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June 23, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-06-23

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QUer Atritatt Baill
Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan. Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Someone Cried 'Wolf',
But One Lamb Didn't Run

"See If You Can Find Somebody Named Davy Crockett"

What Kind of Wehrmacht?

4 OBSCURE Associated Press dispatch a
few days ago announced that Marie Natvig
been sentenced to eight months to two
s in prison for lying under oath as a gov-.
nent witness. It's very obscurity leads one
suspect that such an event has become
ewhat commonplace.
or a long time, we have been convinced that
g under oath by a government witness was
,sual game in which the score depended on
could be more fantastic. But a conviction
sentence for the same seems more like
ething a newspaper should banner in pre-
ation for an old-fashioned crusade against
cially inspired perjury. Not yet are the con-
ions commonplace, but only the lying.
here was certainly a generous offering of it
he case involving Mrs. Natvig. Her convic-
on three charges of perjury stemmed from
testimony as a Federal Communications
zmission witness during an inquiry into the
kground of Edward Lamb, Toledo lawyer,
lisher and broadcasting executive.
nyone not up-to-date on the Lamb case is
ing out on a rewarding drama of a man
refused to. bow to the awesome power of
uasi-judicial administrative agency. The
, as Lamb has claimed, was "out to get"
rals in broadcasting. Lamb had never had
difficulty getting a renewal of a, broadcast-
or television license until the Republicans
rged into office dedicated to the nation's
ation. Then the FCC reappraised the for-
ity of license renewal procedure and came
with the decision that Lamb was a Com-
ven a. complete and competent stable of
er liars could not convincingly demonstrate
Lamb was a Communist. Finally the FCC
ted from the straight power-play to some
cal razzle-dazzle and claimed Lamb "may
e at one time been associated with a Com-
iist." This, evidently, was still sufficient
on for refusing a license renewal for Lamb's
Pa., television station, though President
nhower is admittedly more guilty of that

WHEN SPEAKING here at the University in
May, Lamb told how he could have avoided
the mess "by acquiring the services of a cer-
tain Republican law firm in Washington at a
fixed fee." He called it,"blackmail," which was
no doubt quite apropos. Lamb also told about
Mrs. Natvig and her story of having had an
affair with him when she was a Communist.
Lamb said he had never seen the woman until!
the FCC hearing. And now Mrs. Natvig is in
prison for perjury.
Lamb told about several other professional
liars who testified against him, and later tes-
tified before the FCC that they had lied. One
even admitted having been given a script to
memorize by investigators. Yet, undaunted,
and unimpressed by public revelations that its
own evidence was false, the FCC goes on with
its case against Lamb. The public, meanwhile,
which acquires a remarkable excitability when
someone shouts "Red," maintains an even more
surprising nonchalance when that someone is
proven a liar. Of course, no one is shouting
That is the proverbial catch. No one is
shouting "Liar." Almost no one, anyway. Lamb
has stood up and proclaimed to whomever it
may concern that the FCC is "lying" and po-
litically "framing" him because he has been
prominent in civil rights cases. But no one
seems concerned.
It seems perhaps natural that people jump
when someone shout' "Red" and play dead
when Lamb shouts "Liar.'. A Communist seems
more obviously a common danger, while a liar
hurts only his immediate victim and does not
seem a public menace, notwithstanding the
fact that he is just that.
One of America's greatest needs is an aware-
ness of its real dangers, such as professional
lying before groups of men who have the pow-
er to destroy without due process of law. Their
power to destroy can be removed by men like
Lamb who fight back regardless of the odds.
The trouble is that not many who are picked
in the witch-hunt have the time, resources
and determination of Lamb.

GENERAL Gruenther has con-
stantly declared that with the
twelve divisions, the 1,300 aircraft
and the light naval forces which
Federal Germany is to contribute
to Nato, the Russians can be pre-
vented from overrunning Western
Europe. The implication is that
Marshal Zhukov could drive to the
Atlantic at any time he wished
during the next three or four years,
if the Soviet leaders liked to court
atom bombs on their own strate-
gic centres. General Gruenther
may be underestimating the tim it
will take to set up the full Ger-
man contingents.
According to estimates in Bonn,
it will be at least four years before
much is seen of the highly-mecha-
nsed German defence forces. In
fact, eight years will be needed, ac-
cording to Colonel von Bonin, the
former head of the planning de-
partment of the "-Blank Office"
(the embryo Minister of Defence).
The Colonel had a strategic plan
of his own which he and his sup-
potters think much better than
Nato's and he was dismissed for
spreading it round political and
military circles outside the Blank
Office. His views are accepted by
some German politicians who ar-
gue that there are still a few years
in which to come to an agreement
with the Russians on German re-
This is the background against
which to judge the significance of
the-news that the first military bill
has been passed by the Federal
German cabinet and sent to the
Upper House in Bonn. The Social-
Democrat opposition has been
pressing for all measures to be sus-
pended until Russian offers are ex-
amined at the next four-power
meeting, but last week the Bun-
desstag voted against their propos-
al by a large majority, and action
has gone forward. The bill is a
stop-gap, which will allow the first
volunteer cadres to be formed be-
fore the whole corpus of laws is
The first of the 150,000 men
who will train the army will them-
selves soon start training with
American assistance. But a great
deal has still to be done. Federal

Germany has to start from scratch
in the defence field. About twenty
laws will have to be steered
through the committees in two
houses in the coming months. They
willdecied vital questions,,such as
parliamentary control of the new
forces, the means by which the in-
structors and higher ranks will be
screened, the period of service, pay
and other conditions, and the eco-
nomic powers of the new defence
Somewhat surprisingly, a semi-
official article in Bonn has just
declared that it has not yet been
decided whether the Federal Re-
public will have a volunteer or a
conscript army. The question is a
basic one, and the officers in the
Blank Office, who have planned
themselves stale in the last four
years have not left it unsolved for
want of time or thought. If it is
really not settled, the reason is to
be found in the widespread opposi-
tion to an army of any kind which
has been fostered by the govern-
ment's political antagonists.
They are largely responsible for
the fact that it will appear to be
patriotic for Germans to shirk mil-
itary service, as the reason can
always be given that rearmament
hinders reunion. To change the at-
titude of the young men, the gov-
ernment sorely needs the support
of the Socialists and the Trade
Union Federation. Without it, So-
cialists boast, a new German con-
script army would have such poor
morale that it would be worth lit-
tle to Nato.
To rouse its fighting spirit, say
the champions of "reunion first," it
would be necessary to indoctrinate
it with hatred of fellow Germans
in the Soviet Zone-a task which
its instructors will not undertake.
This problem of morale is real, and
the government will certainly go
slow before introducing conscrip-
tion, in the hope that the Sbcialists
and trade unionists can' be per-
suaded to join the Ministry of De-
fence and the sejection board.
There they could al do valuable
work in keeping army leaders of
the future from developing the
power complex of a General von
Seeckt or his predecessors.
-The Economist





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Hobby Won't Get On Her Horse

Of Barbers & Prosperity

'HERE WAS A time back in the good old
days when, for fifty cents, one -could get
half-hour political lecture, advice on how to
t to heaven and, incidentally, a haircut. But
ire in Ann Arbor, at the present, the newly-
orn finds himself at the cash register fork-
g over a buck, seventy-five before the barber
n get from Truman to Eisenhower. Barber's
tes, alas, are up again.
We were giving our grass shears a critical
are the other day and thinking that if some
nd soul would loan us a sharpening stone-
ell-we,too, might leap on the gravy train.
it, then, it suddenly occurred to us that it
es take a certain amount of training to be-
me a scalp surgeon.',

A lot of rumors have been circulated as to
just why barber prices were hiked. One of them
has it that there is a critical shortage of bar-
bers in Ann Arbor. From our observations there
are probably more barbers than professors in
this town, and they are no doubt making more
money.- Another rumor says that barbers need
money for a retirement fund. Frankly, at $1.75
per head, we can't see any sane barber retir-
ing until they close-and tightly bolt-the lid
on his casket.
At this pace, it's almost a certainty that the
barbers, if not the meek, shall inherit the
-Roy Akers

The Russians at the Summit

W ASHINGTON - Now that the
GOP National Committee has
greased the skids for Secretary of
Health Oveta Culp Hobby and
even picked her successor, it can't
get the obstinate lady to resign.
Her patient replacement, Mar-
ion Folsom, is waiting like a gen-
tleman for her to make the first
move. But she won't budge. .
Though she originally threaten-
ed to resign over the Salk mix-up,
she has exercised her feminine
prerogative to change her mind
and now seems determined to see
the Salk battle through to the end.
Mrs. Hobby first spoke to the
White House about resigning be-
fore the polio problem hit the
headlines. She gave her husband's
ill health as her excuse. Then she
suddenly found herself in the mid-
dle of the Salk whirl.
After a Presidential scolding for
her handling of the problem, she
burned to a crisp and threatened
to go back to Texas. Her advisers
warned, however, that it would
loon bad for her to resign under
fire. So she stuck to her desk. But
every time she opened her mouth,
the politicians at GOP headquar-
ters winced.
"She blandly belittled the Salk
problem when the papers were re-
porting children dying from bad
vaccine," complained one top Re-
publican. "Now she associates
those who are against socialized
medicine with the whole Salk mess.
Before you know it, she'll have
people believing maybe socialized
medicine is a good thing."
Meanwhile, she is brushing off
the polite suggestions from Re-
publican headquarters that she
ought to resign right away for her
husband's sake.
IT HASN'T been advertised as
part of the GOP farm program,
but Secretary of Agriculture Ben-
son has been paying cheese sub-
sidies not to the dairy farmers but
to the cheese manufacturers.
This novel "farm support" pro-
gram has enriched a few big pro-
ducers, while the farmers have
collected next to nothing.
Yet the whole idea of price sup-
ports is to help the farmers.
The great cheese scandal was
uncovered by House investigators,
who have been mousing around in
the government's cheese. As an
example of what has been going
on, they reported in a confiden-
tial memo to the House Govern-
ment Operations Committee:
"During March, 1954, the Com-
modity Credit Corporation pur-
chased approximately 180 million
pounds of cheese at 37 cents per
pound. In April about 90 million
pounds of this cheese was resold
to the original manufacturers at
34% cents a pound. Thus the loss
to the Gonvernmeant onnthe nr -

the cheese program was adopted
with a minimum of advice from
farmers but after careful consul-
tation with the cheese industry.
In other words, this plan to en-
rich the cheese manufacturers
came largely from the manufac-
turers. One of those consulted, for
example, was Carl Berst, whose big
Wisconsin Cheese Company
promptly sold 5,275,116 pounds of
cheese to the government, then
bought it back for more than
$150,000 profit.
BORDEN AND Kraft executives
were also consulted in advance
about the cheese subsidy program.
Afterward, investigators report,
these two cheese giants together
made over a million dollars on one
For example, Kraft Foods sold
29,164,860 pounds of cheese to
the government in March, 1954,
then immediately contracted to
buy it all back. Lakeshire Martin
Co. of Plymouth, Wis., a Borden
subsidiary, pulled the same deal,
for 11,189,248 pounds of cheese.
Other. Kraft and Borden subsidi-
aries also turned a neat profit at
the taxpayers' expense.
Still other companies that col-
lected huge farm benefits include:
W. S. Pope and Sons, Philadel-
phia; Pauly Cheese Co., Green
Bay, Wis.; L. D. Schreiber and
Co., Carthage, Mo.; Land O' Lakes
Creameries, Plymouth, Wis.; Cen-
tral Cheese Co., Marshfield Wis.;
Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea
Co., Green Bay, Wis.; Superior
Cheese Co., Green Bay, Wis.; and
Tillamock County Creamery As-
sociation, Tillamock, Ore.
For the one month alone, 108
companies sold the repurchased
86,639,277 pound's of cheese. Each
pound cost the taxpayers three
cents and, incidentally, raised the
price of cheese so the same tax-
payers will have to pay more for
their cheese at the corner grocery.
CENSORING OF news by govern-
ment agencies will be investi-
gated by a House subcommittee to
be headed by Congressman John
E. Moss, California Democrat.
Joining Moss in the probe will be
Rep. Dante Fascell, Democrat of
Florida, and Rep. Clare Hoffman,
Republican of Michigan. Chair-
man William L. Dawson of the
House Government Operations
Committee has designated the
three legislators to look into grow-
ing charges that federal depart-
ments are suppressing and distort-
ing information about their oper-
ations and are hampering news-
men in their work of keeping the
American people informed .
Government doctors are experi-
menting with medicines they be-
lieve will counteract the effects of
atomic radiation .... U.S. inter-
national legal experts have found

mittee reveals how millions of the
taxpayers' dollars have been was-
ted on how storage bins for sur-
plus grain were bought at un-
necessarily high prices in an ef-
fort to "spread the business"
around among political friends.
The report was written by Har-
ris H. Huston, chief investigator
for the House committee. House
Democrats took no action on it,
however. They went along with
their party's then policy of "get-
ting along" with the Eisenhower
Today that policy has shifted
somewhat and the report may fin-
ally be acted upon.
Meanwhile, this column has ob-
tained a copy of this revealing
report and can disclose that Hus-
ton tells how one company got a
contract to erect 1,750 grain- tor-
age bins-though another firm had
offered to put them up faster and
for $250,000 less cash. When asked,
about this, a Department of Agri-
culture auditor agreed that "be-
fore this thing is ended, many
heads will be lopped off."
Huston also explains how the
cost of grain-storage bins drop-
ped mysteriously after he began
his investigation.
"This was indicated," he says,
"by the fact that for approximate-
ly the same bushel capacity, one
procurement cost the Commodity
Credit Corporation $20,250,000. The
difference between the two pro-
curements, therefore, reflects sub-
stantial savings of approximately
A company with connections in-
side the Department of Agricul-
ture got special treatment when it
bid on a contract for ventilating
machinery to be used in storage
facilities, according to Huston's
report. After all the bids were sub-
mittted, the favored company was
called on the telephone and allow-
ed to change its offer "so as to
supply the fan and motor assem-
blies with 16-gauge steel instead
of the .24-gauge contained in its
MOST DAMAGING revelation in
the confidential document con-
cerns a special deal Whereby the
Commodity Credit Corporation al-
lowed manufacturers of animal
feeds to buy dried milk for three.
and a half cents a pound. The
CCC had paid sixteen and a half
cents a pound for the milk when
acquired under the price support
program. '
The feed manufacturers reaped
windfall profits, since, in spite of
the money they saved when they
bought the dried milk from the
CCC, the price of animal feeds
didn't drop later. On the contrary,
it went up.
Huston learned that the three-
and-a-half-cent price "was set
following an informal conference
with representatives of the Amer-


T HE BIG THREE will be in a position to give
Premier Bulganin a hard time in at least
one respect without half trying.
They are reported to have arranged a topical
division of the work among themselves, to
avoid duplication.
*There are strong indications that unity on
policy has made this possible. The United
States could, for instance, present the entire
allied view on the future of Germany. France
might come up with the case for collective se-
curity in Europe, with Britain handling eco-
Bulganin, on the other hand, being the sole
spokesman for the Communist bloc, would have
to spread himself over the whole field. Western
observers are strongly of the opinion, also, that
Bulganin will not always be able to speak with
assurance before consulting with Communist
party boss Nikita Khrushchev.
In other words, Bulganin may at any point
be faced with the necessity of asking for time
before discussing some allied position.
This may be why the Russians objected to
the original allied attempt, inspired primarily
by President Eisenhower's desire not to stay
The Daily Staff-

away from his country too long, to limit the
"summit" meeting to a few days.
Bulganin, in his one public -ppearance in
the West, his visit to Yugoslavia, did not im-
press observers with any fast footwork. His
mentor, Khrushchev, gave indications that his
personal habits are not always conducive to
calm consideration of grave affairs. There
may be intervals at Geneva when these fac,
tors stall the whole business.
The allied representatives will be further
reinforced in their unity by. pre-Geneva con-
ferences with their smaller partners in the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The gen-
eral tenor of the conferences in New York
last week indicated unity already had been
achieved with Chancellor Adenauer of Ger-
many, who will be present, though in the back-
ground, at Geneva.
There still will be room for individual ap-
proaches to methods after the first round of
presentation of views. Anthony Eden, in par-
ticular, is a man who knows how to trim sail
to take advantage of prevailing winds.
There is every indication, however, that the
Allies are better prepared to act as a team at
Geneva than at any other important confer-
ence in the last 10 years.
Free Elections
Every once in a while a real demagogue runs
for office-and sometimes gets elected.
Whenever this happens the democratic sys-
tem is sure to come in for some pretty hard

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. onrSaturday.) Notice of
lectures, Concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
VOL. LXVI, No. 3
P'resident and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
an informal, reception for, all Summer
Session students at their home Thurs.,
June 23 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.'
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
an informal reception for Summer'
Session faculty members, both resi-
dent and visiting, at their home Fri.,
June 24 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Any Veteran who expects to receive
education and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) at the
University of Michigan for the FIRST
TIME must report to Room 555 of the
Administration Building with tuition
receipt between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
by June 24 if he has not already done
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Aug. 6 administra-
tion of the Law School Admission Test
are available at 110 Rackham Building.
Application blanks are due in Princeton,
N.J. not later than July 27, 1955.
Niagara Falls Council of Girl Scouts,
Niagara Falls, N.Y., has openings for an
Executive Director to work as Pkrofes-
sional Administrator of local Girl Scout-
ing, and for a Field Director to work as
an assistant to the Executive Director.
U.S. Department of State announces
positions open with the Govt. of Sudan,.
Sudan Medical Service. SUDAN GOV'T.
openings are for the following: Dental
Mechanic, Analytical Chemists, Lab.
therapists, Medical Pathologists, and
Tech., Nurses, Bacteriologists, Physio-
Male Physicians, Specialists, Surgeons,
and Gynaecologists, and Medical Ento-
Library of Congress, Washington,
,D.C., has an opening for a cataloger of
materials in the Turkish language. With
one year of cataloguing experience the
position starts at GS-7, otherwise starts
at GS-5.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
The summer placement meeting of
the Bureau of -Appointments will be
held at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June
29, in Auditorium B of Angell Hall. All
seniors and graduate students who are
interested in registering with the Bu-
reau in either the Teaching or General
Division or both for employment after
graduation, after military service, or for
further promotions in the fields of edu-
cation, business, industry, government,

Academic Notices
Business Education Get - Together,
Thurs., June 23, Rackham Building,
East Conference Room. 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Mathematics Colloquium, Thurs., June
23, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 5011 Angell Hall.
Dr. Kurt Hirsch, of the University of
London and the University of Colorado,
will speak on "Associative Operations
on Groups."
Sociology 101, Sociological Principles
and Problems. Sec. 1 will meet in Room
414, Mason Hall at 11:00 M-F. Sec. 2
will meet in Room 451, Mason Hall at
1:00 M-F.
Industrial Education .Get-together,
students and faculty of the Department
of vocational and Practical Arts Edu-
cation. Thurs., June 23, 7:30 p.m., West
Conference Room, Rackham. Refresh-
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Organizational meeting for all interest-
ed at '12:00 noon, Thurs., June 23, in
Room 3020 Angel Hall.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price, 7:15
p.m. Thurs., June 23, first of a series of
summer recitals. The All-Mozart pro-
gram will include selections from operas
"The Magic Flute," "Don Giovanni,"
"Cosi fan Tutti,"."The Marriage of Fi-
garo;" "Ave verum," "Ein Veilchen auf
der Wiese stand," Romance, from "Si'
klein Nachtmusik," and a Mozart waltz.
Events Today
Meeting for the chairmen of the ju-
diciary of all undergraduate houses at
the League Thurs., June 23 at 4:00 p.m.
in the Judiciary room. The judiciary
progran will be run the same as it
does in the fall and spring semesters.
If there are any questions, contact
Cynthia Krans, (NO 2-9882) chairman
of the summer Women's Judiciary
Lane Hall Lunch. "Legal Aspects of
Church and State," Prof. Paul Kauper.
First in a series of 5 discussions'- on
"Religion and Education." Thurs., June
23, 12 noon-1:45 p.m. Reservations.
Cercle Fmiancais. First meeting of the
summer session atthe Michigan League
Thurs., June 23 at 7:30 p.m. Slides on
France and a short film on Paris; plans
for the session will be discussed.
The International Center Teas will be
held at Madelon Pound House at 1024
Hill Street on Thurs. from 4:30-5:30"p.m.
Duplictae Bridge Thurs., June 23 at
the Michigan League at 7:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Principal Frederick Greeves, Didsbury
College of Oxford, will speak- on "Eng-
lish Life and Tendencies" Mon., June
27, 8:00 p.m. Lane Hall Library.
Square Dancing Lessons every Man.
night at Palmer Field at 7:30 p.m. Ad-
mittance Free.
Spanish Tertulia. Rumpus Room of

Editorial Board
Pat Roelofs

Jim' Dygert

Cal Samra

Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercyi Ernest Theodossin
Dave Rorabacher ..........................Snorts Editor

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