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June 27, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-06-27

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Sixty-Sixth Year

SW're G Pitire Of The U. S*, All Right"


'Blithe Spirit' Flops
Through Poor Direction
WITH A particularly inauspicious kickoff. the Saline Mill Theatre
began its fourth season of summertime drama with Noel Coward's
"Blithe Spirit." Many interesting improvements in the grounds and
facilities make Saline an even more impressive place to visit, but
even the most gracious surroundings can. in the theater. be only that.
Noel Coward's plays. as we must all well know. depend a good deal
on their performances. He has been most conscientious in the con-

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the hidividual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

tJUNE 27, 1956


Poor Charlie Wilson Keeps
His Feet in His Mouth

1 ply


THINGS ARE rough all over, and no one
knows it any better than Charles Erwin
Wilson, ex-General Motors prexy and present-
for the time being, at least-U.S. Secretary of
Mr. Wilson has fallen victim to a not unusual
human ailment: that of flapping his jaws most
indiscriminately. But he has added a new
twist to the malady. He not only flaps his jaws
indiscriminately, but with vigor-and in cycles.
A Wilson blurb-some choice phrase that
would put the ghosts of Marie Angtoinette and
H. L. Mencken to shame-is now issued almost
as regularly as G. M. Dividends.
It's not exactly what Mr. Wilson says, but
the way he says it that hurts. "Engine Charlie,"
to quote out little nephew, Herkimer, "is more
worse than untactful." We hope that Herki-
mer's rather strained phraseology. of the Eng-
lish language will be overlooked. He's only in
the eleventh grade and, besides, his school is
a progressive one. But, grammar aside, kids-
like circus clowns and alley cats-are pretty'
good judges of human nature.
MR. WILSON can be forgiven for one of his
more choice phrases to the effect that
wha'ts good for General Motors is good for the,
country. For everyone-from Sumner Slichter
to Elvis Presley to the most stupid Michigan
State freshman-has come to recognize this as
one of the eternal verities, especially since the
Year of Our Lord, Nineteenahundred and fifty-
A later statement of Mr. Wilson's implying
that the workers-like "b'ird dogs"-could bark
for their bread can also be overlooked. Marie
Antionette had one up on him there with l'er
classic, "Let them eat cake." And, anyway,
if the corporations can pay their dividends and
pass along the nickel raises to the consumer,
then no one really cares whether the worker
barks, whines or brays for his food. Suffering,
as another Eisenhower attache hinted, is but
one of the many blessings of free enterprise.
It's not that we feel sorry for the workers.
We don't. People deserve what they vote for
and the present administration-of which Mr.
Wilson is one of the more brilliant mouth-
pieces-was elected as much by labor as by
any other segment of the population.

But, although compassion is out of fashion
nowadays, we do sympathize with the little
children of those workers; children who
couldn't vote-didn't ask for it-and still must
suffer.'It is they-more than their parents and
the contemporary breed of politicians-who will
remember barking for the "blessings."
WE DON'T even disagree with Mr. Wilson
when he wants to put certain officers of
the armed forces, those who are stationed in
Washington, in civvies. If government is noth-
ing more than a business, and the statesman
has been replaced by the money-counter, then
most certainly the armed forces should reflect
the policies of the administration in power.
Second lieutenants in hombergs and a motor-
ized cavalry of Brink's trucks could, quite con-
ceivably, become the order of the day, an overt
reflection of the times.
In all of these things: the "bird dog" episode,
the government-General Motors comparison,
and the "civvies" controversy Mr. Wilson has
stuck both feet in his mouth and managed
to disengage them with relative ease, though
with some embarrassment.
Until last week, that is, when he labeled con-
gressional attempts to enlarge appropriations
for the Air Force a "phoney." Appropriations,
unfortunately, are made by politicians, and
politicians-even more so than American wom-
anhood, hot dogs with mustard and Dixieland
;azz-are a national institution. Everyone, with
the exception of Mr. Wilson, knows that politi-
clans-from the worst to the best of them-
labor under the impression that they are af-
flicted with the wisdom of Socrates, the dignity
of Liberace; and the integrity of the Chase
Manhattan Bank.
Mr. Wilson, before sticking two feet in bis
mouth this time, inadvertently stepped on some
sacred toes.
The feet, including both shoes, are still
stuck between Mr. Wilson's molars. And, until
the politicians see fit to remove them, Amer-
ica-together with the whole wide world-will
be eagerly awaiting another droll communique
from the Oracle of the Pentagon.

TV May ive Of f R adiation

Let's Not Have Campus Cops

FULL-FLEDGED campus police force seems
almost a certainty within the next few years.
Vice-President James A. Lewis said recently
the University was considering hiring security
officers over and above those needed for driving
ban enforcement in order to clamp down on
liquor violations.
Campus police forces are no'novelty. The
University, in having no campus cops for many
years and a force of one in recent years, was
probably more the exception than the rule.
Rationale behind a campus police force is
simply that the myriad regulations of the Uni-
versity are for the most part flagrantly violated.
The feeling around the Administration Build-
ing, a justifiable one at that, is that as long
as we have the regulations we ought to enforce
NONETHELESS the prospect of a full-scale
campus police force is disturbing.
It is not likely to effectively curb drinking, at
least not enough to compensate for the un-
pleasantness it will cause.
And on the other hand it will force students
to drink more "carefully," t, conceal their
drinking more "cleverly."
Campus cops will be a source of administra-
tion-student friction, not ideological friction
between campus leaders but rather resentment
by the general student body,
WE WONDER if there are not other ways to
meet the problem, Students have shown,

in recent years, ability to accept what responsi-
bilities they have been saddled with. It might
be possible to induce students to take responsi-
bility for lessening violations of liquor rules.
At Dartmouth student heads of housing
groups must accept the responsibility.
Another, more desirable though more remote
posscibiity, is suspension of the troublesome
rules. It is not true, as many claim, that be-
cause we are state-supported we must prohibit
liquor. We could not openly condone it but
there is no compulsion to duplicate state laws
or to enforce them as a University. Indeed, for
many years the University got along very well
sans liquor rules, dorm hours and house-
WITHOUT THE RULES we could leave liquor
enforcement to city authorities, where it
One disturbing facet of the situation is that
the University appears to be bending to ex-
ternal pressure in good measure.
The desire for a campus police force is at
least partly the result .of pressures from the
Sheriff's Office, parents and alumni.
. Implications of a campus security outfit are
too great to make it the result of public rela-
We are confident the University will look into
the situation thoroughly, seek student opinion,
an consider alternatives to an undesirable addi-
tion to the campus scene.

WASHINGTON-It wasn't men-
tioned n the Atomic Energy
Commission's report on radiation,
but common TV sets may give off
harmful radiation. This has been
akcknowledged, but not advertised,
inside of television industry.
Black-and white picture tubes
produce a "soft" x-ray radiation
through the, face plate. "Soft"
rays are the worst kind, because
they are, absorbed by the body.
However, they dissipate readily
and are not dangerous except at
close range. Experts claim that
three feet is a safe distance to
watch TV without risk of harmful
The larger the TV set, of course,
the greater the danger. Radio}
Corporation of America has issued
a handbook for TV repairmen,
warning: "X-ray radiation is pro-
duced b ythe 21-inch tube when it
is operated at its normal ultor
value. The radiation is through
the faceplate and is sufficient to
require the adoption of safety
measures oin TV receivers. Shield-
ing such as that provided by a '4
inch thickness of safety glass in
front of the faceplate should prove
adequate to provide protection
against personal injury from pro-
longfied exposure at close range.
WHEN THIS tube is being serv-
iced outside the TV receiver cabi-
net," the RCA handbook warns,
"it should never be operated with-1
out requiring adequate shielding
in front of the faceplate.
Large-screen projection tubes,
such as used in theatres to show
TV fights, can give off dangerous
amounts of radiation, The audi-
ence is usually protected, however,
by lead plates or other barriers.
A large dose of X-ray radiation,
absorbed by the body over a long
period, can produce such harmful
effects as cataracts on the eyes,
malignant tumors, and even leu-
kemia. Ordinary commercial TV
receivers aren't likely to cause any
of these dreaded results. Though
they mad. add to the body's X-ray
Main danger to the average TV
viewer would come from a set in
need of repair. As a precaution,
children should also be kept from
sitting too close to the TV set.
Note-At many TV plants, em-
ployees carry geiger-type meters
to measure the radiation and warn
them of over etposure.

SERETARY o Deiense Wilson
whose ability to say the wrong
thig at the wrong time is well
kno n, atteied a ceremony on
Capitol Hill the other day, honor-
ing Congressman Dewey Short,
Missouri Republican.
At one point, Wilson started
naming his predecessors as Secre-
tary of Defense. He mentioned
Secretary James Forrestal and
Secretary George Marshall, thn
couldn't remember the rest.
"Oh Well," he said. "Ihey were
Democratts anyhow."
Speaker Sm ayur, hois
Mr. Democ~raton CapitJol Hill, and
Carl Vinson, the Georg0ia ,Democrat
who has considerable veto power
over Wilson as chairman of the
House Armed Services Committee.
said noth ing. Th ,y didn't have to.
The manner in which they looked
at Wilson was enouh.
LOYAL Senator Alexander Wiley
of Wisconsin i, not the only Sen-
ate Republican being threatened
with a purge because he's support-
ing Eisenhower's foreign aid pro-
Equaly loyal Senator George
Bender of Ohio has been threat-
ened with the same fate. Bender
already has the GOP nomiation,
and unlike Wiley doesn't have to
battle for the party's nomination.
But Bender's fellow Republican,
Senator John Bricker, is so furious
with Bender for his support of the
Eisenhower foreign policy that he
appears about ready to give secret,
perhaps even open, support of
Bender's opponent, Gov. Frank
Bricker is scarcely speaking to
Bender. The other day when Ben-
der made a strong statement sup-
porting Ike's position on restoring
the cut in the foreign aid budget,
newsmen sought out Jim Meck-
stroth, Bricker's press secretary,
and asked if Bricker would com-
ment on it.
"We don't dare tell the old man"
Meckstroth confided. "He'll blow
his stack and we'll be all afternoon
calming him down."
Lausche, aware of the growing
division in the Ohio GOP, is coyly
playing along with it by getting
more conservative in every speech.
The governor is already so con-
servative he's alienated nearly all
the -Democratic organization sup-
port he ever enjoyed. He figures,
however, that Bricker and such in-1

fluential papers as the Cleveland
Plain Dealer and Columbus Dis-
patch will swing him as many GOP
votes as he got in 1952 when he
mowed down Charley Taft by 571,-
000 votes while Ike was carrying
Ohio by 496,000.
If Eisenhower wonders why he
finds ita so difficult to get votes
from Republican senators, the re-
tribution being threatened against
Bender as well as Wiley, two of
his staunchest supporters, might
enlighten him.
SENATOR Joe McCarthy isn't
making any headlines anymore,
though he still attends senate
committee meetings and still
makes speeches-of sorts.
The other day he was listening
to the testimony of ex-Communist
Dr. Bella Dodd before the Senate
Internal Security Committee. At
the close of- the hearing, Acting
Chairman Jenner of Indiana pro-
fusely thanked her, for her testi-
mony, then added:
"If there is nothing more, the
committee will stand adjourned."
Senator McCarthy interrupted:I
"Mr. Chairman," he said, "Could I
impose on the hospitality of the
"I want to say," he continued,
"that I vefy greatly appreciate
the opportunity of sitting in on
this hearing, and I would like to
make the comment that this com-
mittee is doing, I think, a greater
service to America than any other
committee on - the hill either
House or Senate, and I think the
chief counsel, Judge Morris, should
be complimented for the pains-
taking work he has done; and then
if I may impose on you further I
would like to say that I would like
to compliment Dr. Dodd for the
courage which she has in coming
forward-she would not have to
do that; she is going to subject
herself to a great deal of abuse,
and I think it is a wonderful
thing that this committee can get
the witnesses who will subject
themselves to the type of abuse
they are subjected to when they
come forward to testify. " .. .
McCarthy droned on and on,
apparently unable to stop. He
couldn't seem to come to the end
of a sentence.
Finally Chairman Jenner ended
it for him.
"Period," he said, banged his
gavel, and adjourned the meeting.
(copyright, 1956, by Bel Syndicate, Inc.)

struction of situations, but any
action or change depends com-
pletely on the lines, which are
more or less witty as Mr. Coward's
muse varies.
"Blithe Spirit," consequently,
demands a rapid, well-paced de-
livery of lines-little more is really
asked of the actors. Without this
one essential the play 4s flat, and
nothing can be quite as flat as a
play designed to bubble.
* * *
BUT THE present production,
with what might most generously
be termed opening-night fatigue,
fails at every point to meet Mr.
Coward's single test. Lines are' de-
livered with great deliberation
and voice-class declamation, and
none of the charm or wit for
which the author has become cele-
brated is anywhere apparent.
The fault, since it manifests it-
self everywhere in the production,
may most naturally be ascribed to
the direction. Mr. Howard Malpas,
who is the director of the show,
would not, as he is remembered
from last year's Saline season, ap-
pear to be the sort of man upon
whom the author's intentions'
might be lost. It is therefore most
disturbing to find such an inade-
quate production assigned to his
In the leading role-the one in-
tended by Mr. Coward for his own
histrionic talents-is a newcomer
at Saline, John Lindsey. Mr. Lind-
sey has the unfortunate gift of
acting and appearing far too
young for the role. The role calls
for a twice-married man of the
world, a sophisticated gentleman
of some wit. Mr. Lindsey has ob-
viously worked quite hard to cap-
ture as much of the character as
he has, but a youthful voice and
demeanor are apparently over-
come only with great difficulty. A
certain uneasiness with the lines
may be outgrown as the show's
two-week run continues, but it
will take considerably more time
for Mr. Lindsey to escape his
* * *
plays Mr. Lindsey's flesh-and-
blood wife, has a slightly better
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Universty
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices,
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
"Law School Admission Test: Appli-
cation blanks for the August 11, 1956
administration of the Law School Ad-
mission Test are now available at 122
Rackham Building. Apption blanks
are due in Princeton, N. . not later
than August 1, 1956."
A Number Of Ushers are needed for
the Duke Ellington show which will be
given on Monday July 2nd. Any persons
who are interested, including those who
are Choral Union or Lecture Series
Ushers during the regular school years,
may apply at Hill Auditorium Box Of-
fice on Thursday June 28th from 5 to
6 P.M. Please contact Mr. Warner.
Late Permission: All women students
will have 11 p.m. late permission Sun-
day through Thursday during the sum-
mer session. There will be no automatic
late, permissions during the summer.
Late permissions must be arranged with
the house director.
Judiciary Council

Parking permits for the fiscal year
1956-57 will be required on the cars of
all eligible staff members using Uni-
versity parking lots on July 1, 1956.
Application for permits can be made
at the Information Desk second floor
Administration Building and at the Ad-
ministration Office second floor of the
University Hospital.
Annual staff permits costing $25 ma-y
be obtained by payment in full or for
the payment of $5 for the initial period,
summer session, and signing payroll de-
duction authorizations for the balance.
The deductions will be made in the pay
period ending closest to September 30
and February 28.
Staff permits for the summer session
only are also available at a cost of $5.
These permits expire September 10.
Permits for metered lots for the year
and for the summer session are also
available at no cost,
Social events sponsored by student
organizations at which both men and
women are to be present must be ap-
nrovAdb v the Dean of Students. Annu-

time of it. Her role calls for
slightly less suavity, a little more
earnestness; and with these ma-
terials she achieves some success.
But in moments of strain a ten-
dency toward easily bought hys-
teria takes over, and since she is
most often under some strain or
other there is little time for her
to do her best.
Marian Mercer's portrayal of
Elvira, the dead wife, is a very
disappointing affair. Miss Mercer,
apparently through direction,
adopts a childish coyness which
generally jars with her lines.
Oniy in a few places-where this
particular aspect of her character
is emphasized by the author --
does her performance match its
THE ROLE of Madame Arcati,
the medium, is perhaps the only
"natural" in the play-one might
almost imagine a St. Bernard get-
ting laughs on the lines,
Sally Replinger, in the role, Is
therefore permitted a great deal
more freedom in her characteri-
zation than any of the other per-
formers are given,
Miss Replinger relies upon past
performances for much of her in-
terpretation, but her own execu-
tion is clever and rewarding. Her
is by far the most amusing por-
trayal in the production.
* e l
OTHERS IN the cast - Joan
Conover, Joana Kellogg, and Ed
Bordo-do very little to raise the
level of the total production. Miss
Kellogg and Miss Conover seem
to have difficulty with acoustics
at the Mill, and Mr. Bordo's false
heartiness is a decided hindrance
to his performance.
Only one star shines brightly
throughout the show - Bob Mait-
land's skillfully painted setting.
Placing most of the action left of
center rather hampers its effec-
tiveness, but Mr. Maitland's nou-
veau baroque line drawings givp
the production as much life as it
=-Tom Arp
scheduled date. Guest chaperons are
not required,
Calling Hours for Women in Men's
Residences. In University Men's Resi-
dence Halls, daily between 3 p.m. -
10:30 p.m.; Nelson International House,
Friday, 8 p.m. - 12 p.m.; saturday 2:30
p.m. - 5:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m. - 12
p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. This
privilege applies only to casual calls and
not to planned parties.
Women callers in men's residences
are restricted to the main floor of the
All students, graduate and under-
graduate, are notified of the following
standards of conduct:
Enrollment in the University carries
with it obligations in regard to conduc
not only inside but outside the class-
rooms and students are expected to con-
duct themselves in such a manner as to
be a credit to themselves and to the
University. They are amenable to the
laws governing the community as well
as to the rules and orders of the Uni-
versity officials and they are expected
to observe the standards of conduct ap-
proved by the University.
Whenever a student, group of st.
dents, society, fraternity or toer stu-
dent organization fails to observe eith-
er the general standards of conduct as
above outlined or any specific rules
which may be adopted by the proper
University authorities. Specific rules of
conduct which must be obtained are:
Intoxicating beverages. The use or
presence of intoxicating beverages Is.
student quarters is not permitted,
(Committee on Student Conduct, July,
Women Guests in Men's Residences.

Teipresence ofewomen gessane n's
residences, except for exchange and
guest dinners or for social events or
during calling hours approved by the
Office of Student Affairs, is not per-
mitted. This regulation does not apply
to mothers of residents. (Committee on
Student Conduct, January 1947.)
(Fraternities withouteresident house
directors and fraternities operating as
rooming houses during the summer
have no, calling hour privileges and may
entertain women guests only at ex-
changedinners or for social events ap-
proved by the Office' of Student Af-
Responsibility for Maintaining Stand-
ards of Conduct. Student Organizations
are expected to take all reasonable
measures to promote among their mem-
bers conduct consistent with good taste
and to endeavor by all reasonable means
to ensure conformity with the foregoing
standards of conduct.
University students or student organi-
zations are responsible for their guests'
compliance with the standards of con-


West Watches Red Gimmick

Associated Press News Analyst
As PRESIDENT TITO works his way home-
ward through the Communist satellites of
Eastern Europe there are suggestions that the
Russian bloc does not expect him to remain
long as merely a passive coexister.
Western observers have been watching for a
year now to see what the gimmick would be
Editorial Staff
LEE MARKS, Managing Editor
Night Editors

in the Kremlin approach to the apostate Tito.
There has been speculation he would demand
and get more than a relaxation of the eco-
nomic and political pressures to which he was
subjected by Stalin,
W HEN BULGANIN and Khrushchev went to
Belgrade last year, the question naturally
arose as-to whether they would be willing to
pay for renewed friendship with some compro-
mise making Tito a bigger man throughout the
This has not developed so far, except as Tito
is now being courted by the satellites as well
as by the Kremlin,
But the Moscow communique and small talk
along the route of the return journey to Bel-
grade suggest the Moscow bloc hopes to make

New Books A IThe Library

Spiro, Melford - Kibbutz:
ture in Utopia; Cambridge,
yard U Press, 1956.

Har -

Stanton, Edwin-Brief Author-
ity; Excursions of a Common Mani
in an Uncommon World; NY, Har-
per, 1956.
Syrett, Harold (ed)-The Gen-
tleman and the Tiger: The Auto-
biography of George B. McClellan
Ir . Tsmona n y VVTun-nt

cuddy McGotham: Boston, Little.,
Brown, 1956.
Wiener. Norbert-I am a Mathe-
matician: The Later Life of A
Prodigy; NY, Doubleday, 1956.
Wilson, Edmund -- Red, Black,
Blond, and Olive: NY. Ox U Press,
Winwar, Frances-Wingless Vic-
tory: A Biography of Gabriele d'-
Annunzia and Eleanora Duse; NY,
- . - - - -

Rogers, Will; Day, Donald 'ed)
-Sanity is Where You Find It;
Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1955.
Schoonover, Lawrence - The
Queen's Cross; N. Y., Wm. Sloane,
Semmes, Hal'ry H. - Portrait
of Patton; N. Y., Appleton-Cen-
tury-Cobbs, 1955.
Sheean, Vicent - Mahatma
f"nri-AT V T A nnfn 1985

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