See Page 2
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Latest Deadline in the State
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Want To Substitute
Big Canal Parley
Lloyd Claims British Force Show
Just Precaution, Want Peace
LONDON (A) - The Soviet Union was reported scheming last
night to wreck the 22-nation Suez Canal Conference at the outset to-
morrow and substitute a bigger one along Soviet-Egyptian lines.
Reports of the Soviet maneuver came from Moscow as Britain's
{ Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd insisted in a London radio broad-
cast that Britain would work for a peaceful solution of the canal con-
trol problem. He defended Britain's mliitary show of force as
4 precautionary.
Lloyd spoke shortly after Soviet Foreign Minister Dmitri T. Shep-
Ilov arrived and announced that the issue should be settled by "all
the states concerned."
Twenty-Four Invited
Britain, France and the United States invited 24 nations to dis-
cuss international control of
Oil Set-up
WASHINGTON (.4) - The g
ernment yesterday announced
emergency program designed
supply Western nations with oi
Suez shipping is halted.
The plan is based on the po
ing of resources by U. S. pet
leum producers.
Mobilization Director Arthur
Flemming said 13 American fi
engaged in foreign oil operati
have formed a Middle East emx
gency committee to work ou
cooperative program.
He added that if Suez shipme
are blocked and pipelines in
area are shut of f, Britaina
Western Europe would have
ration oil -- but that no reduct
in American consumption is fo
Flemming said the emerge
committee plan provides for p
ing of terminal, storage and tra
portation facilities for maxim
efficiency; inter - company
change of crude oil to meet nee
and the adjustment of producti
to reduce transportation pr
It is estimated that West
Europe, including Britain,
ceives about 11 mililon barrel
oil daily through the canal, p
an additional 860,000 bar
through pipelines into the east
Mediterranean. These pipelb
might be affected if hostilt
developed in the area.
''Has Not1
Yet Secured
The University has not yet
cured state police authority to
force its diving regulations,
was learned yesterday.
Vice President for Student
fairs James A. Lewis said Michi
State Police Commissioner Jos
Childs had not yet ruled on
University's request.
Childs is on vacation and
scheduled back for two we
Vice President Lewis said it
possible he would act on the n
ter before he got hack.
The Attorney General's of
said they had not received a
mal request from Childs fo
ruling on legality of granting au
ority. Childs told The Daily
eral weeks ago he intended to
quest such a ruling before ma
his decision.
The issue is whether or
the canal, whose operating company
was nationalized by Egypt's Pres-
ident Gamal Abdel Nasser. Egypt
refused to attend the conference.-
The Soviet Union, in its quali-
fied acceptance of .the invitation
last week proposed that 45 coun-
tries be invited to a parley. The
list included all the European;
Communist countries and all the
Arab nations.
ov- Nasser, in rejecting the Western
an bid Sunday, also said that about
to 45 countries, including all those
1 if that regularly used the canal,
should be included in any Suez
ol- conference.
ro- Moscow sources said Shepilov
planned at the opening of the con-
r S. ference to move for adjournment
rms and a meeting somewhere else in
tons the larger form suggested by Nas-
er- ser. Shepilov was reported ready
t a to announce that Russia would
refuse to abide by decisions made
nts in London on the ground that the
the conference is not competent to
and act without Egypt.
ion Dulles Takes Off
ire- In Washington, Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles and nine
ncy advisers took off for the meeting
ol- -and Dulles' first dealings with
ns- the new Soviet foreign minister-
um hopeful of finding a peaceful
ex- settlement of the crisis.
ads; Dulles said he and President
ion Dwight D. Eisenhower believe
'ob- there are a good many formulas
to establish international control
ern of the 103-mile canal and that
re- many nations rejecting such for-
s of mulas "will have a heavy respon-
plus sibility before the world."
rels In another development yester-
ern day in Washington, President
ines Eisenhower appointed a new am-
iies bassador to Egypt, career diplo-
mat Raymond A. Hare, 55 years
old. He succeeds Henry A. Byro-
ade, who has been re-assigned to
the Union of South Africa. Hare,
now director-general of the For-
eign Service, also has been am-
bassador to Saudi Arabia and
Defends British Move
Lloyd spoke against a back-
ground of criticism at home and
abroad of Britain's show of force.
se- He said Britain would work
en- with all its power for a peaceful
itsolution of the dispute. But he as-'
serted that any such solution must
Af- include some form of international
gan control.
e With Britain, force is always
the the last resort" he said.s"But we
not should be lacking in our duty if we
eks. did not take elementary military
was precautions to safeguard British
nat- interests effectively, should the
need arise."
fice Lloyd said Nasser had already
for- mobilized about 75 per cent of his
r a armed forces-and there were still
uth- 13,000 British nationals in Egypt,
sev- as well as much valuable British
re- equipment.
king Britain and France have threat-
not ened to enforce international con-j
+r tinnr.cnr
Bid To Stop
South Made
By Soapy
Asks Northern Rally
Of Liberal Forces
CHICAGO () - Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams yesterday sought to
rally uncommitted northern forces
in a bid to checkmate the growing
influence of a southern bloc at
the Democratic National Conven-
Saying the convention is "drift-
ing dangerously" Gov. Williams
urged a "further consolidation of
liberal forces" lest their platform
and national ticket objectives be
The Governor's pitch, agreed
on in a closed Michigan delegation
caucus, apparently was aimed at
Ohio, New Jersey, Massachusetts
and other northern states bound
initially to support favorite sons.
Wipe Out South
Gov. Williams apparently rea-
soned that if they joined with
Michigan, and then as a group
got behind either Adlai Stevenson
or Averell Harriman, they could
wipe out the potential initiative
of the south on both platform and
candidate decisions.
Gov. Williams is especially in-
terested in adoption of a strong
civil rights plank in the platform.
He is widely credited with being
willing to settle for nothing less
than specific recognition of the
Supreme Court's anti-segregation
decision. Generally, the south is
holding out against this.
Damaging Blow
Delegation sources said Gov.
Williams feels that if Stevenson,
for example, is forced to yield on
platform considerations in return
for votes critical to his nomina-
tion, the "liberal forces" will have
suffered a very damaging blow.
Gov. Williams was visited this
afternoon by Harriman, and the
two spent a half hour together in
Gov. Williams' hotel suite.
Both said afterward only that,
they discussed politics and plat-
form problems, including civil
In his post-caucus statement,
Gov. Williams said "The conven-
tion is on dead center and drift-
ing dangerously."
"Unforseeable Results"
"Unless something is done to
consolidate liberal forces," he said,
"we could have the nomination
determined by a minority balance
of power bloc, or we could have a
deadlock with unforseeable re-
Gov. Wililams said Michigan dele-
gates agreed they should "work
out some further consolidations of
liberal forces so that a clear cut
decision may be made on a plat-
form and ticket satisfactory to
CONVENTION ANTICS - Stevenson rooters wave banner in
Chicago as balloting, scheduled to begin tomorrow,. approaches.
Indications last night were still that Stevenson would get nomina-
Moroceco May Look to U.S.
For Rent on Air Bases
PARIS (T) - Newly sovereign Morocco, noting Egypt's apparent
success over the Suez U l, may soon look to the United States' air
bases on her territory as a source of ready cash.
Already the Istiqlal Nationalist party is clamoring for rent on
the bases for the next 10 years. Then, it says, the five bases and all
their equipment should be turned over to the Moroccans.
Al Alam, the party newspaper published in Rabat, has demanded
immediate government action.
The bases, it claimed, were installed on Moroccan soil "at the
expense of Moroccan sovereignty" by a French-American agreement
about which Morocco was never i-
Civil Rights'
Issue Near
S howdown
Platform Drafters
Must Finish Soon
CHICAGO (M)-Democratic con-
vention platform drafters neared
a showdown last night on the
smouldering civil rights issue.
Dixie delegate, striving for at
party racial stand the South "can
live with," kept their state groupsl
largely unpledged or behind favor-
ite son candidates for the presi-
dential nomination.
The South's refusal so far to{
choose between the two leading
contenders, Adlai Stevenson ands
Averell Harriman, is frankly in-
tended to give it bargaining posi-
tion on the drafting of a civil
rights plank for the platform.-
But Gov. G. Mennen Williams of
Michigan, who advocates a strong;
party stand for racial equality and
recognition of the Supreme Court
decision on school desegregation,,
sounded a note of alarm.
He said unless "liberal forces"
consolidate, the party nominationI
could be determined by a minority
bloc. He said the convention was
"drifting dangerously" with in-
creasing possibility of "a deadlockt
with unforseeable results."'
The 17-member Platform Draft-
ing Committee has been saving1
the civil rights issue for its last
item of business. Party leaders ar-
ranged this in hopes of a com-I
promise that would avoid an open
convention fight and jeopardize
party unity in November.
The time is now at hand for the
drafting group to move fast. It
must finish its job by early today
so the full 108-member platform
Committee can give its okay and
send the completed work to the
convention floor tonight.
The drafting group meanwhile
completed its business policy andI
labor planks.
The first accuses the Republican
party of being "an instrument of
special privilege" and says that
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
administration has allowed giant
corporations to "dominate our
"We pledge ourselves to the res-
toration of truly competitive con-
ditions in American industry ...
to curb corporate mergers contri-
buting to growth of economic con-
centration," this plank says.
It pledges stricter enforcement
of antitrust laws to curb monopo-
lies and help for small and inde-
pendent business, including tax
and credit aid.
The labor plank draft repeats
the Democrats' 1952 pledge to
work for full repeal of the Taft-
Hartley law, and pledges to write
a new labor relations law based
on "past experience" and the for-
mer Wagner Act.
It advocates a big jump in the
dollar-an-hour federal minimum
wage. It says a Democratic-con-
trolled Congress only last year
raised the figure from 75 cents an
hour over President Eisenhower's
objection. A new hike to "at least
$1.25 an hour" is pledged to "more
closely approximate present day
Rumor Pre-First
Ballot Changes
Stevenson Nomination Seems
Inevitable Despite Truman
Special to The Daily
CHICAGO-The rumor-filled air of Chicago is thick with the story
that a number of favorite-son delegations-including G. Mennen
Williams' Michigan-are ready to join in a unity move behind Adlai
E. Stevenson.
Presumably the shift to Stevenson would occur before or during
the first ballot.
Gov. Frank Lausche's Ohio and Gov. Robert Meyner's New Jersey
are also reported to be seriously considering some expression of love
for their "favorite sons" other than
a first ballot vote for the presi-
dential nomination.
Only Hasten Inevitable
But it would only hasten what
now seems to be the inevitable,
despite the ups and downs of the
Stevenson candidacy over the
Former President Truman's an-
nouncement cost a few votes and
Sen. Lyndon Johnson's profession
of active candidacy cost a few
more-but the Harriman Candi-
dacy, which Truman boosted, can-
not be taken seriously by a party
which must carry the South, nor
can that of coronary-victim John-
son by a party whose major polit-
ical assets are the heart and in-
testine of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Stevenson may go into the first
ballot with a majority of the dele-
gates behind him, even if there
are no favorite son switches.
"We demand," said Al Alam,
"that the government should pro-
claim in the name of the people
and its King Sultan Mohammed
V that we did not accept the es-
tablishment of war bases but paid
for it." The French then leased the
land rent-free to the Americans,
just as it did certain bases in
France. Both the French and the
Americans expected the agree-
ment would continue in force after
Morocco acquired sovereignty.
However, when Morocco agreed
to honor diplomatic accords signed
on her behalf during the years
France held a protectorate over
Morocco, the question of the fu-
ture of the bases was expressly
left aside.
Various Moroccans have -men-
tioned rent of about 400 million
dollars a year, although there has
been nothing official. That is
nearly as much as the bases cost
to build - and much valuable
equipment has been added since.
Betsy Threat
Dying, New
Area Watched
MIAMI, Fla. (R -A hurricane
threat to the eastern United States
diminshed yesterday but weather
forecasters, began watching an-
other suspicious area that devel-
oped in the same locality where
Betsy was spawned last Friday.
Gordon Dunn, chief storm fore-
caster at the Miami Weather Bu-
reau, said "New England has
nothing to worry about from this
hurricane Betsy."
Hurricane warnings went down
all along the Florida coast and
Dunn said that if Betsy continues
the present curvature the storm
will swing away from the U.S.
Moderation Favors Stevenson
But even if all sides--Harriman
and the "immoderates," Syming-
ton and those "moderates" and
southerners who dislike Stevenson,
and Johnson and deepest, darkest
Dixie-hold firm, the peculiar
position in which Stevenson finds
himself still gives weight to the
probability of his nomination. The
mechanics of moderation are in
his favor.
They work something like this.
Barring any sudden buildup of
strength behind Missouri's Sena-
tor Stuart Symington, Stevenson
among the contenders is more ac-
ceptable to the South than Averell
Harriman. He is also more ac-
ceptable to the North than Sym-
ington or Johnson. Thus if Harri-
man begins to look like he has a
chance for the nomination, the
South will perk up its ears and
stop its ultimately fruitless flirta-
tion with the Missourian and the
Texan, deciding that a lot worse
than Stevenson could happen to it.
Likewise in the North. If either
Symington or Johnson gains
enough strength to even look like
a serious candidate, "moderates"
and "immoderates" alike will for-
get there ever were such words
just as fast as they can get the
Stevenson bandwagon in high gear.
All this talk about the "principles"
compelling Harriman to remain
in the race would be instantly re-
placed by the realization that only
a hair's difference on issues, if
not in approach, separate the
Governor of New York and the
former governor of Illinois.
Platform Outlines Leaked
The outlines of the civil rights
plank have been leaked by the
committee. After a strong state-
ment pledging the full resources
of the federal government to at-
taining equality, the plank may
or may not add something like
this: "as interpreted by the Su-;
preme Court."
Over some such wording the
civil rights fight will occur, and
it seems unlikely that use of such
terms as "federal courts" in place
of "Supreme Court" can cover the
basic split that exists. What Demo-
crats almost universally pray is
that the fight will be short and
Despite Stevenson's statement in
disqualified him from running in
this farm-conscious year.
As of yesterday, Sen. Estes Ke-
fauver was far in the lead for the
nomination with the choice prob-
ably to be made by the candidate.
His major obstacle at present
seems to be the possibility of a.
Truman veto, a stray remnant of
the former-president's once-great
power of negation, but one he is
not likely to exercise.
While Hubert Humphrey is also
strong in farm areas, Kefauver's
recent chumminess with the man
he fought in the primaries leads
Chicago observers to predict an
Adlai-Estes Ticket in November.
Their prediction has not ignored
the fact that many former Ke-
fauver delegates have said they
will play follow the leader ,only if
that leader ends up in second
And they are a dedicated bunch.
Hall Expects
Rough Race,
Hits Clement
chairman of the Republican Na-
tional Committee said yesterday
that Harry Truman, whether he
succeeds in picking the Democratie
presidential nominee, already has
the tone for "a rough campaign."
"We'll meet it," Leonard W. Hall
told a news conference. But he
added he meant with vigor, not
Hall denounced Tennessee Gov.
Frank Clement's keynote speech
at the Democratic convention in
Chicago Monday night as one fil-
led with "half truths, distortions
... and some outright falsehoods."
Preliminary work for the open-
ing Monday of the Republican
National Convention in San Fran-
cisco gathered speed.
Hall, reported determined to
open on schedule even should a
deadlock at Chicago spill the Dem-
ocratic convention over into the
same week, made a final inspec-
tion of the cavernous Cow Palace
where renomination of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower seems a
mere formality.
Army Gives
Out Pictures
Of lNew 'Dart'
yesterday distributed pictures of
the Dart, smallest weapon in Am-
erica's growing arsenal of guided,
The Dart was specifically de-
signed to track and kill enemy
It will be produced in quantity
by the Utica-Bend Corp. Utica,
Mich. The initial production con-
tract authorized by the Army will
run to about $16,565,000.
Students Start Last Minute Rush
Usual last-minute rush to learn
courses the, day before finals be-
gins today for University students.
A check of study halls last night
revealed most students were tak-
ing summer sessions finals more
calmly than during the regular
school year.
"It's only summer school," one
student remarked, packing up his
books and heading for the movies
More students seemed concerned
with getting in papers than with
studying for finals. During the
sunny afternoon traditional study
haunts were near-deserted as
books were lugged out to near-by
beaches and grassy lawns.
Indian Students
Celebrate Today
The University's 45 Indian stu-
dents will celebrate their country's!
ninth year of independence from
British colonialism today.
Indian Independence Day will
be celebrated with a documentary
movie, Indian refreshments and
entertainment tonight at 7:30 in
Lane Hall.
Last Issue
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