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August 03, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-08-03

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Yanks Blanked



Losses in


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Newcombe, Score Shut Out
Leaders; Tigers Walloped

College Stars Practice

U.S. Olympic Leader Wilson Registers
'Very Firm' Protest on Anti-Pro Pledge

By The Associated Press
BROOKLYN - Don Newcombe
fired his second straight shutout
and Carl Furillo and Roy Campa-
nella smashed home runs yester-
clay- as the surging Brooklyn
Dodgers whipped Milwaukee, 3-0,
to move to within two games of
the league-leading Braves.
Newcombe allowed only four
hits in recording his 16th victory
of the season. It gave the defend-
ing world champions three out of
four in the vital set with the
Braves, who were held without
an earned run in the last 25 in-
nings of the series.
Campanella wrapped up the
game with a two-run homer in

Redlegs 10, Giants 2
NEW YORK - Stan Palys had
a perfect day at bat for Cincin-
nati with five hits while Ray Ja-
blonski slammed a bases loaded
homer as the second-place Red-
legs thumped the New York Gi-
ants, 10-2, to move within one
game of the National League lead.
Back-to-back home runs by Ja-
blonski and Palys in a big six-run
seventh inning highlighted a Cin-
cinnati rally that brought victory
and gave the Redlegs a split in
the four-game series.
Cards 7, Pirates 5
PITTSBURGH - The St. Louis
Cardinals clobbered Pittsburgh
pitching for four runs in the third
inning and three runs in the
eighth, including a home run by
Stan Musial, as the Cards handed
the Pirates their eighth consecu-
tive defeat, 7-5.
The Cards hammered Pirate ace
Bob Friend for four runs with
seven hits in the third.
They got three more in the
eighth when Musial homered for
one marker, and winning pitcher
Herm Wehmeier singled in two
White Sox 5, Senators 4
CHICAGO - Les Moss' home
run with two men on in the sixth
inning gave the Chicago White
Sox a 5-4 victory over the Wash-
ington Senators.
A walk to Larry Doby and a
single by Walt Dropo preceded
Moss' homer off Bob Wiesler, the
starting and losing pitcher. The
Sox scored their other runs in the
third on a double by Luis Apari-
cio, a walk to Nellie Fox and a
double by Doby.
Ellis Kinder, 42-year-old relief
pitcher, received credit for the
victory, his 100th as a major
* * *
A's 3, Orioles 2
..KANSAS CITY -- Harry Simp-
son homered with one aboard and
Enos Slaughter hit a pinch single
to drive in another run and give
the Kansas City Athletics a 3-2
victory over the Baltimore Orioles.
Slaughter's pinch hit accounted
for the A's third run in their
three-run seventh.

BACKFIELD WORKOUT-Earl MoralI, Don Mcllhenny, Joe Childress and Howard "Hopalong"
Cassady (left to right) go into action at Evanston, Ill., as College All-Star gridders practice for their
game Aug. 10 against the Cleveland Browns, professional champions, at Soldiers Field in Chicago.
Golfers Headed bThomson Cerda

CHICAGO (A)-The president of
the United States Olympic Asso-
ciation yesterday registered a
"very firm" protest with the In-
ternational Olympic Committee
against its startling anti-pro
pledge for Olympic contestants.
K. L. "Tug" Wilson, U. S. Olym-
pic chief, said he did this in a
conference with another Chicago-
an, Avery Brundage, who is I.O.C.
president and apparently a prime
supporter of the pledge.
Rule Just Publicized
The new rule, adopted in Janu-
ary but first given wide publicity
Wednesday in an Australian dis-
patch, will require that all en-
tries in the 1956 Olympic at Mel-
bourne must sign this pledge:
"I, the undersigned, declare on
my honor that I am and intend
to remain an amateur and fulfill
the condtiions stipulated by the
Olympic rules."
Brundage said he would issue a
statement for release in Sunday
papers and his only comment
yesterday was to assure Wilson
that the pledge would not harass
Olympic contestants who plan to
become physical education teach-
ers or coaches.
Games in Late Fall
The games are set for Nov. 22-
Dec. 8 at Melbourne.
"This morning, I registered a
very firm protest wtih the Execu-
tive Committee of the I. O. C.
against enforcement of the rule,
stating I believed that further
study should be given to all of
St. Louis Gets
All-Star Game
NEW YORK (P) -- The 1957
major league All-Star game was

The mushrooming controversy
over the anti-pro pledge finds a
ready warrior in Brundage, whose
entire career as an arch-propo-
Draft Board
Calls Konno
DETROIT (P) -- Former Olym-
pic champion Ford Konno says he
may miss the 1956 Olympic swim-
ming team tryouts next week be-
cause he has been drafted into
the army,
Konno, who won the 1,500 me-
ter championship at Helsinki in
1952, said his draft board had or-
dered him to report for induciton
Monday. The swim trials begin
Konno said he had asked his
draft board whether induction
could be delayed, but hadn't yet
received a reply.

High-Sounding in Principle
The general reaction, was that
the new Olympic pledge is high-
sounding in principle, but ques-
tionable in practice,
E. K. Billy Holt, technical di-
rector of the 1956 games, said
yesterday at Melbourne he was
"a little bit puzzled how the In-
ternational Olympic Committee is
going to apply the rule."
Apparently, the pledge was in-
cluded so as to halt amateur ath-
letes from using the Olympics as
a springboard to fame and fortune
in professional careers. This has
often been the case in the past.

the effects of
Wilson said.


its enforcement," 1 nent of pure amateurism has
sizzled with headline-making in-

. . . more woes for Braves

the seventh inning after Furillo
had provided the first Dodger run
with his in the fourth.
Newcombe, who hasn't lost
since Crone and the Braves beat
,him here June 17, 3-1, struck out
10 and didn't walk a man.
* * *
Indians 4, Yankees 0
CLEVELAND - Herb Score al-
lowed only four hits as the Cleve-
land Indians shut out the New
York Yankees, 4-0, in the finale
of a four-game series.
Bobby Avila hit an inside the
park homer for the Indians and
Preston Ward, Rocky Colavito and
Chico Carrasquel blasted four-
baggers out of the park to ac-
count for all the runs. It was
Cleveland's third straight triumph
over the American League leaders
after losing the series opener.
Tom Sturdivant, the Yankee
starter, was relieved by Dion Lar-
sen after pitching four innings in
which he allowed six hits, includ-
ing four home runs.
* * *
Red Sox 18, Tigers 3
DETROIT - Muscular Jackie
Jensen drove in nine runs - two
short of the American League
record - with a home run, triple,
single and sacrifice fly as the
Boston Red Sox overwhelmed the
Detroit Tigers, 18-3.
Jensen's performance was tops
in a single game for the major
leagues this season. Joe Adcock of
the Milwaukee Braves drove in
eight runs against the New York
Giants earlier in the season. Jim
Bottomley of the St. Louis Cardi-
nals holds the all-time major
league record with 12, hit in 1924.

CHICAGO (41) - British Open
champion Peter Thomson of Mel-
bourne and Antonio Cerda of
Buenos Aires kicked up their heels
at the domestic pros yesterday'by
matching five-under-par 67's to'
share the first-round lead of the
All American Golf Tournament.
Cerda, a pro making his fourth
New Fans
DAYTON, Ohio (P) - The
Cincinnati Redlegs, a hot item
with baseball fans hereabouts,
are gaining more converts.
A Dayton Redleg ticket agen-
cy reports the following con-
Woman-"I'd like two tickets
to the Redlegs game Aug. 6."
Agency-"Between home and
third or home and first?"
Woman-"Oh, I don't know
anything about the streets
down there. I just want two
tickets for the baseball game."

bid in the Tam O'Shanter jambo-
ree, hit every fairway and one-
putted five greens in posting 34-
Thomson, 27, winner of the
British Open three years running,
was nearly four hours behind
Cerda as the field of 156 pros
opened their stampede for the
$3,420 top prize. He carded a 32-
Mike Dietz of Lake Orion, Mich.,
35-year-old campaigner, kept on
the pace with a 35-33-68.
The other sections of the com-
nlP All Am ii -hnnr nnith

day through Thursday 7:15-9:15
Co-recreation will be held at
the WAB on Wednesday, Satur-
day and Sunday evenings, Satur-
day afternoon 2-4:30 and Sun-
day afternoon 3-5.
Co-recreation is also held at the
men's Intramural B u i l d i n g
Wednesday evening.
Swimming during the final
week of school will be held at
the WAB 4-6 p.m. Monday
through Wednesday,
~' * *

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NO 2-0675
for the Finest in Recorded Music
Saturday Summer hours (July-Aug.)--930-1 :00 P.M.
Leaving Ann Arbor Soon?
For travel or storage

Study Shows Milwaukee's
Improvement Under Haney

Associated Press Sports Writer
NEW YORK -- We have been
doing a little checking to find out
how the Milwaukee Braves have
been doing since they reopened
under new management June 16.
Fred Haney took over as man-
ager June 15 and Charley Grimm
went fishing, and at the time
Milwaukee had won 24 and lost 22
for a .522 average.
Then came the astonishing 11-
game winning streak. When it
ended June 26 the record was 35
victories and 22 defeats for a .614
As of now the Braves are leading
re Standings

the league with 57-37-.606, which
means that since the winning bingej
ended they have played pretty con-
sistent baseball, traveling along at
a .595 pace with 22 victories and
15 defeats. That puts you right
into pennant contention any year.
Since Haney took over, Milwau-
kee has been playing at an overall
pace of .687,
The above figures might seem to
put Grimm in a bad light, but we
have no intention of doing that.
We're just stating facts, and there
is no way of proving that the sud-
den improvement of the club
wouldn't have been noted had
Grimm remained as pilot.
Due to Start Winning
The Braves were due to start
winning. They were too good a
team to be hovering around the
.500 mark.
Haney, during the early winning
streak after he took over, dis-
claimed credit for the upsurge, say-
ing he was doing nothing that
Grimm wouldn't have done,
Which may have been true.
Sometimes, for some unaccount-
able reason, a team shows an
abrupt reversal of form-for the
better-when a new manager is at
the helm.

piex ail American s aped up wiA' Fire Quinn, if. .. formally awarded yesterday to
these leaders: BOSTON ()-- The Boston Busch Stadium in St. Louis by a
Men's amateur - Jim Hiskey, Traveler reported yesterday that joint meeting of the National and
Pocatello, Idaho. 37-36-73; Walter General Manager John Quinn will American League directors.
Kolodziej, Hobart, Inca., 38-36-74. be fired if the Milwaukee Braves No date was set but tradition-
Women pros-Louise Suggs, Sea fail to win the National League ally the event takes place the sec-
Island, Ga., and Bonnie Randolph, pennant this year. ond Tuesday in July.
Columbus, Ohio, each with 39-36-
75. Women's par is 38-38-76.
Women amateurs-Wanda San-
ches, Baton Rouge, La., 39-38-77, * F e " F G C1 r\ r
and Jackie Yates, Honolulu, 36-42- G
the most popular
Speedway Remodeling
INDIANAPOLIS (4P)-The Indi-Orental eating place in town
anapolis Motor Speedway said
yesterday it is spending more
than half a million dollars to re-
place its pagoda landmark and c ljfj
build a new elevated, protected pit GENUINE CANTONESE STYLE FOOD
area. U
The 30-year-old frame pagoda, 8AMERICANSTYLE
used by race timers and other of-
ficials of the 500-mile auto race,
recently was torn down to makeV
way for the new control tower- ORDERS TO TAKE OUT
pit project.
Alarmed by a race car spin that FREE PARKING ACROSS THE STREET
broke the leg of a crewman in
the pits during this year's race, 118 WEST LIBERTY
the Speedway management said
the infield retaining wall will be Open 11 A.M. to 12 P.M.-Closed Mondays
extended the full length of the Co{} o eooc o o o c <coceo<-
front straightaway on the big 2%-
mile track. An engineer was killed
in the pits in 1937.
Swim Schedule
The Women's Athletic Associa-
tion has announced the swimming
schedule for the remainder of
Summer School.
The swimming for the final two
weeks at the Women's Athletic
Building will run on the follow-
ing schedule: August 6-12 -- Mon-
day through Friday 4-6 p.m., Mon- S uO R T ALL


* plus excise and sales tax

We also have suitcases, furlough, and flightbags.
122 E. Washington







Major Leagu

New York
Kansas City

W L Pet
67 33 .670
49 39 .602
55 44 .556
49 46 .516
45 55 .450
45 55 .450
40 61 .396
36 63 .364

30' ~

Milwaukee 5
Cincinnati ;
St. Louis
New York

W L Pet GB
57 37 .606 -
59 41 .590 1
57 41 .58 2
49 47 .510 9
46 52 .469 13
43 54 .443 15;2
41 55 .427 17
34 59 .366 221j

Baltimore at Chicago (N)
Washington at Kansas City (N)
New York at Detroit (N)
Boston at Cleveland (N)

St. Louis at Brooklyn (N)
Chicago at New York (2 twi-night)
Cincinnati at Philadelphia (N)
Milwaukee at Pittsburgh (N)

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