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July 20, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-20

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Latest Deadline in the State SHOWERS




-Big Check Scandal
"May Bring Inquiry
Send Senate Banking Investigators
To Illinois For On-the-Spot Study
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (P) - The growing $800,000 Illinois state check
scandal yesterday touched off steps to recover the public money and
a move that may bring a congressional inquiry.
In Washington, Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark.) ordered two
Senate Banking Committee investigators to Illinois for an on-the-spot
Sstudy, The aim is to determine whether a small-scale committee in-
vestigation in warranted.
Illinois Atty. Gen. Latham Castle announced he had taken the
first steps to retrieve for the state "an estimated $800,000 paid out
' upon fraudulent or forged war-

Senate Defeats Hells Canyon
Dam Bill; Bitter Debating Ends


New Steel.
Wage Offer
PITTSBURGH (P})-The nation's
three biggest steel companies yes-
terday were reportedly discussing
with the United Steelworkers a
new contract offer for three years,
r duration in an effort to end the
- 19-day-old nationwide strike.
The offer was believed to repre-
sent modfications in wage and
other benefit proposals originally
submitted by the companies. The
union was believed cool to the pro-
The offer apparently was placed
on the bargaining table when
representatives of U.S. Steel Corp.,
Bethlehem Steel Co., and Republic
Steel met with union President
David J. McDonald and other
union officials. ,
Closed Doors
None of those attending the
hour and three-quarter session
would discuss what went on behind
the closed doors. However, both
union and company said they will
arrange to meet again today.
The union was reported to be
holding out for a 15-cent hourly
wage increase and time and a half
pay for Sunday work. Exact terms
of the industry proposal were not
Newsmen learned of the devel-
opments after the negotiating ses-
.sion ended and industry and
union officials reported to the
federal mediation director, Joseph
F. Finnegan. Like the participants
in the conference, Finnegan de-
clined to discuss anything that
went on in the conference, or re-
ports from either of the parties.
Rejected Offer
The proposal is believed to be
the first under consideration since
the union rejected an industry
offer for a 52-month contract six
hours before the 650,000 steel-
workers struck mills producing 90
per cent of the nation's steel.
The industry said its original of-
fer would give workers a 17 2/3
cents hourly package increase in
the first year. In rejecting this
proposal McDonald said the pack-
age value would come to 14 cents.
The steelworkers were earning
an hourly average of $2.46, in-
eluding overtime before the strike.
The union leaders in discussing
the three-year offer are reported
to have, termed it no concession,
They say the union has never
in its 20-year history signed a
contract for more than two years'
duration and always with a one-
year wage reopening clause.
The report that McDonald is
seeking a 15-cent hourly wage in-
crease is the first suggestion that
he has put a price on his wage
The union originally asked for a
"substantial" pay boost.
Ike To Travel
To Panama
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower is still a
convalescent, the White House said
Thursday, and will travel to Pan-
ama as one.
This word came from Asst. Press
rSecretary Murray Snyder, who was
asked by newsmen .to check with
Eisenhower's doctors.
This means the physicians have
extended their original estimate
of the period needed for Eisen-
hower's recovery from his June 9

operation to relieve an intestinal
On the day of the operation, the

rants" issued by the state auditor's
Had Been $540,000
Orville E. Hodge resigned as
state auditor in the Republican
state administration Monday. At
that time - and until the attor-
ney general's announcement yes-
terday the amount involved in the
case had been estimated at around
The mushrooming inquiries re-
volve around a series of state
checks - called warrants in offi-
cial usage -- that came out of the
auditor's office.
Investigators have said that
some of these checks were cashed
by persons who were not listed as
payees and some were endorsed on
typewriters instead of in custom-
ary hand writing.
May Justify Inquiry 1
Sen. Paul H. Douglas. (D-Ill.)
started the move in Washington
for Senate intervention with a re-
quest for action by Sen. Fulbright
Douglas said a congressional in-
vestigation may be justified be-
cause checks in the case were
cashed by banks whose deposits
are insured by the Federal De-
posit Insurance Corp.
Fulbright said two investigators
-one a Democrat and the other
a Republican - will fly to Chica-
go, perhaps Friday. Assigned to
what he termed a preliminary in-
vestigation were Robert Wallace,
the Banking Committee's chief of
staff, and Don Rogers, another
member of the staff.
Give Affidavits
Atty. Gen. Castle's statement
said he had given State Treasur-
er Warren Wright affidavits
signed by two Springfield 'men,
who asserted six warrants for a
total of $107,922 were issued frau-
dulently in their names.
The affidavits set forth that the
sums specified in the warrants
were not owed to them and that
they did not receive the money.
Five of the warrants, for a total
of $97,537, were made out in the
hame of Elmer J. Bretz, a.Spring-
field #contractor. One was made
out to the Reuter Business Sys-
tems for $10,385.
Bretz and Clarence J. Reuter,
head of the firm bearing his name,
signed the affidavits.
Castle instructed Wright to de-
mand reimbursement from the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
the last endorser of the warrants.
The attorney general said similar
recovery steps will be taken later
as additional affidavits are ob-
Crick Speaks
At Final
Dr. Francis H. C. Crick, Caven-
dish Laboratory, Cambridge, Eg-
land, addressed the last meeting
of a three week session organized
by *the biophysics research cen-
ter, University of Michigan, yes-
He discussed the molecular
structure and biological function,
summing up the findings of the
s neetings.
It is his belief that the work
being done by Dr. S. Benzer of
Purdue University in the past two
years is extremely significant. It
is "the beginning of molecular
genetics, I feel sure," said the
British scientist. He further
stated that it constitutes a new
set of ideas regarding mutation.
At the meetings which began
July 3, thegeneral review lec-
tures were given by Professors G.
Pontecorve, Genetics department,
he University of Glasgow, Scot-
land and R. C. Williams, Virus:

Laboratory University of Califor-

-Daily-Don Watkins
University College of the West Indies, spoke last night on "Creole
English n the British Caribbean." His report was part of the
Summer Session Linguistics Institute.
Testify McKeon Drank,
Napped Before March
PARRIS ISLAND, S. C. (IP)-A brother drill instructor testified
yesterday S. Sgt. Matthew C. McKeon drank vodka and napped before
leading six Marine recruits to death in a swamp.
Cpl. Richard J. King of Eugene, Ore., also told the court-martial
board that the recruits of the ill-fated platoon No. 71 had been given
10 hours swimming instruction.
McKeon, 31, of Worchester, Mass., is the former drill instructor

who led the 74-man platoon inc
Carroll Play
To Be Given
On Wednesday


playwright Paul Vincent
provides Department ofj
witi its third play on the

summer playbill.
Under direction of Prof. Jack E.
Bender of the speech department,
"The Wayward Saint" will begin
a four-day run in Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre at 8 p.m. next
"The' Wayward Saint" is a
comic-fantasy, was presented on
Broadway during the 1954-55 sea-
Costumes and scenery for the
production are designed by Mar-
jorie Smith and Edward Andrea-
Providing the basic action for
Carroll's plot is a St. Francis-like
Irish canon who is able to talk
to birds, heal children and make
plums grow on cherry trees. He
acquires the reputation of being a'
saint, and likes this no more than
the bishop who banishes him to a
remote country parish.
There, in the form of a wordly
baron, appears an emissary of the
devil who is eager for such a
trophy as the soul of a saint.
Prodded by the baron, the canon
begins to think he heally is a saint,
starts meddling in lives and
dabbling in miracles and soon
commits some serious clerical
errors. Only at the last minute is
he retored to former humility.
Walter Kerr of the New York
Herald Tribune has praised "The
Wayward Saint" for being a
"light, droll antic."

column of two's into the marshes
4around Ribbon Creek about 8:30
p.m. April 8. Six drowned.
McKeon is charged with involun-
tary manslaughter, oppression of
recruits and two counts of drinking
on duty.
McKeon Speak's
Yesterday the usually impassive
McKeon spoke his first word in
He was asked by the court if he
agreed to a concession by his civ-
ilian lawyer that six Marines were
led to their death by him.
McKeon grabbed a microphone
and almost shouted "yes." -He
omitted the "sir," customary when
addressing a senior officer.
Under cross-examination King
was asked, "Isn't it true that extra
instruction is encouraged on the
part of drill instructors . . . to as-
sist the recruit in becoming good
basic Marines?"
'Yes Sir'
The slender and blonde corporal
with a "flattop" haircut, replied
smartly, "Yes, sir!"
Defense Atty. Emile Zola Ber-
man of New York City contends
that the night march into the tall
grass and water of the tidal
marshland was in reality "extra
King was the fourth of five wit-
nesses to take the stand in the
steaming school auditorium con-
verted to a courtroom.
He said that on that fateful April
8 he had gone into the squad bay
at the rifle range "to get the re-
cruits squared away for their re-
turn. to mainside-the permanent
base area.
"About that time Sgt. McKeon
came in and ordered a field, day-
Marine - parlance for a general
clean up. I picked up my gear and
went back to the drill instructors
The young Marine said there
had been a report from other drill
instructors that members of the
platoon had been "lolling around
on the grass and smoking."

BONN, Germany (P)-A myste-
rious German underground outfi
wrote U.S. Ambassador James B
Conant in Nazi-like terms yester
day that it is ready to fight t
drive foreign troops from "ou
holy soil."
German officials also wer
"We will deal mercilessly with
our traitors," the letter said. I
called Chancellor Konrad Aden-
auer's pro-Western government"
willing lackey and spineless dog..
obedient to Jewish money anc
foreign lords."
"We can no longer stand by in-
active, abused by dirt," said th
group, which calls itself the
"Fighting Assn. for an Independ
ent Germany.
"We have sufficient strength
position of power and means o
power to carry this fight throug
to a victorious end . . . Only a
independent and strong German
can protect world civilizatio
against the certain penetration o
The ominously worded letter
part of a go-home campaign pre
viously aimed at high America
military officers in Germany
sought to solicit Conant's aid, say-
ing: "In the spreading of ou
thought, you must and can hel
Disclosed by the U.S. Embassy
the letter becomes part of the fil
of American Intelligence and Ger-
man FBI agents seeking to ru
down the underground group.
No "Fighting Assn. for an In
dependent Germany" is known t
the Interior Ministry, which i
charged with protecting the Bon
Republic against subversive move
Initial German speculation wa
that Communists-not averse t
using other colors to stir up tur
moil-were behind the campaign.
Throughout the campaign, man
of the letters have been post.
marked Munich, H i t e r's ol
stamping ground.
The campaign coincides with un
easiness among Germans ove
crimes-including rape, killing
and robberies-attributed to U.S
servicemen. "A midnight curfe
has been ordered for enlisted me
by the U.S. Army in Europe a
one way to reduce'such incidents
Wheat Vote Today
million farmers will be eligible t
vote in a 36-state referendum to
day on continuing federal market
ing quotas on the 1957 wheat crop
The quotas, which has been pro.
posed under farm law by the Agri-
culture Department, are designe
to keep present record-breaking
surpluses of the grain from be
coming larger. The controls have
been in effect on wheat sinc

ictory for Republicans
43 of GOP'
I t{join Forces
Wiley and Langer
Vote for Measure
yesterday rejected the Hells Can-
a yon Dam bill. giving the Eien-
r hower administration a elear-cut
victory over the Democratic lead-
e ership and public power advocates.
1< The Democrats lost, by a 51-41
roll call vote, a long and bitter
t ffight for authorization of a federal
-' dam in the Snake River bordering
Idaho and Oregon, where the ad-
. ministration has licensed construe-
d -tion of three smaller private power
Eight Democrats, all from the
e South, sided with 43 Republicans
e --Daily-Don Watkins to defeat the legislation. Only two
- 'THE. GLORIUS FIGIT'-W. Beverly Carter, publisher of Ptts. Republicans-Senators Alexander
burgh Courier, extols Negro press and its purpose. Wiley of Wisconsin and Langer of
North Dakota-voted for the bill.
f i The Democratic leadership which
f e r r s M r has been accusing the Eisenhower
1 administration of "giving away"
y natural resources, had pressed the
f obattle for a 485-million-dollar fed-
f " M ----- Geral dam project in Hell's Canyon.
Some of the seven debating Re-
publicans termed the measure a
By ADELAIDE WILEY political device being used to help
n Fighting for equality of opportunity for all people-not merely the coming campaigns of Demo-
Negroes-is the main objective of the Negro press today, W. Beverly crats in the Pacific Northwest,
- Carter said yesterday in University series, "Patterns of American It has long been a prime politi-
r Culture: Contributions of the Negro." cal issue in the Northwest whether
P- Carter is publisher of the largest Negro paper in the country, Hell's Canyon should be dammed
The Pittsburgh Courier, by federal structure, or the three
, Th Pitsbrgh oure1.smaller dams planned by the Idaho
"In the tradition of their early white counterparts, the first Negro Power Co.
- newspapers in a sensational, poorly constructed manner shouted loud Idaho Power has said it can
n and long on wickedness of slav-i build three dams for 133 million
Weny EgrTisTold dollars of its own money.
S Wane heThingsV Idaho Power already has one
"After some years, Negroes dam under construction although
s wanted to hear other things-soIrthevalidity of its license is being
n church, labor and fraternal organ- II * O"" challenged In the U.S. Court of
- ization came in."1 . Appeals by public power groups,
In,1876, the position of the Ne- Cancelled
s gro press, "born to protest", be-
o gan to decline. 'The Glorious WASHINGTON ()-The UnitedP
. Fight' was over. States cracked down on Egypt last rs
However, in 1910, he pointed night by cancelng a previous offert
y out, the Courier and other papers to help finance the $1,300,000,000 Late Outstate
were established to "meet the Nile River,
d challenge of Negro positions then. Aswan Dam on the
Negroes wanted to be told they The sudden action left the wayApplications
- were once something, and would clear for Russia to step in-if it
r be something again. Negroes then can and desires-to aid President LAFAYETTE, Ind. ()-Purdue
s felt that they were inferior to Gamal Abdel Nasser's government University disclosed yesterday it
- whites.," in launching the huge irrigation. will not accept out-of-state male
v Discrimination 'Less Raw' power project. . students for the first semester this
n During the 1930's, discrimina- The State Department, i an- fall unless they were signed up
s tion was "less raw, more subtle," nouncing the decision, said blunt- before June 1.
- but Joe Louis and Haile Selassie ly that "it is not feasible" any
longer for the United States to go Prof. Sterling L. Shaw, associate
appeared to keep a sense of ahead with the offer extended last director of admissions, said the
December. It said developments ban already has affected 50 male
Papers were then more bal- within the past seven months have students. Women students are not
anced, with entertainment fea- rendered uncertain Egypt's ability included in the new restriction be
tures, pictures, columns, and wo- to carry her share of the financial ause of their limited number.
men's interest page. Huge circu- ure Shaw said the ruling became
_ laion wee biltuprater hanburden.Shwsiterungbcm
lations were built up, rather than The statement did not say so necessary because university facil-
advertising and, there "were no but the United States had been ities in general are overcrowded
Uncle Toms in our papers." growing cooler toward the dam, and "must be saved for Indiana
- Carter added that Supreme Dispatches from London Thurs- students."
d Court decisions showed "maturing day said that Nasser's government The immediate cause of the re-
g of the Court." He noted that in is believed to have mortgaged its striction, he said,, is the extreme
"Misery-sipi" the governor claim- important cotton crop for some shortage of housing accomoda-
e ed the Court had been "unAmer- years to come to pay for the jet tions for men and the overcrowded
9 ican." bombers, fighters, tanks and guns freshman enrollment in engineer
These decisions by the Court it is getting from Red Czechoslo- schools.
again call up Negro Press to voice vakia. Cotton is the basis of the School officials have forecast an
protests: "the historical pendulum Egyptian economy. enrollment of 13,000 studentsaon
may allow us again to make an- __________ the campus this fall, compared
other glorious chapter. with 11,831 last fall. By 1970, they
Civil Rights Discussions House Continues said, the enrollment is expected
He said the daily preset must to be 30,000.
continue publishing civil rights Civil Rights Debate The last Legislature heard sug-
discussions - "must give success gestions for limiting the number

stories of places which have al- WASHINGTON P-The Houe o -sate stuents permitted
ready integrated." refused yesterday to kill the civil to attend Purdue or increased
The press must encourage regis- rights bill.
tering and voting among Negroes, It also defeated a move to strip However, Dr. Frederick L. Hovde,
and other, regardless of race, col- the bill of everything but authority Purdue president, recently *an-
or or creed, hating no men, fear- to set up an investigating com- nounced a fee increase for this
ing no man. mission. fall,
"At the Courier we're getting A motion to void the measure
ready for the time when people, by striking out the enacting clause, ' eration Alert'
not just colored people or white offered by Rep. William E. Miller
people, but people, are considered (R-NY), was rejected on a teller's Staged
first-class Americans." vote of 104-91. To B
In conclusion, he said Negro Miller told the House he had
press' existence today is in ful- come to the conclusion that the WASHINGTON (I)-The coun-
fillment of leading "the world bill was dangerous. He compared try will undergo a make-believe
away from racial and national an- it to "Hitler decrees" he said he atomic attack Friday to test civil
tagonism when it accords to ev- had encountered as a prosecutor defense measures.


Harpsichordist To Perform

Vienna-born Alice Ehlers, harp-
sichordist, will present a public
concert at the University Tuesday
at 8:30 p.m.
Mme. Ehlers is a graduate of the
Hochschule for Musik, Berlin. A
member of the faculty of the Uni-
versity of Southern California, she
is a guest lecturer in the Univer-
sity School of Music this summer.
The first half of Tuesday night's
program will be devoted to the
music of Bach (1685-1750.) Mme.
Ehlers will open the evening with
"Fantasy in C Minor," following it
with "Chromatic Fantasy and
~'1mipnt" And ~"PA,-+itn.Nn,-9')in-.


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