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August 09, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-08-09

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1Mw 43 lU


O 00


See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State FAR, WARM



Gov. Harriman Listed as Candidate








Knight, J3{ibiecoff
Say Best Choice
Stevenson Must Want Renomination;
Won't Be Drafted Again: Shivers
CHICAGO (P)- A Republican and a Democratic governor listed
Gov. Averell Harriman of New York yesterday as in a strong strategic
position to bid next year for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Gov. Goodwin Knight, California Republican, said he believes
President Dwight D. Eisenhower will run again and win in 1956. But
he said he thinks Gov. Harriman would give President Eisenhower the
strongest opposition of any Democrat because he has "demonstrated
he is a vote getter in the biggest state in the union.'
Gov. Abraham Ribicoff, Connecticut Democrat, said that on the
basis of Gov. Harriman's statements on public issues and the actions
of his political associates "I would
say that Harriman is a ite
Speak In News Conference IDemocrats
fTh1. *u nv n~arn rc f'rnmnnnnvi+ a









Not Hurt
By Rocks

..« deportation delayed

Navidzadeh Given
lix-Montl Delay
Immigration Service Asks Student
Seek To Clear Up Charges In Iran
A six months' delay in the deportation action against Buick
vidzadeh, graduate student in the Law School, has been granted
the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, it was
nounced yesterday.
Very happy over the decision, Navidzadeh yesterda-y expressed
s thanks "to my friends who helped me. This has been all the.
sult of their efforts."
He was referring especitally to Prof. Beauford J. George, Jr., and
of. William W. Bishop, Jr., both of the Law School, who have
* been acting as his attorneys and

-iue Lwo governors ironu ppubie
sides of the country spoke in news
conferences as first governors be-
gan arriving here for their 47th
annual conference.
Preliminaries get under way to-
day and business sessions tomor-
Here in the home state of Adlai
Stevenson, the 1952 Democratic
presidential candidate, Gov. Knight
predicted that if Stevenson repeats
as a nominee he will lose Califor-
nia by as large a margin or a
bigger one than three years ago.
With evident reference to'the
position of Gov. Allan Shivers of
Texas, Gov. Knight said Stevenson
"doesn't have the capacity to at-
tract the Southern bloc as Gov.
Harriman might."
To Oppose Renomination
Gov. Shivers, an Eisenhower
Democrat in 1952, told reporters
Sunday_ he will oppose renomina-
tion for Stevenson and won't sup-
port him if Stevenson gets the
party nod.
Gov. Ribicoff said Stevenson
"won't be drafted again.' If he
wants the nomination, he must
come out and say so."
Gov. Harriman has said he is for
Stevenson. Gov. Ribicoff said he
didn't thing Gov. Harriman would
try for the nomination if Steven-
son does. Gov. Ribicoff and num-
erous other Democratic governors
-there are 27 of them-expect to
be chatting with Stevenson during
the course of the governors con-
ference. The result may be a
better understanding of Steven-

till Issue'

GENEVA .1) - The United
States and Red China failed yes-
terday in a fourth attempt to
agree on release of 40 Americans
in China but a Communist source
said "some progress was made."
This informant said the 2%/
hour secret meeting of American
ambassador U. Alexis Johnson and
Red China's envoy, Wang Ping-
nan, was conducted in "a friendly
The report came from a source
close to the Chinese delegation. It
lacked any confirmation from ei-
ther Johnson or Wang, who have
kept secret the progress of their
negotiations since the first meet-
ing Aug. 1.
Issue Statement
They issued a statement yes-
terday saying they intended to
remain silent, unless there is mu-
tual agreement to make a public
The statement said their talks
have been confined so far to an
exchange of views on return of
civilians of their two countries.
The Chinese last week delivered
a list of approximately 80 Ameri-
cans 'now living on the China
mainland. The United States
seeks the release of 40 it says
are either under arrest or re-
fused exit permits.
Ask for List
In return, the unofficial Com-
munist source said, the Chinese
asked for a list of Chinese nation-
als in the United States, and pro-
posed a third country-India -
to represent their interests in mat-
ters of repatriation.
This was branded. a "sinister'
maneuver" by the Chinese Nation-
alist government, which contended
it would mean recognition that
Peiping, rather than the Formosa
government, has legal claim to
these Chinese.
The talks are in recess until
'Connie' Nears
Critical Point
MIAMI, Fla. 03) - Hurricane
Connie, still packing winds of 1351
miles an hour near the center,
veered northward in the open At-
lantic yesterday, easing a threat

who announced the decision yes-
The United States has been try-
ing to deport the law student to
Iran after the Iranian government
cancelled his student passport
more than a year ago..
'Decided VictOry'
The six month delay is a "very
decided victory for him," Prof.
Bishop said. "It indicates the gov-
ernment officials accepted his
contention that his life and liberty
would be in danger if he returned
to Iran."
According to Prof. Bishop, the
United States government has
granted the delay because Navid-
zadeh's life would be in danger if
deported, and will probably con-
tinue the delay if his life would
still be in danger in Iran at the
end of six months.
The Immigration and Naturali-
zation Service has suggested that
Navidzadeh seek to clear up the
charges against him in Iran.
The law student has claimed he
"wouldn't live three days" in Iran
because of his "pro-American atti-
tude." He said Iranian army offi-
cers whose corruption he exposed
while a magazine publisher in Iran
are trying to frame him for con-
spiracy against Iran.
Bond Raised
His case first came to the cam-
pus' attention last November when
it was learned that he. needed
$1,000 to post bond to stay out of
jail while deportation proceedings
got under way.
Several Ann Arbor residents
raised the $1,000 for his bond.
An Immigration and Naturali-
zation Service order for his de-
portation was received Dec. 15,
after which Navidzadeh filed a
petition for political asylum in this
country. Final deportation hear-
ings were later set for Febr. 17.
At the hearings, held in Detroit,
former Iranian government offi-
cial N. Saifpour Fatemi testified
in the law student's favor.
First News from Hearings
Yesterday's announcement was
the first to come out of the Febru-
ary hearings. The notice came
from the regional offices in St.
Navidzadeh, 30 years old, said
he "appreciated the way justice
I is going in this country. It is
very encouraging," he said, con-
trasting it with what he expected
would happen to him if he return-
ed to Iran.
"It is this kind of thing that
explains why the president of the
United States is the leader of the
world," he added.
He plans to continue his law
studies for the next six months.
3 Johnson Chides

Win Says
NEW YORK (') - Democratic
Gov. Averell Harriman said yes-
terday the people are swinging
away from the Republicans and
will vote them out next year even
if President Dwight D. Eisenhower
heads the GOP ticket.
He conceded that President Ei-
senhower is popular, but said this
popularity could not stand the test
of a campaign.
Gov. Harriman, frequently men-
tioned as a possible 1956 Demo-
cratic candidate for President,
was asked in a radio interview
on MBS Reporters' Roundup
whether the Democrats can win
next year.
One-Word Reply
He gave a one-wordyreply -
"yes"-and then expanded:
"There has been an extraordi-
nary swing away from the Re-
publican Party, a disillusionment
in the last two years.
"All the elections showed that
-nine states-the governors were
changed-Democrats were elected
to Congress, it is now Democratic.
Cannot Disassociate Himself
"It's true that the President is
popular. Somehow he has been
able to disassociate himself with
his associates, and with the ac-
tions and policies of the Republi-
can party and the division that
exists in it.
"But when it comes to a cam-
paign, it's impossible for a candi-
date to divorce himself from his
associates and a President to di-
vorce himself from what has been
done by his administration and
the failures of the people that are
around him, so that will be made
clear, and I am satisfied that this
trend away from the Republican
party will be followed through in
1956 and the President will have
to take the responsibility and the
people are swinging away from
the party and therefore will swing
away from the leader of that
Asked whether he would try for
the Democratic nomination, Gov.
Harriman repeated that he is for
Adlai Stevenson.


GENEVA (A)-- The 72-nation
atoms-for-peace conference open-
ed yesterday on the note that
atomic heating and eletrical pow-
er must be developed widely to
cope with diminishing supplies of
major conventional fuels.
Dr. Homi J. Bhabha, president
of the United Nations-sponsored
parley and director of India's
atomic energy project, declared "it
is probable that, at the rate at
which the world consumption of
energy is increasing," the recover-
able world reserves of coal, oil, gas
and oil shale "will be exhausted in
under a centur*"

He predicted a method will be
found "within the next two de-
cadeS" of harnessing the atomic
fusion process-the same one used
in the fearsome H-bomb-for man's
beneficial use.
It was the first statement by a
high atomic official of any coun-
try putting any kind of a timetable
on possibilities of taming the H-
bomb reaction.
Chairman Lewis L. Strauss of
the United Nations Atomic Energy
Commission promised newsmen
yesterday he would comment on
Bhabha's statement later this

son's intention,
decision which
ates have said
until fall.

DEMONSTRATES TORTURE - Col. John Arnold, Jr., at a press conference in Tokyo, illustrates
one method of torture used on him by the Chinese Reds, "They had one gadget, a one-piece thing
that went around the wrist and held the hands so you could not move them. When they closed them
it closed off the circulation. I was put in that many times - the longest 96 hours. There was a great
deal of pain . . . " Another crew member, Maj. William H. Baumer, Lewisburg, Pa., is in back-
Atoms-for-Peace Conference Opens

if not the actual
Stevenson associ-
will be withheld

Bow Wow
NEW YORK (9) - A friendly
fox terrier named "Baby" was
mugged yesterday by police in
rogues' gallery.
It was the first time anyone
could recall having photo-
graphed an animal to help iden-
tify a supected criminal.
The dog was picked up along
with a man, arrested on a mor-
als charge.
Police said seven complaints
had been received recently of
children being molested by a
man who had a small black and
white dog with him.

Centennial Exhi.

orNews Roundup
By The Associated Press
Midwest Polio Cases Down .. .
CHICAGO - The number of polio cases in 10 Midwest states
dropped about one-quarter in the first seven months of this year
compared with the same period last year.
But in one of the 10 - Wisconsin - the number of -cases more
than doubled, figures released by the United States Public Health
Service showed yesterday.
And the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis said the
number of cases in Wisconsin has continued to climb alarmingly since
July 31. The foundation said it has rushed gamma globulin, iron lungs
and other equipment to two polio "hot spots" in Wisconsin to help
meet the outbreak.
Pope Well ..
btion ROME - Pope Pius XII is in
such good health that his personal
physician is going on vacation for
the first time since the pontiff
collapsed last December.
:«": ;:r.:: ::.};>:; . Loyalty Petition . .
WASHINGTON - A petition
professing Chinese-American loy-
alty to the United States and ada-
mant refusal to return to Com-
munist China has been posted for
signatures in Washington's China-
Joseph Chiang said the purpose
of the petition is to show that
Chinese people living here are loyal
and grateful to the United States
and "under no consideration"
I would return to Communist China,
despite recent Red entreaties.

In another development yester-
day, Strauss disclosed that heavy
water would be available at a
cut-rate for use in research react-
ors by Americans and by friendly
nations having bi-lateral agree-
ments with the United States for
cooperation in the civil uses of
atomic energy.
Strauss reported this in answer
to a reporter's question while am-
plifying on an announcement made
simultaneously in Washington and
The announcement said the AEC
had placedi a value of $25 a gram
on enriched uranium leased for
research reactors and sale prices
of $40 per 1,000 grams for normal
uranium and $28 a pound for
heavy water usable in such re-
Heavy water, the AEC said, is
used at a .moderator, or auxiliary
to the fission process, and also as
a coolant in certain types of re-
An AEC spokesman told a re-
porter he didn't recall offhand
what the world market price of
heavy water is, but that "at some
time in the past it was as high as
$100 a pound."
A 1ccused
NEW YORK (/)-Sgt. James C.
Gallagher was dramatically point-
ed out yesterday as t he torture
slayer of a sick fellow American
in a Red Chinese prisoner of war
His accuser, Sgt. Q. C. Lloyd
W. Pate, said he was fulfilling a
wartime vow as he pointed a f ore-
finger at 'the 23-year-old Brooklyn
defendant and told a court mar-
"That's the man."
The unidentified murder vic-
tim was beaten, hung on a hook
and finally cast into below zero
weather to die March 7, 1951. He
is one of three prisoners Galla-
gher is accused of slaying.
"I made a promise to that kid
and myself," said Pate, of Au-
justa, Ga., "that if God would
permit me to -come home alive, I
would see that man was paid
for, I would see to it that that
man who had killed would be
brought to justice."
Besides 'the lahvinas. iGlher

Red Truce Men
Seen As Source
SEOUL ()-Seven more Amer
Ican soldiers were injured today--
none seriously -_in new violence
stemming from President Syng-
man Rhee's "get out" ultimatum
to the half - Communist Neutral
Nations Supervisory Commission.
This brought the total of Amer.
ican soldiers injured since Satur-
c ay to 22 - none. seriously thun
A U.S. Army spokesman said
300 Korean demonstrators storm..
causeway leading to Wolmi-Do, in
ed a barricade set up on the
Inchon Harbor,. shortly after mid-
night this morning.
The atmosphere was tense In
South Korea. The demonstrations
showed no sign of abating and
fresh trouble could breakoutat
any time.
The United States 8th. Army
officely denied Korean charges
that three-some reports said fi*-
Korean war yeteranis were bay
eted Saturday at Pusan, Korea's
southeast port.
Tear Gas Charge i
Korean National Police, never-
theless, sent the United Nations
Command an angry protest They
charged United States soldiers
used both tear gas and bayonets
against Korean demonstrators.
Police said three other Koreans
were struck by rocks and injured
slightly when United States sol-
diers drove them off as they tried
to approach a truce team's com-
pound at Seoul's port of Inchon.
The compound is on an island
and the Koreans tried to reach it-
in boats.
In Kunsan, on Korea's west
coast, five demonstrators crawled
over the fence around the truce
-team's compound and were chased
out by United States soldiers. The
United States commander at Kun-
san base reportedly asked for ren-
Pick Up Demonstrator
Korean police picked up one
demonstrator at Kunsan who was
carrying a grenade. They quoted
him as saying he intended to kill
the Communists in the compound.
About 1,200 Koreans marched
at Taegu and about 1,000 demon-
strated at Kangnung, another pot
of entry on the east coast.
There was a general feeling
among United States officials that
the demonstrations could be halt-
ed with one word from President
Syngman Rhee, who has told the
truce teams to get out by Satur-
Navy Sets Up
Special Board
For Laney
yesterday set up a special boarc
of officers to consider the case o
a 21-year-old honor graduate o
the United States Merchant Ma
rine Academy who was denied
commission because his mother 1
admittedly a former Communist
Secretary of the Navy Thoma:
said the seaman, Eugene Landy
of Bellmar, N.J., will be given a
See PICTURE, Page 4
opportunity to appear personall
before the board..
Sec. Thomas said "he will bi
aiven a fair and imartial hearini

Come Again,

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