Sixt y-Sixth Year
"A mig"
'When Opinion) Are Free,
Trutb WiD Prev&U"
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'High Button Shoes'
Snmappy, Successfrul
UESDAY NIGHT Melody Circus Theater. the musical theater-in-
the-round at Eight Mile and Grand River in Detroit, opened the
second show of their seven-musical season with a bouncing and batty
performance of "High Button Shoes."
The show deals very loosely with huckster Harrison Floy's high-
handed operations in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and is set in the
early 1900's. Since the musical is not strong on story, to be successful
Editorials printed in The Michiga'n Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers er
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Mayor's Request or Money
Deserves Polite Refusal by U'.
with the most preposterous proposal of the
He is asking the University to reimburse the
city for the tax loss incurred through sale of
Hoover Ball Bearing Co. Further he claims the
University should have consulted the city first.
Both propositions are absurd.
There is no rationable (and the Mayor offers
none) behind asking the University to waive
its tax-exemption priviledge.
Making non-profit educational institutions
tax-exempt is sound. Asking the University to
compensate for Ann Arbor's failure to balance
its own budget and prepare properly for in-
dustrial expansion is not.
University-City relations are always a ticki-
lish deal at best. Recent conciliatory moves in-
clude offering the city $65,000 to cover fire
protection (which should be rendered for noth-
ing) and ,considering a campus police force
(partly because the city can't provide adequate
MAYOR BROWN has obviously been carried
away by University efforts to cooperate.
The time has come to draw the line and tell
the Mayor we are in business to provide edu-
cation, not city services.
There should be no conciliation on this issue.
The Mayor's request doesn't even warrant
serious consideration-just a polite refusal.
As for consulting with the city before purch-
asing the plant, it would be just as sound to
ask the city fathers to consult with the Uni-
versity on their business.
T WAS NICE of Mayor Brown to concede
that the University has no legal obligation
to consult with city officials before purchasing
land. But the more important point is that we
have no moral obligation either.
Mayor Brown and other city officials con-
stantly harp on the suffering Ann Arbor en-
dures financially because the University is tax-
exempt. It's funny he never mentions the 10
or 12 million dollars University students spend
in the average school year-dollars that sup-
port a good many -merchants and indirectly
kick-in to the tax till much more than the
$95,000 the Mayor is upset over.
We think the city has a pretty good deal. It
ought to stop complaining and spend the time
saved keeping its own affairs in order.
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Ann Arbor Housing Picture
Has Unfortunate Aspects,
Nehru's U.S. Visit Sidetracked
STUDENTS coming to Ann Arbor for the first
time this summer have most likely dis-
covered for themselves that the housing situa-
tion here has certain unfortunate aspects.
Dormitory housing is not exactly spacious,
and some of the regulations are a bit curious,
to say the least. Women are locked in at 11
p.m. to keep them from wandering around and
giving the city a bad name.
Men are free from this regualtion, but unless
they look for high school girls, the 11 p.m.
rule is somewhat of an annoyance.
Thus it is observed that a large fraction of
students seeks housing outside of the dormitory
system. Especially married students who
would be seriously inconvenienced by dormitory
lining. And you are, really going to be a
campus figure and give parties you have just
about got to have an apartment.
UJNFORTUNATELY, the so-caned supply and
demand equilibrium has shifted to the right
in Ann Arbor, and the cost of living is second
only to Washington, D.C., where no one can
afford to live without federal aid.
This can put somewhat of a strain on the
financial arrangement of most everybody;
often resulting in a considerably different stan-
dard of living than might be expected.
A small but significant number of Ann Arbor
landlords have decided that, since most people
will be spending all their money for rent
anyway and have essentially nothing left, they
should be provided with suitably unkempt,
squalid, and generally decrepit apartments
so they will stay home nights and hold up the
plaster instead of wasting their pennies on
concerts and movies.
THE UNIVERSITY has made a small start
in the right direction with the construction
of some hyper-modern apartments at North
Campus which are just the thing if you have a
car and your wife has a bicycle.
Still, most apartment seekers are going to
be more or less at the mercy of the real estate
offices, the cattle barons, and the faro dealers.
The exact remedy for this situation is far
from obvious. Until enrollment drops, more
University apartments are built, or some un-
forseen policy change results in a general
tightening of the apartment permission pro-
grarn, the demand for apartments will always
exceed the supply.
However, the situation is not totally beyond
hope, hence the following ideas:
First, it might be amusing to take some
sort of dormitory survey to see just how many
people are planning to leave the dormitories
because of dissatisfaction with the system.
Possibly, some changes in existing regulations
might avoid some of this migration.
Second, more University support to so-called
Co-operative housing groups would help pro-
vide housing at reasonable cost for students.
Third, construction of University apartments
on campus,. although evidently a remote pos-
sibility, is occasionally amusing to contemplate.
Certainly, the major disadvantage of living
in Ann Arbor, at present, is this dismaying
housing problem. Although no easy solution is
in sight, this problem must be met if increasing
numbers of people who care where and how
they live are going to be attracted to this city.
WASHINGTON - Quite a few
diplomatic cables were ex-
changed across the Atlantic before
the State Department was able to
sidetrack the long-scheduled visit
of Prime Minister Nehru of India.
At first the Prime Minister was
advised informally that the Presi-
dent's illness would interfere with
the visit and that while Mr. Eisen-
hower would be delighted to see
him briefly, most of the con-
ferring must be done with Secre-
tary of State Dulles.
This did not please the Indian
premier, who has talked to Mr.
Dulles before and doesn't particu-
larly like him. He hasn't forgotten
that Dulles statement siding with
Portugal in the row with India
over Goa.
So Nehru was so burned up at
the idea of talking to Dulles, not
Ike, that his aides indicated he
might not come to the U.S.A. at
It was at this point that he
sent the cable to the President
suggesting that the trip be defer-
red unil Ike was fully recovered.
THERE'S A trick to everything,
including running for Congress.
When Congressman Bill Ayres of
Ohio and Glenn Davis of Wiscon-
sin, both Republicans, decided to
fly some balloons at the congres-
sional baseball game, the Demo-
crats tried to stop them.
Ayres and Davis, being smart
politicians, knew that the annual
baseball game between the Demo-
crats and Republicans would be
televised so they prepared some
balloons marked "Ayres Is a Sure
Hit," "Davis Is Your Friend," and
ordered them delivered to the ball
park. But they made one mistake.
They ordered employees of the
lost Office Department to put
them on a mail truck for trans-
portation to the stadium.
Whereupon the Democrats got
wind of this proposed use of the
taxpayers' money for purely politi-
cal purposes, and Postmaster Mor-
ris of the House of Representatives
stopped the truck. After that,
Davis and Ayres had to hire their
own truck. They got the publicity,
all right, 'but at least the taxpayers
didn't have to pay for it.
, . *
THIS newspaper's mail has in-
creased as a result of the Presi-
dent's illness. Most of my readers
seem to be most sympathetic to-
ward Mr. Eisenhower, but want all
the facts about his health. Some
of them, Republicans, believe GOP
leaders are taking advantage of
the President, imposing on him,
risking his life further by demand-
ing that he run again. A few
editors have criticized my columns
on Ike's health.
On the other hand, some of the
outstanding Republican publishers
in the nation have been extremely
frank, much franker regarding the
second illness than regarding the
Wrote John S. Knight of the
Detroit Free Press, Miami Herald,
Akron Beacon-Journal, and asso-
ciated newspapers:
"The seriousness of the presi-
dent's illness has been minimized
by friendly editorialists who point
to Adlai Stevenson's operation for
kidney stones; Harry Truman's
gall bladder operation; the recent
surgery on Gov. Averell Harri-
man's prostate gland; Senator
Lyndon Johnson's heart attack;
and Senator Stuart Symington's
sympathectomy for high blood
pressure in 1947.
"How idle and misleading it is
to pretend that the President, a
former heart case and chronic
sufferer from gastric disturbances,
can fully regain his old vigor. But
in their anxiety over the future,
the Republican strategists and the
big guns in the business world are
determined to have Ike run, even
though he may not last through a
second term under the pressures
of the job.
TOM DEWEY told friends in
Washington last week: "I'll be
seeing you in 1957." They took
this to mean the dapper ex-New
York governor intends either to
run for the Senate or to join the
Eisenhower administration. Most
likely: he'll replace John Foster
Dulles as Secretary of State ...
The Republican National Com-
mittee is so sure Ike will run, de-
spite his health, that it has or-
dered neon campaign signs with
Ike's name in lights . . . . Secre-
tary of Defense Wilson put his
own judgment ahead of the com-
bined warnings of all the intelli-
gence agencies when he announ-
ced confidently that our giant jet
B-52 is "Greatly superior in alti-
tude and distance" to the Soviet
Bison.hIntelligence reports agree
that the Bison and the B-52 are
nearly equal in performance .
Wilson also claimed the Russians
have no tanker planes to refuel
the Bison in flight. This flatly ig-
nores intelligence reports that the
Soviet long-range bomber, The
Bear, has been converted into a
huge, airborne ,tanker . .'. It
was also Wilson, incidentally, who
insisted that Russians couldn't
build a long-range jet bomber
for years to come. Yet Russia is
now producing Bisons three times
as fast as we are building B-52's.
This has been confirmed by pic-
tures of Bisons flown over Moscow
in broad daylight.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
it must be carried by a particular-
ly talented song-and-dance man
in the role of Harrison Floy. Tim
Herbert was that talented guy in
Tuesday night's opening, With an
hilarious and overpowering col-
lection of funny faces, exaggerat-
ed dance stes and impersona-
tions, Herbert ran the show quick-
ly and delightfully from Floy's
driver's seat-with a comic assist
from his accomplice in crime,
Sammy "I'll Take Two" Smith,
In the young romantic roles,
George Smiley plays an improb-
able drawling, dim-witted Texan
who suddenly becomes eloquent
when he bursts into song. Opposite
him, Charmaine Harma, as pretty
and appealing a little actress as
Melody Circus has had since the
appearances of Peggy Bonini last
year in their first season, is kept
pretty much under a bushel with
the charms she displayed in last
week's "Call Me Madam" all but
Orchids for the best "romantic"
performances in the show, how-
ever, go to "Poppa" and "Momma"
played by Walter Long and Undine
Forrest respectively.
On a comparison with last year's
singing ensemble, however, the
present male and female choruses
seem to be the one factor that has
not matured in the one-year his-
tory of Melody Circus. It may be
granted that they are competent,
but they certainly do not demon-
strate the sparkle and enthusiasm
they used to fill the stage with
during every show-good or bad-
last year, Naturally, with a com-
plete turnover in singing and
dancing casts each year, the qual-
ity will come out a little uneven.
But still, remembering the poppy
performers of last year, one is in-
clined to get a little nostalgic.
to the
Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
hold any letter.
President's Illness. , .
To the Editor:
AS A MEDICAL student, I have
& followed the course of events of
the President's illness with great
interest. And it is with great dis-
may that I have read the press re-
leases because they never contain-
ed the information I was looking
for; they were carefully vague ani
always presented the most promis-
ing outlook.
I was dismayed because I know
that the people are entitled to
hear the whole story because it
may well be that they will be given
the choice of whether or not the
President will serve another term
as the Chief Executive of this
Not only has information been
withheld, but in addition, mislead-
ing scraps of information have
been tossed out to the anxious
citizenry. It has been said that in
the doctors' opinion the President
has another 5-10 years of active
life ahead of him, that he is "com-
pletely recovered" from his heart
attack, and, lastly, that his recent
operative procedure was cureative
and that therefore, he is the better
off for it. What the public has not
been told, is, however, available in
the medical textbooks. This is,
that in spite of what the doctors
have revealed in the carefully cen-
sored medical press releases, the
prognosis after a case of acute
myocardial infarction must always
be held in reserve, since it is so
In addition, the President has
been revealed as harboring still
another pathological process, a
chhonic disease which it now
turns out to have been present for
years, but which has recently
come to light only because of an
attack which led to an emergency
surgical procedure.
I hope I've made it clear how
much information we are not
getting as regards the true signifi-
cance, of the President's present
state of health. I also hope, I've
made some aware of the mislead-
ing statements that are eminating
from the news releases. As another
example, try your wits on this one,
made recently by one of the Presi-
dent's doctors in charge of the
President's case, one made in
answer to a question regarding the
possibilities for recurrance of the
enteritis. The doctor answered
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the Universty
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility, Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from the Roome3553
Administration Building before 2 p.,
the day preceding publication.
TURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1956
Genteral Notices
President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher
will have an informal reception for
summer session students Thursday,
June 28 from 8-10 p.m. at the Presi-
dent's House. All summer session stu-
dents are invited.
Play Opportunity for Children
Ann Arbor elementary school children
(those who have completed the second
or third grade) will be offered the op-
portunity to participate in a series of
lessons in basic movement and play
activities this summer. Sponsored by
the department of physical education at
the University, Joan Whalley of Liver-
pool, ngland, will be here to conduct
the classes at Barbour Gymnasium,
The course will be held from 2 to 3
p.m. Monday through Friday, July 11
through July 24.
Recreational Swimming - Women's Pool
Women only: M. W. sat. 2:30-4:30,
M. T. W. Th. 5:10-6:10, Friday 4:00-6:00,
M. T. Th. 7:15-9:15 p.m.
Co-Rec Swims: Wed. 7:1511:15 p.m,
Sat. 7:15-9:15 p.m., Sun. 3:00-5:00.
Faculty Family Night: Friday 8:30-
8:00 p.m., (For' Faculty with children
under eight years old), Friday 8:90-9:30
p.m. (For other Faculty families),
Michigan Night: Sunday 7:15-9:15 p.m.
Women Students
A number of unlicensed bicycles have
been left in the racks at the Women'a
Athletic Building,
Owners are asked to claim by July
5th. All bicycles left after that date will
be turned over to the police.
Parking permits for the fiscal year
1956-57 will be required on the cars of
all eligible staff members using ti-
versity parking lots on July 1, 156.
Application for permits can be made
at the Information Desk second floor
Administration Buildng and at ,the Ad-
ministration Office second floor of the
University Hospital,
Annual staff permits costing $25 may
be obtained by payment in full or for
the payment of $5 for the initial perio4,
summer session, and signing payroll de.
duction authorizations for the balance
The deductions will be made in the pay
period ending closest to September 4
and February 28.
Staff permits for the summer sesio
only are also avaiable at a cost of '5.
These permits expire September 10,.
Permits for metered lots for the year
and for the summer session are also
available at no cost.
LE CERCLE FRANCAIS will have its
first meeting of the summer Thurs. at
8:00 in the,- Michigan League. Mle.
Francose Mazet will speak, and ther
will be songs, games and informal con-
versation. All persons interested in
France and things French are welcome,
Thurs., June 28, Rackham Building,
West Conference Room, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Plans for business education functio
will be completed. You'll get to see Il
the other business educators and meet
the faculty, Refreshments will be served
(20 cents),
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who
expect to take the preliminary examina
tions this summer are requested to
leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634
Haven Hall. The "old style" examina-
tions will be gvien as follows: English
Literature from the Beginnings to 1550,
Tuesday, July 10; English Literature,
1550-1750, Saturday, July 14; English
Literature, 1750-1950, Tuesday, July 17;
and American Literature, Saturday,
July 21. The "new style" examinations
will be given as follows: Tuesday, July
10; 1660-1780 Saturday,, July 14; 1780-,
1870, Tuesday, July 17; and 1870-1950,
Saturday. July 21. The examinations
will be given in the School of Buines
Administration Building, Room 76, from
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
receive the master's degree inAugust,
1956, must file a diploma application"
with the Recorder of the Graduate
School by Friday, June 29. A student
will not be recommended for a degree
unless he has flied formal application
in the office of the Graduate School.
CARILLON RECITAL 7:15 this eveni-
ing, compositions by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur and performed
by Professor Price: Air for Carillon, Six
Studies, Sonata for 30 Bells, Two Vic-
tory Rhapsodies.
ORGAN RECITAL by Robert Noehren,
University Organist, 4:15 Sunday after-
noon (instead of 8:30, as previously an-
nouncer), July 1, in Hill Auditorium.
Program will include compositions by
Buxtehude, Vivaldi, Reger, Messtaen,
Franck, Schumann, and will be open to
th-e public without charge.
V Iiv1..-.tr.aa,. 71r * .
Unified Armed Services Needed
HE FIRST and most important stage of the
annual battle of the military budget is
over.. The citizens of the United States can
once again crawl out of their foxholes and look
around,. There is still a chance that you might
be hit by a ricocheting press release but with
Senate approval of the budget now a reality,
the worst of the fire fight is over.
Over that is until next year. Then once again
the three brances of the "unified" armed
forces will fill the public press and the halls of
Congress with impassioned pleas for special
attention. The mutually jealous services will
attack each other's programs with shouts of
"inefficient," "obsolete," and "a waste of
When the armed forces were put under one
cabinet officer by the Armed Forces Unification
Act of 1947, it was the intent of Congress to
remove the causes of such inter-service fights.
It was hoped that harmony could be reached
by unifying the services at the highest level,
THE ONLY result of this policy was to drive
the battle from the cabinet level to the
members of the armed forces themselves. Since
the Army and Navy no longer had civilian
Editorial Staff
LEE MARKS, Managing Editor
Night Editors
spokesmen in the cabinet to fight their battles
fqr them, responsibility fell to the high ranking
As a result, the officers have had to disre-
gard their basic mission, that of leading the
members of the armed forces, in order to be-
come contenders in the Congressional arena for
Of all of the statements which were turned
out in the most recent battle of thehbudget,
only one tried to attack the root of the prob-
'lem, the lack of unification in the armed forces
themselves. This plan, which was proposed
by army representatives, acknowledges that
the battle stems from the present organization
of the Department of Defense. However the
answer that it proposes will lead only to fur-
ther complications. In asking for unification of
the top three commands the Army plan would
still maintain a separation between the serv-
ices in the field..
THERE ARE two possible answers to the
problem. We can return to the old system
with separate cabinet posts and departments
for each of the services or we can unify the
armed forces completely. Under the old system,
the squabbles between the services were kept
in the hands of civilians and on the level of
political decision.
This kept the generals and the admirals out
of politics, but also kept the various branches
from functioning together efficiently in time
of war.
Complete unification is the only system
which will keep the armed forces free from
Western Alliance Disunity Shown
THREE official visitors have
come to Washington since the
President was taken to the hos-
pital, -- from Germany Dr. Ade-
nauer. from France M. Pineau,
and from Canada Mr. Pearson.
All came hoping to find common
ground where, with the United
States leading, the Western allies
could unite. Now that the visitors
have come and gone, it is only too
evident that there was no serious
effort to find a common ground)
and to negotiate a common policy.
That was the kind of thing that
the President, had he not been'
ill, might well have attempted.
Mr. Dulles did not attempt it. He
underwrote Dr. Adenauer without
qualification or reservation, an act
which ruled out the chance to
negotiate with M. Pineau, as well
as much hope of a successful
outcome of the labors of Mr. Pear-
son and the other two "Wise Men"
coalition can stand together. For
NATO the question of how the
two Germanies are to be reunited
can well be make-or-break. In-
stead of looking for the ground on
which France, Germany, Britain
and the United States can work
together on the German question,
Mr. Dulles let Dr. Adenauer com-
mit him to terms which are so
extreme that they foreclose seri-
ous negotiation.
ALMOST certainly this is a piece
of bad judgment which we shall
come to regret and shall have to
try to repair. The Adenauer terms
are not only certain to be rejected
by the Soviet Union; they will not
command the support of the other
allies, or for very long of the West
Germans themselves. How could
they? Under these terms none of
the allies would be permitted to
come to agreement with the Soviet
anuer. It would probably be im-
possible to do this if Dr. Adenauer.
had the overwhelming and ardent
support of his own people. But in
fact he can no longer count on an
effective support in West Ger-
many. "Instead of being able to
rely on a sound parliamentary ma-
jority," wrote the correspondent
of the Times (London) shortly
after Dr. Adenauer returned from
Washington, "he is now faced with
widespread dissatisfaction in his
own party and a united opposi-
Is it necessary, and is it wise,
we may ask, for the United States
government to be more inflexible
and more extreme than are the
Germans themselves? Dr. Ade-
nauer has done a great work. But
he is a very old man, and those
who succeed him will not, we may
be sure, be bound by his views.
Why should we, at this late date,
let ourselves be bound by them?
Is it good leadership to subject the