(See Page 2)
Latest Deadline in the State
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House Kills
School Aid
Anti-Racist Clause
Tacked On First
yesterday nailed an antisegrega-
+. tion amendment to the school aid
bill-then killed the entire meas-
A 224-194 vote against final pas-
sage came after a day of hectic
confusion. It climaxed a bitter
fight on the issue of whether
states which practice racial seg-
regation in their public schools
should be barred from getting con-
struction money from a proposed
$1,600,000,000 fund.
Adopt Powell Amendment
Before killing the bill, the House
adopted on a rollcall vote of 225-
192 an amendment by Rep. Clay-
ton Powell (D-NY) requiring states
to "comply with decisions of the
Supreme Court" to be eligible for
federal aid.
It was a day of swiftly changing
coalitions. Republicans and North-
ern Democrats teamed up to write
the Powell amendment into the
bill. But then Republicans and
Southern Democrats joined forces
to defeat the whole measure.
Oppose Powell Amendment
The rolcall on the Powell
amendment found 148 Republicans
and 77 Democrats for it, while 146
Democrats and 46 Republicans
were opposed.
On the tally which defeated the
bill, 119 Republicans and 105 Dem-
ocrats voted against the measure,
while 119 Democrats and 75 Re-
publicans were for it.
Rep. C. A. Halleck (R-Ind) said
after the final vote that "Demo-
crats must take the responsibility
for killing the bill" by refusing to
go along with GOP backed amend-
mends to appropriate the funds for
school construction largely on the
basis of need.
Ike Urges Aid Program
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
in urging a 1-billion-dollar aid
program over a five-year period,
had wanted the need factor stress-
ed in relieving the school room
shortage. The bill as defeated
would have based aid largely on
school population.-
Had the Republican proposals
been included, Halleck said, at
least "50 fellows on our side would
have gone down the line for it."
'Same Old Coalition'
Northern Democrats, on the
other hand, blamed what they
called the "same old coalition" of
Republicans and Southern Demo-
crats for the bill's defeat.
Some Republicans said Demo-
cratic leaders passed the word to
oppose the McConnell amendments
because "Eisenhower must not get
the credit."
It was a hectic day all around,
even for the House which isn't
lacking in capacity to get itself
involved in parliamentary snarls.
It began with Rep. Graham Bar-
den (D-NC) calling up the bill for
debate and simultaneously de-
nouncing it as "obnoxious and ob-
* Jectionable." He withdrew as floor
manager of the bill, drafted by the
House Education Committee which
he heads.
Barden told reporters he was
"washing my hands" of the bill
because of Tuesday's vote by
Which the House had tentatively
written an antisegregation amend-
ment into it.
With Barden's walk-out, Rep.
Kelley (D-Pa.,) the bill's author
and second ranking member of
the Education Committee took
Political Talks
To Be Held
The first of a series of four
political discussions for foreign
students will be held today at 7:30
p.m. in the International, Center.
Richard Watson and Lawrence
Berlin, teaching fellows in the po-
litical science department, will
orient foreign students to the po-
litical party system in America.
"We are going to try to inform
the University's foreign students
about the political system, espec-
ially how it operates in an election
year," Archie Singham of the In-
ternational Center declared. Sing-
ham pointed out that most foreign
se tin+ n P-mnivz rc.nrmflt.
Holiday Mishaps
Claim 253 Lives,
Number Sets New Postwar High
For One-Day Fourth Observance
By The Associated Press
The nation's one-day observance of Fourth of July brought violent
death to 253 persons-137 of them in traffic accidents.
A final tabulation Thursday showed 77 persons drowned and 39
met death from miscellaneous causes.
There was one fireworks death, in Wyoming. This matched the
single fireworks death of 1955.
Toll Higher than Forecost
The traffic toll, which has been on the increase for 15 consecutive
No Fatalities
For County
Washtenaw County p o 11 c e]
authorities reported no traffic mis-
haps occurred in the county over
the July 4 holiday.
This good record is contrasted,
with 10 traffic fatalities that were,
reported all over the state rating,
Michigan second in the nation for
the number of traffic deaths.
The pre-holiday estimate of 130
deaths due to holiday traffic was
far surpassed when the nation-
wide total of fatalities was report-
Meanwhile in this area, State
police of the Ypsilanti post issued
106 traffic violation tickets during
the Fourth
Tuesday, police handed -out 69
tickets for a two-day holiday total
of 175 summons.
Troopers reported that eleven
patrol cars were on duty around
the clock.
Report on Lab
Sites Expected
To Be Made
mittee which has been examining
sites for an 18 million dollar gov-
ernment animal disease laboratory
is expected to make its report to
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft
Benson today.
Benson is expected to get the
committee's findings at Kalispell,
Mont., from the site committee,
headed by Don Collins of Kit Car-
son, Cob.o
The committee conducted a se-
ries of hearings last week at St.
Louis, Mo. at which various state
delegationse presented the merits
of their proposed sites for the
An Agriculture Department
spokesman said yesterday the com-
mittee has narrowed its search
down to the following nine sites:
Ames, Iowa; Madison, Wis., East
Lansing, Mich., Columbia, Mo.;
Manhattan, Kansas; Stillwater,
Okla.; Athens, Ga.; College Sta-
tion, Tex., and Ft. Collins, Colo.
Seeky Severe"
Polish Justice
BERLIN RA --Polish newspapers
and broadcasts stepped up yester-
day their demnads for "severe
punishment" of leaders of the Poz-
nan worker rebellion.
They ignored American and
other Western appeals for "hu-
mane" treatment of workers Jail-
ed after the bloody three-day up-
rising last week.
Warsaw radio made no mention
of the findings of a special gov-
ernment commission - which has
life and death powers - now in the
City of Poznan investigating the
Evidence collected by the com-
mission apparently will be used
to stage treason trials of those
blamed for the uprising that left
hundreds dead and wounded.
The radio was silent also on
secret police trials now going on
of "secondary" violators among
the rebel workers.
The daily life of most people in
Poznan, a city of 365,000 appar-
ently is returning to normal.
Reached by telephone from Ber-
lin, Lech Jestka, editor of the
Communist newspaper in Poznan
tQ, 7j+ T-'st rc- Oe i- +1h . -
months, was higher than the 130
forecast by the National Safety
The toll set a postwar high for
a one-day Independence Day ob-
servance. There were 105 traffic
deaths in 1951, the only other one-
day celebration since World War
Casualty List Longer
The casualty list also was much
longer than on the recent one-day
Memorial Day holiday. On that oc-
casion there were 109 traffic
deaths, 32 drownings and 33 mis-
cellaneous deaths.
A nonholiday survey made by
The Associated Press recently for
comparative purposes showed 66
traffic deaths, 21 drownings and 21
deaths from miscellaneous causes.
Israel Says
No roopsz
+ i
At Arab Line
JERUSALEM (41)-Israel told
the Big Four powers yesterday
it is not massing troops on the
Arab borders.
The Israelis accused the Arabs
of spreading reports of such con-
centration to coverup military
movements of their own.
But a U. N. spokesman an-
nounced there were no confirmed
troop concentrations whatever
anywhere along the Israel-Arab
armistice lines.
No Complaints
The U. N. statement was based
on intelligence from observers at-
tached to the U. N. truce super-
vision organization. The spokes-
man said neither the Arabs nor
Israel had complained about any
such concentrations.
Walter Eytan, director general
of the Israeli Foreign Ministry,
summoned the envoys of Britain,
the United States, Russia and
France and informed them any
reports of an impending Israeli
attack on Jordan are fictitious.
Border Tensionm
This followed a day of heighten-
ed tension on the borders. One
Jordanian was wounded in a minor
skirmish on the northern sector.
A military source in the Arab-
held old part of Jerusalem said
the Jordan army, with orders to
shoot back if attacked, silenced
Israeli patrol fire in a 10-minute
clash. ,
Reports from Arab Jerusalem
said the Jordan army was being
concentrated and reinforced all
along the Jordan-Israeli armistice
line, scene of bloody conflice in
the 1948 Palestine War.
Young King Hussein accompa-
nied army units moving into ad-
vanced positions on the border
At noon yesterday, Hussein sum-
moned an urgent meeting of the
Supreme Jordan Defense Council.
Russia Has
More Jets:
General Guarded
In Talk with Press
GETTYSBURG, Pa. () - Gen.
Nathan F. Twining reported yes-
terday Russia probably has more
jet aircraft than the United States
but "there is no question" that this
country has the better air force.
Fresh from a visit to Moscow,
the Air Force chief of staff gave
this appraisal to newsmen after
reporting on his trip to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and top
Pentagon brass gathered here.
Gen. Twining was guarded in
his talk with reporters and his
blood pressure seemed to rise a bit
under their persistent questioning.
But he made these contributions
to the debate raging over compara-
tive U.S. and Soviet air strength:
Contributes to Debate
1. There is no question, as far
as he can see, about this country's
remaining in front in the air-
power race in the next few years.
Qualitatively, it is in front now.
2. Nevertheless, Russia might
surpass the United States in mili-
tary aviation by 1960 if, as Twin-
ing put it, this country goes to
sleep and does not keep moving.
3. The Russians "probably are
ahead of us in jet aircraft-num-
'About the Same'
4. He still thinks, as he did when
he testified before congressional
committees last month, that the
two nations are "about the same"
in the over-all number of military
aircraft, counting Navy, Coast
Guard and Marine planes, as well
as the Air Force.
5. On Air Force development, he
believes "the programs the Air
Force has recommended are satis-
factory, at this time."
Thus Gen. Twining stood gen-
erally with the administration on
Air Force policy and against a
powerful group of senators who
contend the United States is losing
ground to the Soviet Union in the
struggle for world air surpremacy.
The news conference was held
in the press room for the tempo-
rary White House in the Gettys-
burg Hotel.
Truman Plays
Cagey Again
NEW YORK (M)-Former Presi-
dent Harry S. Truman breakfast-
ed yesterday with Gov. Averell
Harriman. of New York.
Truman played it cagey once
again and refused to endorse pub-
licly any of the men who aspire
to the nomination.
He did say though that he had
an "inclination" toward one of
them but he wouldn't say who.
nI want to remain neutral", Tru-
man declared.
The former chief. executive said
he wasn't too fond of Sen. Estes
Kefauver (D-Tenn), an announc-
ed candidate for the nomination.
The third announced candidate
for the nomination is Adlai E.
At this point Harriman declared:
"I have never said anything
against any of the candidates.
Some Democrats are not my kind
of Democrats, but Stevenson and
Kefauver are my kind".
Truman has denied that he is
plotting with Harriman to knock
off Stevenson as a contender for
Ithe nomination.I
'U' Grants-In-Aid Program;
Plans No Further Investigation
The Price
of T idiness
FLINT (M)-Lee Reeves, 12-
year-old, can play golf today if
he wants to.
He couldn't earlier this week
as doctors probed his stomach
for an open pen knife he had
swallowed. Reeves said he was
lying in bed pickinghis teeth
with the knife, when it slipped.
An operation retrieved the
But Reeves missed a golf
match he had scheduled.
Aid to AsiaI
Bill Slashed
WASHINGTON (P)-Senate and
House conferees tentatively voted
last night to chop 50 million dollars
in economic assistance for free
Asia, the Middle East and Africa
from the Senate version of the
multi-billion dollar foreign aid bill.
The Senate passed a bill last
week authorizing the spending of
$4,562,000,000 in foreign military
and economic aid.
The House voted $3,800,000,000.
Both figures are less than the $4,-
900,000,000 asked by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The conferees are now trying to
reconcile the two versions of the
No final action was taken last
night on the 50 million cut.
The conferees, however, post-
poned until today a final vote on
that and delayed until then all
action over differences on the even
more controversial authorizations
f or military assistance abroad.
Chairman J. P. Richards (D-SC)
of the House conferees said the
conference will resume this morn-
ing and that if final agreement is
not reached during the day, there
will be another meeting tomorrow.
Says GOP Art
xTU1health y'
George Christopher said yesterday
he was somewhat surprised at the
cover illustration on the official
program for next month's Repub-
lican National Convention.
"I don't think it's a very health-
ful picture for the Republican
party," mused Christopher, him-
self a Republican. "I wouldn't
have chosen it myself."
The illustration is a picture'of
a statue, "Les Tres Hombres," by
Auguste Rodin. The mayor said
the stalwart unclothed figures
were identified on the program
cover as "unity," with the subtitle
"Peace, Progress, Prosperity."
He said art experts pointed out
that the statue was created by
Rodin for a Paris museum as part
of a group titled "Abandon Hope,
All Ye Who Eenter Here."
Conducive Query
Hardest: Bolinger
The conducive question, a question which presupposes a set
answer, is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for foreigners who are
learning to speak English, according to Prof. Dwight L. Bolinger.
Bolinger, who is a professor of Spanish at the University of
Southern California, spoke last night before the Linguistic Forum on
the topic "English Interrogation."
Such conducive questions can be indicated in many ways in
English according to Prof. Bolinger. Stress can be used to indicate
Says Grant
To Kramer
1* 0
Wilson Declares AA
visit Satisfactory
Ten Commissioner Okays
+ Y
Daily Managing Editor
the difference between a conducive
question and one which is asked
to obtain information. As an ex-
'$$ \s -
-Daily-Don Watkins
"* Prof. Dwight Bolinger
ample, when a Michigan coed asks
"Is it eleven?" with an even stress
on all the words, she is making a
simple request for information.
When on a weekday night at
eleven o'clock she says the same
phrase to her date, she will stress
the "eleven" much more and will
be asking a question which she
knows must be answered "yes" and
she has to leave to beat closing
Conducive Gestures
Gestures can also be used to ex-
press a conducive question. Nod-
ding or shaking the head can
change the answer requested by
the speaker.
Auxiliary tags may be used to
make a simple statement into a
conducive question. Such phrases
as "Isn't it?", "Didn't you?"
"Don't you think?" call oran
agreement by the listener with
the statement of the speaker.
These negative forms have formal
linguistic status in English. The
corresponding affirmative forms
are used only for irony.
'No Reason'
Questions which are introduced
by interrogative words, such as
"How" or "Why" can also be
conducive. For instance when a'
mother asks her son: "Why did
you get your clothes dirty?" she
is implying that the proper ans-
wer is "No reason."
In the question period after his
talk, he or Prof. Bolinger was ask-
ed from the floor to his definition
of a question. Speaking as an
"amateur sociologist" he said that
a question was "more a state of
mind in which the questioner
places himself lower than the per-
son whom he is asking than any-
thing that can be defined syntaxi-
Sen. George
Says South
Wants Adlai
ter F. George (D-Ga) predicted1
yesterday that most Southern
states will vote for Adlai E. Stev-
enson for the Democratic presi-
dential nomination on the firsti
ballot at next month's party con-I
"And unless Sen. Lyndon John-i
son (D-Tex) looms up as a serious'
candidate, I think all but two or
three Southern states will beI
voting for Stevenson on the sec-,
and ballot," Sen. George said in,
an interview.
Sen. Johnson, the Senate major-j
ity leader, has 56 convention votes
as Texas' "favorite son" and scat-i
tered support elsewhere. A hearti
attack victim a year ago, Sen.I
Johnson has said he isn't running,
for anything this year but wants
the convention to adopt a "mod-
erate" platform and nonlinate theI
same kind of candidate.-
Takes Leading Role
Sen. George took a leading role
in drafting and circulating a
recent manifesto signed by nearly;
100 Dixie members of the Senate
and House calling for reversal by
legal means of the SupremeI
Court's decision for racial integra-
tion in the schools.
The senator said he doesn't
think the South is satisfiedwith
Stevenson's position that the de-;
cision is law and must be put into
effect gradually.
More Acceptable
But he said he believes the 1952
nominee is more acceptable in
Dixie than other party aspirants.
In this connection, Sen. George
said he doesn't believe there will
be any third party movement.
SMuzzle U.S.
MOSCOW (')-Foreign Minister
Dmitri Shepilov said yesterday the
essential condition for solving mis-
u n d e r s t a n d i n g s between the
United States and the Soviet
Union "is to muzzle the propaga-
tors of cold war in the United
The new foreign minister said
at his first news conference for
Western reporters that increased
contacts between the two coun-
tires were "most important and
urgent steps" to mutual under-
S"There is a broad basis for nor-
mailization of relations between
the United States and the Soviet
Union," he told reporters at an
informal conference at a reception
in honor of visiting U.N. Secretary
General Dag Hammarskjold.
"We should seek to make use of
this foundation to make rap-
proachement a reality", Shepilov
"The essential condition is to
muzzle the propagators of cold
war in the United States. I don't
think our press for a long time
now can be accused of unfounded
attacks, but the U.S. press and
radio is still made up of all sorts
of lies, slander and libelous state-
ments. It is essential that th
Big Ten Athletic Commissioner
Kenneth "Tug" Wilson said yester-
day he is "satisfied" the University
is operating its unearned grant
program within Big Ten regula-
"We have no reason to believe
the University is guilty of any in-
fringement", Wilson declared.
The Commissioner was in Ann
Arbor June 22 to investigate Uni-
versity grants in general and h
grant-in-aid to All-American foot-
ball star Ron Kramer, '57.
'Satisfied So Far'
"While we are still waiting for
more information from Dean of
Men Walter B. Rea, we are satis-
fled so far", Wilson said.
Reached in Chicago, the Con-
missioner claimed t h e r e was
"nothing sinister" in the Univer'
sity's grant to Kramer. A new car
given Kramer by his aunt and
uncle had caused concern over
whether he should have qualified
for a grant-in-aid based on fin-
ancial need.
"We hear many rumors and
check them down just to satisfy
ourselves. We were satisfied the
grant was legitimate", Wilson
Visit 'Mostly Routine'
Describing his Ann Arbor visit
as "mostly routine" the Commis-
sioner said he contemplated no
further investigation of the Ui-
versity beyond the frequent rou-
tine checks made of all Big Ten
Wilson noted, "We are constant-
ly checking unearned aid to
Athletes are not prohibitefrom
receiving unearned aid under con-
ference rules but criteria for
granting aid must be the same as
applied to non-athletes.
FMS Meets
With Striking
Steel Workers
PTPrSBURGH (RP-The director
of the Federal Mediation Service
yesterday met with the striking
United Steel Workers and three
representatives of the basic steel
industry to discuss contract dif-
ferences in the five-day nationwide
Steel strike and said, "We will be
in touch with the parties early
next week after studying the infor-
Director Joseph F. Finnegan
said he is hopeful that the union
and companies can arrange their
own negotiations but added, "I've
had no indications to that effect".
Finnegan said the meetings
were held to get facts and infor-
mation concerning the strike of
60,040 steel workers that has also
idled nearly 50,000 employes i
allied industries.
He said the meetings produced
"new and helpful" facts.
In Washington, the government
announced that it froze warehouse
supplies of steel products needed
for defense production.
The freeze order went into ef-
feet at midnight fast night until
further notice and is designed to
make sure nondefense customers
of the industry do not obtain steel
needed for aircraft, guided missiles
and Atomic Energy Commission
'Aid Stops Threat'
MANILA (A) - Vice-President
Richard Nixon said yesterday U.S.
aid has "stopped the tide of Com-
But Better Late Than
Spring, which missed Ann Arbor
in its regular turn this year, ar-
rived yesterday in full array.
A damp, chill and sunless day
with temparatures down to 58
degrees followed a grey, dull and
dreary Fourth to suggest, with
more force that a dozen tomes on:
local history, why the Indians'
never saw fit to make the Ann
Arbor area their permanent dwell-
ing place.
The Weather Bureau at Willow
Run reported only .09 inches of
rain fell during the day. However
this precepitation was spaced out
throuho-hnith edan n a fina riri',
,. :.. . > .