Alritgatt Baly
Sixty-Sixth Year
Going To Make It To San Francisco?
When OPInlona Are Pre,
Truth Wul Prevail'"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Look Article Misses
Point in Complex Problem
THE BIG TEN has hit the headlines again, DISHONESTY, corruption and scandal are
this time in Look magazine, which claims, less a problem than most articles indicate.
"a major football scandal is brewing today." The basic problem is the stakes for which foot-
The "scandal" turns out to be a grant to an ball games are played-they are too high.
all-American player who was later given a new The millions of dollars in gate receipts, tele-
car as a birthday present, work programs that vision revenues, Rose Bowl appearances that
have been conducted openly for years and a ride on every game provide incentive for vio-
contradiction between Look's interpretation of lation of rules. But more important they pro-
Conference rules and the Conference's inter- vide incentive for modes of operations within
pretation. regulations yet morally indefensible. They pro-
:Despite the red headlines which scream vide incentive for flareups on the playing field,
"scandal" the most serious charge Look can special tutoring aids to athletes, special care
come up with is that Big Ten schools have in- the non-athlete cannot get, constant deroga-
terpreted regulations to their best advantage,tory publicity.
The sort of evil we ought to fear is substi-
" . ..uncovered facts ... never before brought tution of money, prestige, multi-side benefits
into the open," reveal a furtive grant to Mich- for the thrill of pure sport as incentives for
igan's Ron Kramer, reported five weeks ago in playing the game. We ought to be alarmed as
the Daily with the observation that Big Ten the University approaches the entertainment
Commissioner "Tug" Wilson had found the field and becomes nationally known more as
grant "in order." a grand Saturday afternoon spectacle than as
Look forgot to mention the Commissioner's an institution of unwavering academic integ-
approval of the grant. It's just as well they did rity. We ought to be disturbed that we view
appova ofthegrat. t' jut a wel tey ideach victory more as a step towards a glorious
--It would have ruined a page of pictures and Caliory mactio at stmas me oranus
several columns of flashy writing. California vacation at Christmas time than as
a game in itself.
TCHEE is a great deal wrong with big time THESE ARE the important things. The ticket
college athletics. But it is mostly a question scalping, free rides, infractions arise from
of subtle, complex value judgements, not, as the misplaced values and won't be stopped un-
Look would claim, "scandal." til the values are restored.
It is absurd to condemn Big Ten schools for
Where there are outright violations, strong interpreting regulations in their favor. As long
steps should be taken to prevent them and stiff as the rules are subject to interpretation they
penalties levied. Look uncovered nary an "out- would be foolish to do otherwise.
right violation.",wudb ols od tews.
Look wrongly placed the blame, never found
The violations, though, are only manifesta- the real trouble and did a fine athlete an in-
tions of deeper problems. The evils of inter- justice. The article makes good reading and
collegiate athletics will not be cured by ex- will doubtless cause a big splash.
ploiting the newsvalue of all-American foot- It won't do much towards combatting the
ball players. Look never got around to probing evils of intercollegiate athletics.
the deeper values. -Lee Marks
Whither Kefauver?
SENATOR KEFAUVER made a very smart within the ranks of the Republican party con-
move when he dropped from the race for cerning their vice-presidential candidate, this
the Democratic presidential nomination. He Democratic move toward party unity is a clever
claimed his withdrawal was in the best interests one, for both the party and Kefauver. If
of party unity and Democratic victory, a some- Stevenson does happen to win in November, so
what superficial reason for one who had does Kefauver.
sought nomination so bitterly in two consecu- If he doesn't, it must be kept in mind that a
tive campaigns. losing vice-presidential candidate is never called
His underlying motive for this action would a "two-time loser."
seem more likely to be one of looking to the -DONNA HANSON
With the good possibility of the Republicans T a e.
holding onto the top office for four more years, Kefauver on Ticket
the country, in 1960, may well be ready for a CN
change, and the Democrats will be scouting (could Force Nixon Out
around for an acceptable candidate. Assuming WJITH Senator Kefauver throwing his hat out
that Stevenson is the 1956 candidate he would of
be more out of the picture, tagged as a "two- Stevenson, the possibility arises that the Sena-
time loser," and leaving Kefauver as a very tor from Tennessee may wind up with the
possible and probable candidate. Democratic nomination for the Vice-Presidency.
TENNESSEE Senator, now 53, is fairly Though chances for this are not overwhelm-
young by political standards and has four ingly great, the Republicans do face the threat
of a very strong Democratic ticket made up of
more Senatorial years in which to "shine" in tof strongtetters.iMoreoerthe Deo-
the public eye. By withdrawing now, Kefauver two strong vote-getters. Moreover, the Demo-
could be setting Stevenson up to be knocked crats will have the spirited campaigning of old
down and out by Eisenhower in the forth- indestructable Harry Truman.
coming election-leaving the field clear for The possibility that the G.O.P. will face
1960. unexpectedly strong opposition may well put
This one might call excellent political §trat- increasing pressure on Vice-President Nixon
egy, and a good method for saving face. to abdicate.
The possibility of Kefauver withdrawing and With Kefauver joining Stevenson on the
throwing his strength to Stevenson in order Democratic ticket, the Republicans could ill
to become his running mate, is a strong one, afford running controversial Dick Nixon as the
though it has been emphatically denied by future Vice-President of the United States.
both parties. In contrast to the dissension -DAVID GELFAND
I Low-Pressure Politics I
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Fry's 'Lady' Safe-
Hardly aSpark
CHRISTOPHER FRY'S "The Lady's Not for Buring" began a four-day
sojourn at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night which, unless
major changes can be effected, will be a very bleak visit. The play is
called a comedy, but the production emphasizes and creates elements
designed to evoke a deeply sobering mood.
Few of the laugh lines are allowed to provoke even a chuckle,
and amusement-or, indeed, entertainment-is a quality most noted
in its absence.
The prevailing somberness did apparently not just happen; it
seems to have been specifically created, strengthened out of certain
aspects of the play, and intended generally to point out the depth of
the lines. Director James Brock has had the whole production aimed
in this direction, for lighting effects, entr'acte music, and even costumes
Copyright, 1956, The Pulitzer Publishing Co..
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
(Herblock Is on Vacation)
House Committee Chastised
T WO significant events occurred
in Philadelphia recently. Both
concerned the basic freedoms, in-
cluding t h e 5th Amendment,
which the Founding Fathers ham-
mered into the Constitution in the
same city of Philadelphia almost
two centuries ago.
One event was a letter written
by some of the city's leading
Quakers, descendants of those who
founded Philadelphia, t o t h e
H o u s e UnAmerican Activities
Committee telling its members in
dignified but emphatic language
to quit nosing into the right of
the Quakers to hire any librarian
they pleased, even if that librar-
ian had once been a member of
the Communist party.
Not many people address the
much feared House UnAmerican
Activities Committee in that tone
of voice these days.
The other event was the open-
ing of "Storm Center," the most
controversial picture Hollywood
has turned out since McCarthyism
became popular in some quarters.
By coincidence, "Storm Center"
also involves a librarian who was
kicked out because she once be-
longed to some Communist front
organizations and because she
championed the library's right to
keep certain controversial books
on its shelves.
The plot almost parallels the
same issue for which the Plymouth
Quaker meeting, just outside Phil-
adelphia, was investigated by the
UnAmerican Activities Committee;
The chief difference being that
the Quakers stood their ground
and did not fire librarian Mary
Knowles, while in Hollywood's
stirring story, Bette Davis, who
plays the part of the librarian, is
fired by a McCarthyesque city
council in some drama-packed se-
quences which are as good box-of-
fice as they are good for the basic
principles born in Philadelphia.
INSIDE FACT is that "Storm
Center" had a hard time seeing
the light of a movie projector. It
was conceived five years ago by
two young writer-producers, Dan
Taradash and Julian Blaustein,
right at the height of Joe McCar-
thy's popularity. At that time no
studio would touch it.
But two years age, Columbia
Pictures, which has more courage
than some of the others, saw it
was not only good drama but good
for the nation, Mary Pickford was
first picked to play the role of the
discharged librarian, but backed
out at the last minute.
Bette Davis, who took over the
role, played it with great convic-
tion. She believed what she acted.
Every Senator who supported
Joe McCarthy during his heyday
should take a good look at this
picture. So should members of the
UnAmerican Activities Committee
which poked its nose into the right
of Quakers to hire their own li-
"We regard such inquires as a
serious transgression upon the
complete division of Church and
State," wrote the nine Quaker el-
ders to the committee, "which is
one of the important foundations
of democracy."
"Is the conscience o f t h e
Church," they asked, "to be sub-
ject to the organization pressure
of groups of people who differ
with it?"
GOP Congressman Francis E.
Dorn of Brooklyn takes seriously
the problem of teaching his chil-
dren democracy. That's why every
year he requires them to sit in
turn for one week on the floor of
Congress watching how the ma-
chinery of government works.
Since there are four Dorns, aged
four to 11, the Congressman's chil-
dren sit, and sometimes squirm,
beside him for a solid month,
while other Congressmen orate
and vote as the ponderous legis-
lative wheels grind out our laws.
This column, also having a pas-
sing interest in making democ-
racy work, phoned the elder Dorn
children at Camp Birchwood, N.
H., to get their views on this sub-
''Did you get a thrill sitting in
the House of Representatives with
the Congressmen," Tom Dorn,
aged 11, was asked.
"Nope," was his candid reply.
"Would you like to be a Con-
"Nope. It looks like a tough job
--too nerve wracking."
His sister Theresa, aged 10, was
more tolerant about her father's
"Yes, I think I might like to be
a Congresswoman," she said.
"I don't know."
"Do you think women can do a
better job than men?"
"Yes and-well, the offices are
nice and they're air conditioned."
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
If the threat of war has been
lessened or stalemated by tacit
American-Soviet consent, there
will be no truce and no stalemate
on the diplomatic front. As Ad-
miral Arthur W. Radford, Chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
recently put it to a Congressional
committee: "It is in the political
and diplomatic fields that we have
to worry."
-The Reporter
and makeup plunge decidedly to-
ward the lower depths.
The lines of the set are ade-
quately enough designed, but only
a few ineffectual garlands of paper
flowers support the fact that the
action of the play occurs in the
springtime. The drabness of the
set is reflected as well in the cos-
umes, which have very little dis-
tinction in their color or design.
* * *
THE CAUSE for all this sobriety,
and for a prevailing pomposity in
the delivery of the lines (which, if
they do nothing else, do trip and
warble along) is apparently mis-
directed reverence for Christopher
Fry and what he chooses to call a
verse play. .Too often gestures
and speech patterns point dis-
tinctly toward elocution-class
poetry readings.
The action of this play is amus-
ing enough, and it is upon this
that an evening's entertainment in
Mendelssohn must be based. In
this production the action too
often drags itself along at a pace
suited to the adopted seriousness
of the occasion.
4'* * '
THE ACTORS naturally enough,
suffer most from the tone of- the
director's conception, for they
must deliver comic lines and try, if
they can, to get laughs.
The central figures, Thomas
(the misanthrope) and Jennet (the
optimist), are played by Earl Sayer
and Marilyn Cherniak. Both are
given to reading the lines in an
unsuitably noble manner, and oc-
casionally may be caught crooning
whole passages. Miss Cherniak ap-
pears not to have found much of
the zest of Jennet, though in
matter-of-fact speeches she is
quite credible.
Mr. Sayer's tharacterization is
a puzzle. Thomas, for more than
two of the three acts, is a cynic,
and only occasionally a nostalgi-
cally sentimental one. For Mr.
Sayer he seems to have been a
gentleman of poetic temperament
who doesn't really have much
against the world at all.
Greta Richards appears as Mar-
garet Devize, a middle-aged mother
garet Devize, a middle-aged moth-
er of two troublesom sons. Miss
Richards tries to achieve a good
deal more grace than is necessary,
and her maternal complaining is a
tiresome whine when it might have
been a hilarious denseness.
HER TWO sons are played by
Albert Phillips and Glen Phillips
(apparently unrelated), whose per-
formances provide an interesting
contrast. The formr, as Nicholas,
deilvers some of the flattest lines
and the most awkward manner-
isms in the production; Glen Phil-
lips, as Humphrey, rarely indulges
in the pseudo-poetic and moves
more credibly than most of the
Only two performers, Dale Stev-
enson and Richard Teneau, really
manage to make their roles work.
Mr. Stevenson is excellently cast
as the music-loving chaplain, and
Mr. Teneau gives the drunken
Skipps an excellently created dose
of slapstick.
Other members of the cast -
Thomas Taylor, Joyce Williams,
Charles Smith, and Stanley Scizak
-suffer rathr uniformly from the
director's conception of the play,
although an occasional deviation
shows each of them to be capable
and a good deal more.
-Tom Arp
The Daily Official Bulletin i an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
General Notices
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) must
submit instructors' signatures form for
June-July to Dean's office before 5:00
TION, VA Form 7-1996a, may be filled
in between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. In
Office of veterans' Affairs, 555 Admin-
istration Building, August 1, 2, 3, and 6.
Invitations to the Masters Breakfast,
Sun., Aug. 5 at 9:00 a.m. in the ball-
room of the Michigan Union, honoring
those students who are candidates for
the Master's Degree at the close of the
current Summer Session are in the
If you have not received your invi-
tation by Wednesday and are a candi-
date for the Master's Degree, you may
call for your ticket at the Office of
the Summer Session Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, before 4:00 p.m.,
Fri., Aug. 3.
The University Printing Office, for-
merly at 31 Maynard Street, has moved
to its new quarters in the Printing
Building on North Campus. To reach
the Printing Office on North Campus
by telephone, dial 88 from campus
phones (or NO 2-3111 from outside
lines) andask for extension 9.
A Central Campus Office of the
Printing Office will be maintained ta
Room 102, University Press Building,
412 Maynard Street. A representative
of the Printing Office will be on hand
to receive material and verbal instrue-
tions when this type of contact is de-
Additional Ushers are needed for the
Department of Speech production of
"The Lady's Not For Burning" to be
presented in the Lydia Mendelsohn
Theatre tonight. Telephone the box of-
fice, NO. 8-6300.
Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch will be psy-
chiatric consultant at the Fresh Air
Camp Clinic on Fri., Aug. 3.
The following persons, who signed to
usher for the Duke Ellington show, are
asked to usher if possible at the Pearl
Primus Concert which will be given
at Hill Auditorium on Thurs, Aug. 9.
Elizabeth Barbo Tula Diamond,
Cynthia Diamond, Susu Finton, To
George, Barbara Gratke, Mary Ann Gib-
son, Alan Hooper, Robert Heiberger,
Roger Halley, George Humenansky, Di-
ane Humenansky, Lee Irish Elaine
Keebier, Shirley Keen, Mary Lee, Lily
Lampinen, Bill Moore, Joyce Moore,
Fred McCluskey, Richard Rieder, Cyn-
this Rollings, Nadya Spassenko, Kay
Shehan, Ruth Selby, Karen Snyder,
Blanche Souffront, Margaret Trusel,
Marilyn Wheeler, Kaye Wheeler, Wal-
lace Wells,Jean Watkins, James 0
Additional ushers will also be urgent-
ly needed for this concert. All Choral
Union and Lecture Series ushers and
all persons who are Interested in ush.
ering at this concert on Aug. 9, please
sign up at Hill Auditorium box office
between 5 and 6 p.m. on Thurs., Aug. 2.
Nelson International House, 91 Oak-
land, is interested in securing a mature
student couple to serve as houseparent
A child welcomed. Call NO. 3-3220 fo
further information.
Patterns of American Culture: Con-
tributions of the Negro. "The Central
Theme in Negro History." John Hope
Franklin, chairman Department of
History, Brooklyn College. 4:15 p.m.,
Thurs., Aug. 2, Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Lecture in Social Psychology. The iast
in a series of four public lectures on
social psychology will be given by Dr.
Abraham Kaplan, Professor of Philo-
sopy, University of California at Los
Angeles, Thurs., Aug. 2, at 4:00 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheater. Title:
"The Misbehavior of Behavioral
The Lady's Not For Burning, Christo-
pher Fry's comedy in verse, will be
presented by the Department of Speech
at 8:00 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
send, trombone, assisted by Virginia
Garrett, piano, John visosky and John
Avolio trumpets, Charles White, French
horn, Gayle Grove, trombone, Nathan.
Judson, euphonium, and Robert Whit-
acre, tuba, will present a recital at 8:3
p.m. Thurs., Aug. 2, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall. Townsend studies with
Glenn Smith, and his program, given
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music degree,
Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER, persistently re-
fusing to take any personal part in the
vice presidential dispute, is pursuing the same
sort of low-pressure tactics which have now
become so familiar.
One thing, at least, he is doing. He is avoid-
ing any appearance of coercing the delegates
to the convention unless they show signs, after
nominating him, of saddling him with a run-
ning mate he cannot approve.
As Allied commander in World War II he
awaited the political decisions of the countries
he represented before exercising his military
leadership. He still seems inclined that way.
Editorial Staff
LEE MARKS, Managing Editor
Night Editors
Dick Halloran, Donna Hanson, Arlene Liss,
M~sarv, Ann - T'lhom.-.., s A1.A .. ai i Wi-li
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER probably expects,
as most people do, that he will meet Steven-
son as in 1952. The Republicans team won then,
and a good practice in politics as in sports is
not to break up a winning team.
Nixon is a member of that winning team,
although many people criticize him. Eisenhower
says Nixon has made a fine vice president and
is perfectly acceptable to him for a second term.
The Kefauver withdrawal from the Demo-
cratic presidential contest starts both parties
toward the conventions with about equal unity.
The Democrats have the choice of a number
of good men for second place, and most of them
do not represent great divisive issues. Their big
fight promises to be over a civil rights plank
for the platform.
REPUBLICAN ideological divisions exist, but
are not expected to play a great role at the
convention. Indeed, if the flurry over Nixon
lasts until the meeting ,it will be just about
the only way the party can attract attention.
There is a good bid of evidence that the
well-fed public is taking the whole situation
%T T1 s r " -
GOP Program Did Well in Democratic Congress
By The Associataed Press
THE "cold war" that many Re-
publicans predicted if President
Dwight D. Eisenhower had a Dem-
ocratic Congress in the last tw,
years of his first term didn't take
"Peaceful coexistence" best de-
scribes the atmosphere in which
the Republican President and the
Democratic 84th Congress have
worked since January 1955.
Few presidents have fared bet-
ter, legislatively, than did Presi-
dent Eisenhower at the hands of
the opposition party. He didn't get
everything he asked for or in the
shape he wanted it.
But few presidents do. Certainly,
Harry S. Truman was given much'
rougher treatment from the Ie-
publican controlled 80th Congress.
Eisenhower got more than he
asked for from both the Senate
and the House, with Democrats
taking the lead in "out-liberaliz-
ing" the Republicans.
Military: A program to strength-
en the reserve setup, advocated
by the president, was enacted.
Over Republican opposition, and
against administration wishes,
Congress voted the Air Force al-
most a billion dollars in extra
Congress early last year voted
the President a free hand in help-
ing defend Formosa from any
attack from Communist China.
Civil rights: Pres. Eisenhower
did not get final action on his re-
quest to strengthen the Justice
Department's powers to prevent
abuses of voting and nther rights
FEDERAL AID for schools: Con-
gress turned down the administra-
tion on this proposal after a House
fight over the civil rights.
A modified version of the bill,
drafted by the House Education
Committee, was beaten in the
House by 119 Republicans and 105
Democrats. Only 75 Republicans
voted for it, while 119 Demo-
crats supported it.
Agriculture: Pres. Eisenhower
got what he wanted-a soil bank
program without a return to rigid
price supports. A rigid price sup-
port-soil bank bill passed by Dem-
ocrats over Republican leadership
opposition was vetoed.
Natural gas: Eisenhower vetoed
a bill that would have exempted
natural gas nroducers from federail
plan the administration originally
RECIPROCAL trade: President
Eisenhower's request for extension
of the Reciprocal Trade Agree-
ments Act became law, although
the bill came within one vote of
being killed quickly in the House.
Only 65 Republicans, aided by
128 Democrats, voted to let the
measure come up for debate. Vot-
ing against considering it were 87
Democrats and 105 Republicans.
Congress went further than
Pres. Eisenhower requested in the
matter of minimum wage increases
by voting $1 an hour instead of 90
cents. It went along with him in
his requests for extension of the
draft law, continuance of his re-
organization powers and scores of