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July 06, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-07-06

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Latest Deadline in the State





Pipe Dance

-Daily-Sam Ching
INDIANLORE EXHIBIT-Above is shown a print by J. O. Lewis,
Indian agent of a Chippewa Indian tribe. The print is one of sev-
eral being shown at the Indianlore exhibit in Clements Memor-
ial Library daily through July.
]ageant Exhibition Open
lchigan Indian Festival

"Aptaneben," Michigan Indian Midsummer Festival, opened last
ght with a colorful pageant presented outdoors in front of Clements
The program began with a Friendship Dance, and was followed
th dances by the Chippewa Indian tribe. The Tobacco Invocation
d Peace Pipe Dance, a Vision Dance for a Guardian Manido, Thanks
the Sugar Maple and other tribal dances were demonstrated.
Ottawa Dances
Chinginukchkom and the Ottawa Tribe danced several tradition-
tribal animal and fire ceremonies. Hymn to the Great Spirit, a
"Child's Naming Ceremony, Fire
Juggler's Dance, and the Hoop
1 ld v ew s Fire Dance highlighted the pro-
. 1,. rT..gram.
The Indians, who are camping
-a- ist"""Ann Arbor's West Park and will
)a e H s o y welcome visitors at 11 a.m. this
morning, ended the festival with
The colorful history of Michi- a traditional Snake Dance in full

GM Stock
To Be Split
Three Ways
Curtice Outlines
Details of Plan
NEW YORK () - Directors of
General Motors Corp. recommend-
ed Wednesday a three-for-one
stock split to be voted on by
stockholders at a special meeting
Sept. 23.
Subject to stockholders approval
it is contemplated that issuance of
the shares would commence on or
about Oct. 10.
Details of Plan
cdmpany president Harlow Cur-
tice announced these details of the
stock purchase plan:
Employes could contribute up to
10 per cent of their salaries.
The program is to be divided
into two parts -- a savings-stock
purchase plan and a retirement
thrift plan.
Under both plans, "Classes"
would be formed each year, and
the money contributed held in ac-
count f or each class member.
Half of the employe contribu-
tions ae to go into GM stock and
half into savings bonds. All of the
company contribution, however,
goes into GM stock.
At the end of five years, the
company would settle up with the
employe, giving him enough GM
common stock and government
savings bonds to equal the amount
he has saved in five years plus
If the employe elects the retire-
ment-thrift plan, he may with-
draw after five years, or change
his mind, under the same terms.
If he wants to continue the plan
until his retirement or otherwise
leaving of the company, however,
he must stick with it after five
years. The only withdrawals he
can make after five years are the
stocksnand bonds his own contri-
butions have bought.
Council Delays
Street Closing;
Calls Meeting
A special meeting of the Ann
Arbor City Council will be held
at 1:30 p.m. next Wednesday to
consider the University's request
for the closing of segments of
three city streets.
The meeting was voted unani-
mously on the recommendation
of the Council's Public Relations
'Committeegat last night's Coun-
cil meeting.
The closing of one block of S.
Thayer St. was made a condition
of purchase of the Ann Arbor
High School Building by the Uni-
The University's request had
been upheld by the Council's
Traffic and Safety Committee,
but the Public Relations Commit-
tee reported it had come to no
decision and requested the spe-
cial meeting.'
Regarding the request for the
closing of S. Thayer St., the Uni-
versity said the move would be
necessary to orient the building
into the campus area rather than
onto S. State St.
Last week University officials,
in a letter to the Board of Edu-
cation, said purchase of the $1,-
400,000 building was contingent
on the closing of the street.

U Nu
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK ()-U Nu, Bur-
ma's Prime Minister, doesn't
stand on ceremony..
Caught in a traffic jam yes-
terday, he jumped out of his
limousine and toured all three
floors of a nearby 10-cent store.
The dime store episode fol-
lowed a reception at City Hall.
The Prime Minister is on an of-
ficial visit here and will go to
Detroit tomorrow.
He will visit the University
and Ain Arbor sites Friday.
While touring the New York
dime-store, Nu was especially
fascinated by a chrome-plated
hot dog machine.
The Prime Minister picked up
a hunting knife and a doll
when shopping in the store.
Jfury Probes
C10= UAW
DETROIT (A')-A federal grand
jury yesterday sought to deter-
mine whether the CIO United
Auto Workers union violated fed-
eral laws by expenditures in be-
half of Democratic candidates
during the 1954 campaigns.
The jury had Emil Mazey, UAW
secretary-treasurer, in for a two-
hour questioning to explain some
of the UAW's political activities,
particularly its radio and televi-
sion programs.
Mazey told newsmen just before
he entered the grand jury room
that "all of this . . ." could be at-
tributed to Postmaster General
Arthur E. Summerfield, former
Republican national chairman,
and John Feikens, Republican
state chairman in Michigan.
Feikens Charges
Feikens filed formal charges
with the Justice department last
March that some labor unions had
made illegal contributions to the
successful campaign of Demo-
cratic Sen. Patrick V. McNamara,
who unseated former Republican
Sen. Homer Ferguson in Novem-
Feikens charged the UAW and
its Political Action Committee
spent large sums of money on ra-
dio and television programs on
w h i c h Democratic candidates
made frequent appearances dur-
ing the campaign.
The UAW has said that contri-
butions for Democratic candidates
came from voluntary contribu-
tions to the CIO Political Action
Committee and that candidates
from both partieswere invited to
appear on its election-time tele-
U.S. Attorney Fred W. Kaess
said the grand jury's inquiry was
to determine whether the UAW
used any, of itsgeneral funds, col-
lected from dues, to pay for po-
litical broadcasts on a weekly un-
ion-sponsored "Meet the UAW-
CIO," moderated by Guy Nunn
over WJBK-TV of Detroit.
The Corrupt Practices Act
makes it illegal for a corporation
or a labor union to contribute to
campaigns involving federal of-
Harold Cranefield, attorney for
the UAW, said the union would
insist that the Corrupt Practices
Act is in violation of the First
Amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
tion, which guarantees free speech.

Accord on Little Disarmament
Plan for Europe Reported Near

-Daily-Hal Leeds
REHEARSAL-Members of the cast of "Bell, Book and Candle," prepare a scene for the produc-
tion which opens tonight at Lydia Mendelssohn. Players are, left to right, Russ Brown, William
Moore, Gertrude Slack, Henrietta Hermelin and Harold Radford.
Bell Book and Candle' Features Cat


gan was described via F. Clever
Bald's vivid anecdotes in. a talk
here yesterday.
Bald; director of the Michigan
Historical Collections, reiterated
"Romance in Michigan History"
under the rule of the French, Eng-
lish and then as she became an
American state.
He discussed early French in-
habitants of the state who were
friends of the Indians. The Eng-
lish, thinking the Indians infer-
ior to white people, began to act
hostilely when they took over
French territory, and Indian-white
battles began.
Indians At War
A notorious massacre of whites
by the Indians occurred at the
site of the Mackinac bridge, when,
amidst a la crosse tournament,
Chippewa Indians hurled weap-
ons their squaws had concealed
under traditional blanket-capes at
the Englishmen witnesses and
killed 24 of them, Bald described.
Michigan's first governor was
19-year old Stevens T. Mason,
who was at the state's helm when
statehood was given her in 1837,
Bald told the audience.
Discussing industry in the state,
Bald described how a University
graduate, Roy Chapin, made the
first automobile trip from Detroit
to New York City in 1901. The
trip took Chapin 7%/2 days.
Bald's talk was part of the-
Summer Session's* special pro-
gram on "Michigan."

Summer Program
"Aptaneben" was part of the
special summer session program
on "Michigan," which has been
featuring talks on Michigan his-
tory, geography, culture, and cur-
rent affairs.
As part of the Festival on In-
dianlore, an exhibition relating to
Indians of the Western Great
Lakes, featuring crafts in birch-
bark, split ash and porcupine quill,
is being shown daily through July
in the Clements Library.
Included in the exhibit are
prints of Chippewa Indian Treaty
Councils by J. 0. Lewis in
the 19th century.
Segni May Take
Top Italian Post
ROME (A' - Antonio Segni, a
scholarly left-of-center Christian
Democrat, agreed last night to
serve as Italy's sixth postwar pre-
He said he would present a new
coalition Cabinet to President Gio-
vanni Gronchi today. The Cabinet
will be made up of Christian Dem-
ocrats, Social Democrats and Lib-
erals-all pro-Western in foreign
Segni, 64, succeeds Mario Scelba,
who was forced to resign June 22.
Scelba governed Italy for 16
months with the same parties
marking up a coalition govern-
ment. He was forced out when the
Christian Democrats withdrew
their full backing.

Kai's name hasn't appeared in
"Variety" recently, but he's still
a local celebrity.
Kai is a Siamese cat appearing
in the speech department's pro-
duction of "Bell, Book and Can-
dle," which opens at 8 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
In his role of Pyewacket. Kai
portrays a clever feline who pos-
Japanese at
A tomic Panel
Here Today
Three members of Japan's Ato-
mic Energy Commission will be in
the audience when Detroit Edison
Company President Walker L. Cis-
ler speaks on "Michigan's Future
in Atomic Power" at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
The three Japanese leaders in
atomic research, Ishakawa, G9h,
and Gold, have been in Detroit
consulting with .Cisler, who has
served as a consultant to the Ato-
mic Energy Commission.
A panel discussion on "The Atom
and Michigan Citizens" will take
place at 7:30 p.m. today in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall, with Cisler
joining Prof. Henry L. Gomberg,
assistant director of the Phoenix
Project, and Prof. E. Blythe Sta-
son, Dean of the Law School, Di-
rector of the Fund for Peaceful
Atomic Development.
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the
Graduate School and Prof. Fred
J. Hodges, chairman of the radio-
logy department will also appear
on the panel.

sesses some remarkable powers.I
However, where mystical attri-1
butes are concerned, Kai is not3
at all unique.
Witchcraft Themej
A comedy by John van Druten,
"Bell, Book and Candle" centers
around the theme of witchcraft.
In keeping with the ancient top-
ic, the playwright chose the title
"Bell, Book and Candle" because
in medieval times those three ob-
jects were forbidden in any reli-
gious ritual,
The plot of the play revolves
around the romantic escapades oft
a twentieth-century sorceress who
is determined to enchant the up-
stairs roomer in her Murray Hill
In order to accomplish this
somewhat unethical end, she en-
lists the aid of three amusing and
highly unusual allies.
Lead Parts
The role of Gillian Holroyd, an
attractive and modern witch, will
be enacted by Henrietta Herme-4
lin, '55, while Harold Radford,
Grad., will portray the unsuspect-
ing tenant.
The remaining members of the
cast will be on stage as dramatic
assistants in Gillian's 'captivat-
ing' scheme.
Russ Brown, '56, will take thet
role of Nicky, Gillian's brother:s
Gertrude Slack, Grad., is her aunt,
and William Moore, Grad., will
play the part of an author.
Cast and crew members of the,
current production 'admit that the#
comedy has posed some interest-
ing problems and presented some,
unusual opportunities.
Brown, for example has found
that the script will give him a
chance to indulge in a favorite

hobby, magic. The prop men, on
the other hand, had to discover
ingenious ways to produce myster-
ious and supernatural sound ef-
Scenery and costumes for the
play are being designed and exe-
cuted by Jack E. Bender and Phyl-
lis Pletcher of the speech depart-
Directed by Prof. Hugh Z. Nor-
ton of the speech department, the
play will be presented through
Saturday evening,
Tickets for the production are
still on sale at the Lydia Men-
delssohn boxoffice.
Wisconsin Man
Dies In Local
Lake Accident
Airman 2/c James Bakkum, 18
years old, of Westby, Wisc., drown-
ed yesterday in Silver Lake after
falling out of a rowboat.
A companion, David Soper, 20
years old, told sheriff's officers he
and Bakkum had rented a boat
and had decided to soak up some
sun in the middle of the lake.
Gakkum was hanging over one
end of the boat and said something
about seeing how far he could
swim, according to Soper's state-
ment. Soper said the next thing he
knew, Bakkum was struggling in
the water. In his statement, Soper
said Bakkum went down before he
could reach him.
At last report, authorities were
dragging the lake for Bakkum's
Both Bakkum and Soper were
stationed with the Army Air Force
at the Willow Run control tower.

Tell of 'Deal
With Russia'
Reduced Forces
Asked by Experts
LONDON ()-The big Western
Powers were reported last night
near agreement on a "little dis-
armament plan" for halting the
East-West arms race in Europe,
Diplomatic informants d e -
scribed the project as the first in-
stallment of a package deal with
Russia which the West hopes
eventually will include agreed
programs to reunite Germany and
to set up a European security
Western experts have drawn up'
a set of proposals which, if ap.
proved by their governments in
the next week or two, probably
will be raised at the Geneva con-
ference of the Big Four heads of
Gradual Force Reduction
The plan calls for a census of
arms and armies maintained in
Europe by East and West and an
agreement to cut down the for-
ces in phases.
It provides, too, for the crea-
tion of demilitarized or militarily
limited zones where there would
be either no troops or only na-
tional troops.
Several of these ideas were said
to be connected with other aspects
of Allied plans for a continental
security system.
They are due to be coordinated
finally by a group of American,
British and French experts meet-
ing in Paris July 8-14 and con
sidered by the Western foreign
ministers at a Paris parley July
Influential Factors
The Western Powers' quest for
a limited disarmament program in
Europe has been influenced by
several factors, according to the
The West' considers it possible
even in the absence of any early
accord to reunite Germany, to ar-
range first some sort of standstill
and, later even a cutback in re-
armament both in East and West
Informants said the arrange-
ments might start off in Germany
on the basis ~of the sort of con-
r trols which the West already had
agreed to exercise in the federal
republic of Chancellor Konrad Ad-
They said the Allies would be
unlikely to expose their topmost
arms secrets to an international
inspectorate until a reserve of
goodwill and trust has been built
up over years with the Russians.
Newsmen Barred
. PANMUNJOM (/P)-The United
Nations yesterday barred Allied
newsmen, over their protests, from
accepting a Communist invitation
to a news conference in the joint
security area near here.

Ann Arbor Children Beat the Heat in Burns Park''s Wa

ding Pool



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