See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
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Drowning Nearly
Rivals Accidents
Previous 1952 Record High Topped
As 4th Fatalities Continue To Mount
By The Associated Press
The fourth of July toll of death
on the nation's highways set a new
record at midnight yesterday a
the three-day weekend drew to
A. that time (Eastern Standard)
traffic deaths reached 369. Ther
were 222 drownings and 125 per
sons were killed in miscellaneou
other accidents-a grand total o
. 715 violent deaths.
The 78-hour holiday officiall:
ended at midnight local time. Bu
delayed reports of accidents which
happen before midnight but ar'
not reported until later usuall:
cause the total to jump the da:
after a holiday.
The record for a similar three
day July 4 period was 366 traffic
deaths, set in 1952.
In State Set
New Record
By The Associated Press
Michigan's long Fourth of July
weekend death toll shot up to 4
last night, one more than the 1954
total for the holiday weekend.
Drownings accounted for 21
deaths as temperatures in the higl
90's sent thousands into the water
for relief.
Seventeen died on jammed high-
ways and five were killed in miscel-
laneous mishaps.
Washtenaw County
Here in Washtenaw county, the
Sheriff's Department reported n
traffic fatalities, although some 20
persons were injured in minor ac-
cidents, according to latest reports.
One person died by drowning
during the week-end holiday. John
Jones, 27 years old, drowned Sun-
day afternoon. His body was found
in Paint Creek shortly after 5 p.m.
Traffic on Washtenaw highways
was thinning out last night as The
Daily went to press. With weekend
vacationers jamming the roads on
their return home, only one minor
accident was reported by the Slier-
iff's department after 4 p.m. yes-
2,700,000 Cars
Y ' Meanwhile, city police told of
little traffic trouble in the city it-
self, as the congestion was con-
fined to county highways.
The Automobile Club of Michi-
gan estimated a record-breaking
2,700,000 cars were on the high-
way over the holiday.
Comedy Set
For Production
A comedy which centers around
the romantic escapades of a twen-
tieth-century witch will be the
second presentation on the De-
i partment of Speech's Summer
"Bell Book and Candle" by
John Van Druten is scheduled to
opend8 p.m. tomorrow at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.
Directed by Prof. Hugh Z. Nor-
ton of the speech department, the
play concerns the attempt of a
lovely witch named Gillian Hol-
royd to captivate one of the
roomers, in her Murray Hill
Scenery and costumes for the
production will be designed and
executed by Jack E. Bender and
Phyllis Pletcher of the speech
department while the five-mem-
ber cast will be composed of stu-
Tickets for the play, which or-
iginally opened in New York in
1950 and which will run through
Saturday, are still on sale at
the Lydia Mendelssohn box office.
Family Displays
Earlier, Ned H. Dearborn, presi-
dent of the National Safety Coun-
cil, said:
"This needless traffic toll is a
tragic price tag on holiday fun. We
appeal to every driver on the road
to halt this toll right now by driv-
ing so alertly, so patiently, so skill-
fully that he prevents the one ac-
cident he can prevent-the one he
may cause."
Last year's traffic toll, also for
a three-day July Fourth weekend,
was 348 dead, and an Associated
Press survey of a nonholiday week-
end showed 342 persons died in
traffic accidents from 6 p.m. Fri-
day, June 17, to midnight the fol-
lowing Monday.
The traffic death toll record'for
any, Fourth of July weekend was
491, set in the four-day period of
Only one person was killed by
fireworks by late afternoon yester-
day-a 6-year-old boy who threw
a firecracker into a five-gallon can
of kerosene.
The toll by Midwest states, traf-
fic, drowning and miscellaneous:
Illinois-18, 9, 8; Indiana-6, 7,
1; Iowa--16, 6, 5; Michigan-17,
21, 5; Minnesota-10, 4, 3; Mis-
souri-3, 4, 0; Nebraska-, 3, 3;
Ohio-9, 5, 9; South Dakota-5, 0,
0; Wisconsin-7, 9, 1.
At Home
isn't unusual, of course, for a
fellow to try to stay out of jail
but Dearborn County Sheriff
Ernest Negangard has one he
says wants to stay in his jail.
And the sheriff would like to
get rid of him. He's been the
Dearborn County's jail's "star
boarder" since last August.
The prisoner is Charles At-
well of Maysville, Ky. He was
arrested last August on a burg-
lary charge. Since then efforts
to bring him to trial have been
stymied because Atwell has de-
cined to allow the court to ap-
point an attorney for him and
Atwell claims he hasn't been
able to hire one although he has
the money.
Hoses Annoy'
DOWNEY, Calif. (P)-The earth
in this Los Angeles suburb seems
to have developed an extra-ordi-
nary-and baffling-appetite for
garden hoses. It has now swal-
lowed portions of three.
Yesterday, however, puzzled
home-owners put a stop to the
mysterious goings on. Two sev-
ered their errant hoses. The third
dug his out.
It all started last Thursday
when George DiPeso's daughter
was watering the garden with a
green plastic hose. When she
stuck it into the dirt, she was
unable to pull it out. Worse, it
started burrowing downward.
Heading for China
The hose has been heading for
China at the rate of two or
three inches an hour ever since.
Until yesterday morning when
DiPeso got fed up with all the
publicity his hose had been get-
ting and chopped it off. More than
two feet of it had disappeared.
Meanwhile, two other nearby
residentshreported simiar van-
ishing acts.
Calvin Barham of nearby Nor-
walk said he stuck his hose a
couple of inches into the ground
to water the roots of a tree. When
he returned an hour later, two
feet had been sucked down and he
couldn't pull it out. Yesterday
morning, with five feet gone, Bar-
ham got curious and started dig-
Soft Sand Bed
He says he found the end was
embedded in soft sand, which ap-
parently created enough suction
to hold the hose solid.
Barham claims this solves the
mystery. Authorities, however,
have said they are baffled by the
disappearances. No one seems
sure what force draws the hoses
The third case was that of
Mrs. Robert Breeze of Downey.
She stuck a hose in a hole to ty
to drown a gopher Sunday and
when she returned found 15 feet
of it had disappeared. She was un-
able to pull it out, even with the
help of three neighbors. Mrs.1
Breeze put a quick end to the
nonsense. Declaring she wasn't go-]
ing to lose any more hose, she
chopped it off and filled the hole.
SAll-Ti e
ii Year
Sec. Weeks
New Highs
To Return
NEW DELHI, India (A)-The
Indian Red Cross announced
yesterday three American pris-
oners from the Korean War who
chose to remain in Red China and
then changed their minds will
arrive in Hong Kong Saturday.
The Chinese Red Cross in-
formed the Indian organization
that Lewis W. Griggs of Jack-
sonville, Tex., Otho Bell of
Olympia, Wash., and William A.
Cowart of Dalton, Ga., will be
turned over to a representative
of the British Red Cross at the
Hong Kong frontier.
Belgians Not Mentioned
No mention was made by the
Red Cross here of two Belgians,
Roger Devriendt and Louis Ver-
dyk. who also are due to leave
Comntunist China.
The United States consul gen-
eral in Hong Kong is expected to
have a representative on hand at
the frontier to receive the three
In Washington, a State Depart-
ment spokesman said Griggs, Bell
and Cowart, all former corporals,
will receive passports valid only
for return to the United States.
Their transportation will be ar-
ranged if they have no money, but
they will have to sign notes for
funds advanced likeanyother
stranded Americans, he said.
Fate To Be Decided
The United States Defense and
Justice departments are to de-
cide the fate fo the three return-
ing prisoners.
Lost airmen
Search Stops
TOKYO (P)-An intensive search
in the western Pacific for two Ma-
rine airmen was abandoned yes-
terday after their twin-jet Sky-
night vanished in a fog.
The Navy vessels discontinued
their search for C-pt. H. P. Mon-
tague, Jackson, Miss.; and Lt. Da-
vid W. Bell, Wayzata, Minn., son of
Charles H. Bell, president of Gen-
eral Mills, Inc.
The Air Force said Monday
planes would continue checking
mountain peaks, islands and coast-
lines for any sign of wreckage.
Faint radio signals identified by
the Navy and Air Force as coming
from a liferaft's emergency set
last week resulted in the greatest
air search rescue attempt in the
western Pacific in years.
Survey Shows
Record Output
-By Harding williams
ON THE AIR-The cameras focus on the Daily's Cal Samra and master of ceremonies Joe Frisinger
last night as The Daily went on television. The Daily was featured in a 20-minute program onr
WPAG-TV. (See page four for story and more pictures.)
Bulgarian Arrested;Gay MailBoxes
. .. a look at the dictionary
To Give Talk
On Dictionary
Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt of
the English department will pre-
sent "Let's Look at the Dictionary"
to English teachers at 4 p.m. today
in Auditorium C, Angell Hall.
His talk is the third in the Uni-
versity's Conference Series for
English Teachers on the "Teaching
of Grammar and Usage in High
Prof. Marckwardt is director of
the Linguistic Institute and chair
man of the Committee oni nguis-
tics. A' Fulbright leccurer in Aus-
tria during 1953-54, ne was a State
Department consultant on the
teaching of English as a foreign
language in Italy in the summer of
English Grammar Writer
A member of the University since
1928, Prof. Marckwardt has written
several books on English grammar
and usage, including the Scribner
Handbook of English, Introduction
to the English Language, and
American English, the last to be
published this fall.
He is a member of several na-
tional linguistic groups and has
contributed articles to philosophi-
cal and educational journals. He
has been director of the Linguistic
Atlas of the North Central States
since 1940.
Key Problem Discussion
By The Associated Press
iISTANBUL, Turkey -- Istan-
bul Police Chief ALaeddin Erish
announced yesterday that Bulgar-
ian Vice Consul Georgi Barka-
noff had been arrested on a charge
of spying.
The police chief said documents,
seized by the security men proved
the existence of a Communist spy
ring in Turkey.
WASHINGTON -Red, white
and blue mail boxes will shortly
start to bloom on street corners
all over the country, replacing the
olive-drab letter-collectors that
have been standard since World
War I.
Postmaster General Summer-
field said in a Fourth of July an-.
nouncement that his department
is ready to go ahead with a gen-
eral program for shifting the box-
es to these patriotic and "more
cheerful colors" after trying out
the idea in Washington and
He said the tricolor finish had
been found more "durable.
* * *
CHICAGO - A group of young
men last night beat, bruised and
cut six policemen trying to quell
a disturbance at a baseball game
in the Trumbull Park public
housing development.
During the clash, a police ser-
geant shot a college student twice
in the chest, critically wounding
* * *
TOKYO - A Japanese do-it-
yourself magazine, never very
popular according to police, has
Circulation was around 5,000
and it always lost money.
It was the Communist magazine
Star of the People which told
party workers how to make their
own Molotov cocktails (gasoline
bombs) and home-made pistols.
* * *
FRANKFURT, Germany, -
Heinz Nordhoff, president of Ger-
many's Volkswagen company, said
Monday that automobile racing no
longer helps industrial progress
and its aims are "more than ques-
In a statement, the head of the
biggest car manufacturing firm on
the European continent said that
races "serve curiosity, nerve tick-
ling, advertising and sports com-
petition, and always money plays
a great role."
Volkswagen officials said Nord-
hoff's statement was prompted by
"many queries received by us re-
CATANIA, Sicily - Mt. Etna
hurled flame and smoke 600 feet
into the air yesterday.
Worried villkgers watched an-
xiously for any signs of a full-
scale eruption.
For three days Sicilians and
tourists have been witnessing the
10,000-foot volcano's fireworks
from as far as 40 miles away.
The flames came from a crater
which broke through the moun-
tain-side for the first time dur-
ing the eruption of May 27, 1911.
TOKYO -- The newspaper Asa-
hi frontpaged a cartoon showing
how some foreigners are adopting
Japanese ways.
It showed an American couple
lounging in Kimonos. In the fore-
ground was Junior, sporting a
coonskin cap and brandishing a
cap pistol.
' * * *
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Lyndon
Johnson of Texas, stricken with a
heart attack, was reported late
yesterday to be making satisfac-
tory progress "but his condition
remains serious."
The Naval Medical Center at
Bethesda, Md., added in a 5 p.m.
(EDT) bulletin that the Senate's
Democratic leader "is makingsat-
isfactory progress."
The hospital did not plan to is-
sue any further report on the sen-
ator until this morning.
Johnson is not expected back at
work before Congress adjourns.
* * *
LONDON - The captain of a
transatlantic airliner seized a
knife and killed a poisonous snake
yesterday as the reptile slithered
toward the plane's crowded pas-
senger cabin.
The snake apparently escaped
from a crate containing 26 rep-
tiles - rattlesnakes, copperheads,
coral snakes and some unidenti-
fied ones-all believed to be poi-
SFly Away
WASHINGTON (P)- Secretary
of Commerce Weeks announced
yesterday that a midyear survey
of the nation's major industries
indicated they will break through
previous records and set new pro-
duction and sales peaks this year.
The survey was conducted by the
25 industry divisions of the Com-
merce Department's Business and
Defense Services Administration.
It covered over 400 manufacturing
Auto Production Up
WeeU~s made public an industry-
by-industry summary of prospects-
for the last half of this year.
This indicated some slackening
in the last half of 1955 in iron and
steel production, but said that the
automobile industry would prob-
ably shoot through its 1950 produc-
tion record.
The aircraft, construction, con-
sumer durable goods, chemicals,
rubber, paper and newspaper busi-
nesses were pictured in the report
as being at record, or near record
Machine Tool Down
Virtually the only major indus-
try segment to report 1955 expec-
tations sharply lower than 1954
business was the machine toolin-
The report said the machine
tools industry sold some 390 mIl-
lion dollars worth of products in
the first half of this year, and ex-
pects lower shipments-280 mil-
lion dollars worth - in the last
half of the year, for a total of
about 670 million dollars for the
entire year. This compared with
shipments of slightly over one bil-
lion dollars in 1954.
Lost Child
Found Safe
Near Home
LIBBY, Mont. P)-A 2-year-old
girl, missing overnight and feared
the victim of a marauding bear,
was found live yesterday and
searchers said it appeared she had
merely wandered away from a
family camp.
The child, Ida May Curtis, ap-
parently was in good condition and
there was no indication that a
bear had played a part in her dis-
appearance Sunday night.
John Horn, a lumber worker arid
one of more than 100 searchers
who combed the area in a driving
rainstorm, said:
No Bear At All
"It was the consensus of every-
body in the search that no bear
was involved. It seems certain that
the child just wanderedaway and
then everybody got excited be-
cause bears had been seen around
_ Sheriff's officers were not im-
mediately available. Horn had
searched early yesterday morning,
back for dry clothes and was going
out again when the report came
The dispatcher at the big J.
Neils Lumber Co., which has been
helping in the volunteer search,
said it received the report of the
baby's finding shortly before 4:30
p.m. The child was reported miss-
ing at 6Cp.m. Sunday.
Called In By Radio
Red LeadersToast Geneva Conference
MOSCOW UP)-Top Soviet leaders, including premier Nikolai
Bulganin and Communist Party Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, un-
expectedly showed up at the U.S. Embassy's Fourth of July party
yesterday and Bulganin drank a toast to the success of the Geneva
Summit Conference.
Khrushchev made the further comment that if the Western
Powers meet the Soviet Union at the conference as equals "something
will come of it."
It was the first time in history for the Soviet Union's top leaders
to put in an appearance at a Fourth of July party here.
Bulganin proposed his toast in response to a request by an Asso-
ciated Press Correspondent who asked him to do so.
"With pleasure," replied the Soviet Premier. "It is a very good
First Time in Twenty Years
When Bulganin asked: "Who will join us in this toast?" Ka-
sischke replied: "Everybody in the world will join us in this toast."
Khrushchev approached Walmsley and told him he had a speech
to make. He made sure Western correspondents were around him
before he began.
Sipping on a scotch and soda, which he pointed out was quite a
change from his usual vodka or wine, he said:
"If we talk on an equal basis, all parties, and if the talks are
honest and sincere, equal to equal, something will come of it."
Khrushchev said that there are some people who think that if
the Soviet Union makes a contribution there was something that
forced it to make that decision and even that the Soviet Union was
afraid of some catastrophe if she did not."
'Honest Basis' Agreement
The Communist chief added: "But if Russia thought the same
about the United States, Britain and France, there would be no
agreement made.
"We want an agreement on an honest basis," he said. "Some