SATURDAY, J U * ,i~936
Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
International Center Changes:"
An Accomplishment, a Trend
By JIM DYGERT AT THE SAME time, the Center's new policy
E REORGANIZATION of the Interna" of having students plan and conduct their
THE RAown programs and activities, while important
tional Center that took effect yesterday ac- as further reducing the work of counselors to
complished an important change and pointed allow more counseling time, is more significant
up an encouraging trend. as indicating an increase in University recog-
International Center Director James M. Day- nition of student responsibility.
s, while discussing the changes, emphasized For many years now, students have been con-
miost the doubling of counseling staff time that stantly appealing to the University for more
will be available to foreign students. Since control over matters affecting them. Students
tie has been director of the Center only for a have claimed the right to a certain, unspeci-
rear, he was very deliberate in making the fied amount of control, arguing along the lines
personnel shifts, he said. Providing more coun- of "no taxation without representation" and
eling time was the chief objective, and evi- the "democratic franchise." The answer has
lently, he wanted to be sure it was reached. been first of all that no such right exists, and,
The significance of the chance is not at all secondly, that students are not mature enough
diminished by the fact that it was necessary. for the responsibility accompanying the right
An increasing number of foreign students (fol. (the privilege, the University would say).
owing a general trend of rising enrollments) Recently, there seems to have been some
was placing a heavy load on International Cen- gain in student rights on the University cam-
er counselors. Because no changes were made; pus, and an increase in University recognition
oreign students were forced to settle for less of student responsibility. After what seemed an
counseling time than they wanted and should endless and useless struggle, Student Govern-
aave had. Complaints there were, but there ment Council, the first officially recognized
dldn't seem to be much that could be done. student government here, was secured. Though
But now Davis has come up with a solution some think SGC will turn out less liberal, less
>y bringing a new administrative assistant into ambitious, and less spectacular than its pre-
he Center to take over many of the duties decessor, Student Legislature, the establish-
previously handled by Gaston J. Sigur and Ro- ment of the new student government certainly
bert B. Klinger, who will now devote more of showed an increased trust in student responsi-
their time to counseling. The result of this bility on the part of the University. Obtaining
change, a more than doubling of counseling the Student Activities Building is another in-
ime available to, foreign students, is a recog- dication of the same thing.
nition of foreign student needs, an arrange- Now the International Center has added
ment to meet these needs, and therefore a another event to the trend, leading us to be-
commendable move on the part of the Center. lieve that it may, in fact, be a trend after all.
This Education Business
"All Right, Leo-That's Enough
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Foreign Films Not
Always Outstanding
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from cinema devotees is that
American films never achieve the
high quality of foreign films.
Yet, the view that most Ameri-
cans have of foreign productions
is a rather distorted one, a view
not consistent with conditions as
they actually exist.
1) In any artistic medium -- be films, literature, or
music-there is very little created
which deserves great distinction,
and the outstanding artist is a
rare creature.
Recent months have shown a
tremendous interest in Japanese
films, and a tendency to compare
oriental techniques with those in
practice in this country. How-
ever, the Japanese productions
that Americans have are very
distinctive, and not representa-
tive of the nation's work. In a
five-month period in 1954-55, the
six major Japanese studios pro-
duced 182 feature films. The Unit-
ed States has received two of
them, "Gate of Hell" and "Uget-
su." "Gate" is remarkable chiefly
for its stunning use of color pho-
tography, but it boasts a Victorian
story that would pass for trash
in American film circles.
The 180 other Japanese produc-
tions have proven ineffective for
exportation. It is almost a* tru-
ism to say that any comparison of
American and Japanese work,
based only on these two presenta-
tions, is rather impossible.
2) Foreign films have a very
limited market in the United
States. What Americans see are
generally the country's best ef-
forts, and even very few of these
get beyond New York. On the oth-
er hand, almost all American films
are shown abroad.
3) Foreign films offer American
audiences a chance to encounter
new cliches in most instances; and
what is presented is often just
sufficiently different to become
A good example of this is the
clever, little British comedy, com-
bining satire and slapstick (e.g.,
the Guiness works, most Ealing
Studio releases), which have out-
worn their popularity. They now
appear to have a sameness about
them, which was there initially
only in the native country.
The previously - mentioned
"Ugetsu" is an effort that went
unnoticed in Japan because it
was so trite and commonplace,
Brought to the west, it seems ex-
otic and highly distinctive.
What was considered fashion-
able in Italian films of the late
forties-overly-emotional dramat-
ic stories, intense realism, abun-
dant sex, and crude camera and
actin gtechniqu(-s -- is now ridi-
culed. Such films as "Sensuaita,"
which employs much of Rosselini s
approach to the cinema, appears
as a horing soap opera.
Anyone who produces films,
generally though not exclusively,
does so to make money. And what
is presented is generally that
which will sell.
It is true that the market, for
independent production- is small
in Hollywood, but only because
too many of these small works
have failed to bring in revenue.
Recent illustrations are last
year's "A Star Is Born" (a film
with originality and depth) which,
although one of the most expen-
sive productions of all time and a
critically acclaimed work, was an
almost total financial flop.
Stanley Kramer, one of Holly-
wood's most ambitious producers
and one of its best, has been con-
tinuously hounded by small box.
office returns. His "Cyrana de
,Bergerac," an academy award
winner, lost money; and his work
for Columbia Studios, though
highly acclaimed, lost so much
money, he was asked to leave..
Any country that takes its film
making seriously is likely to pro-
duce some outstanding material,
a great deal of which is done by
small producers, but there will also
be much designed only to provide
financial returns.
A look at, the ten top money-
makers for the week reveals that
"This Island Earth," "'Davy'
Crockett," "Sea Chase," and
"Strategic Air Command" hold
important positions.
Americans may want better
films, but they certainly support=
the inferior products in high style.
-Ernest Theodossin
Ike & the Atomic Peace Ship
WE HADN'T thought much about elementary
education, or things of that sort, until
Tadpole walked in the other day.
Tadpole is our Uncle Sidney's youngest
son by his fifth wife who's our Aunt Flossie.
Tadpole was 11 years old this past April, and
as Uncle Sidney says, "Nobody would never
know." We were busy writing a letter when
Tadpole dropped by the hovel to pay his. re-
spects to Matilda, our pet goldfish, and may-
be squeeze us out of a dime. He's the youngest
panhandler we know, but it runs in the family.
Matilda ain't much, but she's all we've got.
"What js the date of next Saturday?" we
asked 'Tadpole, who had his elbow braced
against the calendar relaxing.
"It's the day after Friday," was his brisk
"You don't say!" we said. "But how about
unfastening your elbow and attaching your
eyes to the calendar. Just tell. us the date."
"Do which?" /
"The calendar-that's the thingamijig with
the queer whoodunits on it--is just behind
your elbow."
"Oh! You mean this funny lookin' bunch of
paper here."
"That's right. Now just tell us the date of
next Saturday."
Tadpole's puzzled eyes scanned the cal-
endar. "Tadpole," we asked with apprehen-
sion, "can't you find your bearings on a
"Look, son, can't you read?"
"No, but I can tell time," he answered
HIS STUNNED US, even though Tadpole
is a member of the family. He can eat
his weight in peanut butter; sleeps half the
time, and girls make him nervous. We had
always considered him a normal boy.
"You go to school?" we inquired doubtfully.
"Every winter."
"What do you learn?"
"I can salute the flag, draw pictures of gar-
bage cans, and make mud pies and-."
"How about the A-B-"
"--and I learned the whole history of Davy
Crockett on TV," Tadpole announced proudly.
"At school?"
"Sure. Where dija think?"
"But what about your A-B-C's?"
"Oh, them? Mom was sayin' something about
A-B-C's the other day."
"What did your teacher say?"
"About what?"
"The A-B-C's."
"I don't know. That's what mom was talkin'
about. She- said the teacher told her that I
would sit down someday and they would come
tb me just like that." Tadpole snapped his
fingers in Matilda's face.
"And what did Uncle Sidney say?"
"He said that Moses had visions, but that
I ain't Moses. Say, just who is this guy Moses,
anyway?" Tadpole wanted to know.
You'll find out eventually," we said, "after
the Davy Crockett fad has worn off they may
even put Moses on television."
"Gee!" Tadpole could hardly wait.
Tadpole was our first encounter with ju-
venile illiteracy. The pedagogues who are hi-
bernating on this campus over the summer
should know more about such things than we
do. And if they don't they should find out
enough, at least, tQ do something about it.
It's downright frightening.
Kids vote at twenty one. It might be nice
to be able to read the ballot.
--Roy Akers-
WASHINGTON - There were
two backstage reasons for Ei-
senhower's stinging defeat on his
proposal to build an atomic
"peace ship."
Reason No. 1 was the report
which first reached Democratic
leaders that this was a smart ad-
vertising scheme concocted by the
public relations boys on Madison
Avenue to make Eisenhower the
great peace-maker.
Reason No. 2 was genuine oppo-
sition to the "peace ship" right
from inside the Eisenhower Ad-
ministration. The opposition came
from the President's own Budget
Democratic Senators didn't know
this until, later, and it was not
their original reason for rebuffing
Ike, but actually the maritime ad-
ministration foxed the White
House into approving the atomic
peace ship.
The idea for the ship came not
from Madison Avenue advertising
firms, as first reported, but from
the shipping industry, which want-
ed the government to build a test
atomic-powered merchant ship.
With the government standing the
expense, the shipping moguls
wanted to experiment with the
possibility of converting commer-
cial ships to atomic power.
The Budget Bureau, however,
took one look at the cost figures
and gave the project a stern
thumbs down. Then Maritime of-
ficials got the bright idea of call-
ing their proposed A-ship a "peace
ship" and sending it around the
world as an example of America's
peaceful use of atomic power.
They figured correctly that this
would appeal to the public-rela-
tions-minded aides in the White
House. P r e s i d e n t Eisenhower
bought the idea hook, line, and
The A-ship ran onto a sandbar,
however, when the Atomic Energy
Commission insisted on building
both the hull and the atomic power
plant. In the case of the atomic
sub, the Navy had built the hull
and the AEC the nuclear reactor.
The Maritime Administration hop-
ed to get the same deal on the
"peace ship."
When this conflict leaked out on
Capitol Hill, it helped to torpedo
the whole project.
Note-Joe McCarthy, bitter at
his fellow Republicans, at first
helped torpedo the ship by voting
no. Later he changed his vote to a
CANADA's success in handling
the Salk vaccine has given im-
petus to the proposal of Democrat-
ic Senator Richard Neuberger of
Oregon for a full-scale Senate
study of the Canadian family al-
lowances program.
This program, now 10 years old
in Canada, authorizes payments
each month to every Canadian
accelerated tax write-offs. What
valid grounds exist for criticizing
a subsidy to the most precious
thing of all-children?"
Neuberger also pointed out that
when the family allowances sys-
tem was set up in Canada, it was
highly controversial, brought at-
tacks from the Conservative Par-
ty. Now it's supported unanimous-
ly by all three major Canadian
parties-the ruling liberals, con-
servatives, and the left-wing CCF.
Neuberger's resolution would set
up a Senate study, with an eye to
duplicating the Canadian program
in the U.S. He has been joined by
seven Democratic liberals in spon-
soring the idea. They are: Morse of
Dregon, Kennedy of Massachusetts,
Lehman of New York, Humphrey
of Minnesota, Kefauver of Tennes-
see, McNamara of Michigan, and
Douglas of Illinois.
AEC Commissioner W. F. Libby,
who made one of the frankest
and most revealing speeches in
history on the dangers of atomic
warfare, has canceled another
speech. The Administrationdoesn't
want him to talk any more. .. .
Perhaps the most significant act
of the recent H-bomb civil de-
fense drill was Eisenhower's dec-
laration of martial law. Ike has
always prided himself on being a
civilian president, though he spent
his life in the Army. But during the
drill, the Joint Chiefs of Staff
came to Ike's Headquarters in the
underground Pentagon and ar-
gued that martial law should be
imposed. Defense mobilizer Ar-
thur Flemming vigorously object-
ed, pointed out that it was al-
ways planned to leave civilians in
control. But the President agreed
with his military advisers. Martial
law was declared. ... Senator Sym-
ington's needling of Eisenhower
for falling behind on air strength
is finally getting results. Secre-
tary of the Air Force Talbott has
sent a confidential letter to the
Senate promising to put two new
supersonic fighters into produc-
tion-the F-101 and F-104. ..
Assistant Secretary of State Liv-
ingston Merchant has assured the
House Foreign Affairs Committee,
behind closed doors, that Yugo-
slavia will stay true to the West,
even in case of Marshal Tito's
BEFORE President Eisenhower
flew to the UN conference in
San Francisco, he canvassed Cali-
fornia Democratic Congressmen to
invite them to accompany him.
Congressman Jack Shelley of San
Francisco, Democrat, got haughty
and turned him down. He didn't
think other California Democrats
should accept either.
But Democratic Congressman
George Miller, who lives across
the bay from San Francisco. ac-
cepted, despite advice that Ike
was trying to use him to show how
he was following a bipartisan for-
to worry about having Ike's Attor-
ney General, Herbert Brownell,
come out to his district and cam-
paign against him-as he did last
time. From now on, Miller has Ike's
official stamp of approval.
of Omaha, Neb., hasn't for-
gotten a promise he made five
years ago to a convict.
Then a judge, Chase sentenced
the man to 15 years for running
off with a 15-year-old-girl. Be-
cause the man had no friends in
Nebraska who could speak for him,
Chase promised no matter where
he was, he would testify for the
convict when he came up for
The other day, Chase got a let-
ter reminding him of the promise
and made arrangements to fly to
the parole hearing at his own ex-
(Copywright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate)
To the Editor
Less Moo . .
To the Editor:
T LOVE this little tiff about Mi-
chigan STATE and thought I
might add a little to the banter:
There is a young college named
I woke up one century too late--
To be a true 'U' it must have less
On this we place a large stake
(or steak).
--Stan Ward
Where Are They?
WHEN President Eisenhower
visited Pennsylvania State
University, which is headed by
his brother Milton, he inspected
the new nuclear reactor there,
which unfortunately was not yet
in operation because the Atomic
Energy Commission hadn't re-
leased any fissionable material to
run it on. He then delivered a
commencement address in which
he had some remarkable things
to say about education.
"In Colonial Philadelphia," he
said, "there was a printer who
was likewise a scientist and who
was hailed as the wisest man of
his days-a builder of interna-
tional understanding and friend-
ship. In nineteenth-century Illi-
nois, there was a rail-splitter who
was likewise a lawyer and who
was hailed a champion of hu-
m anity-a builder of freedom for
all men. Despite their lack of
formal schooling, they were edu-
nnfr m-A ,an Vt'Anfninn 4nrn,. ennr
Policy Change on Cyprus
Associated Press News Analyst
GREAT BRITAIN, which has
been fighting a series.of rear-
guard actions ever since the war
for her outposts abroad, finally
has reversed one of her firmest
policies and decided to negotiate
the problem of Cyprus.
For several years, faced with a
growing demand for union of the
island with Greece, Britain has al-
ways replied that there is no pos-
sibility of her yielding, and there-
fore nothing to negotiate.
There are several points involv-
Since Britain's agreement to
withdraw from Egypt, Cyprus has
become her middle Eastern mili-
tary headquarters. Cypriot leaders
point out that Greece is a mem-
ber .f the North Atlantic Alliance
and that a transfer of political
control would not affect military
The British are not so sure.
Communists already have great
power among the island's trade
unions, and have infiltrated the
Enosis Union with Greece move-
ment. About a fifth of the island's
population is of Turkish extrac-
tion, and this group bitterly op-
poses trading British for Greek
control. This, coupled with divi-
sions among the Cypriots them-
selves, some of whom fear inter-
ference with their businesses,
might make the Communists the
most powerful single group on the
THE TUR ISH government
fearful of a Communist coup
on the island which lies directly
across her lifeline to the West,
considers this an extremely im-
portant point.
Turkey, which has warred with
Greece before now, although cur-
rent relations are quite good, ad-
mits the overwhelmingly Greek
character of the island but still
thinks, because of strategic rea-
sons that Ankara should rule if
there is to be any shift. She really
prefers, howover, that there be no
It has been obvious for some
time, however, that something had
to be done one way or another to
stabilize conditions and stop the
terrorism which has made Cyprus
look like an extension of the
trouble France is having in North
Toward that end, Prime Minister
Eden has reversed the policy he
and Winston Churchill formerly
pursued and invited Greece and
Turkey .to negotiations.
Whether the negotiations can
produce a satisfactory settlement
any time soon is doubtful. But at
least they will make Britain look
less intransient, and give her an
opportunity to clarify her position,
in the eyes of those to whom self-
determination among peoples is a
very important thing.
At Architecture Aud....
THE SNAKE PIT, with Olivia de Havilland
THE SNAKE PIT is finished now; and the
comfortable, air-conditioned Architecture
Auditorium with its neon-lit popcorn stands
and reclining seats is now featuring another
But for the benefit of those who saw The
Snake Pit and can't make up their minds,
this was a pretty good film because after all,
didn't Olivia win an Academy Award?
Seriously speaking though, without benefit
of wide-screen, color, cinemascope, 3-D, or
The Daily Staff
stereophonic sound; in fact, without even a
decent sound system, Snake Pit proves that
they were already making good pictures long
before modern science came to the aid of the
In spite of the picture of Sigmund Freud
hanging on the doctor's wall, some of the psy-
chological deductions seem a bit over-simpli-
fied. Many of the characters were pure stereo-
types: thus we have the cruel mother, affec-
tionate father, loving, yet simple-minded hus-
band, know-it-all doctor, officious staff direc-
tor, nasty nurse, and a typical collection of
people generally out of their skulls..
Nevertheless, this film does give one a vague
idea of how some of the better state mental
institutions are run. It is all very gay. High
point of the film was possibly at a hospital
dance and sing where all the patients stand
around and dance and finally sing an inspir-
ing version of "Going Home," bastard version
of the well-known theme from Dvorak's mis-
treated fifth symphony. While the idea of
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Mortgage Loans. The University is in-
terested in making first-mortgage loans
as investments of its trust funds. The
Investment Office, 3015 Administration
Building, will be glad to consult with
anyone considering building or buying
a home, or refinancing an existing mort-
gage or land contract. Appointments
may be made by calling Ext. 2606.
Late permission for women students
nold Moldauer, Physics; thesis: "Rela-
tivistic Wave Equations," Sat., July 20
2038 Randall Laboratory, at 10:00 a.m.
Chairman,. K. M. Case.
Department of Sociology Picnic Sat.,
July 2 from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Ken-
sington Metropolitan Park. All faculty
and graduate Itudents, their wives and
children ivnited. Other details on the
Dept. Bulletin Board, 5th floor of Haven
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet Tues., July 5, at 1:00 pam. in
Room 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. C. C. Craig
will speak on "Estimation of Population
of Flying Insects."
Events Today
International Student Association will
conduct a guided tour over the entire
campus. All students welcome, admission
free. Start from the International Cen-
ter at 9:30 a.m.
Sailing Club. Cars leaving the North
Door of the Women's League to go sail-
ing at Bass Lake are as follows: Sat.--
9:30 a.m,, 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 1:00 p.m.
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Editorial Board
Pat Roelofs
Jim Dygert
Cal Samra
Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin
Dloaelpo anR.C.ah..*.. CIfirt fitr