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August 09, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-08-09

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Sixty-Fifth Year

"'What's The Matter? I Didn't Get A Mink Coat"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.


S OPHOMORITIS has taken on a new form.
Time was when the weathered faces of
political ancients wrinkled in condescending
smiles and knowing winks at the mention of
the term. Now, there is a new smile which
seems to say, "Welcome to the brotherhood,"
a new wink which seems to say, "This guy's
Time was when the sophomore, after com-
pleting his freshman introduction to the sins
of the world and a few simple, academic rules
for washing them away, plastered his lapels
with political buttons, his desk with subversive
literature, and his wall with .hammers and
Now, he wears a flower in his lapel, piles
textbooks on his desk, and studies within bar-
How did this strange reversal in natural de-
velopment come about?
Here at Michigan, the answer is very obvious,
Harry Highschool came to Michigan last
year. flush with the illusions of success in a
small, isolated socio-educational environment.
,He was ready to plow through his courses, soar
to great heiglits in activities, and generally con-
quer every obstacle that might appear in his
And his mind and heart were packed with
causes. Hollywood had told him of racial in-
equalities existing in America. The press had
told him about the slums. Radio had filled his
ears with the threat of totalitarianism at home
and abroad. Television had made his eyeballs
bulge with the horrors of war.
In true traditional form, he was to absorb
a year's dosage of superficial knowledge, spend
lng long evenings curled up with the thoughts
of Thoreau, Lenin, and Philip Wylie. Then he
was to emerge with fire in his breast, stare
with glassy eyes of hatred at the bigoted mons-
ters who direct our society, and do his part to
make the pillars of the status quo shake before
his tirades.
Somewhere along the way he slipped out of
the pattern.
Perhaps it all started that day when he
signed a petition which said something about
discrimination. He hadn't bothered to read it
very carefully as the young lady who stopped
him on the diag had been kind enough to take
an interest in his opinion.
LATER;HE LEARNED somewhere in a pam-
phlet's maze of emotional verbosity that he
was one of some 2700 who were opposing al-
leged discrimination practices at Michigan.
He also learned that this alphabet group,
which he kept getting mixed up with all the
others, was attacking an administrative officer
with whom it was trying to work. Soon after-
ward he read that a whole slew of University
officials were being referred to as "fascists."
This puzzled him a bit. In the back of his
mind, a logical process kept telling him that
you don't fight the people you want to win
over to your side. At first he thought it was a
little silly of him, even squeamish. But as more
'Little BlowJ
NEW YORK - (P)--"Little Blowhard" has
breathed his last in our home. He has gone
away forever.
He didn't leave voluntarily. My wife sold him
--behind my back. But I couldn't feel more
guilty if I were the Lone Ranger and had trad-
ed my good old faithful mount, "Silver," for
a jeep.
I'll be missing "Little Blowhard's" steel smile
and labored breathing for a long time. For all
his grumbling, he cleared the air in our home
for six happy years.
He made for a better atmosphere the mo-
ment he came to us. After all, he should. "Lit-
tle Blowhard" is an air-conditioning machine.
My wife, Frances, bought him in the summer
of 1949. For some time "Little Blowhard" and
I didn't get along at all. With the intuition of a
cat or dog, he sensed at once my distrust and
fear of new mechanical gadgets.
When Frances turned his knobs, he would
begin to purr and puff out cool breezes. But if

I even put my hand to his grating, he would
snarl-and blow a gasket.
After a couple of seasons, though, we began
to understand each other better. Otadually
"Little Blowhard" would only grunt, then lapse
into silence. But then I'd go over, scratch tlae
top of his head, pat his steel sides, and say
coaxingly, "Little buddy, it's getting awful hot
in here. How about helping your old pal cool
The Daily Staff
Managing Editors......................Cal Samra
Jim Dygert
Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossln
Dave Rorabacher................... Sports Editor

and more of the same charges came to his at-
tention, he began to have some serious doubts
about a lot of people who claimed to be better-
ing human existence.
Finally, he decided to do a little investigat-
He stepped out from behind his books and
began to attend sessions where a lot of these
people he had been reading about met to dis-
cuss plans of action. He listened and read and
But mostly he just watched.

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He watched the loud ones drown out
quiet ones, the crafty ones outmaneuver
naive ones, the dramatic ones win over
calm ones.

Political Contributions
PoisonAnerican Democracy


And slowly he began to gain his perspec-
tive-one that might last him for a lifetime.
He began to formulate principles of behavior
drawn from reactions to the mistakes of others.
By the end of the year, he had found a new
sense of security. It was a real security, not
just an external contrivance that made small
men look up and big men look scared. It was
a realization of the minuteness of knowledge
acquired and the immensity of knowledge to
be acquired.
It didn't stop him from learning. For ex-
ample, he learned about tolerance, diplomacy,
caution, suspicion, motivation. He learned that
a lot of people weren't really interested in their
purported goals but were more concerned with
But most of all, he learned that he had a
lot more to learn.
The summer came and the breezes were cool-
er than ever, the sun was warmer than ever,
the lake more soothing than ever. And when
he came out of hibernation, he found he was
as powerful as the next man.
They asked him to sign this Stockholm Peace
Appeal and this time he knew that the gold was
not always like the glitter. They asked him to
sign this Crusade for Freedom and he could
envisage its danger too.
Now, he was the disillusioned sophomore-
cautious, suspicious, and all-wise in ignorance.
In a way, it's kind of a tragedy. Missing a,
large part of a short life is always a tragedy to
the sentimentalist.
But, in a much more important sense, it is a
welcome sign, this early reaction to the pit-
falls of following the publicity-fed martyrs on
their paths of glory to self and alienation to
It is a sign of a mature generation.
This is the why the pressure groups moan as
they think of the inanimate protoplasm which
they must prick with their pins of propaganda.
They are blind to the great reservoir of pro-
gressive though which they dam up with their
extroverted antics.
And this is why when we say, "We are the
class of '58," old men wear a new smile which
seems to say, "Welcome to the brotherhood of
disillusionment and humility."
But the new generation will not tarry long.
Instead they will move o nand use disillusion-
ment as a tool of progress.
-Barnes; Connable
lard' Leaves
Well, believe it or not, "Little Blowhard"
would begin to clank at once. Soon he would
be panting out a wind so cold he'd be in dan-
ger of getting himself frost-bitten.
"I can't understand what makes that ma-
chine act so temperamental," said Frances
crossly after one of these performances.
"It's easy," I told her. "Machines are like
men. They get tired of being taken for granted
by women. They expect a kind word now and
then for what they do.'
"Well," said my wife, exasperated. "I cer-
tainly have more to do with my time than spend
it praising a balky air-conditioner."
About a month ago she suddenly announced
she was going to have the whole apartment
air-conditioned. We coud save on our vacation
expenses, and she would wait another 10 years
for that fur coat-etc., etc.
"Go ahead," I replied. "Little Blowhard"
could use a little help."
"That machine is going out of here," she
said. "It's out of date, and besides it's the
wrong color."
"This is where I put my foot down," I told
her icily. "If 'Little Blowhard' goes, I go. That's
Last week I returned home during a hot
spell and found the apartment remarkably cool.
There were three new air conditioners-but no
'Little Blowhard'."
I stalked dramatically toward the front door,
and said, "You know what I warned you."
"Oh, don't be so silly, Rover," said Frances.
"Who wants ti run away from home during a
heat wave? Besides your 'Little Blowhard' is

still in the building. I sold him to a lady on the
14th floor, and she says she'll give you visit-
ing privileges if you really miss him."
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Premier Bulgani Juggles Soviet Position

Associated Press News Analyst
be having quite a time jugg-
ling Russia's determination to hold
tight to what she has and at the
same time continue the sweetness
and light campaign.
On Thursday, Bulganin sounded
very much like he was rejecting
President Eisenhower's blueprint
exchange idea and demanding that
the world accept Russia's terms
for a first step toward disarma-
Bulganin got a very bad press.
He had already been accused of
taking the bloom off Geneva by
puttirg reunification of Germany
into the far futt re and upholding
international Communist subver-
sion. His speech about mutual se-
curity arrangements and disarma-
ment seemed just about to close
the door.
Eisenhower said, however, that
he wasn't giving up. New and

expanded plans would be put for-
Then came the surprise. Bulgan-
in said he hadn't intended to close
any doors. Some things were going
to be worked out. Members of the
Supreme Soviet cheered.
At the same time the United
States announced it was renewing
its studies of whether and how
surplus American farm products
might be sold within the Soviet
Trade had been the one thing
on which agreement looked most
hopeful at Geneva. The Commun-
ists have been having a bad time
with their agricultural program,
and this was believed to be a field
in which some mutually profitable
arrangement might be made.
At least there was one thing.
The President and the Premier,
by mutual preservation of good
sumor and expressions of good
will, had gotten by what promised

for a moment to be a serious con-
Bulganin's corrective statement
before the Supreme Soviet, re-
asserting the coexistence campaign
and maintaining the policy of ex-
pressing international friendliness,
now becomes the official domestic
as well as diplomatic line.
Originally the group was called
to hear a report on Geneva, where
Bulganin said "positive results"
had been attained. The world's in-
terpretation of his first statement,
however, apparently led him far-
ther than he had originally in-
New Books at Library
Biddle, W. Earl-Integration of
Religion and Psychiatry. New York,
Macmillan Co., 1955.
Blanch, Lesley-The Game of
Hearts. New York, Simon and
Schuster, 1955.

(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is an-
other of Drew Pearson's columns
on the lobbies of Washington and
how they affect the public.)
WASHINGTON - Basically the
S conflict-of-interest that forced
Secretary of the Air Force Talbott
out of the cabinet is also what poi-
sons the political bloodstream
through the lobbies of Washing-
There is hardly a Senator on-
Congressman in Washington who
does not have a conflict of in-
terest. He has to choose whether
he will serve the people who voted
for him or the big campaign con-
tributors who put up the money
to win those votes.
Talbott was serving two mas-
ters-the Air Force and his own
private company which sought
juicy contracts to do personnel
engineering for manufacturers of
Air Force equipment.
But when Northern Congress-
men voted for a natural gas bill
to increase the price to northern
housewives, yet simultaneously
failed to pass a badly needed
school bill, many of them were
voting because money had been
poured into their campaigns or
their party's campaigns by the
gas-oil-utility lobby.
The family of Congressman
Oren Harris of Arkansas, who in-
troduced the natural gas bill, was
the recipient of one interesting
little favor. During the war, when
the most precious possession of a
woman was nylon "stockings, Mrs.
Harris received a generous sup-
ply from Ham Moses, head of Ar-
kansas Power and Light. Harris,
however, has always played close
to the gas-oil-power lobbies.
Talbott and many Congress-
men is that he was caught. His
record of trying to influence de-
fense contracts because of cam-
paign contributions, however, has
not entirely caught up with him
and is equally serious.
The Senate subcommittee in-
vestigating Talbott did not go
into these contracts. In fact, it
was not anxious to investigate
Talbott at all, and did so only aft-
er receiving a tip from a very high
business executive and after a
member of the full committee had
purposely leaked the official doc-
uments to the New York Times
to force the subcommittee's hand.
Even such crusading Senators as
Symington of Missouri and Jack-
son of Washington dropped Tal-
bott like a hot potato and almost
kissed him on the cheek when he
left the witness stand.
Perhaps this complacency was
because of the nagging knowledge
that nearly every Senator and
Congressman likewise is caught in
a "conflict of interests" almost as
serious as that which trapped
Reason is the cost of being
elected to high office. The 1950
Republican senatorial primary in
Pennsylvania, for instance, cost
the two sides a total of $1,170,000.
The Democratic primary in Flori-
da that year was estimated by the
St. Petersburg Times as costing
Where do these huge sums come
from? Not from average voters
but from men with special favors
to get from government-utility
magnates, oil kings, liquor sach-
ems, timber moguls, railroad boss-
es. The so-called "limit" of $5,-
000 per candidate is violated re-
peatedly by attributing each $5,000
to a different member o the do-
nor's family. Some infants have
given $5,000 to major candidates
before the infant was out of the
The voters seldom know all this.
They realize vast sums are spent
on TV, radio, signboards, bro-
chures, and paid workers, but they

don't know the source of the mon-
ey. Yet a "conflict of interest" is
created, just as definitely as in
the cast of Secretary Talbott. Can
Senator Butler of Maryland, for
instance, vote impartially on a
bill to increase the price of nat-
ural gas when he received $10,-
000 in campaign money from oil-
gas tycoon Clint Murchison and
Mrs. Murchison, and $5,000 from
Jack Porter of Houston?
ell has ordered grand jury in-
vestigations of spending by the
United Automobile Workers in the
1954 election in Michigan. The
theory is that funds used were
from union general funds in vio-
lation of the Taft-Hartley Act
when Senator Pat McNamara ap-
peared as a guest of the auto
workers' program.
It is, of course, just as possible
for labor to be a special interest
as industry. Yet it's almost im-
possible for a trade union to con-
ceal its contribution, while the
corporations conceal them in ev-
ery campaign. They merely pay a

Congress are so saddled with fi-
nancial obligations. .
Senate have been advocating
reforms, as follows:
No. 1: Senator Tom Hennings,
Democrat of Missouri-is pushing
a la wto tighten the reporting of
election campaign contributions
so the general public will know
who the small group of financial
contributors are who influence
policy for 160,000,000 people. Al-
though Hennings' bill was acted
upon favorably by the Senate
Rules Committee, almost solid Re-
publican opposition left it high
and dry as Congress adjourned
No. 2: Senator Wayne Morse,
Democrat of ' Oregon--introduced
a bill at my suggestion in 1947,
requiring every member of Con-
gress to declare his net worth and
all other sources of annual in-
come. The immediate motive be-
hind the Morse bill in 1947 was
this column's expose o fthe ot-
ton speculations of Senator El-
mer Thomas, Oklahoma Demo-
crat, when he was chairman of
the Senate Agriculture Commt
tee. Morse re-introduced this bill
this year.
No. 3: Morse's young colleague,
Senator Dick Neuberger-has been
reviving a proposal which Teddy
Roosevelt first made in 1908 and
which later was pushed by George
Killion, treasurer of the Demo-
cratic National Committee. Teddy
recommended that both major
parties receive their campaign fi-
nancing out of the U.S. Treasury
and that private donations be
No. 4: Philip Graham, publish-
Times-Herald-urges a system of
small donations from average cit-
izens. He points out that sums of
from $1 to perhaps $50 or $100
never could put a candidate under
such severe obligation that he
would violate his convictions or
his oath of office. It is when the
donations soar to the $5,000 figure
and over that ra candidatebecomes
saddled with the "conflict of In-
REAL FACT about the new man-
made satellite which wil whirl
around the earth's surface is tht
it was designed originally to pro-
tect the United States from enemy
guided missiles.
Chief worry of American de-
fense planners today is not so
much the long-range bombers
which might fly here from Mos-
cow, but guided .missiles launched
from the Soviet secret air bases
near the Franz Josef Islands in
the Arctic.
The United States has now de-
veloped a guided missile which
can fly so accurately that it ctl
hit within 10 miles of Moscow. It
goes at the amazing speed of 4,000
feet a second, or over 3,000 miles
an hour-in other words, at the
rate of New York-to-Moscow in
about two hours.
While it can't be ascertained for
sure, it is believed that the Rus-
sians have the same type of guid-
ed missile - and they could be
ahead of us.
So far, there's no way to stop
these missiles once they are
launched. The speed is much too
great. It might be possible to -stop
them during the first 100 miles
after they are launched, when
they are gathering speed. But
once they are streaking through
the stratosphere at 3,000 miles an
hour, nothing is fast enough to
intercept them.
However, the "minimum orbi-
tal unmanned satellite of earth,"
or "mouse" for short, was devised
with the idea that delicate electri-
cal instruments inside might be
able to detect guided missiles im-
mediately after they were launch-
ed and fire a shotgun blast before

the missile gathers speed.
The man-made satellites are by
no means perfected to do all these
things as yet. But this gives some
indication of how complicated war
is going to be in the future, and
why the new look on the faces of
the Soviet representatives at the
Summit conference may be the
most hopeful thing
WHEN ADAM Clayton Powell,
New York's Negro Congress-
man went to the Bandung confer.
ence of Asian-African countries,
the State Department had its fin-
gers very much crossed. In fact, it
opposed the trip.
Later, it was embarrassed when
Powell scored a rousing propagan-
da victory against the Communists
by telling the yellow and brown
races that there was no real ra-
cial discrimination in the United
States, and that the great ma-
jority of American people were not
racially prejudiced.
The State Department had
warned Congressman Powell to
stay away from American embas-
sies -ring his Bandung trin. and










The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication
(before 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice
of lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
VOL. LXVI, No. 34
To all students having library books:
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books borrowed from the General
Library or its branches are notified
that such books are due Wed., Aug.
2. Students having special need for
certain books between Aug. 10 and
Aug. 12 may retain such books for
that period by renewing them at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Fri.,. Aug. 12 will be sent
to the Cashier's Office and their credits
and grades will be withheld until such
time as said records are cleared in.
compliance with the regulations of the
Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business: Candidates taking the
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business on Aug. 13 are requested to
report to Room 140, Business Admini-
stration at 8:30 a.m. Sat.
New York State Dept. announces
exams for the following positions: open
to any qualified citizens of the U. S.-
Assist. Dir. foor Clinical Research, Sr.
Med. Bacteriologist, Assoc. Pub. Health
Dentist, Veterinarian, Supervising Phys.
Therapist; open to N. Y. residents --
Assist. Dir. of Prison Industries, In-
dustrial Supt., Assist. Ind. Supt., Assist.
Hydraulic Engr., Sr. Telephone Engr.,
Assist. Telephne Engr., Assist. Tax
Valuation Engr., Sr. Telephone Inspec-
tor, Food Service Mgr., Sr. Examiner of
Matnrt a- 3 rnr,...PCPin,.. Rn

school are requested to inform the
Bureau if they are leaving campus. If
they will be back in the fall, students
are requested to bring in, their cur-
rent addresses at that time also.
Students who ore leaving permanently
are also requested to inform the
Bureau as to the positions they have
taken, as well as the degree they have
Since a great many job calls come
into the office in August, especially in
the teaching field, it is important that
the Bureau be kept informed of your
whereabouts at all times.
Summer Session on Digital Computers
and Data Processors. "Chrysler's Solu-
tion of an Inventory Control Problem
Using the IBM-702," Glenn White; "Use
of the Westinghouse UNIVAC on Pay-
roll and Inventory," C. W. Adams.
Tues., Aug. 9, 7:30 p.m., Aud. C, Mason
Academic Notices
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health, School of
Business Administration:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to
allow your instructor to report the
make-up grade not later than 11:00
a.m., Aug. 18. Grades received after
that time may defer the student's
graduation until a later date.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative Au'gust gradu-
ates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, and the School
of Education for departmental honors
(or high honors in. the College of
L.S.&A.) should recommend such stu-
dents in a letter delivered to the
Office of Registration and Records,
Room 1513 Administration Building, be-
fore Aug. 18.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet Tues., Aug. 9, in Room 3201
Angell Hall at 1:00 p.m. Howard Rein-
hardt will discuss a paper of Isaacsons'
on "Tests of Statistical Hypothesis Spe-
rifin fipUnh7bi f rxrnnrRAnr

Doctoral Examination for David Arne
Storvick, Mathematics; thesis: "The
Boundary Behavior of Meromorphic and
Pseudo-Meromorphic Functions," Tues.,
Aug. 9, 249 West Engineering Bldg., at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, A. J. Lohwater.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Wal-
lace Cox, English Language and Litera-
ture, thesis: "Milton's Areopagitica: An
Analytical and Historical Study, with
Implications for the College Teacher,"
Tues., Aug. 9, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
L. I. Bredvold.
Doctoral Examination for Alfred
Charles Raphelson, Psychology; thesis:
"Imaginative and Direct Verbal Meas-
ures of Anxiety Related to Physiological
Reactions in the Competitive Achieve-
ment Situation," Wed., Aug. 10, 7611
Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, J.
W. Atkinson.
Doctoral Examination for Howard J.
Baumgartel,aJr.,, Social Psychology;
thesis: "Leadership, Motivation and
Attitudes in Twenty Laboratories," Fri.,
Aug. 12, 7611 Haven Hall, at 4:00 p.m.
Chairman, Daniel Katz.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph
Veroff, Psychology; thesis: "Develop-
ment and Validation of a Projective
Measure of Power Motivation," Friday,
Aug. 12, 7611 Haven Hall, at 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, Daniel Katz.
Doctoral Examination for Edwin
Scott Maynes, Economics; thesis: "'Al-
ternative Concepts of Consumer Saving:
A Statistical Study," Mon., Aug. 15, 105
Economics Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman,
George Katona.
Stanley Quartet. Final concert of the
summer by the Stanley Quartet, 8:30
p.m. Tues., Aug. 9, in Rackham Lecture
Hall. Mozart's Quartet in B-Flat, K.
589, Debussy's Quartet in G minor,
Op. 10, and Bartok's Quartet No. 6.
Open to the public without charge.
Summer Session Choir,dPaul Beopple,
conductor, 4:15 p.m. Wed., Aug. 10, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall, in an informal
presentation of choral music from
1200 to 1700, including works by




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