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July 03, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-03

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Sixty-Sixth Year


'When Optnions Are F re
Truth WW l Pevair

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

*. ;

Communist Uprisings Show
Liberty Not Forgotten

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OSEPH STALIN ruled the Soviet Union and
its satellites with the proverbial "iron hand."
But Stalin is dead and his successors, along
with the recent startling denunciation of that
Communist leader, have permitted the relaxa-
tion of governmental controls within limited
The West now can witness the results of
this relaxation of power-and with ambivalent
feelings. Over the past few years, and es-
pecially this year, peoples of the countries
behind the Iron Curtain have several times
strongly and violently expressed their dissatis-
faction with Communist rule. Three years
ago this month East Germany was rocked by
riots that were put down only by the use of
tanks and guns.
Just recently university students in Czecho-
Slovakia were finally allowed to stage an age-
old parade which the Communists had banned
since they had gained control of that country.
But, instead of the Mardi Gras atmosphere
usually associated with such occasions in the
past, there was a tone at once ominous and
pathetic in the parade. A human effigy of
Liberty appeared wrapped in heavy chains,
marching students cried for more freedom. The
protest movement spread to several universities
in Czechoslovakia before a surprised govern-
ment clamped down again with even greater
IN THE past few days two widely different
countries within the Communist orbit have
been scenes of armed rebellion against their
Red dictatorships. In remote Tibet rebellion
has already spread to seven provinces, and
there were no indications that the Tibetans
would be quelled very quickly. A significant
aspect of this revolt is illustrated by the fact
that even Buddhist monks, who have always
abstained from participation in warfare, are
fighting in the rebellion.
Most widely publicized of the recent revolts
has been the Poznan uprising in Poland.
Although information is not yet complete nor,
possibly, entirely accurate, it seems apparent
at this time that what ended as an armed
rebellion started only as a peaceful strike by
workers who thought that permission to strike
was included in the recent relaxations of gov-
ernmental restrictions. They cried for bread -
inflation has made it necessary for Polish
workers to pay an entire month's wages for
one pair of shoes; a pack of cigarettes costs
$3.25 in American money. Quite naturally,

their main plea was for better living stan-
dards. Yet somehow, no one really knows,
this peaceful demonstration turned into an
armed, bloody and futile struggle.
The Red army was rushed in and with tanks
and guns quelling the young rebellion- a not
too dissimilar parallel of that in East Germany.
The Polish Communists announced shortly
after this that they would improve living con-
ditions, but they promised swift and deadly
retaliation for all whoshould rise against
the government. So the chains of totalitarian-
ism are again wrapped tightly around the Polish
WHAT A PRICE to pay for a mere promise of
improved living conditions! Not only were
dozens-if not hundreds-of lives lost, but the
small, precious liberties that were allowed the
Poles since Stalin's death will most likely be
denied them again. Such was the case in
Czechoslovakia and also in East Germany. To
say it is unfortunate that the protests of these
brave people went for nought is an under-
statement. It is shameful, even criminal, that
these people went unheeded, as well as that
they were slaughtered like crazed beasts.
Was it really worth the loss of so many
lives? First under the Nazis and then under
the Communists, people in Eastern Europe
have borne the brunt of totalitarianism.
Finally, after a decade. of oppressive Com-
munist rule, certain restrictions were relaxed.
And now, in one pathetically rash move, all
these newly-gained freedoms have been swept
HOWEVER, these revolts are not entirely a
hopeless cause. In past years, many West-
erners-especially those dissatisfied with the
operation of democracy--have turned in sym-
pathy to Communism as representative of a
better way of life.
Yet, what better proof is given by these up-
risings that people are really unhappy living in
the Communist system.
As for the Communist-controlled countries,
restrictions will again be as tight as they ever
were under Stalin. But if anything, these
incidents ,are vivid illustrations of the fact
that ideas of freedom still live in the minds
of these dominated peoples. In spite of years
of Communist rule and propaganda, that won-
drous balm, Hope, lives still. The Iron Curtain
countries have not forgotten Liberty, though
it still be wrapped in chains.

Ellington Concert
A Happy Jamboree

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Communism At Crossroads

DUKE ELLINGTON'S infectious-
ly happy jamboree last night
became a nostalgic history of
papular music of the last thirty
years; the audience applauding,
exclaiming or otherwise indicating
the fact that they suddenly being
revived on the stage, has long been
their favorite.
The audience, to ebgin with,
consisted of many middle-aged
persons and oldsters, who, by at-
tending a "jazz concert", was not
only demonstrating that Ellington
by now is thoroughly domesticated
and respectable, but also paying a
pilgrimage to a monument in the
days of their adolescence.
In the matter of style too, the
concert was historical. Ellington
has always been an individualist
in his orchestration and arrange-
ment, somewhat outside the main-
stream of jazz. Yet it is impossible
not to group him with the big
bands of the mid-thirties.
The sound of his band is smooth
and suave, as also is his piano
playing. The brass choir is glow-
ingly hot and remarkably trans-
parent; but the general quality of
the band can best be called
"growlly"; it has a pleasantly
rough edge.
All this is not to say that he has
not felt any of the more recent
night, one could almost play the
night, one could almostplay the
game of pointing out influences
or touches of Bop, or Kenton, or
even the more cerebral musings
of Mulligan and his ilk.
What proved to be most illumi-
nating and exciting, though, were
numbers like the one that was in-
troduced as "Hell kicking time in
the Land of Happy Feet" (Other-
wise known as ,"Stomping at the
Savoy"). One was suddenly carried
avAy and remembered again how
genuinely exciting and spontane-
ously sincere, the loud, brashy
numbers of the big bands were at
their best.
Many old favorites were per-
formed, to the visible delight of
the audience; numbers like "Black
and Tan Fantasy", "Take the A
Train", "Satin Doll", and a melody
Steel Strike
Stock Market
By The Associated Press
impact of the nationwide steel
strike in its stride Monday, giving
a little ground in slow trading.
The steel issues took losses rang-
ing to nearly $3 but were a bit
above their worst at the close.
But the misfortune of steel sent
up aluminum $2 or better on
prospects of aluminum sales to
some metal-hungry consumers.
The Associated Press average of
60 stocks declined 60 cents to
$182.20, withthe industrials down
90 cents, the rails down $1.10 and
the utilities down 10 cents.
Volume for the day totaled 1,-
610,000 shares compared with
1,780,000 Friday.
Rails were consistently down as
news came of the layoffs of thou-
sands of rail workers because of
the shutoff in steel traffic.
In the American Stock Exchange
prices were mixed as volume total-
ed 950,000 shares compared with
770,000 Friday.

Driving on the Fourth

of Ellington compositions.
The entire program was happy
and easy: and each of the musici-
ans, skilful virtuosi on hteir in-
struments. I for one. was carried
away by the entire proceeding, and
left the hall felling: Radical. man.
radical! It was the mostest.
r - - -


WASHINGTON-It doesn't take
either a shrewd diplomat or a
Washington columnist to report
that some of the most important
events in 40 years of Soviet his-
tory are happening in the Commu-
nist world today. World Commu-
nism is at a crossroads.
But it does take even more than
a shrewd diplomat or a Washing-
ton columnist to report just what;
this Communist ferment means;
and what should be done about it.
To try to diagnose the Commu-
nist seething, let's take a closer
look at it. Here are some of the
amazing developments - develop-
ments presenting the U n i t e d
States with golden opportunities
which some diplomats never
dreamed would happen in this
In Italy-Pietro Nenni, the left-
wing Socialist hitherto playing
ball with Italian Communists, has
berated Moscow and announced
that he is ready to join western
social democracy.
For years, SecretaryDulles'
brother Allen, head of Central In-
telligence, has been trying to fig-
ure out a way to win over Nenni.
Eight years ago in Italy I tried to
get Nenni to participate in the
friendship train reception. He
stuck with the Communists. But
last week he took a public stand
against Communism. This could
pave the way for a solid democrat-
ic, central-Catholic government in
Italy. It's the most important de-
velopment since the end of the
wn r

IN POLAND-Workers and pea-
sants, restless against Commu-
nism, have been shot down by a
government supposed to represent
and protect workers and peasants.
For years, Polish-Americans in
the United States have been try-
ing to encourage such a move-
ment. Ever since 1951, the crusade
for freedom has been sending
friendship-freedom balloon mes-
sages to the peaple of Poland. Now,
overnight, the Polish people have
shown their ire against Moscow.
In Czechoslovakia-Riotous stu-
dents have been demanding more
independence, more freedom of
study. The Czech people have been
demanding to know why Commu-
nist leaders were shot or hanged
for emulating the independence of
Tito and why Tito is now feted
and salaamed in Moscow.
*, * *
IN FRANCE - Belgium, Den-
mark, Britain-Communist parties
are in bitter rebellion against their
local Communist leaders because
they never bucked the Stalin regin
of terror. Maurice Thorez, the
French Communist who used to
spend his summer vacations as
Stalin's guest, will probably be
booted out of office.
In the United States-Commu-
nist leaders are so bewildered they
are almost running around in cir-
cles. How bewildered they are, how
bitter at their leaders, both past
and present, is illustrated by the
New York Daily Worker.
The Daily Worker's own teeth-

gna shing editorials are more el-
oquent than anything I could
write of what is happening in the
Communist world.
"The blind and uncritical atti-
tude of the Daily Worker in past
years to the repression of the So-
viet Union . . ." says the Daily
Worker of itself in chastising it-
self for not challenging the rule,
of Stalin.
"We are. wholly ignorant that
these crimes had been committed,"
moans the Daily Worker, "yet
there was reputable evidence had
we but listened. How then explain
our consistent denunciation of
many people as "enimies" of the
working class because they con-
demned these crimes? We were
wrong, terribly wrong. .."
, , 4,
Worker column headed "Lenin is
No Icon To Hang On The Wall,"
proceeds to warn against other
soviet leaders besides Stalin.
"Though Stalin's brutal mis-
rule was a drastic departure from
Lenin's theories," writes Clark, "It
would be wrong to make a "cult"
out of Lenin or anybody else ...
how absurd to think that in our
country the specific features of
the Russian Revolution can have
any application. How sad that
some Marxists to this very day
take a pamphlet by Lenin and in-
stead of studying it for its essence,
substitute it for a study of Amer-
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univerty
of Michigan for Which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responal-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
General Notices
The General Library and all Division-
al Libraries will be closed wednesday,
July 4, a University holiday.
ADDITIONAL USHERS are needed for
the Department of Speech productIon
of "Anastasia-' on wednesday, July 4.
Phone Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office,
NO 8-6300.
ning to be active during the Summer
Session are reminded to register before
July 8. Forms for registration are avail-
able in 1020 Administration Building
Office of Student Affairs. Use of the
Student Organizations Column in the
Michigan Daily for announcement of
meetings and use of University meeting
room will be restricted to officially
recognized and registered student or-
Le Cercle Francais: The weekly meet-
ing of the Cercle Francais will be held
Thursday, July 5, in the Michigan
League. All persons interested are wl-
come. Professor Paul Spurlin will give
an illustrated talk on "Grenoble et see
The Department of Classical Studies
is giving an informal tea for its stu-
dents on Tuesday, July 13, In the East
Conference Room of the Rackhaa
Building, at 415 p.m. Anyone interest-
ed in the Classics is invited to attend.
Foreign Language Program: Publi
Lecture. Professor William Freeman
Twa ddell of Brown University will speak
Tuesday, July 3 at 429 Mason Hall on
the subject, "One Task of the Language
Teacher." The public is invited.
Academic Notices
STUDY IN BUSINESS: Students plan-
ning to take this test on August 18 must
apply to Education Testing Service,
Princeton, New Jersey, by August 1.
Applications andgeneral information
bulletins are available in Room 150,
School of Business Administration.
The Biophysics Symposium on Mole
cularrStructure and Biological Function
will run from July 3 through July t.
The first lecture will be given by Dr.
F.H.C. Crick of Cambridge University
on "The Configuration of the Molecule
of Desoxyribonucleic Acid" July 3, 4:00
p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hall.
Placement Notices
A representative from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Wed., July 11
B.S and M.S. in Civil Engrg. for Design
and Construction.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, ext. 2182, 347 W.
A representative from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Wed. & Thurs., July 11 & 12
men for Officer Candidate Training.
There is also a program open to Fresh-
men, Sophomore and Junior Men in
the Marine Corps Platoon League Class,
and a Summer Program for Under-
graduate Women.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
ext. 371.
Registration material is available at
the Bureau for those who were unabop
to attend the meeting on Mon., July 2.
Students who will be graduating and
leaving the campus in August are urg-
ed to register before leaving so that
they may investigate employment pos-
sibilities before then. Men facing mili-
tary service are also encouraged to
register because employers are interest.
ed in talking to them with an eye to
future employment after service.
Students who are already registered
with the office are requested to make

sure their records are up-to-date by
bringing in current addresses and sum-
mer school elections.
Lutheran Student Association: Class
on the Teachings of the various De-
nominations of the Christian Church,
tonight, 7:15 p.m., Lutheran Student
Center, Hill Street at S. Forest Avenue.
Pirnic for Lutheran students and
their friends. Meet July 4 at the Center

TOMORROW is July 4. By July 5 you may be
dead. A lot of people die on July 4. It's
ironic because most of the people who die
should not have. If all this sounds morbid it's
because it is morbid.
There are few places for safe driving that
are not by now trite; few ways to interest
people in the proposition that they can save
their lives by driving carefully that don't induce
boredom before careful driving.
There'll be a lot of celebrating tomorrow, a
,lot of beer consumed, a lot of driving. Beer
is good and driving is good. Like scotch and
ginerale, they just don't mix.
UNIVERSITY learned recently that
liquor and driving don't mix--at the expense

of five lives. The cost is too high to have to
relearn the lesson very often.
And it's not only the drunken driving or
even the excessively reckless driving that may
take your life. You can't depend on everyone
so it might be wise to forget the traditional
"let him slow-down, I have the right-of-way,"
because he might not slow down.
With a lot of people in a hurry to get
places fast, the temptation, even for normally
careful drivers, is great to relax vigilance just
for a moment and speed up. Could be a
hellishly costly moment.
You'll celebrate more if you live to finish.

way.. ,


Poznan and the Neutralists

Prison 'Luxury' Just Loose Talh Says Inmate

Associated Press News Analyst
THE WEST'S hand in dealing with Russia
has been strengthened by the bloody Poznan
revolt--just at a time when it was needed most.
For months, neutralist voices have been heard
in Western Europe clamoring for closer negoti-
ations with the Russians. Millions have been
wondering whether the Kremlin's smiles were
not sincere, although Western leaders have
doubted it.
In particular, West German Chancellor Kon-
rad Adenauer has been under pressure to waver
from his rigid anti-Russian policies and his
former cold war popularity has been 'gravely
But the heroic three-day Poznan insurrec-
tion-and its ruthless suppression by tanks and
trooks of the Russian-run Polish army-has
stirred sympathy throughout the West. That
sympathy has been heard not only from the
masses of Westerners, but even from Com-
munists like Giuseppe di Vitorio, head of the
big Italian labor federation.
HE REPORTED shooting of marching child-
ren, the defection of Polish soldiers to the
workers-these are bound to raise doubts that

things have really changed behind the Iron
For Germany, the Poznan revolt has even
deeper significance in that the prospect of re-
unification of the divided country may have
become more distant than ever before.
Moscow and the Red regime in Eastern
Germany also must have been thrown upon the
horns of a dilemma. There has been much
talk that Moscow would loosen its grip on East
Germany to encourage negotiations between
the two parts of the country.
But will Moscow and the East German rulers
dare follow such a course now? Any great re-
laxation of existing terror rule might encourage
the East Germans to try another revolt ilke
that of June 17, 1953.
IF THERE were a repetition of Berlin and
Poznan, Moscow might be forced to shift its
entire policy toward the German issue. The
Kremlin might have to return openly to Stalin-
type terror to keep the peace. This would upset
the entire Khrushchev applecart.
Poznan is sure to have major repercussions
elsewhere than in Germany. Innerparty dis-
pute and criticism is already growing among
Communists as a consequence of the de-Stalin-
ization campaign.
The Communist rank and file in France,
Italy, Germany, Austria. and elsewhere is likely

hear a certain amount of loose
talk about how "lucky" the pri-
soners in Michigan Prison are.
The story is: "They have noth-
ing to worry about. Sure to get
three meals a day, a place to
sleep and warm quarters all
winter. Of course, that's usually
just kidding. But what is the at-
titude of the man inside? The
author has been in seven years
now, and what he says about it
reflects informed thought on a
subject of much interest.
It makes us sick and tired to
hear the occasional stories of men-
tal midgets who announce their
:desire to be returned to the "lux-
ury and ease" of a prison! Ever so
often the public press seizes upon
some mouthing of a blithering
idiot in such tenor, and its about
time we expressed our thoughts in
the matter.
This situation arose again last
week when a Grand Rapids cretin
requested a judge to send him to
the luxury and ease of a prison.
At the outset of this discourse,

privilege, the rotten realization of
personal failure, and the loss of
individual identity which mark
prison existence are, of themselves,
only a few of the reasons which
make a prison repugnant to any-
one with full possession of "all his
For anyone gullible enough to
believe that any prison is a Shan-
gri-La, we offer the word of those
who know best that, most positiv-
ely, such a claim is downright ri-
Certainly, there are some who
are better off in prison! There are
also some who would be better off
in the alms house-who would be
better off in asylums-who would
be better off in cenieteries! But
it's a reflection upon the American
way of living to believe that any
healthy, sane, and serious Ameri-
can would be better off in prison!
It's a reflection upon the ad-
ministration of American prisons
to accuse the heads of penal in-
stitutions of maintaining "spas of
lush living" for the inmates. That
is neither their purpose, their go-
al, nor their result!
It's a slander upon the intelli-
gence of the American people to!

afraid it's a bigger job than our
capabilities permit.
So all we can do is utter a loud,
vehement and sincere "Nuts" to
such statements, knowing in our
hearts and souls that the same
people who believe such prepos-
terous suggestions probably are
sufficiently credulous to believe
almost anything.

About the only serious counter-
statement we might make here is
that, if someone will come for-
ward who sincerely believes those
silly statements are based solidly
and soundly, we will gladly swap
places with him, regardless of his
condition on the social and econ-
omic scale.
Both of us would be better off!


by Dick Bibler

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