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August 10, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-08-10

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AY, At

Sixty-Fifth Year

Back To The New Frontier

Editorials Printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
ha t Price Privacy?

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THIS APARTMENT business in Ann Arbor
is getting entirely out of hand. There is
a pitiful scarcity of apartments locally and the
rents are outrageous, approaching those in
the District of Columbia.
This situation has prompted both the Uni-
versity and Ann Arbor landladies to throw
roadblocks in the paths of all unmarried male
students endeavoring to find a reasonable alter-
native to the regimentation of the dormitories
and the follies of fraternity system.
The Administration has decided to enforce
the provisions of Regents By-Law 1948, Section
8.07 Henceforth, no unmarried male student,
undergraduate or graduate, may live in an
apartment house, and the By-Law requires
permission from the Dean of Students for those
willing to risk their pocketbooks for privacy.
University officials have given two reasons
for reviving the By-Law: (1) there are not
enough apartment facilities in Ann Arbor to
accommodate married couples, and (2) there.
have been numerous complaints regarding the
conduct of single male students living in apart-
ment houses.
The University has left a loop-hole for those
single men who can show an economic justifi-
cation for living in an apartment.
Meanwhile, the landladies are making it ex-
tremely difficult for men students to find a
tolerable apartment. A check on the bulletin
board in the Office of Student Affairs and in

the classified ads sections of the local papers
indicates that the landladies are overwhelm-
ingly in favor of marriage. After a call, the
reason inevitably given is: "We've had some
sad experiences with male students."
If this rebuff doesn't cool off the prospective
tenant, then he has to face the imposition of a
plethora of restrictions and reservations - no
dogs, no cats, no concubines, no tuning your
radio above a whisper, ad nauseam.
The landlady then names her price and the
rent is usually incredible enough to drive the
tenant back into the protective arms of the
While we do not object to the By-Law, under
the circumstances, because it recognizes the
need for apartment facilities for Inarried
couples, we do object to the conditions that
created the By-Law. Over the past three years,
Ann Arbor's apartment and housing problems
have become intolerable enough to merit the
serious examination of both- the City Council
and the Administration. It is time that the
University and the City, respectively, explore
the possibilities of constructing new housing
units and also of establishing reasonable rent
Otherwise, the housing situation may drive
a good many students to other universities,
where no burdensome restrictions are placed on
non-collegiate housing, where. a tenant can
live his own placid life'without having to pay
famously for that simple prerogative.
What price privacy?

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Ike Celebrates Vacation
By Stepping Up Golf



Ramblings in Retrospect


- T IS an old tradition, perpetuating itself
mysteriously after outliving the reason for
its beginning, for a managing editor to say
good-bye, in somewhat sentimental fashion, in
the last issue of The Daily. A usual catalyst
for the process is the fact that the writer is
writing his last editorial, which is not the case
this time. Nevertheless, a review of the sum-
mer seems in order, even though this writer
will be back on this page in the fall.
A summer on The Daily is an unusual exper-
fence. Someone once asked the writer why so
much hard work is required to put out a news-
paper when there's no news. It doesn't require
a degree in logic to understand that it's diffi-
cult to fill up a newspaper with news when
there isn't any. Summer -on the University
campus is also a victim of tradition. There is
seldom any news.
Yet, a few things have happened to make
the summer interesting. The release of the
rejected report of the Faculty Senate Com-
mittee on the Responsibilities of the Faculty
to Society and of an objecting statement by
five members of the faculty touched off a
controversy in which The Daily became in-
volved, in line with its usual course of action
on matters of vital University interest. Nothing
was settled on the matter, perhaps, except pos-
sibly a greater awareness that there are basic
issues that must be discussed in the Faculty
Senate. If The Daily has added in any way
to the probability that such a discussion will
take place, it has served faithfully its purpose
of contributing to the University's welfare.
Another thing happened, contrary to the
cynical notion that only no news is good news
that ended The Daily's summer on a happy
note. Law student Buick Navidzadeh was
granted a six months delay in deportation
proceedings against him. It is with great pleas.
ure that The Daily reports such news.
Looking back over the past seven weeks, we
can think of several other events - the con-
struction strike, Gov. Williams' appearance and
speech, the controversy over the closing of S.
Thayer St., the acceptance of preliminary plans
for the Student Activities Building by the
Regents, the Willow Run strike, Walter Reu-
ther's visit to the campus. Perhaps the lack of
news is only relative. There certainly has been
enough to keep the Daily's small (also tradi-
tional for the summer) staff quite busy. Almost
too busy for the weather, whh should perhaps
be included among the major news stories of
the summer, if only because of its one-track
It got so unbearably hot and uncomfortable
for so unbearably long that the only thing to do
was to make fun of it. We even considered
writing pro and con editorials on the weather,
but couldn't work up the energy.
Despite climatic and other difficulties, The
Daily's summer has been an enjoyable one, as
,we hope the campus has found The Daily.
Either that or utilitarian. However The Daily
has managed to serve the campus, it can thank
the tireless efforts of its small staff, composed,
except for this writer, of people who had classes
and/or other jobs; namely, Cal Samra, who
shared the managing editor's responsibilities
with the writer and who deserves the credit
The Daily Staff
Managing Editors .........................Cal Samra
Jim Dygert
Mary Lee Dngler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin
Dave Rorabacher ...........Sports Editor

for keeping the editorial page mainly local;
night editors Ernest Theodossin, who never
came in to put out a paper until after five
because he worked eight hours a day and who
insisted on writing stories besides, Margy Piercy,
who operated a switchboard between assign-
ments and who produced some fine papers after
being away from The Daily for a semester, and
Mary Lee Dingler, who seemed always on hand
to cover an event when needed, though we're
sure she had some classes.
There were also reporters Ken Johnson and
Carole Moskowitz, who were new to The Daily
this summer but caught onto its complex opera-
tion quickly, sports editor Dave Rorabacher,
who kept the campus informed on the major
league baseball races - the red-hot American
and the all-over National - and photographers
Sam Ching, Harding Williams, Hal Leeds, Fred
Day and Tom McLean who kept us well sup-
plied with local art.
For the first five weeks, we had also the
services of Pat Roelofs, one of three on The
Daily's Editorial Board which dissolved into
two managing editors after she left for Europe.
Of course, the paper would not have been
possible without the energetic promotion of bus-
iness manager Joe Frisinger who brought in the
adevrtising, Nor would it have been possible
without the men in the shop, or Malin Van
Antwerp, who volunteered his services as proof-
reader because he "would read the paper in
the morning, anyway, and I might as well do
some good while I'm reading it."
Because the value of news has been low, The
Daily has attempted to follow closely campus
cultural events with its crew of excellent re-
viewers Tom Arp, Bob Holloway, Bill Wiegand,
Donald Yates, and Ruth Misheloff. (Theodossin
also doubled as a reviewer sometimes, at his
own request.)
The Daily wishes also to extend its thanks
to the University administration and faculty
for its cooperation on articles during the sum-
mer. With a bit of regret, we note that The
Daily did not get into any scraps with the
administration this summer. We sort of missed
out on putting in our two cents' worth of veh-
ement and constructive criticism. It also leads
to a feeling of having missed something, of
having been too virtuous and not perceptive
enough. What is more likely is that everything
is going relatively smoothly, and 'no news is
good news' is true, in a sense, after all.
The Daily will pick up in the fall (Sept. 25,
to be exact) where it is leaving off now, with a
wish that everyone has a pleasant vacation, or
at least a vacation. That's what we plan to
"AS MUCH as the word 'liberal' has been
misused and pronounced by a host of in-
competents to describe themselves, the word
'individualism' has been equally corrupted. 'In-
dividualism,' some would have us believe, is
simply the expression of dissent, in one form
or another, against the traditions, mores, or
institutions of society. There has grown a
school of thought in this country that sub-
scribes to the notion that it is not necessary
for the 'individualist' to stop and think why
he is dissenting. It is only sufficient that he
dissents. Wearing a duck-tail, sporting a pair
of Cossack boots, or speaking with a simulated
British accent is thus deemed the mark of
one sort of 'individualist' or another. The Vil-
lage is haunted with these types, all endeavor-,
ing to act so different that they are intoler-
ably alike.
"But the truth of the matter is that bona
fide 'individualism' means dissension from so-
ciety, not simply to shock the world, but a


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive, notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication
(before 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice
of lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
To-all students having libraryrbooks:
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books borrowed from the General
Library or its branches are notified
that such books are due Wed., Aug.
2. Students having special need for
Icertain books between Aug. 10 and
Aug. 12 may retain such books for
that period by renewing them at the
Charging Desk.
3, The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Fri., Aug. 12 will be sent
to the Cashier's Office and their credits
and grades will be withheld until such
time as said records are cleared in
compliance with the regulations of the
Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business: Candidates taking the
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business on Aug. 13 are requested to
report to Room 140, Business Admini-
stration at 8:30 a.m. Sat.
Women's Swimming Pool. The pool
will be closed Aug. 13-Sept. 17. The
regular recreational swmming schedule
will continue through Aug. 12.
Faculty Family Night - Women's
Swimming Pool. The last Faculty Night
of the summer session will be held
Fri., Aug. 12. Watch for the fall an-
nouncements to see when pool will
reopen. The first Family Night in the
fall will probably be held Sept. 30.
Late Permission for women students
who attended the Speech Department
Production "Fidelio" at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater Aug. 8 will be no later
than 11:00 p.m.
Library Hours after Summer Session.
The General Library will close at
6:00 p.m. daily, beginning Fri., Aug. 12.
Evening service will be resumed Sept.
It will be closed for repairs from
Aug. 29 through Sept. 5; and all Satur-
days and Sundays, Aug. 13 to Sept. 25,
It will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m. Monday through Friday except at
the times noted above.
The Divisional Libraries will be closed
from Aug. 13 through Sept. 18, with the
exception of Bureau of Government,
Engineering, East Engineering, Hospital,
Mathematics-Economics, Medical, Mu-
seums, Music, Natural Resources, Phy-
sics, Social Science, and Transporta-
tion which will be open on short
schedules. Information as to hours will
be posted on the library doors or may
be obtained by calling University Ext.
653. Requests for material from the
closed libraries will be taken care of at
the Circulation Desk in the General
New York State Dept. announces
exams for the following positions: open
to any qualified citizens of the U. S.-
Assist. Dir. for Clinical Research, Sr.
Med. Bacterozogist, Assoc. Pub. Health
Dentist, Veterinarian. Supervising Phys.
Therapist open to N. Y. residents -
Assist. Dir, of Prison Industries. In-

Students who are registered with the
Bureau and are attending summer
school are requested to inform the
Bureau if they are leaving campus. If
they will be back in the fall, students
are requested to bring in their cur-
rent addresses at that time also.
Students who are leving permanently
are also requested to inform the
Bureau as to the positions they have
taken, as well as the degree they have
Sincea great many job calls come
into the office in August, especially in
the teaching field, it is important that
the Bureau be kept informed of your
whereabouts at all times.
Lirlguistic Luncheon. Prof. Robert
Lado, associate director of the English
Language Institute, will speak on "Pat-
terns of Inter-cultural Misinformation"
Wed., Aug. 10, 12:10 p.m. in the Michi-
gan League.
Summer Session on Digital Computers
and Data Processors. "Two Princeton-
Type Computers at University of Illi-
nois and Oak Ridge National Labora-
tories," Prof. James Robertson and Dr.
Aston Householder; "The ElectroData
Computer at Purdue University," Prof.
Alan J. Perlis. Wed., Aug. 10, 7:30 p.m.,
Aud. C, Mason Hall.
Summer Session on Digital Computers
and Data Processors. "A Joint Scientific
and Commercial Data Processing Lab-
oratory," Harrison Tellier, General Elec-
tric, Hanford, Washington; "Use of the
IBM-701 and IBM-704 in Aircraft Gas
Turbine Calculations, Dr. H. R. J.
Grosch, General Electric, Cincinnati.
Thurs., Aug. 11, 7:30 p.m., Aud. C, Mason
Academic Notices
Attention August Graduates: College
of, Literature, Science, and the Arts.
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health, School of
Business Administrationt:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to
allow your instructor to report -the
make-up grade not later than 11:00
a.m., Aug. 18. Grades received after
that time may defer the student's
graduation until a later date.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative August gradu-
ates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, and the School
of Education for departmental honors
(or high honors in the College of
L.S.&A.) should recommend such stu-
dents in a letter delivered to the
Office of Registration and Records,
Room 1513 Administration Building, be-
fore Aug. 18.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet Tues., Aug. 9, in Room 3201
Angell Hall at 1 :00 p.m. Howard Rein-
hardt will discuss a paper of Isaacsons'
on "Tests of Statistical Hypothesis Spe-
cifying the Values of Two or More
To: Deans, All Schools and Colleges.
From: Office of Registration and Records
Subject: Withdrawal Notices, Form 615.
Kindly forward the pink copy of the
form labeled "Office of Student Affairs"
to the Dean of Men or to the Dean of
Women as appropriate.
Doctoral Examination for Alfred
Charles Raphelson, Psychology; thesis:
"Imaginative and Direct Verbal Meas-
ures of Anxiety Related to Physiological
Reactions in the Competitive Achieve-
ment Situation." Wed., Aug. 10..7611
Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, J.

ternative Concepts or consumer Saving:
A Statistical Study," Mon., Aug. 15, 105
Economics Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman,
George Katona.
Doctoral Examination for Jascha
Frederick Kessler, English Language &
Literature; thesis: "Ashes of the Phoe-
nix: A Study of Primitivism and Myth-
Making in D. H. Lawrence's The Plumed
Serpent," Thurs., Aug. 11, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, J. L. Davis.
Doctoral Examination for Zanwil
Sperber, Psychology; thesis: "The Role
of Anxiety Level and Defense Preference
in Performance under Stress," Fri., Aug.
12, 7611 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chair-
man, E. L. Kelly.
Doctoral Examination for Edward
Haviland Poindexter, Mineralogy; thesis:
"Piezobirefringence in Diamond," Fri.,
Aug. 12, 3071 Natural Science Bldg., at
9:00 a.m. Chairman, C. B. Slawson.
Doctoral Examination for Carl Murray
Einhorn, Education; thesis: "The Dif-
ferences in Social Beliefs Held by
Selected Education and Non-Education
Seniors at the University of Michigan,
Fall, 1952," Fri., Aug. 12, East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, H. C. Koch.
Summer Session Choir, Paul Beopple,
conductor, 4:15 p.m. Wed., Aug. 10, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall, in an informal
presentation of choral music from
1200 to 1700, including works by
Perotinus, Josjuin, and Couperin. Open
to the public.
Student Recital by Benjamin McClain,
student of piano with Ava Comin Case,
8:30 p.m. Wed., Aug. 10, in Aud. A,
Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music. Works by Bach, Bethoven,
Franck, and Chopin. Open to the gen-
eral public.
Student Recital: Lois Bruce, mezzo-
soprano, in partial fulfillment. of the
requirements for the degree of Master
of Music at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., Aug. 11,
in Aud. A, Angell Hall. , Compositions
by Stradella, Handel, Rossini, Brahms,
Strauss, DeFalla, Obradors, and Ravel,
Miss Bruce studies voice with Frances
Greer, and her recital will be open
to the general public.
Coming Events
The International Center Teas will
be held at Madelon Pound Home at 1024
Hill Street on Thursday from 4:30-5:30
To the Editor:
AS A former editor of The Daily,
I was honored to find an edi-
torial of mine, "Sophomoritis," re-j
printed in yesterday's Daily. I sus-
pect that the editorial applies to
college life today, although I can't
be sure. At any rate, I would have
appreciated the courtesy of an
editor's note pointing out that it
was written five years ago.
-Al Connable
* * *
Nostalgia .* .
To The Editor:
T have been thinking and I've

WASHINGTON-With Congress
out of town, President Eisen-
hower is spending more time on
the golf course at Gettysburg and
at the Burning Tree Club just out-
side of Washington.
Caddies at Burning Tree have
got to know the President almost
as well as some members of the
Cabinet know him. As far as golf
is concerned they know him bet-
ter. And some of the caddies have
quite a collection of his golf balls,
the gift to Ike of a sporting goods
firm, with "Mr. President" stamp-
ed on them. The President usual-
ly gives one or two away during a
match, but they are kept as sou-
venirs by the lucky recipients and
never put back into play.
Golfing companions have noted
a special improvement in Ike's
driving: he consistently pokes 'em
off the tee for 200 yards or long-
er. However, he is still a little er-
ratic in his putting and approach
shots, particularly on "chip" shots
that have to be lofted over a trap.
He works on this whenever he has
time to practice on the White
House lawn. '
In a regular match the Presi-
dent shoots in the high 80's, bet-
ter than average at Burning Tree.
But he is a fierce competitor, hates
to lose to anyone, even his own
son, John, now stationed at near-
by Fort Belvoir, Va. John hits a
longer ball but is not as good a
putter as his father, who usually
beats him by a few strokes
Other favorite golfing cronies of
the President include Col. Tom
Belshe, a retired Army officer,
Jack Westland of Washington, and
GOP Congressmen Charlie Hal-
leck of Indiana and Les Arends of
Illinois. Westland was national
amateur golfing champion in 19-
52. However, Ike keeps his favor-
ite sport on a bipartisan plane by
sometimes inviting Rep. George
Mahon of Texas or another Demo-
crat to join in a foursome.
THE PRESIDENT insists on split-
ting caddie fees with his four-
some partner. Counting tips, this
usually is $7 for 18 holes, making
Ike's share $3.50. He always pays
off in crisp new bills. At the end of
a match, he "replays" his good and
bad shots while under the shower
or while chatting with fellow play-
ers over refreshments at the "19th
Ike is an eager beaver type on
the green and moves so fast after
teeing off that he sometimes is
standing over his ball while com-
panions, who may be lying far-
ther from the green and' therefore
are entitled to the next shot, are
preparing to swing again.
This causes some concern at
Burning Tree.
"Suppose," remarked one of Ike's
golfing pals, "one of us should ac-
cidentally hit the President while
he is standing there ahead of us.
He is such a strong competitor and
so engrossed in his game that he
doesn't think about the possibility
of getting conked by a stray ball."
When the President is advised
of his risky position, he apolo-
gizes and steps back with a grin so
the game can go on. The Secret
Service keep a vigilant eye on the
chief executive, though not out
of fear that he may be hit by a
golf ball. One of Ike's favorite
golfing stories is about a Secret
Service "lapse" one day when he
was playing at Burning Tree.
Secret Service agents were at
the entrance gate, checking auto-
mobiles and their occupants.
Merle Thorpe, former editor of
Nation's Business, drove up and
was asked his name. Without
blinking an eye, Thorpe reeled off
the most Russian-sounding name
he could make up, with a "ski" on
the ed of it'

"Phe en i,"s.,
"Pass on in," said the agent
without hesitation.
D ESPITE THE full-blownpros-
perity in most of the U.S.,
bankruptcy cases in the same U.S.
are at an all-time high. This prob-
ably represents the difficulty of
small business to compete against
the modern methods of big busi-
How many companies are going
bankrupt is indicated by the re-
cent request of the Commerce De-
partment for the largest amount
of money in history for salaries
to referees in bankruptcy. Acting
on this request, the House Banking
and Currency Committee stated:
"The committee was advised that
approximately 65,000 bankruptcy
cases will be filed in 1955, that a
total 'increase of 75,000 in 1956
can be expected. This would be
the highest number of bankrupt-
cies recorded in the history of the
Meanwhile the profits of Gen-
eral Motors during the first year
of the Eisenhower Administration
increased approximately 50 per

But he notified leaders that he
would call a meeting of his council
of economic advisers in late Sep-
tember and get from them a prog-
nostication in regard to the eco-
nomic condition of the nation.
They have been warning him that
runaway inflation might cause
trouble around the spring of '56.
This is the worst time from a po-
litical point of view for the Repub-
lican Party to have a recession.
But the White House economic
advisers, though not entirely unan-
imous, have feared that the tre-
mendous sale of automobiles this
year, plus the sale of houses, most
of it instalment-plan buying,
might overload consumer buying
power and lead to a retrench-
Therefore, if the President's
economic advisers take a dim view
of the future in late September,
Eisenhower told Congressional
leaders he would call Congress.
back in October to pass a high-
way bill. This would provide new
spending and stave off any re-
Note-Meanwhile some of the
publicity experts around the White
House-and Ike has a lot of them
-are undertaking a grassroots
drive to put the heat on Congress-
men while they're at home to step
up sentiment for a highway bill.
Republican high command to-
day is almost identical with what
happened inside the Democratic
high command in 1944-with ne
important exception.
Like the Democratic bosses of
decade ago with FDR, Republican
leaders today are determined to
nominate Eisenhower again, re-
gardless of age, health, or any-
thing else,
In 1944,Franklin Roosevelt was
engrossed with world affairs. The
war was almost won. He was al-
ready concentrating on the prob-
lems of peace. Domestic affairs
had been largely delegated to oth-
ers. Some of them were not in
good shape. Democratic leaders
knew that if they picked any oth-
er candidate, that if the election
campaign were run on domestic is-
sues, they would lose.
So a careful publicity campaign
began not only to make Roosevelt
the indispensable man but to con-
ceal fro mthe public the true facts
about his health.
And in July, 1944, as the Demo-
crats gathered in Chicago to pick
their candidate; Rooseve started
on a cruise up the west coast to
Alaska-obviously for his health.
Simultaneously, Bob Hannegan,
Ed Flynn of the Bronx, Mayor Ed
Kelley of Chicago, and other party
bosses, knowing that Roosevelt
could not possibly last a full term,
concentrated on the choice of their
own man for vice-president.
TODAY, Republican leaders are
equally determined to nomi-
nate Dwight Eisenhower, in -part
for the same reasons. They know
that any other Republican can-
didate would have a hard time
winning. They know that on do-
mestic issues-Dixon-Yates, fare
prices, big business monopoly-the-
Republicans face a rough cam-
paign. But on international issues
they feel Eisenhower has struck a
winning streak and can be pro-
moted as the "indispensable man.*
However, there is one big dif-
ference. Eisenhower so far hasn't
bought the GOP line.
Unlike Roosevelt, who was will-
ing to go along with party leaders,
Eisenhower has been telling them
for months that they had to pick
new young leaders, that he was
not going to run again.
On Jan. 4, this column reported
in detail on one of the private ;

dinners at the White House .,at
which Ike told his closest friends
that they must begin building up
new, "dynamic" men to replace
This writer has consistently re-
ported-with one exception-that
Ike did not want to run again. The
exception was a column written
from Geneva, where it seemed to
this observer that Ike had hit his
stride, was doing the things be
likes best to do, and probably
could be persuaded to run again
on a "peace-in-our-time" plat-
However, the recent meeting he
had with Senator George Bender
and other Ohio Republicans indi-
cates to the contrary and is more
significant than the public re-
alizes. For Senator Bender and
friends did not want to tell news-
men what Ike had told them. They
had to be prodded by the White
House into making a statement.
George Bender is quite a friend-
ly, loquacious fellow. He talks to
the press at the drop of a hat. But
he did not want to give newsmen
the discouraging news that Ike
considered age a detriment to



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