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July 21, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-21

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A- 4


Latest Deadline in the State




Nation Involved
In Mock A-Raid
Civil Defense Authorities, President
Stage Test Called 'Operation Alert'
EMERGENCY PRESS CENTER, Operation Alert WP)-In make
believe only, America's great cities and military centers were crunched
to rubble by a sneak atomic assault yesterday.
And, with President Dwight D. Eisenhower taking a swift per-
sonal role, United States and Canadian Civil Defense authorities
swung into a test of what they could do if the massive attack had
been real.
Operation Alert
Operation Alert 1956 was the name of the test, the biggest civil

Extra Money
For Atomic
Plants Voted
Appropriations Committee yester-
day voted an extra 400 million
dollars for a speedup in construc-
tion of government atomic power
It said the time is not yet ripe
4 and the risks are too great for
private development.
Asserting the United States is
lagging behind Russia and Great
Britain, the committee said:
"The issue now confronting this
country is not the issue of private
power versus public power. The
issue rather is American versus
Russian power."
The Democratic-controlled com-
mittee's action in adding 400 mil-
lion dollars to President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's budget request, to
finance a power reactor program
opposed by the Atomic Energy
Commission, was taken by a 28-11
vote. Republicans voted solidly
against the move.
By the same voice vote, the
committee adopted a subcommit-
tee report sharply criticizing AEC
Chairman Lewis E. Strauss, but
directed that personal references
to Strauss and some other AEC
members be eliminated.
The subcommittee report,
drafted by Chairman Cannon
(D-Mo), who is also chairman of
the full committee, called for a
4 shakeup in the AEC. It held
Strauss primarily responsible for
what it described as "inexcusable
stagnation" in this country's effort
to develop commercial atomic
Cannon's subcommittee report
said a 1953 pledge by President
Eisenhower that the United States
would "devote its entire heart and
mind" to peaceful development of
atomic energy had been "frus-
trated by an unrealistic adminis-
tration of this most vital need of
It said:
"The approach to the problems
which is urged by Commissioners
Strauss, W. F. Libby, and H. S.
Vance constitutes nothing but de-
feat . . . We are stagnated because
of the dogmatic attitude of Chair-
man Strauss . .. The United States
set out, logically, to meet the
pledge laid down by President Ei-
senhower. His'pledge to the world
has been effectively thwarted by
reason of a philosophy on the part
of Mr. Strauss which cannot be
Senate Votes
WASHINGTON (M) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's nomina-
tion of Paul G. Hoffman to be a
United Nations delegate was con-
firmed by a 64-22 Senate vote
i esterday.
The opposition to Hoffman
came chiefly from Republicans,
some of whom pictured President
Eisenhower's long-time friend and
supporter as soft on communism.
On the showdown, 37 Democrats
and 27 Republicans voted for
Hoffman; 16 Republicans and 6
Democrats against.
'Democrats took the opposing
Republicans to task for "rying to
destroy the man" often credited
with having the most influence
in President Eisenhower's decision.
to seek the presidency.
Sen. Styles Bridges (NH), the
chairman of the Senate GOP

Policy Committee, took the floor
to oppose Hoffman's confirmation,

defense exercises ever attempted
in this hemisphere. It will continue
through Wednesday.
The pretended bombings would
have devastated 100 acreas from
Alaska to Puerto Rico and from
New England to Hawaii,
Pres. Eisenhower--about to leave
at midnight for the Panama City
conference-hastily summoned a
temporarily enlarged National Se-
curity Council into session at
Then, in this order:
1. Off to safe hideaways, out of
range of the bombs theoretically
headed for Washington, went offi-
cials of more than 30 government
departments and agencies.
2. Pres. Eisenhower issued a test
order proclaiming an "unlimited
national emergency and state of
war." He followed it with a similar
order proclaiming a state of civil
defense emergency. Both, in the
event of an actual crisis, would
confer emergency powers on him.
Communications Off
3. The nation's radio and TV
stations all went off the air briefly
in the biggest test yet of the Conel-
rad air raid warning system.
Civil Defense Administrator Val
Peterson then took the microphone
to point a moral from the exer-
cise: A sound civil defense system
in each community is "common
sense insurance in any kind of
4. The armed forces-for the
first time in such an exercise-
joined Civil Defense workers in
evacuation tests, communications
practice and the host of other
activities that would have to be
carried out should a real attack
The test began at 10 a.m. EDT
with simculated firing of atomic
missiles upon Pearl Harbor and
San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the
mock assault ended with a final
all-clear at 4:15 p.m. EDT.
In what would have been five
hours of unparalleled horror.
bombs were assumed to have been
dropped on New York, Washington
and 72 other targets-including
atom plants and air bases-in the
United States, and on 25 cities and
rural areas in Canada.
Thornton Poor
Wickard Says
Wickard, chairman of a Demo-
cratic agricultural advisory com-
mittee, said yesterday assigning
Dan Thornton, former governor
of Colorado, "to round up Repub-
lican votes in the farm belt is like
sending an undertaker when a
doctor was called for."
Wickard, former secretary of
agriculture, said Thornton is a
"man who advocates ruinously
low prices for others while using
part of his own wealth to re-elect
President Eisenhower."
The advisory committee which
Wickard heads is an adjunct of
the Democratic National Commit-
Thornton recently opened an
office in Chicago and began a Re-
publican drive for farm votes,
calling for "farmer to farmer,
rancher to rancher" chain cam-
Wickard is his party's nominee
for U. S. Senate from Indiana.
In attacking Thornton, the
committee which Wickard heads,
cited the text of a speech it said
Thornton made to a group of
bankers in Denver in 1953.
In his speech Thornton was
quoted as saying:"
"I am against any system that
would guarantee the farmer a
profit at the expense of other tax-

payers . . . Our government can
play the role of guaranteeing the
farmer against going broke. In

Into Water
Thought March Would
Be Lark'; Grab owski
baby-faced death march survivor
said yesterday Marine Platoon 71I
frolicked its way into deep water
where six recruits drowned April 8.
"We thought it would be a lark,"
said teen-aged Pvt. Earl Grabow-
ski of Kearney, N. J. "There was
considerable kidding around going
The youngster called such dis-
ciplinary night marches into the
treacherous bogs that surround
this base "the usual routine-I
He was the first recruit survivor
of Platoon 71 to testify at the
court-martial of S. Sgt. Matthew
C. McKeon, who led the death
march into Ribbon Creek. McKeon
is being tried by court-martial for
the six deaths.
Beat Him To It
Earlier, a senior drill sergeant
testified he intended to march Pla-
toon 71 into Ribbon Creek himself
to discipline themn. But he said
McKeon beat him to it.
Grabowski called McKeon "a
good drill instructor . . . with a
lot of patience."
The young private called dis-
cipline among members of the pla-
toon "poor."
He testified he smelled "a little
liquor" on McKeon's breath a
short time before the death march.
The private quoted McKeon as
telling the platoon "we are going
out to have a swim . . . watch out
for snakes. and sharks."
As they entered the water, the
witness went on, one recruit
waved a stick at others, crying out
"snake" and "shark" in a sportive
Turned to Panic
But gaiety turned to panic, Gra-
bowski testified, when members of
the platoon broke formation and
some of them wandered out of line
into water over their heads.
A second recruit survivor of the
platoon, Pvt. Melvin Barber, 18,
of New York City, followed Gra-
bowski to the witness stand. In his
testimony, he said, of McKeon just
before he ordered the men on the
disciplinary march:
"He told us the ones that could
swim would drown and the ones
that couldn't would be eaten by
Barber's apparent slip of the
tongue went into the record that
way. Court attaches agreed he
meant to say those who wouldn't
swim would drown and those who
could swim would be eaten by
Still on Stand
Barber, a 6-foot Negro, still was
on the stand when the courtmar-
tial recessed until Monday. De-
fense, lawyers asked for and got
a cancellation of a scheduled
session for today because they have
to make a flying trip in connection
with the case.
A defense spokesman declined
to say where they are going and
whom they will see. He did indi
cate the mystery trip is in con-
nection with potential testimony or
evidence in the case.
The first witness of the day was
S. Sgt. Edward A. Huff, 38, of Chi-
cago, a man of chiseled features
and shaven head. He was McKeon's
noneommissioned superior officer.
He said it was the practice at

this sprawling 5,000-acre training
base to discipline balky recruits
by marching them into swamps at




Tile Chance
In Cancelling
Darn Offers
U.S., Britain Hope
Soviets Lose Power
States and Britain are taking a
long gamble in canceling their of-
fer to help Egypt build the Aswan
They hope that in spite of this
move Soviet power in the Middle
East will not be increased and
may even be reduced.
High State Department officials
agreed yesterday that in the new,
tough line toward Egypt there is
a large element of calculated risk.
What happens next is up to Pres-
ident Gamal Abdel Naser of,
Egypt and probably Communist
party boss Nikita Krushchev of
Must Wait;
For the moment Secretary of
State John Foster Duljes and his
advisers, who made the cancella-
tion decision announced Thurs-
day night, can only sit back and
wait with a mixture of uncertain-
ty and hope.
One result could be to leave
Nasser high and dry so far as
the Aswan Dam project goes. This
would be true if Russia also re-
fused to undertake the $1,300,000,-
000 construction job or if Nasser
felt he could not risk that close a
tie with Moscow ,however angry
he might be with the West.
Positive Policy
One thing is clear; the original
offer by the United States, Brit-
ain and the World Bank to give
and lend 400 million dollars for
the Aswan Dam constituted a pos-'
itive policy move to tie Egypt
more closely to the West, reduce
Soviet influence there and bright-
en the chances for an Arab-Israeli
peace. The withdrawal of the offer
is a recognition of the collapse of
that policy.
Originally, the United States
made its Aswan Dam offer in the
belief that if Nasser's major re-
sources could be committed to
peaceful, internal development for
10 to 20 years Russian influence
could be minimized in the Middle
East and the Palestine problem
almost certainly controlled.
William K inter
To Talk on Soviets
"Soviet Military Policy in Europe
and the Near East" will be the
topic of discussion on Tuesday,
8-10 p.m. in the West Conference
Room, Rackham Building, at a
University Summer program in
Russian Studies.
Colonel William R. Kintner, sen-I
ior military adviser, Operations
Research Office, Washington, D.C.,
will be the main speaker.
The central theme of the Sum-
mer program is "The Soviets in
World Affairs." Other public
Round-Table D i s c u s s i o n s are
scheduled for July 31 and August

Finch, Ludlow Receive New

Dr. Stuart McIntyre Finch, now
an associate professor of psychiatry
at Temple University and director
of Child Psychiatry at St. Christ-
opher's Hospital for Children, was
appointed by the University Re-
gents yesterday to the post of chief
of the Children's Psychiatric Ser-
vice of the Neuropsychiatric In-E
Dr. Finch takes the position va-
cated by Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch,
who is director of Hawthorne Cen-
ter, a state institution at North-
Another Regent appointee is
Herbert Glenn Ludlow who has
been named director of the Bureau
of Appointments at the Univer-
Dr. Ludlow, who has been on the
University faculty since 1951, will
assume the position on Aug. 15,
Dr. Ludlow came to the Univer-
sity in 1950 with a one-third time
appointment as assistant professor
of education and a two-thirds ap-
pointment with the Extension Ser-
For the 1951-52 year, his ap-
pointments in each area were
changed to half-time. From 1952
to 1954, he was assistant professor



... psychiatric unit chief
finds Cave,

POITIERS, France ()-A French I of education and since then has1

professor announced yesterday the
discovery of a cave in southwest
France rich in paintings by pre-
historic man.
Its walls are lined with black
and red figures of mammoths,
rhinoceroses and horses painted
possibly 25,000 years ago. The cave
may turn out to be a treasure
house of prehistoric art equal to
France's famous Lascaux Grotto.
Louise Rene Nougier, professor
of prehistoric studies at the Uni-
versity of Toulouse, reported the
discovery in the closing session
here of the 15th French Congi'ess
of 'rehistoric Studies:
Found June 26
The cave was discovered June
26 in the northern part of Dor-
dogne Department.
A whole series of decorated
caves were found in the valley of
the Ve2ere River in the same re-
gion. Among these was the Las-
caux cave discovered in 1946. It
has gained world reknown for its
many red, black and yellow pre-
historic paintings of animals.
The new find was made by Prof.
Nougier and Romain Robert, pres-
ident of a regional Society of Pre-
historic Studies. They notified
Abbe Henri Breuil, 79-year-old
dean of French students of pre-
historic man. The three men made
a further exploration of the cave
Complex Designs
They found 61 paintings or draw-
ings of mammoths, 12 bison, 8
goats, 6 horses and 4 rhinoceroses
plus a myriad tracing of drawings
of serpents and complex designs.
The paintings were black and of
incredible freshness.
Five groups of figures were con-
sidered classics for the period: A
painted frieze- of rhinoceroses; a
painted frieze of mammoths of the
last Ice Age; a carved frieze of
mammoths; a tall frieze of painted
horses each more than six feet
long and pierced by arrows sym-
bolizing magic powers; a red fresco
of six painted and finely carved
huge mammoths.

been an associate professor.
Bsonn Okays
Conscrip'tion 1
BONN, Germany UP)-West Ger-
many yesterday gave final approv-
al to a disputed conscription law
and announced it would resist any
move to reduce Western troop
The Bundesrat-upper house-
voted 21-17 for a draft law mak-
ing 12 million West Germans be-
tween 18 and 45 liable for com-
pulsory military service.
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
thus triumphed over bitter opposi-
tion in another step to the pro-
claimed target of a 500,000-strong
German force for the North At-
lantic Treaty Organization.
A government spokesman an-
nounced afterward that West
Germany would oppose any move
by NATO to reduce conventional
arms and military manpower.
This news conference statement
by press chief Felix von Eckardt
reflected the government's alarm
over reports that the United
States and Britain were planning
to reduce their conventional arms
and bring home some of their
divisions from Germany.
Bonn's objections to arms cuts
will be given to the NATO Coun-
cil in Paris next Wednesday, Von
Eckardt said.
There has been speculation that
NATO might recommend a slash
in the planned size of West Ger-
many's forces. But Von Eckardt
said the Bonn government will tell
NATO it stands firm on the target
of 500,000 men by the end of 1959.
The Defense Ministry intends to
have 96,000 volunteers in uniform
by the end of this year and begin
registering youths for the draft in

For I
Dwight D. Ei
valescent. fle
ma for ani
day meeting
He is sche
mal speech
since his Ju
may confer i
utes with ea
dents. Socia
ings also are
President I
shortly afte
seven-hour f
Actual depar
Gen. Howard
sonal physic
ton; and oth
of State Joh
ing to Panam
The meeti
first of its1
last only two
President E
nounced hev
tional dayJ
rejected yest
by Senator A
to slash 565r
tarly assista
priation bill.
Sen. Ellen
military aid
000,000 vote
defeated 46-
tihn, while 3
Democrats o
The Loui
heading the
of heavy s
and econom
said he had
ments to "k
Earlier th
voice vote, a
"Mike" Man
creasing fro
15% million
mended by t
tions Comm
the House f
tion to the E
cal assistanc
Senator C
opposing the
duce militar
tions had p
every dollar
during the p
"Any busi

gh ts Bill
0OAS Is Tentatively
i Okay's Bill
Until Monday
Southern Democrats
Want Postponement;
Part of Agreement
tentatively approved the civil
rights bill yesterday but put off a
final vote until Monday.
Meeting as a committee of the
whole for the last two days, .the
House dealt with 24 amendments
before reporting the bill back to
ERT LUDLOW itself with a favorable recommen-
ritments director dation.
Five amendments, mainly pro-
cedural, were adopted.
The civil rights legislation is
ministration, but even if the House
passes it Monday it is not given
' lam a a chance in the Senate, where the
adjournment rush is on.
Postpones Vote
o"Postponing the final vote until
Monday was part of an agreement
under which Southern Democrats
TON (R) - President stopped filibustering against the
isenhower, still a con- bill.
w yesterday to Pana- While the Southerners did not
unprecedented three- succeed in attaching any major
with 17 other Western amendments, they achieved their
presdents. main goal-to make sure the bill
duled to make a for- goes to the Senate so late in the
tomorrow-his first dying session that it never will
ne 9 operation. He reach a vote.
nformally for 30 min- The measure calls for creation
ch of the other presi- of a commission to investigate
Li and official meet- civil rights problems throughout
planned. the country and proposes new fed-
Eisenhower boards the eral legal aid for minority groups.
plane Columbine III Three of the amendments would
r 9:45 p.m. for the establish rules for the protection
light to Panama City. of witnesses during the proposed
ture is scheduled for investigation, require that allega.
tions of civil rights violations be
ying him are Maj. made in writing, and provide the
d M. Snyder, his per- commission could not delegate in-
ian; his brother, Mil- quiry powers to any subcommittee
er officials. Secretary composed of fewer than two mem-
n Foster Dulles is fly- bers of different political parties.
na in another plane. Other Amendments
ng of presidents-the The other amendments would
kind-is scheduled to authorize the commission to in-
days, July 21-22. But vestigate discriminations based on
isenhower has an- sex, in addition to race, color, re-
will stay over an addi- ligion and natural origin, and per-
for informal confer- mit it to look into cases of illegal
~ Allamendments are subject to
roll call votes Monday.
e Rejects Republican and Northern Dem-
e .UYA~i -'~-'~ ocrats supporting the bill hope to
collect dividends from the political
dm ent and moral effects of House passage
in an election year. Some believe
ITON (A)-The Senate House action also will help clear
erday an amendment the way for enactment of civil
Llan Ellender (D-La.) rights legislation in the next Con-
million dollars in mili- gress.
nce funds from theL
0 foreign aid appro- De mocrats
der's proposal ,to cut
back to the$ 73 ke Dire
d by the House, was j.a/~i ' t
ne Democrats and 13 Predictons
voted for the reduc-

Regents Approve Appointments

1 Republicans and 15
pposed it.
siana senator, spear-
attack by opponents
pending for miiltary
ic assistance abroad,
enough other amend-
eep talking until mid-
e Senate accepted, by
n amendment by Sen.'
isfield (D-Mont.), in-'
m 10 million dollars to
i the amount recom-,
he Senate Appropria-
ittee and approved by
or the U.S. contribu-!
United Nations techni-
e program.
arl Hayden (D-Ariz.),
Ellender effort to re-
y aid, said NATO na-j
ut up six dollars for
of U.S. military aid
ast three years.
nessman who can get

At their July meeting yesterday,
the University Regents approved
a total of 19 faculty appointments
to schools in Ann Arbor and four
for the Flint branch of the Uni-
Appointed to the College of
Literature, Science and Arts were
Mary D. Carter, named visiting
professor of library science for
the year 1956-57 and Donald G.
Higman, named visiting assistant
professor of mathematics, also for
the 1956-57 year.
Albert Paul Mullen and Leonard
Zamiska have both been ap-

full time duty in the Medical of Biological Chemistry, effective
School. July 1, 1956.
Dr. Arthur H. Craven has been Dr. French, who has been di-
appointed assistant professor of rector of Clinical Research Unit,
dentistry in the School of Dentis- Wayne University College of Medi-
try. cine, Detroit Receiving Hospital
The appointment, effective July and the Detroit Institute for Can-
23, 1956, will cover full-time ser- cer Research was appointed assis-
vices for the rest of the year end- tant professor of internal medi-
ing June 30, 1957. cine in the department of nitern-
Medical School Appointees al nedicine, effective July 1, 1956.
Appointments of associate and Opthalmology Professor
assistant professors for the Med- Dr. Wolter, who has been a re-
ical School include Dr. William search associate at University
Raymond Keeler, Richard L. Pot- Hospital in Ann Arbor in charge
ter, Dr. Arthus Bancroft French, of the Opthalmic Laboratory in

the 1956-57 year, was also ap-
proved by the Regents.
To the College of Engineering,
the Regents approved four ap-
Prof. Williams Named
Prof. Brymer Williams was
named acting chairman of the
Department of Chemical and Met-
allurgical Engineering during the
1956-57 year while Prof. Donald L.
Katz is on sabbatical leave.
Robert McDowell Thrall, who
holds a two-thirds time appoint-
ment as professor of mathematics

BOULDER, Colo. {)--Presiden-
tial aspirants Adlai Stevenson and
Senator Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.)
rapped the Eisenhower Adminis-
tration yesterday as they sought
Colorado's 20 votes at the Demo-
cratic National Convention.
Stevenson, keynoting a two-day
meeting of Colorado Democrats
during which they will complete
selection of convention delegates
and select candidates for the Sept,
10 primary election, said, "Thert
is a vacuum of executive directiot
in Washington."
He also asserted President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secre-
tary of Agriculture Ezra Benson
"have watched the farm depres-
sion expand during the past few
years with a philosophic calm."
Sen. Kefauver, in a speech pre-
pared for a night meeting, said
Republicans blocked Eisenhower
policies and- predicted, "If Presi-
dent Eisenhower is re-elected, and
carries with him Republican con-
trol of the Congress, he will have
the most miserable term in office
suffered by any president since
Andrew Jackson."

two dollars for
Sen. Hayden.
the Senate.
N -. N

one is doing well,"
chairman of thet
Committee, told
rn~ i.


Sin the College of Literature, Sci-I

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