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July 17, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-17

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Latest Deadline in the State





- U

Soviets OK
Japan's Plea
On Weapons
Japanese Ask World
Parliaments To End
Nuclear Arms Tests
MOSCOW ()-The Soviet par-
liament endorsed yesterday a plea
from Japanese lawmakers that
parliaments all over the world
strive for an end to tests of nuclear
The action was taken after For-
eign Minister Dmitri Shepilov told
the Supreme Soviet, or parliament,
that the Soviet Union was willing
to end the tests but could not ob-
tain agreement from the United
States or Britain.
The United States and Britain
are opposed to an agreement on
ending nuclear tests unless it is
made part of an over-all disarma-
ment plan subject to controls and
The two Western powers took
this position in turning down Fri-
day in the U.N. Disarmament
Commission Indian-Yugoslav pro-
posals for banning tests. James J.
Wadsworth, the U.S. ambassador,
said the United States would con-
tinue to work for agreement on
limitation of tests and safeguard-
ing mankind against dangers of
excessive radiation.
Shepilov told the 1,300 parlia-
A mentary delegates agreement on
an end to nuclear tests could be
reached by any one of three meth-
ods: Within the framework of the
United Nations; by three-party
agreement which other nations
could join later; separate state-
ments from each government de-.
claring it was abandoning nuclear
He said prohibition of atomic
and hydrogen tests could be the
first step in the banning of pro-
duction of nuclear weapons "and
their removal from arms piles."
Reds Accused
Of Detaining
U.S. Airmen
MOSCOW (ai-The United
States yesterday accused the Soviet
Union of holding a number of
American airmen.
Some have been missing more
than six years.
A United States note to the
Soviet Foreign Ministry demanded
information about them and
It said the U.S. government is
Inforned and is compelled to be-
live the Soviet Union is detaining
military personnel from two U.S.
They were a U.S. Navy Priva-
teer lost over the Baltic April 8,
1950, and a U.S. Air Force B29
that went down on the Sea of
Japan or near Kaochatka June 13,
, There were 10 men in the Pri-
Vateer and 12 in the B29.
The note added that it may well
be that the Soviet government has
in custody crewmen from other
aircraft, specifically men who
fought for the United Nations com-
mand in Korea. The United States
asked the Soviet government to
make a thorough investigation.
John H. Noble of Detroit, Mich.
who spent 9% years as a Soviet
prisoner, told a Berlin news con-
ference Jan. 11, 1955, that 8 of

the 10 American airmen aboard
the missing Navy .Privateer may
be alive in Soviet prison camps.
The United States charged that
Russian fighters shot down the
Democrats Hit
Ike's Doctors
For 'Snow Job'
cratic National Committee charged
yesterday White House associates
have done a "snow job" to gloss
over President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's illness.
The Democratic Digest, official
publication of the party, said an-
other public questioning of Maj.
Gen. Leonard D. Heaton, com-
mandant of Walter Reed Army
i Hospital, and other presidential
doctors "is clearly in order."
The doctors held one news con-
ference a few hours after Eisen-

McKeon Begins
Court Martial
Charged With Manslaughter;
Marine Training Methods Issue
PARRIS ISLAND, S. C. ()-How Marines are trained-and what
27,000 Marines think of those methods-became a sharp issue in the
court-martial of S/Sgt. Matthew C. McKeon yesterday.
McKeon is the 31-year-old drill instructor from Worcester,
Mass., who led six Marines to their deaths last April 8 in water-
covered marshland bordering this 5,000-acre Marine training center.
The charges against McKeon include involuntary manslaughter,
oppression of recruits by mass punishment, and drinking on duty.
McKeon's defense attorney, Emile B. Berman of New York City,
demanded that the Marine Corps produce the results of a question-

Strike Talks
To Continue
In Pittsburgh
PITTSBURGH (A')-Negotiators
trying to settle a 16-day-old na-
tionwide steel strike conferred for1
about two hours yesterday then re-
cessed until tomorrow so man-l
agement representatives can meet
with "their principals in New York
David J. McDonald, President of
the United Steelworkers, said the
session produced "no new develop-
Meeting Tomorrow
Management and union negotia-
tors scheduled their next meeting
tomorrow in Pittsburgh.
The strike has spread idleness
to more than 70,000 employes in;
allied industries-principally rail-
roads and coal mining.a
The 650,000 striking steelwork-
ers left their jobs July 1 to back
up union demands for a new con-
Stumbling Blocks
The chief stumbling blocks to a1
settlement appear to be the length,
of contract and size of the hourly
The union has rejected a com-
pany proposal of a 52-month pact1
which the companies said would
give workers a 17% cents hourly7
package the first year, including
a 7.3 cent hourly wage increase.
The workers were averaging<
$2.46 an hour including overtime
under' terms of the old contract1
which expired June ยง0. The union,9
in rejecting the -company offer,
valued the proposed hourly pack-I
age at 14 cents..

naire asking Marines and former
Marines what they thought were
the best methods of training.
Survey Relates to Training
Berman said the results of that
survey had a direct bearing on the
traning methods employed by Mc-
Keon and others the night he led
his 74-man "boot" platoon into
the dark waters. Only 68 came
back alive.
The lean defense lawyer said he
had asked Navy Secretary Thomas
to produce the survey, but that
the secretary had refused unless
he was ordered to do so by the
law officer for the court martial,
Navy Capt. Irving N. Klein.
Klein said he would reserve
judgment on the request but sug-
gested to a startled courtroom the
most direct way of ascertaining the
results of the poll would be to put
Gen. Randolph McC. Pate, the
Marine commandant, on the wit-
ness stand. It was Pate who order-
ed the survey after the tragedy.
Requests Names
The defense served a request on
the trial counsel, Maj. Charles B.
Sevier of Jacksonville, Ill., for the
names and home addresses of all
men discharged from the Marine
Corps from the Parris Island base
since last Jan. 1.
The general court-martial open-
ed with the defense making a bid
to sever for later trial all charges
relating to drinking.
The legal argument over whether
the drinking charges were minor
and also prejudicial to the fair
judgment of the other two, became
so involved that Capt. Klein ex-
cused the court-martial panel un-
til 9 a.m. Tuesday.
As the trial opened, Mrs. Maggie
Lucille Meeks, mother of Thomas
C. Hardeman, one of the drowning
victims, sat in the rear of the
At a recess, newsmen asked Mrs.
Meeks whether she harbored any
ill feeling toward McKeon. "I have
not got too much bitterness in my
heart," she said. "The Lord says
don't hate nobody."

Civil Rights
Backers Win
First Vote
Two Day Limitation
On Debate Applied
WASHINGTON ()-House de-
bate on civil rights legislation
opened yesterday with its back-
ers, as expected, winning the first
test vote.
The vote, 151-103, was to limit
debate to two days. Southern op-
ponents of the bill tried in vain
to have the limitation laid down
in terms of hours rather than
It was only a technical point,
one of many which are expected
to be raised before the House can
get to a final vote, perhaps on
Friday. The limitation applies only
to general debate, not amendments
or side issues.
Indications were that the House
would eventually pass the bill and
send it to the Senate where it
would die in the rush to adjourn.
The bill has the backing of the
Eisenhower administration and
Chairman E. Celler (D-NY) of the
House Judiciary Committee.
It would permit the U.S. Attor-
ney General to file suits on behalf
of persons whose voting or other
rights he considered to be im-
paired or threatened. It would also
make it easier to bring civil rights
cases in federal courts.
Proponents of the bill agreed
that its provisions probably would
empower the U.S. Attorney Gen-
eral to bring suits in support of
the Supreme Court d e i s i o n
against racial segregation in public
Cuts Backed
Department talk of cutting back
the size of American armed forces,
perhaps drastcally, has picked up
powerful support in other sectors
of the Eisenhower administration.
No final decision is expected
for several months but the idea
appeals to be gaining momentum
for the following reasons:
Sharp manpower cuts would not
necessarily shock overseas allies,
even if they involved withdrawal
or "thinning out" of five Ameri-
can divisions now in Western Eu-
rope. A growing feeling is now
apparent in Western Europe that
the North Atlantic Pact countries
can reduce their armed forces
without jeopardizing their security.
In view of what is interpreted
the reduced threat of war, it may
not be necesary for Western
Germany to mobilize all 12 divi-
sions it has pledged under Atlantic
Pact strategy.
Russia, it is believed, soon will
make sharp reductions in the
strength of its vast army, navy
and air force. The Soviets an-
nounced in April they would slash
their armed forces by 1,200,000
men, down to about 3,000,000, and
Premier Bulganin challenged the
West to follow suit.
Britain, too, plans to reduce
manpower in its armed forces, ad-
justing its reduced strength more
around use of new atomic-hydro-
gen weapons.

Ike Bac




-o A IV

Day Fairly
Spends Morning,
Afternoon At Desk
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower went back
to work at the White House'Mon-
day yesterday spending 3 hours
at his desk in the morning and
returning for an afternoon stint.
It was his first working day at
the executive mansion since his
emergency abdominal operation'
June 9.
The President attended to some
state business while recuperating
on his Gettysburg, Pa., farm, but1
his morning session yesterday was
the longest sustained working
period he is known to have put in
since he became ill.
In addition, Eisenhower strolled;
a mile or so around the White
House grounds, walking slowly but
Asked how the President reacted
to this comparatively strenuous
day, James C. Hagerty, his press
secretary, said: "I think very
When Hagerty was pressed by
newsmen for further indications of
the President's reaction he said,
"I didn't ask him."
Hagerty reported, in response to
additional questions, that there
has been no change in the Presi.
dent's weight since it was last
given out as 163 pounds, 6 pounds
less than what he weighed before
his operation.
Eisenhower went to work at 8:20
a.m. and did not return to the
White House living quarters until;
11:45. He came back to his office
at 3:30 p.m. and stayed until
about 5.
Hagerty said he took a longer
than usual "change of pace" at
midday. The President's doctors
prescribed this period of relaxa-
tion for him after his September,'
1955, heart attack.
Late in the afternoon, Pres. Eis-
enhower made three circuits of the
network of White House drive-
ways in company with his per-:
sonal physician, Maj. Gen. Howardr
M. Snyder. A cluster of tourists
watched him from outside the iron:
The President was beareheaded
and wore a tan sports coat, tan
slacks and a matching sport shirt.
He soon took off his jacket in the
sultry sunshine.
Virgin Birth?
(R)-A South African professor has
begun studyng the claims of 15]
mothers that they had daughters]
by virgin birth.I
Prof. O. S. Heyns of Witwaters-:
rand University said it will take
months of research "before this
question can be answered with a1
yes or no."

PALM OF HIS HAND . .. Prof. Maynard Klein demonstrates his E
ability in conducting choral numbers, here using a chorus of high
school teachers. At yesterday's presentation, Prof. Klein directed
the group in a wide range of numbers, designed to give a balanced
Prof. Klein Presents
Choral Demonstration
The novice to music can well understand the preeminence of the
music school's Prof. Maynard Klein when seen directing a completely
heterogeneous group of people in songs.
Giving a demonstration presentation yesterday of a choral reper-
toire for high school choral directors, the energetic professor seemed
to hold his audience in the palm of his hand.
With assistance of University choir members, Prof. Klein directed
the high school teachers in songs selected to present a balanced
choral program as well as provide
training for students. my students at camp recently to
Scarlotti's "Exultante Deo" was go into the woods and observe a
proclaimed as "nothing better for deer, and then come back and try
getting the fundamental vowel the song," he commented.
sounds," and this fact was empha- If a member of the audience
sized by leading the audience in happened to pause to watch the
singing the piece. lively professor while Prof. Klein
Chosen as a contrast to Scar- was directing, he would have been
lotti's jubilant work, Anton Bruck- both amused and amazed by the
ner's smooth, slow "Ave Marie" antics that go into directing a
help balance a program, according song.
to the bespectacled glee club Never standing still, the lively
director, as well as brings out the professor would snap his fingers
richness of the male voices. in time to the music, bounce up
Then for a complete contrast and down and occasionally inter-
and stress on articulation, Prof. ject a warning to the tenors or a
Klein led the group in Stephen query as to how they liked the
Fostor's "Nellie Bly." "Boys like song.
to sing this," he smiled, "because
of their rhythmic part."r
He considered "The Doe" by Nehru Urges
Paul Hindemith very difficult for
high school singers: "I have re--*
hearsed this many times with high -g owers
school students but only had the1
nerve to program it twice." End Controls
The difficulty seemed to be to
teach the singers to reproduce the H A M B U R G, Germany (R)-
ethereal mood of the song. "I told Prime Minister Nehru of India
11rra. +IIgl hi T~ror laf Yim f +n



House Starts
Direct Action
On Revision
Vetoes Appropriation
Authorizing 2 Billion
For Construction
WASHINGTON () -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
vetoed a two..billion-dollar military
construction bill and the House
took immediate steps to strip the
measure of provisions he. found
A revised bill satisfactory to the
President is expected to be passed
by both the House and Senate this
The vetoed measure authorized
the appropriation of up to $2,138,-
000,000 for the construction and
expansion of military bases and
housing units in the United States
and abroad.
To Proceed Forbidden
The key point of dispute was a
provision which would' forbid the
Defense Department to proceed
with the development of the Tals
guided missile program without
prior and specific approval of both
the Senate and House Military
Appropriations Committees.
The President also objected to
a section which would forbid the
Defense Department to make con-
tracts to construct or acquire
family housing units without the
agreement of the Senate and
House Armed Services Committees.
Pres. Eisenhower called thes*
sections violations of "the funda-
mental constitutional principle of
separation of powers."
Sentto House
He sent to the House "my urgent
recommendation" that the bill be
re-enacted without the objection.
able provisions.
Chairman C. Vinson (D-Ga) of
the House Armed Services Com-
mittee immediately introduced a
new bill, stripped of the sections
to which the president objected
but otherwise identical.
A spokesman at the Pentagon
said the Defense Department was
going ahead with plans to work oft
its huge military construction pro-
gram in the expectation that Con-
gress will re-enact the measure in
a form suitable to the President.
The vetoed measure sets a limit
on the amount that can be ap-
propriated for military construc-
tion. It does not actually appro-
priate the money.
Bill Passed
Earlier yesterday the Senate
passed and sent to the House for
conference a military construction.
appropriation of $1,725,000,000.
The appropriation bil, which de-
pends on passage of the authoriza-
tion measure, is expected to be held
in abeyance until Congress passes
the revised measure introduced by
Vinson yesterday.
Congress wrote its restrictions
on the Talos missile program into
the authorization bill as a result
of the continuing debate: Which
missile is best-the Army's Nike
or the Navydeveloped Taos which
the Air Force plans to use?
The Air Force maintains that
the Tas, which the Navy devel-
oped for shipboard launching,
would provide Air Force crews
with a good intermediate training
device pending development of its
own interceptor missile, the Bom-
Long Signs

Racial Bill
BATRON ROUGE, La. (P)--Gov -
Earl Long yesterday signed a bll
banning interracial athletic con-
tests in Louisiana effective Oct. 15.
The new law will prohibit "danc-
ing, social functions, entertain-
ments, athletic training, games,
sports or contests and other such
activities involving personal and
soncial contacts in which the par-

Ringling Bros. Stage
Last Big Top Circus
PITTSBURGH (W)-The Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus,
America's "Greatest Show on Earth," called an end to its circus
tour which for years has thrilled millions of youngsters and grownups
in nearly every corner of the land.
John Ringling North said the circus was folding its mammoth
tent for the last time last night after a performance at nearby
Heidelberg race track.
"The tented circus as it now exists is, in my opinion, a thing of
the past," North said. "We are considering plans for the future which
may involve an almost completely "
mechancally controlled exhibi- CHA TTANOOGA I
North emphasized the circus
will continue, in different form.I T .-n



Oiand Hayes Began as Laborer

He said:I
"The all-new 87th presentation
of Ringling Bros. Barnum and
Bailey combined shows will open
as usual on April 3, 1957, at Madi-
son Square Garden in New York
and will play the 1957 season in
other air-conditioned arenas all
over the United States."
Labor troubles, bad weather and
rising costs sounded the death
knell for the road show under the
giant canvas umbrella.
Earlier this year, two other cir-
cuses shut down on similar rea-
sons. They were the Clyde Beatty
and King Bros. circuses.
Part of the bankrupt King Bros.
Circus was stranded yesterday in
Stroudsburg, Pa., on its way to
southern headquarters at Macon,

1 U11Vi X LI

Roland Hayes, who "started in
music at the age of 17, and loved
it so much I kept it up," was first
a mechanic in a Chattanooga iron
"A man of my race heard me
sing in a church choir one Sun-
day," Hayes flashed his even
white teeth, "and encouraged me,
told me t keep on singing-so I
"I had worked in this foundry,
making those metal eyes that hold
cords for windows, and I just
dropped it completely," he said,
flicking his hand.
Hayes attended Fiske University
in Nashville, then went off to Eur-
ope for seven years, giving a com-

and not enough with singing. So I
decided after a couple of years to
give up teaching there, since I
wasn't really helping these young
people." He does, however, give
lessons to one or two advanced
young people "now and then."
He observed that today's young
singers are more involved in busi-
ness: "in booking ofkices you pay,
pay, pay, and there's nothing left.
"When I started out, if you
were good, you had a chance, and
people came to you. Now people
come to you through a whole lot
of red tape and other people-you
might not make it if you're good."
Neatly dressed in a gray suit
that matched his hair, Hayes men-
tioned a book of thirty spirituals a

urged the Dig powers last nign Lo
end their domination of other
"We have to recognize that it
is wrong to interfere with another
state's affairs by aggression or by
changing its internal organization
by political or economic means.
Domination is bad for the dom-
inated, but worse still for those
who dominate them," said Nehru.
The Indian visitor did not spell
out his meaning by direct mention
of any power or state. Moscow
thus might accept it as another
barb at "colonialism."
But to Western ears it appeared
he was urging the Soviet Union to,
give up control of its satellites on
whom communism has been im-
posed without free elections.
Nehru spoke before 1,000 guests
at Hamburg University in accept-
ing two honorary doctors degrees.
During his three-day official visit
to Germany, he has made several
statements critical of United
States and Western policy.
In a joint communioue issued

:...: ::.

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