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July 01, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-07-01

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i+'1 WZAY, JULY 1A, 1955


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Sixty-Fifth Year


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Individual Rights More
important Than Face-Saving

"Hey - Watch That Shoving, Will You?
I .m -


Modern Schools...
To the Editor:
REFERRING TO the article,
'Public Content with Schools'
-Trow, by Marge Piercy, in Wed-
nesday, June 29th, Michigan Daily,
I agree with Dr. Trow's belief that
the majority of Mr. and Mrs. Pub-
lic are quite content "with mo-
dern schools as a whole," and "it's
the small minority who cause the
occasional school fights." Contrary
to Dr. Trow's line of thought, how-
ever, I am wondering if it could
also mean that the present major-
ity are too preoccupied with earn-
ing money with which to meet
their current materialistic ideals
to be much concerned with what
goes on regarding such a secon-
dary matter as education for their
--Louise Dunworth, '54
A Born Is Star.. .
To the Editor:
THANK YOU, Mr. Arp, for your
review of "The Fourposter."
You state, "Miss (Nancy) Born is
an actress . . . and it has about

become time to ask her why she
stays in this area when there are
lofter pinnacles to be scaled."
You do make a good point but, Mr.
krp, it is heartening to know that
an actress considers you and .me
an audience worthy of her best
efforts. Would she find sweeter
rewards sca'irg another pinnacle
than tha. t kle one of bringing
good theatre to an ap, 'at:ve
-Kathleen Armstr; ng
'Destry' . .
To the Editor:
JN REFERENCE to your "movie
critic's" review of the film,
"Destry," currently playing at the
Michigan, I quote,: ". . . he can-
ing up another war to insure his
not act, and out to consider hunt-
reputation." Regardless of the
questionable acting talents of
Murphy, he has a tremendous war
record and this record of a mili-
tary figure shouldn't be made use
of by a flip coment from a rather
inept reporter.
--Tony Templeton


THREE DAYS AGO, the United States gave
up its attempt to prove that Owen Latti-
more had perjured himself before the late Sen-
ator Pat McCarran's subcommittee on Internal
Security. The news dispatch reporting the de-
cision by Attorney General Herbert Brownell
Brownell as seeing "no reasonable likelihood
of a successful prosecution."
So comes to an end what posterity will no
no doubt judge a fantastic tale of viciousness,
irresponsibility and prolonged face-saving.
Senator McCarthy began the whole thing by
naming Lattimore the "top Soviet espionage
agent in this country" because of his opinions
on what should have been done about China.
McCarthy's idea of a sound China policy, and
that of his friends, the China Lobby, were in
direct contrast to those of Lattimore and the
Institute of Pacific Relations, of which Latti-
more was a member. Lattimore's approach hap-
pened to be the same as that taken by many
"liberals" and Communists. That his prediction
for China turned out to be more correct than
the China Lobby's only added fuel to Senate
committee fires.
Lattimore testified before McCarran's com-
mittee, which lead to a seven-count indictment.
for perjury. The gvernment's main charge
was that Lattimore lad lied in denying he was
a "sympathizer or promotor of. Communist in-
' EDEmAL JUDGE Luther W. Youngdahl re-
mained unimpressed by McCarran's en-
thusiasm and threw out four of- the seven
counts. Concerning the main charge, Young-
dahl said, "It seems to the court that this
charge is so nebulous and indefinite that a

jury would have to indulge in speculation in
order to arrive at a verdict."
The government ,remained unimpressed by
Youngdahl, issuing another indictment and
asking that Youngdahl disqualify himself on
the ground that his decision had shown "per-
'sonal bias and prejudice." Youngdahl refused,
sharply criticized the Justice Department, and
subsequently threw out the key counts of the
second indictment, again because they were
It is hard to believe that the original accu-
sation of Lattimore and the subsequent in-
dictment were anything other than politics. A
charge of Communism, or following the Com-
munist line, was then a fashionable one for
use on political enemies. Those who saw this
and protested the danger to personal liberty
that was involved were either silenced or ren-
dered impotent by being grouped under the
same charge which the public, in its hysteria,
accepted at face value.
Recently the hysteria has been dying out, the
McCarthy-type revelation is no longer mean-
ingful to most, and the country as a whole is
becoming more sensible. Youngdahl perhaps
was a key figure in bringing America to the
realization that a charge of following the Com-
munist line is indeed a nebulous one that can
be supported only by emotions and supersti-
Yet, the government resisted to the end.
Even:now, its indictment dropped, it will not
admit it was wrong about Lattimore. It will not
admit that it let itself get carried away by the
hysteria which its right wing thrust upon it.
It will remain for a Democratic return to power
to bring an apology for the bungling.
In the meantime, Senators and the Justice
Department might re-examine its policy of
stubbornly ignoring individual rights in favor
of saving their own faces.


Hoover Commission
Critical of CIA



ttc "14 oy 4,,

McCarthy, Welker Split

Birth of a 'University'

BIRTH, LOVE and death-these are the
themes upon which a few writers make a
living, and the rest starve to death. Since this
is July 1, a momentous occasion, we ought per-
haps to limit our discussion to death.
There was a time when we struggled for a
few months as an under-paid coolie and flunk-
ey extraordinary to a mortician. We say for a
few months because death-while lucrative-
is downright depressing. One can learn a lot
about the living, though, while working with
the dead. There are, for instance, the ring-
siders who--while having felt little or no emo-
tion toward the lately deceased in life-try
to prove it by splattering both the carpet and
the casket with tears. Our sympathy went
mostly toward the dogs at funerals. For, wheth-
er the dog was yelping happily or laying with

his head buried mournfully in his paws, we
always felt his eiotions were sincere.
We hadn't thought too much about that job
lately; not until last midnight, that is, when
Ann Arbor went into a period of deep mourn-
ing. In every bar we tried there were more tears
in the pitchers than suds. It was a sad and try-
ing experience. For at the stroke of midnight,
Michigan State College kicked up her heels
and died. In her wake was born a new uni-
versity-Michigan State University.
It is not at this point certain whether Presi-
dent Hatcher and the learned members of the
Board of Regents will send flowing messages of
congratulations to East Lansing. But this writ-
er, for one, would like to welcome the baby
university to the community of educational in-
stitutions. Perhaps someday MSU will earn its
newly-found place in the sun.
-Roy Akers

made many trips from the
Senate floor to the Senate cloak-
room during the debate which
crushed him with a 77-4 vote
against tying the President's hands
at the Big-Four Conference.
Joe was nervous, shaky, upset
at the criticism of his old friends
like Capehart of Indiana and
Hickenlooper of Iowa. He had to
go to the cloakroom to let off
steam. What crushed him most,
however, was the desertion of the
Senator who had been called the
"Little McCarthy"-Herman Wel-
ker, Republican of Idaho.
Welker had used tactics that
have out-McCarthyied McCarthy,
is one of Joe's closest friends. Yet
in the showdown over forcing the
President to discuss the satellite
countries at the Big-Four meet-
ing, Joe's old pal from Idaho join-
ed the 77 who voted against him.
Reason is both simple and in-
teresting: Welker is scared to
death of his re-election chances.
He knows that the Idaho Power
Company is getting ready to dump
him and nominate William Hold-
en of Idaho Falls instead. Idaho
Power wields potent influence in
Republican politics in his state,
and although Herman faithfully
parrots the company line in op-
posing a government big dam at
Hell's Canyon, Idaho Power does

not approve of Herman's other ac-
tivities embarrassing to Eisenhow-
That's why Herman deserted
his old friend Joe. Joe has been
embarrassing to Ike and today
Herman doesn't want to be in the
same category. That's also why
when Holden testified against
Hell's Canyon, Welker hovered
obsequiously over him like a hen
with one chick. That finally is the
inside reason why McCarthy is
telling friends: "Welker and I are
not on speaking terms."
Note-Labor leaders in Idaho"
have notified Democrat Glen Tay-
lor, the one-time comboy Senator
from Idaho, that if he runs again
they'll not support him. They feel
he forfeited his professional poli-
tical standing when he ran for
Vice-President on the Henry Wal-
lace ticket eight years ago.
would have been interested in
the by-play which took place re-
cently behind the closed doors of
the House Rules Committee over
the Harris bill, which would over-
ride the Supreme Court and take
away the Federal Power Commis-
sion's right to fix the-price of nat-
ural gas.
For that bill, if passed, will cost
northern and mid-western house-
wives around $400,000,000 a year.
As a result, there's been so much
opposition to the bill that it was

Krishna Menon's Paradox

F KRISHNA MENON'S participation on the
panel discussion of the American Forum of
the Air last Sunday night pointed up anything
at all, it was the Indian Foreign Minister's
thorough-going nationalism. Every question
put to him by the members of the panel was
carefully answered in terms strictly reflecting
the point of view of India. The problems of
East-West co-existence, of Red China's mem-
bership in the United Nations, and of the strug-
gle over Formosa were all discussed by him
with a view of the position and security of his
own government.
According to Menon, each country pursues
its foreign policy in the direction that will most
benefit its security and well-being. India, sug-
gests Menon, is camped neither East nor West,
but she is working toward what she believes to
be a solution of the problems of world peace.
Paradoxically, however, when the question
concerning international communism and sub-
version was put to him, the Foreign Minister
abandoned his extreme nationalism in favor of
theoretical democracy. "We are a democratic
government," argued Menon, "and if they (the
communists) persuade the people to vote for
them, they can get control of the Indian gov-
The next question, of course, was what then?
Doubtlessly, if the Communists gained control
The Daily Staff

of the government, there would be no chance
of their losing it by peaceful means. It is sim-
ply the same question being asked by all free
and democratic governments today-what are
you going to do about people who use freedom
to destroy it? Krishna Menon evaded this ques-
tion. One can safely assume, however, that Mr.
Menon, with all his energetic nationalism,
would probably be the first to strike down ane'
serious domestic threat to his government's
--Howard Walker
RuHssian Smiles
Puzzle western
Dip lomats
WASHINGTON, UP)-Guessing why the Rus-
sians have changed from growl to grin
Etas become a kind of international parlor
game which anyone can play, with or without
facts. A little wishful thinking helps.
Latest guesser is Gen. Carlos P. Romulo of
the Philippines. At the United Nations' anni-
versary in San Francisco last week, during a
television interview, he said: The Kremlin
leaders are having trouble among themselves
and want a breather.
This was hardly an original contribution.
It's a guess that's made whenever there's a
major change in Moscow, like the demotion
of Georgi Malenkov from the premiership.


almost defeated inside Harris' own
Interstate Commerce Committee.
At first the vote inside committee
was 13-to-13 and Congressman
Harris had to beat the bushes to
find one more vote to beat the tie.
Appearing before the Rules
Committee therefore, the Con-
gressman from Arkansas, Harris,
long-time stanch friend of big
utilities, seemed despondent. He
was definitely not happy. He asked
for a resolution to investigate the
pipelines and the big utilities that
sell gas to the housewives in nor-
thern cities. But he did not want
to probe the gas producers.
His hand was immediately
trumped by Congressman Wolver-
ton, Republican of Camden, N.J.,
where live thousands of the house-
wives who have to buy gas. He
demanded a resolution which in-
vestigated the gas producers --
the oil and gas companies that
drill, extract the gas and sell it
to the pipelines.
SPOKE CongressmanRay
4Madden, Democrat of North-
ern Indiana, whose housewives also
burn plenty of gas.
"I don't understand the reason
for your resolution," Madden told
his fellow Democrat from Arkan-
sas. "You've been considering this
bill for weeks, and now suddenly
you ask for an investigation of the
pipelines and the gas distributors.
Why didn't you file this request
last January? Then you would
have had had more information
on which to base your bill."
"Well it wasn't done," snapped
Harris, obviously in no mood to
"What made up your mind to
start this investigation now?"
pressed Madden.
Harris hesitated, hemmed and
"Is this investigation you pro-
pose going to be a smokescreen to
confuse the public?" asked the
Congressman from Indiana.
"No, these are two separate
bills," replied Harris.'
"Don't you think it's unusual to
hold hearings on a bill for months
and then at the last minute come
in here and ask for an investiga-
tion?" persisted Madden.
Harris couldn't answer.
"I'll go along with you," con-
tinued Madden, "if you'll amend
the Wolverton resolution to in-
vestigate also the new Federal
Power Commission.
"All the gas producers have to
do these days is go down to the
new Eisenhower Power Commis-
sion and ask for a price increase
and they get it. They get any-
thing they want. So let's investi-
gate the FPC. Let's see why they
get all these price increases."
MADDEN WENT on to point out
that although Harris claimed
his bill removing price regulation
would help the 4,300 gas producers,
actually it would chiefly help on-
ly 17 producers. For, he pointed


At the MichiganĀ«...
with Greer Garson
LIKEALL REALLY capable re-
viewers, I habitually write my
reviews before attending the movie.
As every seasoned reviewer knows,
one's critical faculties can become
dangerously clogged if he submits
them to an actual performance
with all its attendant distractions
and details; consequently, the bet-
ter sort of reviews are written on
the basis of newspaper advertise-
ments and the previous week's
Previews of Coming Attractions.
For the movie currently on dis-
play at the State. I prepared my
first paragraph several days in ad-
vance. It read:
"The sad truth is that we have
lived to see a Marxist prophecy
come true. First "The Magnificent
Matador," then "Love Me or Leave
Me," and now "Strange Lady in
Town. "Surely this is the prophe-
cied withering away of the State."
It struck, I felt, exactly the right
note of wistful reproach at the de-
cay of the motion picture art, the
note so essential to a really first
class review.
So it was with a light heart and
a closed mind that I attended the

Town" was a good picture, you un-
derstand, but it really wasn't as
bad as some .. . that is. . . I mean
it didn't actually drag or anything
but it wasn't exactly a fast picture
either. It was more what you would
call a half-fast picture, if you know
what I mean. Just the same I w .. .
Take Greer Garson now. I mean
she's a pretty good actress and all
that and here they have her play-
ing this lady doctor in this western
town. I don't know, though; if they
had written the part better, they
probably could have gotten a bet-
ter actress than Greer Garson to
play it.
One thing I will say, though.
This movie didn't have much sym-
bolism in it. I like a movie should
have symbolism. As a matter of
fact, I didn't even notice any ar-
chetypes. How are you supposed to
criticize a movie that doesn't even
have archetypes?
I think I'll go lie down.
--Don Malcolm
TWENTY-ONE citizens from 17
states journeyed to Washing-
ton recently to speak up for pub-
lic-library development in the
hearing on the Library Service Bill.
This is a piece of terminal legisla-
tion sponsored by the American
Library Association. It is designed

Associated Press News Analyst
duced from recent atom-
bombing exercises conducted by
the North Atlantic Alliance in Eu-
rope that, actual strength being
equal, the aggressor will defeat
the defender every time.
A Hoover Commission report
says the United States' Central
Intelligence Agency is not produc-
ing sufficient information about
what Russia is up to.
Taker together, those state-
ments are shocking, but less of a
condemnation of CIA than they
may sound at first.
CIA is, to oversimplify, two
things. It is the nation's "cloak
and nagger" corps, and it is the
assessor and coordinator of intelli-
gence obtained by the armed
services and the FBI. It is re-
sponsible for giving the President,
the National Security Council and
other executive agencies enough
information about what's going on
in the world to let them do the
job of national defense propertly.
The most serious charges by the
commission are not against the
agency, but against the atmos-
phere in which it works, especial-
ly that part of the atmosphere
provided by the State Department.
It has been accepted that .espi-
onage into Russian affairs is ex-
tremely difficult and, in some par-
ticulars, practically impossible.
The commission report makes a
point of how much better the to-

talitarians d e f e n d themselves
against espionage than does the
United States.
But there is one thing which I
think most Americans felt. It was
that the last war cured the
squeamishness with which the
United States approached spying.
The value of Britain's great in-
telligence service, and the dangers
of being without one, had become
too obvious.,
But the squeamishness Isn't
gone, the report says in effect. The
CIA still has to operate against
diplomatic holdbacks.
The inference is that the United
States is relying more on. kid
glove -and top hat.operations than
on cloaks and daggers. The fur-
ther inference is that, at: least
partly because of this, the Job
isn't being done as well gs it could
be, even allowing for all the other
Only a part of the commission's
report has been made public. Se-
cret sections have gone to the
President. There is bound to be
wonderment whether this section
contains even more disturbing
statements than those published.
For one thing, however, the re-
port commends as well as. con-
demns Allen Dulles, the agency's
director, and proposes an assist-
ant for him so that he can dele-
gate some of the detailed work.
Briefly, the recomemndations are
to give him more money for a bet-
ter organization, and take off his


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it Is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1955
Late permission for women students
who attended the Speech Play, "Ring
Round the Moon" at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater will be no later than 11:00
U.S. Civil Service, Home Loan Bank
Board, announces exam for Savings and
Loan Examiner-GS-7 and GS-9. Re-
quirements include experience in book-
keeping or accounting, or with a sav-
ings and loan association or banking in-
The Luella Cummings Home, Toledo,
Ohio, has an opening for a housemother
to work with teen-age girls.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Representatives from the folowing will
be at the Engineering School:
Wed., July 6
U.S. Govt., Army Ordnance Corp., De-
troit Arsenal, Center Line, Mich.-B.S.
& M.S. in Mech., Elect. & Metal. I. for
Research, Design, & Develdpment.1
Thurs., July 7
Dorr-Oliver Inc.-Engineers, Stamford,
Connecticut-BS. & M.S. in Metal., Civ-
il1 (Sanitary Option), and Chem. E. for
Testing, Development & Sales.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., Ext.
Department of Astronomy, 'Visitors'
TTirh r idst-yl,.4n,, TZ_,I 8. .mThp Wl



Faculty Concert: Emil Raab violinist,
and Benning Dexter, pianist, will pre-
sent the first School of Music recital
of the summer session at 8:30 p.m. Tues.,
July 5, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Schubert's Duo in A, Op. 162, Sona-
tina, (1942) by Charles Jones,; Sonata'
(1917) by Debussy, and Sonata in D
Op. 11, No. 2 by Paul Hindemith.'Opea
to the general public without charge.
Museum of Art. "Michigan Art
Through Fifty Years" (through July 31).
Alumni Memorial Hall. Open to pub-
Events Today
International Student Association will
hold a picnic-supper-dance at German
Park, on Pontiac Road, 6% miles from
Ann Arbor. American and foreign, stu-v
dents invited. Total fee 75c. Free'trans-
portation from the International Cen-
ter, 5:30 p.m.
Ring Round the Moon, by Jean Anou"
ilh, with an English adaptation by
Christopher Fry, will be presented at
8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssoh The-
atre. All seats are reserved at $1.50.
$1.10-75c. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Box Office is open from 10:00 a.m.-8:0Q
Lane Hall Punch Refresher-Fri., July
1, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Principal and Mrs.
Frederick Greeves, Didsbury Seminary,
Oxford, will be guests of honor.
Hillel Foundation Services for students
Fri., July 1, at 7:45 p.m. in the- Small
The Fresh Air Camp clinic will be held
at the Main Lodge of the Camp on Pat-
terson Lake, Fri., July 1, 8:00 p.m. Stu-
dents with a professional interest are
welcome. Dr. Ralph Rabinovltch will be
the psychiatric discussant.
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club meets every
Sun. at 2 p.m. at the north entrance to




Editorial Board
Pat Roelofs

Jim Dygert

Cal Samra

Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin
Dave Rorabacher......................... Sports Editor


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