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See Page 2
VOL. LXV, No. 18S
i - -
Professors Place
'U' Welfare First
Statement Calls Rejected Faculty
Senate Report 'Evasive Document'
"It seems to us intolerable that any man, under the delusions
of academic freedom or otherwise, should put his personal rights above
the welfare of the University."
This was part of a statement made by five University professors
protesting, at the May 23 meeting of the Faculty Senate, the report
of the Senate Committee on the Responsibilities of the Faculty to
Society, The. Daily learned yesterday.
Calling the committee's report "an evasive document," the state-
ment said "that this lengthy and somewhat artful work intends a
-~ criticism of the University admin-
istration for its handling of three
DY tedifficult cases."
D XOn-I ates The statement was delivered by
Prof. Edwin N. Goddard, chairman
of the geology department. It was
S ensio n signed by Professors Dr. Frederick
A. Coller of the Medical School,
Earnest Boyce of the engineering
W o r ofe college, William A. Paton of the
business administration school,
Earl C. O'Roke of the natural re-
clair Armstrong, chairman of the
4~ Securities & Exchange Commis-
sion, disclosed yesterday it was
the White House which asked for
suspension of SEC hearings on
the Dixon-Yates contract at a
critical point last month.
After refusing to discuss the
subject at all Tuesday, Armstrong
changed his tactics yesterday and
told a Senate subcommittee that
the request for a suspension came
from Sherman Adams, President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's right
hand man.
The SEC chief refused to talk
about. it Tuesday on the ground
that a presidential directive bans
any disclosure of confidential
communications between evecu-
tive departments of the govern-
Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn)
subcommittee chairman, warned
him he might be cited for con-
Advised By Brownell
Yesterday, however, Armstrong
said lie had been advised by Atty.
Gen. Brownell that he could tes-'
tify about whether any sugges-
tions for suspension of the hear-
ings were made.
He did that, and then balked
again when Sen. Kefauver press-
ed him about any other matters
discussed in hisdtelephone con-
versation with Adams.
Again he claimed the privilege
of silence under the presidential
Sen. Kefauver has implied that
the SEC hearings, dealing with
plans of the Dixon-Yates inter-
ests to finance a private power
plant at West Memphis, Ark., were
held up to delay the testimony of
Adolphe H. Wenzell.
Wenzel Testimony
Wenzell's testimony, the sena-
tor indicated, m i g h t h a v e
brought about the defeat of leg-
islation to appropriate 61/2 mil-
lion dollars for a transmission
line connecting the proposed Dix-
on-Yates plant with the TVA
But Armstrong told the senators
that Adams said the suspension
was desired to permit government
attorneys to decide whether to in-
tervene in the SEC case. Sen. Ke-
fauver caed his explanation
"wholly and completely unsatis-
New Highway
Bill Approved
Public Works Committee yesterday
approved a giant new highway
construction program but defeated
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
plan to pay for it through bond
The committee postponed until
today a final decisionon a substi-
tute financing plan backed by
Democrats. This would increase
taxes immediately on gasoline,
trucks, heavy tires and tubes, and
diesel fuel.
The Eisenhower bond plan was
beaten 19-14 with 18 Democrats
lining up solidly against it. One
Republican, Rep. B. Alger of Texas,
also opposed it and 14 GOP mem-
bers supported the bond program.
Chances for the tax increases
appeared to be improving and some
sources school, and Prof. Goddard.
Report Missed a Word
The men criticized the report
for not using the word "commun-
ism." The report came into exist-
ence because tenure cases involv-
ing communist issued had arisen
here, they said.
Their statement opposed the re-
port's "continual emphasis upon
the point that we 'must assume
innocence until guilt is proved.'"
See Page 2
They suggested this corrective: "If
a faculty member called before a
lawfully appointed investigative
body refuses to answer pertinent
questions, he shall be held sus-
If he shall refuse "on the ground
that his answers might tend to
incriminate him," they said, "that
person - according to the Trucks
Act - shall be held to be a com-
munist 'or a member of a com-
munist front organization."'
It is their conviction "that every
faculty member has a responsibil-
ity to the University and to society,
and that these two responsibilities
should be placed above. his personal
privilege," according to the state-
Davis, Nickerson Dismissed
H. Chandler Davis and Prof.
Mark Nickerson were dismissed by
the Board of Regents on the re-
commendation of University Pres-
ident Harlan H. Hatcher last sum-
mer for refusing to cooperate with
University committees investigat-
ing their refusal to answer ques-
tions of a House Un-American Ac-
tivities Subcommittee.
Prof. Clement L. Markert of the
zoology department was reinstated,
but was sent a letter of censure by
the Regents.
P'lain Bad
MILWAUKEE (P)--An attor-
ney defending a Milwaukee wo-
man on a bad check charge told
District Judge Robert Hansen
yesterday that she paid him
with a bad check.
Atty. Alexander Lakes said
Mrs. Jeanne K. Devine sent him
a check for $1,250, which turned
out to be invalid. Nevertheless,
the attorney said he would con-
tinue to defend Mrs. Devine who
is charged with duping the First
National Bank of $875 by de-
positing worthless checks.
Dulles Flies
To ward Big
Four Meet
WASHINGTON () - Secretary
of State Dulles flew toward the Big
Four summit meeting yesterday
night a f t e r confidently pro-
claiming "eye to eye" unity among
the Western Powers.
U. S.-British-French accord on
issues likely to come up at the
conference starting Monday, Sec.
Dulles said, is a "good beginning of
our efforts to reach agreement
with the Soviet Union on the stat-
ed purposes of the Geneva con-
Identifies Issues
Those purposes, he continued,
are "to identify the issues to be
worked on in the future and to
agree on the international pro-
cedures to be established for find-
ing solutions."
Sec. Dulles' plane-side state-
ment reiterated past warnings a-
gainst expecting too much.
"The Geneva conference will be
a beginning and not an end," he
To Secure Peace
"What is to be hoped is that
the Geneva conference will imple-
ment our unceasing question for
a secure and just peace and
breathe a new spirit into the future
efforts needed to achieve that re-
With that, Sec. Dulles shook
hands all around-British, French,
and other Western diplomats were
at Washington's National Airport
to see him off - and stepped into
his four engined Constellation.
Mrs. Hobby
Resigns Top
Capital Post
WASHINGTON (P) - In a cere-
mony heavy with emotion, Oveta
Culp Hobby resigned yesterday as
secretary of health, education and
The resignation, which is effec-
tive Aug. 1, had been expected but
the staging of her announcement
of departure and the warm words
which passed between her and
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
made a dramatic scene.
To succeed her, the President
named Marion B. Folsom, a Geor-
gia-born, Harvard-educated exec-
utive who is known as a social-
minded businessman. He helped
draft the pattern of the nation's
social security system.
More Social Security
Folsom, a Republican who is now
undersecretary of the Treasury,
said he would like to see social
security extended to cover more
people, principally the self-em-
ployed and professional people.
H: Chapman Rose of Cleveland,
an assistant secretary of the Treas-
ury, was reported in line to move
up to Folsom's post as undersecre-
tary of the Treasury.
Mrs. Hobby has been under fire
because of the failure of the folio
vaccine program to proceed as fast
as had been hoped. However, her
official announcement said "per-
sonal reasons of a high order com-
pel me to take leave of my post."
Friends said that meant she want-
ed to be with her husband, former
Gov. William P: Hobby of Texas,
who is ill.
Very Deep Emotion
The White House called photo-
graphers and reporters to its con-
ference room on short notice late
yesterday morning, but the room
was packed when the President
and Mrs. Hobby walked in to-
Without saying in so many
words that Mrs. Hobby was quit-
ting, the President turned to her
before the gathering and said,
with deep emotion: "Well, Oveta,
this is a sad day for the adminis-
He went on to recall her World
War II work as head of the Wo-
men's Army Corps - "one of the
finest organizations that the Ariny
has ever had. None of us," Presi-
dent Eisenhower told her solemnly,
"will forget your wise counsel, your
calm confidence in the face of
every kind of difficulty, your con-
cern for people everywhere, the
warm heart you brought to your
job as well as your talents. We
are just distressed to lose you"
When she started to reply, her
voice filled up and she seemed to
be fighting back the tears.
"Mr. President," she said, "dur-
ing the past 31 months, I have had
the most singular opportunity to
serve with you, to serve a man
whose entire life has been devoted
to the people of the United States."
East Zone To Act
s Buffer Section
Allied Demilitarization Proposal
Will Keep Army to 500,000 Men
LONDON VP) - The West was reported ready yesterday with
plan to limit Germany's armed forces to 500,000 men -- even after ti
country is united.
The East zone of Germany, now controlled by the Communist
would be demilitarized and made a buffer zone under Allied proposal
informed diplomats said.
The Western wish is to convince Russia that a unified German
within the North Atlantic need menace nobody.
French Premier Edgar Faure drafted the plan for submission
next weeks Big Four conference"
at Geneva.
The proposal would top a series aur
of suggestions that the UnitedF' ulls
States, Britain and France have in
mind to make German unification
more acceptable to the Soviets and
to bolster the peace and. security
of Europe. Peace T ses,
Soviet Agreement Needed
TAKE A SHORT LETTER - Trying to beat the heat, a Chicago
plant president sits in Bermuda shorts and dictates a letter to
his secretary, clad in shorts. About 400 employees of Irving
Rossman -- both men and women - showed up for work dressed
in shorts, including the boss.
Ike'Signs $31 Million
.Defense Fund Measure
WASHINGTON (AP)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed
the $31,882,000,000 defense appropriations bill yesterday, although
he said he will regard one section of it, as unconstitutional until
the courts rule otherwise.
The President objected to a "rider" giving congressional com-
mittees the power to block any Defense Department plans to shut
down government shipyards, arsenals and the like.
If the money wasn't urgently needed by the Defense Depart-
Council Seeks Report
On Thayer Controversy
Ann Arbor City Council directed its City-University Relations
Committee to meet with University and city school board officials and
report back on possible compromises on the closing of S. Thayer St.
at a special meeting yesterday.
The move followed an hour of debate by the Council, in session
as a committee of the whole, on the University's request that S.
Thayer St. be closed from E. Huron St. to E. Washington St.
The University has made the street closing a condition of its
$1,400,000 purchase of the Ann Arbor High School building. Univer-
Passes Plan
WASHINGTON (A') - The Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee yes-.
terday approved a military reserve
program banking largely on volun-
tary participation for the next two
The Eisenhower administration
had sought compulsory reserve
service for all men leaving the
active ranks.
Chairman R. B. Russell (D.-Ga.)
called the measure fashioned in his
committee a "good workable com-
promise" over one already passed
by the House. He said he hoped
to move it up for full Senate action
The bill is designed to expand
the present 700,000-man reserve to
a trained backlog of some 2,900,000
by 1960. That was the administra-
tion's aim. But at several points
it differs sharply from methods
urged by the Pentagon.
ment for its operations in the new
fiscal year, -President Eisenhower
said in a sharp and unusual mes-
sage to Congress, "I would have
withheld my approval of the bill."
Subcommittee Writes Rider
The legislation appropriates
$14,739,000,000 for the expanding
Air Force in the 12 months which
began July 1, $9,118,090,000 for
the Navy and Marine Corps, $7,-
329,000,000 for the Army and the
balance for general Defense De-
partment purposes.
A House Appropriations sub-
committee wrote in the rider to
which the President objected so
Private Enterprise
The Eisenhower administration
has placed a good deal of empha-
sis on what it feels is a need for
'the government to divest itself of
operations that could be handled
by private enterprise.
Congress provided, however,
that if the Defense Department
wants to shut down any of its
shipyards or similar services it
must give Congress 90 days no-
The informants said the plans
are dependent on Soviet agreement
to free election of a united German
government that would have theI
right to join NATO.1
The 12-division or 500,000-sol-
dier maximumis the same that has1
been set as West Germany's con-
tribution to NATO.
Strict curbs which presently gov-
ern West German armament pro-
duction also would be applied to a
reunited Germany under the West-:
ern plan, according to the inform-
ants. Even such military supplies
as oil would be controlled if a re-
united Germany should become a
member of NATO in terms of the
Western proposal.
No Military Bases
The demilitarization of East
Germany would mean that a buf-I
fer zone would separate the Ger-
man armed forces from their Com-1
munist neighbors in the East. No3
military bases would be allowed inI
East Germany.
No soldiers would be stationed
there. No armament factories
would be allowed in the area. In-3
ternational inspection teams would'
be 'set up at strategic points to
insure compliance.
The Western Powers and Russia
now appear to have taken up di-
rectly opposite positions on the
role which a reunited Germany
should be allowed to play in Eu-
rope. The United States, Britain
and France say that Germany
cannot be united unless it is free
to join NATO.
Russia says Germany, cannot be
united if it is free afterward to
join NATO.
Board OK's
Parking Lot
The Washtenaw County Board
of Supervisors has approved the
installation of a $200,000 two-
level parking lot behind the new
Courthouse when the old county
building is torn down this summer.
The lot would contain 61 park-
ing spaces at ground level and 71
more spaces underground.
However, the supervisors failed
to agree on who, besides county
officials, would be allowed to use
the lot and whether fees will be
charged. The problem was turned
over tothe newly appointed ad-
ministrative officer, Carl G. John-
The supervisors appointed John-
son the county's first such official
as a preliminary step toward ob-
taining a county .controller.
House Overhauls
Survivor Benefits
voted yesterday for a sweeping
overhaul of government payments
PARIS (A') - French Premier
Edgar Faure yesterday proposed
that the Big Four agree to re-
duce their armaments and use
the money saved for raising the
world's standard of living.
Broad outlines of the plan were
approved at a meeting of thi
French Cabinet and, will be pre-
sented when the chiefs of govern.
ment of Russia, the United States
Britain and France meet nex
week at Geneva. -
Positive Undertakings
Premier Faure asked:,
"Why not, parallel to a pro.
gram of general disarmament, be-
gin Immediately by taking a cer-
tain percentage of the military ex.
penses of each of the four grea
powers--to set an example-ant
put the equivalent amount intc
a four-.power fund open to all ant
used not for destructive, sterile
and negative purposes but foi
generous, social and' positive un-
The Premiere outlined his pro.
gram at a news conference.
No Specific Plan
In reply to a question, Premle:
Faure said he was only launching
an idea and did not propose ti
present a specific plan. If agree.
ment can be had on the principle
he said, then a four-power plan
could be worked out for its appli
When asked if the Unitei
States and Britain have giver
any backing for his proposal, th
Premier replied he did not be
lieve his ideas were far removet
from public .statements of Presi
dent Eisenhower.
The U.S. Point Four progran
and the UN technical assistanc
program are already giving aid ti
underdeveloped countries.
Premier Faure did not relate hi
program to these two projects.
Senator Walks
Out of Hearing
Capehart (R-Ind) walked out o
a Senate Banking Subcommitte
hearing yesterday after accusin
Chairman Paul H. Douglas (D
Ill) of handling the session lik
a "100 per cent dictator."
Sen. Capehart, the ranking Re
publican and former chairman
of the full committee, said Ser
Douglas had first scheduled th
hearing, and then announced
10-minute rule for senators' ques
tions to witnesses without con
sulting him or other Republica:
The Indiana senator accuse
Sen. Douglas of showing discour
tesy to other senators, of insult
ivLr him personailly and of "badg
sity officials told, in a letter,'
hoard of Education members that
the street closing was imperative
for construction of a necessary
addition to the building.
Brown Asks Adjustment
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.,
asked Council members at the be-
ginning of the meeting to adjourn
immediately until the problem
could be worked out with Univer-
sity and school board officials. He
told the Council he was scheduled
to meet with University President
Harlan H. Hatcher and other Uni-
versity officials today. A motion to
adjourn was defeated.
Alderman Arthur W. Gallup,
chairman of the City-University
Relations Committee, read his re-
port which generally showed favor
for granting the request though
making no recommendation.
It was suggested that, in view of
Mayor Brown's information that
the city owned 17 feet of land to
U.S. Colleges Less Free Than British
The English believe undergraduates are mature enough to look
Communism, exist with it and not be destroyed by it, Prof. Ray
Billington of Northwestern University said yesterday
Lecturing on intellectual freedom in American and English
universities, Prof. Billington discussed Oxford's position. He has
just returned from a year of teaching there.
Faculty of the 33 colleges that compose Oxford are able to
teach as little or as much controversial material as they wish, ac-
cording to Prof. Billington.
"If a professor wants to lecture on Communism or atheism, he
is free to do so. No one would complain, although he might not
have an audience. In the end, social pressure would make him re-
vise his curriculum, not administrative pressure," he commented.
No Transference
He added that he was not suggesting that these practices be
transferred to the United States. Neither ideas nor institutions
can be bodily transported from one country to another.
"But I do insist," Prof. Billington continued, "that England has
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .