colleges
pleted study sought to determine and universities.
"how fearful, how anxious, how Interviewed Social Scientists
horrified" college professors had All interviewed were social sci-. ..'
become during the "difficult entists - economists, sociologists;
years" between 1947 and 1954. political scientists, historians and
He described this period as "a social geographers.
wave of terror runing. over cool- Results and -conclusions from
leges" and characterized by at- the study will appear in a forth-
tacks on academic freedom by coming book, Prof. Lazarsfeld in-
congressional and civic organiza- formed.
tions. The initial phase of the study
Under a Fund for the Republic was selection of a set of questions
Is Debated
ate plunged into debate yesterday
on the biggest remaining issue in
the civil rights bill - whether to
guarantee jury trials in certain
contempt cases involving alleged
violations of voting rights.
Sen. Joseph O'Mahoney (D-
Wyo) and Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-
Tenn) both argued for an amend-
ment to provide such trials, for
eprsons charged with criminal
contempt of court for violating
voting rights injunctions.
A jury trial amendment also
was supported by Senate Majority
Leader, Sen. Lyndon Johnson (D-
Tex), who said that while courts
must have power to enforce their
orders people accused of crimes
"should have the opportunity to
make their case before a jury of
their peers."
But Minority Leader Sen. Wil-
liam Knowland (R-Calif.) con-
tended a jury trial amendment
would "greatly weaken the effec-
tiveness" of the bill.
Freshmen Get Briefed
Before Rush This Fall
Freshman orientation is being held this summer as an experiment.
Prospective fall freshmen are given a two and a half day intro-
duction to the University at their convenience sometime between July
7 and Aug. 16, however it is not compulsory that this summer orienta-
tion be taken as in the case of out-of-staters. For them, there is the
usual fall orientation week program.
Director of Orientation Robert L. Garfield said some 1,000 fresh-
men are taking advantage of the preliminary orientation with 10 to
25 per cent of them from out of state, some from as far as Miami
QBeach, and New Mexico. Sixty two
Bach Concertos Performance Set
A campus "first," the complete
performance of Bach's six Bran-
denburg Concertos is scheduled
for 3 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Sunday
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
ht.s. Admission to both afternoon and
evening performances is free.
The afternoon program will in-
clude the first, third, and fifth
concertos. In the evening, the
fourth, sixth, and second concertos
will be played.
Written in 1721, the Branden-
burg Concertos were commissioned
by one of Bach's patrons, Prince
Christian Ludwig, margrave of
Brandenburg. The concertos are
per cent of the students are from
within 100 miles.
In future years, two thirds of
the, incoming class is expected to
take summer orientation.
The whole orientation system
has been revamped.
The summer orientation is
mainly academic, ending with
registration and classification for
next fall. Then these summer ori-
ented students will not have to be
back until the third day of the fall
orientation program, when they
will join the rest of the freshmen
for a completely new social orien-
tation program.
To get an idea of what the sum-
mer program is like, we'll follow
a typical freshman as he goes
through the summer program.
Bob Goyer, from Bel Air, Michi-
gan, is one of the four groups of
30 students which weekly descend