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August 09, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-08-09

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New School Health Program Planned

Adlai's Views Not To Be
Pressed on Draft Group


A' new departure in medical
health supervision of school chil-
dren is about to take place in Ann
.The Aim Arbor Board, of Edu-
cation at their meeting last night
approved the appointment of Dr.
Teresa Woo, in cooperation with
the University School of Public
Health, to a position involving
new areas of responsibilities in the
field of school health.
Dr. Woo will be responsible for
planning and implementing a new
type of school health program in
Ann Arbor, and will spend about
one-third of her time of the staff
of the newly created Department
'of Maternal and Child Health in
U n i v e r s i t y School of Public
Health. Dr. Donald C. Smith is di-
rector of this new program.
Broader Scope
Dr. Woo will be primarily re-
sponsible for supervising the med-
ical staff of the school system, the
medical doctors of which are pres-
ently provided under an arrange-
ment with the University Depart-
.ment of Pediatrics.
It is hoped by school board of-
ficials that the plan will develop
into covering a much broader
scope than it now does, and will
give Ann Arbor! school children

the finest health supervision
According to Jack Elzay, super-
intendent of Ann Arbor's Board
of Education, "Health Education
has been one of the most neglected
areas of fundamental education in
the United States. Some school
systems have done a fine job of
trying to rectify this condition. In
many places, however, school
health problems, and health edu-
Krone, Dollinger
Talk to Pollack
Dr. Heinrich Krone, majortly
floor leader of the German parlia-
ment, and his deputy, Dr. Werner
Dollinger, visited the University
Tuesday and conferred with Prof.
James K. Pollack, chairman of
the Department of Political
Touring the United States as
a guest of the State Department,
Dr. Krone is one of the top figures
in the Christian Democratic Par-
While in Washington D.C.,
Krone and Dollinger were pre-
sented to Congress and conferred
with Secretary of State John Fos-
ter Dulles.


matadora bles[

cation have, been 'assumed'. We
believe there is nothing more fun-
"If our program is going to de-,
velop the way we want it to, it
will take careful planning, effi-
cient utilization of those plans,e
and constant review of how we;
are doing. The plan's success will
depend on the fullest cooperation
of all concerned.J
"We are particularly fortunate
in having the cooperation of the
University's School of Public
Health," he added.
Dean Henry F. Vaughn, of Uni-
versity School of Public Health
stated that "the University is par-
ticularly pleased to be cooperating
with the Ann Arbor Board of Edu-
cation on this project. Dr. Woo isI
truly one of the foremost pediatri-
cians in the field of Public Health,
and we are delighted to have her
on our staff.
"Under the new program of Ma-
ternal and Child Health, Dr. Uoo
will be assisting in the training of
nurses and doctors in the field of
school health services. Their work
with the school children of Ann
Arbor will be invaluable to them9
and a service to the schools.
"This is the first itme this op-l
portunity has arisen for a School
of Public Health and a city. TheI
new plan is similar to the very
successful cooperative plan pres-
ently being carried out between
the School of Public Health and
the Washtenaw County Health
Department under the direction of
Dr. Otto Engelke. We hope the
new arrangement will develop as
a full time part of our maternal
and child health program."
Dr. Woo is highly qualified for
her new posts, and is no strangerI
to Ann Arbor. She received her
M.D. degree at the University's
Medical School in 1934. From here
she went to Harvard University
where she receive dher Master's
Degree in Public Health.
Her pediatric training came
while a resident at Children's
Memorial Hospital in Chicago,
and the Presbyterian Hospital in;
New York City. During World War
II she served as a major in the
U. S. Army Medical Corps.
Following her discharge from
the service, she gained valuable1
public health experience both in
the District of Columbia, and the
Territory of Hawaii Health De-
partments. Dr. Woo is a diplomat
of the American Board of Pedi-
atrics. )
She will begin her new duties
on August 15 with the Ann Arbor
Board of Education.
University Regents will take
formal action on her appointment
in the new maternal and child
health program at their Septem-
ber meeting.
Break Ground
MONROE, Mich. (P) - Despite
criticism from some government
quarters, ground was broken today
for construction of the world'sl
first privately owned atomic "fast1
breeder" type power plant.
The 54,000,000 experiment is be-
ing conducted by a group of 17
utility and manufacturing enter-,i
prises called the Power Reactor ,
Development Co.
The plant will be named after
Dr. Enrico Fermi, famed Italian-:
American physicist who first ex-
perimented in the use of the atom4
as a peaceful source of energy.

(Continued from Page 1])

man's civil rights position, reas-
suring former Kefauver delegates
who feel uneasy about the prospect
of joining the camp of the erst-
while enemy, or meeting a price
ex-president Truman may have
set for his support or neutrality.
But improvement of the Steven-
son convention chances was not
needed, and the circumstances and
follow-up suggest that the remark
was not part of any carefully plan-
ned campaign strategy.
A top maker of that strategy,
Hyman Raskin, was quoted at
Tuesday's southern meeting as be-
ing "dumbfounded" at his candi-
date's remarks, The Daily has
And the impression here is that
Music Recital
To Be Given

the comment was spontaneous on
Stevenson's part.
Finnegan told reporters he does
not think the statement had ac-
counted for any new Stevenson
delegate strength.
Another top Stevenson aide pre-
dicted to The Daily that the candi-
dates views on the platform are
not going to be pressed on the
drafting committee. And he em-
phasized that Stevenson made the
remarks "while getting into his
car," and added that he didn't see
any break with past positions on
the segregation issue.
Accepting the spontaneity of
the statement, the motivation be-
hind it remains a mystery. How-
ever, Stevenson's main concern in
recent weeks-in addition to the
choice of a running mate - is
known to have been the antici-
pated election contest with Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Perhaps he reasoned that some
indication of his strong belief in
civil rights was necessary if the
Democrats are going to carry more
than the south this fall. And he
may have felt that the time to


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_. 'R'"

Fill Her
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A public program of unusual lake a stan was beore tne con-
interest will be presented at the vention and not after, that it
University at 4:15 p.m. Sunday by was the only way he could in good
Prof. Robert Courte, violist of the conscious campaign for a vigorous
Stanleyl Quartet, and Prof. Robert civil rights program in other fields,
Noehren, University Organist. as well as in education.
They will appear in a recital of But his choice of means is con-
contemporary music in Hill Audi- sidered highly inexpedient in many
torium. quarters here - if not downright
Prof. Noehren will open the pro- foolish,
gram with Paul Hindemith's "Son- For example, a good case could
ata I for Organ." This will be be made-and party chairman
followed with John Duke's "Suite Butler has in fact made it-for
for Viola," performed by Prof. omitting any mention of the deci-
Courte. After intermission, Prof. store as being inappropriate in a
Noehren will continue the program political platform.
with "Sonata for Organ" by Ernst It could also have been argued
Kranek, and "Poem for Viola and that it was enough for candidate
Organ" by Leo Sowerby in which Stevenson to hold the position that
he will be joined by Prof. Courte. the decision was praiseworthy
Prof. Noehren came to the Uni- without recommendinfg his views
versity in 1949 from Davidson Col- to the platform committee-a step
lege, Davidson, N. Car. He is which not even "immiderate" Gov.
known internationally as a concert Harriman has as yet taken.
arist and as an authority on the And the same purposes might l
building of organs. have been served by a repetition
In 1953 he was granted the of Stevenson's 1952 stand for a
Grand Prix du Disque, an inter- federal Fair Employment Practices
national retord award, for his law, of which little has been heard
many recordings, and in 1954 was this time around. It would havet
invited to play recitals at the In- disturbed but not angered theE
ternational Ogelwoche, Dusseldorf, many southerners who were lean-
Germany. He has performed in ing to Stevenson. No such law has
London, Amsterdam and Brussels, ever gotten beyond a southern
as well as in all the major cities of filibuster, and Senatorial wind-
the United States. power is as strong as its ever been.
Prof. Courte, a native of Belgium As things stand now, Stevenson
who became an American citizen may yet overcome the obstacle
in 1953, joined the faculty of the he has thrown in his own path to
School of Music in 1951, after a the nomination. But the folks
successful career as violist of the from Dixie are beginning to sing
Paganini Quartet. an old familiar song that hadn't
been heard in the party for several
-u n N edmonths. They're saying the cur-
Repor't Need rent forecast down south is for
good fishing weather in November,
In Polio Shots not good voting weather.



Years of

co E

Daughter Off To



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Now's the time to get everything ready for the big school year
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La matadora magni-
fica! Our white
cotton blouses
are a direct
take-off from the
lavishly adorned
shirts of the
mighty matadors
... Spanish-
inspired right down
to the rows and rows
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Top: Cotton
broadcloth shirt,
iced with tiny
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lace and its own
black tie.
Center: Dacron-
cotton drip-dry
mandarin shirt,
inset with lace.
Bottom: Dacron-
cotton drip-dry
shirt, lace-bordered
at the crocheted


NEW YORK WP-With the peak
of the polio season approaching,
less than half the nation's young
people and expactant mothers had
been given even one Salk polio
inoculation by late July it was
reported yesterday.
The report was made by Basil
O'Connor, president of the Na-
tional' Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis, on the basis of a na-
tionwide survey made late last
It showed less than 31 million
vaccinated out of more than 63
million in the "high priority"
"The fact that commercial vac-
cine now is flowing without re-
striction poses a challenge to par-
ents to see that the population
group which needs protection most
-those under 20-gets it first."

; .
4 . .


I /



boucle yoke.


10 to 16.




(Continued from Page 2)
Arlington Heights, Illinois - Teach-
er Needs: Elementary (1st grade).
Bakersfield, California (Kenn County
Schools) - Teacher Needs: Elementary
(kdg. to 8th); High Schooi Girl's Phy-
sical Education; General Science
(man); Special Education; Speech Cor-
Baroda, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Elementary (1st, 2nd).
Battle Creek, Michigan -- Teacher
Needs: Junior High English; Math;
General Science; Late Elementary.
Bay City, Michigan E-Teacher Needs:
Math (Business or straight Math); So-
cial Studies/Math.
Beaver Falls, New York - Teacher
Needs: Girls Physical Education, ju-
nior/senior High; High School English.
Boyne City, Michigan - Teacher
Needs: High School English.
Elizabeth City, North Carolina -
Teacher Needs: Band - Assistant Di-
Flat Rock, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Elementary (Kindergarten); Junior
High Math.
Hartland, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Elementary (5th, 6th); Elem. Music/
Luther,Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Band, High School.
North Branch, Michigan - Teacher
Needs: High rSchool Government/Geog-

Needs: Elementary (Kdg./5th/6th Com-
bination); Indus. Arts (shop)/Driver
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, No. 3-1511, Ext.
U. S. Civil Service Commission an-
nounces exams for Valuation Engi-
neer (Mining) GS-5 to GS-12, Geo-
physicist (Exploration) - GS-5 to GS-
15, and Radio Engineer - GS-5 and
Pan American World Airways, Miami,
Fla., has openings for Mech., Elect.,
Aero. and Chem. Engrs.
Camp Fire Girls, Inc., New York, N.Y.,
is looking for a Director of the Pro-
gram Department. Prefer a woman with-
a Ph.D. who has a knowledge of child
develpoment and behavior and of cur-
rent trends in education and recrea-
tion, and who has had supervisory ex-
A Local Firm needs a man with an
Engineering background and some
knowledge of foundry practice. It is not
necessary that he be a graduate.
Crown Zelerbach Corp., Portland,
Ore., has openings for Mech., Ind.,
Civil, Elect, and Chem. Engrs. and Che-
mists in Trainee positions throughout
Calif., Ore; Wash., and insCanada. This
company is the world's second largest
pulp and paper company.
For further information contact the



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