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July 20, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-20

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Help! Man-Eating Tiger!"


hen Opinions Are kre,
Trutb Will Prevaill

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

IDAY. JULY 20, 1956


Con'sequences of Ground Force
Reduction Need Consideration

T HE POSSIBILITY that the United States
may cut its military manpower has serious
consequences of which the American people
should be made aware.
A reduction in ground forces means the de-
fense establishment will turn more and more
to nuclear weapons as primary instruments
for waging hot war. This poses two separate
but allieq questions, one political, the other
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles stated
Wednesday that the decision on reduction is
a military consideration and should be left to
competent military authority. Although the
Secretary lent his implicit, if not explicit, sup-
port to those who favor reduction, he also
dumped into the Pentagon's lap the political
aspects of the question.
THE American people must ask themselves
if this stand by the Secretary of State means
that the United States is now committed to a
concept of total war in preference to the policy
of local war followed during the Korean" po-
lice action."
Does this now mean, with the deemphasis
of ground forces, that should the Communists
renew the war in Korea or launch an attack
on Taiwan, the United State will retaliate
against the China mainland with nuclear
weapons rather than confining itself to the
immediate area of hostilities? If the East Ger-
man paramilitary police force invades West
Germany, where will the United States strike
with its modern weapons?
The question of whether or not a given
clash is to be confined to one region or is to
be fought strategically wherever the enemy
can be found and damaged is not one for the
Pentagon to answer. Rather it is for the elected
political representatives, primarily the Presi-
dent, to decide. Mr. Dulles has passed the buck
on this one.
MILITARILY, one must pose the question-
has the day come when wars will be won

by push-buttons and high powered weapons
rather than by men bearing small arms?
In the Second World War, Hitler amassed
the most highly mechanized military machine
yet seen by man, one that far out-stripped the
contemporary armed forces of his enemies.
Despite this mechanization, the Nazis were
able to subdue neithey the tight little islands
of Great Britain nor the vast land mass of
Eventually Germany was defeated by the
crushing onslaught of massed land armies -
armies of foot-soldiers slogging through the
mud with rifles and fixed bayonets. This is
not to depreciate the part played by Allied
mechanized and air forces. Far from it, they
bore the brunt of much of the war and may
well have turned the tide of battle. But in the
last analysis, it was the foot-soldier who tipped
the balance, who took possession of the ene-
my's territory, denying him all use of it.
IN KOREA, the importance of the foot-soldier
came even more into the limelight. Here,
in terrain so rugged that mechanized forces
had linited capabilities, the struggle developed
into an almost exclusively infantry battle. Not
even the overwhelming tactical aerial superior-
ity enjoyed by the United Nations forces could
turn back the hordes of the Chinese and North
Korean armies.
It is entirely possible that the role of the
ground forces has been lessened with the ad-
vent of the atomine age. But is it not also
doubtful that its role as the final factor in
deciding the difference between victory and
defeat, in either a local or a total war, has
been diminished?
These two questions, affecting our national
security as drastically as they do, need the
most serious consideration in the highest coun-
cils of the nation before a decision is rendered.
With the objections of several of the mili-
tary leaders and the ducking of . the issue
by the Secretary of State, this apparently has
not yet been done.

i ~
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Morse Kids Wht House A ides

Use of Taft-Hartley Act
Will Not Settle Steel Strike~

'Eddie Duchin Story'
Brings Tears to Eyes
THERE wasn't a dry eye in the house last night as the Eddie Duchin
Story opened at the Michigan.
This is a tear jerker from the word go. Sentiment is laid on with
a heavy hand, standard procedure for "story" moving picture. Yet the
music and the basic story make this one of the better film "biographies"
thata we have seen.
Tyrone Power in the title role does a workman-like job in portray-

YESTERDAY President Eisenhower gave
union and steel industry negotiators warn-
ing that he might take action if the present
contract negotiations prove fruitless. Joseph
J. Finnegan, Director of the Federal Mediation
and Conciliation Service has delivered a note to
representatives of both labor and the steel
industry telling them that they had better pro-
duce results toward ending the eighteen day
old strike by the end of this week-or else.
Such action can concievably follow one of
two courses. First, the President can seek an
80-day no-strike injunction under the national
emergency provision of the Taft-Hartley Act.
On the other hand, he may be thinking of
turning the negotiations over to the Federal
Mediation Service, should private negotiations
It is difficult to see how the President will
justify the use of the Taft-Hartley Act at the
present time. With the recent announcement of
possible cuts in the army, there is little justifi-
cation for invoking the Act on the premise of
defense needs. Moreover, it should be noted
that fifteen percent of the steel industry's
capacity is still in operation. This itself should
be more than enough to cover the current needs
of defense production.
MORE PROBABLE, the President is concern-
ed with the prospects of what a prolonged
strike will do to the general prosperity of the

nation. A drive into Detroit will convince the
most skeptical onlooker that the economy of
the nation has hardly reached the emergency
stage. Automobiles are rolling off the assembly
lines at a highly normal rate.
Although a prolonged strike would most cer-
tainly strangle the economy, that point has
hardly been reached, nor does it seem likely
that it will arrive in the next week or two.
Steel users have had a great deal of advance
notice and have stockpiled huge piles of steel
for the strike they knew was coming.
Invocation of the Taft-Hartley Act will solve
nothing. Under the law, an injunction can have
a duration of only eighty days. After that, the
same problems will have to be faced again.
NO MATTER what course of action the Presi-
dent chooses, he and the Republican Party
are faced with trouble. If the strike drags on,
busness levels will drop and unemployment will
soar-hardly a cheerful prospect for an election
year. Moreover, the Steel Workers undoubtedly
realize the possibilities inherent in this situa-
- On the other hand, use of the Taft-Hartley
Act will not perceptably increase the President's
popularity among those who have any sympa-
thies for labor. It could only destroy any
semblance of the President's Middle-of-the-
Road Policy and remove many independents to
the Democratic camp.

SEVERAL days before he left for
Panama, President Eisenhower
put in a phone call to Senate Dem-
ocratic Leader Lyndon Johnson
and talked to him about various
legislative problems, from the
closing date of Congress to for-
eign aid.
They also kidded each other
about their cardiacs, both having
had heart attacks. At the last
Gridiron dinner Ike brought down
the house when, referring to John-
son, he said: "My fellow cardiac."
In phoning to Johnson, Eisen-
hower's chief concern was getting
his foreign aid bill passed. He also
asked whether it was important
for him to be in Washington when
Congress adjourned, and wondered
whether adjournment might take
place before he left for Panama.
This proved to be impossible.
Finally, the President urged
Johnson to pass the executive pay
raise bill at this session.
When Senator Morse of Oregon
heard about this latter request,
he remarked: "This is where I
came in." He recalled that on the
closing day of Congress one year
ago, White House aides had com-
mandeered Vice President Nixon's
office just off the Senate chamber
from which to buttonhole Senators
to put across the executive pay
raise bill. Their activity caused
Morse to remark: "If they worked
as hard for the rest of the program
as they do to get their salaries
raised, they'd have more of the
program passed."
* -* *
WHILE THE German lobby has
been able to get a bill for the re-
turn of alien property before the
full Senate, the one bill of vital
concern to small business has been

blocked in the Senate. It's the
Patman "Equality of Opportunity"
* * *
And though it passed the House
of Representatives by the over-
whelming vote of 396 to 3, power-
ful big-business interests have
been pulling wires to keep the bill
from reaching the Senate floor.
Once that bill reaches the floor,
few Senators could vote against
The bill, which prohibits price
cutting whenever it tends to create
a monopoly, is backed by thous-
ands of small business firms all
over the country - gas-station op-
erators, retail grocers, food brok-
.ers, and others who have suffered
froim price cutting by the big
chains and the big oil companies.
over a thousand pages of testi-
mony before the House; over a
thousand before the Senate. They
showed that if the bill was not
passed, thousands of retail gro-
cers operating on a one-cent mar-
gin would be wiped out before the,
end of the year.
They cited case after case where
big companies had lowered prices,
forced smaller competitors into
bankruptcy, then, having secured
a monopoly, raised prices.
However, it looks as if the bill
would now die in the Senate --
for two reasons: The White House
is quietly pulling wires to kill the
bill. Second, Senator Johnson has
passed out word that he only
wants to consider must legislation.
Democratic Chairman Paul But-
ler has sent word to Senate Demo-
cratic leaders urging that they
pass the bill, pointing out that the

Democrats will not be able to pin
the big-business label,.on Eisen-
hower if it doesn't pass.
However, the bill is still stymied.
Democratic leaders have done little
to pry the bill loose, and Senator
Eastland of Mississippi, Chairman
of the Judiciary Committee, has
been dragging his heels.
PRESIDENT Somoza of tiny Ni-
caragua will arrive in Panama in
an airplane as plush or plushier
than anyone else's. Texas oil ty-
coon Clint Murchison has placed
his private plane at Somoza's dis-
An elaborate suite in the Gorgas
General Hospital in Panama has
been put in readiness for President
Eisenhower - private lines in-
stalled, special staff assigned.
Fellow officers of Lt. Gen. Sam
Sturgis would like to retire him as
Chief of Army Engineers for ill
health. They feel he's not been as
dynamic a dam-builder and flood-
preventer as were some of his pre-
Democrats claim that for the
first time in history the Salvation
Army is playing politics. When
you get a meal from the Salvation
Army you eat on a place mat fea-
turing "Presidents in military uni-
form" with the statement: "Pres-
ident Eisenhower is the 19th Pres-
ident with a military record. Over
one-half of the Presidents served
their country in uniform. The
others were Washington, Mon-
roe, Jackson, W. H. Harrison, Ty-
ler, Taylor, Pierce, Buchanan,
Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hyes,
Garfield, Arthur, Benjamin Har-
rison, McKinley, Theodore Roose-
velt, Truman.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

ing the Horatio Alger story of the
York by storm an wins tame and
boy from Boston who takes New
York by storm and wins fame and
fortune and Kim Novak.
Kim Novak looks pretty, in her
own emaciated way. In accord
with her usual roles, this is all re-
quired of her.
Victoria Shaw doesn't live up
to the press notices and the spe-
cial short which has been used
to advertise the show.
The supporting roles are ably
handled. For a change we have a
father of "son who makes good"
who isn't a complete bumbling
idiot, one of those small marks of
progress in the movie that we are
always happy to see. The por-
trayals of Duchin's son and his
manager are also convincing.
* * *
determines the rating of a mu-
sical and Carmen Cavalero makes
this one good with his recordings
of the piano solos. He deserves a
large vote of thanks and a revival
of interest in his own orchestra
for his labors.
Also, contrary to the expected,
the script allows the orchestra to
play for pleasantly stretches at
a time.
The cameramen proved what
can be done with the addition of
a little imagination to the usual
stock of camera and technicolor
film. The scenes shot in Central
Park during a rain storm are es-
pecially worthy of mention.
All in all, the present program
at the Michigan is good, but not
quite excellent. People who choke
up in movies better bring a spare
handful of Kleenex.
-Ken Johnson
to the
Chinese Syntax . .*.
To the Editor:
write with reference to your ar-
ticle of the 10th on Chinese lan-
guage reform.
The reporter claims that the
Chinese ideographs "defy all rules
of grammar, syntax, or logic." If
by "all rules," he means charac-
teristics of the English writing
system, it is a bit of absurd eth-
As in any orthography, the in-
divdiual Chinese symbols are nec-
essarily an arbitrary representa-
tion of a language without any
inherent or logical correlation be-
tween sign and meaning.
However, it takes no more than
a moment's reflection to realize
that no system, oral or written,
can effectively communicate with-
out such structural elements as
grammar and syntax.
The writer betrays further lin-
guistic naivete to assert that one
language can be more "backward"
than another. With so many top
linguists assembled on campus
this summer, it seems almost ironl-
cal to have such biased value judg-
ment expressed as fact in your
-William S. Y. Wang

rise of Eddie Duchin, immigrant
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial respons-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1956
General Notices
Golf Clinic, auspices of the Office of
the Summer Session and the Depart-
ment of Physical Education for Men,
Conducted by Bert Katzenmeyer, golf
coach, 7:30 p.m.. Thurs. July 18 and
Fri., July 20, U-M Golf Course.
Organ Recital by Frederick Marriott,
guess organist, 4:15 p.m. Sun., July 22,
In Hill Auditorium. Compositions by
Purcell, Kerl, Sweelinck, Mandel, Bach,
Franck, David, and two works by Mar-
riott. Open to the public wthou
Collegium Musicum, 8:30 p.m. Mon.,
July 23, in the Rackham Assembly Hall,
directed by Louise Cuyler; performed
by Jane Stoltz Michael Avsharian,
violin, Charles Fisher, piano, Francese
Watson, Cynthia Allen, flutes, Wiley
Hitchcock, harpsichord, and singers
Margaret Eddie, Monica Wildfang, Judy
Tatham, Elizabeth Wehrman, Lloyd
Ketterling, Norman Bradley walter
Collins, Marshall Franke, Charles None-
man, David Strickler. Donald Pltt,
Conductor of the Summer Session
Choir, will conduct a group of madri-
gals on the program. Open to the gen-
eral pulblic.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for dropping courses without
reco"d will be Fri., July 20. A course
may be dropped only with the pennis-
sion of the Classifier after conference
with the Instructor.
La Petite Causette, informal French
conversation group will meet in the
Snack Bar of the Michigan Union Mon.,
July 22, at 4:00 p.m. All persons wish-
ing to talk French are invited to join
the group.d
Classical Studies Tea: The staff and
students of the Department of Classi-
cal Studies and others interested In
the Classics will be the guests of th
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology at an
informal tea on Tues., July 24, at 4
Doctoral Examination for Carson
Mahan Bennett, Education; thesis:
"The Relationships between Responses
to Pupil Aggression and Selected Per-
sonality Characteristics of Student
Teachers," Fri., July 20 East Council
Room,aRackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, W. R Dixon.
Doctoral Exanination for Marion A.
Niederpruem, Education; thesis: "A
Study of the Educational Values of
College Retail WorkeExperiences for
Graduates in the Field of Retailing"
Monday., July 23, 31 Business Adcimin-
istration Building, at 9:00 a.m. Chair-
man, A. D. Henderson,
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed va-
cancies for the 19566-57 school year.
They will not send representatives to
the Bureau of Apointmens to inter-
view candidates at this time.
Addison, Michigan - Teacher Needs?
Athletic Director/Industrial Arts; ie-
mentary (6th grade).
Argo, Illinois -- Teacher Needs: In-
dustrial Arts (Electric Shop).
Clio, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Elementary (Kdg., 2nd, 4th, 6th).
Cooks, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Commercial; Home Economics; Music
(band/vocal); English.
Coopersville, Michigan - Teacher
Needs: Elementary (3rd, 4th, 8th); High
School Librarian.
Cordova, South Carolina - Teacher
Needs: Band.
Edina, Minnesota - Teacher Needs:
Band, Junior High.

Hudson, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Band: Elementary (7th grade); High
School English,
Hlume, Illinois - Teacher Needs: Ele-
mentary Music.
Cedarville and Hessel, Michigan -
Teacher Needs: Elementary (2nd 3rd);
High School Science/Math or Math/oth-
er subject,
Newell, South Dakota - Teacher
Needs: High School Math; Science;
Band/Glee Club (eleven months);
Speech; Homemaking.
Traverse City, Michigan (Old Mis-
sion Peninsula School District) - Ele-
mentary (1st grade)
Newark, Ohio - Teacher Needs: Mu-
sic (Junior High).
Owatonna, Minnesota - Teacher
Needs: Elementary (2nd, 5th); Junior
High ScienceSocial Science.
White Plains, New York - Teacher
Needs: Elementary; Vocal Music; Ju-
nior High Social Studies/English; Math;
High School Chemistry/Biology; Coor-
dinator of Diversified Occupational
Training: Attendance Teacher.
For additional information, contaco



American Theater Far From Dying Today

Unification Question Revived?

Associated Press News Analyst
THE PENTAGON'S decision to consolidate
the Army and Navy commands in the Pacific
seems likely to revive the recent discussion of
consolidation in the Pentagon itself.
During World War II, before there was a
single Department of Defense, the United States
adopted the policy of consolidating area com-
mands under whichever force was dominant.
In the Pacific, however, Army and Navy
LE ditErial Staff
LEE MARKS, Mfanaging Editor

commands remained equal, cooperating,
through Washington.
There was a big fight over complete unifi-
cation when the Department of Defense was
established, with creation of a third depart-
ment for air. Creation of this third department
caused many observers to discuss the ultimate
result as disunification.
IN THE YEARS that have followed, with
development of the Air Force as carrier of the
atom bomb and spearhead in the production of
long-range guided missiles, the fight over de-
partmental jurisdictions has revived the dis-
The first question suggested by the consoli-
dation of field commands to end divided re-
sponsibilities is whether the system is needed
from the very top.
Critics of the many Pentagon squabbles point

Written for The Associated Press
THE strangest thing about the
theater's history is that it is
always about to terminate. Com-
mentators are traditionally ob-
sessed with a conviction that the
theater cannot possibly live more
than a few years beyond the time
at which they write.
I don't believe the theater has
ever been as sick as they have
thought it to be. It is the com-
mentators who have been sick
with a kind of chronic necrophilia.
The sources of this disease is not
a wish for the theater to die.
Almost all critics love the theater.
Loving it, they fret over it like
an anxious parent.
The most radical changes of all
have been wrought in this century
with the development of electronic
science. Many who are predicting
the demise of the theater are ex-
cluding from their considerations
the electronic media of radio,.tele-
vision and the movies.
IF YOU accept this limited con-

philes is the habit of comparing
the output of any one season with
golden ages of the past.
The ancient Greeks had their
bad seasons and bad plays as did
the Elizabethans and the Restora-
tion dramatists. The way to ap-
praise the theater's health is to
examine its output over a few de-
cades. One season will tell you
nothing one way or the other.-
I have been working in the
theater for about 40 years. During
those years I don't think the
American theaterdhas done so bad-
* , ,*
LEAVING OUT workers who were
merely successful in their time-
I mean men like David Belasco,
Flo Ziegfeld, Avery Hopwood-and
limiting myself to men who have
written plays that have become
part of our national theatrical lit-
erature, I give you Eugene O'Neill,
Sidney Howard, Robert Sherwood,
Maxwell Anderson, Marc Connelly,
Lindsay and Crouse, George Kelly,
George Kaufman, Moss Hart,
William Inge, Arthur Miller and

of European importations and imi-
tations, the only indigenous thea-
trical creations were the minstrel
show and the "black crook" type
of extravaganza-dubious contri-
bution to theatrical art but, at any
rate, gay, lusty and certainly
* * *
IN THE LIGHT musical theater
we have evolved-without any de-
liberate intention that I know of-
a form that is-neither opera, oper-
etta nor straight musical comedy.
We call it a "musical play."
Good examples of this type are
"Show Boat," "Oklahoma!," "South
Pacific," "The King and I" and
thL current "My Fair Lady."
These works are a kind of hy-
brid opera and play. They do not
take the licenses claimed in opera.
They try to toe the mark on legiti-
mate characterization and story
motivation. The dialogue seeks
to be as real as in a non-musical
play. The songs carry forward the
story development and are never
arbitrarily interpolated.
No librettists or composers in

meet their situations head on, not
concerned about the embarrass-
ment of the more timid in the
Our acting has less polish than
Continental acting or English act-
ing. It is becoming progressively
more vigorous and less elegant,
and at a rate' which may be a
little dangerous.
The vital, virile, slugging per-
formances that are coming out of
the Actors Studio and similar
groups might well be accompanied
by a little old-fashioned Shakes-
pearean training. This seems to
be exactly what is in the wind at
the moment.
There is a growing interest in
Shakespeare and a growing desire
on the part of our theatrical pro-
ducers and actors to go in for
some Shakespearean training.
This is a good idea and a needed
antidote. Perhaps we have been
becoming too strong, too rough and
In our dramatic t'heater, then,
our playwrghts, directors and ac-
tors are earnest, virile and rich in

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