4 See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
4Ia i~I
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VOL. LXV, No. 17S
SEC Chairman,
Kefauver Brawl
Armstrong Balks at Dixon-Yates
Hearings, Faces Contempt Charge
WASHINGTON (M)-The head of the Securities & Exchange
Commission was threatened with possible prosecution for contempt
of Congress yesterday in connection with the Dixon-Yates row.
4 The possibility was raised by Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.), after
SEC Chairman J. Sinclair Armstrong refused to testify whether his
agency was free from White House "influence" in handling financial
aspects of the Dixon-Yates private power contract.
Armstrong stood firm on a declaration that he couldn't discuss
f the question because of a standing presidential order not to disclose
-confidential exchanges between
balls Report
Prof. Richard Schneidewind of
the engineering college, who was
one of the authors of a faculty
committee report on Responsibili-
ties. of the Faculty to Society,
Which was revealed yesterday, said
late yesterday he "didn't agree
with the report."
The report was made to the
Faculty Senate in May. A mail
ballot vote was taken to determine
whether its principles would be
' accepted or rejected as Senate
When the vote was counted last
week, 353 faculty members op-
posed accepting it, 317 favored
Copies of the report were in the
hands of all faculty members six
weeks before the May meeting.
When copies were sent, all seven
members of the committee had
;signed their names, and declared
they had come to their conclusion
Changed His View
Prof. Schneidewind said yester-
day that as he studied he finished
report over and over, he gradually
changed his mind about his point
of view about it. He said he felt
that some "implications that
should not be. made" were ap-
parent in the report.
"There was undue emphasis on
matters other than those we were
supposed to study," Prof. Schneid-
ewind remarked. He declared that
"only five sentences" dealt with
the responsibilities of the faculty
to society.
He told the members of his com-
mittee on the morning of the Sen-
ate meeting at which the report
was to be read that "The way the
report was put together seemed to
infer some things that weren't
inferred" when the committee
members first met to draw up their
Four Committees
The whole committee was ap-
pointed, along with four other
committees, last fall to discuss
problems that had arisen in the
Davis-Nickerson dismissal cases.
Prof. Schneidewind said yester-
day he believed that "another
committee" studying the same
problem "might come up with
something, acceptable to more of
the faculty members."
Air Aaderny
Fund Held Up
WASHINGTON (P)-The purse
string committee of the House
came out yesterday against spend-
ing any more money at the new
Air Force Academy until all con-
cerned agree on what it should
look like.
A row over the design of the
Colorado Springs project has
seethed in Congress ever since pro-
posed ultramodern models for some
of its buildings were undraped.
The 125--million-dollar acad-
emy conceived to take a place be-
side West Point and Annapolis,
was dedicated with considerable
pomp yesterday.
In reporting out a diversified
money bill, the committee disap-
proved 79 million dollars listed for
academy. Going beyond that, it
recommended against using for
construction any funds left from
15 millions previously appropri-
ISA To Debate
On United Nations
executive departments of the gov-
"I don't mean to imply by as-I
serting the privilege that therea
were any such communications,"4
Armstrong told a Senate Antimon-
opoly subcommittee headed by Ke-
Dixon-Yates Cancelled ]
President Eisenhower ordered
the controversial Dixon-Yates con-I
tract canceled Monday after re-
ceiving assurances from the City ofI
Memphis that it would build a gen-l
erating plant to . supply the elec-
tricity the federal government hadI
ordered from the private interests.
President Eisenhower was re-
porterd yesterday to have describ-
ed the contract as "a good, fair
agreement." Murray Snyder, as-
sistant White House press secre-
tary, said the President used the
phrase in a talk with Edgar Dixon,
one of the utility magnates with
whom the contract was negotiated.
Dixon Called In
The President called Dixon in,;
Snyder said, to express his appre-
ciation "for the fine spirit and,
cooperation with the Government"
Dixon and his associates demon-
strated "through the proceedings,
designed to provide needed power.
for the Memphis area."
At the Senate hearing Sen. J. C.
O'Mahoney (D.-Wyo,) complained
"an iron curtain is being erected
between Congress and the SEC." I
Armstrong's refusal to answer
questions, he asserted, is "another
instance of the gradual attempt ofj
the executive branch to extend'
power over the whole government
of the United States.
Congress has been fighting for
years to get greater access to docu-
ments and other information of
the executive branch in its investi-
'Fantastic Job.
Twelve U.S.
Men To Go
To Russia
Farm Leaders
To Leave Soon
WASHINGTON (R) - A dozen
U.S. farm leaders who are going to
visit Russia said yesterday they
will keep their minds and eyes
open and "our ears unplugged."
Prof. W. V. Lambert, dean of
agriculture at the University of
Nebraska, told newsmen the 12-
man delegation has 10 principal
objectives. He said it has no pre-
conceived ideas of what to expect.
All the 12 men were at the De-
partment of Agriculture to meet
reporters except Lauren K. Soth,
editorial page editor of Des Moines
Register and Tribune.
Soth's editorial had suggested
Russian farmers, admittedly lag-
ging behind their production
goals, could profit by first hand
observationof Iowa's fabled corn-
hog production.
The Russian group of 13 farm
leaders is scheduled to arrive in
New York Saturday, flying the
next day to Des Moines for a
month's bus tour of the Midwest
and West. The U.S. delegation
flies from New York City for Hel-
sinki, Finland, and thence to
Lambert said the 10 principal
objectives of the group include:
1. Evaluate Soviet progress in
agriculture generally.
2. Evaluate Soviet farm tech-
niques and potentials.
3. Observe recent Soviet devel-
opments in agricultural education.
4. Observe agricultural research.
5. Find out how the Soviet gov-
ernment keeps farmers informed
-whether through an extension
service like the American way or
through some other method.
6. Study marketing systems.
7. See some Russian people and
let them talk with a representa-
tive American agricultural group.
8.. Get acquainted with Russian
farmers and agriculture.
9. Show the Russian people the
United States is ready to cooper-
ate with any people to raise liv-
ing standards.
10. Possibly plant "a few seeds
of understanding and good will"
to help relieve international ten-
of Educating)
Plan for
Uniting Germany
Ike Outlines
U.S. Stand
At Geneva
'No Commitments
On Asian Problems'
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Eisenhower was reported to have
assured congressional leaders yes-
terciay he will make no commit-
ments on Asia at the forthcoming
Geneva conference.
Three legislators who sat in on
a White House briefing said the
President made it clear he was not
going to deal substantively with
Asiatic problems in a meeting in
which Asians themselves were not
From the legislators came this
additional outline of American
plans for Eisenhower's meeting
with the Prime Ministers of Brit-
ain, France and Russia, beginning
at Geneva next Monday:
1. The President will bring up
the question of disarmament, in-
sisting that it can be accomplished
only by adequate, open and com-
plete policing and inspection.
2. The United States will take
the initiative in proposing that
steps be taken looking toward uni-
fication of Germany.
3. Eisenhower will attempt to
keep before the conference con-
stantly the issue of self-determi-
nation for the peoples of the satel-
lite states.
4. He does not expect the meet-
ing to produce any final solution to
existing problems but hopes it may
bring some new approaches to
those problems as well as a new
spirit of cooperation.
No Far Eastern Discussion
As one lawmaker summed it up,
the President said he was not
going to Geneva with the aim of
discussing Far Eastern problems.
He would not agree, the President
was quoted as saying, to take any
steps that would involve the fate
of nonparticipating nations,
However some officials have in-
dicated that if the Russians insist
on bringing up Far East issues, the
United States would be ready to
discuss them.
Sen. H. Alexander Smith (R-
N.J.), who attended the briefing
said at least 20 issues were men-
tioned as likely to come up.
Sen. Wiley (R.-Wis.) said "The
sky's the limit."
Sen. Wiley offered this impres-
sion of Eisenhower's purpose:
"The President is going on an
exploratory expedition, so to speak,
to find out if there has been a
rebirth on the part of the Rus
Informal Talk
Eisenhower himself discussed his
purpose in an informal talk with
a delegation of 69 foreign boys and
girls; part of a group of 600
studying in the United States un-
der an exchange program sponsor-
ed by the American Field Service.
He told them that at Geneva
"we will try to explore the reasons
why this world does not seem to
get closer to peace, and try to find
roads that if the world follows all
you may live a little more tran-
quilly than have the people of my
NEW YORK (A)-The liner
Maasdam sailed for Holland
yesterday and if she wasn't
listing slightly, she should have
Aboard was Theodore R.
Grevers, a 440-pound private
dectective from Battle Creek,
Before the Maasdam sailed
the ship's carpenter was com-
missioned to enlarge a cabin
bunk and to build a king-sized
dining room chair to accomo-
date the ample Grevers.
MTA Elects~
Hggins New
Proj ect Head
Former State Senator George N.
Higgins of Ferndale, a Republican,
was elected chairman of the Mich-
igan Turnpike Authority yesterday
and began immediately to set
things in motion for the comple-
tion of the turnpike project.
To study possible conflicts be-
tween the proposed north-south
tournpike and State Highway De-
partment plans for freeway con-
struction, Higgins set a meeting of
the Authority with Highway De-
partment officials for July 25 in
Higgins also announced plans to
meet with Detroit, Dearborn and
Oakland County officials to dis-
cuss "three trouble spots" along
the turnpike route. He said he
wanted to clear up these contro-
versies before the State Supreme
Court rules on the Authority's con-
stitutionality, possibly in the fall.
Changes Require Funds
When the question was raised
as to whether the Authority had
the money to make changes in the
proposed route through the "trou-
ble spots," Higgins indicated he
Nould try to get an additional loan
appropriation in case is was need-
Authority engineer E. Thomas
Baker said the balance on hand
was sufficient to complete the
planning of the route as it has so
far been worked out, but changes
would probably require additional
The authority has been operat-
ing on a $50,000 loan from the
State Highway Department,.which
will be repaid after the issue of
$164,000,000 in turnpike bonds.
Thebonds cannot be issued until
a route is adopted by the Author-
ity. Higgins said no one would
buy th bonds anyway if the High-
way Department was building a
freeway parallel to the turnpike.
Engineering Takes 9 Per Cent
Of the original $500,000, expen-
ditures have taken $438,134.62,
leaving a balance of $61,865.38,
according to the report made by
Administrative Officer Otis Hardy.
Engineering expenses accounted
for approximately 90 per cent of
the total expenditures.
Also at yesterday's meeting, Jus-
tin Whiting was named the Au-
thorities new secretary and Carl H.
Smith, Jr., was elected treasurer,
Federal Aid
In Vaccination
Plan Approved
WASHINGTON (A) - Plans for
federal financial aid in vaccinating
the nation's youngsters against
polio jumped ahead yesterday as
the Government released another
720,000 shots of Salk vaccine.
By unanimous votes, both the
House Commerce and Senate La-
bor committees approved differing
measures aimed at providing free
injections for children under 20
and for pregnant women.
Just who in these groups would
benefit would be up to the states.
It could be evervnne.
SITE OF BIG FOUR CONFERENCE-This is a view of the cen-'
tral section of the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland,
where the Big Four summit conference will open Monday. Once
the seat of the League of Nations, the palace is now the Euro-
pean headquarters for the United Nations.
Exlvpert Predicts Tripling
Of, Traffic in 50 Years
In 50 years, automobiles and highways will be even more im-
portant in our economy than they are now, according to an engineer-
ing expert on highways.
Speaking here yesterday, J. P. Buckley, chief engineer for the
Highways Division of the Automotive Safety Foundation, declared,
that in 50 years there will be two and one-half times as many ve-
hicles on Michigan's highways as there are today, and travel will
triple to a staggering total of 80 billion vehicle miles a year.
Buckley was a member of a panel discussing "Transportation
Horizons Unlimited." He outlined some of the changes that would
OViet Proposes
Pre -Geneva
Has Warnmg
Arms Paet Would
Threaten War.
MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Un-
ion proposed last night that the
problem of restoring German unity
be approached through a European
collective security system.
The Russians warned that any
attempt to involve Germany in a
military alliance "leads to an in-
creased threat of a new war."
The Kremlin issued the state-
ment six days in advance of the
summit conference of the Big Four
at Geneva, and at the end of an
important full meeting of the
Soviet Communist Party Central
East and West
The statement, issued through
the official news agency Tass,
proposed that a European collec-
tive security system could be joined
by both West and Communist East
Germany and that all Europeas
states could participate, "irrespec-
tive of their social and political
Any plan which would coun-
tenance a choice by a unified Ger-
many of joining and Western mili-
tary alliance is rejected in the
statement. It added that it was
obvious the Western Powers in
their turn would reject any pro-
posal which envisaged joining a
unified Germany to the Warsaw
agreement, which set up a sort of
Communist bloc NATO.
In Washington, officials felt
that Russia is hardening its basic
position on German unification, in
advance of the Geneva Conference.
Changed Position
At the same time the Moscow
statement indicated to the officials
that the Soviet government Is try-
ing to steer away from the position
It seemed to take several months
ago: That German unification has
become completely impossible since
West Germany signed an alliance
with the Western Allies.
"The USSR opposes the policy
of reviving German militarism and
involving West Germany, or a
reunited Germany, in any military
groups," said the statement, "not
because it fears a militarist united
Germany, but because such a pol-
icy leads to an increased threat of
a new war . . ."
The statement accused the West
of attempting to sacrifice German
unity to plans for a rebirth of Ger-
man militarism.
Soviet Trend'
In Economics
Told By Block
Praised By Wolf bein Here
"This country has done a fantastic job of educating the people,"
according to Seymour L. Wolfbein, Chief of the Division of Manpower
and Productivity of the Department of Labor.
Wolfbein addressed members of a guidance and counseling work-
shop here yesterday. In his talk he opposed the frequent charge that
because of poor guidance and counseling in schools there is a
shortage of "creative manpower."
He noted a rise in the number of people receiving high school
and college education in this country, and concluded. that whatever
manpower shortage exists now is the result of the low birth rate
during the depression years.
Interpret Facts Correctly
Depression-born babies are those now in colleges and universities,
Wolfbein observed. He criticized scientists and engineers who blame
the low number of students entering their fields on poor counseling
in high school. "We must be careful to interpret facts and figures
correctly," he cautioned.
Guidance and counseling people have a terrific challenge before
them, according to Wolfbein. As high school enrollments continue to,
rise, counselors must be prepared to take on increased loads, he
In addition, he told the audience, colleges must train more
counselors of higher quality than we now have.
In.today's sessions of the workshop, Prof. Max Wingo of the
Education school will talk on "The Future of Progressive Education"
at 9 a.m. in Rm. 4009, University High School.
Discussions on use of audio-visual aids in education and teaching
of foreign languages in elementary school will also be held today.
come about in auto transporta-
tion and highways. Included in
the future developments he men-
tioned were: separate highway
lanes for specified speeds, heli-
copter removal for disabled cars,
new bridges traversing large lakes,
illumination on highways making
headlights unnecessary, pavements
that dissolve snow and sleet, and
non-stop cross-country through-
As for the future in aviation,
Peter Altman, engineering consul-
tant and vice-president of Conti-
nental Motors Corporation, stated
that simplified and reliable navi-
gation aids will be developed so
that the pilot will have to have
only a minimum of navigation
knowledge. The distance between
Los Angeles and New York will
shrink in flying time to the dis-
tance between Detroit and Grand
Rapids, he estimated.
He added that the proposed
Douglas Turbo-Jet DC 8 schedul-
ed for delivery in four years will
be able to fly non-stop between
the United States and Europe re-
gardless of head-winds and at a
speed in excess of 550 miles per
Prof. Aarre K. Lahti of the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design
foresees the main problem of fu-
ture transportation as one of en-
ergy. He believes that petroleum
sources will either be used up or
will be conserved for purposes that
substitutes can't fulfill.
The panel was part of the Uni-
versity's Summer Session program
of special events related to Michi-
Bright Auto
Future Cited
The future will bring great pro-
gress and prosperity to the auto-
mobile industry and to the state
of Michigan, according to James
J. Nance, president of the Auto-
mobile Manufacturers Association
and the Studebaker-Packard Cor-
Nance spoke on "The Impact of
the Automobile Industry on the
People of Michigan."
Michigan's Role
"Although Michigan's percent-
age of the total automobile pro-
duction of the United States has
decreased in the last few years,
there has been a great increase in
the total production in the state,"
Nance said. He emphasized that
while "The industry is decentraliz-
ing, the expansion programs in
other states are dwarfed by simi-
lar programs in Michigan."
Nance also pointed out the great
effect the industry hAs on the
state's economy. Auto workers
make up almost 50 percent of the
state's manufacturing workers and
almost a quarter of the total num-
ber of employed persons in the
"As one of the largest em-
ployers in the country and the
largest single user of iron and
steel products, the automotive in-
dustry has become one of the most
watched factors in the economy,"
he declared.
News pa perman Stowe to Teach Here
Herbert Block spoke last night
at the second in the series of the
Russian Studies Program on, "So-
viet Economy, Its Growth, Capaci-
ty and Trends."
Block, who is Special Assistant
on Economic Affairs in the Divi-
sion of Research for the USSR
and Eastern Europe in the De-
partment of State, was introduced
as, "the best informed man in our
In his introduction Block said
that there was much controversy
in interpreting economio growth
of the USSR. The difficulty was
because "there were no real hard
facts," he said.
All the figures -released by the
Russian government must be
checked and rechecked to deter-
mine their authenticity, he re-
minded the audience.
The differences in the opinions
of the experts can be logically ex-
plained. Each may be basing his
results on data from different
years, hence varying results. Be-
sides, ever~y scholar has a pre-
conceived picture of his subject,
Leland Stowe, who will be a vis-
iting professor of journalism at
the University this fall, has won
distinction not only as a news-
paper writer but also as an author.
He was a Pulitzer Prize winner
for best foreign correspondence
in 1930 while he was Paris corres-
pondent of the New York .Herald
Tribute. Ten years later, while with
the Chicago Daily News, he was
given the Overseas Press Club of
published in 1941. "They Shall
Not Sleep" was a 1944 publication.
"While Time Remains" came out
two years later and also was pub-
lished in Italian and Portugese.
"Target: You" came out in 1949.
To Leave 'Reader's Digest'
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, chair-
man of the Department of Jour-
nalism, says that Stowe will leave
his present post as roving editor
of Reader's Digest in September
F u -e rN ri gPaLiberalizing Curriculum .
The School of Nursing is nowv
operating entirely on a four-year
program leading to a degree of
Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Previously, a five-year program
.raC fn-nr- nr.C. The at
well as being able to work as an
expert technician.
Other Areas
Because the modern nurse is ex-
pected to do more than minister