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July 14, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-14

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400 -

Latest Deadline in the State






Forty-five Killed
In Plane Tragedy
Military Transport Crashed Only
Three Miles from Runway End
FT. DIX, N. J. ()--A military air transport plane with 66
Europe bound servicemen and civilians aboard crashed yesterday in a
pine-wooded swamp during a rain and hail storm.
Forty-five persons-including two women and two children--were
killed and 21 injured.
An airman aboard, one of the least injured, said the Giant
C118 hit "an air pocket" as it took off from nearby McGuire Air
Force Base runway and plummeted to the ground. ,
The four-engine craft split as it landed on its belly but did not
burn. Parts of the wreckage were scattered over a half mile area
" of brush and trees, some of which

'National Conventions'

Atomic Power Group






Says Armed Greek Cypriot Leaders
Forces Can Reject Eden's Overtures


Foreig Aid
Appropriations Committee, in a
significant victory for President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, voted yes-
terday to add almost 700 million
dollars to the foreign aid program.
It approved a bill which would
make available 4,346,220,000 in
old and new funds for foreign aid
during the fiscal year which be-
gan July 1.
This is $680,300,000 more than is
carried in an appropriations bill
passed by the House last Wednes-
day-and very, close to the figure
President Eisenhower said he
would settle for.
The vote in committee was 13-8,
with Democratic Senators Richard
Russell (Ga), Dennis Chavez
(NM), Allen Ellender (La), Lister
Hill (Ala), John McClellan (Ark)
and Stennis (Miss) joining Re-
publican Senators Joseph Mc-
Carthy (Wis) and Henry Dwor-
shak (Idaho)' in opposition to the
-higher figure. Eight Republicans
and five Democrats voted for it.
Chairman Carl Hayden (D-
Ariz) report the committee beat
back fresh efforts to halt aid to
Communist Yugoslavia and left
the Yugoslav decision up to the
The foreign aid fight isn't fin-
ished yet, however. There will be
another battle on the Senate floor
next week, when the appropria-'
tions measure comes up from the
But the prospects of President
Eisenhower getting more money
for his mutual security program
this year appeared to be brighten-
The major part of this year's
foreign aid program is planned
as military assistance to strength-
en foreign nations against Com-
munist exransion. But ;there is
also some, economic aid included.
Those voting for more money
included Democratic Senator Earle
Clements (Ky) and Republican
Senators Edward Thye (Minn),
Karl Mundt (SD), Everett Dirk-
sen (Ill) and Charles Potter

were 100 feet high.
Crew of 10
The Douglas Liftmaster, heading
for Burtonwood, England, was'
taking servicemen and military de-
pendents to foreign posts. It car-
ried a crew of 10, and its passen-
gers included 41 enlisted men, nine
officers, and six civilians.
An Army doctor, Lt. Col. Pedro
M. Souza, blamed most of the
deaths on fractures. He said most
of the pasengers had not released
themselves from safety belts and
that the impact left them dead or
injured still in their chairs. Only
six were thrown clear.
Another Army physician, Lt.
Col. Horace W. Doty, quoted sur-
vivor Albert J. Buck as saying
,the ship hit an air pocket. Buck,
an airman, suffered a fractured
Later Reports
Early Air Force reports placed
the number of dead at 13 and in-
jured at 35. Later McGuire an-
nounced that 43 diedin the plane
and two others in hospitals.
Some of the survivors were so
badly injured that they are not
expected to live through the night,
according to Maj. Huly Bray, in-
formation services officer at the
base. Only .one member of the
cre- - the flight engineer - sur-
The big craft took off about 4
p.m. during a storm which covered
most of South Jersey. A violent
freak windstorm at Camden, about
20 miles southwest of here, had
wrecked a diner, pushed around
parked cars and shattered plate
glass windows an hour and a half
earlier. Several persons were in-
The field tower had no warning
of the crash. It lost radio contact
with the ship and a search was
Congrega tons
ST. LOUIS (P)-Negro Metho-
dist pastors agreed yesterday that
racially segregated congregations
will continue for some time.
The discussion of racial integra-
tion came at a two-day conference
of leaders of Negro Methodist
churches from 15 midwestern and
southern states.
"We can't have integrated
churches and segregated housing
at the same time,"= said Bishop
Matthew E. Clair, Jr. of St. Louis,
who presides over churches in the
15-state district.
"We are not going to have inte-
gration until people live together,"
he said. "We must take this prob-
lem step by step. Our goal is
integration . . . We have a long
way to go."

IBe Sdashed


Says Military
'Revolt' Plan

--Daily-Diane Humenansky
the political science department discussed "National Conventions"
before students in the International Center. This is the second
in a series of four election series discussions.
Passengers Seize Plane,
Fly To est Germany
INGOLSTADT, Germany ,oP)-Eight anti-Communist passengers
seized a red Hungarian government airliner in a wild gun fight
high over Hungary yesterday and flew it to West Germany.
One emerged with blood-stained face and cried out: "Bonn!
Adenauer! Germany!"
A former pilot among the ringleaders brought the plane down

IL 101% A

J to a crash landing at a U.S. Air
Force base near here.

1 ef1 Na m es Fighting Continued
The fighting raged on after the
plane skidded to a stop.
1 10ff ian The coup apparently had been
well planned in Hungary.
GETTYSBURG, Pa. )--PresI- dGerman police said 12 persons,
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, ignor- wereuinjurentestrugglefo
ing a protest by Senator McCarthy control of the twin-engine airliner.
(R.-Wis.), yesterday picked in- The eight launched their attack
dustrialist Paul G. Hoffman as a after the plane took off in the
member of the American delega- early evening from Budapest. Its
tion to the UN General Assembly, destination was the town of Szom-
President Eisenhower sent the bathely, west of the Hungarian
nomination of Hoffman and other capital.
delegation members to the Senate r Police said a Red police lieu-
for confirmation less than 48 hours tenant aboard the plane in plain
after Sen. McCarthy had told the clothes apparently had detected
Senate Hoffman has been making the plot and fired on the eight
statements which "could, only be with a pistol.
made by a fool or a Communist." The anti-Communistsgrabbed
Referring to Sen. McCarthy's him, took his gun, and broke into
statement in a sort of "Who cares," the crew compartment.
tone, presidential press secretary
James C. Hagerty told reporters Forced from Controls
that "Yeah, we read it." The Communist pilot tried to
Chairman Sen. Walter George balk the plotters by sending the
(D.-Ga.) served notice in the Sen- plane into dizzying loops. But he
ate that his Foreign Relations was forced from the controls at
Committee will consider the nomi- gunpoint.
nation Tuesday. . The rebels flew the plane over
Sen. McCarthy said he is think- Communist Czechoslovakia and
ing of asking the committee to give more than 100 miles of West Ger-
him an opportunity to testify many,
against Hoffman. It was not the first time that
When the nomination reaches anti-Communists have sought this
the Senate floor, Sen. McCarthy method to flee from behind the
said, "I will oppose it, certainly." Iron Curtain
Yesterday was a rainy day that In 1953, four anti-Communist
kept the President confined to his Czechs - one a woman - slugged
farm home and kept Vice-Presi- the radio operator of a Czech air-
dent Richard Nixon from flying line and landed it in Frankfurt,
up from Washington. Nixon's visit, West Germany.
to report on his round-the-world German police said eight pas-
trip with stopovers in six Asiatic sengers of yesterday's plane asked
nations, was postponed until today. for political asylum in the West.

WASHINGTON (P)-The chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
said yesterday, "It is possible that
manpower requirements for future
security of the United States can
ultimately be lower because of the
introduction of new weapons."
The chairman, Adm. Arthur W.
Radford, did not say how great the
cut in the military forces might
~The New York Times said yes-
terday that the chiefs of the Army,
Navy and Air Force are in "re-
volt" against a Radford proposal
to slash U.S. armed forces by about
800,000 men by 1960.
Radford refused to comment on
the "revolt" report.
The Times said strategic defense
planning 'has been halted until
after the election because of oppo-
sition by the armed services chiefs
to a concept which they feel would
shrivel U.S. military contributions
to the defense of Europe.
In a statement issued hours
later, with Secretary of Defense
Charles E. Wilson's approval, Rad-
ford commented:
"The Joint Chiefs of Staff have
not been relieved of the annual
requirement to advise on the pat-
tern of military forces in the fore-
seeable future and their studies
will continue until they are able
to present their best advice to the
secretary of defense.
"This may or may not be a;
unanimous recommendation."
Wilson affirmed that he had
"read and approved" Radford's
There was no comment from the
chiefs of staff, They are Gen.
Maxwell D. Taylor, Army; Adm.
Arleigh A. Burke, Navy; and Gen.
Nathan F. Twining, Air Force.
In testimony this spring the
Defense Department said the cur-
rent military manpower of around
2,850,000 would be maintained for
the time being but that studies
were under way to estimate how
many men would be needed in
future years to man the great
variety of new weapons and equip-
ment coming into use.
Reaction in Congress was gen-
erally marked by a tendency to
hold back until the facts become
Mahon said he doubted that
Radford had actually recom-
mended a cut of 800,000 men by
1960. Mahon cited testimony by
the Joint Chiefs chairman that
the armed forces must be kept at
the 2,850,000 level for a number
of years.

Don't Want Britain's Aid in Developing
Self-Government; Want Self-Determination
NICOSIA, Cyprus ()-Greek Cypriot leaders rejected yesterday
Britain's bid for cooperation in developing self-government for
They insisted they first must have guarantees of the right to
decide whether they want to join this island colony with Greece.
The Ethnarchy Office, which speaks for most of the 400,000
Greek Cypriots, declared that only exiled Archbishop Makarios can
negotiate a settlement of the Cyprus issue, and emphasized he already
has made self-determination a prime condition.
In a statement, the Ethnarchy Office said Prime Minister Anthony
Eden's announcement Thursday that Britain will press plans for
self-government was received with "
"great resentment" by Greek Cy-
priots. Eden did not mention self- UBa
dThe Ethnarchy Office is a six-
member inner cabinet of the Is-
land's Ethnarchy Assembly con- S v
sisting of more than 400 Greek
Orthodox Church and lay repre-
senaties.To Continue
sentatives. ne
Cypriots of Turkish descent,
numbering about 100,000, oppose
the move for union with Greece. UNTDNATIONS, N.Y. (R')-
They want the island returned to The United State and Britain,
Turkey if British rule is ended, the only Western Powers produc-
British leaders were reported ing nuclear weapons, yesterday
several weeks ago to have worked turned down Indian and Yugoslav
out a plan whereby self-govern-
ment would be granted Cyprus in pleas to halt immediately the test-
the near future, with the right of ing of atomic and hydrogen bombs.
self-determination to be exercised James J. Wadsworth, U.S. del-
in 10 years This reportedly was egate, told the UN Disarmament
rejected by the Turkish govern-,
ment. Commission that the tests will be
Archbishop Makarios was de- carried on until nations can agree
ported last March to the Seychel- on a ban in a comprehensive dis-
les Islands in the Indian Ocean. armament scheme.
The British accused him of fo-
menting rebel viblence. In the absence of such an
Eden told the House of Com- agreement, the United States con-
mons Thursday that Lord Rad- siders the testing of nuclear weap-
cliffe, a legal expert, will fly to ons is essential for our own de-
Cyprus to start work on the con-
stitution. Eden said, however, the fense and for the safety of our
constitution would not be effective friends," Wadsworth said. "We
"until terrorism has been over- shall continue to work for an'
come." agreement in which the limitation
A leading Greek Cypriot spokes- of tests would be an integral part
man, Mayor Themistocles Dervis, and we will do everything we can
said his associates would refuse to to assure that radiation will not
meet with Lord Radcliffe.' "The rise above tolerable levels."
archbishop is the only one who Anthony Nutting, British minis-
has anything to say," said Dervis. ter of state, agreed with Wads-
worth's stand.
Elects New Board They said scientists have estab-
. lished there is no danger to
Of Education Head humans as long as the tests con-
tinue at the present rate.
The Ann Arbor Board of Educa- Nutting said there might be
tion elected Dr. Frederic B. House danger if the rate is increased and
as their new president for the told the commission theremust
1956-57 year.
The areas which Dr. House feels be no increase.
are most pressing are relations Russia's Andrei A. Gromyko,
with Ann Arbor public schools' who has plugged for an immedi-
faculty, human relations as they ate end to the tests and a ban on
affect the Board of Education, atomic weapons, said the Soviet
board relationship with the Union will continue its test explo-
Library Advisory Committee, and sions as long as the West "con-
taxation, tinues to obstruct agreement."
He placed particular importance Russia is the only other power
upon knowing the faculty. j1producing nuclear weapons.

Aim Would
Be Control
For Peace
Would Replace
Euratom, Which
Excludes Soviets
MOSCOW (W)--The Soviet Union
proposed yesterday a European or-
ganization to control peaceful uses
of atomic energy including Com-
munist and non-Communist na-
Both the United States and the
Soviet Union would belong.
The organization would replace
a West European organization now
being developed, known as Eura-
tom. This is to pool the atomic
resources of France, West Ger-
many, Italy, the Netherlands, Bel-
gium and Luxembourg.
The Soviet Union charged that
Euratom would be a tool of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion, make more permanent the
division of Germany, and enable
the Germans eventually to pro-
duce atomic weapons.
The Soviet Union disclosed its
proposals in a note to the embas-
sies of the United States, Britain,
France and so-called "neutral"
nations, including Switzerland and
The proposal is reminiscent of
the Soviet call during the Big Four
summit conference in July 1955
for a general European treaty on
NATO. It wanted the United States
invited to join the European secu-
rity organization with Communist
China getting observer status. The
proposal drew a negative reaction
from the West.
Under UN Auspices
Russia has agreed with Ithe
United States and other countries
to set up under United Nations
auspices an international agency
for the peaceful development of
atomic energy. An 84-nation con-
ference will meet in New York in
September toconsider a charter.
Moscow failed in efforts to get
Red China admitted to that meet-
Euratom is in the treaty draft-
ing phase. The French National
Assembly this week approved
French parteiipation. The plan
was approved in principle by the
six governments in May.
West Germany, Italy, France,
Britain, the Netherlands and Lux-
embourg are already members of
a coal-steel pool. The military
angle has been avoided in the pro-
posed atomic pool, but under con-
sideration is a treaty provision
which would bar any member
from exploding an atomic device
for at least five years.


after Quick Survey,


Decides Daily

Has Gone




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