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July 24, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-24

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Code Of Ethics? Why, Yes, I Believe There Was
Some Talk Of One"

'When Opinions Are Fre,
Truth W111 PrevaWJ

Excellent Performance
Of Seldom-Heard Music
THE Collegium Musicum is a movement rather than a specific or-
ganization." pointed out Miss Louise Cuyler, director of last night's
performance. "The aim of such a movement is to present seldom-heard
music in informal, intimate surroundings." Both of these objectives
were certainly realized. as an audience or some hundred persons gath-
ered in the gracious drawing room atmosphere of Rackham's Assembly


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



K xw

Dulles Wins First Hand
In International Poker Game

POWER politics is often likened to a tense
poker game, the diplomatic maneuverings
over the Aswan Dam project being an excel-
lent illustration.
In the contemporary Dulles-Nasser poker
game of power politics, Secretary Dulles has
proven himself not only a shrewd guesser of
his opponent's cards, but of greater signifi-
cance in this particular game, the more accom-
plished bluffer.
The stakes were high and the pot was made
even more valuable with Russia standing by to
take on the winner, or loser as it might be. To
Nasser and Egypt, the stake was the construc-
tion of the Aswan Dam. The electrical power
and irrigated land it would provide could pull
that Near Eastern country out of the economic
Middle Ages.
But Nasser was also aware of the danger in-
herent in long term economic ties with Russia
should that nation finance the dam. He would
have preferred doing business with the West,
but the United States, Great Britain and the
World Bank combined would not put up the
$1.3 billion necessary.
HEREIN . lay his bluff. Playing upon the
West's past weakness to 'come across' when
a nation was in danger of turning to Commu-
nism, Nasser revealed definite indications that
he might accept a juicier offer from Russia if
the West would not up its ante.

Therefore, to the United States the stakes
were much higher than the construction of a
dam on the Nile. First of all, Secretary Dulles
wanted to impress Egypt and all 'neutral' na-
tions that the United States would not be
played off against Russia. In a very real sense,
the game has been a struggle between the
United States and Russia over whose influence
would be greater in Egypt. If Russia made
good on its offer to finance the project and
Egypt accepted, Egypt and its strategic posi-
tion in the Middle East would come under the
economic and possibly poltlical domination by
Communist Russia.
DULLES gambled that Russia would not
follow through on her offer, and he won -
for the present at least. Indeed, there now is
doubt that Aussia ever made a concrete offer
or did more than give silent support to Nasser's
maneuverings by not denying the reported
Soviet bid.
Where do things now stand? Egypt is with-
out its vital dam and Nasser's prestige has
been lowered several notches. The United
States has made some enemies but has
caused Russia's balloon of promises to explode
in her face. Russia is still in a position to fi-
nance the project. So is the United State'
The game is not yet finished, although Lady
Luck has favored the United States in the first

0' X


Close of Educational Era

Steel Strike Roadblocks

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THE END of educational benefits under the
World War II GI Bill tomorrow will bring
the end of an era for the nation's colleges and
It was an era of expansion, not only in en-
rollment and in physical plant but also in the
American concept of education.
While it made college education a practical-
ity for thousands of men who would not other-
wise have been able to get one and increased
the educational level of the nation, both very
desirable, it brought a host of problems which
educational institutions still face.
The vast influx of ex-GI's made a college
degree equivalent to the pre-war high school
diploma. They presented competition to ci-
vilian graduates of high schools that they
could meet only by going to college themselves.
By bringing to the colleges a host of students
who in pre-war time, would have entered the
business world without more education than
high school, the GI Bill presented a staggering
temptation to educators to reduce their insti-
tutions to, diploma mills.
WHILE veterans themselves were more ma-
ture and able to raise standards among
themselves, they changed the academic pic-
ture for other students who followed. The vet-
erans were well able to fend for themselves
and absorb the education they wanted, some-
times in spite of the training they received
rather than because of it. On the other hand,
other students following them were not only
unable to do the digging required to get a com-
plete education but were, in many cases, un-
willing to do so.
The post-was influx of students was also
responsible for the creation of the super-uni-
versity such as Michigan. The idea of trying
to educate 20,0000 students at one time, un-
heard of before the war, became a matter of
immediate necessity. Students were there, all
of them equally eligible and no one could be
turned away.
To house and care for these students, the
universities had to build a gigantic physical
plan, a plan that must be filled year after
year, presenting another temptation to lower

IN THE face of this, universities have done a
fine job. If they have not been able to hold
the line of academic excellence, they have
tried and are still trying to do so.
But as the ex-GI's and their Korean War
counterparts leave the campus, the temptation
will grow stronger to compromise academic
requirements for "mass" education, a trend
which can be seen in the history of American
secondary schools.
The experience with the GI Bill has shown
that even with little or no warning, the col-
leges and universtiies can come close .to main-
taining educational standards in a mass edu-
cation situation.
Constant vigilance is necessary to make sure
that academic standards will not fall in the



Graduate Women's Hours
Inconsistent, Maternalistic
THIS summer, Betsy Barbour is a dormitory
for graduate women.
Yet curiously enough, these women are re-
quired to be inside the front door by midnight
on all weeknights, unless they arrange for late
permission which means someone will wait
up to let them in.
Considering that Michgian was one of the
first universities to admit women, one of the
first to admit female medical students, it
seems somehow strange to find such a con-
servative policy of hours for women persisting.
Freshmen men who are here for summer
school keep no hours. But graduate women, at
least four years older, presumably old enough
to regulate their own affairs, are told that if
they wish to live in University housing for the
summer, they must be in their rooms by mid-
It is fortunate that the excellent Univer-
sity summer program attracts graduate wo-
men to Ann Arbor. Maternalistic administra-
tion housing regulations have, probably not
kept too many away.

O NE FACTOR handicapping the
steel-strike negotiations is the
absence of Ben Fairless, kindly,
powerful former head of the U. S.
Steel Corporation, who always
dominated past wage talks.
Fairless, an orphan raised by an
uncle who was a coal miner, was
sympathetic to labor. And though
he rose to become head of the
world's greatest steel company, he
was largely responsible for okaying
healthy wage increases to steel-
workers. He and Dave McDonald,
head of the United Steelworkers,
were understanding friends.
During the closing days of the
steel negotiations just before the
strike was called, U.S. Steel seemed
more sympathetic to, the union's
position than other companies.
But there were several roadblocks,
as follows:
Roadblock No. 1-The two com-
panies which do most of their
business with the automobile com-
panies, Bethlehem and National
Steel, were the toughest negotiat-
ors. It looked as if they wanted a
This fits in with the word,
passed down inside the industry;
that Ernie Breech of Ford and
Harlow Curtice of General Motors
were not at all adverse to a steel
strike which would give them an
excuse for closing down, thus using
up the huge car surplus on hand
this year as a result of overselling
last year.
Roadblock No. 2-With Fairless
now on the sidelines, the steel
moguls adopted the Boulware
technique in their negotiations,
This technique, developed by Lem
Boulware of General Electric, is a

take-it-or-leave-it approach. In-
dustry approaches the conference
table and says: "This is it boys.
This is all you're going to get. The
longer you delay, the more you lose,
because you won't get retroactiv-
* * *
able to get away with this be-
cause many of its workers are not
unionized. But Westinghouse used
this approach and found itself with
one of the longest and bitterest
strikes in recent years. It still
hasn't recovered.
The steel moguls tried the
Boulware technique in their recent
talks -aganst the advice of U.S.
Steel's John Stephens-and ended
with a strike. The Stephens-Fair-
less technique has been to work
up gradually to terms which seem
about right for both sides.
Roadblock No. 3-Wall Street
bankers who have a hand in
guiding the steel industry want a
five-year contract. They want this
in order to figure their tax de-
preciation writeoffs in financing
new plants for the steel industry.
Negotiations were held in New
York, incidentally, to be near the
bankers, who have the last word.
Labor, on the other hand, doesn't
want a five-year contract.
Inside fact is that the steel
executives have been much tougher
in their negotiations than appeared
in the press. On the last night be-
fore negotiations broke up in New
York, industry leaders met most of
the night. Afterward they told
newsmen the union was offered a
20-cent package with a three-year
agreement. Actually no such offer

was ever made. The industry stood
pat on its five-year offer.
PROBABLY there had been no
man closer to Eisenhower during
the years, outside of his brother,
than Harry Butcher, Ike's naval
aide during the Wgax. They got to
know each other before the war
when Ike was stationed in Wash-
ington and Butcher was working
with the Columbia Broadcasting
Later, when Captain Butcher
went abroad with General Eisen-
hower, their wives waited out the
war in the same Wardman Park
Hotel together. After the war,
Butcher wrote a book, "My Three
Years with Eisenhower."
Last week, however, Harry But-
cher got the brushoff from Ike's
appointees on the Federal Com-
munications in what looked like
a political move. He had applied
for a TV license in Hartford, Conn.
Opposing him was the Travelers
Insurance Co. Butcher has had
vast TV-radio experience, now
operates station KEYT in Santa
Barbara, Calif. Travelers operates
a radio station in Hartford.
The applications were somewhat
complicated, and the FCC could
well have found for Butcher, or
at least given a split decision. It
did not. It was unanimous 6 to 0
against Ike's old friend and naval
The dicision had all the ear-
marks of discrimination against a
friend on the ground that a decis-
ion for a friend might have boom-
eranged in an election year.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Hall. Floor length open windows
enjoy the program from the stone
terrace outside.
This pleasant situation made
the listener realize what a great
factor surroundings can be in the
enjoyment of music, and how oft-.
en the proper intention of the
composer is completely violated in
this respect!
As for the presentation of sel-
dom-heard music, the choice of
compositions for last evening's
performance was remarkable, due
in large part to the facilities of a
large University library and the
industrious aid of graduate stu-
dents in music.
At least two composers, Quantz
(1697-1773) and Mondonville
(17111772) were represented as di-
rect results of doctoral disserta-
tions. The former was the compos-
er of an enjoyable and well-per-
former flute duet, and the latter
of a Sonata for violin and piano.
Unfortunately, in the Mondonville
work, the piano was so heavy that
it often covered the violin part.
A harpsichord accompaniment,
though not required by the nature
of the music, would have elimin-
ated this worrisome result.
The four madrigals, with the
singers seated about a flower-
decked, lace-covered table, were
perhaps the most enjoyable mo-
ments of the evening. Those who
are familiar with this class of
vocal music find it perhaps the
most "human" of all mediums, a
perfect marriaage of words and
music being attained within Its
artistic concept.
The madrigals sung last evening
were excellent representations of
the sixteenth century, being fine-
ly wrought, yet overflowing with
warmth, color and melodiousness.
THE ONLY contemporary work
heard was a Suite for two violins,
by Grant Beglarian. This was a
group of nine very short pieces in
widely varying tempi, and emo-
tional moods. Each was well writ-
ten and pleasantly terse in a
work easy to listen to on a first
hearing, but obviously not an easy
one to perform. The interesting
use of dissonance in the Canonic
Dialogue is particularly notable.
There is a need for more works
of this type in the contemporary
repertory for strings.
The group of "Catches" and
"Glees" added a touch of good
hearted humor to the program. A
catch (English round of the sev-
enteenth an deighteenth centu-
ries) was most in vogue during the
reign of Charles II.
One of its outstanding features
is the use of scandalous texts, even
by such a highly esteemed com-
poser as Henry Purcell. The choice
of selections was most discreet,
however. The audience laughted
over "I gave her cake, I gave her
ale, I kissed her once, I kissed her
twice, and we were wondrous
merry." Further implications were
hinted at in "When a woman
that's buxom . "
Five beautiful arias of A. Scar-
latti with harpsichord accompani-
ment were memorably performed.
The seriousness, depth, and beau-
tiful lyricism of these pieces make
one wish they were a permanent
part of the vocal repertory.
A sonata by J. C. Bach con-
cluded the concert. It was played
with a fine understanding, and
the work itself shows a close af-
finity to Mozart's early works.
A concert such as this obviously
required many hours and much
effort in preparataion. How nice
it would be to have it repeateed so
that more might partake of what
only a relatively small crowd was
able to enjoy last evening.
-Charlotte Liddell

to the
Curious .
To the Editor:
I WOULD be curious to know
what Mr. Akers is trying to say
in His editorial in the Saturday
(July 21) edition, entitled "What
they can't take with them, Re-
publicans give away."
In the first instance, He com-
plains that since President Eisen-
hower has been in office "the
public property of the people has
gradually become tinted with the
stigma of creeping socialism." Then
He goes on to lament the fact that
Eisenhower vetoed the Hell's Can-

permitted additional persons to
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1956
General Notices
Regents' meeting: Fri., Sept. 28.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Sept. 19.
Invitations to the Masters Breakfast,
Sun., Aug. 5 at 9:00 a.m. in the ball-
room of the Michigan Union, honoring
those students who are candidates for
the Master's Degree at the close of the
current Summer Session, are in the
If you have not received your invi-
tation by wednesday and are a candi-
date for the Master's Degree, you may
call for your ticket at the Office of
the Summer Session Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building before 4:00 p.m
Fri., Aug. 3.
. Panhellenic announces that regis.
tration for fail rushing is now being
held at the Undergraduate Office in the
Michigan League anytime Mon. through
Fri. between 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon and
1:30-5:30 p.m.
Consultation Services, auspices of the
Office of the Summer Session and the
Department of Physical Education for
Men. "What's Wrong with your Game?"
5:00 p.m., Mon., July 23 Tues., July
24, Wed., July 25, U-M 'Golf Course,
Postdoctoral fellowships have been
announced by the National Sceince
Foundation, for advanced study and
training in the natural and applied
sciences. Applicants must be United
States citizens, Fellowships will be
awarded in the mathematical, physi-
cal, medical, biological, engineering and
other sciences, including anthropology,
psychology (other than clinical), geo-
graphy certain interdisciplinary fields,
and fields of convergence between the
natural and social sciences. Those eli-
gible to apply are postdoctoral students,
staff members, holders of the M. D.
degree who wish to pursue advanced
training and research in one of the
basic medical sciences andnterminal
year graduate students who will re-
ceive their doctorate by Feb., 1957,
The annual (12 month) stipend will
normally be $3400. Married fellows will
be provided a dependency allowance for
each dependent child. A limited allow-
ance to defray the Fellow's cost of
travel will be paid. Applicatalons may
be obtained from the National Science
Foundation Fellowship Office, Nation-
al Research Council, 2101 Constitution
Avenue, N. W., Washington 25, D. C.
Applications must be submitted to the
National Academy of Sciences Fellow-
ship Office - National Research Coun-
cil, by Sept. 4, 1956. For further infor-
mation, come to the Office of the
Graduate School.
The Soviets in World Affairs, aus-
pices of the Inter-Departmental Sem-
inar in Russian Studies. "Soviet Mili-
tary Policy in Europe and the Near
East." Col. William R. Kintner, sen'ior
military advisor, Operations Research
Office, Washington, D. C. 8:00 p.m.,
Tues., July 24, West Conference Room,
Colloquium. Prof. Fred Hoyle of the
University of Cambridge, England, will
speak on "The Mathematics of the
Steady-State Theory" Wed. July 25,
4:15 p.m., Aud. B, AH. Sponsored by
the Departments of Astronomy and
Physics -
Harpsichord Recital by Alice Ehlers,
lecturer in the School of Music, 8:30
p.m. Tues., July 24, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, Compositions by Bach,
Couperin, Handel, Pachelbel Rameau,
Scarlatti. Open to the public without
Student Recital Cancelled. The re-
cital by James Berg, bass, previously
announced for Wed., July 25, in Aud.
A, Angell Hall, has been cancelled.

Academic Notices
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, Natural Resources
and Public Health
Students, who received marks of I,
X or no reports' at the end of their
last semester or summer session of at-
tendance will receive a grade of "E" in
the course or courses, unless this work
is made up. In the School of Music, this
date is by July 20. In the Schools of
Business Administration, Education,
Natural Resources and Public Health,
this date is by July 25. Students wish-
ing an extension of time beyond these
dates in order to make up the work,
should file a petition addressed to the
appropriate official of their School,
with Room 1513 Administration Build-
ing, where it will be transmitted.
Seniors: College of L.S. & A., and
Schools of Education, Music, Public
Health, and Business Administration:
Tentative lists of seniors for August
graduation have been posted on the
bulletin board in the first floor lobby,
Administration Building. Any changes
therefrom should be requested of the



00k on Joyce Collector's Item

Russian Aid Program Wavers

Associated Press News Analyst
THE RUSSIANS seem to be floundering a
bit in the wake of the Anglo-American de-
cision not to compete with the Kremlin for the
right to do Egypt a favor.
As they shift from one stance to another,
the world may get a little better insight into
whether, in their conduct of economic war-
fare, they are now feinting or fighting.
Soon after the Anglo-British announcement
that they were dropping the Aswan. Dam pro-
ject, Russian Foreign Minister Shepilov, just
Editorial Staff
LEE MARKS, Managing Editor
Night Editors

returned from a prospecting trip in the Middle
East, said Russia wasn't interested, either.
BOTH sides had previously offered to back
the dam project, a long-time Egyptian
dream. The Western powers pulled out be-
cause of Egypt's over-commitments in the pur-
chase of Communist-made arms, because of
her anti-Western attitude, and because they
wanted to stop the tendency of small nations
to play Russia against the West in the favor-
buying contest.
Shepilov said he thought Egypt had better
concentrate on industrialization for a while,
in which Russia would be glad to help.
Apparently the Red ambassador to Cairo
didn't hear his boss. Shepilov spoke on Sat-
urday. Saturday night the ambassador said
of: course Russia would keep her promise to
help build the dam.
On Monday the ambassador was reported
about to take a trin to Moscow.

"THE Personal Library of James
Joyce," by Thomas Connolly
of the University of Buffalo Eng-
lish Department, is a monograph
with which all serious collectors of
incidental information should be
In the early fall of 1950, for
reasons best left to the imagina-
tion, the University of Buffalo ac-
quired Joyce's library, footnotes,
marginal notes, and all.
Altogether, there are 468 books,
periodicals, and pamphlets cata-
loged including some items of more
than passing interest.
E r n e s t Hemingway obligingly
filled in the obscenities represent-
ed by dashes in "A Farewell to
Arms," which he presented to
Joyce. He wrote also "Excuse all
the misspelled Italian words-they
never sent me any page proofs."
Henry Mencken's "The American
Language" bears evidence of use:
a photograph used as a bookmark
between pp. 436-437.
Joyce penciled in a few marg-
inal notes on his copy of "James
Joyce" by Louis Golding. One ex-
ample is this: he wrote the word

obscure but profound text deals
with French matrimonial problems,
ranging from the improper to the
unmentionable. The official de-
cision of the Church is given in
each case.
One of the more remarkable in-
clusions in the collection is a series
of periodicals published during
August, 1929. This includes such
diverse magazines as "The Baker

and Confectioner," "The British
Banker," "The Hairdressers' Week-
ly Journal," "Justice of the Peace
and Local Government Review,"
"Municipal Journal and Public
Works Engineer," "The School-
girl's Own," and "The Woman's
What Joyce's purpose in gath-
ering these periodicals, might have
been, no one can say.


by Dick Bibles

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