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VOL. LXVI, No. 31S
Gov. Coleman Calls'
Key Private Meeting
Claims Stevenson Sold Me Down
The River'; Hints at Possible Revolt
Special to the Daily
CHICAGO - A sudden full-scale revolt against the nomination
of Adlai Stevenson on present terms took shape last night at a closed
gathering of southern delegates to next week's national convention.
Key southerners, most of wholt had' been leaning toward the
former Illinois governor, felt they had been double crossed when
Stevenson told a television interviewer he had a "very strong feelnig
the platfor mshould express unequivocable approval of the court's de-
cision (on segregation)."
They too kheart however from a later statement by National
Committee Chairman Paul Butler who specifically said he did not
agree that endorsement of the decision by name was necessary.
Coleman Called Meeting
hThe Daily learned yesterday that Gov. James P. Coleman of
Takes Civil
Rights Stand
CHICAGO M)-Adlai E. Steven-
son said last night the Demo-
cratic platform should "expres
unequivocal approval" of the Su
prime Court's decision agains
public school segregation.
Following Stevenson's statemen
a meeting of the Platform Com
mittee drew only a couple o:
Southerners. Some 20-odd mem
bers of the 107-member committe
are from the South. The meetin
was called to may strategy in th
civil rights dispute.
Stevenson's words were hi
strongest on the most controver
sial issue building up for nex
week's Democratic National Con
Stevenson, the leading contend-
'er for his party's presidential
nomination, previously had said
he thought it was unnecessary fo
the platform to mention the high
court's ruling, although he added
his belief that such a reference
was inevitable.
Views on Civil Rights
* Stevenson was asked during a
television ABC interview about his
views on a civil rights plank. He
"I have a very strong feeling
that the platform should express
unequivocal approval of the
court's decision, although it
seems odd that you should have
to express your approval of the
Constitution and its institutions."
On this one prime topic, at least,
Stevenson's statement served to
pull the rug from under the con-
tention of Gov. Averell Harriman
of New York that Stevenson is too
much of a political moderate.
Harriman Rebuked
Only a short time before the
Interview, Harriman's camp had
blasted at Stevenson on this
"moderation" theme and drew a
dressing down from Democratic
National Chairman Paul M.
Butler tossed aside his mantle
of official party impartiality long
enough to say it was "about time
Democrats started pulling togeth-
er and talking about the Demo-
cratic party instead of each oth-
By all counts, Stevenson is the
front runner for the nomination
next week and lately has been
gunning for a first ballot blitz.
Debate Race
CHICAGO (A)--A Dixie delegate
flared hotly yesterday at the as-
sertion before Democratic plat-
form drafters that racial segrega-
tion In the United States is hurt-
*ing American foreign relations.
George C. Wallace, Clayton,
Ala., retorted, "If the only way
we are going to keep other peoples
with us is to change our customs,
1 I think they will go communistic
Mississippi, who called the meet-
ing of delegates, told them he had
been "sold down the river after all
the trouble I had in Mississippi,"
presumably in gaining support of
Stevenson's canddiacy.
Stevenson's anticipated south-
ern strength had been a large
part of his estimated first ballot
tally just short of a majority
needed for nomination.
Despite later denials to report-
ers that possible candidates were
s discussed Gov. Coleman told the
- meeting that "the people of Mis-
t sissippi have got some views that
should be respected. They're go-
t has double crossed them or Cole-
- man has."
f ing to think that either Stevenson
Stevenson Upset
e A delegate at the meeting who
g had talked with the Stevenson
e camp described the presidential
candidate as surprisd and "very
s upset" at the reaction to his tele-
- vision remarks, The Daily also
t learned.
The Southerner reportedly told
Stevenson there was a serious dif-
ference between holding favorable
1 viws to the supreme court decision
and recommnding those views to
r the platform committee.
The Stevenson move was inter-
I preted as an attempt to under-
mine support of Gov. Averell Har-
riman of New .York based on his
stronger civil rights stand.
Platform Most Significant
The southernors are opposed to
any favorable mention of the court
decision in the party's platform.
Coleman told reporters after the
meeting that the platform is "of
far more significance to the south
than the candidate."
As a practical matter Sen. Lyn-
don Johnson of Texas is the only
apresent, southern candidate who
could make a reasonable showing
at the convention. A year-old heart
attack, however, has prevented him
from competing on any more than
a "favorite son" basis.
Gov. Coleman indicated he
might support an active Johnson
candidacy. But his basic strategy
seemed to be revealed when he
replied to the text of the Steven-
son comments, "I'm not going to
take up anything that nebulous."
Prior Conflicting Versions
He referred to prior conflicting1
versions of Stevenson's stand and
his use of the word "feeling."
All he would say is that the
south was "deeply concerned" over
anything, that affects civil rights.
Thus by refusing to blast the
Stevenson remarks, whilequietly
hinting at a southern revolt, he
appeared to be banking on hopes
expressed at the meeting that the
former governor could be talked
t out of his new stand.
Baring that, strategy was pri-
vately discussed for lining up sup-
port to have the platform com-
mittee reject yesterday's Steven-
son proposal.
But as of early this morning it
was still unclear whether Steven-
son would remain the South's
candidate if he refused to modify
his suggestion for the platform.
Group Backs
Braninon Plan
CHICAGO MP)-President James
G. Patton of the National Farm-
Group Cites
Modest Gain
Stevenson Confident
Of Victory; Considers
Vice-President Choice
CHICAGO (JP-Averell Harri-
man's forces claimed modest gains
yesterday in the face of Adlai E.
Stevenson's effort to capture the
Democratic presidential nomina-
tion in a first-ballot blitz.
While rumblings sounded from
the South over his civil rights
views, Stevenson was completely
confident of victory at next week's
Democratic National Convention
He was sizing up possible vice
presidential running mates and
telling supporters President Dwight
Eisenhower can be licked in Nov-
ember by a fighting Democratic
Six days in advance of the con-
vention's starting gun, lieutenants
of Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennes-
see are working openly now for
second place for the man who
jumped out of Stevenson's way.
Kefauver Seeks Vice-Presidency
While there is ample reason for
suspecting Stevenson would pre-
fer someone else, the practical re-
alities of politics could dictate tap-
ping Kefauver for the vice presi-
dential nomination because of his
recognized pulling power in the
farm belt.
Both Harriman, the New York
governor, and Stevenson, the for-
mer Illinois governor, were taking
the calculated risk of alienating a
measure of Southern support by
somewhat parallel stands on the
troublesome civil rights issue. .
Harriman was represented as
ready to scrap for a strong civil
rights plank in the party platform,
to reinforce the Supreme Sourt de-
cision outlawing racially segregat-
ed public schools.
Has Less to Lose
Harriman would have less to
lose than Stevenson through an
open move to back up the Supreme
Court decision in the party plat-
form since he has far less support
in the South than his rival com-
Here is the way the claims of
the opposing camps stack up now,
with 686/2 votes needed to clinch
the presidential nomination:
The director of Harriman's or-
ganization, Loyd Benefield, says
Harriman can count on 366 to 376
votes. He previously had claimed
341. By twos and threes. Benefield
told a reporter, Harriman is gath-
ering in votes in such states as
Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and
Stevenson's campaign managers
say they have 6962 votes-10
more than are needed to go over
the top.
So far, the preconvention ma-
neuvering of presidential hopefuls
has gotten underway with a thud.
None of the principals has stepped
personally into the arena, although
Stevenson has been busy on the
Bomb Scare
Comedy antics in the Dean
Martin-Jerry Lewis film at the
State Theatre were abruptly
halted yesterday when the
ticket seller received a call
warning of a bomb ready to
blow up the theatre.
An unidentified person tele-
phoned the theatre shortly after
3 p.m. saying a bomb was hid-
den somewhere in the building
and was ready to go off at any
Upon notification, Ann Arbor
police immediately directed all
traffic away from the State and
Liberty intersection, lead movie-
viewers into the lobby and
passers-by to the opposite side
of the street.
Then detectives made a
thorough search of the build-
ing, and found nothing. Police
officials report that the caller
was apparently a prankster.
Nasser May
Seek SUN
Council Aid
LONDON (/P)--Egypt's President
Gamal Abdul Nasser last night
promised a statement of "great
world-wide importance" next Sun-
Egyptian sources predicted he
would ask the United States Se-
curity Council to step in and for-
bid any Western use of force
against his seizure of the Suez
Nasser has called a news con-
ference in the main hall of his
Revolution Council headquarters
in Cairo at noon Sunday. That is
just four days before the sched-
uled meeting of a 24-nation con-
ference called by the Western Big
Three to discuss international con-
trol of the waterway.
Nasser has not replied to Brit-
ain's invitation to the conference
proposed last week by joint Brit-
ish, United States and French
There were indications from
Cairo that Nasser hoped Britain
might be persuaded to postpone
the conference.
Nasser apparently is attempting
to emphasize British and French
military preparedness moves and
to play down the conciliatory side
as expressed mainly by the United
States in promoting the London
There was some expectation
that Nasser's statement would say
why Egypt could not accept an
invitation to the meeting.
There was also a hint Nasser
would demand a review of the
Panama Canal, Gibraltar and the
Dardanelles among other items, if
international discussion of the
Suez Canal is permitted.
A surprise Security Council ap-
peal, just ahead of the London
conference, obviously would aim
to destroy the parley's moral force.
A close friend of Nasser said
the appeal could be based on a
complaint that.Britain and Frence,
by their military threats and man-
euvers, were - endangering peace.
Campbell Calls for Moderation
In the last of a series of Semin-
ars on Russian Studies. John
Campbell, Director of Political
Studies for the Council on Foreign
Relations, led a discussjon on "So-
viet Policy in the Near East."
Considering, the Suez affair in
the context of the cold war,
Campbell noted that the Near East
has been in a state of crisis for
several years. He also asked that
the attitude of the Arab peoples
toward the West be kept in mind.
Campbell told a large audience
that the general crisis in the Near
East is the result of a political and
military vacuum created by con-
flict and weaknesses resulting in
part from the presence of Israael
and the immaturity of Arab na-
Powers Respond to Vacuum
In response to this vacuum, es-
tablished powers have attempted
to provide the political and eco-
nomic influences needed. Russia
is trying to move south into the
area; the West is attempting to
organize its positions of strength.
At the present time, Soviet
policy in the Middle Fast has cul-
minated in the arms deal with
The new Soviet policy in the
Middle East, while aimed at the
same ends of denying the West
its influence, strategic positions
and oil, is using methods other
than force.
Russia Uses Other Methods
By increasing cultural exchange,
sending more diplomatic missions,
and backing various people to suit
its purposes, the USSR hopes to
succeed where the force of Stalin
Campbell doubts that the USSR
will lend support to Egypt in the
case of armed intervention in the
Suez area. He says that Russia
does not want Western arms in
the area and fears a general con-
Most probably, the USSR will
continue to take cautious advan-
Negro Poet
To End Series
Langston Hughes, well-known
Negro poet, will read and give a
commentary on some of his better
known poems at 4:15 p.m. today.
Final lecturer in University sum-
mer series, "Patterns of American
Culture: Contributions of the Ne-
gro," Hughes will speak in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
--Daily-Don Watkins
POLICY EXPERT-John Campbell, Director of Political Studies
for the Council on Foreign Relations, addresses the last of a
Russian Seminar series.
tage of all possible situations, hop-
ing to split the West and draw
Arab nations closer to the Sovietl
Discussing possible courses of
action open to the West, Camp-
bell said neither force nor ac-
quiescence have worked in the
past nor is it likely that they
would do so in the future.
In the cases of Cyprus and
North Africa, the failure of force
has been adequately shown. On
the other hand, when the West
appeased Egypt by arranging for
British troops to leave the Suez,
Nasser replied with further de-
Although it must be made clear
that the West cannot be pushed
further on issues vital to us,
Campbell suggests that the wisest
policy is one of moderation, one
establishing cooperation on the
basis of mutual cultural and reli-
gious inheritances, and an under-
standing of the problems facing
these nations.
Economic policy must be recon-
sidered, a moderate attitude
should be encouraged, and the
Palestine refugees must be re-
Campbell told the audience that
these objectives can only be at-
tained by moderation and a wis-
dom in statesmanship that has
not shown in the past.
Cobo Beats
In Primary
DETROIT () - Detroit Mayor
Albert E. Cobo apparently knocked
out Donald S. Leonard for the
Republican Governor nomination
in yesterday's primary election.
.With 20. per cent of the votes
counted, Cobo held more than a
two-to-one edge over Leonard, the
former state police commissioner
badly beaten by Gov. G. Mennen
Williams in 1954.
Cobo's two-to-one lead was
racked up in the first returns and
held steady through midnight.
Vote Doubles Leonard's
His vote total was more than
double Leonard's both in Wayne
County, where he was expected to
make a strong showing, and out-
state, where Leonard expected his
strongest support.
The tally at midnight:
Cobo, 87,643, Leonard 40,540 in
1,076 of the state's 5.177 precincts.
In 945 reporting precincts, Gov.
Williams drew 54,089 votes in an
unopposed bid for nomination to
a fifth term.-!
The Cobo-Leonard battle was
the top contest in an election
which drew little voter interest. Lt,
Gov. Philip A. Hart, Democrat,
and Clarence A. Reid, a Detroit
Republican, are unopposed for the
Lieutenant Governor nomination
In his campaign, Cobo, 62, stress-
ed his record as Mayor of Detroit
since 1949, and told audiences he
had in mind a kind of "Detroit
deal" for the entire state if nomi-
nated and elected.
He criticized Gov. Williams for
feuding with Republican legislative
leaders, and once called the main
issue "the concept of government,
and the man who works with legis-
He called in a general way for
a greater effort in highway con-
struction, fuller utilization of the
state's water resources and morel
Rid Russia
Of Stalimsm
Ike Urges
Bulganin Reminded
Of Agreements from
Geneva Conference
WASHINGTON () - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
questioned Soviet Premier Nikolai
Bulganin's good faith in keeping
He urged Bulgapin to rid Rus-
sia's foreign policy of the "evils"'
of Stalinism.
In a new letter to the Russian
leader, President Eisenhower also
hinted that he may make new dis-
armament proposals after present
studies are completed.
Reply to Bulganin
President Eisenhower's letter,
released by the White House aft-
er delivery in Moscow, was a reply
to a note from Bulganin on June
6. The Soviet Premier advised the
President that Russia had decided
to cut its armed forces by 1,200,000
men and was prepared to reduce
forces in Germany. He suggested
cuts in Russian and Western
armed forces in Germany could
contribute to solution of the Ger-
man problem.
President Eisenhower rejected
the Bulganin suggestion for this
approach to the long deadlock
over the division of Germany, say-
ing that the problem of troops
"cannot be dealt with as an iso-
lated matter."
He then reminded Bulganin -
in the restrained tone which has
characterized their year-old cor-
respondence - that they had
agreed in their meeting at Geneva
last year that Germany should be
unified by means of free elec-
tions. President Eisenhower said
the achievement of this unifica-
tion was a responsibility of Russia,
America, Britain and France.
Questions Intentions
"Not only has this not hap-
pened," President Eisenhower said,
"but I hear of statements from
your side which seem to imply
that your government is deter-
mined to maintain indefinitely the
division of Germany."
Then the President added point-
"I must confess that I am
perplexed as to how we can work
together constructively if the
agreements which are negotiated
at the highest level after the most
thorough exploration do not seem
He also called on Bulganin to
help realize some positive achieve-
ments in the field of disarmament
and develop contacts which would
strengthen the friendship of the
Soviet and Western peoples.
Refers to De-Stalinization
President Eisenhower ended
with reference to the sensational
de-Stalinization campaign of the
present Soviet regime:
"We realize that efforts are be-
ing made in your country to eradi-
cate some of the evils of an earlier
period, This we welcome. But I
hope that you and your associates
will not confine your efforts to
those evils manifested within your
party and nation.
"Those evils were also projected
into the international field. Even
today they constitute a grievous
obstacle to doing those things
which weboth agreed ought to be
done. This situation needs also te
be remedied by a new spirit for
which I also earnestly appeal."
Burma's Premier
Sees Settlement
Covers International Press Meet
Special to the Daily
TUNIS-Student editors from 20 nations gathered in the heat of
North Africa's midsummer sun and turbulent nationalism July 25-30
to discuss matters of practical concern to student journalists.
Newly-independent Tunisia is a nation where politics are a re-
current theme in every conversation.
Add to this a predominately European participation, determined
to eschew any question which had the remotest connection with
"politics," and the outlines of the "Sixth International Student Press
Conference" are sketched.
.The event was one to which the Tunisian government attached
considerable importance, as the first international conference to be
held in Tunisia since full independence from French rule was won
earlier this year.
Bourguiba Addresses Group
To commemorate the occasion, Prime Minister Habib Bourguiba
and virtually the entire cabinet turned out to address the opening
sessions. In addition, sundry municipalities tumbled over themselves
offering hospitality to the conferees.
ri rilfofa nfrpnr--. p ue.- p.r a nfinn ofa riraffriolr
The Algerians were primarily interested in the Conference as an
sounding-board to broadcast their cause to the world, and after a
few strong-worded speeches demanding support in their struggle for
liberation and denouncing the suppression of Algerian student publi-
cations by the French, then subsided into silence.
The French, on the other hand, were anxious to please their North
African hosts, and listened with self-conscious politeness to denuncia-
tions of the past record of their imperialist forebears.
Impressive Ceremony
The most impressive moment of the Conference was the ceremony
connected with Bourguiba's attendance at the formal opening. Bus-
loads of Tunisian students were brought to augment the audience,
unanimously proud of their new influence, and the opportunity to
display it to the world.
At the appointed hour, the Prime Minister's caravan appeared.
Bourguiba himself riding in a sky-blue '56 Packard.
His appearance in the room itself was greeted with a rythmic clap-
ping by the Tunisians, who adulate this man who gave them indepen-
dence. His appearance is one of massive dignity - a chunky but
upright mnn clad in white with the red Arab fez, he walked slowly