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August 01, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-08-01

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'U'Defends Policies Attacked By Look Mu


University and Big Ten officials lashed out yesterday at at na-
tionally published reports that Michigan had violated Conference
rules on financial aid to athletes.
Athletic Director H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler termed the reports, to
appear in the current issue of Look magazine, "sensationalism." The
Look article, titled "Football Scandal Hits the Big Ten," discusses
alleged violations and loopholes in the Conference code.
Crisler said yesterday University athletic policy is based on "long
established precedents" and approved by Western Conference Com-
missioner Kenneth "Tug" Wilson..
Story Exaggerated
Wilson claimed the story was exaggerated.
Extensive comment is devoted to a University grant to all-
American football end Ron Kramer. The grant was reported in The
Daily June 26.
, At that time The Daily reported that Wilson had examined
records pertaining to Kramer's grant and publicly declared they were
"in order." Look did not mention the Commissioner's statement.
Look credits an "escape" clause in the regulations with permitting
Kramer to receive a $560 grant.

The clause, section three of the Big Ten Handbook, says: "a
student may reecive without loss of eligibility, any type of unearned
financial aid for which he is qualified because of circumstances
unrelated to his athletic skill, and which may not demand the (normal
Conference) scholastic requirements . . . and which, in fact, is not
awarded on the basis of athletic ability in whole or in part."
Kramer Given Car
Shortly after Kramer received his grant, he was given a new
Chevrolet by menlbers of his family. Look implied that Kramer was
not in great financial need.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea asserted yesterday that grants
such as Kramer's were awarded on the basis of need to any University
students and "had nothing to do" with eithetr athletic or scholastic
Furthermore, Dean Rea declared, "Kramer undoubtedly knew
nothing of the car when he applied for the grant.
"We helped to meet, not to cover Kramer's expenses," Dean
Rea continued. If we find that persons are suffering financial hard-
ships by participating in activities promoted by the University, we
feel the need is sufficient to warrant the awarding of financial
grants. This goes for persons in musical activities, sports activities
or any other activities promoted by the University."

Dean Rea made the distinction between grants and scholarships-
a distinction "confused by Look Magazine." Big Ten rules prohibit
scholarships for more than tuition to any athlete who fails to attain
better than a 2.5 grade average. However, scholarships for lesser
amounts are permissible for any athlete who attains at least a C plus
scholastic rating.
The University has always interpreted a C ,plus average to mean
above a 2.0. Dean Rea asserted this is because a 2.0 equals a straight
C and anything between that and 2.51 (B minus) is a C plus. An
interpretation was necessary because lit school, in which Kramer is
enrolled, does not ordinarily recognize plus or minus grades.
While Kramer has consistently averaged "above C," the Univer-
sity's main contention is that a grant, unlike a scholarship, is based
solely on need and not on scholastic achievement.
Look claimed Kramer's grant was against regulations because
he had not maintained a C plus average, but they interpreted C plus
as being above 2.5, an interpretation not recognized by the University.
Loans, Not Gifts
Another distinction between grants and scholarships, not drawn
by Look, is that there is a moral obligation to repay grants. They are
considered loans, though not legally binding.

Yesterday the commissioner claimed the Look story was an
exaggeration and the Conference was "honestly facing its athletic
A meeting is scheduled this weekend in Chicago to ;study a
four-man committee's report on the conduct of intercollegiate athletics
in the Big Ten. The committee, appointed nine months ago, includes
Crisler from Michigan, Dean Verne Freeman of Purdue, Athletic
Director Ivy Williamson of Wisconsin and Prof. Leslie Scott of Michi-
gan State.
Look's Article Timed
Dean Rea, Crisler and Marcus Plant, Michigan's faculty represen-
tative to the Big Ten, all suggested that Look's article may have been
timed to occur just before the meeting.
They intimated Look was trying to appear the cause of the special
Conference meeting, even though it was arranged more than two
months ago.
Plant made it clear that the meeting had been set for mid-summer
so that only the committee review and reexamination of Conference
rules and legislation would be on the agenda.
Crisler commented that such a reappraisal was notunusual,
His committee was "number four" in a series of periodically established
study groups.

study groups.

See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State



trike Ma rle Nation's Aluminum It










Kefauver Drops
Out of Running
Will Throw Support to Stevenson
In Best Interests of Party Unity
WASHINGTON (P)-Senator Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) bowed out
of the presidential race yesterday, asking his supporters to back Adlai
Stevenson in the interests of Democratic party unity and victory.
This gave Stevenson such a boost that many Democrats said he has
their party's presidential nomination cinched.
There also were predictions Sen. Kefauver may get the vice-
presidential nomination. He said yesterday he has made no "deals."
Sen. Kefauver's unity move came at a time when the Republi-
R cans' Harold E. Stassen is attempting to unseat Vice-President Richard
Second Largest Block
Sen. Kefauver, who had amassed the second largest block of dele-

Last Ditch
Alcoa, Reynolds May
Be Hit By Walkout
NEW YORK (P)-A strike which
could knock out two-thirds of the
nation's aluminum production be-
gan early today.
The strike officially began at
midnight yesterday in the midst
of contract negotiations between
two unions and the Aluminum Co.
of America (Alcoa) and the Rey-
nolds Metals Co.
First plants to be affected were
four of the Alcoa firn-
A union spokesman said the
walkout would spread automati-
Fally across the nation unless
agreement were reached in the
early morning hours in New York.
The two unions are the United
Steelworkers and the Aluminum
Workers International Union.

'j :F

Burma Forces Vie
With Red Troops
Negotiations Progress to Withdraw
Chinese to Their Side of Border
RANGOON, Burma (P) - Military sources said yesterday Chinese
Communist troops have occupied about 1,000 square miles of Burma's
northern territory after clashes with Burmese forces. Some casual-
ties were reported.
A Burmese Foreign Office statement, confirming reports that
Red Chinese troops established outposts in northeastern Burma, said
the government has .brought the matter to the attention of the
Chinese government in Peiping.f
"Negotiations are now in pro-
gress with a view to the withdraw- Economics


Ike Would
Lose Votes
With Nixon
WASHINGTON (P) - Harold .E
Stassen, seeking to bolster his
anti-Nixon campaign, yesterday
raised the specter of possible de-
feat for President Dwight D.
E i s e n h o w e r if Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon is renominated.
Stassen told an overflow audi-
ence at a National Press Club
luncheon that Nixon's name on
the GOP ticket would cost Presi-
dent Eisenhower "millions of
votes" in an election that will be
no "cinch,"
While he didn't openly predict
President Eisenhower would lose
with Nixon as his running mate,
Stassen told his hearers they
would have to evaluate his one-
man campaign to dump Nixon in
terms of his own belief that no
election is ever settled until all
the votes are counted.
Stassen is trying to get Gov-
ernor Christian Herter of Massa-
chusetts nominated for vice-presi-
dent in place of Nixon.
Even before Stassen spoke, re-
publican National Q h a i r m a n
Leonard Hall issued a statement
saying that he, like Stassen, fa-
vors an "open" party convention.
Hall had said previously he re-
gards an Eisenhower-Nixon ticket
as a certainty. Hall played a ma-
jor role in getting Herter to agree
to place Nixon's name in nomin-
ation before the convention, open-
ing at San Francisco Aug. 20.

- gate strength for the Democratic
National Convention starting in
Chicago Aug. 13, announced his
withdrawal at a late afternoon
news conference.
He said he was convinced "Gov-
ernor Stevenson's delegate lead is
such that he could be stopped only
by throwing the convention into a
"I would not want to be a party
to this," Kefauver said. He added
he felt he could make "a great
contribution" to party unity and
Democratic victory in the Novem-
ber presidential election by with-
drawing as a candidate.
"Victory in November is more
important than victory in Aug-
ust," he said.
Involhes 'Ifs'
He reiterated he is not a can-
didate for vice-president. Asked
whether he would accept second
place on the ticket, he replied that
involved a lot of ifs.
At a special news conference in
Chicago, Stevenson said he was
pleased with Sen. Kefauver's
"gracious" and spontaneous ex-
pression of his support."
"Sen. Kefauver has expressed
the hope-which I share-that we
Democrats, united by a common
purpose, can soon close ranks and
get on with this fateful campaign,"
Stevenson said.
The 1952 Democratic presiden-a
tial nominee made .no reference'
whatsoever to any so-called deal
with Sen. Kefauver.
Christopher Fry's
Play Opens Today
Christopher Fry's comedy, "The
Lady's Not For Burning" will be
presented by the Department of
Speech at 8:00 p.m. today through
Saturday in the Lydia Mendels-}
sohn Theatre.
Prof. James Brock is directing
the plav. which is the fnrth on

tiating in:
Alcoa is
burgh with
nolds with
mond, Va.

and Alcoa are nego-
New York with the

al of these Chinese troops to the
Chinese side of the border," the
Foreign Office said.
Military informants said troops
of the two armies now faced one
another across a strip of land no
wider than 200 yards at many
points in the mountainous area
known as the Northern WA State,
about 100 miles east of Lashio.
Accurate reports on the strength
of the Chinese force were not
available, but it was estimated
in Rangoon at not less than 500
The military sources said the
Chinese occupied a triangular
area with a 54-mile base after
penetrating as far as 60 miles
beyond the frontiers of the Ka-
chin and Wa States. Additional
small forces of Red troops are re-
ported in the Kachin states to the
north of the Wa area.

And Negro'
Though the title of his speech
was "The Economic Position of
the Negro since the 1930 Depres-
sion", Prof Abram L. Harris said
that "race problems are not my
particular interest now."
A professor of economics and
philosophy at the University of
Chicago, he explained, before giv-
ing his lecture, that at one time,
during the 20's, "I was -a sort of
socialist, having read Marx and
"At that time, I wrote 'The
Black Worker', and was very much
concerned with race problems -
mostly emotionally. Later, though,
I became interested in Thorstein
Veblen, lost my socialistic enthusi-
asm and emotional interest in race

Ike Signs
Foreign Aid
Bill Appropriates
3 Billion in Funds
WASHINGTON (iP) - President
Dwight p. Eisenhower signed into
law yesterday a bill appropriating
$3,766,570,000 in new funds for
foreign aid in the year ending next
June 30.
The Congress-passed amount
fell $1,093,405,000 below the $4,-
859,975,000 President Eisenhower
originally requested for the pro-
gram to bolster 54 countries
throughout the world against
Nearly all the cut -- 9821 mil-
lion dollars worth - came out of
President Eisenhower's requested
three billion dollars for military
aid abroad.
In signing the bill, the President
issued a statement saying:
"There are two provisions in
the act relating to defense support
where particular countries are
named as eligible recipients of as-
sistance in specified amounts. I
regard these provisions as author-
izations, and also as limitations on
the availability of the amounts
specified, rather than as direc-
tives. To construe them otherwise
would raise substantial constitu-
tional questions."

the AWIU
the AWIU



in Pitts-
and Rey-
in Rich-

Forces Alerted
Dulles Leaves for London To Join
In Tense Three Power Conferences
LONDON (P)-Military leaders yesterday alerted Britain's armed
forces to be ready for immedaite action in case Egypt's nationalization
of the Suez Canal produces violence.
The action came after the Soviet Union moved into the canal
dispute by throwing its support behind Egypt. Russia also urged every-
one to keep cool.
Armed forces at home and in the Mediterranean were alerted for
action. A statement said Britain military positions in the eastern
Mediterranean were being strengthened.
Dulles Goes to London
President Dwight D. Eisenhower urgently dispatched Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles to London to participate in the
key concluding period of the Am-*
erican-French-British talks on the (A'_
canal. oVernment
Prime Minister' Anthony Eden
planned to inform Parliament to-
morrow of Britain's position in the
dispute. He moved back his speech
a.,day in order to talk with Dulles.
In the present tense internation-
al atmosphere Britain's War Of- U poneA ssets
fice issued this statement:
Certain precautionary meas- WASHINGTON tm)-The gov-
ures of a military nature are be- ernment clamped a partial freeze
ing taken with the object of on Egyptian assets in this country
strengthening our position in the yesterday as Secretary of Statc
eastern Mediterranean area and John Foster Dulles departed sud-
our general ability to deal with denly for London to join Anglo-
any situation that may arise." French talks on the Suez Canal
elaboration. crisis.
Warships Prepared The Treasury announced it has
Earlier, the Admiralty placed placed under temporary licensing
several British warships, includ- controls all assests of the Egyptian
ing two aircraft carriers, on a government and the Suez Canal
ready basis. These ships, in Brit- Co. located in the United States.
ish home waters, were being pre- It was a surprise move. Con-
pared to sail on a moment's no-trols will remain in effect, the
Thce. r th Mediterranersn T a Treasury said, "pending determ i-
The British Shipowners Trade nation of the ownership of these
Assn. advised its members to assets and clarification of the ex-
keep on paying their canal tolls isting situation."
into accounts of the old Interna-
tional Suez Canal Co., and not to Earlier in the day, apparently at
the new national company sea up the urging of Britain and France,
by Egypt. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Egyptian authorities have said decided to have Dulles participate
that henceforth all checks for pay- personally in the London confer-
ment of canal tolls must be made ence on what to do about Egypt's
out to the new Egyptian company. seizure of the Suez Canal. The
But generally, the Egyptians waterway is of great strategic im-
were making other conciliatory portance to the West.
moves, including a promise by The Treasury edict was not as
President Gamal Abdel Nasser to sweeping as Britain's action Sat-
keep the canal open to traffic, urday in freezing assets of the
Egyptian government and of all
Egypt's banks, trading companies
Franklin To Talk and individuals.
. Private Egyptian funds will not
On Negro History be affected by the American order,
the-Treasury said,
John Hope Franklin, professor But the order will prevent the
and chairman of the department Egyptian government and the
of history at Brooklyn College, will canal company which it now ap-
sneak tnmorrnw in the TUniversitio n-. nan. 4 .. 1. -__A;__

It was announced earlier that
an agreement had been reached
between Reynolds and the AWIU
for an extension of the current
contract terms on a day-to-day
basis while negotiations continue.

Few Communists in Near East:

"Given all the lists of grievances, it surprises me that there
are so few Communists in the Near East," Prof. William Schorger
told a round table forum on Russian studies yesterday.
Speaking on USSR relations with Communism in the Near East,
Prof. Schorger outlined the cultural background of the Near East
and listed the main appeals of Communism in that area.
Lacking overall material wealth, the economy of the area is
in the simple handicraft stage and the greater part of the wealth
is concentrated in the hands of relatively small percentage of the
people, Prof. Schorger commented.
"Lack of confidence in the political regimes and military se-
curity of the area has hindered economic development," the Near
Eastern expert explained, "and political officials, being poorly trained
and underpaid, are often corrupt."
Communism in the Near East bases itself on five main appeals,
he said. "The first appeal, anti-Westernism and anti-colonialism,
is a logical result of recent Wesetern occupation of the area. This
has led tn an amhiint attitue amonna the en intrie torard

w '

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