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July 26, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-26

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Q Atdligan Daily
Sixty-Sixth Year

"Dick. You Have A Chance To Perform A Great Service"

When Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevajil

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Situation in Germany
Needs President's Attention

A FRESH report of American GI crime against
a citizen of occupied Germany, following
what was expected to be effective action curb-
ing such incidents, demands President Eisen-
hower's personal consideration of a problem
which will have far-reaching effects on Ger-
man-American friendship.
The deterioration of relationships between
Unuited States troops and German citizens is
a tragedy in the face of a great opportunity in
the field of positive diplomacy.
Only a few days ago, American commanders
announced the strict enforcement of existing
curfew orders in a belated attempt to solve
the problem of GI crme. The new policy has
so far only spotlighted the alleged attack by two
Americans on the 18-year-old bride of a fellow
In addition, attempts to force Allied troops
from the Western Zone have been hatched with
increasing frequency and assertiveness in the
hot lights of publicity. The town council of
Bamberg has officially demanded the with-
drawal of American troops- from that city.
In Bonn, a government officials says that
serious complaints against Allied troops-their
term includes French and British forces as well
as American-have about doubled within the
year and adds, "there is no place for gangsters
and sex maniacs in the Federal Republic."
It is certainly not necessary to note here
that these acts are being committed by a very
small percentage of our men, but they cannot
be ignored.
B ITTRNESS and hostility is to be expected
in any such situations. The fact that these
accusations have not come to the fore earlier,
and are not more serious now, is something
about which we can be thankful.
The worst damage being done seems, rather,
to be in the passing up of a great opportunity
for the advancement of peace.

Men who served during the Second World
War still recall the fellowship and warmth
which often passed between themselves and
the citizens of Europe. The travels of a cen-
tury of tourists and ambassadors could not
hope to duplicate the diplomatic victories won
by the GI's working their home to Ann Arbor
via London, Paris, Berlin and Schweinfurt-on-
But things and times have changed.
Letters from troops stationed in the father-
land don't say much about their contacts with
the German people. News dispatches describe
minutely the talks between Adenauer and a few
U.S. officials, but neglect to comment, except
unfavorably, on any relations between farmers,
factory workers, and five divisions of GI's.
The American defense communities in Ger-
many seem to be miniature "fortress Americas,"
tightly knit and, strangely enough, introspec-
. It is undoubtedly risky to judge personal,
relationships from a distance of several thou-
sand miles,, and exceptions to this particular
rule are welcome, but all indications seem to
suggest that there is very little contribution
to the future of Gern'an friendship being made
at this time.
AS OUR military committments overseas grow
smaller, it becomes obvious that the United
States will never again have such an oppor-
tunity to impress our allies with the sincerity,
morality, and thoughtfulness we believe to be
an integral part of the American way of life.
It must not allow the actions of a few and the
resulting misunderstandings of millions to in-
jure the unity of the two countries and of the
free world.
This is a problem undoubtedly faced in the
past by the President and one which could be
helped by his intervention.

h .,
_ 7


Dc. c9D

Production Lags,
'Saint' Still Wandering
PAUL VINCENT CARROLL'S whimsically sentimental "The Way-
ward Saint" receives a motley production by the speech department
this week in Lydia Mendelssohn.
There is a great variety in performance quality among the cast
members, and certain parts of the play seem to have received a good
deal less of director Jack E. Bender's attention. As a result the play
wanders from tedium to gaiety, lingering in the former state a little
too often and long.
The story is about a simple old Irish priest, Canon Daniel McCooey,
who has made himself a reputation as a saint through conversations
with dumb beasts and the revivification of a dead child.
These actions bring down the wrath of a rule-loving bishop and
the attention of an emissary from hell, who both try to constrict the
canon to a point his lovable old Gaelic temperament will not abide.
SO WITH THE aid of a lion, some minor miracles, and the fervent
prayers of an innocent maiden, the canon finds his ways out of all
difficulty. Canonization, undoubtedly, to follow.
James Young appears as McCooey, but is not quite up to the job.
He tries quite valiantly to create a heart-warming twinkle-in-the-eye
Irishman, but his stock of gestures is limited and his brogue is eva-
sive. Mr. Young's performance hurts the production profoundly, for
he is the central figure and the most incredible. His lack is particu-
larly apparent in the final minutes of the play when his lines become
excessively sentimental, a development for which he has not pre-
pared himself*
The problem of the brogue extends almost evrywhere in the pro-

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Government Wheels Unwieldy

Toward A Weak Presidency

APPARENTLY Harold Stassen's attempt to
edge Richard Nixon off the .road to the
Presidency has failed, for the present, at least.
Whatever motives Stassen may have had, his
suggestion was well received by people who are
somehow dismayed at the thought of Mr.
Nixon calling the White House every morning
to find out if the President is any worse.
Now that President Eisenhower has evidently
been persuaded to run again by his power-
hungry associates, it might be hoped that this
group would somewhere find the non-partisan,
unselfish, national interest to nominate a quali-
fied man for the Vice-Presidency.
UNFORTUNATELY, Nixon seems to be the
choice of Republican leaders, who should
know better, for two reasons:
One, dropping Nixon now would cause specu-
lation that he was being replaced by a more
acceptable candidate because of President
Eisenhower's uncertain health.
Two, Nixon's public relations ability has
made him many friends among politicians much
in the same way that Harding's incredible
stupidity made friends.
These friends are all too eager to cash in on
their friendship.
Somehow, there has always been a significant
group in each party seeking a weak President,
easily managed and easily directed.
IT WOULD appear that in the combination of
a sincere but tired Eisenhower, immensly
popular and extremely conscious of his obliga-
tion to the country, and acharming but inept
Nixon, the combination capable of producing
a weak President may have been found.

Evidently any maneuverings which might
place the name of the Governor of Massachu-
setts beside Mr. Eisenhower's will be met with
strong opposition from the above-mentioned
Revival of Ku Klux Klan
Gives Feeling of Security
THE KU KLUX KLAN has reestablished itself
in Florida and called a meeting in defiance
of integration, and to combat Communism,
Catholicism and Judaism. It certainly gives one
a feeling of security to hear that such a group
will take the' initiative in an attempt to rid
our democracy of these "unwanted" minorities.
That is, if you don't happen to belong to one of
In these days of expansion, the Klan has
probably felt the need to expand their discrimi-
nation from being aimed merely at Negroes to
a larger area encompassing more people on
which to test their discriminatory abilities.
Undoubtedly this will be done with the good
of our country in mind. Members of minority
groups may well spend many a sleepless night
worrying over their fate-in the hands of the
great, self-righteous Klan.
Since the Klan has been more-or-less inactive
In recent years, it will be interesting to see what
modern tactics it will use to accomplish its
Lynching, in addition to being time consum-
ing for such a vast number of people, is sort
of archaic-and SO messy.

STRANGE wheels within wheels
sometimes operate the machin-
ery of democracy.When a solon
makes an impassioned speech on
the floor of congress, vows by all
that's holy that he is convinced a
certain bill will ruin the republic,,
you never can be quite sure what's
behind that speech. Sometimes
he's scratching someone's back in
return for a favor someone will do
him. Here are some current exam-
Backscratch no. 1-"I make
this motion in utter sincerity,"
proclaimed G 0 P Congressman
William E. Miller of Lockport, N.
Y., last week, "because I am pro-
foundly convinced that this leg-
islation in its present form will
destroy more civil liberties and civ-
il rights than it will ever protect."
The Congressman referred to
the civil rights bill to protect the
voting rights of Negroes. He him-
self had signed his name to the
bill as a co-author. Up until he
made the above speech, he was
vigorously for the bill. Then sud-
denly he moved to throw the en-
tire bill into the legislative ash-
Nobody could have sounded
more chocked with "utter sincer-
ity" and overflowing with "pro-
found conviction" as he spoke
than the Congressman from Lock-
S* * *
BUT COLLEAGUES who listened
were not profoundly impressed.

For they were certain that behind
the speech was a blackscratch
whereby two Southerners on the
Rules Committee, Colmer of Mis-
sissippi and Smith of Virginia,
would agree to block the Niagra
Falls bill, turning power over to
public, not private, development,
if Millertried to block civil rights.
Miller long has been known as
the Congressional champion of
private utilities. Three years ago
he autored the bill, strongly op-
posed by Governor Dewey, turn-
ing Niagara Power over to five
utilities. And he opposed the re-
cent Lehman Bill for public de-
velopment of Niagara. The Leh-
man Bill, however, passed the Sen-
ate, and the only thing that can
sto' passage in the House is a
blockade in the Rules Committee.
This Colmer and Smith can prob-
ably do.
Backscratch no. 2-Two import-
ant bills to protect small business
are: (1) the equality of oportunity
bill to prevent chain stores and big
oil companies from undercutting
independents; and (2) the pre-
merger notification bill requiring
big firms to notify the Justice De-
partment before merging.
Both have passed the House,
thanks to the tireles pushing of
the two foremost champions of
small business, Manny Celler of
Brooklyn and Wright Patman of
Texarkana, Texas, Democrats. But
they have been stuck in the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee, thanks

to Welker bf Idaho, Dirksen of Ill-
inois, and Jenner of Indiana, all
LAST FRIDAY the committee
met to pry the two bills loose. But
Welker sent a telegram from Idaho
demanding no action until the
next Friday, by which time Con-
gress would probably adjourn.
Senator Joe O'Mahoney of Wyo-
ming, stanch champion of small
business, was furious.
"The last regular meeting of this
committee was on Monday," he
said. "Under the rules, the Sena-
tor from Idahg can delay only
until the next regular meeting,
which will be Monday, not next
W e I k e r was backscratching
chiefly for big business, which op-
poses both bills; partly for Attor-
ney General Brownell, who offi-
cially favors the pre-merger noti-
fication bill but is against the
equality of opportunity bill.
Backscratch No. 3 - Occurred
over a bill to deny minority stock-
holders the right to elect directors
to bank boards, as required under
the New Deal bank reforms of
1933. Big bankers want this re-
pealed, but are letting small banks
do the lobbying.
Last year, Kentucky's courtly,
conscientious Brent Spence refused
to introduce the bill in the House,
also refused to hold hearings on
an identical bill that passed the
Senate. "It's a bad bill," he said.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

duction. Only a couple of the minor
tery of it, and most of the others
produce an interesting mixture of
Irish, Scottish and English ac-
cents, none of them consistent.
GENERALLY, the smaller the
role the better the accent: Marvin
Diskin (as ragged Peader the
Puck) and Glen Phillips (as the
middle-aged grocer Martyn Mc-
Dara) seldom slip, and their per-
formances shine for it. Ann Ber-
lin, who plays a girl skidding into
spinsterhood, does a fine job both
with her speech patterns and her
portrayal, but she loses much of
her power when called upon to
join the canon in the final struggle
with satan.
The canon's vain but dictatorial
housekeeper, who locks horns
with Miss Berlin in a battle for
the grocer, is played by Martha
Wilson. Miss Wilson picks up
considerably as the devil's agent
advises her cosmetically, appar-
ently putting offsher difficulty
with. the role as she removes her
The villain in the piece is David
Lloyd ,who, as Baron Nicholas de
Balbus, has no brogue to fight.
He is credibly suave, though per-
haps not evil enough when the
story calls for it.
* * .*
JOHN SZUCS appears as the
Bishop of Oriel, and has a little
trouble geesturing episcopally. Mr.
Szucs seems more at ease on the
stage than he did in "Anastasia,"
but his awkwardness is still with
He compares particularly badly
with Sandra Bader and Judith
Dingman, who dance wordless
roles as nymphs under the com-
mand of the Baron.
John Genn has two roles, that
of Salambo, a messenger from hell,
and of Joe, a lion. Mr. Genn does
a fine job in his diabolic guise,
but can hardly be blamed for fal-
tering a bit in a preposterous lion
-Tom Arp

The Daily Official Bulletin 18 an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
General Notices
Regents' meeting: Fri., Sept. 28.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Sept. 19.
Golf Clinic, auspices of the Office
of the Summer Session and the De-
partment of Physical EducS4ion for
Men, Conducted by Bert Katsenmeyer.
golf coach. 7:00 p.m., Thurs., July 26
and Fri., July 27, U-M Golf Course
Patterns of American Culture: Con-
tributions of the Negro. "Medical Ed-
ucation and the Public Welfare." Rob-
ert S. Jason dean of the School of
Medicine, Howard University. 4:15
p.m., Thurs., July 26, Aud. A, Angell
University Lecture. Thurs., July 26,
8 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Prof.
Fred Hoyle of the University of Cam-
bridge, England, will speak on "The
Time Scale of the Universe," Sponsored
by the Department of Astronomy.
Prof. NiyazI Berkes of the Institute
of Islamic Studies, McGill University,
will speak on "The Turkish Social Rev-
eolution" Thurs., July 28 at 4:15 p.m.,
Aud. B, Angell Hall, sponsored by the
Department of Near Eastern Studies.
Open to the public.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night
Fri., July 27, 8:30 p.m., Room 2003 An-
gell Hall. Prof. William , Liller will
spe k on "Electronics in Astronomy."
Aft r the talk the Student Observatory
on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will
be open for inspection and for tele-
scopic observations of Saturn, a double
star, and the Hercules cluster. Chil-
dren welcomed, but must be accom-
panied by adults.

players come anywhere near


ma s.


Deflation in the Middle East

Smile Offensive Progress

Associated Press News Analyst
NOBODY CAN read the speeches in Britain's
foreign affairs debate this week without
wondering whether Russia is making progress
with her smile offensive.
Prime Minister Eden announced Britain
would adopt a friendlier, more flexible attitude
toward Russia.
Hugh Gaitskell, the Labor party leader, has
accepted the theory that the hydrogen bomb
has made a geenral war next to impossible.
Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd said there
may be a trend toward freedom in Russia.
Editorial Staff
LEE MARKS, Managing Editor
Night Editors
Dick Halloran, Donna Hanson. Arlene Liss.

American officials have been swinging back
and forth between expressions of hope and
warnings against relaxation of defenses.
Both Britain and the United States profess
to be in the midst of a reappraisal of policy in
the light of developments in Russia.
Secretary Dulles has gone so far as to attrib-
ute changes in Russia to the pressures of Allied
policy, and to express considerable hope.
HE HAS pointed out, however, that the
Kremlin is still occupied by the same people
who worked with Stalin, that they show no
signs of liberating the satellites, and that they
have not produced proof of the sincerity of
their smiles.
Indeed, recent asides by Nikita Khrushchev
have done much to enhance long-standing
doubts as to what goes on behind the smile.
Both the United States and Britain are mak-
ing plans for reduction of their forces in
Europe, forces which were allotted as guaran-
tees, especially between France and Germany,

bad jolt in his game, which
was to run an auction with Mos-
sow and Washington-London bid-
ding against each other for the
privilege of helping Egypt.
His mistake was not to realize
that this is a game which can be
played only for moderate stakes;
when the stakes are as big as in
the Aswan Dam project, virtually
all or nothing, the bidders become
more cautious and may even re-
fuse to play. Before committing
themselves to an undertaking
which will last for 15 years and
will cost a huge sum of money,
they are bound to ask themselves
whether a government like that of
Col. Nasser's is efficient and hon-
est enough to administer one of
the greatest public works ever be-
gun on this planet.
If the Egyptian government
proved itself not to be up to the
task, the resuelt might well be
not power and influence for the
foreign government but trouble,
disorder, and nationalistic resent-
When Colonel Nasser made his
arms deal with the Soviet bloc,
there was -enough panic in Wash-
ington and London to cause them

His prestige there was high, it
being supposed that the two great
world coalitions were both waiting
anxiously upon him, and that he
was in the happy position of being
in a position to choose between
* * *
AS IT TURNED out, when he
made his choice, there were no
bidders. The West withdrew, al-
most certainly with reasonable
knowledge that the Russians had
made no firm bid. Once the West,
had withdrawn, the Russians lost
no time in advising Colonel Nas-
ser not to turn to them with the
implication that they had made
an offer.
For the time being the spell is
broken, the notion that the con-
trol of Egypt depends on who fi-
nances the Aswan Dam, and that
Egypt will either be won to the
West or lost to the Soviets. With
no one financing the Aswan Dam
for the time being, the importance
of Egypt, which had been inflated
to almost global proportions, will
become more nearly normal.
It took courage for Secretary
Dulles to stand as he did on the
Aswan Dam, and he has been re-
paid by being proven right in his
judgment that in Egypt the Soviet
Union is not prepared to chal-

Britain and that of Krushchev and
Bulganin. It was indicated then
tht the immediate objective of So-
viet policy is to neutralize the
Middle East rather than to take
any serious risks in the attempt
to conquer and absorb the Middle
East. This meant that the Soviet
Union would not back the Arab
states in a war against Israel, and
would in fact oppose such a war.
It meant, too, that their prime
objective was to nullify the Bagh-
dad Pact, particularly as it might
involve Iran in a military system
aligned against them. From the
April Soviet declaration and from
the London talks with the Rus-
sians, it became reasonably cer-
tain that they were not intending
to challenge Britain mortally by
attempting to deprive her of the
Middle Eastern oil.
* * *
IT IS fair to say, it seems to me,
that in the Middle East Soviet
policy is to play the game of com-
petitive co-existence but for Jim-.
ited stakes. They do =not seem to
want a Palestinian war, or a
show-down in Egypt, or the kind
of anti-Western disorder in the
oil-bearing lands which would
compel Anglo-American military

"THE Barefoot Contessa" at the
Architecture Auditorium is a
Ipleasant enough fairy story to
make it worth the admission.
The story of the rise and fall
of a Spanish dancer played by Ava
Gardner, the film traces her life
in the public eye through the nar-
ration of three men, her director,
Humphrey Bogart, a press agent,
Edmund O'Brian and her prince
(this is a fairy tale you know.)
This fine method of telling the
story loses some of its effective-
ness in the poor acoustics of the
Cinema Guild barn but is still a
method which could be used more
often than it is.
Humphrey Bogart does a lot
for this movie, justas he does al-
most every film that he appears
in, perhaps because the idea in
everyone's mind that "This must
be real because no one could look
that sad and still make a living
in Hollywood."
Ava Gardner may not be a
great actress but she still earns
her. money, just by looking ex-
tremely decorative. In "The Bare-
foot Contessa' she does a better
than average job with her role,
perhaps because it comes natur-
ally for the poor little Cinderella
from the North Carolina tobacco
Edmond O'Brian also keeps the
ball rolling with his fine job as
the press agent to two of the most
despicable rich villains that we
Lave seen -in a long time. In one
of his scenes he gives the best
high pressure sales talk that we

The Wayward Saint, Paul Vincent
Carroll's comic-fantasy, will be pre-
sented by the Department of Speech at
8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Symphony Orchesetra Concert Can-
celled. The Summer Session Symphony
Orchestra Concert, previously an-
nounced for Thurs., July 26, in Hill
Auditorium, has been cancelled.
Carillon Recital' 7:15 this evening,
by Percival Price, University Carillon-
neur; Fanfare; concerto for carillon
and brasses with instrumentalists from
the School of Music, under the direc-
tion of George Cavender.
Student Recital. Jean Miller Bur-
roughs, soprano, will present a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Master
of Music at 8:30 p.m. Fri., July 27, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall. Compositions by
Mozart, Schubert, Rachmaninoff and
Ravel. Open to the general public. Mrs.
Burroughs is a pupil of Chase Baromeo.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Dolores
Catherine Toms, Education; thesis:
"Progress in Reading with Reference
to the Quantitative Measurements on
the Binet: A Study of Longitudinal
Records," Thurs., July 26, 2532 Uni-
versity Elementary School, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, B. O. Hughes.
CercleyFrancais weekly meeting,
hurs., July 26 at 8:00 p.m. in the Vani-
denberg Room of the Michigan League,
Mme. Micheline Steinmetz will pie-
sent a talk, illustrated with popular
music, entitled: "Promenade parisienne
en chansons." Informal conversation
and entertainment. All persons inter-
ested are welcome.
Doctoral Examination for Samuel
Shozo Komorita, Psychology; thesis:
"Probability Learning as a Function of
Data Collection Methods," Fri., July
27, 7611 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m.
Chairman, J. D. Birch.
Doctoral Examination for Earl Eu-




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