94P Mjirhiga t
Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
UFo Stays Secure
From Youth Festival
"You Know The Old Saying - No News Is Good News"
THE FIFTH WORLD Festival of Youth and
Students for Peace and Friendship will be
held in aWrsaw, Poland, in July and August.
Thousands of students from Europe, Asia and
Africa will meet to discuss topics from occu-
pational problems to political problems. They
will participate in art and music competition,
and enjoy together performances by athletes
and artists from the world over.
But American students can neither enter in
to the competition nor visit the two week Fes-
tival. State Department policy is that Ameri-
cans shall not enter Iron Curtain countries.
Reason for the policy is "security." The ar-
gument is that to protect young Americans
And Advices
In Case of War
EVERY FEW months, just when world ten-
sions seem to be weakening, groups of
public spirited individuals take it upon them-
selves to inform Americans that the danger of
an atomic blast on native soil is very real.
This -selective bit of information is gener-
ally accompanied by instructions for behavior
in time of national crisis. The behavior re-
commended is perhaps best exemplified by sev-
eral recent announcements designed to ease
tension resulting from fear of atomic warfare.
Everybody should stay indoors, preferably
in the basement, is the advice Time Magazine
attributes to Atomic Energy Commissioner
Willard F. Libby. Commissioner Libby recom-
mends the indoor treatment because evacua-
tion of 100,000 square miles (the size a larga
bomb would affect andAvhich is approximate-
ly twice the area of New York State) "might, 1ke
a bit impractical." -
When the radioactivity registers 6.7 roent-
gens (absorption of 400 R is generally fatal),
the individual may venture from his,-basement
with a radiation detector in one hand and be-
gin locating pockets of high radioactivity, from
whose site he must stay away at all costs. Of
course, every home is not equipped with a ra-
diation detector, but this may become as neces-
sary as a television set in the near future.
COMMISSIONER LIBBY, who is most often
optimistic, paints a glowing and healthy
picture of rehabilitation. If there is water left,
fire hoses may be used to spray down every-
As-yet-non-invented street sweepers will
then be used to cleanse the asphalt streets.
And finally if rain should fall, all the rada-
tion will be carried away from streams to riv-
ers to lakes to oceans. Then the citizens may
go about freely, although it is recommended
that they avoid radiation pockets.
Washtenaw County Civil Defense Director
Thomas A. FitzGerald is also a believer in
stay-put-when-atomic-bombs-fall policy. He
cautions local residents to remain at home be-
cause "there are going to be many undesirables
among . . . evacuees. Are we going to invite
them into our homes by leaving the cities?"
ASIDE FROM Director FitzGerald's re'com-
mendation to avoid "undesirables," people
are not likely to remain secluded in the quiet
of their homes. In fact, people are not likely
to remain.
But for those who should be so fortunate as
to survive (a dose of 175 R may produce nau-
sea, leathery plaques on the skin, loss of pig-
ment, reduction of white corpusles, weepy,
crusty sores, and general irritation), there al-
ways remains the advice taken from a civil de-
fense pamphlet which cautions citizens to
keep a pail of sand at the foot of their beds to
seal cracks in the windows and walls in case
of radioactive fallout.
As someone terribly obscure must have re-
marked at some terribly obscure war, control-
ling panic-stricken mobs with mechanical in-
struments (whether they be military equip-
ment, fire hoses, street sweepers, or pails of
sand) is not the simplest job in the world.
-Ernest Theodossin
from being brainwashed by Communists or
Communist sympathizers in Iron Curtain coun-
tries, they should not be allowed to visit "non-
free" countries. To insure security for demo-
cracy we should not let other idealogies play
on the minds of American youth when they
are out of the hands of American newspapers
and America's own propaganda.
The policy based on this argument is so ob-
viously anti-democratic we wonder why we
elect people who enact them. Democracy, if
it's really democracy, speaks for itself. The very
strength of democracy is that it tolerates other
political and social views than its own. It does
not believe there is only one right system of
THE POLICY denying American youth the
opportunity to mingle with youth of other
political views seems to be based on an assump-
tion either that democracy is infallible, and
therefore that no other system can have any
good aspects, or that American's are so unsure
about the United States system of government
that they would easily succumb to other, non-
democratic ideaologies.
Not only does State Department policy oper-
ate to insure security in a negative fashion po-
litically, but it prevents American youth from
receiving intellectual stimulation from the
artists and musicians of other nations. How
limited we become in our thinking by refusing
to meet with East Europeans on cultural
grounds! We only bind ourselves and become
provincial in our thinking and action when
we forbid the meeting of youths from every
Not only are the Europeans, Asians and Af-
ricans attending the Festival deprived of meet-
ing youth from a democracy and exchanging
ideas with them, but American youth are for-
bidden the opportunity to enter their art
works and music as well as their athletes into
competition with youths of other nations. A
truly educational opportunity is being missed.
When situations like this occur, we wonder
if we really are being honest with ourselves
by calling this a free country-Free to do what?
ONE OF THE main questions arising out of
the recent turmoil in Argentina is just
what was President Peron trying to do and
On the surface, it seems the entire action was
focused on the church and its relation to the
state. This, of course, is a worn problem in
political history, but the Argentine's rash
handling of it is a little non-conforming at
this time. When one observes the same prob-
lem and its attempted solution in contempor-
ary Europe, he wonders whether or not the
South American country may be twenty years
behind the European nations when they dealt
with tlie question in the same rugged manner.
Peronrhad purged every potential challenger
to his rule except the Catholic Church-the
organization, incidentally, that aided him in
his election of 1946. It should follow, then,
that his reason for attacking the Church now
was that it was threatening his position. But
the American observer finds it difficult to dis-
cover any concrete evidence to any subversive
tendencies on the part of Argentine Catholics.
He wonders, then, if there were any other
motives in the unpopular action of President
Peron. The government must have been aware
of the potential mass resentment to such hasty
action and unless the Church had become a
real threat to Peron's power, it is not openly
evident why he should choose to oppress his
WITHOUT PRETENDING to decide the def-
inite motives that led Peron to his choice,
we might suggest three considerations which
could have been an influence.
First, there has been noted in Argentina
among the younger active Catholics a Chris-
tian Democrat movement. This, of course, could
grow to be a threat to the present government,
but so far it has only been a small group and
it is doubtful that the president would attack
the whole Catholic Church in order to quell
one political party.
The second factor concerns itself with the
bungling and corruption in the national econ-
omy. Add to this the nearly completed nego-
tiations with American businessmen for "ex-
ploitation" of Argentine oil, and it is not diffi-
cult to appreciate the value of diverting the
ANSTRT ws;:<
:Q. Is O ODHAI..
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Berenson at Fourscore and Ten
Gas Regulation:
Clark vs. Clark
MORE POTENT reasons for not
writing about Bernard Beren-
son occur than justifications. Who
is so equal to the task as himself?
Further, he dislikes praise: "I am
.. irritated by praise even of the
most tactful kind, especially when
verbal and to my face. But even
in print, in reviews of my books
and still more when the praise is
of myself as distinct from my
books." And to write of him is to
praise him..
Intellectual deterrents at length
were atrophied by the sterner and
yet more wonderful demands of
emotional admiration. I hazard
writi'ig, knowing fatuity may be
the sole consequence. Simply said,
Bernard Berenson reaches his
ninetieth birthday June 26, and
a note therefore is in order.
Why? Simply because he has so
much to say, important things
few can say with like authority.
He comes from an unusual time,
not chronologically but in the mat-
ter of having remained 'adole-
cent-minded to the end," an end
mercifully not yet in sight. These
important things are in his books
on art, criticism, and his own life.
Francis Henry Taylor, former di-
rector of the Metropolitan Muse-
um of New York, not long ago, said
flatly, "No single figure in the
world of art has contributed more
to the taste and understanding of
Italian painting than Bernard
Berenson's works comprise a
large list: From "Venetian Paint-
ers of the Renaissance" of 1894 to
"Piero della Francesca" in 1954,
he has published over thirty books.
Surely his has been one of the
longest, most productive careers
in our time. "The Drawings of the
Florentine Painters," published in
1903, is his most monumental, no
doubt, and rises the more remark-
able when recalled as introductory
of two aspects in the study of art
now so accepted. Berenson says,
"The two chief novelties . . *
were, at first, the inclusion of the
drawings as an integral part of
the artist's creativeness, and val-
ued at least as much as his fin-
ished work; the other, the light
the sketches for a given picture
throw on the creative process of
the artist as well as upon his in-
dividual gifts . . . Today no mono-
graph on an artist is published
that does not take into account
his drawingsas much as his com-
pleted works. That it is so may be
partly the result of my approach
to the subject in 'The Drawings
of the Florentine Painters'.
HARDLY LESS monumental,
certainly the better-known
and loved, is "The Italian Paint-
ers of the Renaissance," publish-
ed as four separate volumes, 1894
to 1907. "The Italian Painters" is
that rare book, both exciting food
for the hungry beginner and ac-
cepted authority for the accom-
plished student; it is the crystal-
lization of a richly endowed man's
-nnra lh to a d +Tm -al e Qvmi
criticism, and, above all, convic-
tion of purpose, reminds you that,
"In a word the completest hu-
man being, as distinct from no
matter how superior a mere ani-
mal, is the man of culture, and
he is that because he has the full-
Est and most cheering and most
inspiring sense of what man has
been and therefore still may be."
Berenson has demonstrated liv-
ing, no less than art. He has shown
a disciplined life, retentive of ex-
periences, objects, ideas, and all
else consistent with the basic as-
sumption of the perfectibility of
man. In his own words, he has
Red Aid
Associated Press News Analyst
THERE'S A certain kinship be-
tween V. M. Molotov, revolu-
tionary Russia's "hammer," and
Jawaharlal Nehru.
Molotov, confronted by a moun-
tain of facts, can look through
it to see whatever he wishes to
see on the other side.
Nehru, confronted by a clear
pane of glass, can look through
it without seeing anything on the
other side which he does not wish
to see.
While Molotov was making his
speech at the anniversary meet-
ing of the United Nations in San
Francisco, Nehru and - Bulganin
were drawing up a new "peace"
communique in Moscow.
Both pronouncements w e r e
headedr"sweetness and light."
Both revived and re-emphasized
the major issues of the cold war.
INDEED, observers were some-
what surprised at Molotov. Prior
to his speech he had been oozing
good will. He had accepted a ten-
gallon American hat. He attended
a dinner and proposed a toast to
his Allied hosts.
But then he got up on the ros-
trum where everybody has been
talking nothing but peace this
week and went through his well-
worn rote,
The gist of it was that the Allies
started the cold war and intended
to turn it into a hot war. He re-
peated the various formulas by
which Russia has said the world
could have peace, formulas which
everyone recognizes would mean
a peace consolidating Russia's
hold on the fruits of her conquests
and leaving the road open for
NEHRU PICKED a number of
cold war issues on which to
side with Russia. In particular, he
agreed with Bulganin on three
sought and cultivated, with singu-
lar devotion, that which is "life-
Tl:e books already named, and
others-"Lorenzo Lotto," "Cara-
vaggio," "The Arch of Constan-
tine" "The Story and Criticism
of Italian Art" (three volumes)--
are in themselves life-enhancing.
Approaching them, you are con-
vinced of your obligation, and not
your privileged right, to do so.
Reading through the autobiogra-
phy, the war diary, the critical
theory, note that all three are
from the past decade, ripe with
authority, wisdom, and youth, ac-
crued from his full and vigorous
life. It seems not too much to say
that which reason and emotion,
discipline and desire, tell you to
to try to be, Berenson is.
"SKETCH FOR A Self-Portrait,"
1949, is an unusual autobio-
graphy, and one that two such
diverse essayists of self as Frank-
lin and Adams would have ap-
proved: Fruition, spiritually, of
what one began and to which the
other contributed, ,with refine-
ments of which neither were cap-
able. When it appeared, F. H. Tay-
lor said, "There flows through the
pages of "Sketch for a Self-Por-
trait" not ordinary printer's ink
but the heady wine which long
ago intoxicated the gods and god-
esses of Mount Olympus."
"Rumor and Reflection" is
Berenson's diary of War II, kept
after he elected to remain in Italy
rather than return home. In the
preface he says, "I seldom took
the rumors that reached me for
fore than suspensions for inquiry.
As revelations of states of mind
they wre positive, for they told
me what a representative section
of Tuscan, and perhaps all Italian
upperclass society, had been train-
ed to feel, and what they fancied
they were thinking about each
day's events . .
"So much for rumor. I need not
explain what I mean by reflec-
tion. According to mood and hu
mor and leisure I put down what
the gossip of the day, what con-
versation, what the books and pa-
pers I was reading, what my mus-
ings and daydreamings stimulated
me to write."
The philosophic summation of
his career, "Aesthetics and History
in the Visual Arts," appeared in
1948. The lines from "Tintern Ab-
bey" on the fly-leaf go far to dis-
close. his general theme: "The
sounding_. cataract/Haunted me
like a passion; the tall rock,/The
mountain, and the deep and gloo-
my wood,/Their colours and their
forms, were then to me/An appe-
tite; a feeling and a love,/That
had no need of a remoter charm,/
By thought supplied, nor any in-
terest/Unborrowed from the eye."{
There is so much, really, impos-
sible to summarize, harmed so
done. The play of mind and spirit,
expansiveness and sense of con-
viction Berensri nspres, in you
are too rare and fine to be tam-
pered and adulterated. Try his
work at any point and you will
WASHINGTON -O p e r a t i n g
rrstrictly sub rsa, the powerful
oil-gas lobby has put the heat on
the nation's mayors to support
the gas bill now before Congress
which overrules the Supreme
Court and bars any federal regu-
lation of gas transmitted through
interstate pipelines. Result of this
lobbying is a battle of mayors that
is echoing ifi city halls across the
In another sense, it's a fight be-
tween two mayor Clarks-Phila-
delphia's Mayor Joseph Clark, Jr.,
Democrat, fighting for the con-
sumners, and Indianapolis Mayor
Alex Clark, Republican, fronting
for the oil lobby.
The Harris bill which 'the oil
lobby wants passed would cost the
housewives higher gas bills esti-
mated at around $400,000,000 an-
That's why Mayor Clark of Phil-
adelphia began rallying other big-
city mayors against the bill. He
lined up more than 50 mayors, re-
presenting 30,000,000 consumers,
to protest to Congress.
Not to be outdone, the oil com-
panies lined up the other Mayor
Clark of Indianapolis, who began
cranking out press releases in fav-
or of the bill. He argued, in the
name of free enterprise, that pro-
ducers should be free to raise
field prices. Finally he showed up
in Washington, his pockets stuffed
with letters and telegrams.
These messages came to him,
Clark of Indianapolis claimed, as
a "spontaneous" outpouring from
city heads who sided with him.
"My stand has apparently at-
tracted widespread attention," he
told the Senate Commerce Com-
mittee. "As evidence of this, I
have with me today very many
telegrams and letters that I have
received from mayors."
REAL TRUTH, however, is that
the messages were secretly so-
licited by the oil companies. Their
game was given away by a tele-
typed statement from Mayor W.
A. Hensley of Bartlesville, Oka.
Acrossptheabottom, this private
note appeared: "Given to FLR
over phone 5-19-55 by J. W. Clark
of Phillips Petroleum Co."
The Phillips official apparently
got the mayor's message garbled,
because, the way it came out,
Hensley went on record as con-
tending: "Producers and gatherers
(sic) of gas must be freed of fed-
eral regulation if dangerous en-
croachment on our free enter-
prise system is to be preserved."
Presumably, this novel plea to
"preserve" encroachment on free
enterprise wasn't exactly what his
honor the Mayor of Bartlesville
had in mind.
Even more revealing was a priv-
ate letter to Indianapolis Mayor
Clark from his fellow Hoosier,
Mayor Robert Meyers of Fort
Wayne, also a Republican.
ALTHOUGH we are often sub-
Jected to extensive propagan-
da to the effect that our level of
living is the highest in the world
and, wondrously, still rising, we do
not often have a chance to actual-
ly see this marvelous process a
it happens.
Today we learn that dry clean-
ing prices are rising in Ann Ar-
bor, an announcement accompa-
nied by the usual moanings about
the rising costs of materials and
labor. Certainly, this is prosperity
increasing before our very eyes
and touching upon our very
Not only is the level of living
rising for the dry cleaners, but
also their suppliers and employes.
True, the immediate effect is
higher costs for us, but to com-
plain of higher costs is somewhat
inconsistent with boasting a high
level of living. They are the same.
--Jim Dygert
"I have been informed by Mr.
Hansel Smuts of the Standard Oil
Company, South Bend, that YOU
are testifying before the Senate
Commerce Committee In favor of
the bill to exempt producers of
natural gas from federal regula-
tion," wrote Meyers. "Once again
I find myself opposed to one Clark
and in favor of the other. Natur-
ally, you know which one I am
referring to as opposing.
He was opposed, of course, to
Mayor Clark of Philadelphia,
"Jack Scott and I missed you
at Las Vegas," added the Fort
Wayne mayor confidentially, "I
even got back with my shirt on
though I did perhaps leave my
tie and socks."
Among the mayors who strange-
ly went along with the oil lobby
were Arthur Walz of Wilmington
Del.; Carl Wise of Canton, Ohio;
Arthur Meehan of Spokane,
Wash.; Robert Morgan of Peoria,
Ill.; and several other Hoosier
mayors. The strange fact is that
these mayors represent cities
whose consumers will be hard hit
by gas price increases.
The big oil boys also pressured
the mayors who sided with the
consumers. As a result, four big-
city mayors reversed themselves
after joining Philadelphia's May-
or Clark in the fight against the
Supreme Court decree.
The four who gave in to oil-
lobby pressure are Mayors Paul
Mitchum of Kansas City, Kan.;
De Lesseps Morrison of New Or-
leans, La.; W. Lee Mingledorff of
Savannah, Ga.; and -Curtis Hixon
of Tampa, Fla.
It will be interesting now to see
whether Congress votes for the oil
lobby or the consumers.
(Copyright, 1955, Bel Syndicate, Inc
The Daily Official Blletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the tint-
versity. - Notices should be sent in-
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Saturday, June 25, 1955
Vol. LXVI, NO. 4
Law School Admission Test: Aplica-
itio'n blanks for the Aug. 6 administra- .
tion of the Law School Admission Test
are available at 110 Rackham Building.
Application blanks are due in Princeton,
N.J. not later than July 27, 1955.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Yung Szi
Liu, Education; thesis: "The Academic
Achievement of Chinese Graduate 8tu-
dents at the University of Michigan
(1907-1950)", Monday, June,. 27, at
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:00
p.m. Co-Chairmen, C. Eggertsen and
H. C. Kock,
Coming Events
Pi Lambda Theta Picnic, Mon., June
27. 5:00 p.m. Swimming in the Women's
Pool. Be sure to bring your doctor's cer-
..6:00 p.m. Supper at the Women's Ath-
letic Building. Price $100. Reservation
are being taken by Dorothy ,Markham
NO 8-8958. Members of all chapters in-
TISTICS: First meeting Tuesday, June
28, at 1 p.m., in Room 3201 A.H. Pro-
fessor P. S. Dwyer will speak on the
"Solution of the Hitchock Transporta-
tion Problem with the Method of Re-.
Spanish Terulia. Students interested
in speaking Spanish in an informal way
are invited to meet in the Rumpus
Room of the Michigan League at 3 p.m.,
Monday, June 27. Students will select
their own refreshments.
, i
\ \6
The Daily Staff
Editorial Board
Pat Roelofs
Jim Dygert
Ca] Samra
Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin
Dave Rotabacher................ ......Sports Editor