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August 11, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-08-11

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cl1hrAmtr4igan a{
Sixty-Sixth Year

The High Road And The Low Road

Now Hear This
'Awcay All*Boats'

- _
When Opiznous Are Free,
Truth Will Prevau*

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Political Oddities-Court
Endorsement' Furor
POLITICS is a funny critter - and this fact sufficiently vague so that it won't antagonize
becomes all the more evident every four various component groups within the party.
years when political parties convene to pick a The real issue in the issue over the Demo-
presidential candidate. cratic Party's civil rights plank is not one
* Political problems within the Democratic of endorsing the Supreme Court's decision,
Party this year, as at its last convetnion, pre- but of implementing it. Stevenson, having cho-
scribe strange necessary characteristics for sen a moderate stand on the issue calculated to
both the party platform and the presidential please compromise-seeking Southerners and
candidate. reformist Northerners alike, seemed to be the
Although one would think the Supreme candidate most likely to get the nomination.
Court's decision on the racial segregation issue
pretty well indicated what future national pol- BUT when he urged party endorsement of
icy would be on that subject, Adlai Stevenson's the Court, innuendo-conscious Southerners
recent statement urging inclusion of "un- feared that he meant to push implementation
equivocal" endorsement of the decision in the of the decision actively. In accepting modera-
platform raised cries of "doublecross" from tion, Southerners believed they could success-
Southern delegates. fully stall desegregation by extending all lim-
its of gradualism into the far future.
Stevenson's comment that it should hardly Returning to political maneuverings again,
be necessary to officially endorse the Supreme R
Court and the Constitution in the party plat- Harriman's camp interpreted the uproar over
form particularly accentuates the oddities of Stevenson's statement as a determinant of a
politics. Endorsement of the decisions is not swing to support Harriman for the nomina-
necessary. Furthermore, whether the platform tion. Stevenson had made a fatal faux pas.
endorses them expressly, implicitly or not at But yesterday Harriman also came out in
all, will make little difference as to how the support of endorsing the Court's segregation
Supreme Court handles further segregation decisions in the platform. If Stevenson's state-
cases. ment was a blunder, where does this leave
But party platforms ,reflections of political Harriman? And if this was supposed to hurt
aims and maneuverings, must be cautiously . Stevenson's chances, does this put Harriman
worded making it appear that the party is out of the running, too, in favor of a less verbal
standing for something while leaving room candidate? Incidents like this must keep the
for the party to save face should it not be able forecasters up nights at the medicine cabint.
to come across later. Another aspect of plat- Yes, politics is a funny thing.
form writing is that the platform should be -MARY ANN THOMAS
TV Watchers Have Little Say
PEOPLE EVERYWHERE across the land are THE STRANGE CASE of Nixon and the Belly
getting their TV sets fixed up in anticipa- Ache is also significant. Whatever his other
tion of, the upcoming 'political conventions faults may be, Stassen has won the support
which will provide them with late afternoon of many would-be liberal Republicans for his
awad evening amusement.e
It is somewhat unfortunate that the vast efforts to dislodge Poor Richard from his seat
numbers of TV watchers will have very little on the Presidential Exchange.
to say about the outcome of these conventions. Yet, with the convention hall still undeco-
But in a true democracy, as we all know, candi- rated, and the spontaneous demonstrations not
dates are carefully chosen by inmates of tradi- raendthyponneosemonratio s
tionally smoke-filled rooms, shortly before tea. even fully planned, most Republican leaders
The truth of the above statement may be refuse to seriously consider the proposal of an-
verified by some casual observations of the other name for the nomination.
political scene. It might be sad that both parties will attempt
Note, for instance, the curious withdrawal of to nominate the strongest possible candidates,
Kefauver from the race after a lengthy and i.e. those with'the most popular appeal. How-
energetic campaign. The democratic floor show ever, it seems that some more direct method
producers have been known to look upon Ke- of public choice of candidates could have been
fauver with something less than disdain; appar- devised. Most of th public never gets within
ently the Senator finally realized that he had coughing distance of the all-important smoke-
best put his raccoon cap back in the closet filled rooms.
Nasser Charge Correct

"AWAY ALL BOATS." at the State, is unashamedly a war movie,
but should be avoided only by the overly squeamish.
Universal-International, home of the horse opera, has taken the
fine novel and given it a straight-forward, no-nonsense treatment.
In this case it is just what the doctor ordered.
It is perhaps this straight forward treatment which moves "Away
All Boats" out of the typical war picture class and on to better things.

Ali,, A


ops'rizht, 156. Th Pulte Publishing o.
frorbnSlost.cLuisP lrt-Di
(Herblock Is o Vacation)

'Inside Story' Candid Picture

by Robert Donovan, 407 pp, Harper
WHILE the needs of security,
space and at least some politi-
cal prudence dictate that much of
the "inside story" is missing, White
House correspondent Donovan has
written a remarkable book-as
candid a picture of an administra-
tion in action as is ever likely to
appear during one's tenure. He
quotes liberally from paraphrase
minutes of Cabinet meetings and
legislative conferences, providing a
good deal of insight into high-
level decision-making, an area
heretofore considered top-secret.
In fact, one is almost embas-
rassed at eavesdropping on re-
marks never intended for public
consunption and the source of
many a current Washington red
face. For example:
Vice President Nixon had just
completed a 26,000-mile campaign
through 31 states to elect a Re-
publican Congress which would
"support Ike" and to defeat cer-
tain "left-wing" Democrats who
were almost all elected.
Immediately after the elections
put the Democrats in control of
both houses, Nixon informedthe
Cabinet of his belief "that in mat-
ters of foreign policy the admin-
istration would get on better than
it had under the Republican Con-
Defense Secretary Wilson had
long protested that slashes in the
defense budget were not made with
any spending ceiling in mind but
only with national security as a
guide. At a Cabinet meeting in
1955 the President suggested that
a three per cent cut in all ex-
penditures would mean a balanced
budget could at last be achieved.
Wilson was ready for him. He
glibly volunteered "that he was

already trying to cut expenses by *Imagineable, someone at the Cab-
five per cent to avoid exceeding inet meetings inevitably expresses
his current budget and that the a no-matter-how-much-good-we-
superimposition of the President's do - nobody - really - appreciates -
request would bring his economy us attitude. On page after page if
goal to eight per cent." someone isn't citing the need "to
, , , *put on a campaign to spread un-
DONOVAN OFFERS the reader derstanding" (p. 292), he's la-
a number of such peeks at an ad- menting the "almost complete lack
ministration caught (often un- of information on the part of the
flatteringly) off guard, gives un- people" (p. 59) or pointing out
biased and revealing accounts of that "much more could and should
what he considers Administration be done to acquaint the people
mistakes, e.g. Dixon-Yates, and with what the Administration was
frequently quotes Democratic erit- doing" (p. 317).
icisms. But he has not written It is even suggested (p. 146) that
an historically balanced or ob- the President is worried as to the
jective account. Donovan is an possible effect on public relations
unashamed admirer of the Presi- of criticisms that the Administra-'
dent and his Administration, quite tion is too public relations con-
naturally writes from its view- scious.
point, and often devotes pages to The part each participant plays
explaining the rationale behind in domestic policy discussions is
a policy. He neglects discussion of greatly clarified (the subject of
some of the Republican's weakest another article) making "The In-
points, eig. tidelands oil and alien- side Story" a key to understand-
ation of neutrals. ing this year's campaign person-
And his reporter's eye, if not alities.
his sense of ironic humor, some- * * *
times fails him completely, as A FURTHER recommendation
when he unflinchingly answers of the book should not be ignored
criticisms of the security program -what promises to be its historical
by citing this as an example of uniqueness.
Administration efforts to "work What this administration chooses
the flaws out of the program:" to do with the "politically hot"
under the Eisenhower program records of its deliberations is
"In May, 1956," (after three years largely its own business, and the
"the Atomic Energy Commission most telling criticisms of giving
liberalized its procedures to per- Donovan access to those records
mit security boards to use 'com- will come from within its ranks,
mon sense' in judging a person's But now that the precedent has
left-wing associations." been set, any future President
* * * who cares a whit about candor of
WHAT MAKES the book invalu- discussion-an indispensable in-
able election-year reading is not gredient of wise policy-must of
Donovan's estimate of things but necessity guarantee to the mem-
the patterns that emerge from the bers of his Cabinet at their very
inside peek into the deliberation first meeting that nothing like the
of the "team." Donovan book will be allowed to
For example, this reader was be published during their political
intrigued by the fact that, de- lifetimes.
spite the most sympathetic press -Peter Eckstein

Jeff Chandler, George Nader,
Julie Adams and Lex Barker share
the starring credits in this story of
the U.S.S. Belinda, APA 22. The
Belinda is an attack tralsport
participating in the amphibious
landings in the Pacific campaign
of World War II.
The movie is also the story of
the scientific needling that Jeff
Chandler, the captain of the Bel-
inda, gives his officers and men
to turn them into an effective
beachead team.
,* * *
CHANDLER does a fine job of
needling and a fine job with his
role. Hollywood should keep their
eyes open for more roles like this
for Chandler who will never be fit
company for drawing room dra-
mas. Somehow or another, when
Chandler gets a chance to spill a
little make-up department blood
he improves 100 per cent.
Since this is a picture of war
and the men who fight the war,
the role of Julie Adams is properly
a short one.
Unlike many of the current cycle
r f battle pictures, "Away All Boats"
doesn't try to make the combat
and sea action an interlude in the
hard hard battle of the home
front. Miss Adams handles her
part very well but the starring
credits could have much better
gone to some of the men on the
ship who spent much more time on
the screen .
(George Nader does well as the
boat commander and then execu-
tive officer of the Belinda. His is
the only role which brings forth
any more than run of the mill dra-
matics ability and he more than
supplies it.
WHEN THEY were casting this
movie whoever picked Lex Barker
coming from a desk job in Wash-
for the toothpaste-smile officer
coming from a desk job in Wash-
ington certainly knew his way
around the Arlington cocktail
league, and knew what the role
called for. This is one casting
that deserves much more credit
than it usually gets.
* * *
STILL is it the straight forward
treatment of the book which
makes the picture what it is. Dod-
son's novel didn't make any great
noise when it came out, perhaps
because it didn't contain enough
four letter words for the book re-
viewer's tastes.
Still the story is a skillful blend
of combat and the comic relief
of the Belinda's mail problems and
garbage grinder which made the
novel stick in this reviewers mind
and makes the movie a good show.
TWO THINGS rate censure in
this production, faults which are
not limited to this movie alone
but may be seen in almost every
picture produced.
First, we wish that the music
directors would get over their col-
lective illusion that there must be
sound at all time while the screen
is lighted and leave the march
music which comes flooding up
while the characters ar talking
to organ plays in silent movie
houses and the newsreels.
Secondly, we hope that someday
every movie will end with a full
listing of the actors and the roles
that they played. This is especi-
ally necessary in a movie with a
large cast like "Away All Boats"
where the small but important
parts are listed in a group.
Once again Universal-Interna-
tional is to be credited with being
honest and telling a good story on
the screen.
-Ken Johnson

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial respon-
bility. Notices should besn.i
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room '3553
Administration Building before V p.m.
the day preceding publication.
VOL. LXVI, NO. 345
General Notices
To all students having Library books:
1. Students having In their posses.
sion books borrowed from the General
Library or its branches are notified
that such books are due Mon., Aug. 13.
2. Students having special need for
certain books between Aug. 13 and Aig.
17 may retain such books for that
period by renewing them at the charg-
ing Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Fri., Aug. 17 will be sent
to the Cashier's Office and their credits
and grades will be withheld unti such
time as said records are cleared in com-
pliance with the regulations of the
University faculty members may se-
cure complimentary tickets to Teach-
ers' Day at the Michigan State Fair on
Sat,, Sept. 8. Tickets are also available
for teachers and prospective teahrs.P
Calli Miss McLellan, School of Edu-
cation, Extension 2973.
Manuscripts for the Summer Hop.
wood Awards must be In the Hopwood
Room, 1006 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p m
on Friday.
Music for Living Series: Final dem.
onstration-lecture, "Choral Training
Technics," by Donald Plott of David-
son College (N.C), conductor of te
Summer Session Choir, 7:00 p.m., Mo.
Aug. 13, Aud. A, Angell Hall. Open to
the public.
Puccini's opera, LA BHEME, will be
presented by the Department of Speech
and the School of Music at 8 p.m.
Fri., Sat., and Mon. in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, with a matinee at
2:30 p.m. Sat.
Recital of Contemporary Music by
Robert Courts, violist, and Robert
Noehren, organlt, 4:15 p. Sun, Augl.
12, in Hill Auditorium. Compositions by
Paul Hindemith, John Duke, Ernst
Krenek, and Leo Sowerby; open to the
general public without charge.
Student Recital Thomas Jack eami,
tenor, at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Aug. 12, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fl-
filiment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. Works by
Handel, Respighi and Schumann, and
will be open to the public. Hamil is a
pupil. of Harold Haugh...:',
Student Recital: Malcolm Brown, stu-
dent of piano with Benning Dexter,
at 8:30 p.m. Mon., Aug. 13, in the Rack-.
ham Assembly Hall. in partial fulfill-
Sment of the requirements for thede-
gree of Master of Music. Compositions
by Bach, Mozart, Prokofiev, Bartok and
Chopin; open to the public. n A
Student- Recital by Eleanor Anne
Becker bassoonist, in lieu of a thesis
for the degree of Master of Music in
Music Education, 8:30 p. Tues., Aug.
14, in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
Miss Becker is a pupil of Lewis Coop-
er, and her recital will be open to
the public,
Academic Notices
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature. Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health, School of
Business Administration:
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health, School of
Business- Administration:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely Imperative, the
work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the make-
up grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug.
23. Grades received after that time may
defer the student's graduation until

a later date.
Recommendations for Dlepartmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative August grad-
uates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, and the School
of Education for departmental honors
(or high honrors in the College of
L.s. & A.) should recommend suchstu-
dents in a letter delivered to the Of.
fice of Registration and Records, Room
1513 Administration. Building, before
Aug. 23.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues: Aug.
14 at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3010 A. H.
Prof. Fritz Herzog, of Michigan State
University will speak on "Metric Pro-
perties of Polynomials."
Classical Studies Tea: The Depart-
ment of Classical Studies will give
an informal tea for its students on
Tues., Aug. 14, in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building, at 4
p.m. Anyone interested in the Classics
is invited.
Doctoral Bxarminatlon for Albert Cor-
nelius Giebler, Musicology; thesis: "The
Masses of Johann Caspar Kerll", Sat.,
Aug. 11, East Council ROom, Rackham
iv at -n a -m C..-- mm H ,T






Associated Press News Analyst
EGYPT'S CHARGE that Anthony Eden is
trying to undermine President Nasser in the
eyes of the Egyptian people is absolutely correct.
Whether this is the proper time for it, on
the eve of an international conference about
Suez, is one question. But there is no question
that the allies will go after Nasser in every
possible way once they have decided just ex-
actly what form of international canal control
they plan to impose.
In the event that Nasser remains adamant,
as expected, his overthrow by both political
and economic means will become the chief
hope of avoiding the use of force.
Embargo, boycott and direct political inter-
vention, playing on the nerves of Egypt's busi-
ness community-disruption of her currency
by freezing her out of the silver bloc-will be
the weapons.
THE ALLIES are able, of cod'se, to blockade
the canal and so deprive Nasser of the
very benefits he sought through nationalization
of the operating company, but they will hardly
dare to do so.
They are making a big play on the interna-
tional characteristics of the canal as laid down
by the treaty of 1888. They cannot rely upon
part of that treaty's commitments while ignor-
ing another, which provides that the canal is
not subject to blockade.
As for the current canal situation, the anxiety
first aroused when Secretary Dulles called for
a Sunday meeting with congressional leaders
has now been somewhat allayed. At first, when
Editorial Staff
LEE MARKS. Managing Editor
Night Editors
Richard Halloran, Donna Hanson,
Mary Ann Thomas. Adelaide Wiley

the very eve of the Democratic convention, a
some leaders were asked to leave Chicago on
new and unpublicized crisis was suggested.
Now it appears the President and the Secre-
tary of State merely want to be sure of Ameri-
can unity behind their. plans for an interna-
tional control authority over the canal while
it is being debated in London.
THERE IS as yet no indication how 'far the
United States is willing to back Anglo-
French political and economic measures after
the conference.
Her freeze of Egyptian money following the
Anglo-French lead suggests a policy which is
closely parallel, but by no means extending to
the contemplation of the use of force, as plan-
ned by the others as a last resort.
The United States is not yet considering last
New Books at the Library
Manuel, Frank-The New World of Henri
Saint-Simon; Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,
Marshall, Bruce - Girl in May; Boston,
Houghton, Miflin, 1956.
Monaghan, Jay-The Man Who Elected Lin-
coln; Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1956.
Mumford, Lewis - The Transformations of
Man; N. Y., Harper, 1956.
Olson, Sigurd F.-The Singing Wilderness;
N. Y., Knopf, 1956.
Sanford, Christine-The Lion of Judah Hath
Prevailed; N. Y., Macmillan, 1956.
Savage, Henty, Jr.-River of the Carolinas:
The Santee; N. Y., Rinehart, 1956.
Seroff, Victor I.-Debussy, Musical of France
N. Y., Putnam, 1956.
Walden, Amelia-The Bradford Story; N. Y.,
Appleton-Cen-Crofts, 1956.
Walter, Richard-Canary Island Adventure:
a young family quest for the simple life; N. Y.,
Dutton, 1956.
Waters, Edward N.-Victor Herbert, N. Y.,
Macmillan, 1956.
Wodehouse, P. G.-America, I Like You;
1iT T C. - ..T.... . ..-A



Suez Canal Dispute Being Waged on Two Planes

THE SUEZ dispute is on two
planes which, though they are
related, need to be carefully distin-
guished in our minds.
On one plane, the circumstances
of the seizure of the: Suez Canal
Company are a spectacular test of
prestige, precipitated by President
Nasser in order to demonstrate
that his power in the Middle East
is greater than that of the West-
ern nations.
On the other plane, by taking
over the administration of the ca-
nal, he is in a position to discrim-
inate among the users of the ca-
nal, and to exert upon them polit-
ical pressure.
On the first plane, that of pres-
tige, the dispute is a showdown
which, carried to its conclusion,
would mean either the fao f Nac.-

ternational character of the canal.
The decision agreed to by the
Western powers has been to move
on the second plane-that, as the
London "Economist" puts it, "the
immediate Western interest is not
to teach Col. Nasser a lesson (he
must learn his own leson) but to
keep the ships passing through the
* * *
THIS IS A wise decision, even
from the point of view of the
showdown on prestige. For if by
patient, resourceful and disinter-
ested diplomacy the treaty of 1888
can be modernized and reaffirmed,
with general international support,
there will be the old Wilsonian
phrase "peace without victory" in
the canal zone.
There is, in fact, no other course

tries, involving reprisals on the
pipe lines and the oil fields.
There is every reason to sup-
pose that the seizure of the canal
company was carefully planned
and prepared well in advance, and
we must suppose that Nasser and
the leaders in the Arab states have
other moves prepared as their
answer to Western intervention.
It is not to our interest to pro-
voke there moves since, as is self-
evident Nasser would have the
moral support of such a large part
of the world.
* * *
THE BRITISH decision to evac-
uate its armed forces from Egyp-
tian territory - a decision for
which we have some responsi-
bility - marked the end of an
epoch in the Middle East.
It means that national inter-
-- .-1- Aff Aln a-m ill_ a eL

diplomacy to induce Egypt and its
The dependence of Western
Europe on the canal is undesir-
ably big, and the dependence of
Great Britian is even worse. Near-
ly half of the oil consumed in
Western Europe last year came
through Suez; for Great Britian
it was 75 per cent.
Whatever the guarantees that
can be worked out by diplomacy,
it will remain the stark fact that
Nasser has physical control of the
canal, that Western Europe can be
critically hurt if the canal is
* * *
FOR THAT reason, it is imper-
ative that Western powers con-
cert measures to reduce their de-
pendence on Suez, to break the
monopoly which Egypt possesses
over their vital communications.
..,_ 14 .. __ a mo . L. 4.._



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